~ Mara Jade: Queen of the Empire ~
Chapter 6

The Star Destroyer Hunter emerged into Realspace, its huge engines propelling the warship towards the planet Orius. Lara stood upon the bridge, gazing without interest at the spinning orb as its occupying Imperial squadron appeared from its horizon and floated into view with arrogant serenity.

"Get me the captain," ordered Lara as she turned to regard the center of the bridge. The room's hologenerator activated, projecting a full body image of the Imperial squadron's captain.

"Have you found the pirate ship?" asked the young girl tersely.

"Yes, mistress. We detected the ship just as it reached the edge of Orius' gravity well and jumped to Hyperspace," replied the officer shamefully.

"Hmm. Did you record its heading?"

"Yes, mistress, I can have the data transmitted to your ship immediately," offered the captain.

"Do so," acknowledged Lara. "I'm going down to the planet to do a little searching. Is the world secure?"

"Affirmative. All major cities and ports are firmly under our control."

"That will have to do. Dismissed," said the blonde girl while she motioned for the comm channel to be closed down. As the captain's image faded away, Lara walked across the catwalk that separated both bridge pits, her long, black robe trailing behind her as she moved resolutely towards the chamber's exit.

The Imperial Fleet shot into normal space, spreading out to surround the world known as Coruscant. The Jedi Emhyr watched proudly as dozens of Star Destroyers and support vessels sailed forward towards the helpless target. Powerful satellite drones and weapons platforms lay dead in orbit around the former capital world, the defense net that once repelled entire armadas listless and decayed.

"Anything reacting to our appearance?" asked Emhyr as he watched Coruscant from the bridge's observation windows.

"Negative. The planet's in complete chaos. Large sections of the planetary power grid are down, garrison forces are under siege by gangs and rioting citizens, I don't think they even notice us," commented the tactical officer.

"They will soon. Launch the Interceptors and troop shuttles, I want the Palace and key command and control facilities occupied immediately. Commanders are authorized to use whatever force necessary to take control of the capital," ordered Emhyr dispassionately.

"Sending orders now," reported the chief comm tech.

Emhyr clasped his hands behind his back, dark robes rustling as he watched clouds of TIE Interceptors and Imperial dropships emerge from their launch bays and descend like a plague of insects towards the dimly-lit planet below.

"An Imperial envoy, I'm quite honored," greeted Brucer as he allowed Lara to enter the ornate public entrance to his mountain lair. The blonde girl motioned for her bodyguards to remain outside, then followed the chattering man to the richly appointed dining room, where scantily-clad, bow-adorned girls served exquisite wines and fine appetizers.

"How can I help the Empire? I see that it has surged back to life once again, very commendable," remarked Brucer as he saluted the lovely girl with his wine glass.

"The Empire is eternal. It may weaken from time to time, but it will never disappear, unlike the Republic," replied Lara before she drank deeply of her red wine. "I am here on important business for the new Emperor, Emhyr. He wants to find a young woman with some Jedi ability, a woman named Mara Jade. Perhaps you've seen her?"

"Mara Jade? The former Emperor's Hand? She should be long dead by now, shouldn't she?" answered Brucer with a clever grin.

Lara frowned at the fence's disguised denial, then set her glass firmly on the silk tablecloth. The Gauntlets of Vader rippled over her slim arms, the black leather vibrant with unholy life.

"I won't go into the details, but Mara lives. She traveled into our time from the past, and has had several adventures, including being captured by the alien Sluggorn during their aborted invasion of the galaxy. She's taken up with a smuggler called Berg, and his ship was seen crashing on this dirtball several days ago by the Imperial task force in orbit. I know you have many dealings with smugglers and their ilk, I'd like you to tell me where Captain Berg has gone," asked Lara with a chilling smile.

"Information doesn't come cheap," replied Brucer as he eyed the young girl speculatively.

"I don't have time to haggle. Name your price and it shall be paid."

"A few hours with you will suffice," said the man while he licked his lips in anticipation.

"Fine," agreed Lara as she stood up, then waited for her host to lead the way.

Brucer rose quickly to his feet, then led the blonde girl up several levels to his master bedroom. The bed chamber itself was huge, with an enormous circular bed draped with silk and fine linens. The Gauntlets began to itch with excitement, the leather taut over Lara's flesh as she moved to the foot of the bed and smoothly removed her robe, revealing her slim, naked body beneath.

Brucer went to a small bar, pouring a stiff drink and gulping it greedily as he watched the girl climb onto the soft mattress and stretch out with feline grace, her pale arms and legs warm and inviting. The fence set his glass down unsteadily, then walked to the bed, unzipping his pants as he watched Lara roll across the smooth sheets. The blonde girl halted her motion, crawling forward with burning blue eyes as she watched the man grab his penis and release it from his clothing. Lara knelt before Brucer, taking his hardening cock with both of her hands and sucking lightly on the head with her warm, red lips.

The tall man groaned with pleasure as Lara licked along the shaft of his cock, her lips caressing his throbbing meat as her tongue dripped saliva across the length of his rod. Lara's head moved under the man's tool, her nose nestled in his pubic hair as she sucked loudly on his dangling balls. Brucer closed his eyes with ecstasy, running his hands though the naked girl's thick, blonde hair and down her bare back. Lara licked her way back to the tip of Brucer's cock, then slid the member into her mouth, forcing it deeply down her tight throat as her red lips rubbed across its engorged surface. The thin man moaned loudly, his hips thrusting forward as he rammed his tool deep into the girl's oral orifice.

Lara grasped Brucer's waist, pumping her face back and forth as she sucked energetically on the man's pole. The fence fucked the naked girl's mouth for several minutes, then removed his slick cock from her soft lips. He pushed Lara back onto the bed, then spread apart her slim legs and rubbed his rock-hard tool across her shaved pussy. Lara moaned softly, begging the man with her eyes to fuck her cunt hard. Brucer thrust his cock without warning into the blonde girl's vagina, pushing the pulsing member deep into her warm belly. Lara cried out with pleasure, reaching over her head with both hands to grasp at the sheets as she pumped her crotch against Brucer's stabbing tool.

Brucer held both of Lara's legs against his chest, licking her ankles and sucking on her toes as he pumped his meat into her clenching pussy. The blonde girl's breasts bobbed back and forth in rhythm to her erotic motions, she took them in her small hands, squeezing the soft mounds of flesh, then licking her pink nipples until they were hard with lust. Brucer rammed his cock into the girl's yielding cunt until his balls slammed against her smooth, firm ass.

Lara panted as she felt the hardened pole pierce far into her stomach, pressing against her g-spot until her body trembled with a building orgasm. Brucer's thrusts grew harder, more frantic as his own orgasm grew, he rubbed his cheek against Lara's soft, silky leg while he pounded his cock into the prone girl's glistening cunt. With a loud grunt, Brucer shot his wad into Lara's empty belly, his legs growing limp as the naked girl screamed with her own intense orgasm.

The Gauntlets of Vader shimmered like churning oil, the garments bursting with Dark power as they absorbed the lust and eroticism dripping from the two humans. Lara gasped as her mind overflowed with the Dark Side, she pulled her legs away from Brucer, then reached out with her gloved hands to grasp the fence's head.

Brucer jerked abruptly, his body limp as Lara blasted into his mind and watched how he spanked and used Mara Jade's bound body. The naked girl learned everything about Berg's deal with Brucer, what they traded, what repairs were done, even the technical specs of the Lady Ravager that Brucer had briefly studied. The final piece was the engine emission frequency that the Ravager emitted when it jumped to Lightspeed and when it flew in normal space.

Lara let Brucer's head go, which allowed the trembling male body to fall to the floor in a pathetic heap. The sweaty, blonde girl slid from the disheveled bed, then draped on her black robe calmly. She looked at the shivering, drooling man, then she looked down at her black gloves that drank the light around them ravenously. Reaching out with her right hand, Lara clenched a fist, observing as Brucer grasped his throat and began choking loudly.

Lara tightened her hand, her wet lips curving into a cruel smile as she used the Force to choke the fence. Brucer writhed on the floor, his face turning an ugly blue before his neck snapped like a twig, ending his spasms abruptly. Lara kissed her right, gloved hand lovingly, then swept out of the brightly-lit room in a swirl of black robe.

~ Mara Jade: Queen of the Empire ~
Chapter 7

The Lady Ravager hurled through Hyperspace as Mara sat at her station upon the bridge. Captain Berg reclined in his command chair, gazing at the swirling blue tunnel of light that surrounded the agile corvette.

"Time to emergence in Realspace?" asked Berg.

"Thirty seconds," replied Mara.

"I hear that you and Luki are getting to know each other pretty well," remarked Berg casually. "I didn't think that he was your type."

"He's nice. He doesn't ignore me when he's done screwing me," said the redhead sharply.

Berg raised an eyebrow, chuckling softly to himself at Mara's vehemence. A console alarm sounded briefly, announcing the ship's exit from Hyperspace as the light tunnel disappeared to be replaced with a expansive field of stars and empty space. Before Berg could reply to Mara's harsh comment, the corvette shook violently, sirens going off with ear-ringing volume.

"Report!" shouted Berg as he clung to the armrests of his chair, the bridge rocking from powerful hull impacts.

"Imperial-class Star Destroyer off the starboard bow, she's firing her turbolaser batteries at us," said Mara as she manipulated her station controls. "Our shields are still up, but fading fast."

Berg snarled with helpless rage, ready to order his crew to battle stations just before the bridge plunged into brief darkness. The emergency lights snapped on, red illumination giving the room a hellish cast.

"They're firing ion cannons, the shields are gone," reported Mara while she stared at her displays.

"Get us out of here, full power to sub-light drives!" spat the burly captain.

"The Star Destroyer's gaining on us, her IFF says she's the Hunter," informed the Jedi girl calmly. The bridge shook again, jarring Mara and Berg in their seats. "The Hunter's locked a tractor beam on us. She's pulling us in."

Berg pounded on his chair controls, the comm system totally disrupted by the ion bombardment. The thickly- muscled pirate rose from his chair, withdrawing his blaster pistol from his holster desperately.

"Come on, Mara. We'll organize the crew and repel those Imperial bastards," declared Berg as he began walking towards the bridge's exit doorway.

"I don't think so, 'captain'," replied Mara as she also stood up, turning to face her sadistic master defiantly.

"I gave you an order, bitch," growled Berg. "You're conditioned to obey me."

"Luki has been helping me break away from you, I've transferred my conditioning to him," smiled the Jedi smugly, her hand straying to her dangling lightsaber.

"Fine. If I can't fuck you, I'll kill you, you worthless whore!" shouted Berg as he raised his blaster, then fired three shots at his onetime lover. Mara's lightsaber hissed to life, then knocked away the laser bolts effortlessly. The Jedi girl snaked forward, her blue-hued blade slashing out to rip Berg's bare throat open.

The pirate gurgled as he clutched his ravaged neck, his eyes wide with pain and disbelief as he fell to his knees, then pitched forward to fall onto his face, a pool of dark blood growing under his lifeless corpse. Sounds of movement drew Mara's eyes from the dead body, her attention focused on the petite, black-garbed visage of Lara and the squad of Imperial Stormtroopers stationed behind her, weapons at the ready.

"Mara Jade? I am Lara, servant of Emperor Emhyr, the restorer of the Galactic Empire. I am here to escort you home, my lady," said the blonde girl with a respectful bow.

"We're going to Coruscant?" asked Luki in disbelief as he sat on the edge of his bed.

"Yes. Apparently Emhyr wants to name me as his queen," replied Mara pensively while she paced across the length of the smuggler's small cabin.

"Well, that's good news for you. What about me and the crew of the Ravager?" asked the blonde-haired man.

"Convicted and sentenced to hard labor on a mining world. Evidently the Empire is desperate for raw materials in order to rebuild the Imperial Fleet."

"Mining, that's just great," moaned Luki hopelessly.

"I'll try to get a reprieve for you and Padija," promised Mara with a reassuring smile.

"Why? We went along with your captivity. We didn't say anything when Berg abused you, hell, I even helped him degrade you. Why should you help us?"

"Because, you helped me shake off my submissiveness to Berg, and you made me feel better after Berg tossed me aside like a cheap toy. Besides, I need allies on Coruscant, people not loyal to this guy, Emhyr. I don't know who he is or why he wants me to be his queen, but I've got a bad feeling about it," said Mara honestly.

"Okay, I can go along with that. Padija and I are with you," swore Luki with a wry grin.

"Thank you. I appreciate it," acknowledged Mara as she drew close to Luki, kissing him softly, then pressing her luscious mouth harder against the thin man's lips.

The Hunter emerged from Lightspeed, slicing through the spatial ether towards the jewel of the galaxy, Coruscant, the capital of the Empire. Dozens of newly launched Star Destroyers orbited the capital, including the first of the Executor-class Super Star Destroyers. A Lambda- class shuttle disgorged from the Hunter's hanger bay, speeding swiftly towards Coruscant to deliver Mara to her new lord.

The Jedi girl sat nervously in the passenger compartment, her fingers shaking slightly until Luki covered them with his own rough palm. Padija sat behind the couple, gazing out of the shuttle's cockpit window in awe as she admired the large fleet arrayed around her.

Lara sat at the front of the cabin, calm and serene as she communed with the Force and her master, Emhyr. With a deep portside turn, the shuttle flew by a slowly sailing Star Destroyer, arrowing down towards the horizon- spanning glory of Imperial City.

"I have brought her, master," said Lara reverently as she knelt before Emhyr, Jedi Master and Emperor of the Empire.

The tall, lithe man stood before a large observation window, hands clasped behind his back as he watched the lights of Imperial City wink on as the sun set. Emhyr turned to regard his young apprentice, then spread his arms wide open. The young girl leapt to her feet, hurling herself into the Emperor's arms and hugging him tightly, possessively.

"I missed you, little one," whispered Emhyr into Lara's rich, blonde hair as he stroked her long, golden mane affectionately.

"I missed you too, my lord," moaned Lara softly as she snuggled closer against the Jedi Master's strong frame.

Emhyr tipped up Lara's head by her delicate chin, then leaned down to kiss her warmly on the lips. The small girl moaned with aching hunger, opening her mouth so that the Jedi could slide his tongue past her red lips and caress her tender throat wantonly. Emhyr slid his arms across Lara's back, covering her tight ass with his palms, then squeezing her buttocks firmly.

As the two lovers continued to kiss each other, Emhyr picked up Lara as she wrapped her legs around his waist. He carried the horny, young girl to a waiting chair, then set her down gently as she sucked lewdly on his lips.

Lara quickly discarded her black robe, but retained the Gauntlets of Vader and her spiked-heeled, black shoes as the Emperor spread her creamy, white legs apart, then knelt before her to begin licking her blonde-bushed pussy with his tongue. Lara groaned loudly with pleasure as Emhyr tickled her cunt petals with his tongue, the probe sliding across her pink slit until it grew wet with glistening honey.

"Yes! Yes, master!" moaned the blonde girl as she ran her fingers through Emhyr's short, black hair, her slim thighs quivering as her lover sucked loudly on her tender labia and clit. Emhyr halted his pussy licking long enough to slide his tongue across her soft, milky inner thighs. He rubbed his face and mouth across her sweet, tender flesh, then returned to her cunt, the girl's crotch thick with the scent of her aroused musk. Emhyr buried his face inside Lara's snatch, his tongue a relentless probe that pushed inside her vagina and caressed the inside of her womb. Lara moaned with sensuous agony, biting her lower lip as she clenched her eyelids shut and writhed within the padded chair.

The Emperor slid his hands across Lara's flat stomach, caressing her pale flesh until he reached her small, pert breasts. The naked girl groaned with ecstasy as Emhyr groped and fondled her tits, his fingers pinching her sensitive, pink nipples until they were sore and bruised. Lara pumped her hips back and forth, thrusting out her crotch against Emhyr's face as he nuzzled her dripping pussy and probed her belly with his wet tongue. The blonde girl cried out as her young body orgasmed, sticky fluid gushing from her tight slit into Emhyr's thirsty mouth.

Emhyr returned to his feet, sliding his black robes aside as Lara crawled out of her chair and knelt on her bare knees upon the polished floor. The naked girl carefully took Emhyr's hardened cock into her small hands, rubbing the engorged member lovingly until her master groaned with pleasure.

Slowly, teasingly, Lara licked the head of Emhyr's cock, her petite, moist lips caressing the swollen tip, then sliding down the shaft of the Emperor's tool till she reached the base of his shaft. She slid Emhyr's balls into her hot mouth, her tongue caressing the fleshy orbs as she swirled them around her cheeks. Emhyr panted for breath, clutching Lara's golden head and holding her steady as he thrust his cock deep inside her slim throat. Lara took her master's meatpole into her mouth and throat until it filled her orifice, her lips stretched wide to accept the pulsing shaft of his cock.

The girl moved her head back and forth, her lips caressing and fondling the long tool as her tongue slid around its length, drenching the member in her warm saliva. Emhyr moaned with each thrust of his cock, the blonde girl's mouth a burning hole of sexual ecstasy that he had to pump into again and again, helpless within the girl's seductive grasp. Lara slid her tongue down the bottom side of Emhyr's cock, her nose rubbing against his meat as she drenched his tool with her warm spit.

Emhyr grasped the base of his cock, holding Lara's face still as he rubbed his shaft obscenely across her mouth and nose, caressing her lips with his throbbing fucktool. Lara licked the head of her lord's penis, her pink tongue lapping his pole like a cat licking cream as she lavished hot tongue licks all over the shaft of Emhyr's cock, her strokes long and wet. Emhyr fucked Lara's mouth for another minute, then he was forced to release his load, a thick stream of cum spurting onto Lara's beautiful face and breasts.

Emhyr staggered backwards, his breath coming in loud gasps as Lara sat on the floor, licking her master's cum from her lips and tits.

"I must get ready for my coronation," muttered Emhyr as he resealed his robes, marching resolutely from the large, dimly-lit room.

Lara remained silent, wiping cum from her face and watching her lord with love and fanatical desire in her young heart. The Gauntlets of Vader pressed close against the naked girl's arms, the black leather warm and sensual as it reflected her dark lust.

Hundreds of horns blew the Imperial anthem as the coronation procession marched towards the front of the Imperial Palace. Hundreds of thousands of citizens stood in orderly ranks, guarded by thousands of Stormtroopers that stood at disciplined attention.

Emhyr walked proudly down a red-carpeted march way, flanked by two continuous lines of red-robed Imperial Guard. Mara Jade walked behind and to the right of Emhyr, dressed in a form-hugging red gown with an open slit between her round breasts and slits along her thighs that rose all the way to her hips.

The Jedi girl's hair was arranged in a royal coif that coiled above her head, laced with glimmering, white diamonds. Lara walked proudly at Emhyr's left, garbed in a gown identical to Mara's, but hued as sleek, absorbing black rather than red. The young girl's vibrant, blonde hair was gathered at the base of her neck, falling in a luscious column down her shapely back. Mara frowned as she glanced at the Gauntlets of Vader worn by Lara, the garments exuding a corrupt, oily sensation that made the Jedi girl's spine quiver.

The trio reached the Palace's entry stairwell, climbing the short distance to a carpeted dais where generals, admirals, and Imperial statesmen waited respectfully. Emhyr turned to face the thousands of faces gazing at him with awe, then knelt on one knee as a dark acolyte stepped forward and lowered the Emperor's Crown onto his black-haired head. Emhyr rose from the ground, then reached out with his right hand, waiting until Mara tentatively slid her own palm into his.

"Long live the Empire! The age of chaos is over, now I shall create an age of Order!" shouted Emhyr proudly.

"Long live the Empire! Long live the Emperor! Long live the Queen!" roared the huge crowd, their shouts shaking the tall skyscrapers of Imperial City like a barely controlled earthquake.