Solnara hid behind a tree and nocked an arrow to her elven war bow. Spinning around, she loosed her arrow, burying it in the throat of an orcish raider, then turned and sprinted into the forest, disappearing before the orc's companions could find her. As she retreated through the brush she counted the remaining arrows in her quiver�five. She knew there were at least thirty more orcs hunting her; they had been hunting her for a day and a half now, relentlessly pursuing her despite her best efforts to get away.

Solnara and her partner, Jelai, had come across the orcs while on a scouting mission far from home. Rumors of an evil mage researching forbidden magics had drawn the attention of the Elvish High Council, and several groups of scouts, including Solnara and Jelai, had been sent to investigate. She had been tracking this group of fifty orcs through the wilderness trying to discover their purpose when the orcs had begun behaving oddly. They had dispersed into a large arc, turned around, and suddenly the hunters had become the hunted. Solnara still couldn't figure out what had happened. She and Jelai moved with preternatural stealth through the forest�there was no way the orcs could have heard or seen them. And yet they somehow knew where they were. When Solnara and Jelai tried to get around the flank and escape, the orcs had reacted and kept them trapped. So Solnara and Jelai were driven before the orcs, deep into land they were unfamiliar with. Together they had killed or disabled perhaps twenty of the orcs, but the others were relentless. Stranger yet, they were disciplined. Normally if you killed one orc, the others would slip into a berserk frenzy, hurtling through the forest trying to get revenge, allowing you to hide and slip past them to freedom. These orcs didn't though.

As Solnara and Jelai's arrow supply dwindled, they knew they couldn't outlast the orcs. They tried to hide themselves in the hollowed out trunk of a dead tree, hoping to let the orcs pass them by. Solnara remembered, in horrifying slow motion, seeing an orcish spear shatter the back of the trunk they had been hiding in and plunge into Jelai's thigh, pinning it to the wood. "Run," she had muttered as her eyes went wide with shock. And Solnara had, just barely escaping a similar fate.

Now Solnara knew it was only a matter of time before she was killed. She would make her five arrows count, but when they were gone there was little she could do. While she was strong, especially for an elf, she didn't possess the raw strength of the orcs. As Solnara retreated up the valley she had been driven into, she kept looking for some sort of escape route, but the valley walls had turned into cliffs. Finally she came across a narrow trail that led up into a cave of some sort. She ran up the trail into the cave, but there was no escape�the cave was little more than an overhang and came to a dead-end about five feet into the cliff. At least, she thought, it was a defensible position from which to make her last stand.

Unslinging her bow and nocking an arrow, Solnara hid behind a bush and waited for the orcs to come around the bend in the trail. Hoping against hope that they would pass her by, Solnara watched them carefully, but there was no doubt they knew where she was. The chieftain of the orcs, an obscenely muscled giant standing nearly seven feet tall, gestured towards the bush she was hiding behind, sending his minions to get her. Solnara rose and fired an arrow as the first orc began climbing the trail to her hideout. It was a good shot, taking the orc in the right eye, killing him and throwing him backwards into his fellows. She hit a second orc in the neck and greenish blood from his severed artery sprayed into the air and onto his companions. Still the orcs kept coming. She hit a third right between the eyes, its thick skull preserving its life long enough for Solnara to bury a fatal arrow deeply into its chest. A fourth fell as well, and Solnara was out of arrows. Drawing her hunting knife, Solnara waited at the top of the trail for the orcs advancing on her. They came, a raging hoard forced to proceed single file due to the width of the trail. The first orc to reach her swung its massive club at her head. Solnara ducked the blow easily and slipped forward, into the orcs body. She plunged her knife into the orc's belly and ripped upwards, spilling bowels and intestine onto the path. The orc nearly collapsed on her, but she danced away from the falling body. Another orc advanced, stepping over his screaming companion and winding up for a backhand blow. Solnara ducked, flattening herself on the ground and the club whistled over her head. Expecting to make contact, the orc overbalanced and stumbled forward. Reaching behind its ankle with her knife, Solnara sliced its Achilles' tendon. The orc hopped into the air, screaming in pain and rage, clutching it's crippled leg. As it landed Solnara kicked the good leg out from under it, causing it to fall off the narrow trail. Scrabbling wildly for a handhold, the orc found only its comrades intestines. As it slipped off the trail and bounced down the cliff, Solnara rolled away and readied herself for her next attacker. She didn't have long to wait, as another orc came up the trail after her.

Perhaps having learned from its companions, this orc abandoned its heavy club and instead drew a wicked-looking dagger. It advanced steadily up the trail, never letting its guard down and forcing Solnara back until she reached the small landing outside the cave. Knowing she would be surrounded if she let the orcs reach the plateau, Solnara pressed the attack at the top of the trail, but the orc was too big for her, and slowly forced her back onto the landing. Two more orcs joined this one and Solnara found herself facing three enemies. She could see a dozen more coming up the trail and onto the landing, ready if their comrades should fail.

"Remember, Azkalar wants her ALIVE!" the chieftain bellowed from the edge of the landing. "If any of you kill her it will be the last thing you do!!"

The orcs paused momentarily, and Solnara took the advantage. She dove through the legs of the middle orc, rolled to her feet and thrust her knife under the chin and into the brain of an orc in the second row. Before they could react, she shifted her grip and, with a ferocious backhanded slash, severed the spine of the orc whose legs she had just rolled through. The remaining orcs recovered from their surprise and Solnara found herself surrounded by four of the foul-smelling beasts. Her head snapped forward as an orc behind her clubbed her with its massive fist. Stunned, she couldn't avoid a crushing blow to her belly, which doubled her over. Another orc pounded her on the back, and she fell to the ground, gasping for breath.

"You! Tie her!" the chieftain grumbled to one of his minions.

Solnara felt strong hands grabbing her arms, and the leather thong holding her braid was ripped off and wrapped tightly around her wrists. When her arms were secure behind her back, the chieftain rolled her over. Her blond hair, dirty and sweaty from her flight through the forest, framed the most beautiful face the chieftain had ever seen, a face that was covered in drops of greenish-red orcish blood and contorted with fury at her capture. Her eyes, the blue-green color of a tropical ocean, burned with rage.

"Release me now, or I swear you will pay," she fumed.

Recovering from his shock at seeing her stunning face and eyes for the first time, the orcish chieftain tilted his head back and laughed.

"You are in no position to make demands, little girl. You killed some of my finest warriors here." He glared at her and she was surprised at the intelligence she saw in his evil brown eyes. "I should kill you now, but my orders are to capture you and take you to my master. Alive. Now lets go." The chieftain turned his back on her and stormed off. One of his orcs made the unfortunate mistake of getting in his way on the trail. Without pause, the chieftain flung the offending obstacle out of his way and off the ledge. It screamed all the way down, until Solnara heard the wet thump of it's bloody landing.

After an orc tied a rope around her neck, Solnara was half pulled, half led down the trail by the makeshift leash. Vowing to escape she followed the chieftain into the woods.

The orcs marched north for the rest of the day. The leash around Solnara's neck chaffed horribly, especially since the orcs took great delight in dragging her through the forest undergrowth and yanking her off her feet. When it was finally time to make camp for the night, one of the orcs drove his spear deep into the ground and Solnara's leash was tied to it. The orc chieftain watched her as the other orcs got the camp ready, gathering logs to make a fire and laying out their meager bedrolls.

"You put up quite a fight today, my little elf-dog," the chieftain remarked as he approached her. "I wonder if you are that energetic when you fuck!"

Solnara merely glared at the chieftain, not deigning to respond.

"Lucky for me, Azkalar just wants you alive. He didn't mention in what condition." With one of his gigantic hands the chieftain grabbed her jerkin and ripped down. Solnara's breasts, large by elvish standards, spilled out into the cool evening air. Grabbing a breast with either hand the chieftain squeezed and toyed with her delicate mounds. As the other orcish warriors finished their camp tasks, they began to gather around to witness with elf's humiliation. The chieftain mauled Solnara's breasts a while longer, pinching and tweaking her nipples, hard now from the cool air and the attention being paid to them. As more of the orcs began watching, the chieftain ripped off Solnara's skirt and loincloth, leaving her naked save for the boots on her feet. With one meaty hand holding her leash so she couldn't squirm free, the chieftain slid his other hand down to her groin. Pulling the leash back to force her eyes to meet his, the chieftain brutally jammed one of his fingers up Solnara's pussy. His finger was about the size and length of an elven penis and Solnara's eyes flew open at the rough intruder.

"Hey, the dog-bitch likes it!" The chieftain screamed to his fellows. "She's as slippery as snot!"

Solnara was embarrassed beyond belief, but her pussy had indeed become slippery and wet and, as the orc plunged his finger in and out of her, she could feel her excitement rising, nearly as fast as her revulsion. However, her pleasure was short-lived as the chieftain thrust a second finger along side his first, stretching her pussy wider than it had ever been stretched before, and causing her to howl with pain.

"That's right elvish dog. Howl at the moon!" one of the nearby orcs grunted with approval, as it stroked its twitching cock.

Without warning, the chieftain yanked her leash to the side and then down, causing her to lose her balance and fall at his feet.

"On your knees bitch! Now, suck my cock!"

Solnara looked at the chieftain's breeches, but wasn't sure what to do, given that her hands were tied behind her back.

Slapping her face with one meaty hand the chieftain repeated his request. "Starting sucking bitch! Now!"

Tentatively Solnara began licking up and down his breeches. She could smell and taste the orcish sweat that permeated the leather.

Another brutal slap sent her sprawling. "Not just my pants, lick my dick elf-dog." Solnara struggled to her knees. "Get going!" the chieftain roared. Solnara grabbed the drawstring of his breeches with her teeth and pulled hard, untying the knot. "That's it. See boys, like any good dog she can be trained!"

The gathered orc warriors guffawed at Solnara's humiliation.

Even though the knot had been untied, the breeches were tight enough that they didn't fall down. Burying her head in the chieftain's crotch she began tugging at the stiff leather until, finally, she was hit in the nose by the large, sickly green club of the chieftain's dick. A large glob of precum on the tip stuck to her face as she jerked away in surprise, falling onto her back.

The orcs howled with amusement at her plight as the chieftain yanked her back towards his dick. "I said suck it, not fall over stupid bitch! Now get going!"

Solnara eyed his dick with serious misgivings. It was massive, bigger than her forearm and the bulbous head was bigger than her fist. She didn't have much time to think though, as the chieftain grabbed her head with both hands and thrust his dick at her lips. She refused to open her mouth, and his dick smeared precum all over her lips, nose and cheeks as the chieftain howled with rage. Pressing his thumbs into the base of her jaw, the chieftain forced her mouth open. This time when he thrust forward he buried his dick between her ruby red lips. Her mouth stretched as wide as it could to accommodate the massive invader and her cheeks bulged out as the head forced its way in. The chieftain withdrew a few inches, giving Solnara a moment of hope, but her hope was quickly replaced with his dick ramming down her throat. Solnara wasn't a virgin, but elves were not known for their deep-throating ability and she was no exception. The massive invader plunging down her throat caused her to gag. If she had had any food over the last few days she surely would have thrown up, but as it was she just retched uncontrollably as the chieftain rammed his dick in and out of her throat.

"Oh Gruumsh!" the chieftain grunted, invoking the name of the chief orcish god. "Her throat is magical!"

As the chieftain brutalized her mouth and throat Solnara slowly managed to control the worst of her gagging, which was now being replaced by an acute awareness of the dick invading her throat. She could feel the massive head stretching her neck as it plunged in. The veins and boils on the shaft felt like massive ridges and lumps sliding up and down her throat and his balls slapped wetly against her chin on each thrust. The chieftain's cock was so large that she couldn't breathe around it, and he was holding her so tightly that she couldn't pull away, even to get a gasp of air. As the chieftain continued to fuck her mouth she began to see stars and the edge of her vision started going dark. Then she felt the cock in her swell even further and she felt a strange warmth flooding her stomach. She was dimly aware of the chieftain groaning with pleasure, but it wasn't until he began pulling his still-cumming cock out of her that she truly understood what was happening. As the head of the massive cock withdrew from her mouth it shuddered and a huge, gelatinous glob of cum poured into her open lips. Solnara was more concerned with her newly regained ability to breathe though, and let the cum spill from her mouth, covering her chin and dripping in thick rivulets over her breasts. Shot after shot of cum continued to spurt from the orc chieftain's dick into her drooling mouth, quickly filling it, before spilling over her chest. The chieftain released the hold he had on her leash, and Solnara fell back, coughing and gasping for breath. A few last jets of cum showered her chest and abdomen, before the chieftain's orgasm subsided to the point where there were only a few drops dribbling onto her stomach.

"Damn, bitch! You suck a mighty fine cock, especially for an elvish whore!" the chieftain remarked, stroking his twitching dick. "I wonder if you fuck as good as you suck!"

"No, please. No more." Solnara gasped through cum-covered lips.

"Get over here then and beg me."

"Please sir," Solnara struggled to her knees and approached the chieftain as cum dripped down her body. "I don't think that I can take anymore."

"Hey, we're just getting started."

"No, please. I'm begging you sir. Don't do this."

"I don't think you're begging enough, bitch. Look at my cock�it's still messy. Clean it off!"

Solnara reached up with her tongue, and began bathing the orc's cock, licking up stray droplets of cum.

"Hey bitch, get my balls too! They're a little messy I think."

With his semi-erect cock resting on her cheek Solnara reached underneath with her long tongue and began licking the chieftain's balls. They were enormous, hairy things, sweaty with the day's march, and they tasted terrible. But still she licked and sucked, hoping to please the orc.

"Damn. You elvish dog! That feels pretty fucking good. I think you've gotten me ready for more!"

"No, please, you promised!"

"I didn't promise anything. And who are you to question my decisions anyway?" With one massive hand, he slapped Solnara and sent her sprawling on her back. Dazed from the blow, Solnara was helpless as the orc dropped to his knees between her thighs, forcing them apart. With dawning horror she looked at the massive cock that the chieftain was rubbing up and down her pussy.

"She's soaking boys! I think she really likes this! Don't you dog?"

"No, please don't!" Solnara screamed to no avail.

"Beg for it bitch!" the orc leered from between her legs.

"No! I won't!"

With one big hand the chieftain reached for her nipples and pinched hard.

"Aieeeee!" she screamed in pain.

"Beg for my dick!"

"No! Aaaaaaaaa!" The chieftain grabbed her other nipple and pinched them both as hard as he could.

"Beg for it!"

"Never!" Tears sprang from her blue-green eyes, but her resolve held.

Gripping her big tits with both hands the chieftain twisted and pulled with all his might.

"Beg me to stick my long, hard dick up your little elvish pussy you whore!" With that the chieftain leaned over her and bit one of her nipples as hard as he could.

"NO!! Please, stop! Alright, I'm asking you to fuck me."

"Don't ask me, beg me! Beg for it!" the chieftain growled through his clenched teeth. "Now!" with that the orc again bit down hard on her nipple sending shooting pain throughout Solnara's body.

"Ok, please, I'm begging you sir, fuck me. Stick that big orc cock in my tight elvish pussy!"

"I don't know if you really mean it!" The chieftain bit hard again, and Solnara could feel blood trickling down her side.

"Sir, you have the only cock in the world that I want to fuck, and I want it now. Please stick it up me. Use me. Fuck me. Fuck your elvish whore!!!"

"OK, you sound like you mean it." With that the chieftain pushed his dick forward, into Solnara's wet pussy. Nothing half as big had ever been in her before, and she could feel her lips stretching as wide as they could to accept the massive intruder. As inch after inch slid into her, Solnara could never remember feeling so full�or so much pleasure. She hated to admit it, but this massive cock felt amazing. Her pussy was stretched open so far that her clit was rubbing against the shaft of the orc's dick. Each vein and bulge that slid into her tickled her clit, and sent waves of pleasure throughout her body. Finally she felt the chieftain's dick hit bone at the end of her pussy and stop, lodged as deeply in her as he could get. Looking down between her legs Solnara could see five or six inches of the chieftain's dick still protruding from her wildly distended pussy.

"Please sir, that's all I can take!"

Solnara watched as the chieftain pulled nearly a foot of his grotesque, orcish dick out of her, glistening with her juices. Then he savagely rammed it back into her, again bottoming out with five inches of dick left.

"That's as far as it will go sir, please it�aieeee�hurts!" Solnara wailed as the chieftain ground his dick into the end of her pussy.

"Damned elvish pussies!" he roared. "They're so fucking wet and tight, but they can never take an orc all the way!" It didn't seem to stop him from trying though, as he thrust hard and deep into Solnara.

"Ooooo�Hanali!" she screamed in a mixture of pain and pleasure. "Please save me!"

"Your elvish gods will not help you now! You had best pray to ME, elf-dog!" the chieftain screamed, brutally thrusting into her again.

As the chieftain continued brutally fucking her, a warmth began spreading through her body, starting with her clit and radiating outward. She couldn't believe it, but she could feel an orgasm approaching. Each of the orc's thrusts caused the ridges and veins on his shaft to rub across her engorged clit and she knew she was going to climax soon.

"Oh Hanali, yes! That feels so good!" She screamed as the tingling in her clit increased. "Fuck me!"

Solnara looked into the orc chieftain's face and saw him grinning in satisfaction, as she began to writhe in the throes of an orgasm. She could feel her juices pouring out of her, and could hear the squelching sound of the dick slamming in and out of her sloppy, wet pussy. As the feelings of intense pleasure consumed her, she lost touch with reality for a moment. She didn't notice the chieftain withdrawing his cock from her pussy and positioning it at the entrance to her butt. Solnara's orgasm was still wracking her body as the head of the chieftain's dick entered her with an audible pop.

"Aaaaaahhhhhhhh!" she screamed incoherently at the incredibly intense mixture of pleasure and pain. As the chieftain slid more of his dick up her ass the feeling of fullness caused Solnara's orgasm to gain strength and she thrashed back and forth on the cock skewering her behind. Her pussy, still gaping open from the recent intruder, spasmed continuously, and a small stream of her cum trickled out, dribbling over the chieftain's dick, which he was now thrusting vigorously in and out of her ass.

"My god! She can take my whole dick up her ass!" the orc chieftain screamed in pleasure and amazement. "This is unbelievable!"

Without looking, Solnara knew that he was right. When he thrust forward, Solnara could feel his pelvic bone smashing into her pussy and clit and his balls slapping against her ass. The feeling of this massive cock up her was amazing�she had never felt so full. She realized that a part of her was enjoying this massive cock and the humiliation of being used in front of the orc raiders.

The chieftain continued thrusting deeply into her ass, and Solnara could feel the beginnings of another orgasm. She shook with pleasure as her ass was stretched and reamed thoroughly. As her orgasm swept over her, her muscles clenched and spasmed uncontrollably, causing the chieftain to begin cumming deep inside her bowels. She could feel the hot jets of his orcish sperm coating her insides and filling her with his cum. Each time he pushed inside her, Solnara could feel her butt gape open as cum, displaced by his enormous dick, was forced out of her, flowing stickily down her ass and pooling on the ground beneath her.

Finally the chieftain pulled out of her abused hole and, exhausted, stumbled over to her face.

"Clean it!" he said, shoving his dick roughly at her mouth.

Repulsed by her own filth coating the shaft, Solnara knew better than to refuse. Meekly, she began tonguing the huge dick, tasting the salty, bitter mixture of orcish cum and elvish gunk. Growing impatient with her tentative ministrations, the chieftain grabbed her head and roughly forced his cock into her mouth and back and forth across her lips. When she had cleaning him to his satisfaction, the chieftain pulled his dick from her mouth. Collapsing onto the ground, Solnara was relieved that her torment for the night was done. Her body was sore all over, and she could feel small puffs of air blowing up her gaping asshole as cum continued to dribble out.

"Well guys, enjoy," the chieftain muttered as he walked away.

As the twenty orc raiders closed in on her, Solnara realized her night wasn't close to being over. Next 1