The village was burning brightly in the fog, highlighting the orgy. The enemy, still distant from the palace in which Cedric now rested, had crossed the borders and raided the first village they saw. It was only a farming community, resting in the rolling meadows belonging to King Oren, whose daughter had become a focus for Cedric�s lustful thoughts.

The Queen, Merid, looked over the foggy, firelit village, smiling indulgently at the soldiers. She was tall, overly tall for a woman of any race, and her body was toned to a hard edge, although even the daily rigors of soldiering had failed to take away the feminine charm of her form. Heavy breasts were crowded into a leather halter, the short skirts showing her muscled thighs. Dark hair, almost black, wound about her head in small braids, framing a stern and angular face. Large dark eyes slanted at the corners, and there were no laugh lines to be seen.

Flickering firelight illuminated a small group of soldiers, all of them similar in size and stature. Heavily muscled, they sported short, thick bodies. It was probably the green of their skin that was causing the woman in the middle of the circle to scream so loudly. Raising a brow, the Queen changed her opinion as one of the soldiers moved slightly. His cock was in profile. It was huge compared to human standards, but then, he wasn�t human.

The erection was pale green along the shaft, the darker, almost black, head peeking out of a wrinkled stretch of foreskin. The demon was grinning, his sharp teeth obvious and discolored. No, the Queen thought distantly, she wouldn�t want to wake up to that in the morning.

The peasant girl screamed again, her voice oddly muffled in the fog.

�The mating habits of the beasts are disgusting,� said a soft voice behind the Queen.

Turning her head, she nodded to her pet Wizard, Jarlath. He was gazing at the scene with a mixture of disgust and awe in his dark eyes. �Then why are you watching them?� she asked.

His gaze traveled from the doomed girl to Queen Merid�s haughty face. �Lust, disgusting or not, arouses me.�

�An honest Wizard. Who would have known?� She smiled and turned back to the circle of demons. The girl�s blouse was in shreds, the flickering firelight illuminating the pale skin of her breasts. The plump mounds moved side to side as she struggled. One demon held her arms in his clawed fingers, his grinning mouth close to her ear.

The Queen could feel the Wizard behind her; not exactly a touch, more an electric sensation of his presence. He was close, his breathing discernible even through the girl�s sporadic screaming and the demons� growls and catcalls. In her own land the Wizards were not all old and infirm as they were here. In her own land the old were teachers and the young ventured out into the world, becoming advisors to those who could afford their services. She had paid dearly for this one.

The demons succeeded in raking off the girl�s skirts, and Queen Merid sighed at her youthful beauty. Long, supple legs ended at a dark triangle of fur. Rounded hips matched the rounded breasts in tone and texture. Scratches on her breasts welled faint droplets of blood. Her eyes were huge, frightened, and her voice pierced the fog once more as the demon holding her arms shoved her forward into the waiting claws of another. He grabbed her hips in fingers far too long, the claws digging into tender skin.

Jarlath moved forward, watching the rape over the Queen�s shoulder. His hand touched her arm, tugging her back against his lean frame. The heat of his breathing was on her cheek.

The demon behind the girl paused dramatically, the length of his erection shining in the firelight, pre-coital fluid dripping from it in smearing drops to land on the dirt at his feet.

�He�s wet,� the Wizard whispered against Merid�s cheek. �That should ease the way for her a little.�

�Your devils are strange creatures,� Merid murmured, watching the fluid ooze from the pores along the shaft.

�The excretion contains a chemical aphrodisiac. Wait a while and the prey will start writhing in pleasure.� His hand, pale and dexterous, moved from her arm to her belly, warm and caressing.

The black head of the demon�s huge cock wedged against the girl�s clasped thighs, drawing up into the crevasse of her sex. She straightened, pushing forward with her hips to escape the attack from behind, only to run into an equally dripping weapon in front. The two green demons sandwiched her between them, thrusting forward with muscled hips, rubbing the secretions against her delicate skin. They were laughing.

Queen Merid�s hips moved without her consent. The short, leather skirt she wore couldn�t hide the contoured pressure of Jarlath�s arousal. His hand moved downward, burrowing beneath the skirt to caress the skin of her hip, sliding over the curve until his fingers curled into the hair between her thighs.

A despairing moan sounded from the girl. She opened her legs, admitting both swollen organs access.

Merid widened her stance at the same time. A finger found the hard trigger of her clitoris.

The demon in front of the girl bent to pick up her legs, the bulging muscles in his arms tensing. The other demon held her shoulders, letting her head fall back against his chest as the first prepared to invade. The rest of the circle stood back, creating an arena for the performance.

The Wizard stroked Merid�s clitoris, softly drawing it out as the demon probed forward. The girl screamed again, but it sounded far away and not as frightened. Shoving in short jabs, the demon�s massive tool disappeared, inch by shining inch, into the target.

Staring, her eyes becoming bright as stars on a moonless night, the girl looked down at her sex then up at the demon�s grin. She began to writhe, her body heaving in the arms of the devil behind her. �No,� she said, the force of the word no more than a whimper.

�Fuck me, Wizard,� the Queen commanded in a soft hiss. �Now.�

�Later,� he murmured against the skin of her shoulder. �Watch.� His fingers were still light, circling, slowly building her arousal.

�You forget your position,� Merid growled.

He chuckled. It was a soft sound that angered her. And he didn�t answer.

The demon pulled back, liquid trails of thin blood shining, and rammed forward into the hapless girl. His balls were darker than his shaft, but not blackened. They swung upward, hitting against the juncture of her ass and thighs. Then he began to piston in and out, swiftly, a beast in search of release. The girl grunted in rhythm, raising her hands to the shoulders behind her, holding on. A litany of pleas decorated the fog, indecisive in request.

�Yes,� she screamed. �No.� The sound of demons laughing punctuated her voice.

Merid, relaxing her straining muscles, circled her hips wantonly, but her eyes searched the small circle of demonic rapists. One, off to the side and clearly not as welcome as the rest, sported a phallus of less than massive size. It dripped, the fluid copious and shining. Merid�s eyes narrowed.

A loud roar snapped her eyes back to the swaying threesome in the middle of the circle. The demon had raised his head, bellowing his release. He jerked forward with the first surge, then pulled back to finish on the girl�s stomach. His come was yellow, glowing with some chemical reaction to the air.

The girl arched her back, rubbing her slit along the length of his cock in quick undulations. �Don�t stop!� she screamed. �Please! Don�t stop now!� It was a cry of despair.

�A demon�s ejaculate is potent,� Jarlath whispered into Merid�s ear. �She will be at the peak of arousal for days; writhing ... twisting ... begging to be fucked.� His voice was deep, echoing into the well of her desire. She could feel the hard length of his cock against the crack of her ass.

�I want a devil of my own,� she demanded. �That one.� Pointing, she indicated the smaller demon she had noticed.

�That might not be wise in the middle of a war,� the Wizard said calmly, keeping his fingers moving within the soft lips of her sex.

�I�ll decide what�s wise and what isn�t, Wizard.� Her tone was flat, and she stepped forward, disengaging his hand from her wet crotch. �Bring him to my tent.�

The second demon was entering the girl as she left, and the girl was moaning uncontrollably.

�What do I call you?� Demanding, Merid stood in the center of her tent with her hands on her hips.

The demon bowed his head slightly, pointed ears prominent in the candle-light. �Fred.�

Jarlath chuckled from the door. �Unimaginative race.�

�You wish me to fuck you.� It was a statement, and Fred was looking up from beneath lowered eyelids. They were lashless, the pupils blood red in a yellow iris.

�I will tell you what I wish when I tell you.� Turning to Jarlath, she gave him a soft smile that fooled him not at all. �Come here, Wizard. Disrobe me and do not gainsay me this time.�

�As you command, my Queen.� Sarcasm dripped from his words as obviously as the fluid was dripping from Fred�s penis. But he did as he was told.

Naked, she stood before the demon, glancing at Jarlath once before fixing her sight on the shining green phallus. �Disrobe, Wizard. You must be punished for your earlier refusal to follow my command.�

A soft whisper of robes falling turned her eyes again. Jarlath stood, his body smooth and lean, his cock rigid and as ready as it had been while he was watching the rape. �Does this fluid affect men as well as women?� she asked, frowning.

�Senscrat affects all,� the demon answered, a grin in his tone. �Even devils.�

Jarlath nodded, seemingly unconcerned.

�How long will it affect a human?� The frown fading, Merid glanced back and forth between them.

�At least a few days.� Jarlath shrugged. �Sometimes longer.�

The devil nodded.

Reaching out, she touched the demon�s shoulder. Scales, small, paper-dry. Not unpleasant. She ran her hand down his chest, over his tense stomach and to the length of his cock. Delicious sensation ran up her arm as she set her finger in the fluid. Circling the shaft, she swept up the secretions and placed her hand on her breast. The nipple swelled until she thought it would burst.

�Ahhh.� Her own sound of her pleasure startled her. The demon had a feral grin decorating his alien features. Using her other hand, the first still rubbing the liquid into her skin, she gathered more into her palm. Turning, she gestured Jarlath forward and spread it over his chest.

Dark eyes darkened, turning suddenly black, but his smile was calm and deliberate. �I hope you know what you�re doing, Merid. This will be distracting at the very least.�

�I always know what I�m doing. More, Fred.�

Her hand swept over Fred�s penis, then over Jarlath�s turgid erection. It jumped to meet her fingers, the heavy vein at the bottom bulging out as it began to curve upward. A small sound escape Jarlath�s lips, which made her smile shrewdly. �Come, Fred. Lie with me.�

The pallet of fur was against one side of the tent. She led the way, still rubbing her hand against her skin. �Fuck me, Fred, but don�t come on me or in me,� she said as she drew both men to the pallet. Jarlath was on his back, gazing at the ceiling dispassionately. She pulled Fred between her thighs. He knelt, the flickering light leaving his features in shadow, the pointed ears looking like small horns in silhouette.

The scales of Fred�s skin disappeared as they reached his stomach, fading out below the place where a naval would have been if he�d been human. His cock was pure, pale green skin. It approached the gate, and he grasped it in his hand to guide it inward. Just slightly too big, it stalled, stuck at the entrance.

�Rub it over her clit,� Jarlath commented. His gaze had gone from the ceiling to the scene next to him.

The fluid smeared into her sex, the black head trailing up to circle her clitoris, then down to the entrance again. Electric shocks of lust clenched her belly, and her hips arched. �Again,� she hissed.

Upward, the head of his cock moved, circling, then pushing down past the proper opening to smear secretions against the lower puckered entrance.

She moaned, caught in the throes of pre-orgasmic rapture. The demon growled, rubbing his hand along the shaft, then pausing to smear it on her breasts. Her cry of lust was loud, the rigid arc of her body trembling into circling undulations. �Fuck me, Devil!� she cried.

Wrapping his arms beneath her knees, the green demon lifted her legs, pushing his hips forward as his cock found the spot. Heaving, he encased the shaft in her canal, growling and grunting with his own lust.

It burned, the walls of her cunt stretched into thin sheets of skin, tearing in places. One cry, then the pain turned to overwhelming arousal, streaking through every nerve ending in her body. Spasms wracked her in long waves, a continuous cycle of orgasm she hadn�t known was possible. Such wonders! Bucking, jerking beneath the pistoning pound of his body, she grunted and growled, raking his back with her nails.

�I am going to creel,� the demon hissed, his voice dark and dangerous.
King Oren sat upon his chair, noting the admiring gaze of the young Wizard upon his daughter. It was a situation that would be rectified soon, or there would be a marriage in the offing. Having a Wizard in the family wouldn�t be such a bad idea. Mulling this over in his mind, he smiled at the woman who was speaking to him, her patter going in one ear and out the other.

Black eyes the color of his daughter�s gazed around the room. The people were far too familiar, far too impressed by his position. He longed to dress in his traveler�s clothing and head out into the land. But, war loomed and that release would be denied him for a while.

Running a weary, bejeweled hand through his blond hair; golden, not the same white as his daughters�, he glanced at the woman before him once again, tuning into her conversation. The usual mix of flattery and deceit. But she had good lips, he thought, his smile becoming slightly feral.

Gesturing to her and to two others he had noticed in the last hour, he declared the party at an end and retired with the women to his more private chambers. His appetites had become well known in the ten years since the death of his wife. A mere forty years of age, he was still vigorous and strong, his lean but powerful frame firm with years of arms practice.

The women were not shocked at his effrontery. Rather, they were flattered that he had picked them. Ordering them to disrobe immediately, never one to waste time on preliminaries, he seated himself to watch them from a chair beside the huge bed. He preferred blondes, and two of them were of that ilk; golden haired like himself but with the pale eyes of the normal populace. The third was the woman he had chosen for her lips. Plump and curved correctly, they seemed the perfect shape to encompass his phallus comfortably, but she had dark brown hair and eyes.

Instructing the two blond women to concentrate on each other for the moment, he gestured the now nude third woman to his side as he stood. She pulled off his clothing easily, and he again sat in the chair, directing her to kneel before him. The lips he had noticed slid easily over him and he sighed, turning his attention to the two blond women now writhing upon his bed. Each seemed fascinated with the breasts of the other, holding them with slender, pale fingers, licking them with small pink tongues.

The mouth between his legs tightened as his sex hardened, the suction exquisitely painful as her sharp little teeth grazed the underside of his most sensitive area. Cool fingers grasped his testes, stroking them as her lips worked up and down the shaft. Too quickly, he felt the gathering, so he halted the activity while he climbed upon the bed.

Three pairs of hands actively stroking any part of his body they could reach. It was an intense feeling. They flattened him against the mattress, his back seemingly glued as each hand traced a separate path over his skin. Picking one of the blond women, he directed her to place herself upon the tip of his throbbing phallus. The other two helped achieve the entry, stroking only where he told them.

The entrance to her canal was tight, almost virginal, and he groaned with the effort to delay his impending explosion. Watching the disappearance of the shaft into the liquid pink of her sex, each veined inch slowly piercing her, he shoved the last inch upward with a growl, turning to the two women beside him, giving them their orders so he would be able to watch as long as he was able to keep his eyes from closing under the strain of release.

Dark hair against the pale thighs of the blond inhibited his vision, so he reached out to brush it to the side, the sight of a coral red tongue lathing itself over the lighter red sex flashing shots of lust straight into the stout length now sliding easily within the humid tunnel on top of him.

Groaning, he grasped her hips. �Slower,� he murmured, still watching the writhing folds beside him. The inner lips of her sex were turning bright red, blood pumping into the organs, preparatory to her release. The dark woman reached up to palpate pale breasts, pinching at the hardened berry-like nipples until a cry escaped the blond woman.

When her hips rose from the mattress beneath the questing lips, he stopped the woman atop him from moving at all, feeling the throb and clench of her sex around him. The two beside him moved again, beginning to concentrate on the woman above him. One hand slid over her flat belly, insinuating two fingers over the small distention of her clitoris, the other behind her, caressing his balls, driving him to distraction as he refused to move. The dark woman suckled at her large breasts, causing her to struggle against his hands, which pinned her in place.

Watching, the sensation of her sex grabbing and letting go of his stationary phallus enough to keep him on the edge, he almost came at the sounds of her climax. A moan was followed by a gasp, then a cry on the edge of a scream. She contracted fitfully, finally falling over him, pushing the helping hands away as she withdrew, leaving him shiny and still rampant.

The other blond took her place and he watched the scene all over again, changing only as he realized she was on the edge herself. Raising her slightly, he shoved upward again and again, closing his eyes at the last instant. The convulsive movement of her belly announced her release, and he emptied his balls with a spastic arch of his body.

Perhaps, he thought when he could think again, perhaps he should approach his Wizardly guest about his daughter now. The rebel Wizards would be a better ally than an enemy in the coming war. Shoving the three satiated women out of the door, he dressed and went in search of Master Cedric.

Gazing out of her window, the virgin princess Amelia frowned expressively. The party had proved only one thing; that they were as unprepared for a war as they could be. The court was not exactly corrupt, but the emphasis her father put upon fleshly matters overshadowed common sense. He should not be meeting with three women in his bedchambers; he should be conducting a war council.

Pushing her ladies in waiting out the door, closing it tightly after them, Amelia glared at her bed, wishing men were not slaves to the appendage between their thighs. What was the big attraction, anyway? She, herself, had not been so desirous of a man�s touch that she would lose all common sense. Perhaps she was cold, as her father had sadly told her one day, but the kingdom�s welfare was far more important than a moment�s pleasure.
King Oren rode into the small village atop his white charger, looking every bit the virile King. His clothing was dusty, but still beautiful. His eye was sharp and canny, taking in the sun-drenched streets with growing alarm. Women, at least a dozen of them, writhed, naked, in the dirt. They were tied, hand and foot, to stakes driven into the hard-packed earth of the street. Piteous cries sounded in the bright air, begging for release as the women spotted the soldiers.

Drawing closer, the King looked down on the first woman. Her blond hair was matted with red dirt, and it smeared her face. The pale skin of her body gleamed in the light, covered with some kind of clear slime.

"Please help me!" she cried. The futile rise and fall of her hips pulled at the ropes circling her ankles. Her legs were stretched as far apart as they would get without breaking, and King Oren could see the swollen inner sex pulsate. Her nipples were extended, fat with the excess of sexual need.

His first inclination was to rid the poor women of the ropes that bound them. Dismounting, he used his knife to slice through the twine around her ankle. His soldiers moved through the street, cutting the ropes and murmuring in dismay.

One of the woman's legs was free, and she closed her thighs together with a wordless noise of relief. "Touch me," she breathed, closing her eyes. Her hips began to pump the air, the leg sliding over the opposite thigh.

King Oren sliced the rope on her other leg. Her writhing increased, a loud moan joining with others as the women were released. Her hands, once freed, sought her sex, the fingers twirling and sliding in the slippery combination of slime and her own juices.

"Demon seed," she gasped, keeping her eyes tight shut. "Do not touch us."

Frowning, the King moved away, standing to look over the street. All the women were either pleasuring themselves or grabbing at his men. "Stay away from them!" he shouted, the thunder of his voice echoing through the moans. "The slime is poison!"

It was too late for one hapless fellow, who had greeted a woman's need with glee. He had touched her sex when she asked him, touched her with the palm of his hand. By the time his fingers were sliding easily within her passage, the warm, tingling feeling of sexual excitement was crawling up his arm.

Ignoring his King, he pulled at the fastenings of his trousers to extricate his swelling cock. When his hand wrapped around it he was lost completely.

The rest of the forward advance fell back, re-grouping around the King at the end of the street. Surrounded by his men, King Oren frowned at the writhing, moaning mass of women and shook his head.

They were all moving toward the single man, who had fallen upon the woman before him and was now driving into her with all his might. The pale skin of his backside flashed as it rose and fell, disappearing as the women converged into a dirty pile. Limbs flailed as the women encountered each other. Pale, dirt streaked thighs wrapped around legs, arms, hands ... anything they could.

The sound of orgasming women was loud in the air, and even King Oren's compassionate disgust was not enough to keep his cock from saluting the orgy.

"Douse them with water?" someone suggested.

"Do it." His tone was edged with lust, but he kept his distance. To be in the center of that writhing mass of female flesh; it would be hell disguised as heaven.

His men moved out into the buildings, collecting water in anything that would hold it. The splash produced an increase in noise, cries as water flowed over heated skin. Mud formed from the dirt, and skin disappeared. More water was thrown over them, and the bodies slid against each other with increasing fervor.

"Stop!" the King cried. "It is doing no good."

One woman rolled from the mob, her filthy body undulating around the fulcrum of her fingers pummeling her sex. Slowly, she made her way closer to the King, stopping when her climax ripped through her, continuing as it abated. It was the woman who had warned him when he released her.

"Demon seed!" she gasped, looking up into his eyes, desperation clear in her own. "We are lost! Go on. You cannot save us. Beware of the demons!" She tossed her head back with a high-pitched cry, bucking her hips upward.

Shifting the hard length of his prick in his trousers, the King looked out at the pile. His man was lost in there, surrounded. He looked back at the woman, ignoring her twisting body and staring directly into her eyes. "I cannot leave him here."

"He is lost." Her gaze traveled to the bulge in his trousers. "Leave, before you are overcome!"

"They concentrate on each other now, Highness." The voice was soft, suggesting rather than ordering. "We should leave before their willpower fades or the entire army will fall before a single battle has been fought."

"Yes," King Oren said, watching the woman close her eyes and lick her lips. "Dasek, retreat to the main camp. Warn them. I shall continue on to see if other villages have been affected."

Dasek, the youngest member of his personal guard, ran for his horse, mounted, and started out with a nod of acceptance.

"Your name, Woman, so that we may remember your strength." The King stepped back as she rolled toward him.

"Karen," she gasped. "Now leave -- before I fuck you to death!"

Spinning on his heel, he strode toward his charger, shouting orders as he mounted. The King's guard left, one man lost and another off to warn the army.

King Oren stared at the firelit village from his hidden place in the trees. The townsfolk were huddled in the center of a ring of what must have been the demons. Glancing about, the King saw no children, a fact that relieved him. Not many women remained, either. Hopefully, those who were missing were well hidden.

His call for an army had decimated the male population of his lands, so the men who were left in the villages were the very young, the infirm, or the old. It was a very small group that huddled in the middle of the demons, and, for that, the King was thankful.

Settling his sight on the demons, he grimaced in disgust. They were short of stature, which made the huge projection of their cocks obscene. Their bodies shimmered golden green in the firelight, and the color would have been pretty in another context.

A woman screamed as she was grabbed by one of the larger demons. It was the beginning of the end as each villager was constrained and then tied to stakes in the street. The demons worked relentlessly, ignoring struggles and screams until all of them were confined. They paused, standing with a waiting attitude.

King Oren had too few men to offer help. It would only lead to disaster if he should attempt a rescue, so he kept his place in the trees and tried to learn enough about the enemy to devise some kind of protection. His eyes narrowed as a woman exited a building. She was magnificent. Tall, bronzed, her hair glimmered in the light. Leather armor served only to hide some of her body. The rest was revealed in all its stunning proportion.

A Wizard followed her, his robes flowing in the slight breeze. She was obviously the leader. "Strip them," she ordered.

King Oren turned to his companions, remaining crouched in the trees. Eyes flashed in the darkness, disgust apparent in all of them. "Keep still," the King whispered. "Watch for weaknesses."

Nods answered him, and he turned back to the scene.

The villagers were stripped, clothing cut away, ripped, tossed to the side in tatters. King Oren's inner gaze still saw the woman, Karen, telling him she would fuck him to death if he stayed. It aroused him, created within him a need for sexual release, and the picture before him served only to exacerbate his situation. Shifting, he stared at the demons, trying to find the center of his disgust to use as a weapon against his arousal.

The demons stood over the villagers, stroking their disproportionate genitals, and howled. The sound was disturbing. The female leader looked on with her arms crossed over an ample bosom. The Wizard moved behind her, putting a familiar hand around her waist to caress the smooth skin of her belly where it was left bare between her skirt and the minuscule leather halter.

King Oren's eyes narrowed, focused in on the Wizard's hand. It moved in lazy circles, and the woman's hips moved in similar fashion. She was aroused, if her body said anything, but her expression was stern. "Woman," she said, and there was merely a trace of lust echoing through the words. "Do you concede that I have the stronger army?"

The villager closest to her, a woman of middle age, shook her head. "Fuck you," she shouted, glaring at the enemy Queen. Her breasts sagged against her ribs, and her belly was soft and rounded. The demon standing over her shook his erection, sending small droplets to scatter over her skin.

The Queen raised a brow. "Smear it on her, Beast. I want the sanctimonious bitch to feel my power."

The demon knelt, running its clawed hand over its erection before smearing the liquid into the bound woman's sex. The reaction was immediate. The woman arched her hips up, crying out. The demon looked at its leader. The grin on its alien features was appalling.

"Fuck her, Beast. Come deep inside her belly." The Queen stood immobile, but the lust in her tone had increased. The Wizard's hand lifted the leather skirt, revealing the dark curls between her thighs. His fingers cupped her, pulled her back against his body as the demon lowered itself over the bound woman. "Jarlath," the Queen said, laughing. "Still feeling the effects of Fred's spunk?"

"Yes." The Wizard's voice was strained, and he pulled her back hard enough to dislodge her arms from their crossed position.

The demon set its cock against the sex of the woman on the ground. With a single shove of its hips, it drove the outsized length into her cunt. Her scream echoed, and the King, still hiding in the trees, forced his hand to remain far away from the bulge in his trousers.

"Fuck her good," the Queen hissed, gyrating her hips beneath the Wizard's fingers, keeping her eyes glued to the rape before her. The bound woman's screams became moans of lust, and the battering ram that skewered her moved back and forth with a pace that blurred the sight of it.

The Queen bent over, placing her hands on a post set for the horses. "Put that cock inside me, Jarlath. I want it. Now."

Obliging, the Wizard raised his robes to reveal a long, slender prick. He stroked it once, pressing the mushroom tip to the breach. It entered swiftly, nothing obstructing its passage. Jarlath looked up at the heavens, and his groan sounded like a mix of pleasure and pain.

King Oren shifted, going to his knees. The Queen's face was the epitome of lust, not even the demon howls able to compete. Her eyes were glittering hollows, the grip she had on the post enabling her to thrust back against the Wizard. One the ground before her the demon pounded into the bound woman, the thick green truncheon sliding in and out of her cunt as if greased.

Another demon, watching its compatriot merrily fucking, howled with glee and released its jism over the naked body of a man. The man's prick, soft until now, caught the flow of come and glided to full erection. As if this was a signal, the demons began to roar, each outsized cock becoming a fountain that drenched the captives below them.

King Oren's eyes flinched back to the Queen. Her smile was a rictus of arousal, and her gaze was fixed to the fornicating demon before her. The woman beneath the demon writhed as much as her bindings would allow. Her eyes were closed, her lips open in a silent scream of horror amidst physical excess. She arched her back, the smooth flesh of her abdomen rippling with contractions, and still the demon fucked her.

Now the other demons were gathering around the couple on the ground, cocks hardening, fluid dripping into the woman's face and hair. They began to stroke, clawed hands grasping and fondling each other as well as themselves.

The Queen shoved her skirts aside, using her fingers, slamming back against the Wizard, who was still fucking her from the rear. King Oren shifted again, the pull of his trousers enough to force a small spasm through the length of his cock. He grunted softly, hearing his own voice and clamping his lips shut. But the company before him couldn't have heard over the loud cries of the orgy.

It was coming to the final crisis, the Wizard beginning the end, pulling back to spurt his come over the Queen's backside. The Queen, her cunt empty, roared with rage and the culmination of her climax. She quivered and stood straight, thrusting her pussy forward, her fingers still twirling within the dark curls.

The fornicating demon grunted and thrust deep into the bound woman, spending a stream of demon spunk directly into her womb. The woman screamed, her voice piercing the air through howls and grunts of lust. A full half of the demons surrounding the couple climaxed again, and both the woman and the demon on the ground were covered in glowing slime. The demon rolled, grinning, and his prick pointed at the sky, still hard and pulsating. He reached for it and stroked down the wet length, turning to the next captive.

Nodding, she turned back to Myles. "You don't seem to be very interested," she said, glancing pointedly at his soft cock.

"You haven't given me reason to think I should be interested," he answered.

Cedric's hand moved to her shoulder, caressing down to the buttons on her dress. The material loosened with each gentle tug, the low bodice falling forward. Soon, her nipples felt the air as the bodice sagged down to expose them. She reached out with a single finger and traced the top of Myles' cock with it. The flesh shifted on his hand, lengthening slightly.

The back of her dress was open, and Cedric ran his hand around her shoulders, moving the material aside until her breasts were bare. He bent his head to take a nipple between his teeth and the cock beneath her finger straightened from its drooping curve, revealing the ripening head as it began to poke out from its protective fold of flesh. Alex shivered, the tingle now settling into a warm throb between her thighs. Cedric's teeth held her nipple as his tongue flicked over the sensitive end. She ran her finger around the shaft before her and tickled its underside. "Take off your clothing," she said.

Myles nodded, removing his hand from beneath his prick. It angled out nicely, not completely erect, but coming to attention as she continued to stimulate it with the tip of her finger. The vest he wore pulled off easily, and his dexterous fingers tugged the strings holding his shirt closed at the neck. He drew his shirt off over his head, and she glanced up from his cock to catch a glimpse of his chin and neck as the shirt cleared it. His hair was pulled back, revealing sharp, pointed ears.

"You're an Elf!" she exclaimed. His eyes came into view and she noted the slight upward tilt that matched his blond brows.

"Half-Elf," he answered.

Cedric's mouth left her breast. "Does it matter?"

"No," she answered, a smile growing from a simple thought. Elves had never been gender specific in their choice of lovers. Perhaps there was a way to use this to embarrass Cedric. Her smile faded. But Cedric obviously already knew that Myles was an Elf, and he didn't strike her as the uninformed type. And maybe, being only half Elven, Myles was more choosy about gender.

Cedric's teeth closed around the other nipple. She sighed with pleasure and resumed coaxing Myles to full erection. She would play it by ear, and if she found a way, she would pay Cedric back.

* * *

The episode had left the princess confused and slightly flushed. She made her way to her chambers, the matter of sexual ecstasy turning over in her mind, just as Cedric had hoped. Having never experienced it, seeing it had finally turned it into a reality. The flush of Lady Alex's face, the soft moans -- all of it was enough to convince her that there had to be more to the sexual experience than she had previously supposed. And the sight had stirred feelings within her; feelings that, as yet, had no direction.

Seating herself in front of a fire that had been kindled in the grate of her huge fireplace, she pondered the matter for a long while. Perhaps there was more to the sexual drive than she had at first thought. Perhaps her father was right and she was frigid, unable to comprehend sexual desire to its fullest extent. He had seemed so sad during that discussion, as if he pitied her.

Shifting in her chair, she finally stood. There was a perfect opportunity to explore the realm of sexuality going on in Lady Alex's chambers, and she wasn't going to let it go to waste.

Making her way through the halls, Princess Amelia felt light-headed, as if she was on her way to a battle. Her emotions played from the mere curious to the edges of fright. What she was going to do was against her own ethical code, but she was a princess, and she must learn to understand her subjects if she was going to one day rule them.

The entrance was behind a tapestry, hidden from casual observation well enough that no one knew it was there except those who studied the palace blue-prints. Of course Amelia had studied them. It was part and parcel of being who she was. Slipping inside the small room after ascertaining that there was no one about, she moved to the darkened wall opposite the door. It was pitch black in the room, which was necessary for its purpose. Sliding her hands up the wall, she found the catch and released it, opening a small hole in the rocks of the fireplace that faced into Alex's room. It had a view of most of the chamber, but Amelia centered her gaze at the bed and its occupants.

Recognizing Myles as a courtier who usually graced her dinner table, she studied his body from her hidden vantage. He was standing beside the bed, and his clothing was a careless pile on the floor. His torso was thin, but well-developed and smooth-skinned. His blond hair curled to shoulders exactly right for his build. Smiling, she termed him as a pretty man in her thoughts and shifted her gaze to Alex.

The woman was seated on the bed, her bodice shrugged down around her waist. Pert breasts peered at the man in front of her. The image of what she was touching erased the sight of Cedric from Amelia's mind for an instant. He was kneeling on the floor, anyway, helping to remove Alex's gown from her legs. Never had Amelia seen a man's genitals, and her first glimpse was of Myles' erection. It was impressive no matter how innocent she was. "Oh my," she whispered in the still, enclosed air of her hiding place.

Alex's finger traced the phallus, and it jerked each time she teased the reddish knob at the end. Amelia swallowed a sudden lump in her throat.

"Slide back."

Cedric's voice was soft, encouraging, and Alex slid backward, leaving her dress in his hands. He stood, capturing Amelia's eye from the image of Myles' erection, and tossed the dress onto a chair. The look on his face caused another lump to form in the Princess's throat, and she swallowed again. She hadn't realized his expression could appear so lustful. A smile was reminiscent of a wolf having just found its prey. The gleam in his eyes was mischievous and appreciative of the scene in front of him as he moved toward the bed.

"You, too," Alex ordered, glancing up at Cedric. "Take off that robe." Obviously, she was still in the thrall of her need for sexual stimulation and would copulate with anyone in the room. Amelia sighed with pity. The poor woman.

Cedric untied the lace fastening at the neck of his robes and shifted them off his shoulders, kicking them away from his feet as they fell to the floor.

"Oh my," the princess whispered again. This view was almost as interesting as the front view, for Cedric's back was to her now that he was closer to the bed. His hair curled down his back, raven black and shining in ringlets that any woman would be proud to own. They ended above the small of his back, but still drew her gaze down to the muscled sculpture of his buttocks. Not even the long beauty of his hair could hide the masculine nature of his body. Then he moved, the flex of muscle and sinew giving hint to the reason for his apparent grace while clothed.

When he rounded the end of the bed, her gaze was immediately drawn to his genitals. He was already erect, his movement causing it to sway from side to side. Amelia bit her tongue to keep from saying anything as he paused beside the bed.

"Get on your knees, Alex," he suggested.

The princess frowned, flexing her fingers against the wall beside her head. Lady Alex was naked, having worn nothing beneath the dress. She maneuvered until she was crossed over the mattress, her knees planted in the center and her hands on the edge. Myles remained standing beside the bed, his erection pointing at Alex's chin. Cedric knelt behind Alex to run a hand over her spine and down between her buttocks. The kneeling woman spread her legs, encouraging Cedric to move between them.

The angle of sight from the fireplace afforded a side view of the threesome for the princess hidden behind the fireplace wall. Her face grew warm as she realized Cedric's hand was massaging between Alex's legs, the agile fingers stroking her sex as Alex slowly circled her hips. The Princess felt as if she'd had too much wine at dinner.

Now Myles put a hand on his phallus, pointing it toward Alex's lips, pushing forward until it touched. A curved tongue snaked out to lick at the shaft. It seemed to grow in width as the princess focused on it, the red color of the tip darkening. Watching with widened eyes, she watched her Lady in Waiting open her mouth and accept the phallus as if it was the most delectable delicacy she had ever been offered.

Cedric laughed, and Amelia's eyes flew to Alex's other end. He was positioned against the plump flesh of her buttocks, his phallus having taken the place of his fingers. He thrust his hips forward and Alex moaned around the shaft in her mouth. He had entered Alex's sex, Amelia knew.
The mechanics of copulation were known in detail to the princess, who had studied it as well as she had studied anything else, but never had she felt this warm, throbbing sensation when reading about it. The sensation was centered in her lower stomach, just above her own private parts. When she pressed her thighs together the feeling became stronger.

Cedric was moving his hips back and forth, and suddenly the word 'thrust' took on a realm of new meaning for the princess. With each forward motion he drove Alex forth onto the phallus in front of her. Myles groaned, the sound moving around the room to slide seductively into the hidden virgin's ears. She bit her lower lip and watched Myles fit his own thrusting motions into the rhythm. His phallus had gotten too large to continue unimpeded, and Amelia had already begun to wonder if Alex would gag on it. The Lady in Waiting shifted her weight onto one hand and used the other to grasp the shaft at the root. She swirled her tongue over the shining plumb of its head before resuming the rhythm. Her cheeks were suctioned in, and the phallus caused them to bulge out with each penetration.

The throbbing in Amelia's lower stomach increased. She moved away from the peep hole and pulled her skirts up. One hand slid between her skin and the silk of her underclothing. When her fingers touched the cramped curls between her thighs, she pressed them between the lips of her sex. Sighing, she leaned forward to peer into the room again, shifting her fingers until she understood the rhythm Cedric used to drive into Alex.

The Wizard's hands were clamped on Alex's hips, tugging her back and forth as he lunged against her. Her skin around his fingers was reddened. Amelia raised her eyes to his face. Internal muscles flexed at his expression. It was fierce, and his smile was a grimace of lust. The princess's fingers grew slippery, sliding easier now. She pressed against the hard nub of flesh above the opening meant to receive a penis and widened her stance still more. Small gasps escaped her parted lips.

Cedric growled and closed his eyes, tossing his head back on his shoulders as he shoved forward. Alex ground back against him, circling in wanton abandonment, never losing her grip on the phallus in front of her. Amelia's fingers stopped pressing and began to circle in response to the sight. Finally, she was beginning to understand the sexual urges that seemed to undermine the entire court.

Lowering his head, Cedric pulled back to reveal a smaller, soft weapon. It's skin gleamed with wetness. He ignored it. Flipping to his back, he slipped between Alex's legs, placing his head below her sex. The princess gasped. No, he wasn't going to do that. Was he? Her fingers slipped and slid within her own sex as he put his hands on Alex's back to urge her over his face.

Wishing she could see around Alex's thigh, Amelia turned her gaze to Myles. His hand was on Alex's cheek, and he seemed to be fascinated with the sight of his engorged member pumping between her lips. Noises began to erupt around the thrusting phallus. Alex was moaning, grinding her hips against Cedric's face. She was crouched, and Cedric's hand had reached up beneath her to touch her breasts.

"Yes!" she cried, letting go of the shaft with both mouth and hand in her delirium. She sat up, tossing her hair back over her shoulder. Her breasts stood up, stiffened nipples riding atop her pale flesh. Myles grinned and climbed up on the bed, standing over her, his balance precarious as he wrapped his hand around his phallus. Stroking it, he pulled the skin back and forth over the head, which had deepened in color to blood-filled purple. Alex was jerking her hips, sliding back and forth over Cedric's face. Her mouth was open, lips parted in a continuous stream of positive affirmations.

Myles grunted. The muscles of his shoulders tensed and his hand moved in a blur on his shaft. His hips thrust forward and all movement stopped. He paused, holding the skin back from the straining purple head, and it spat a glob of semen onto Alex's breast, hitting a nipple and hanging there for a split second before sliding down. He grunted again and moved his hand. The next stream hit her chin, closely followed by another that caught her outthrust tongue.

Cedric's hand moved over Alex's breast, smearing the semen. Amelia shuddered in her closet, feeling that she was close to something. Perhaps it was that spending of energy that Cedric had referred to earlier. Her fingers stroked and played, and the sensation began to border on overwhelming. She looked over the tableau on the bed. Myles was shaking his softening phallus over Alex's tongue, and her face was raised to receive it. Her breasts were shiny with ejaculate, and Cedric was still between her legs.

The sight that caused Amelia to fall over the edge into her first orgasm was Cedric's phallus. It was rising on its own, snaking upward from his thigh in stark relief. Amelia opened her lips. "Oh my," she gasped, clamping her thighs together over her fingers as the wave pushed through her.

It was a short wave, cut off because she stopped moving her fingers as it began. She opened her eyes and peered around her at the darkness. So that was it? Perhaps. Sighing, she straightened her skirts. It was better than feeling nothing, she supposed. That was enough of education for the day, she thought, and exited the small room.

* * *

Cedric slid his tongue into Alex's cunt, reveling in the mixed taste of his own seed and her juices. Above him, Myles was grunting in pleasure. Yes, this was far better than his quick trysts with Alex. Perhaps he would be able to resist his attraction to that damnable virgin princess for a while. His mind betrayed him, and he pictured the princess writhing to the swirl of his tongue. Just the thought was enough to harden him again.

Alex moved, pulling away from him to sit cross-legged on the pillows at the head of the bed. She was smiling, her eyes dancing up from his erection to his face. "Still hard?" she asked with a throaty laugh.

He sighed and turned to rest his head on the pillow, reclining in a more comfortable position. Myles was sitting next to Alex. Her gaze shifted back and forth between the two. Then she yawned. "Ow," she murmured, putting a hand to her jaw. Shaking her head, she glanced back at Cedric's forlorn erection, then at his eyes. "I'd like to wait for Myles next, if you don't mind, Cedric, and I'd rather not abuse my jaw muscles any more than they are."
She closed her eyes, arching into her own impending climax.

The fingers retreated and she opened her eyes. Cedric was smiling, and Myles was moving over her, his stiff prick waving in the air until he settled it between her legs. "Fuck me," she whispered, reaching for the fat cock so close to her cunt.

It moved inside, widening the entrance until she thought it should hurt. Then the head of it hit the spot Cedric had been manipulating. Her raised hips gyrated on the pillow and she felt Cedric's hand beneath her. His fingers were still moist from her cunt and they slipped into her anus without pause. She cried out, the sensation intense. The fingers soothed, gently thrusting in and out, and the thick cock stretched and bludgeoned her cunt, the head of it hitting time and again on the spot Cedric had found.

She was coming, convulsing in a series of mad contractions that centered around both cock and fingers. The opposing currents sent wide ripples of shuddering aftershocks throughout her nerves. She cried out, her voice lost in the grunting of the Elf as he pulled his dripping cock from her and moved it against her anus. He looped his arms beneath her legs and pushed against the sphincter as he leaned forward. Pinned, her legs raised and the head of his prick popped through the tight ring.

Cedric's hand moved around the Elf to slide his fingers into her cunt. She spasmed, the pain of anal entry soothed by Cedric's fingers against that spot again. A series of short, hard orgasmic convulsions gripped her with each harsh thrust of the Elf's oversized cock into her tender anus.

The grunts were getting closer together. Her cunt felt huge, stretched and weary, and her anus pulsated with pain and pleasure. Cedric was still curling his fingers inside her, but she was slipping from the intensity. Looking up, she saw Myles' face, beaded with sweat, his eyes closed and a frown of concentration on his smooth brow. He was pistoning, close to the end. Cedric's hand moved, coming out of her, and she watched it raise behind Myles. A sharp crack sounded and Myles lurched forward. His cock jerked in her anus, warmth flooding her bowels. Another sharp crack and Myles groaned, grinding his pelvis against the soft flesh of her ass.

"Nothing like a little kick in the ass," Cedric observed and collapsed back on the pillow behind him.

Myles opened his eyes and grinned at her.

She grinned back.

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