Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King is a wonderful, wonderful game, and I encourage any RPG fan to try it out. This lemon is based on said game, and the main character of this story is the overly sexual Jessica. No spoilers.

I am not profiting on this work of fiction based on Dragon Quest 8, which is owned by Square Enix. You are free to redistribute this story on condition that all of the content is kept intact, including this disclaimer, and that you are not charging for nor profiting of publishing the story. I would also appreciate an email note of it.

I appreciate feedback, including criticism. Now for the story!

Dragon Quest VIII: Sailors' Dream

by Streti

For a port town, Port Prospect was a relatively small and peaceful community. A bit too small perhaps, Jessica had found. She had scoured the town for information on Dhoulmagus and the ferry, but even her family name hadn't been enough to get the townspeople talking. It's likely they didn't know at all, then.

The day had already turned to night and the decent folk of the town had retired into their homes. Nevertheless, something had happened to the ferry, and she was burning with the need to know. There was still one place open: the pub above the port.

As she climbed the stairs, she could already hear the merry piano tune from the bar with a familiar racket of the sounds - she may have been nobility, but she hadn't stayed put to her family manor like her mother wanted, that's for sure!

Nevertheless, even if she was used to bars, the bars weren't used to her. When the clientele noticed her, their mouths fell open, some in the middle of a drink, beer spilling from their gaping holes. Even the music stopped. After the initial shock, everything resumed as if she wasn't the most stunning woman the sailors and staff in the bar had seen, not to mention her background. Even the black-haired dancer girl in a form-fitting blue and yellow dress gave her an appreciative look.

The smell of beer in the air reminded Jessica that she had been too busy to eat all day, so she ordered a pint and sat down by the bar. She didn't mind the constant eyefuls she was getting, she was used to it. She had thought about whether her new dress was too bold, baring her upper back and giving an ample view of her heavy bosom, with a necklace teasingly hanging in the cleft of her breasts. Nevertheless, she'd never take the attitude her mother had about dresses like this. Then she took a swig of the dark beer.

"Mmh!" she yelped in surprise. Ooh! That's pretty strong! she thought. Some of the sailors chuckled, and she decided to turn their attention elsewhere, asking them the same questions she had been giving in the town. To her surprise, they didn't seem to know much more, so she talked to everyone sitting or passing near her, drinking her beer on the side. Finally, one sailor seemed to know something.

"You see four o' my mates over there? We was all on that boat. You wanna hear about it, have a seat with us."

Jessica couldn't have been more eager. She emptied her pint with one gulp and walked to a round table with four merry-looking sailors. But even before she could open her mouth, one of the sailors interrupted her.

"Yah, we heard you was looking for some tale-ors, Jessica-lady," said a burly one in a red and white striped shirt, and laughed at his poor pun.

Another continued, a more lanky looking one in a blue-striped shirt. "Trouble is, we's not allowed to tell anyun, even you, miss Albert."

The stout one in a green-striped shirt butted in. "We gotta hand it to you, miss, all the sailors here dream about you."

"So we was wondering, how's about making them dreams come true?" said the last of the four, a short one in a yellow-striped shirt.

"What?" she gasped, the realization striking her.

"Then we'da feel inclined, so ta say, to let the cat outa the bag," said the sailor who had directed her here, an average-looking one in a purple-striped shirt, and placed a pint next to Jessica. "This here's for you, miss."

Jessica appreciated the tasty beer, it allowed her to cover her mouth for a while to think, as all five stared at her, waiting for a reply.

"How do I know if you know anything?" she finally said. By not rejecting them outright, she already gave the sailors a glint of hope, while keeping the bargaining power to herself.

"We ain't pulling your leg, miss Jessica," Red said. "We really saw that Dhoulmagus fella, an' we know how to get the ferry running again."

"Oh really? What are those dreams of yours then? Have they anything to do with... these?" Jessica said and lifted up her bust, fixing the sailors' gaze on the bare flesh of her full mounds.

"Oh yes, plenty," said Green, almost drooling.

"But even more," continued Yellow. The sailors leaned nearer to Jessica, and there was a flurry of whispers. A blush rose to her cheeks.

"Oh. Ah... hmm." She took another drink of the beer, which filled her empty stomach and warmed her body pleasantly. "That's a bit much you know. Wouldn't you settle for less?" she bargained.

"Nope." "We's decided!" "Solid!" they said in unison.

She weighed her options. She wondered how long the ferry staff would keep their silence and pretend everything was being taken care of. It could take days. On the other hand, there was something tempting in their offer. She could get her information with her own means, not by relying on her family name. Besides, for sailors, they were a pretty clean bunch. It looked like they had washed and shaved just today. Also, she couldn't deny the tingle of excitement their suggestion had brought her.

"On one condition. You tell me beforehand, and if your information is valid, I will honor my part of the bargain as well."

The sailors looked at each other, consulting everyone with a glance.

"It's settled! We trust you, miss Jessica. We'll tell you on our way to the Sailor's Guild."

"Oh. Alright. Let's be on our way then," she said slightly nervously.

The group exited the building and made their way towards the Sailor's Guild in the silent town. They told Jessica even more than she had hoped to know. She was itching to put that knowledge into use right away, but she had to wait at least until morning until she could confront the ferry staff. In the meantime, she had a promise to keep.

They reached a nondescript building at the water margin, a plaque identifying it as the Sailor's Guild, and entered. They went past a stylish office and a room filled with beds, until they made it to a spacious, well-lit bedchamber with a large comfy-looking bed, a small window out to the sea, bookshelves and a small table.

"Uh, so--"

She didn't need more of an answer when one of the sailors got behind her and unceremoniously grabbed her breasts, she guessed it was Green. A bit more timidly, but just a bit, Purple approached her from the front for a kiss, and when their lips connected, he wasn't timid at all, placing a hand on the upper, bare curve of her breast and his tongue in her mouth. They were going quite fast, but Jessica was coping with it, taking her tongue to meet the intruder and placing her hands on Purple's back. While Jessica was still wondering about what she had gotten herself into, she was able to get into a relaxing mood.

Red, to her side, took her hand from Purple's back and placed it on his pants, where an obvious bulge stood, and even though he had been quite straightforward, she started rubbing it on her own accord. Then Blue pushed Purple aside, who let go but with a grumble. Blue continued by placing his mouth on her tits, tantalizingly displayed in her shirt, and kissed and licked their soft upper parts wet. In the meantime, Green was kissing her back and pushing the shirt's sides down, and Yellow to her left got the same treatment as Red. They touched her, but only cautiously, slightly on her bare shoulders and chest, until they started tugging at the top of the shirt. Jessica, face flushed, feared they might tear it, so she gently pushed the sailors aside and pulled the shirt down, revealing her lovely bosoms for their eyes.

A choir of infatuated sighs met the sight of her beautiful busts, full and heavy, with large red areolas. She felt a little silly, presenting her breasts to the sailors, her shirt stretched under her boobs, and the blush on her face deepened. The short Yellow was the first to make a move, rushing to her breasts and mouthing one, suckling it eagerly, and soon Blue was at the other.

"Come on now! Didn't your mothers breastfeed you when you were babes?"

The two at her breasts didn't respond, although Yellow moved his mouth from her nipple to her upper chest.

"No, miss! We was never babes!" answered Green and kissed her on the mouth. Eventually, she detached, but Red was already expecting his turn. She ended up turning around in the sailors' circle, getting kissed on her chest and mouth and back, and hands caressing her all over. The touches didn't feel like much through her clothes, but it was obvious they would already been ready to get more thoroughly acquainted with her. Somewhat to her surprise, she was excited and enjoying herself, but she wasn't quite that ready yet.

Purple was burying his head between her busts when she decided to ease their eagerness, and kneeled down. With a little trouble, she fished Purple's hard tool from his pants. He moaned, and someone else said, "Huzzah!" when she took the piece in her mouth. She wasn't about to let the others stand by and watch, though. Blue, to the side, got dragged by the hem of his pants closer to Jessica, and soon he too had his cock out, and then in in the embrace of Jessica's tongue. The others, encouraged by Jessica's two-cock show, freed themselves from the strain of their pants, and presented her with their rigid rods.

Now Jessica was doing all the work, sucking one straining organ and stroking two others, then switching over, licking and stroking one and caressing the other's balls while he helped himself. Jessica felt herself get hotter as well as she went from tool to tool with a background music of wet sounds, groans and encouragement. It was rather tiring, her arms up in the air, wanking their cocks, her head moving, sucking, licking, with their dark heads proudly up on rigid poles. As she moved, her tits jiggled and received some of the saliva that ran down their cocks and from her mouth.

Luckily, the sailors aided themselves when she wasn't with them. The first one came when she was facing away, she just heard the grunts and then felt cum splashing on her hair, on the back of her head and her neck and shoulders, trailing down to the low cut backline of her shirt. One was down and the others were heaving as well, but at least the one in her mouth let her know when he came.

"Arr! I'm gonna go!"

Jessica had just the time to take him out of her mouth before his load started spurting out, almost hitting her in the eye. Thick slimy stands splattered on her face, mostly covering her left cheek and the area of her mouth, almost going up into her nose. The man kept grunting and heaving as his spooge covered Jessica's face, some dripping down to her chest. With two gone, it was like they had been cleared for coming, and Jessica didn't even have time to react before the one she was stroking orgasmed, sending his seed in straight lines on her forehead, hair and then the side of her nose, and the rest on her breasts.

She was already feeling dripping wet, cum covering her hair, face and chest, strands of spunk covering her necklace, running down her cleavage and her back, seeping into her shirt, when the fourth one let loose as well. This time, cum rained straight on her chest and round mammaries from the side while Yellow wailed in his climax.

One more to go.

Sure enough, the last one came as well, jerking his member just above Jessica's shoulder, his sperm jetting downwards on her already cum-glazed round mounds. The man groaned low and deep as his semen landed on Jessica's bare skin, the last spurts ending on her shoulders and back, adding to the few seedy trails there.

By the end of it, Jessica was a lovely mess, covered with spunk. The five content sailors around her were admiring the sight after having unloaded on her, showering her with cum. She was heaving, her flushed face decorated with thick strands of spooge. Her ample mounds and red nipples were wet with splotches of white slime, and there was a wet feeling on her neck and back as some of the cum on her hair trailed down to her skin. Considering the situation, she didn't mind the jizz seeping into her hair, but when she realized it was messing her shirt as well, she jolted up.

"I must get these off!"

"We's with ya," the sailors laughed. Then Yellow sobered up a little, "Sorry if we made a mess of your dress, miss. We have cleaning service here, so you's--"

"No, it's all right," Jessica said, working calmly to first remove the girdle of her frock so she could get the slightly sperm-stained shirt off as clean as possible. "It's quite common really. It looks like I was attacked by some Slimes."

"That's right, you was. By us!" The sailors laughed, and even Jessica smiled.

She turned to them, her upper body now completely bare except for the necklace, with her red skirt still on. "You lot aren't that bad," she said with her skin still covered with thick cum. The sailors got noticeably enthusiastic - especially Yellow, who was already back at full mast, even though it was with the help of some hoisting by himself. Nevertheless, the seamen let her undress in peace, hurriedly undressing themselves as well while watching the beauty carefully take off her skirt, underskirt, shoes and her thick pantyhose. The necklace and her bosoms hanged alluringly down and glistened with the sperm on them.

Soon she was standing in front of them with nothing on, bringing their attention to her fair skin and pleasant form, and her red-haired triangle.

"All right, you spunk-filled spuds, who's up first?" She eyed the eager sailors, swinging her hips for a tease. "Yellow's up for the task, aren't you?" she said and gave him her hand, then led him by it to the bed on his back. He gazed at her flabbergasted as she rose on top of him and took her centre to his mast, first teasing him with her lips, then sinking it into her muff with a moan. The short man certainly wasn't short all around, and he was pleasantly hard already even despite having come just a while ago. Jessica rode him expertly to her own pleasure while the rest of the crew watched on, jerking their poles.

"Come over here!" she called to them as they just waited. As the suddenly more timid sailors stepped closer, she scooped the cum on her tits and face and got her hands wet with it. After rubbing the hands first on her own body, she placed them back on the chest of Yellow, who was really in no position to complain. When she felt some hands on her back, she turned around and got on the bed on her back, next to Yellow, and spread her legs, offering the men a tempting view of her red-haired muff, and it didn't take Green long to plunge his meat into her. Yellow got on his knees and then over Jessica's mammaries, placing his cock in their wet embrace as Jessica pushed them together for his convenience.

Her lust was starting to overwhelm her as Green pounded her twat, and she was only half there when Blue offered his cock back into her mouth. Red and Purple, in the meanwhile, got on both sides of her, and Yellow had the pleasure of squeezing Jessica's bust around his cock himself when she started stroking them again. She didn't really even think about it all as the five men enjoyed her. Giving a blowjob and two handjobs at the same time was a lot to handle with the distraction of an eager male pounding her cunt, but she was enjoying herself too much to think about it all consciously, and somehow it all worked.

The men switched over a few times, and soon the overflowing juices from her pussy were being spread on her breasts and in her mouth by their cocks, until Red lifted her up to fuck her in his lap. She was burning up, moaning with pleasure, and didn't mind when she was passed on into the lap of another, and another. They all had some muscle to them, naturally, some more, some less. The men became a flurry of faces, kisses, tongues, strong hands all over her skin, her breasts groped, fingers from her pussy in her mouth, and the aching in her body grew ever bigger. Soon, she was encouraging them to fuck her harder, bend over the bed with Blue doing her from behind, taking Purple in her mouth and the rest to the sides, stroking off again.

It was when she was riding Purple, her breasts in his hands, Green's meat in her mouth, when she was almost screaming with the sensations in her body, that they crossed her threshold, building into a pressure which manifested physically, tensing her body into a rigid arch, lifting her towards the heavens, freeing her mouth for short but loud moans as the thick mists of lust in her mind focused into searing bolts of ecstacy. Purple couldn't take it all, both the sight and feeling of the beauty coming on him, and the physical feeling of her pussy spasming and clamping around his manhood, so he let loose and his balls unloaded in Jessica, filling her clamped cavern with a copious load of sperm.

It wasn't enough for her though. Still shivering in ecstacy after coming just slightly down, her pussy filled with cum, she called for more. Heeding her call, Green lifted her up and placed her down on the bed, then placed his throbbing mast down on her, making her squeal with delight. Sensing that this was their chance, Blue, Red and Yellow all took their aching rods to her, and were rewarded handsomely when the lust-driven Jessica started stroking two of them with fervor, leaving the last to her slick, heaving bosom.

Jessica was feeling overpowered as her snatch was being pounded sore just after an explosive orgasm. All the men were straining in her handling, especially Green, who was furrowing her soft folds with all his might. Purple's cum was spilling out of her wet cavern with each furious thrust, but even with the seedy lubricant, he was doing her a lot of good. It was worth it for both of them, because soon Jessica was moaning passionately in slow gasps again, her legs squeezing Green to keep fucking her, and her hands working furiously on the two cocks. Even still, it was Blue between her tits who came first, jerking his load all over her beautiful bosoms and orgasming face. Her body arched against his, but she was more aware of it than him, even as incessant pleasure was scorching her mind and body. She didn't look like it, but she did feel his sperm striping her skin and splashing into her mouth, enjoying in her ecstacy the sinful feeling of getting covered with seed.

After Blue was done, she registered more splashes of sperm on her face and chest, and their accompanying groans, and her climax felt even better to her when Green came in her already sperm-coated pussy. He roared as his load spurted in Jessica, to accompany what little was left of Purple's in her and not out, dripping down her skin onto the wet sheets.

The sweaty pile of people was now reeling from their orgasms, most of all Jessica. Satisfied and spent, a burning blush on her cum-splattered face, with a line of cum over her nose and mouth and more crisscrossing her heaving chests, Jessica was now even more beautiful than after her previous cumshower. Her impressive bosom was covered with thick spooge, trailing down the lovely curves and red nipples, pooling in her cleavage, long strands on her upper chest, covering the necklace and some, of course, on the sheets, with some more cum back in her hair, gluing the lone locks over her forehead to her skin. Some was even dripping down her left earring.

Eventually, the men got enough of their strength back to get off from her.

"Wow. You really kept your promise, miss Jess," heaved Red.

"Not even half of it-- come back here, you!"

"Cor blimey!" shouted the sailors as one man.

* * *

That night, Jessica was tireless. During the night, she got fucked countless times, by the five sailors, and when they were gone, by others. She couldn't count anymore how many times she came, but at last when she woke up to a bright sunny morning, she felt totally satisfied. She also felt sore in her pussy, and covered in dozens of dried loads, matting her hair and pubes, and starching the bedclothes, with her cove still dripping cum, but she was deliriously happy. In the room she found a tub of hot water, soap and a towel, and all of her clothes in a neat pile on the table, with the shirt washed and dried. Few came to know what had happened that night, although some wondered why she didn't sit at all during the ferry ride.

~The End~