Now on to the story...

In President Rufus' meeting room at Shinra Headquarters...

"So, Hojo, how is our little friend coming along?" Rufus looked at Hojo, the bulb-headed Shinra scientist.

"As a specimen, she is inferior to her mother...." Hojo trailed off, lost in thought.

Rufus tapped his foot impatiently. "How long will this research take? I can't wait to get my hands on all that mako energy!"

Hojo looked thoughtfully for a while. "It will take a LONG time. The research won't be finished in our lifetime, nor the lifetime of the specimen. "I must breed her with an animal with greater longevity in order to carry on this research." Before Rufus could complain, Hojo walked out of the meeting room.

On the 68th floor of Shinra Headquarters, in Hojo's Laboratory...

"Let me out of here, you bulb-headed geek!" Aeris banged her fists against the polycarbonate panels of the observation tank as Hojo walked up to it. "I mean it, you jerk! My friends are going to come in here and then you'll be sorry!" Aeris went on and on, but Hojo just stood outside looking at her thoughtfully. "Who should I breed her with?" thought Hojo.

"Ah Ha!" exclaimed Hojo, showing an uncommon display of emotion. He clapped his hands as he walked to the control panel for the observation tank. "This should make one hell of a show," he grinned to himself. Activating one of the cameras in a storage cell under the laboratory, Hojo looked at the specimen known as Red XIII, a large dog-like creature with fiery red fur, who was pacing around in his cell. "This type of creature is known to live for hundreds of years...and they're quite powerful, magically and physically. He should implant a rather good specimen for future experiments into this Cetra girl," thought Hojo to himself. "Now for a bit of this drug, and the show will be about ready to begin!" Hojo used his controls to make a robot arm in Red XIII's cell inject a strong sexual stimulant into Red XIII, and the effects of the drug immediately began to manifest itself. Red XIII's large penis unsheathed itself and started growing longer and hardening at an astonishing rate. Red XIII's eyes dilated and his breathing became heavy and rapid. Hojo clapped his hands together with glee and tapped into his controls the last commands that would place Red XIII into the observation tank along with Aeris.

In the observation tank...

Aeris had stopped causing a commotion a while ago and was now sobbing quietly in the observation tank. Suddenly, the center of the observation tank began to descend and a noisy mechanical whirl, and Aeris ran over and peeked down. By then, the small silver circle had gone so far down into the blackness that she couldn't see a thing. The mechanical whirl stopped for a minute, then started again, and Aeris made a rather unpleasent realization. The center of the tank was an elevator and Hojo was bringing up something from the depths of his lab into the observation tank!

"Shit!" Aeris said to herself. Aeris backed up against the polycarbonate wall of the observation tank and readied herself for battle as soon as the heavy breathing of Red XIII reached her ears. Finally, the fiery red beast came into view and immediately stalked toward Aeris, baring his teeth. Trembling with fear, Aeris aimed a tentative and ineffectual kick at him, while he laughed at her. When he was within a couple feet from her, however, Aeris' manner changed and she landed a solid punch to the side of Red XIII's muzzle and danced out of range.

Unpleasantly surprised, Red XIII growled and started after her again. This time he would not be tricked.

Back at Hojo's control panel...

"So, the Cetra is putting up a fight..." smiled Hojo. "This should be somewhat interesting..."

Back in the observation tank...

"Jesus Christ! Get the hell away from me you drooling bastard!" yelled Aeris as she tried to land a few more blows at the fierce red mutt. Red XIII was starting to get annoyed; the girl was putting up a tougher fight than he was used to, and he was eager to mate...

Back at Hojo's control panel...

Hojo was getting worried and annoyed. He was afraid the drug in Red XIII was going to wear off before he got to mate her, and this was taking a lot longer than he had expected.

"Sorry've fought real hard to keep your virginity, but your time's up..." grinned Hojo to himself as he took a cannister of synthetic phermones and stuck it into a port on the side of the observation tank. Back at his control panel, Hojo hit a series of buttons and the tank began to fill up with the contents of the cannister...

In the observation tank...

The effect of the phermones on Aeris was immediate and effective. Aeris was used to feelings of lust once in a while, but had never experienced a state of arousal this intense. It was so bad it clouded her senses and she forgot about the dog entirely as she reached frantically between her legs to fondle her slit, which was soaking wet. Red XIII was even more eager to mate than before and his large penis dripped a generous amount of precum as he walked towards the beautiful two-legged girl, who was finally ready to be fucked.

Aeris couldn't understand what was happening to her. Her skin felt hot and was super-sensitive and soon Aeris couldn't stand it anymore. She threw the iron braclets off her wrists, tore off her jacket, then ripped her pink dress off. Red XIII, who was now at her side, helped her out by tearing off her bra with his teeth while Aeris frantically took off her panties and began rubbing herself again.

Red XIII began licking off the sweat that was beading up on Aeris' young pert breasts as Aeris' first orgasm raced through her body and left her lying on the ground with her eyes closed, desperately trying to catch her breath. "Oohn...God...that feel so good..." moaned Aeris as her nipples were attacked lustfully by Red XIII's long tongue. Opening her eyes, Aeris met Red XIII's gaze and shuddered. She began to crawl backwards on her elbows, but suddenly Red XIII lowered his head and dug his long tongue deep into her pussy and moved it rapidly, licking up her delicious virgin juices.

"Oh God...I can't stand it....ungggg...." moaned Aeris at the intense pleasure as she grabbed Red XIII's head and shoved it harder into her soaking crotch and closed her long pale shapely legs around his head, keeping him there. Soon another orgasm ripped through Aeris' body and she lay panting on the ground again. Red XII positioned himself over her body and stuck his tongue into her open mouth. Helpless in her passion, Aeris kissed him back passionately. Red XIII was the first to end the kiss as he began licking her sensitive earlobes and her white slender neck. He nipped her gently on the neck and felt a surge in his groin as he heard her moan in need. Moving his mouth close to her ear, he whispered, "Get on your hands and knees and spread your legs." Out of her mind with need, Aeris complied immediately. Red XIII got behind her and pried her cunt lips open with his front paws. He blew into her, eliciting another passionate moan from her, then gave her a hard lick.

"Stop teasing me...I need you in there....pleeasse...." moaned Aeris, moving her hips backward. Red XIII couldn't wait anymore. He put his front paws onto her shoulders and slowly pushed his long hard cock into her tight virgin pussy. His cock met her hymen and he pulled out so that only the tip of his cock was inside her, then shoved his hips foward, plunging all the way inside her. He began humping her, faster and faster, the tight wetness of her virgin tunnel exciting him as he had never been excited before. Aeris met his thrusts, pushing her hips into his as he thrust forward. The sounds of their lovemaking filled the observation tank; her squeals and moan, his pants and grunts, and the wet sucking sounds from their fucking. Aeris came first, her pussy grabbing Red's cock as she cried out in pleasure. Red's orgasm came soon after, and he began shooting his sperm deep inside Aeris' unprotected womb. This spurting sensation deep inside her made her come again, and her pussy milked every drop of cum it could from Red's cock, which was still buried deep inside her as they both collapsed to the floor.

Back with Hojo...

Hojo came too. This live fuck show was better than anything he had ever seen before. "Damn," he thought. "I can't wait to see them do it again..." He decided to leave them together inside the observation tank.

"Hmmm..." thought Hojo. "The Cetra girl isn't pregnant..." Hojo was reading the results of a pregnancy test the computer had performed on Aeris while she and Red XIII were sleeping. "Well, that's not much of a problem." Taking another canister of synthetic pheromones from a cabinet in his lab, he walked over to the side of the observation tank, removed the spent canister, and stuck in the new one. "Maybe I should video tape this one..." thought Hojo, grinning to himself, then deciding instantly that he should do so. Walking over to the camera hanging near the ceiling of his lab, he checked to make sure there was still lots of time left on the video cassette, then resumed his position at his control panel. Hojo spent a few minutes messing with his other specimens, feeding them, administering drugs, and taking bio-samples, then returned his attention to Aeris and Red XIII inside the observation tank.

"I wonder if I should inject Red XIII with someone that increases his sperm count...the sooner Aeris gets pregnant, the sooner I can mate with her..." he mused, remembering Ifalna............

Hojo flashes back to about twenty years ago, in the Icicle Village...

"I think this is the building," said Hojo, the new twenty-five year old Shinra head scientist, who had been promoted after the disappearance of Professor Gast. "It's rumored that the Ancient, Ifalna, is living with him and that they've just produced a female offspring." The two Shinra soldiers accompanying him nodded.

Standing outside the door to the cute little house, Hojo gave the two soldiers one last set of instructions. "Remember, I NEED the baby and the Ancient for the Jenova project, so they must not be harmed. As for Professor Gast, make sure he doesn't do anything rash while we take his wife and child away...I'd prefer him alive, I may want to perform some experiments on him as well. If I give the order over the radio to kill Gast, however, do so in as silent a way as in...don't shoot him. I want his wife to believe he is still alive." Without waiting for a reply, Hojo started banging on the door.

Inside the home of Professor Gast and Ifalna...

"Grrrr...who could it be at this hour, spoiling our private time," grumbled Professor Gast and he broke away from his embrace with his wife, Ifalna. "I was just about to..."

Ifalna gave him a smile. "We can still do that, honey. I'll get rid of them." Walking over to the door, Ifalna looked out through the peep-hole. Suddenly she stumbled back from the doorway. Frantically grabbing Professor Gast's arm, she whispered, "It's them!"

Just then, the door flew open. Hojo, flanked by the two Shinra soldiers, walked in and gave the happy couple a smile. "Ah! So this is the Ancient! Or perhaps, I should say, the Cetra!"

Ifalna began crying. Hojo laughed. Shifting his gaze to the angry Professor Gast, he gave him a smile too. Professor Gast glared back at him. "How did you find us?" he asked, hands balled into fists.

Hojo laughed. "Oh, Professor Gast, if only you knew, it took me two whole years to track you two down, but now, I finally have my specimens."

Professor Gast gave him another venomous glare. "You can't mean Ifalna and Aeris."

Hojo smiled. "Sure I can! Why else would I spend two years looking for them?"

Ifalna knelt in front of Hojo. "Please, it's only me you want, isn't it?"

Hojo thought for a while, then shook his head. "Actually, I need all of you for my experiment." Turning to the Shinra soldiers, he gestured towards Professor Gast and Ifalna. "One of you blow that stupid camera away, then get them."

One of the soldiers took careful aim at Professor Gast's camera and shattered the lens with one shot. At the sound, the second soldier, who was a rookie, jumped, and Professor Gast charged at him, trying to grab hold of his rifle.

Hojo gave a yell. "Professor Gast! Stop! What do you think you're doing!" The first Shinra soldier quickly took careful aim and shot Professor Gast in the torso, dropping him heavily to the ground. Ifalna screamed and knelt by him, but the second soldier wrenched her up by the arm and pulled her towards the doorway.

Ifalna began sobbing uncontrollably. "Oh God...honey......." her whole slender body shook with grief as tears streamed down her beautiful face.

Hojo sighed, then walked over to Ifalna and put his arm on her shoulder. "He's not dead yet, Cetra...perhaps I can heal him, if you do as I say."

Unable to speak through her tears, Ifalna nodded. Hojo looked away from her and pointed at the first soldier, then at the door to the bedroom. The soldier nodded, walking in to the bedroom and returning soon after with the sleeping baby in his arms.

After the two soldiers had left, Hojo spied a stack of video tapes near an odd machine. Picking some up, he read off the titles..."Weapon, the Promised Land...the Cetra..." Hojo clapped his hands together with glee. "Thank you, Professor Gast. Thank you very much..."

A few days later in the laboratory of Professor Hojo...

Ifalna lay on a bed near the wall of the laboratory, clad only a slightly translucent hospital type gown and nothing else. She was tired...tired from the torturous experiments, tired from crying, tired from loss of blood after Hojo had been filling test tube after test tube with her blood for the past few days. The only thing keeping her going was the hope that Hojo might save Professor Gast's life. For that, she was willing to endure anything...

Across the laboratory from where Ifalna was sleeping, Hojo was examining the infant girl behind a curtain. Physically, she seemed fine. Even with the complex instruments in his laboratory, he was unable to determine whether Ifalna or this baby Aeris was the better specimen. He was sure Ifalna was more powerful due to the fact she was a complete Ancient, while the baby was only half-Cetra. However, Ifalna's body was weakening somewhat, while Aeris' body was healthy and since she was a baby, she had an extra twenty or so years to be used for experiments. Suddenly, an idea struck him. If Gast could produce a Cetra child with her, so could he! Hojo pondered this new idea for a few minutes, while absentmindedly stroking the baby's silky light brown hair. "I can't just rape her...she might be able to force a miscarriage or something...but if I could make her believe...yes! That's it! I can make her think I'm Gast, and then she'll happily carry the baby and give birth to it. Perhaps I could even make two babies, one with Jenova cells and one without....yes. This will be a great experiment! My brains, Ifalna's Cetra powers, and the Mako power of Jenova cells!"

Professor Hojo quickly walked to the side of Ifalna's bed. "Cetra," he said. Ifalna turned to look at him with her beautiful green eyes. "I think Professor Gast is well enough to see you now. Let me take you to a bedroom, so the two of you can be more comfortable."

Ifalna beamed a beautiful smile at him, full of trust, happiness, and gratitude. Quickly getting up, she smiled again at him. "Well? Lead the way!"

Hojo grinned to himself. "Oh...yeaaaaaaaaaahhhh...."

In a bedroom on the 68th floor of Shinra headquarters...

Hojo smiled at Ifalna as she sat down on the bed. Opening a cabinet, he took a small glass of clear liquid out and handed it to her. "I'll go get Professor Gast, and while I'm gone, I'd like for you to drink this. It's just an electrolyte'll give you more energy and increase your blood volume..." said Hojo. " your clit, that is..." he added silently to himself, grinning.

Ifalna shrugged. "I can drink it all now," she said, doing so and handing the empty glass back to Hojo.

Hojo walked out of the room wearing a great, big smile.

In a small room near the bedroom...

Hojo grinned. "That drug will dull her senses and cause slight hallucinations. Now with a little help," grinned Hojo, putting on a fake mustache like Gast's and pulling some bangs over to cover his bulging forehead, "Ifalna should have no trouble mistaking me for her hubby. Helps that the drug will make her horny as a lion in heat as well, too." cackled Hojo, pleased to death with himself for coming up with this great plan. "Now for that bullet scar," he grinned, making himself more and more like Professor Gast...

Back in the bedroom...

"Ung...oh....mmmmmmm...." moaned Ifalna as she fondled her erect nipples through her gown. The drug had taken full effect on her and she was nearly out of her mind with need, so when the door opened and Hojo, disguised as the late Professor Gast, stepped through, she vaulted out of the bed and pressed herself against him. "Oh god, honey...I've missed you SoOOOOOooooO...much...." cried Ifalna as tears of happiness streamed down her face.

Hojo tenderly stroked her hair and soft cheek. "I've missed you too, my dear. There wasn't a single day that I didn't dream of being with you again."

Ifalna lifted her angelic face to him and smiled. "I love you too, honey. Now...will you love me?" She playfully began to unfasten the buttons on Hojo's lab coat.

Hojo smiled back at her, then gave her a peck on the lips. "Of course I will, my dear," he said, shrugging out of his lab coat and unbuckling his belt.

Soon, Hojo was completely naked, with his small five-inch cock rapidly hardening in the cold air-conditioned bedroom. Ifalna knelt on the ground, love pouring out of her beautiful green eyes.

Hojo smiled down at her, then positioned his cock in front of her face.

Ifalna looked confused. "Uh...honey...what do you want me to do?"

"Holy shit've never even gotten a blow-job off of this hot bitch? I knew you were a nerd to the core but I didn't imagine that you were such a fucking unimaginative loser!" Hojo thought quickly. "Uh, my dear, just give it a kiss." he said.

Ifalna smiled again, then put her small wet lips to the purple tip of his cock and kissed it. She then stood up and took Hojo by the hands and led him over to the bed, gently pushing him down onto the bed so he lay on his back. Ifalna gave him a wet kiss on the lips and fingered the fake puckered bullet scar on Hojo's pasty chest. "Oh were so brave," she cooed. "You might still be hurt, so I don't want you to over-exert yourself." She beamed another loving smile at Hojo as she raised one slender shapely leg over him and positioned her beautiful hairless pussy over his cock. Hojo smiled back at her, then choked as she slowly enveloped his cock inside the warm folds of her tight cunt.

Ifalna moaned loudly. "Oh god, feel so big!"

"No wonder she's still so tight....Gast had an even smaller cock than mine..." Hojo reached under her gown, which was bunched up around her waist, and began to fondle Ifalna's pert breasts and erect nipples.

Ifalna closed her eyes and began fucking Hojo slowly and tenderly as she leaned forward and pressed her breasts into Hojo's hands. "Oh honey...I missed you....I" she moaned out as she rode his cock, her sweet juices running down into Hojo's pubic hair.

Hojo's hands had become bored with Ifalna's breasts and they began roving all over her body, stroking her soft brown hair, caressing her face, and cupping her small, firm ass as she humped him. Hojo began stroking the inside of Ifalna's creamy white thighs and he played with her erect clit as she cried out in ecstasy. Ifalna began humping him faster and faster until she came with a cry of pleasure, soaking his penis with her sweet honey and milking his cock with her throbbing pussy. She pressed her hips down hard, shoving Hojo's cock as deep into her pussy as she could as Hojo groaned loudly and began cumming deep inside Ifalna's young fertile womb, filling her with his cream.

"Oh god honey, that was wonderful...I love you........" whimpered Ifalna as she slumped exhausted onto Hojo's sweaty chest and gave him a long, wet kiss.

Hojo returned the kiss as he tenderly caressed the smooth flawless skin on Ifalna's back, smearing the thin layer of sweat on her back. The two of them held each other for a long time, savoring the feeling of closeness and warmth.

After Ifalna had fallen asleep, a dreamy smile on her angelic face, Hojo gently turned her over, slipped his limp prick out of her pussy, then quietly put his clothes on. Taking one last look at the beautiful form of Ifalna's sleeping body, Hojo left the room and quietly closed the door behind him.

Present time, in Hojo's laboratory...

"Damn, she was so good....up until I injected those Jenova cells into our baby." Hojo growled in anger at the memory. "She had told Gast, on fucking tape, that Jenova cells were lethal to members of the Cetra, but I didn't fucking see that particular video yet..." Hojo sighed. "She knew then that her husband was dead and that I was tricking her...a few days later, she escaped with her little daughter." Just then, Hojo's computer chirped, snapping Hojo back into the present. Smiling as the computer informed him that Red XIII and Aeris were waking up, he rubbed his hands together. Depressing a few buttons on his control panel, Hojo again filled the observation tank with powerful synthetic pheromones and this time, added a fertility enhancer as well, increasing the Red XIII's sperm production. "If this doesn't do it, I'll eat my shoes," cackled Hojo.

Inside the observation tank...

Red XIII snapped completely awake when the drugs in the air made his cock harden so fast it nearly blasted off. Aeris awoke rather quickly as well once the drugs had brought her, in a matter of seconds, to a nearly unbearable level of arousal.

Aeris looked up and saw Red XIII staring lustfully at her, dripping precum from his huge erect cock. Desperate to get fucked, Aeris leaned back on the wall of the observation tank and spread her shapely young thighs.

Red XIII couldn't refuse the invitation. Aeris' pussy juice was nearly pouring out of her vagina, and Red XIII quickly stuck his head between Aeris' legs, licked up her honey, then crammed his long rough tongue as far as he could into her moist twat. Aeris moaned and reflexively closed her thighs around his head, holding him there as he fucked her with his tongue. Aeris cried out when she came and the surge of new wetness inside her pussy nearly made Red XIII come.

Not wanting to waste any of his sperm, Red XIII quickly put his front paws on the wall, each under Aeris' armpits, then thrust his huge cock deep inside her moist depths.

Aeris moaned loudly and she wrapped her long legs around Red XIII's haunch and buried her small slender hands in his mane, crying out as Red XIII licked and sucked on her nipples.

Red XIII's powerful thrusts quickly made both of them climax, and Red XIII howled as he shot load after load of sperm deep inside Aeris' tight twat.

Both of them lay sweaty and breathless on the bottom of the observation tank, completely sated yet hungry for more.

"Oh god, that was wonderful," moaned Aeris after a while, then gasped in surprise when she felt Red XIII's cock, which had softened after his climax, harden again, growing inside her. "Ung....huh.......I need you," moaned Aeris, desperate for another hard fuck from the canine. Aeris wrapped her slender arms around Red XIII's neck and pressed her mouth to his.

Red XIII opened his mouth and stuck his long tongue between Aeris' red lips and into her sweet mouth, savoring the taste. Aeris licked his tongue, then sucked on it, giving Red XIII's tongue the equivalent of a blowjob, while Red XIII started thrusting his large cock into her dripping pussy again, pumping violently.

Aeris' pussy was still extremely sensitive from her last orgasm, so she came extremely fast, her whole body trembling from the ecstasy, while the pulsing of her warm pussy inflamed Red XIII's lust even more and he thrust faster and faster into her tight tunnel of love, while she came again and again, constantly pumping Red XIII's rock hard spear. Finally, Red XIII roared, sending another huge load of sperm into Aeris' womb as she cried out and ran her fingers through his fur, purring in contentment after her last orgasm had subsided.

Red XIII wasn't done yet, however. Still hungry for more from the beautiful young girl, Red XIII used his front paws to turn her over, then pulled her hips up so her ass stuck up into the air. He crawled under her, then spread her legs more and more until her hips were low enough for Red's still erect cock to gently brush the lips of Aeris' pussy.

"Ohhungngn......." moaned Aeris when she felt Red XIII's cock about to enter her pussy. "I'm tired...." she groaned, spreading her knees all the way, letting Red XIII's cock to sink all the way into her. She embraced Red XIII tightly, putting her slender arms around his shoulders, then slowly raised and lowered her hips, making tender love to the canine beast.

The two lovers made tender love for a long, long time, until Red XIII finally exploded again deep inside the girl's fertile womb. Aeris was too tired to come, so after she felt Red XIII shoot off inside her, she collapsed onto his warm furry body and fell into a deep sleep.

Red XIII fell sleep soon after.

Back with Hojo and his versatile control panel...

"Damn, that was some kick-ass footage," gloated Hojo. He pulled the tapes from the various cameras he had trained on the observation tank and made back-ups, then labeled them all. He tapped a few buttons, and a wet soapy mist enveloped the two sleeping lovers inside the tank, cleaning them of the sweat and cum from their blissfully exciting exercises, and Hojo was done with his work for the day.

The next morning in Hojo's laboratory...

"YES!" shouted Hojo, when he read the computer's results for Aeris' pregnancy test. "She's pregnant! Now I can fuck her as much as I want and not have to worry about getting the wrong kind of research specimen!" Hojo cackled evilly. "I'll just blackmail her like crazy with those tapes...I can threaten to sell them...and I'm sure she'll do whatever I want...." Hojo sighed in contentment. "That's gotta be the best hardcore porno movie anyone in the world's ever seen...a dog breaking in a beautiful innocent young Cetra....I'm sure I'd make a fortune....but fucking her is gonna be a hell of a lot better...if she's even half as good as Ifalna..."

Hojo nearly drooled at the thought of fucking the beautiful young girl sleeping in his observation tank.  Punching commands into his control panel, Hojo mumbled to himself.  "I can get rid of that mutt more use for him.  His offspring with the Cetra girl will surely surpass him and her in all aspects of being."  As Hojo continued to push buttons on his control panel, the metal floor of the observation tank, which was actually a high-tech elevator, began descending into the bowels of Hojo's laboratory, into the holding cells where his specimens were kept.  A small robot pushed the sleeping Red XIII off of the platform and into a holding cell, while the elevator began to ascend back up to the top level where the observation tank was.

In the holding cell with Red XIII...

Red XIII was just coming awake, when he noticed he wasn't with Aeris.  "What the..."  Crouching motionlessly his holding cell, Red XIII narrowed his eyes and looked out of the bars of his cage...

At Hojo's control panel...

"Time to finish off this mutt.  I won't be needing him anymore after the Cetra gives birth to their baby," said Hojo, tapping a few keys into his control panel, then smiled and walked towards the observation tank...

In the observation tank...

  " head."  Aeris knelt on the ground with her eyes closed and reached out with one delicate hand for the comforting warm presence of Red XIII, but he wasn't there.  "Huh?" grumbled Aeris, opening her eyes groggily.  "Where is he?" she mumbled, to no one in particular.

  Hojo laughed.  "I don't think you'll be seeing your dear research specimen ever again, but if it's sexual intercourse you want, I'd be happy to indulge your desires..."

In the holding cell...

"whirrrrr,   crank.....whirrrrrr"  Red XIII was still a bit groggy from whatever drug he'd been given after the most recent mating frenzy with the beautiful two-legged girl.  Red XIII was barely aware that the door to his holding cell was opening and that a robot arm was coming in, holding something in its hand.  He snapped fully awake, however, when the needle pierced his right shoulder.  Jerking back from the pain, the needle slipped out just before the robot depressed the syringe, squirting a bunch of clear liquid onto the floor of the holding cell.  Some of the liquid on the needle had gotten into his blood, however, and Red XIII immediately began to feel drowsy and numb again.

Shaking his head to clear it, Red XIII growled angrily to himself, "If just a tiny amount of that stuff was enough to make me so drowsy, Hojo must mean to kill me with a dose of that size."  Snarling, he attacked the robot arm, ripping the hand off, then charged out of the holding cell in a flash of red fur.

In front of Shinra Headquarters...

Barret was still seething from their failed attempt to stop the Turks from crushing the Sector 7 slums and was ready to bust into Shinra Headquarters and kill them all.  However, his knowledge that Aeris has saved his daughter by sacrificing herself was enough to make him determined to save her, at the expense of having to defer to Cloud.

"I wanna bust in through the front door, but you're the Ex-SOLDIER and you probably have a better plan.  What should we do?"

Cloud glanced at Tifa.  "I think her idea is better.  We'd have a better chance if we go up the stairway to the 59th floor.  If we go in the front and try to use the elevator, the main control room can stop the elevator and send us to a floor full of SOLDIERs."  Cloud grunted.  "I've actually seen it happen once.  A couple years ago, about fifteen intruders stormed into the Headquarters and went in the elevator.  The Controllers stopped the elevator at one of the SOLDIER training floors and the SOLDIER's slaughtered all of them so badly that we needed plastic bags to clean up their remains.

Even Barret paled at that.  "Fucking Shinra," he muttered.

"The stairs it is," mumbled Tifa, weakly.

In Hojo's Laboratory...

Aeris was just coming around when Hojo gassed the observation tank with the artificial phermones again.  Hojo could see Aeris immediately blush in heat and one hand quickly snaked in between her legs as the other began fondling her pert breasts and erect nipples.  Smiling in anticipation, Hojo unzipped his pants, pulled out his cock, and stepped into the tank.

Aeris, in her desperately aroused state, was immediately drawn to Hojo's small penis, hanging half-erect out of Hojo's pants.  She crawled over to him and enveloped it inside her small warm mouth, drawing a breathless moan from Hojo as his penis nearly snapped erect, it swelled so fast.

"Oh sweet Jesus that's good!" yelled Hojo as Aeris continued to suck on his penis, tickling the underside with her tongue.  It wasn't long before Hojo moaned and roughly pressed her head into his pubic hair as he blasted his cum down her throat.  Aeris, hungry for more, smiled sweetly at him and dragged him down onto her so he was kneeling over her stomach.  Hojo stuck his penis in between Aeris' soft warm breasts and began to slide it in and out of the warm smooth tunnel Aeris made as she pressed her tits together.  Soon he was hard again and he crawled down between her legs, then spread her knees with his hands.

"What a beautiful sight..." breathed Hojo, as he bent closer to lick up the sweet tangy juices flowing from Aeris' pink flower, causing more juices to gush out and eliciting an arousing pleasured moan from the beautiful Cetra girl.  Aeris looked so ready that Hojo couldn't hold himself back any longer.  Hojo reached in, spread her cunt lips, and drove his hard cock deep inside her.

Aeris was a bit loose from being fucked so many times by Red XIII's larger penis but her cunt was still warm and dripping wet.  Hojo could see his penis glistening with her sweet juices every time he pulled out.  Aeris moaned loudly with each thrust, wrapping her slender arms and legs around him and biting down onto Hojo's neck in ecstasy as he plunged into her wonderful cunt.  As his climax approached, Hojo thrust into Aeris harder and harder, making her tits jiggle as the two lovers locked their lips into a sloppy, wet kiss.  Moaning into each other's mouths, Hojo shot his cum deep inside the young girl as her vagina spasmed on his cock and milked it dry.

Suddenly, an alarm went off.  "Shit!" growled Hojo, wiping sweat off his brow and hurriedly tucking his now-flaccid cock back into his pants and rushing out of the observation tank, forgetting to close and lock it in his haste.

Angrily, Hojo jabbed his finger down on the intercom switch while glancing back at the observation tank, where Aeris was still lying on the ground trying to catch her breath, her breasts heaving and covered with sweat.  Just as he was about to shut and lock the door to the observation tank, a harried voice impatiently growled out, "Yes?"

"This is Professor Hojo!  What is going on!  Why is the intruder-alarm blaring?"  Despite his great intelligence, anger usually clouded his already nebulous connection with the real world.

"The alarms went off because there are intruders!" The man on the line yelled.  "They appeared suddenly on the fifty-ninth floor and now they're storming up.  If they get past the defenses we've set up for them on these floors as quickly as they did when they got up here, they'll reach your laboratory within minutes!"

Hojo grunted.  "Pathetic creatures," he growled, his eyes returning to the observation tank.  His eyes snapped wide open in surprise...

In the observation tank...

Red XIII stood above Aeris, his headdress on his brow and a pile of clothes clutched in his jaws.  Dropping them onto the floor, he smiled at her, saying, "Good morning, Cetra girl.  I found these clothes in a storage locker near my cell.  I suppose they're yours?"

Aeris rubbed her eyes and sat up, smiling tiredly, reaching out for her clothes.  Suddenly, the floor of the observation tank began to descend again, and Red XIII barked in irritation.  "Dang it!" He growled.  "I forgot about that damned scientist!"

In Hojo's Laboratory...

Hojo angrily instructed his equipment to retrieve one of his more ferocious specimens and at the same time take care of Red XIII and the Cetra girl but before the floor had descended too far, out came the canine-creature with the Cetra girl, half dressed, on his back.  Cursing under his breath, Hojo quickly ran into a clear plastic tube, sealed it, and disappeared from sight.

"Damn," growled Red XIII, dropping down onto his haunches to let the girl off.  "He got away."  As Aeris finished dressing, Red XIII bounded off and returned soon with Aeris' mithril staff, with the healing materia still inside.  Smiling, Aeris bent down and gave Red XIII a sweet kiss on the lips.

"Thank you..."  Aeris looked thoughtfully at the creature.  "We've grown so close these past couple of days, but I don't even know your name.  I'm Aeris...a flower girl from the slums, and the last of the Cetra, or so my mother told me."

Red XIII grinned.  "My name is of no real importance, but you can call me Red XIII if it pleases you..."  Suddenly, Red XIII bared his teeth, then indicated there was something behind Aeris with a small movement of his head.

Turning around, Aeris gasped.  Inside the observation tank was a huge mutant creature with a skull on it's face and quite a few mismatched tentacles.  Watermellon-sized yellow bug-like creatures scrambled excitedly around it as it stepped out of the observation tank and began walking slowly towards Aeris and Red XIII as they stood wide-eyed next to Hojo's control panel.

Red XII angrily shook his head and stepped in front of Aeris, baring his teeth at the mutant.  Suddenly, the door to his right exploded open and in charged Cloud, Tifa, and Barret!

"Aeris!" yelld Barret, charging towards the girl, followed closely by Cloud.  Red XIII scrunched into a ball, ready to spring at this new threat, but Aeris quickly put her arms around him and held him back.  "Red XIII, these are my friends.  With them here, we should be able to take care of that monster rather quickly.  Especially with Cloud, who's an ex-SOLDIER."

Barret screeched to a halt, surprised at his show of emotion, while Cloud coolly walked up to her and said, "Well, I'm glad you're fine.  Who's this old beast?"

Red XIII relaxed and wagged his tail coyly.  "I think we should take care of THAT creature before we continue the introductions..."

Tifa cut in.  "I agree.  Aeris,  you look pretty tired out.  I think you should sit out of this one.  Barret, you look after her."  Without another word, she turned to face the mutant; Cloud and Red XIII stepping up next to her, leaving Barret staring gape-jawed behind them.

Quickly, Red XIII sniffed the air, then snorted in disgust.  "This thing smells so bad it's got to be poisonous.  Also, those bug things smell harmless...we should concentrate on tackling that big one."

Cloud nodded.  "Sounds like a decent plan."  Bringing the HardEdge he'd taken from a dead SOLDIER to his shoulder, he sprinted to the monster, slashed it deeply, then let the momentum of his swing propel him off in another direction, causing the monster's tentacles to miss him.  Tifa quickly did the same, punching the monster and spinning away before it could counter-attack.

Red XIII snorted.  Rising onto his hind legs and howling, Red XIII sent a ball of flame straight at the monster, scorching it badly and filling the room with it's acrid odor.  The monster staggered to one knee with arms and tentacles flailing, scattering the yellow bugs.

Tifa immediately noticed the effectiveness of the fire.  Bringing both arms to her chest, Tifa then thrust her arms out, sending another ball of flame at the monster.  This time, however, the monster spewed a cloud of putrid smoke straight into her face, causing her to nearly pass out from the fumes.

"Tifa!" yelled Cloud just as he placed another large gash in the monster with his sword.  Dancing back out of range, he glanced back towards his friend.

"She's poisoned!" yelled Red XIII.  "You give her an antidote while I keep this monster distracted."  That said, Red XIII raced around the monster, claws reaching out every few seconds to rend the monster while the monster vainly tried to attack him.

Cloud pulled a small flask out of his belt and ran to Tifa, who had slumped onto the ground and turned a sickly pale green color.  Cloud dropped his sword and propped up her head with one hand, then carefully poured the antidote between her soft red lips.  Almost instantly, the green faded, replaced again by the healthy young blush of a beautiful girl.  Cloud smiled and picked up his sword, pulling Tifa to her feet with his other hand.  "You okay now?"  he asked.

Tifa nodded and gave him a shy smile.  "I'm" But Cloud had raced back into the battle before she could say more.

Red XIII's daring idea for distracting the monster had cost him.  His sides were heavily bruised by the powerful blows from the monster's tentacles.  Seeing Cloud and Tifa racing back towards him, he backed off a little from the monster, trying to catch his breath.

"Aeris!" shouted Cloud as he attacked the monster.  "Your friend is hurt!  We'll fight the monster until you can heal him up."  As Red XIII wearily made his way towards Aeris, who was lying down next to the transport tubes Hojo had used, Tifa patted him on the head and whispered her thanks into his ear, then ran to help Cloud.

While Cloud and Tifa fought the monster, Aeris put her arms around Red XIII, letting the power from her materia just flow through her body and into his, healing him far faster than any curative spell.  Within seconds, Red XIII was fully healed and he gave Aeris a playful nuzzle on the lips, then ran back towards the monster.

Minutes later, the monster lay mangled and burned on the ground, surrounded by the burnt bodies of the bugs, which Red XIII had killed with his fire spells after the monster had fallen.

"That was rather tough," said Red XIII, panting.

Cloud nodded, surveying the mutilated bodies of the lab specimens on the ground.  "That was."

Tifa suddenly waved her hands in the air, then pointed towards Red XIII.  "Wait!  I didn't really pay attention to this before, but talk!"  Tifa suddenly blushed...because for some reason, it seemed to her that there wasn't any good reason why he shouldn't be able to talk.  She blushed harder when Aeris gave her somewhat of a reproving look.

Red XIII shrugged.  "I can.  Why does that puzzle you?"

Tifa shrugged her shoulders.  "I guess I haven't really seen a talking dog before..."

Barret grunted.  "Me neither...but I've never seen one of those before either," he said, indicating the burnt body on the ground.

Cloud walked over to Red XIII, who was sitting up, and shook his paw.  "Now that that creature is taken care of, perhaps you'd like to introduce yourself."

Red XIII nodded.  "As I told your friend, you may call me Red XIII."  He raised an eyebrow.  "You must be Cloud, the former member of SOLDIER Aeris told me about.  I can see that your eyes are different from the others."  Tifa's expression darkened slightly.

Barret came over and flexed his huge muscles.  "I'm Barret, leader of AVALANCHE!"

Tifa waved her hand at Red and smiled.  "I'm from AVALANCHE too."  Turning to Aeris, she raised an eyebrow.  "Now when exactly did you befriend this talking dog?"

Aeris blushed.  " the same holding cell!"  She gave Red XIII a meaningful look.

Red XIII caught it.  "Yeah...that's right."

Cloud nodded without interest.  "Well, we could really use your help.  Let's head for those elevators over that we have Aeris, we'd better get out as fast as we can."

The small group ran over to the elevators and pressed the 'down' button.


Both elevator doors opened, and out came Tseng and Rude, each accompanied by about ten members of SOLDIER.

Tifa looked with alarm at Cloud, afraid he was going to fight even though he didn't have a chance, but Cloud wasn't the same angry combative boy she'd known as a child, apparently.

Cloud laid his sword on the ground and raised his hands as Tifa let out a small sigh of relief.

In President Shinra's Office on the highest floor of Shinra Headquarters...

" is truly amazing how much trouble a pathetic group like you is capable of causing..."  President Shinra walked out from behind his massive desk and looked smugly up at them.

"It is about time I explained to you ignorant fools why we took the Cetra girl...before we execute you all tomorrow..."

President Shinra began pacing up and down as he began his speech...about Aeris, the last Cetra, and how she was supposed to lead them all to the Promised Land, supposedly full of Mako energy ripe for the taking.

After blabbing on for what seemed like hours, or maybe even days, to Barret especially, President Shinra waved them away, and Tseng and Rude, with their SOLDIER escort, led them down to the holding cells on the 67th floor and locked them all away, each in their own cell.

Later that night...

A small squad of SOLDIER members accompanied President Shinra as he came to the holding cells.  Looking at a slip of paper, President Shinra pointed to two doors.

"The Cetra girl is in this two go in and chain her to her bed...I need to probe her for information.  After you're done, you can go into this cell and do whatever you want with the AVALANCHE girl."

Two SOLDIERs immediately went into Aeris' cell and chained her spread-eagled to her bed.  One came out and bowed to President Shinra.  "Won't the noises they make cause a ruckus?"

President Shinra shook his head.  "No, the cells are all soundproof...we did that a long time ago to prevent prisoners from plotting together.  Pity their friends won't get to hear what we do to them...."

The ten SOLDIERs saluted to the President and eagerly rushed into Tifa's cell, closing the door behind them.

In Aeris' Cell...

President Shinra rubbed his hands together as he looked at the sleeping form of the Cetra girl.  Wasting no time at all, President Shinra went over and unbuttoned Aeris' pink dress.  Much to his surprise, Aeris had not been wearing a bra nor panties, so once he opened up her dress, he got a delicious view of her pert young breasts and soft brown bush.  President Shinra immediately got a raging hard on, so he quickly removed all his clothes and climbed onto Aeris' bed.

First, he pinched and rubbed Aeris' nipples, then bent his head down and began licking and sucking on her beautiful young tits.  Aeris' soft smooth skin totally turned him on to no end and he began exploring lower, licking her navel and stroking her shapely smooth thighs.  Finally, his tongue reached her soft cunt lips and he pried them open with his hands, then rammed his tongue in as far as it could go.  The smell and the taste of her warm pussy nearly drove him mad and he eagerly brought the tip of his rather large cock to the entrance to her love tunnel.  Closing his eyes, President Shinra violently drove himself deep inside her, waking Aeris up and eliciting a scream.  President Shinra covered her cute sweet mouth with his, tasting her soft tongue, while his hips ground into hers as he shoved his tool deep inside her over and over again.  President Shinra had never had a fuck this good in his life...Aeris was sensitive as a virgin yet responsive as a whore.  Her tight wet tunnel caressed and massaged his cock as Aeris moaned and writhed helplessly on the bed.  After a few more minutes of passionate thrusting, President Shinra lifted his torso up, roughly grabbed her breasts, then jammed his hips down, squirting his seed deep inside the already pregnant Cetra girl as she screamed in helpless anger, sadness, and extreme ecstasy.

President Shinra pulled his softening prick from Aeris' dripping hole, then shoved the tip, still dripping some cum, into Aeris' small mouth.  Thrusting gently, President Shinra slowly fucked Aeris' mouth as she moaned helplessly.  When President Shinra felt his cock start to rise again, he pulled out of her mouth and kissed her, tickling her tongue with his and tasting her sweet young mouth.  His hands pinched her nipples and fondled them, and slowly, Aeris began panting harder and harder.  Smiling evilly, President Shinra bend down to her pussy and nuzzled her wet slit with his nose, inhaling deeply.  Shoving two of his finger deep inside her, President Shinra slowly rubbed the inside of her tunnel while licking and tickling her clit with his tongue.  Before long, Aeris was bucking her hips and moaning as her orgasm approached.  Just before she came, President Shinra pulled his finger out of her slit and smiled at her.

"Beg for it, my dear."

Aeris gaped up at him, tears pooling in her beautiful green eyes.  "No....please...."

"Beg for it....beg for me...."  President Shinra loved trying different methods for bending people to his power, and this method had to be one of the most enjoyable.

"Please...make me come..."  The tears overflowed and ran down her cheeks.

"Not good enough, I'm afraid.  I want you to beg for me to ram my cock inside your pussy and come inside you."


"No?  How tragic..." murmured President Shinra as he began teasing her slit again with his fingers.

"Oh god...please...unggggggg" moaned Aeris as she pushed her hips into President Shinra's fingers.  He brought her to the brink and stopped again.

"One last chance, my dear."  President Shinra leered at her.

Aeris closed her eyes, more tears flowing down her cheeks, and balled her hands into fists.  "Please...please..., stick your....c.c.. cock inside me and shoot your...cum..... inside me..." she whispered, breaking into sobs, angry at herself for giving in.

"Okay, if you insist," grinned President Shinra as he positioned himself again in between her long shapely legs and spread her cunt lips.  Licking his lips in anticipation, President Shinra slowly pushed himself inside her, savoring the incredible sensation as he slid inch by delicious inch into her warm, throbbing passage.  President Shinra put his head on Aeris' breasts again and hugged her tightly to him, loving the feeling of her smooth, soft, warm skin on his.  Slowly, he began thrusting into her while his hands roamed all over her wonderful young body.  This time, Aeris came first, and the feeling of her warm pussy spasming on his cock was just too wonderful and he blasted a second load of sperm into her womb.

President Shinra, sated, relaxed on top of Aeris, laying his head down in between her heaving tits, his stout prick still buried inside her.  Soon, both of them fell asleep; drool slipping out of President Shinra's open mouth onto Aeris' sweaty breasts.

In Tifa's Cell

"Boy, the President sure was generous about this," gloated a SOLDIER as he shoved is cock into Tifa's open mouth.

"Yeah, he must really hate these rebels to let us do this to them," said another SOLDIER as he quickly removed Tifa's shorts and panties.

"Who cares?  Let's just enjoy this before the President comes and sends us back to work," said yet another SOLDIER as he pulled Tifa's sports bra up over her head.

Once she was naked, the SOLDIERs pushed Tifa to her knees and soon, she had a cock in her mouth, another in her pussy, and another in her anus.  All three SOLDIERs pumped furiously, rocking Tifa back and forth violently, causing her young breasts to swing back and forth.  Two more SOLDIERs had her arms in a tight grip, preventing her from attempting anything stupid against a roomful of SOLDIERs.  Soon, the three SOLDIERs had blown their loads inside her, so three more SOLDIERs took their places, jamming their cocks back into her holes.

This went on for a few hours, each SOLDIER shooting off inside her somewhere at least three times.  Finally the captain of the squad got worried and went to check on the President.

The remaining SOLDIERs put on their uniforms and gloated over their handiwork.  Tifa lay sprawled on the ground, sperm still dripping out of her well-fucked pussy and tight asshole.  Her face and breasts were covered in cum and she lay, still awake, panting on the ground, tears flowing freely from her soft brown eyes.

In Aeris' Cell

A faint knocking sound wormed its way into President Shinra's head as he lay dozing comfortably inside and on top of the Cetra girl.

"Shit!" growled President Shinra, glancing on his watch.  He had a meeting with Scarlet in about 3 hours, and he needed his sleep.  Throwing on his clothes quickly, President Shinra raced to the door and ripped it open, nearly killing the SOLDIER captain.  "Captain, get your men out!  Back to work!  Unchain the Cetra girl, then lock the doors again.  After you're done, go find Hojo and run a check on his lab and holding cells.  Remember to check the Jenova chamber as well."

"Yes Sir!"