G.I. Joe – Scarlett, Slave of Cobra

By Night Creeper

Disclaimer: Characters from the comic book are created by IDW & Hasbro and are owned and created by IDW & Hasbro. And even though I have tampered with some of the storylines and backgrounds established by IDW & Hasbro, they are still owned by IDW & Hasbro. Any resemblance to actual people are coincidental and unintentional. And remember, this story is used for entertainment and not profit. If it is illegal for you to read something that only ADULTS should read, then go away!

Additionally, this is a parody, a work of fiction, all characters and fictional situations are adult in nature, no money or any financial gain comes from this story, if you are below adult age in your country of residence close your browser now or delete this fiction from your hard drive, By reading this disclaimer you agree to take full and complete responsibility both legal and social if you continue reading: Basically you continue reading you are responsible for your actions.

Notes from the author: Once again, there was no editor for this story so here’s hoping that it all makes sense. However, the story borrows from the latest IDW story arc. In addition, this was inspired by the picture that Sethite posted.

Feel free to e-mail me at <[email protected]> with comments, criticisms, ideas, etc. Thanks and happy reading.


G.I. Joe – Scarlett, Slave of Cobra

By Night Creeper

Scarlett sat silently across the desk of General Hawk. The man was not very pleased. The Pitt was gone and its replacement, a captured Cobra submarine sank to the bottom of the ocean after Cobra had taken control of the computer system and sent it crashing into the bottom of the ocean. This was after he returned from Washington D.C., where General Hawk had survived a Cobra ambush. The Cobra operatives in were plain clothes and none of them had any identification, but General Hawk was convinced that it was Cobra. Worse yet, there were numerous dead Joes. The man was not happy and he wanted a full intelligence briefing.

“We’ve been hit and we’ve been hit hard. I want to know what is going on?” an angry General Hawk asked as he tried to keep his anger in check.

“Chuckles reported that he killed Cobra Commander. Some people have speculated that Cobra is just retaliating, but I’ve found that Cobra is having a contest,” Scarlett replied calmly.

“What kind of a contest?”

“It’s a contest to appoint a new Cobra Commander.”

“Any idea who is in the running?”

“We have some ideas. For example, the Baroness and Major Bludd are in the running. They also have people like Dr. Vargas, Tomax, Krake, and a few others.”

“Anything on Krake?”

“We don’t have anything about him. He’s a ghost.”

“Speaking of ghosts . . . what about Coverta Fatale?”

“She doesn’t exist.”

“On the contrary. Lady Jaye captured the woman months ago. She’s in prison right now. I think she should escape and join the contest.”

“I’m not sure that’s a wise move, sir.”


“The contest has no rules, but the objective is to kill as many G.I. Joe members as possible.”

“What is Coverta Fatale escapes prison and kills a few Joes as well?”

“I could never . . .”

“You won’t have to. We get some fake blood and I’ll even ask Chuckles to lead a small contingent of Joes to the prison. You’ll shoot Chuckles and his group. That should give you a head start over the others.”

“What about the real Coverta Fatale?”

“We haven’t reported to anyone that we’ve captured her. We can move her out and move her back when the time comes.”

“That could work.”

“Good. I want you to infiltrate Cobra and collect as much intel as possible. If needed, we can fake even more deaths to give you even more credibility.”

“General . . .”

“You’re the best counter-intelligence officer that I have and you’re the most qualified member of the team for this mission. We’ve been hit and we’ve been hit real hard. If you win the contest, you can learn everything about Cobra. And even if you don’t win, you will learn more about Cobra than we ever have. With the information that you can obtain, we can take Cobra down forever.”

“Agreed, General Hawk,” Scarlett spoke as she nodded her head in agreement even though she still had some misgivings about the mission.


General Hawk and Scarlett had their conversation about three weeks ago. Converta Fatale aka Scarlett had collected enough information for General Hawk, but didn’t have the chance to report back yet. However, she had some free time now. There weren’t any Cobras around so she decided to report. But before she could, the room she was in was filled with gas. Scarlett coughed and tried to hold her breath as she struggled with the door, but the door wouldn’t open. The woman was frantic, but the door stayed close. As the seconds ticked by, the gas overtook her and Scarlett passed out.

When Scarlett woke up, she found herself unable to move. Chains bound her wrists while a spreader-bar kept her legs apart. There was a ring that connected the middle of the bar to the floor. The woman looked like an X as Krake stood in front of her with two Vipers on either side of him. Each man was holding a whip. The redhead was scared, but she didn’t show it.

“So the Joes sent you to stop me? How pathetic,” Krake scoffed.

“Are those your boyfriends, Krake? Did your smell repel women so much that you had to surround yourself with those two losers?” Scarlett snarled.

“You’re quite a mouthy bitch. Do you know what I can do with this whip?”

“Before or after you grow a pair?”

“I’ve never met a woman that I couldn’t break, Scarlett,” Krake spoke as the two men made their way behind Scarlett.

“You don’t scare mmAAAAAAIIIIIIIIEEEEE!!” Scarlett screamed as all three men cracked the whip against her body.

“Not so tough now, are you?” one of the Vipers asked.

“Watch her shake!” the other Viper laughed.

“Give it to her men! Make the foolish whore bleed!” Krake yelled as the men continued to whip Scarlett over and over again. The whips tore Scarlett’s clothes, but they couldn’t destroy her spirit. That only spurred the men on. Hit after hit lashed her body as Scarlett began to move, trying to avoid the blows.

“We’re going to have to tap that ass before we totally destroy it!” one of the Viper’s laughed.

“You’re going to be nothing but a piece of meat for us to fuck by the time we’re done with you!” the other Viper added.

Scarlett tried to remain strong and showed no weakness as the men continued to verbally assault her while lashing her body. Yet, the woman could only take so much as she felt the cold air against her body while her clothes deteriorated. There were numerous rips as her flesh was quite visible, just like all the red cuts. The redhead started screaming while her body continued to writhe. Then after a few more minutes, the woman had almost made herself hoarse and her body would move forward or backward depending on which whip was hitting her. She had almost all she could take as Scarlett hung limply from her chains and would have passed out, but the jolts of the whips kept waking her up.

“You’ve should have stayed at headquarters, where you had a nice desk. There you collected information while others risked their lives. It would have been safer for you to stay there and given your superiors blowjobs,” Krake spoke as he signaled his men to stop.

“Is that how you got into the contest?” Scarlett panted.

“STUPID BITCH!! That mouth of yours is going to get you into so much trouble!” Krake shouted as he punched her right breast.

“ARGGGHH! FUCKING BASTARD!!” Scarlett groaned miserably.

“The only time you’re mouth should be open is when it’s gagging on my giant cock!” Krake growled as he punched the other breast.


“You’re just one stupid bitch, aren’t you? Don’t you know that I saw through your disguise the moment I laid eyes on you? You tried to pose as a female scientist and ruined the last Cobra Commander’s plans. Remember when you masqueraded as Dr. Attila, Dr. Lucifer’s love interest? Converta Fatale is a legend, but I did kill the real one a few months ago. G.I. Joe would have never known, but you know now. A little too late though.”

“FUCK YOU!” Scarlett yelled as she spat on Krake’s chest.

“FUCKING DUMBASS BITCH!!” Krake yelled as he started using Scarlett’s tits as a punching bag.

“ARGGGGHHHH!!” the redhead screamed and thrashed repeatedly. Her head flew backwards and her ponytail whipped wildly from side to side. Yet, the woman didn’t cry. Instead, she just hung her head in shame while snot dripped out of her nose when Krake stopped punching her.

“You are strong and filled with fire,” Krake spoke as he gripped the remaining tatters of cloth on her body and tore them off. “And your body is just as hot! I can’t wait to turn you into my cum guzzling whore!” Krake added as he stood behind Scarlett. Both of his hands gripped the woman’s breasts. He pinched and pulled her nipples before he moved his left hand between Scarlett’s legs. He then began to play with her pussy while his right hand continued to play with her right breast.

“Have you thought of getting professional help? I can out you down like rabid dog,” Scarlett panted.

“SILENCE!” Krake growled as he headbutted the woman with his helmet and knocked the woman out.


When Scarlett woke up, she found herself seated in a medical chair. Her arms were pulled above her head and secured in manacles at the top of the chair while her legs were spread. They were also bent at the knees and strapped to the armrests. The woman quickly regained her senses and saw Krake standing between her legs, staring at her. “RELEASE ME!!” an angry Scarlett demanded.

“What’s the problem, slut? You don’t like people staring at your fat udders?” Krake asked as he took off his gloves and stepped closer to Scarlett. The man then pinched her nipples and pulled on them. Scarlett tried to remain strong as she bit her lip in order to prevent herself from screaming. Krake played with her nipples until they were long and hard. Then he started to brutally grope and squeeze her tits. Due to the whip marks, Scarlett couldn’t help but groan miserably as Krake manhandled her tits.

“Shit! This hurts too much! I can’t take it! My body is screaming in agony! I have to get out of this somehow!” Scarlett’s mind screamed.

Krake continued to abuse her tits before returning his attention to her nipples. The redhead closed her eyes to hide the pain. She felt his hands pawing her tits and nipples for quite some time and then it stopped abruptly. By the time she opened her eyes, she saw Krake grip the base of her left nipple and he immediately rammed a needle with a long wire into her nipple. The woman screamed as the needle pierced her skin and stabbed deep into her tit meat. Krake then quickly repeated the process with her right nipple. The pain was excruciating as sweat poured down Scarlett’s face and mixed with her tears. “Perfect,” Krake smiled.

“Stop! Please! I beg you!” Scarlett sobbed.

“You had your chance, slut. I’m not going to stop until you’re my obedient cum addicted fucktoy,” Krake replied as he held up a long cylinder-shaped wire meshed cage. The man then mercilessly rammed it into the woman’s defenseless pussy. It scratched and scraped the woman’s vaginal wall as he forced it inside her. Scarlett wailed and struggled as it went deeper and deeper. She couldn’t even breath as her pussy was now open.

“NOOO!! I’M BEGGING YOU!! PLEASE STOP!” a petrified Scarlett begged.

Krake didn’t reply as he presented a metal cattle prop. It had a long wire at the end and he pressed a button. The cattle prod opened up and revealed the metal flaps that ran the entire length of the rod. The man then held up a remote control and turned on the prod. Scarlett saw the metal flaps turn and light up as electricity surged through them. “A cock isn’t the only thing that can enslave a woman,” Krake spoke.

“Get that thing away from me!” Scarlett screamed as she saw Krake shut off the prod and moved it toward her pussy. The redhead tried to clench her pussy tight so that the man couldn’t thrust the awful device inside her, but the wire mesh prevented that from happening.

“Too late slut,” Krake laughed as he stuffed the prod inside Scarlett. The redhead sobbed as she felt the flaps painfully pressing against mesh and scraping her stretched pussy. Once it was completely inside her, Krake watched the nervous woman’s chest rise and fall. Her face was a mask of agony. “Let’s wake up that frigid cunt of yours, slut,” Krake spoke as he turned the rod on.

“AAAAAIIIIIIIEEEE!!” Scarlett screamed at the top of her lungs as her body flew off the chair. She would have flew across the room if it wasn’t for the restraints. Suddenly, Scarlett was crying like a little schoolgirl. She wanted to run home and hide in her mother’s arms, where it was safe. The redhead tried to snap her legs closed, but straps kept them spread while the woman howled like a wounded animal as she thrashed about on the chair. She could feel the flaps inside her as electricity flowed through her tit flesh. The woman was in pure agony.

After ten minutes, Krake turned the machine off and watched Scarlett’s body fall back onto the chair. Her breathing was ragged and her body glistened with sweat. The woman was still quivering though. “Now that I have your cunt’s attention, let us try a different setting. There’s no need for me to use the lowest setting anymore. Let’s go up two levels,” Krake laughed as he turned the machine on again.

“HOLY SHIT!” Scarlett wailed as electricity poured through her nipples and cunt. The woman wailed as her body flew off the chair yet again. A lightning bolt of agony shot through her nipples and stretched pussy. Every nerve and cell in her body were on fire. Her muscles contracted and flexed involuntarily. She had lost control of her own body. And much to her dismay, she lost control of her bladder as her piss crashed onto the floor beneath the chair like a waterfall. Scarlett relieved herself, but the piss acted like a conductor just like her pussy juice. Thus, she felt even more electricity flowing through her body. Scarlett’s only saving grace was that she didn’t crap over herself. Yet, that was mostly because she didn’t have any. Otherwise, it too would have escaped her body as Scarlett lost all control of herself.

“Dance slut! I have total control of your body!” Krake laughed.

“NOOOOO!! AHHHHH!!! STOP!!! NO MORE!! AAAIIIIEEEE!!” Scarlett screamed as she knew she couldn’t take much more. The woman continued to beg and plead with Krake as her voice filled the room. The pain was simply too much for her to endure. In fact, she wished for death since that meant her suffering would come to an end.

After two hours, Krake turned the machine off again. He pulled the rod out of her pussy and watched her juices gush out of her pussy. Juices continued to flow freely from her pussy as he held up the rod. “What a disgusting mess! I wonder how you’re body will react when I use the highest setting,” the man mused aloud as he stuff the rod back into Scarlett’s pussy.

“No! Please!! Just kill me!” Scarlett pleaded.

“Stupid bitch! I don’t want to kill you! I want to break you! I want you to be my obedient, submissive, and brainless fucktoy!” Krake spoke as he turned the machine on to an higher setting.

“GHHHHHAA!! AAAAAIIIIEEEE!! NO MORE!! I’ll BE YOUR WHORE!! YES!! PLEASE STOP!! I BEG YOU, MASTER!!” Scarlett screamed as she flew off the chair. Her toes curled and her hands gripped her manacles. The pain was simply just too much for the defenseless woman to take.

“What did you say?” Krake asked as he shut the machine off.

“I . . . am . . . a worthless . . . whore . . . master . . . I . . . need you . . . to . . . use me . . .” Scarlett panted.

“Not so brave now are you?” Krake asked as he held the remote in front of Scarlett’s face and moved his finger toward the power button.

“Kill me,” Scarlett sobbed.

“Wrong slut! Your life is no longer about what you want! Your life is about serving me! Let’s try the maximum setting! If you don’t submit, you’ll be just an empty shell. But I will still enjoy your slutty body!” Krake roared as he turned the machine back on.

“AAAAAAAAAAIIIIIIIIIEEEEEE!!” Scarlett screamed as her body was wracked with pain. But then it happened, the woman climaxed. It ran through her body like a runaway train. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head as drool escaped the sides of her mouth. Seeing this, Krake turned the machine off. The redhead’s body fell onto the chair and continued to quake.

“That wasn’t so bad was it? Ready to be my slave?” Krake asked once Scarlett had recovered from her climax.

“Yes master . . . I live to obey and serve you,” Scarlett panted.

“Why is that?”

“Because I am a disgusting slut, nothing more than a piece of meat for you to fuck. I am your fuck-slave and toy,” the woman replied.

“Then tell me your real name.”

“Shana O’Hara.”

“And what are you again?”

“A disgusting slut who is nothing more than a piece of meat for you to fuck.”

“Then you won’t mind if I turn the machine on for another hour, will you, Shana?”

“No master,” Scarlett panted as Krake turned the machine on and watched the redhead’s body dance.

After an hour, Krake turned the machine off. “Now suck and don’t you dare close your eyes,” Krake spoke as he lowered the chair, unzipped his pants, and pulled out his dick.

The once prideful Scarlett looked at the dick that was right in her face. The woman blinked her eyes a few times and stuck out her tongue. She then swirled her tongue all over the head of the Krake’s cock. Since she had limited mobility, she was only able to lick so much of it, but she did it with gusto. Once his cock was long and hard, the woman opened and closed her lips around the head of his dick. Before long, she wrapped her lips tightly around his dick and started to bob her head up and down on his shaft. Her eyes were locked on his dick as she serviced him.

“Look at me, slut,” Krake spoke as he placed his left hand on top of her head.

Scarlett obeyed. Her eyes locked on Krake’s mask. She pictured him smiling behind the mask. The redhead didn’t know why, but she felt hot as she sucked on the man’s cock. Scarlett didn’t dare close her eyes and even though her jaw and neck muscles started hurt, she didn’t dare stop. She just kept going and going until she felt the cock stiffen and twitch inside her mouth. Then, a hot spurt of cum filled her mouth. The redhead locked her lips even tighter as she stopped moving her head. She then started to swallow. Scarlett gulped down what ever was offered to her.

“Good slut,” Krake spoke as he patted Scarlett’s head after pulling out of her mouth.

“Thank you, master,” Scarlett replied just before Krake smacked his dick against her face, leaving trails and droplets of cum on her face. The woman’s eyes still locked on Krake’s mask.

Krake didn’t speak again as he freed Scarlett from her bonds. He was slightly surprised when Scarlett made no effort to stand or move. He then removed the needles in the woman’‘s nipples followed by the wired cage in her pussy. “Get up,” Krake finally spoke after a few long minutes.

“Yes master,” Scarlett spoke as she slowly made her way to her feet. Her hands didn’t even bother to wipe the cum off her face since her pride and dignity left her when she climaxed. The redhead then stood perfectly still and waited for her master to direct her, but Krake didn’t speak again. Instead, he handed her a red dog collar with an O-ring in front. The redhead took it from Krake and secured it around her neck. He then handed her a belt which was nothing mote than a red leather strap with studs on it. Once again, Scarlett took the item. She then secured it right around her waist, where it bit into her skin and hips.

Krake then picked up a long needle with a red liquid inside. “Stick out your right arm and accept this highly addictive aphrodisiac,” Krake spoke as Scarlett obeyed. The woman even released a small moan as the liquid was pumped into her body. Krake tossed the needle away. He then picked up a small tablet computer and handed it to Scarlett. “Storm Shadow took some files before he blew up the base. Cobra hackers have been unable to break the code. They’ve screwed up though. If we input the wrong password, the file will self-destruct. Type in the correct password for me,” Krake ordered.

“Yes master,” Scarlett spoke as she quickly typed in the password. Within seconds, the file was completely accessible.

“Excellent. You could have protected your teammates by inputting the incorrect code,” Krake spoke as he placed the tablet on the table.

“My old life means nothing to me now, master. My life is to obey and serve you,” the redhead replied. Before she could say anything else, Krake grabbed the woman’s right wrist and led her out of the room. He didn’t bother to blindfold the woman. He didn’t care if she knew the layout of the base for Scarlett was broken and both of them knew it.


Hours Later

“OH FUCK!! YES!! FUCK!!” Scarlett babbled as Krake fucked her ass while she was on all fours. The redhead energetically met the man’s thrusts. Her legs were now adorned with orange knee-high latex boots with eight inched heels. The boots were secured to her legs via six straps on the front of the boots. Her body glistened with sweat as the drug flowed through her body, flooding her with lustful thoughts and the need to have Krake’s cock pumping deep inside her.

“Take it, you fucking whore!” Krake shouted as he gripped the woman’s hips. The man was completed naked and he even removed his mask. He wasn’t afraid of Scarlett knowing his identity. In fact, he wasn’t afraid of her at all since the woman had obeyed every one of his commands including injecting herself with two more doses. He relished the fact that the woman was letting him fuck her ass while she played with her own tits and her clit from time to time. Of course, all this was after the hour long blowjob, where she drank every last drop of his spunk.

“YES MASTER!! FUCK MY ASS!! NO ONE HAS EVER FUCKED MY ASS UNTIL TODAY!!” Scarlett screamed as her right hands shot between her legs and began to feverishly finger her own pussy and clit.

“No one has used you like a cheap piece of meat either,” Krake spoke as he pulled her up. The man began to nibble on her right ear while his hands fondled her heaving tits. Then he began to kiss and lick her sweat covered neck. Scarlett moaned lustfully as he worked on her neck.

“No one has ever fucked me or treated me this way before . . .” Scarlett panted.

“And?” Krake spoke interrupting his kissing and licking for only a few seconds before he returned his attention to her neck.

“I love your wonderful cock thrusting in and out of my worthless pussy or ass!” Scarlett moaned as Krake increased his speed. The redhead then pumped her own pussy while her other hand rubbed her clit. Her fingers went faster and faster as she built toward her climax. Her body stiffened, but her hands continued to work, pushing her closer and closer. Then it hit her. Her body orgasmed as her ass clenched tightly around Krake’s dick, forcing him to shoot his load in her ass.

“Good slut!” Krake panted as he gripped her tits even harder.

“OH FUCK YES!!” Scarlett moaned as she whipped her sweat soaked hair all about. The orgasm tore through her and the only thing keeping her from falling onto the bed was Krake’s hands, which clutched her tits like a vice.

“These tits of yours should be bigger, don’t you agree?” Krake asked as he gave them a squeeze.

“Sure . . . whatever you want, master . . . give me implants and make them bigger . . .” the woman panted weakly.

“Implants? No way! The implants would never survive the rough treatment that you udders deserve! We’‘re going to give them hormones!” Krake spoke as he released her tits by moving his hands up to her throat. He turned her head to his and the pair kissed.

Scarlett’s mouth easily parted to allow his tongue to enter. The woman’s own tongue met his as she kissed him passionately. “Mmmmpppp,” the woman moaned into Krake’s mouth.

“Lick my cock clean,” Krake spoke as the pair eventually broke their kiss. Scarlett nodded her head and took his cock into her mouth. She could smell her own juices as well as her ass on his dick, but she said nothing as she sucked and licked her master’s dick. While she licked, Krake reached over her and grabbed his helmet. The man placed his helmet on his head and secured it into place before he snapped his finger.

The door to his room then opened as a female Cobra soldier entered the room holding a tablet computer in one hand and a black briefcase in the other. She quickly made her way to the bed. The woman placed the briefcase on the bed and handed the tablet to Krake. “It’s already prepped, sir,” the woman spoke as she saluted the man.

“G.I. Joe has a lot codes, Scarlett. We were not able to break any of the codes. You entered one for me earlier, but there are a few more left. But since your mine now, you won’t mind entering the codes, will you?” Krake asked as he presented the tablet to Scarlett. The redhead looked down at the tablet and saw that the files were personnel files, weapons files, and various security codes. The woman didn’t hesitate as she reached up and entered the correct codes.

“Excellent,” Krake spoke as he patted Scarlett on the head before he slapped his dick against her cheeks a few times before handing the tablet to the female soldier, who then left the room. Krake then opened the briefcase, which contained several needles filled with various colored liquids as well as some sex toys.

“Master?” Scarlett asked nervously.

“These are for your tits,” Krake spoke as he picked up one needle. Scarlett immediately nodded and got to her knees. Her hands then cupped her breasts and pressed them together. “Good girl,” Krake spoke as he injected her right breast. Scarlett could feel her tit burn as she saw more and more of the green liquid being injected into her breast. Krake didn’t stop as he injected her left tit. Soon, her tits were on fire but she still cupped them for Krake as she received two more injections. Once that was done, Krake picked up one final needle and presented it to Scarlett.

“This is the sex drug . . . you want to make me into a horny shell . . .” Scarlett spoke meekly.

“Not quite. An empty shell? No Scarlett. You will become a sex starved bimbo. A ex starved bimbo that serves me, the new Cobra Commander,” Krake spoke.

“Whatever you desire,” Scarlett spoke as she took the needle and injected the contents into her arm. She then returned the needle to Krake, who placed it back into the briefcase. The man took out a large dildo, a butt-plug, and a chastity belt. He then poured a cream on the dildo and plug. “This cream will sting. In fact, it will feel like hundreds of jellyfish lashing your with their tentacles,” Krake spoke.

“Yes master,” Scarlett spoke as she stood up with her legs parted. Both hands spread her pussy. Krake smiled and rammed the dildo into her pussy. Scarlett gasped as her body shook. The woman was in pain, but she said nothing as she dropped her knees. She pressed her face against the bed while her hands reached behind her and spread her ass for Krake. The rammed the plug into her ass before securing the chastity belt around her waist, locking the toys inside Scarlett’s body. The redhead was in a great deal of pain, but said nothing about it. Krake could see it in her eyes though.

“When do you have to report to General Hawk?” Krake asked.

“A . . . we . . . week . . . fr . . . om . . . from today,” Scarlett panted as she pulled herself up.

“A week? Excellent. General Hawk is going to receive a shock of a lifetime when he sees what I have planned for you,” Krake spoke as he caressed her cheek. The redhead cooed as she closed her eyes. She didn’t know what Krake had planned for her, but she was sure Hawk would definitely be surprised since all she wanted to do now was to serve Krake, the new Cobra Commander.


Weeks Later

General Hawk wasn’t sure if he was angry or not. He was completely shocked however by the picture on his computer monitor. The new Cobra Commander was standing in his new uniform as he pointed to his right, where a captured Scarltt knelt on the floor with her butt clearly visible. He could see the orange knee-high latex boots with eight inched heels and the six straps on the front of the boots. In addition, he could see a black leather black strap around her ankle. She also had a black leather strap around her thigh. An O-ring connected the two straps together. He also saw the black chastity belt that and the large red butt-plug sticking a little out of her ass. There was also a bright red Cobra insignia tattooed onto her right butt cheek. There were also bright red words. The words, “Property Of” were above the snake and “Cobra” was under the insignia. The woman had what appeared to be her Joe uniform from above the waist. Her arms were pulled behind her back and tied together by red ropes. The woman slowly turned her head toward the camera, revealing that she wore a black collar around her neck and had a black ball-gag in her mouth. Her eyelashes were a lot longer, but Hawk’s attention was drawn to the long strand of white that was coming out from around the gag.

“As you can see General Hawk, I saw through Scarlett’s little ruse,” the man spoke as he made his way toward the redhead and undid the ropes around the woman’s arms. He then unhooked the O-ring connecting her thighs to her ankles. The gag was also removed. “And now she is mine,” the man spoke as he stood up and moved to the side.

Hawk then saw the redhead stand with her back still turned to the camera. Her hands moved to the front and Hawk ascertained that she was unzipping herself. He watched as she lifted her arms. The new Cobra Commander then blocked the camera with his chest for a few seconds before moving out of the way again. General Hawk gasped as he saw the large coiled red cobra, which was ready to strike tattooed on her entire back. He also saw the tails of two snakes making a heart on the back of her arm between the shoulder and elbows. The woman then turned around and he could see the rest of the tattoo on her arms. On the front of the arm were two red cobras ready to strike to each other. The woman’s breasts had doubled in size and stood high on her chest. Scarlett’s fingernails were over an inch and half long and painted in acrylic red. Her ears had been triple pierced. He then watched the woman squeeze her own round, firm tits and push her long succulent nipples toward her mouth, where she licked and sucked them.

“My pussy is shaved clean, General Hawk. I can’t show it to you because of my chastity belt. The chastity belt also denies me the opportunity to show you my clit ring. But it doesn’t stop me from showing you my new tits. There’s no silicone here. These babies are all real and they belong to Cobra Commander,” Scarlett cooed as she gave them another squeeze before she started licking them again.

“Watch this, General Hawk,” Cobra Commander spoke as he took out a long needle. The redhead stopped licking and presented her tits. Within seconds, the needle was thrust through Scarlett’s nipples. The woman groaned and kept her mouth shut as the man retracted the needle. He then snapped one ring into each piercing followed by a chain.

“I belong to Cobra Commander now and will follow him anywhere. I am no longer a G.I. Joe agent, I am Cobra Commander’s cum guzzling whore,” Scarlett moaned as she started to play with her tits again.

“Come Scarlett, it’s time for you to cum repeatedly,” Cobra Commander spoke as he tugged on the chain.

“Yes master. I will follow my master, Cobra Commander. We will fuck. Scarlett loves to fuck. Thank you for sending me on this mission so I could be captured and turned into a cum receptacle, General Hawk,” Scarlett spoke as blew General Hawk a kiss.

“This is what awaits any female that you send to infiltrate Cobra,” Cobra Commander spoke as both he and Scarlett disappeared from the screen.

Soon, the monitor went dead and General Hawk was still speechless. The man eventually recovered and made a phone call. The person picked up the line and General Hawk regained his composure. “Lady Jaye. Report to my office. I have a secret mission for you,” the man spoke while pitching quite a tent in his pants.

The End