Heartbroken in Hell's Heart

By: Night Creeper

Disclaimer: All of the characters created by DC Comics are owned by DC Comics. And even though I have tampered with some of the storylines and backgrounds established by DC Comics, they are still owned by DC Comics. Any resemblances to actual people are coincidental and unintentional. And remember, this story is used for entertainment and not profit. If it is illegal for you to read something that only ADULTS should read, then go away!

Notes from the author: I would like to take the time to thank J.K. for his input in this story. Basically, he supplied an outline and idea for the story, and I just expanded on it and wrote the scenes accordingly, which made things rather easy. Also, although there wasn't an editor for this story, he checked the time-line of the story, and made sure that it made sense.

Finally, this story is loosely (very loosely) based on the four issue Superman story arc, but in a slightly different universe where Barbara Gordon is still Batgirl and Supergirl is Linda Lee, Superman's cousin. Also, the story has Pre and Post crisis elements mixed. If you have read the comics books (unlike me), you will probably know what I'm talking about.

Feel free to e-mail me at <[email protected]> with comments, criticisms, ideas, etc. Thanks and happy reading.


Heartbroken in Hell's Heart

By: Night Creeper

"Hasn't my father or anyone else brought this up?" Barbara Gordon asked the Hispanic woman sitting across the table from her in a local bistro in Gotham City.

"Nothing has happened in the last two weeks. So tell me about your European vacation," the woman replied nonchalantly as she sipped her coffee.

"Forget my European vacation! Who cares about my trip when the Vice President's wife and Supergirl are both missing!" Barbara exclaimed.

"Keep your voice down, Barbara. Don't make a scene."

"Montoya, Lana Lang, the Vice President's wife is missing, and you're going to tell me that it's not important?"

"Barbara, the President may have sent her on some secret mission or something. She left long before Superman went on his mission to deepest space somewhere. For all I know, he took Supergirl with him. Those Kryptonians are tough and I bet they're busy saving the universe from some space creature or something. As for us regular people, we should just mind our own business," Renee Montoya replied.

"That can't be true!"

"What can't?"

"Superman couldn't have taken Supergirl with him! I read that Pete Ross had sent Supergirl to a city named Hell's Hearts Heat to find Lana Lang. It was in the European papers two weeks ago!"

"Settle down. What if Supergirl went to join Superman in space after that and the European papers didn't carry the story? And what if the Pete Ross heard back from his wife and knew that she was safe and sound, thus allowing Supergirl to depart?"

"Jesus Renee! You're a cop and you don't smell something fishy here?"

"I did, but your father was very precise about not pursuing the matter. And if you're father says not to worry about it then I am not going to worry about. In fact, you shouldn't worry about it either," the woman replied calmly as she sipped her coffee and then glanced around the table looking for her spoon.

"You mean the city, Hell's Heart, doesn't peak your interest or anything? I've never heard of it until now."

"It's probably some small city out in the Mid-West or something like that," the female cop shrugged as she added more sugar to her coffee.

"It's not! It's about an eight hour drive from here!"

"Yea, but it's toward the West."

"But no one has heard about it until now!"

"Barbara, you're going to have to watch that blood pressure if you keep this up. Pete Ross, the Vice President may have not sent his wife to Hell's Heart, but she might be relaxing there. There's a great deal of pressure for people holding public office. Just ask your father. Besides, the press hasn't covered it, so there's nothing to worry about," Montoya replied coolly as she stared out of the window in boredom.

"Perhaps your right, but I think Barbara Gordon is going to take a little drive to Hell's Heart to take a look around. Want to come with me?"

"I would love to, but Hell's Heart doesn't strike me as being very important and I can definitely say it's not on my radar screen in terms of places I want to take a vacation at. Besides, if Lana Lang is there, it's probably a real dull place thanks to all the security concerns. Nope, I rather spend my vacation time relaxing at home here in Gotham City. Are you going to tell your dad about this?"

"I asked him about the whole thing earlier and he didn't care about Hell's Heart either. However, I want to check it out anyway. Perhaps they have a good library or something there."

"Alright Barbara, you and your explorer mentality can go visit Hell's Heart while I head back to work. Someone has to keep interesting cities like Gotham safe."


In a Strip Club in Hell's Heart

A blonde woman dressed in a white, sheer button front shirt with a satin accent collar that was almost transparent, giving anyone who wanted it a great view of her melons, encased in a tight black leather bra, was busy giving a lap dance while a fat creep pawed her ass. The woman also wore a pleated crisscross button waist skirt and a pair of wide-stretch lace-band stockings, which were well above her knees, while a pair of plaid suspenders went up from her skirt, covering her protruding nipples, and connected with the back of the skirt. The skirt wasn't very long, giving everyone a good look at her blue g-string. She even had a small red backpack on her shoulders and the painted lips to match. The only thing missing from the outfit were pigtails. The woman never felt so humiliated in her life, but she was getting use to it especially since she had a long talk with her current boyfriend. She knew that her boyfriend was a sleazy rat, but she felt that she couldn't get a man better than him, so she decided to do whatever he requested. However, she couldn't help but recount their first encounter two weeks ago.

She had just heard of Hell's Heart two weeks ago and wasn't sure why nobody heard of the place in the city that she resided. However, she was bored at home and since her presence was requested, she decided to accept the job. When she arrived in Hell's Heart, she wandered the streets for hours. The more she walked, the more confused she got. She passed by a few store windows and could have sworn she saw a light green glow in the glass, but when she stopped and examined the glass, she could not locate the glow. All she knew was that she was getting nowhere fast. In fact, she felt that she had wasted her time and cursed herself for being such a fool to squander the precious commodity. However, she pressed her search.

"What are you looking at?" a sleazy looking man asked as she brushed the man and almost knocked him down to the ground.

"I'm sorry," she quickly replied extending her hand. "I was in a hurry and didn't notice you there."

The man slapped her hand away and snorted. "Hurry for what? You've got a dance card or something?"

"No," the woman replied, a bit confused by the man's statement. "I'm actually looking for a friend of mine, but I can't seem to find her."

"In this rundown little town, you'll be lucky if you find anyone. If you're looking for a man, I suggest you go to the strip club, that's were everyone goes," he replied as he slapped his brown jacket, sending a cloud of dust into the air.

The woman's eyes darted away from the man and could have sworn she saw green dust rise from his jacket, but when she concentrated her gaze, it disappeared. "I'm not looking for a man and I would never step foot in a strip club," she replied forcefully in disgust.

"That's a shame since you have the perfect body for it. And if you're not looking for a man, I suppose you have a very lucky boyfriend at home."

"I don't need a boyfriend," the woman retorted. "I can take care of myself!"

"Very well then. Your friend probably can't since you're looking for her."

"She might be able to," the woman replied, a little unsure.

"I doubt it. Women don't know much these days. They think they do, but they always need someone to point them in the right direction."

"I beg your pardon," the woman spoke hotly.

"By all means beg, I won't stop you."

"That's not what I meant!" she snapped.

"I don't care. All I know is that if you're friend was a confident woman, she wouldn't need you to look for her."

"That may be true, but I am looking for her. Since I am new in this town, where do you think she would go?"

"So much for confidence. It appears that you don't know what you're doing either."

"I do too!"

"Then why are you asking me for help if you're so confident? Seems that someone isn't quite a sure as pretends to be."

"There's no use talking to vermin like yourself, especially if you won't help."

"Help? I offered already."

"Then how about some information?"

"Flash me your tits and I'll give you some information," the man replied happily.

"Disgusting!" the woman barked and left the man in a huff, continuing her search. However, the woman spent all day wandering the streets of the small dingy town. She passed by the strip club and a small diner. She went by several porn stores and a few more warehouses. During her search, she noticed that the town was nothing more than fifty blocks, five blocks going North and South and ten blocks going East and West. The outer parts of the town were where the people lived and there were some respectful stores, but in the center of town was where the red light district was. Unfortunately for her, there were only two motels in town. The good one was all booked up, so she had to settle for the bad one in the red light district. Much to her dismay, it was also more expensive, but she reasoned that she would stay for the night and she would be able to locate her friend in the morning.

Morning came and went and night quickly followed, forcing her to spend another night at the motel. Making matters worse was the fact that the motel was so expensive that it ate into her funds rather quickly and she wasn't able to find a bank that would give her a cash advance since she wasn't a member. This meant that she would only be able to afford one more night at the motel before she would have to return home. She figured that she would have found her friend by then and stayed another night.

On the third day, she bumped into a nice couple at the edge of town. They told her that the local photographer knows everyone that comes in and out of town since the man's like the unofficial mayor ever since the elected mayor went on vacation. In fact, they even added that he lived in the red light district. The woman thanked them, but forgot to get the man's name. By the time, she realized her blunder, the couple was nowhere to be found. She cursed her own stupidity as she walked down the streets, occasionally seeing other people, and asking them if they knew the photographer, but most of them would just run away from her. Eventually, she bumped into the sleazy man she met on the first day.

"You again," he snorted.

"Look, I don't have time for this! Do you know the name of the town's photographer?"


"So what's his name?" she snapped.

"I'm not going to tell you if you use that holy than thou tone with me!" he retorted angrily.

"I'm sorry. Can you please tell me his name?"

"Not so cocky now eh?"

"What is you're problem?"

"If you're so damn confident, you should be able to figure it out."

Sensing that she was losing the argument, she swallowed her pride for the moment, and spoke in a very considerate tone to him. "I am sorry about my attitude. Can you please tell me who the photographer is and where I can find him?"

"Fuck no!"

"Damn you! What is your problem?"

"My problem is you! No stuck up bitch is going to con me!"

"Forget this!" the woman snarled as she pushed him aside. As her hand touched his jacket, she could have sworn there was a brief flash of green. However, once again, it quickly vanished and the woman's anger was simply too much as she stomped away.

"Look bitch! Show me your tits and I'll give you some information! If you're interested, find me!" he shouted at her.

That night, the woman spent the final night at the motel. She had checked with the other motel, but that place was booked solid and she sure didn't want to go home empty handed. Thus, before she closed her eyes, she decided to seek out the sleazy man the next day to get her much needed answers.

When the next day rolled around, she went in search of the man. She spent a great deal of the day looking for him with little success. As the day grew darker, she remembered that the man said that all men go to the strip club. Once again, the woman swallowed her pride and made her way to the strip club. At the door, a bouncer refused to let her in unless she paid the expensive cover charge. The woman refused since she was just a few dollars short from staying another night at the motel. She begged the bouncer again and again. In fact, she even cried. As she pleaded her case, the sleazy man came out of the door.

"Damn it! Stop making such a scene! The patrons inside can't enjoy themselves!" he snarled.

"I need the guy's name," the woman spoke as she pushed back her tears.

"What's in it for me?"

"I will agree to your terms," she sniffled as she wiped the tears from her face.

"Really now?"

"What about the cover charge, boss?" the bouncer asked.

"Screw it! I own this place. If the bitch wants in so she can talk to me in my office then the bitch can come in for free," he spoke as the bouncer allowed the woman to enter.

Once inside the club, the woman followed the club owner through the main area filled with several stages. The club was packed with men, who were watching the all the nude female dancers. She saw the dancers' unconscionable behavior, coupled that with the men's reaction, and the ever present smell of beer and smoke, she wanted to puke. However, they finally arrived at the man's office.

"Should I flash you now?" she asked as she heard the door close behind her.

"Go ahead doll," the man spoke as he sat down his black leather chair behind his desk.

The woman grabbed her tight top, pulled it all the way to her chin and flashed her naked pendulous breasts. After a few seconds, she lowered her top, and held back the tears. "What's his name?"

"The man you seek has left town. He will come back in three days. If you did what I asked the first time we met, you would have gotten your answer. Instead, come back in three days and I'll introduce you two."

"You said you would give me his name if I flashed you my breasts!"

"No! I said I would give you his name if you flashed me your tits, but that offer expired last night. Be happy that I even told you that he is coming back in three days. If you're interested, I called the owner of the motel next door. He said he would take whatever funds you had left and grant you a night there. It appears that your sob story from yesterday was enough. Of course, having me cover the difference was also quite a help."

"But . . ."

"Look bitch! You can stay the night there or you can make some money here for some free room and board. Except you'll have to lose the skirt and just wear this," he spoke as he threw a blue g-string at her.

She held the g-string in her trembling hands as she felt some of her confidence slip away. The woman could tell that it was a size or two too small for her. "No way!" she finally glared at the man as she tossed the g-string back at him.

"Suit yourself. Going to be damn hard to fill that growling stomach with no money though," the man laughed as she heard her stomach growl. The woman realized that she hadn't ate all day as she tried to save her money. However, she didn't want to wear the g-string so she stormed out of the office and back to the motel.

By the next night however, she was back in the club owner's office, where she sat on his lap with her legs spread. Her top was bunched up above her breasts while his hands pawed at them as she ate a sandwich and drank some clean water from a glass. She tried hard not to think of what she had done, but she couldn't get it out of her mind as her self worth and ego took a big hit. However, she refused to spend the night inside club.

Yet by morning, she was back inside the club using the shower after spending a complete night sleeping in the cold dark alleyway outside. After her shower, the woman remained topless as she ate inside the office, allowing the man to once again to grope her breasts in exchange for food. Except this time, her skirt was missing as she wore the tight blue g-string since she wanted a warm place to sleep at night and the man agreed as long as she wore the g-string.

"Hmmmm . . . you taste good," a fat slob spoke as he licked the woman's breasts.

The man's voice was enough to wake her back to reality. "I'm glad you like my tits, sir, but unless you pay more money, this dance is over," she spoke very submissively as she gripped her tits and pushed together.

"Sorry babe, spent all my money on you already. Maybe tomorrow," the man spoke as she pushed her away and left.

"Here you go," the club owner spoke as he handed the woman a towel.

"Thank you," she spoke as she wiped the saliva off her tits.

"Go wash yourself off and meet me in the bedroom."

"Why don't you count the money while I shower instead?" the woman asked.

"Not a bad idea," the club owner replied as he smacked her ass.


The Next Day

Sensing that Batgirl might cause a ruckus, Barbara Gordon decides to walk the streets without her crime fighting alter ego. Instead, she leaves her costume in the Hell's Heart's motel, the one away from the red light district. Spending her time walking around a four block radius, Barbara is able to find the town's library. She decides that she may want to review the town's history before she branches out. Thus, the librarian quickly enters the library and begins to rummage through the archives.

As the woman reads, she can't shake the feeling that there should be more people in the library. She only bumped into a handful of people walking the streets, but then again, she was in the town's residential area and according to the census report that she was currently reading, most of the town's people worked in the Northern parts of town where the factories were. The South Eastern part had her motel, but it was mostly residential. The business sector was in the West. "This information will help me out greatly," Barbara spoke to herself as she slammed the book close and saw green vapors rise from the book and quickly disappeared. The woman rubbed her eyes, opened the book, and slammed it again, but no green vapors appeared this time around. "Odd," she muttered.

"Can I help you?" an voice quivered.

Barbara looked up and saw an elderly man standing at the doorway. "Not really. I was just reading up on this town."

"The city has quite a lot of history. Most of it lies in this room."

"I never been to this town before and I was wondering if there are any sites?" Barbara asked.

"This town isn't really for tourists. We don't have any tourist attractions. The city is very blue collared. Everyone works for a living. The people receive their education in this town and they usually stay in this town. Some of the young people have moved away, but the majority stays here. There some farmland over yonder, but not many people really work there anymore since machines were invented. Crime is very low so no one needs to keep an eye on the crops," the old man replied.

"It's a very nice town."

"Depends on where you go. There are parts that are a bit rundown. If you read some of the books in the far corner there, they will describe what happened in the center of our city."

"I realize that you call this place a city, but going by the numbers here, the population only makes this place a town."

"You can use those fancy numbers to say anything you want, but we locals call this home. It doesn't matter if you want to call this place a city, a town, or a village. Besides, if you live here, this place is considered home, and that's what matters."

"I agree with you completely."

"Well, I guess I'll leave you to your reading. I have to check up on the other patrons. If you need anything, there is a blue call button next to the door here. Simply press it and I'll come here as soon as I can. Also, not a lot of locals come here for the archives, so you may find them a but dusty. With these old lights and all the dust, you may not want to stay in here long. Some patrons swore they can see green particles float in the air. I assure you that it's nothing more than a vivid imagination. Happy reading," the man spoke as he left.

"At least that explains the vapors. Nice guy too," Barbara spoke as she pulled another book off the shelves, not even touching the ones in the far corner.


At the Strip Club

A naked woman knelt on the floor as she voraciously licked the seated club owner's shaft before taking it into her mouth. Once inside her mouth, she bobbed her head up and down, deep throating him as her cheeks puffed out. Her hands gripped his hips as he gripped her hair, pulling her closer to him, loving every second of it, which was her goal; to make sure that he enjoyed it. This was a major departure from their first full day together, but she was use to it now.

The first full day, the woman still wore her top, but it was still pulled up, freeing her breasts. Her skirt was gone as she wore the small blue g-string while the woman's cape and boots remained. The woman was allowed to eat breakfast and for payment, she had to accompany the man as he watched some videos. She agreed and found herself sitting on top of his spread legs as he pumped his fingers in and out of her dripping sex while she watched porn on a huge screen TV. The woman saw other females sitting on the laps of their loves, climaxing over and over again as degrading names were thrown at them. Some of the women even agreed and began to recite the names. Although she didn't want to recite the degrading names and words when the owner shouted them, she couldn't help herself as she climaxed. The woman felt humiliated as she had to barter her body for food and shelter. Worse yet, she had climaxed at the hands of a total stranger while watching porn. However, for much of the day, she sat between his legs and climaxed repeatedly as she watched women being fingered, fisted, fucked, and giving blowjobs, while being called every vile and dirty name in the book for the rest of the afternoon.

At night, the woman was disheveled, but she joined the man and sat in the back of his club as they watched the female dancers gyrate on stage for the voyeuristic crowd. She saw some of the women perform private lap dances while others danced exclusively on a patron's table as long as the money kept on flowing. When the money stopped, the women moved on. "They're just trying to make a buck to pay the bills so they can survive, just like you," the owner spoke as he continued to pump his fingers in and out of her sex while she gripped and fondled her own breasts.

The woman tried to deny it, but climaxed before she could say anything. With a tear in her eye, she nodded her head when the owner placed a dollar on her thigh. "Take it to pay my bill," she sobbed as the pair spent a good four hours in the club.

Afterwards, a exhausted she returned to the man's bathroom and cleaned herself up with a nice long shower. The water was very soothing and she never wanted it to stop. She closed her eyes and enjoyed the sensation as the water attempted to wash away her sins. Since her eyes were closed, she couldn't see the green mists that briefly appeared in shower. Eventually, the woman left the shower and dried herself off. As she dried herself with a long white towel, she couldn't help but notice a small green aura around her nude body in the mirror. The woman looked down at her body and saw that there wasn't a bit of green on her. She then looked at the mirror and saw no sign of the green aura. "Must be my nerves," she spoke as she exited the bathroom and joined the man on his bed. Previously, he had her sleep on the couch, but the couch was moved, so she slept on the bed with him. It was better than the floor, she reasoned. However, once she laid on the bed, the man's hands roamed all over her body. Her sex began to tingle and moisten as she couldn't hide her embarrassment. The woman couldn't believe that her body would react so quickly. Thus, as she thought about it some more, the man began to pump his fingers in and out of her sex again, forcing the woman to climax violently before passing out.

In the morning, the woman was panting when she opened her eyes and saw the man's head tucked between her thighs, eating her out. Instead of slapping the man silly, her hands gripped his hair as she howled in pure lust. Within seconds, she climaxed and took several minutes to come down from it even though a few small tremors continued to rock her body. She had never experienced anything like it and she couldn't believe how much she liked it even though she never imagined a time where she would allow a man's lips to touch her there. As she thought about it, her face was almost as red as her boots and cape.

"You know what to do," the man spoke as he laid on his back and spread his legs.

She nodded and fought back the tears as she recalled the women from the videos. Her hands stroked his member before gripping it and sliding her hands up and down the entire length of his shaft. She could see a small dribble of white liquid trickle down from his member. With some reluctance, she moved her head over his member, and closed her lips on the head. She slowly slid it further into her mouth as she fought back the tears, totally humiliated by the circumstances. She berated herself for being overconfident and not bringing enough money to this place, thus forcing her to accept her current situation. Not satisfied, the man gripped her cape and cleaned his face with it. Then he began to grope her ass and began to slap it. This caused the woman to move her head, slowly bobbing up and down on it. A few seconds passed before the man began to finger her sex and it seemed to light a fire underneath the woman as loud sucking sounds filled the room. Within a few minutes, the man pulled her mouth off his member and placed both her hands on it. He then moved them violently up and down, causing him to squirt his load into her face. Then he forced the woman to use her own cape to clean it off. She could smell her own aroma on the cape, but with tears in her eyes, she cleaned her face with it, adding his sperm to her juices.

"Superslut!" the man spoke as he patted her head.

"Yes," she sobbed as Supergirl couldn't have agreed more with his comments. When she was done, she hardly did a thing when he took her top off and threw her cape to the floor. The woman was now stuck on auto-pilot as she was taken to the bathroom and cleaned. Afterwards, they ate and repeated the same routine as the previous day.

"Good slut," the man spoke as he spanked her ass, bringing her back to reality.

Supergirl looked up at the man's eyes as she felt the man's member began to stiffen. Within seconds, he shot his load into her mouth and she immediately swallowed it in order to please him.


Somewhere in the South East

"I know it's a workday, but where are all the people?" Barbara Gordon thought as she walked the streets. "Everywhere I go, there seems to be a bare minimum of people. Perhaps everyone is working at the factories. Or maybe aliens have come down and sucked everyone's brains out. Don't get paranoid," she chided herself as she glanced down at the sheet of paper she wrote from her research at the archives.

"Hey! Watch it!" a man blurted out as Barbara Gordon bumped into him.

"I'm sorry," Barbara quickly apologized, wondering why she didn't see the man earlier when she glanced up and down the street.

"Sorry isn't always good enough," the man replied. "However, since you didn't make me spill my beer, I'll let you get away with it."

Barbara looked at the man and thought he was pretty young, probably in his thirties. She noticed that he was wearing a worn brown trench coat with a matching hat over his head, making him look like a pale private investigator. In his hand was a brown bag in the shape of a beer bottle. "Isn't it a bit early to be drinking?" she asked.

"It's not morning. What do I care? This town is drying up faster than my beer. No more jobs coming in and soon there won't be any money coming out of my pockets."

"I'm sorry to hear that," Barbara spoke after realizing that the man was probably unemployed.

"Yea, times are tough. This old town will probably be abandoned and whither away. I bet that stupid mayor is in some other town, trying to find a job before this place closes down."

"Is that why the streets are so quiet these days?"

"These days? These streets haven't been busy for years," the man laughed as he took a sip from his bottle, crinkling the bag in the process. "People don't have money for gas so they all walk. Since people don't have gas for their cars, the stores try to put themselves in a single area like a shopping center, hoping that people will come by. It's sad really. You think these smart ass businesspeople would put their shops away from each other to get more business. Doesn't matter much since there's not a lot of money to go around."

"What's keeping the town going then?"

"This town," the man muttered as he took another sip. "This town makes what other towns don't want to make. This town makes it and ships it to other places."

"Like an exporter."

"Don't be using those fancy words around me. The last person who used those fancy words took my job. In fact, this town doesn't hire that many locals anymore, but they have brought in a lot of outside help. You're not staying at the motel are you?"

"The one East of here?"

"That be the one."

"What of it?" Barbara replied, bracing herself.

"Nothing much. Those outsiders live there. That's about the only local legit place making money. I tell you one thing though, don't be stealing us local people's jobs," the man spoke as he took another sip of his beer and staggered into an alleyway.

Barbara bit her lip and decided to ask the man one more question. "Excuse me, but the outsiders taking the jobs, are they mostly men or women?"

"I don't know and I don't care. If you're trying to find a male friend, I suggest you try the factories. If you're trying to find a female friend, try the strip club. Every one of them goes there."

"Uh . . . thanks, I'll keep that in mind," Barbara replied as she quickly walked away. The woman had a few more items she wanted to research at the library before it closed. In her haste to leave, she didn't notice that an eerie green glow was emanating from the alley that the man retired to.


At the Strip Club

"One, two, three, four, five," the club owner counted the money on his desk as eight dancers and Supergirl, all topless grinded their bodies against each other. Some kissed each others' bodies and some even spanked other people as well all for the man's viewing pleasure.

Supergirl locked eyes with a tall brunette, her dance instructor, as she remembered when they first met. It was the third day that she had spent with the owner of the club. She was sitting on his lap, giving his hands free reign over her body, which prevented him from throwing her out into the street. A part of her was mesmerized by the video playing on the TV and the other half was enjoying the man's attentions. She heard whisper a few degrading names into her ear as his fingers pumped her sex furiously, causing her to climax. When she opened her eyes, a beautiful brunette stood in front of her dressed like a Catholic schoolgirl. The man instructed her to watch the woman as she began to dance and strip. In her dazed state, Supergirl eyed the woman's every move, absorbing it all into her brain, and storing it.

By the time the woman was totally naked, Supergirl's facilities had returned and she tried to ignore the woman. The club owner would not have any part of that as he turned the TV off. "The photographer is running behind. He seems to have joined our beloved mayor in another town and will delayed a few days. Thus, to pay your way for the next few nights, you'll have to dance. I suggest you watch closely," he spoke to Supergirl.

"No," Supergirl moaned. "I only agreed to flash you my tits and wear the g-string. Offering you my cunt and sucking your cock were all extra," she replied, not realizing that she repeated the same vile words that he used to describe her recently.

"You're getting the language down," the man replied as puled his hands away from her body while the brunette began to dress. "However, if you want to sleep on the street for the next few nights without food or water, you're free to. I guess it's just your unbending attitude getting yourself into trouble again.

"He's right. I could have found Lana the first day, but I wasn't willing to cooperate. I put myself into this mess. All I have to do is dance for the next few days, collect some money, and then I'll be able to find Lana and get the fuck out of here. Oh shit! I'm using the fucking words from the porno and I'm getting so fucking horny now," her mind spoke as she grabbed the man's hands and placed them against her sex.

"I will only continue if you dance. Want me to continue?"

"Yes," she purred.

"Then watch her closely," the man spoke as he began to finger her while the brunette danced and stripped again. For the rest of the afternoon, Supergirl watched intently as the brunette stripped over and over again. With two hours before show time, Supergirl stood from the couch and joined the brunette, allowing the woman to mold her. Finally, it was a few dances before her debut.

"I can't tell everyone that I have Supergirl stripping at the club," the owner spoke once the brunette left the room.

"But they already seen me with the cape and boots a few nights ago," Supergirl replied as she sat in his lap and allowed his hands to roam her body.

"They didn't see you wear your entire slutty outfit on the street like I did. They just saw some cock hungry bimbo in my club getting fingered. The cape and boots could be easily wiped from their minds. However, if I announce you as Supergirl, they will all know. So what to call you?"

Supergirl watched the man in deep thought for quite some time. She could tell that he was getting agitated and she didn't like it when he was upset. "You can use the name, Linda Lee," she uttered.

"Fabulous," the man spoke. "Linda Lee, my newest stripper!"

"YES!" Supergirl shouted as she climaxed in his lap before having to dress and take the stage, where she danced and made a lot of money.

"Linda! Linda!" the brunette spoke, snapping Supergirl out from her memories.

"Huh?" she replied.

"You can stop now," the brunette spoke as she pointed at Supergirl's hands, which were squeezing the brunette's tits. "If I don't collect my money now, he's going to keep it."

"Sorry," Supergirl replied as she released the brunette. She quickly walked to the table, collected her money, and left the room.

"Quite a performance there, Superslut," the man spoke as he relaxed in his chair.

"Hopefully this one will be better," Supergirl spoke as she knelt between his legs and unzipped his pants.


Back at the Library

"The man was right, companies began to pull out a few years ago. Looks like property values dropped and everything," Barbara said to herself as she perused the log.

"Back again?" an elderly voice spoke from the door.

"Yes, I am your average bookworm," Barbara giggled as she looked up at the old librarian.

"Just don't eat the paper then," the man laughed back.

"Excuse me for asking sir, but I bumped into someone on the streets today, who said that companies were leaving this city and the remaining companies were hiring outside of the city . . ."

"I know who you're talking about. The man's a drunk. He has no idea what he's talking about. The companies hired consultants to take a look at ways to generate more revenue. Those people are taking away jobs, they are trying to save them. As for the rest of the people, they're too busy working to make as much money in case the city declares bankruptcy. I bet he said that people were scared to leave their homes."

"No. He didn't say that," Barbara replied as she became confused.

"He would have if you gave him half a chance. The man is drunk and is all delusional. A few years back before he lost his job, he always ranted about some strange things happening in the Northern mountains. Then he ranted about some happening in the middle of the city. Everyone knows that there was meteor storm way back when and it screwed up the electrical systems of this place. A few weeks after that, power would go out occasionally for long periods of times, driving costs up and profits down for the companies. Some of them packed their bags and left. Once they left, the taxes dried up, and the city couldn't generate any more revenue. We've been in the red ever since. That's why this place looks so desolate. No money to run anything and some people still live here, but they travel long distances for work. No one wants to give up on this city, but we might have to."

"I can understand that people are scared about losing their homes, but why would they stay in their homes?"

"I'm sorry for the confusion, I mis-spoke. I really meant to say that people were scared to lose their homes. In my old age, my mouth doesn't always get the proper signals from my brain," the man apologized.

"Don't worry about, I understand since I do that too."

"You may not understand what I am about to say then. I don't get paid to stay here after dark, so I'm not going to stay. The library officially closes once it gets dark, but we never lock the doors or anything, so people can still come in. Some homeless people use the delivery area to sleep and even cook their meals there to save a few bucks. You're free to stay here if you like, but I recommend that you return to the motel or something before it gets too late. Some of the homeless people hate strangers because they all think that they took their jobs."

"I understand," Barbara replied politely as she looked at her watch.

"Don't worry. You've got about two more hours. If you need help, I'll be upstairs for the next two hours," the old man spoke as he waved goodbye and left.

"Nice man," Barbara spoke as she poured over the numbers and stats, totally unaware that a few green flickers of light appeared at the doorway.


At the Strip Club

"Are you proud of me?" Supergirl, who was nude and heavily oiled up, asked the club owner as she slowly oscillated on his cock. Surrounding the two on the bed was at least three hundred dollars that Supergirl made doing lap dances alone. When the club owner didn't reply, a scared Supergirl took his hands and placed them on her breasts. "Squeeze my tits," she begged. A smile appeared on her face when he did as she requested.

The club owner showed no emotion, but he was so happy on the inside. Linda Lee, the woman better known to the world as Supergirl was all his and had been for some time now. Her cocky attitude was gone as the woman's self esteem was very close to zero. Everything she did or wanted to do was to get his approval. She was like a small child, who needed his guidance, his support, but most importantly, she needed him and would do anything to keep him since she felt so lost without him. This meant that the woman was now a full time stripper at his club and nothing made him happier.

Supergirl felt his member twitch inside her and knew that she was pleasing him. She squeezed his wrists and guided his hands as they groped and fondled her breasts. The woman remembered the first day that he took her. She had learned that the photographer hadn't returned and that she would have to start fucking him so she could stay. Supergirl refused and the man slapped her a few times. Normally, blows from mere mortals would have left the woman unfazed, but during the incident, every blow cut into her psyche, leaving a blow. Before she knew it, she fell to her knees, sobbing.

"I give you a roof over your head and warm meals and this is how you repay me! I gave you money so you wouldn't be some homeless bum! Instead of taking advantage of you, I offered you a job that allowed you to make money! At least this way, you can feel good about yourself for doing an honest days work! Yet, when I offer you a new position, you refuse! That's fine Supergirl! There are a great deal of other people who would love to be in your position right now, because they don't want to spend another night in the good! So if you don't like my offer then get the fuck out of here!" he screamed as he opened the window.

Supergirl stood up and glared at the man through teary eyes. "Fuck it! I don't need this shit!" she screamed back at him as she attempted to fly out the window, but found that she simply struck a pose and didn't really go anywhere.

"Get the fuck out! What are you waiting for, a fucking handout?"

"No!" the woman screamed back as she tried to fly again.

"God fucking damn it, you lazy cunt! If you won't get out, I'll fucking throw you out then!" the man growled as he grabbed her wrist and pulled her out of his office.

"I can't fly and what happened to my strength?" Supergirl's mind raced as she found herself unable to stop the man from pulling her through the club. For the first time ever, the woman knew fear as she was losing control of the situation. Everything that she knew and was comfortable with was spinning out of control. Her desperation grew as she tried to think of a way to get him to stop. Finally, she slapped him a few times, but the undeterred man continued to pull her through his club. As they got closer and closer to the door, Supergirl's desperation grew even more. She began to plead with the man, but before she knew it, he threw her out of the club.

"And stay out!" the man snarled as he slammed the door, leaving Supergirl alone in the alleyway.

Suddenly, it began to rain. Thunder and lightning crashed through the sky, alarming the woman. She tried to fly, but found it impossible. Instead, she jumped a few inches off the ground. As the rain poured down like a monsoon, her tears poured down her face. She glanced around for some shelter and was only able to find a dumpster. Swallowing her pride, she lifted the dumpster's lid and climbed in with the garbage. The woman was shaking uncontrollably as she cursed herself for failing to locate Lana Lang and for being in such a predicament. As the rain continued to pour down, the dumpster began to take on water and the soggy garbage was beginning to stink. Finally, Supergirl was unable to take anymore and she exited the dumpster. She glanced at the street and saw no cars or even lights. The woman knew it was still morning, but since she never left the club in the last few days, she was unsure if she should leave or not. Doubt crept into her mind as she loathed herself. She thought about heading out into the streets and dying of sickness or worse. It was the first time these thoughts ever entered her mind and she realized that nothing like that ever crossed her mind when she was inside the club. Inside the club, she received food, money, showers, companionship, shelter, pleasure, and safety. Finally, the woman started banging on the door, pleading to be let in.

At first there was no response, but after a few minutes, the door slowly opened and the club owner stared at the woman angrily. "What the fuck do you want?" he snarled.

"Please," she begged.

"Please what?"

"Please let me back inside."

"Why should I?"

"I'll do what you ask."

"No fucking way, you smell like shit!"

"Please! I'll do anything!" she pleaded as she fell to her knees and cupped her tits. "The sluts in the videos allowed their boyfriends to fuck their tits. You can do that too!"

"Those women are not sluts! They are some of the hardest working women around! I don't see why a lazy fuck like yourself can say anything bad about them!" he yelled as he pretended to slam the door in her face.

"You're right! I'm a worthless slut! I don't deserve to be let inside! I should crawl back in the dumpster with the rest of the garbage! However, I would be forever grateful if you let me in!" she spoke as she tried to hold back the tears. She fluttered her eyelids and smacked her lips, acting like some of the women from the videos before they were screwed by the male actors.

"I don't think so. Like I said before, there are hundreds of people willing to take your place here as a stripper."

"But how many of them will serve your every whim and let you fuck them in any way you see fit?"

"Any of them! Although, I do remember that you said that you didn't have a boyfriend. Is that true?"

"No, it's not," she replied.

"Really now?"

"I always thought I was your girlfriend," she cooed as she thrust her breasts forward to entice him.

"NO WAY!" the man spoke as he could see Supergirl was totally crestfallen and he knew he had her. "A girlfriend is someone I respect. I don't respect you at all especially since you're out in the fucking rain when you could be inside! I gave you everything and you treated me like shit when I made on fucking request!"

"I'm sorry!" the woman cried. "One more chance! Please give me one more chance!"

"God damn it! You smell like shit! You're going to make my club smell like shit too!"

"PLEASE!" she sobbed.

"Like I said before, I don't want a girlfriend, but I wouldn't mind having a slut."

"I'll be your slut! I'll be your slut!" she said enthusiastically.

The man waited a few long minutes as he saw the fear and hope in her eyes. She didn't want him to reject her and she was hoping that she would accept her. This caused the man to do cartwheels on the inside. "Get out of the fucking rain, get cleaned up before you get sick, and try not make a mess of my club either," he finally replied.

Supergirl was ecstatic. She rose to her feet and tried to hug and kiss him, but he quickly backed off. Realizing that she was wet and smelly, she nodded and ran to his office. She then showered and joined him in his bed, where she pleasured his member with her mouth while fingering herself. Finally, she allowed the man to fuck her cunt. The man was the first to fuck Supergirl, who willingly gave herself to him. As they fucked in numerous positions and places, she revealed herself to him. She told him her real name and her reason for arriving in Hell's Heart, but now she just wanted to be a stripper and spend her life with him. The woman felt a sense of purpose inside the club next to the owner. He provided a safe haven for her, unlike the outside world and she was forever grateful. Especially since she realized that she failed miserably when she was all by herself.

"Superslut!" the man moaned as Supergirl was brought back to the present.

"Yes," she purred as bent down and kissed the man flush on the lips before tongue wrestling with him. After a few seconds, her tongue surrendered and allowed his to invade her mouth. His tongue claimed her mouth as his cock pumped in and out of her dripping sex. The woman's sex held the man's cock tightly and securely, the same way she felt when she was around him, making her want to give herself to him. Yet the woman never saw the green flickers of light dancing behind her.


At the Library

Barbara Gordon put the last log back onto the shelf. She always hated it when visitors left the books and magazines on the tables without putting them back on shelves, which usually meant that she had to clean up the mess. However, she didn't want the poor old man to clean up, so she took the time to put away everything in the room. When she was done, she looked at her watch. "Whoa! It's almost midnight," she spoke in shock. "I best be getting out of here."

The woman turned off the light in the room and followed the dimly lit hallway to the stairs. She slowly ascended the stairs, her heels clicking with every step. As she neared the top, a figure emerged from the darkness. "What are you doing here?" the figure asked.

"I . . . I was reading," Barbara stammered as she readied herself to fight.

"Reading? Did you find anything that piqued your interest?" the owner of the voice asked as he emerged from the shadows.

"It's you," Barbara said in relief as she recognized the homeless man from the alleyway.

"What of it?"

"Nothing. It's just that you startled me."

"Startled? Bah! You should be leaving here! Go back to where it's warm and safe!"

"I thought this was a safe place."

"Nowhere in this wrecked city is safe."

"The librarian said it was a safe place."

"There isn't any crime, but that doesn't mean it is safe. I suggest that you go home as soon as you can before it's too late," the man snarled as he headed toward the loading dock.

Barbara Gordon wanted to talk to the man some more, but noticed that he was quite agitated when he was speaking to her, thus she simply let the man go. "I wonder what he meant by that," Barbara muttered to herself as she left the library and headed toward the motel.


The Next Day

Barbara Gordon, wearing a pair of blue jeans and white T-shirt with a fancy digital camera hanging around her neck, strolled along the streets of Hell's Heart. There was barely anyone in the streets and although none of the windows of the various buildings were boarded up, she could tell they were empty. "This place is like a ghost town," she muttered to herself. As she continued to walk, she saw a man wearing a worn brown trench coat and matching hat. She immediately thought it was the homeless man. "Stop! Wait up!" she yelled as she ran toward him.

"Who are you?" a man with a goatee asked angrily as he turned around to face her.

"Sorry, I thought you were someone else. However, you might be able to help me. I'm looking for a friend of mine."

"What are you a cop? I don't talk to cops!" he yelled as he glanced around.

"I'm not a cop," Barbara reassured him. "I just want to know if she seen this girl."

"Where are the cops then?"

"I don't know what you're afraid of, but I need to know if you've seen this woman," Barbara spoke as she brought up Lana Lang's picture on the camera and showed it to him.

"I know that bitch, but I am not telling any pig her whereabouts!"

"I'm not a cop, but I will be glad to pay for any information that you can give me."

"Then pay this," the man smiled as he unzipped his pants.

"Animal!" Barbara snarled as she slapped him hard across the face.

"BITCH!" the man yelled back and slapped her just as hard. Barbara saw the hand, but didn't even try to dodge it. And once it hit her, she didn't strike back. Before she could do anything, the man pushed her to the ground. The man quickly pads her down as if he were searching for something.

"I'm not a cop," Barbara replied as she made no movement to get up or to stop the man.

"If you're not a cop, then who are you?" the man asked angrily.

Remembering the conversation with the homeless man, Barbara quickly thought up a story. "I got a call from her and she said she could get me a job."

"You definitely have the body for it," the man smirked as he picked Barbara off the pavement. "Follow me and be quick about it." Without saying a word, Barbara followed the man and after some time, she did see a few boarded up buildings. Before too long, the pair ducked into an alleyway and went inside a building though the back door.

Once inside, the man slams the door behind Barbara. "Lois! You've got yourself a new partner!" he yelled.

Within seconds, a topless redhead wearing a g-string scurries toward the door. "Lana," Barbara's mind uttered as her jaw dropped to the floor.


"Why are you doing this?" Barbara asked Lana.

"I like it here Barbara," Lana replied. "Sure, I find it degrading, but it is my destiny. I feel free here since it is not as restricting as being the Vice President's wife."

"It's only less restricting because you're not wearing a top."

"Don't be jealous Barbara," Lana spoke.

"How can I be jealous of a woman who has the words Presidential Ho tattooed in garish colors on her ass? Or better yet, how can I be jealous of a woman that sleeps in a room that's filled with video monitors playing videos of women engaging in lesbian orgies?"

"I am a star here Barbara! People are out of jobs and hope, yet the buy magazines with me plastered on them, and it brings them joy!"

"Lana, this isn't like you."

"That's because people always expected things from me, things that I could never accomplish. Lois Lane was always better than me. Why else would she have gotten married to him and I was left with no choice except marrying the Vice President."

"The Vice President! You're married to the Vice President! What can be better than that?"

"I'm not married to him!" the woman sobbed.

"Is that what's bothering you?"

"A lot of thing bother me now, especially my old life. And stop call me, Lana! I'm Lois to these people! Lana was a prude! Lois is an object that even the great Superman desires!"


"Lana was a failure, but Lois wasn't. I want to be Lois. Lana is worthless. At least Lois is worth something to someone. Now leave Barbara unless you want to join me here."

"I'm not leaving with you and I'm not calling you, Lois. You're Lana Lang," Barbara said firmly.

"I am not leaving Hell's Heart," Lana spoke as she took a black slave collar from her bed and secured it around her neck. "However, I am leaving this room since I have a photo shoot now. You're welcome to stay and watch the videos or come and pose, but I refuse to leave here," the woman spoke as she left the room, leaving Barbara Gordon angry and confused.


"So you're not a model?" the man with the goatee asked.

"No," Barbara replied firmly.

"So I can't get you to take your top off?"


"That's a damn shame. You're really built for it though. If you're not a model why did Lois call you?"

"I am a photographer," Barbara sniped as she held up her camera.

"That would explain it," the man mused. "I don't really need another photographer though. Money around here is tight and I already have some really good ones working for me."

"I will work for cheap."

"I don't know."

"Give me a chance."

"You can work as my assistant then. I will pay you half of what the photographers make since I'll be taking the majority of the photos. You can either take it or leave it," the man said as he stood up from his desk and approached the woman before she could even reply. He then opened the door and looked at her.

Barbara wanted to talk to Lana some more in hopes of convincing her to leave. Besides, lasers could take the tattoo off and being an photographer's assistant meant that she didn't have to take her clothes off, yet she could keep an eye on Lana. It would also give her some time to track down Supergirl. Thus, sensing that she had no choice, Barbara nodded in agreement.

"Fine. Go get your equipment and come back here with it. Chop, chop!" the man ordered as he slapped her butt when Barbara moved slowly out the door.

Barbara wanted to punch the man, but since he just offered her a job and a way to keep tabs on Lana, she let it slide as she left the office.


The Next Day

"Barbara, where's my coffee?" the man with the goatee yelled before taking more pictures of Lana Lang, who was wearing a red, white, and blue V-sling bikini, which left almost nothing to the imagination. The woman was sprawled out on a bearskin rug with her hands rubbing against the material covering her crotch. She even blew kisses to the camera.

"Here you go sir," Barbara spoke as she held the cup of coffee and was totally disgusted by what Lana was doing. She could not believe her eyes.

"We're going to take a quick break so I can drink my coffee."

"No. Don't stop. Take one of me climaxing. Almost there," Lana groaned.

"Barbara, I'm going to turn my head. Pour the coffee into my mouth, but not too much," he spoke.

Barbara wanted to pout the hot coffee down his shirt, but she kept her anger in check. Her mission now was to talk Lana into going back with her and finding Supergirl. Thus, she needed to stay as close to Lana as possible. Even if it mean serving the damn photographer by helping him drink his coffee. Carefully, Barbara tipped the cup into the man's open mouth. She remembered how she use to feed her sick father chicken soup even though her father refused and wasn't very cooperative. The fact that she remembered the incident made her current situation more tolerable. "Tell me when," she said softly.

"OH MY GOD!!! NOW!!!" Lana screamed as she climaxed and the photographer pulled away from the cup and stepped to the side quickly, snapping pictures as he went.

"Crap!" Barbara shouted as she tried to tilt the cup away from the floor, but was startled by Lana's scream, thus the entire contents of the cup splattered on the floor.

"Okay doll, more of that now," the photographer spoke as he took more pictures of a gasping Lana, who convulsing on the rug as she squeezed her breasts, making them pop out of the bikini. The woman slowly rubbed her hands down her sides to her sex, where her fingers slid under the bikini and collected some of her own honey. She then slowly traced her fingers over body, writing the word 'slut' on her stomach in her own juices. The woman then slowly brought her dripping finger to her mouth and sucked it clean.

"Should I take this off completely?" she finally asked.

"No need. I'm out of film," the photographer spoke. "I wish I wasn't, but I am out."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be sorry Lois. You were great. Barbara on the other hand should have gave me a new camera when I stopped taking pictures. That's what a good assistant should do."

"I'm sorry," Barbara apologized.

"Don't be sorry. Be useful," the man corrected her. "If this were a real shoot and we were on location, timing is everything. The best shot is always the one that was never planned. That means I need a constant flow of cameras, preferably with film in them. It's your job Barbara to make sure that I get the cameras in my hand. Do you understand?" he asked as he placed his camera on a table, grabbed a rag, and walked toward Barbara.

"Yes," the woman replied with her head downcast. She really wanted to claw his eyes out for talking to her like a schoolgirl, but she fought the urge.

"Good," the man spoke as he tossed the rag into Barbara's face. "Clean up the spill on the floor and pack my camera bags," he said as he slapped her on the ass. "Chop, chop!" he said as he clapped his hands before leaving the room.

"Bastard," Barbara muttered under her breath as she dropped to her knees and began to clean up the spill as she saw Lana Lang still lying on the rug, recovering from her orgasm.


Three Days Later

"More! Give me more!" the photographer ordered as he clicked away on his camera. Lana Lang was dressed in a pair of black hot pants and a black leather bra. Both her hands were tucked under the pants, pumping her fingers in and out of her sex. She fell onto her knees as her head whipped from side to side. Her cheeks were flushed and her chest heaved as she made a mess of the marble floor.

"Here's another camera sir," Barbara said as she handed the man with the goatee a new camera when he tilted it to the side. She then snagged up the old one and carefully took out the film and placed it in the box with the other rolls. The woman then noticed that the other cameras were all empty so she quickly put some film into them.

"More! Give me more!" the photographer commanded as he circled the woman now.

"I'm trying!" Lana shrieked as her hands pumped faster and harder into her.

"Almost out of film!" the man spoke.

"Crap!" Barbara muttered as she leapt to her feet with a camera, took the one from his hand, and handed him the new one, only missing it by a few seconds.

"More Lois! Give me more!" he spoke as he took the pictures while Barbara took out the latest roll and added it to the ones already in the box. The woman then went and began to refill the other remaining cameras. As she began to reload, the man was taking more and more since Lana was so close. He made the motion and Barbara quickly dashed over to give him a camera, but she tripped and the camera crashed onto the ground.

"OH GOD!!!" Lana shrieked as she climaxed, but the photographer was unable to get a single shot since Barbara was lying next to the woman, sprawled out in front of her.

Barbara slowly got up and glanced at the broken camera. "I'm sorry," she spoke softly, trying not to cry as she felt scared. The woman had no idea how the man with the goatee was going to react.

"Damn it Barbara! You were getting so good too at bringing me coffee and taking care of the cameras!" the man spoke. "However, if you can't get this right, how are you ever going to take pictures by yourself and get everything done. Luckily an old pro like me was able to get a camera to take the shot as Lana climaxed. But you could have cost me some excellent pictures."

"You should fire her," Lana moaned as she laid on the marble floor, squishing her breasts in the process.

Barbara glared at the woman and couldn't believe she would suggest such a thing to him when she was trying so desperately to help her. However, Barbara quickly realized that if she were fired, she would be unable to get Lana out of this profession. "Please don't fire me," she begged. "Deduct it from my pay, but please don't fire me."

"The camera was at least a thousand dollars, especially with the zoom lens that you broke," the man replied.

"I'm so sorry! It won't happen again!"

"You're damn right! Get the fuck out of here!"

"No! I can do this job! Just give me another chance!"

"I don't know Barbara," the man said as he sat down on an armchair. "You have the body of a model, but you still want to be a photographer, yet you break cameras."

"I . . ."

"Fire her already," Lana moaned and once again Barbara glared at her.

"Are you going to clean up the mess that your cunt is making on my marble floor?" the man asked Lana.

"If I have to."

"Wait! I'll clean the mess!"

"There's an idea. Lois, can you move?"

"Not yet. Give me a few more minutes."

"Fine, be that way, lazy bitch," the man sighed before turning his attention to Barbara. "Barbara, you will clean up that mess when she finally gets up. Pretend it's a coffee stain."

"Thank you," Barbara said happily thinking she dodged the bullet on that one.

"Don't thank me yet. My assistants are suppose to clean up spills and it may be your last job as my assistant. As for the camera, I am going to deduct your pay and require something else."

"Like what?"

"I'm not sure yet."

"Spank her," Lana moaned as Barbara glared at her and couldn't believe that she would suggest such a thing. In fact, if Lana paid any attention to Barbara, she would have seen a look of pure hate on Barbara's face.

"Sounds like an idea. Come up here Barbara and I'll give you a few swats. You don't have to of course, but that would mean I would have to fire you."

Reluctantly Barbara resigned to the punishment. She wanted to strangle Lana, but then she realized that the woman had just climaxed and was busy purring as she stayed on the floor. Suddenly, she felt worse for the woman as she realized just how far she had fallen, thus she recommitted to the idea of saving her. Hence, she needed this job. Barbara slowly laid across the man's lap and received ten quick swats across her jean covered buttocks. "Thank you," she spoke as she felt the man raise her up.

"That was just a demonstration. Starting tomorrow, after every shoot, there were be a customary ten swats. Except from this day forth, you will have to drop your pants. You can wear a skirt and make it easier, but my hand must touch your flesh. So no panties. Wear either a thong or g-string. If you don't have one, I can supply you a few for free. Just pick your size. When Lois gets up, she will show you where they are stored. Now, if you will excuse me, I need to go to my office and call my supplier about getting another camera," the man spoke as he left.

"Stupid Lana! How did you get me into this mess," Barbara's mind growled as she glared at the still recovering woman on the floor.


Three Days Later

The latest morning photo shoot was done in Lana's bedroom. Surrounded by lesbians on the walls screwing each other, Barbara couldn't help but feel queasy when the shoot ended. Almost immediately, she dropped her pants, stepped out of them, and revealed her purple g-string, which Lana picked out for her three days ago. Instead of making her drop to all fours, the man forced her to spread her legs and put her hands on the wall. Barbara Gordon did so and had the sex of one of the lesbians a few inches from her face. She could see the tongue of another woman flick and tease the woman's clit. This disgusted her to no end, but she remained there with her eyes opened during her ten swats. Once he was done, she pulled up her pants, but a roll of film dropped out of them. "What the fuck! Are you trying to steal shit from me?" the man asked.

"No! I must have forgotten it! I was so busy changing film! Honest, I didn't mean to, I swear!" Barbara replied quickly.

"The bitch is probably telling the truth," Lana spoke, which put Barbara a bit at ease, however she wasn't really pleased with the language that was being used.

"She may be, but I don't want this to happen again. The last thing I want to happen is to have a competitor get the shots that I worked so hard for."

"I understand. It will never happen again," Barbara assured him.

"Damn straight! If you want to work for me, you're going to wear a bikini or lingerie during a shoot! There's no fucking pockets for you to hide shit then! You either agree to that now or I fire you right now!" the man shouted angrily.

Sensing that she lost another one, Barbara quickly agreed, knowing that Lana would soon be able to pick out her outfits.


The Next Day

Barbara Gordon strolled through the poor on her way to the studio. She could see homeless people standing next to metal cans, chatting, while others drank themselves to death on the sides of the street. The woman felt sorrow for them and could feel their desperation as they drowned their tears with whatever was available. She was beginning to understand why the first homeless man was so abrasive. Once a person had given up hope like the people she passed, there wasn't much to keep one's spirits up. Barbara knew how the felt since she was wearing a trench coat as she strolled through the streets of Hell's Heart. She was trying to cover bikini clad body from all the men.

"Stupid Lana! I wanted to help her and get her out of this hell hole and she wants to stay and get pictures taken," Barbara mumbled to herself.

"Look what I got!" a homeless man said joyfully as he sat down a few steps in front of Barbara. Suddenly, more men gathered around him, but there were a few spaces. Barbara passed by the crowd and could see that the man had the latest magazine with Lana in it. As she continued to walk, she heard the man exclaim, "If it weren't for pictures like these, I would have died long time ago. At least I know what it's like to see angels in heaven this way."

"At least someone likes the pictures," Barbara muttered. "Although it is bringing some joy to these people, who may have left this world if not for the pictures. But they are so degrading, which makes it wrong. It's wrong, plain and simple."

"No hope. No job. No life," another homeless in an alleyway moaned.

His moans tugged on the heart strings of one, Barbara Gordon, but the woman didn't carry any money with her. The only thing in her pocket was the key to her motel room, yet the woman still wished that she could help. Just as the thought crossed her mind, a few wrinkled pages of a dirty newspaper wrapped itself around the front of her coat, thanks to the wind. Barbara picked it up and saw three pages of Lana's lingerie shoot that she did before the bikini ones. Reasoning that the magazine was able to lift the spirits of a group of men, a few shots in a newspaper would definitely help one. Thus, Barbara backtracked and handed the newspaper to the homeless man. "Take this," she said softly before walking away.

"No hope. No job. No lif . . . oh my," the man spoke as he began to rustle the newspaper and scan the pictures. "She's beautiful! She's an angel sent down from heaven! Thank you! Thank you!" he said energetically."

"Maybe it isn't too bad," Barbara said as she continued her journey.


Later in the Day

"Turn," the man with the goatee ordered Barbara.

"I don't have any film on me," Barbara replied as she turned for him. Her face was a bit red with embarrassment since her purple bikini top didn't cover much of the sides of her breasts. Instead, they simply covered the front, and still they didn't do a very good job since the man had a good view of them regardless. And her bottom, which was a purple thong that covered her sex. The woman knew that he hadn't zeroed in on that area since he was busy staring at her breasts.

"I have to makes sure, Barbara. Especially since I don't know if I can trust you."

"Her pockets are clean," Lana Lang spoke as she handed him the coat.

"Very good. I guess Barbara deserves to be trusted more," the man spoke as he smacked the woman's bottom, causing her to slightly jump.

"Should I prepare for the next shoot then?" Barbara asked.

"Yes. You do that. Also, Lois has laid out a new bikini for you. Dress in that when you come out," the man replied as he smacked her ass again.

"I should go with her," Lana spoke as she too received a pat on her ass when she left the room.

In the adjoining room, Barbara groaned as she saw the new bikini. Although, she didn't say anything when Lana entered the room, Lana could tell that she was displeased with the selection. "You don't like it?" Lana asked as Barbara began loading film into the cameras.

"Not particularly," Barbara replied, trying not to grit her teeth.

"Why not?"

"It's degrading Lana! Just like your job here!"

"Barbara, I understand your point of view, but my new life here brings joys to many people. I've seen them in the streets. They have no hope whatsoever, yet a simple picture of me brings them joy. A job can do that too, but they don't have one. However, a picture of me, they can get on a regular basis."

"Come back with me. You don't have to do this."

"What for? The life I use to live was nothing. It had no meaning. The Vice President doesn't do anything and neither does his wife. But here, I actually help people. Sure, it's a little degrading, but people really like my work! For the first time, I am truly doing something constructive. There's isn't a day that goes by when I thought of leaving here, but I always remember that I did nothing in my previous occupation. I was useless in it. But here, I am at least helpful. These people in Hell's Heart need something to lift their spirits and I can at least provide that to them."

"I don't get you, Lana. I really don't," Barbara shook her head as she was becoming more and more annoyed by Lana's conclusions. Although, the woman did agree with the fact that the homeless needed something to lift their secrets. However, Barbara wasn't quite sure if pictures were the best answer, but she didn't feel like arguing anymore. Thus, she finished her task and asked Lana to leave before she slipped off her current bikini and into the new one.

"Someone needs to be pictures," the man with the goatee spoke as Barbara entered the room sporting her new bikini, which was a bright blue spider web number. The cups were shaped like a teardrop with about eight elastic threads extending from the center, which was nothing more than a silver cloth, giving a look of a spider web. The bottom was a matching thong, but it had several strands in the front, implying that a spider had created the strands. This particular number covered just about the same amount of skin if not more, but Barbara felt even more naked than before. "Want to be a model instead of a photographer's assistant?"

"No thanks," Barbara replied as she wished for the shoot to end.


That Night At the Motel

Barbara sat on her bed and read a small sheet of notebook paper that looked like a journal entry. She found it when she went to the library. Though the place was closed, like the old man said, it wasn't locked. She went inside and did some reading. However, when she placed the logs back onto the shelf, she though she saw a green glow from the corner of her eye. She thought it came from the shelf on the far way. When she looked again, it was gone, but she did see a brown sheet off paper stuck between two huge albums. She took the sheet and placed it into her coat pocket. Now, she was ready to read the entry that was missing both a date and a signature at the end.

I saw some falling stars and made a wish. Momma always said that wishes come true when you believe in them. I wish momma was still around though. In fact, I wish my dad was still around. It's so hard being an adult with bills to pay. My job is decent and it pays well, but I wish I had more money. Perhaps money can fall out of the skill like the falling stars. I just saw another one and another one. This must be the meteor shower that the weathermen predicted earlier today. It wasn't listed in any almanacs that farmer's used, but it's happening. I write more later. I want to see more.

Barbara put the paper down on the bed sheet and sighed. "I can't remember if the homeless guy said something about the meteor shower or the old man. Maybe I can find the rest of this journal in the morning," she spoke before turning out the lights.


Next Day at the Studio

"Damn it, Lana! Why are picking out these outfits for me? He specifically said that I had to wear bikinis, not lingerie!" Barbara huffed.

"Then go out naked," Lana replied without batting an eyelash. "Or wear the spider bikini without the top."

"Arg!" Barbara snarled as she took off her bikini and began to slip on the lingerie. "I can't believe you do these things for him."

"He's the only one that makes me feel good about my body. He's the only one that makes me feel good about myself," Lana replied.

"What about your husband?" Barbara inquired as she slipped on the purple opera gloves to finish outfit. The woman was now clad in sheer purple fishnet stockings, a purple garter belt with matching thong, and a purple top that looked exactly like the spider web top of the bikini.

"He means nothing to me. He just reminds me of my failures," Lana spoke totally unemotional.

"I can't believe you can say that about your husband."

"He should be my ex-husband! He never made me feel good about myself!"

"I've seen the pictures! You two were happy! What's gotten in to you?"

"Nothing, Barbara! Nothing at all!"

"I can't believe you're taking orders from this slime ball of a photographer!" Barbara shouted.

"He's not slime ball!" Lana shouted back. "He's more of an authority figure than my husband. I'm just like you, Barbara. I crave the approval of a strong man. I like people who take what they want."

"Like Superman?" Barbara sneered.

"Superman has his own bimbo."

"So you're willing to be this guy's bimbo?"

"I am his model!" she corrected Barbara.

"Bimbo, model, what's the difference?" Barbara spoke as she turned her back on Lana.

"I'M HIS MODEL!" Lana shrieked as she yanked Barbara's long hair. Barbara yelped in pain as her legs lost her footing. Lana then grabbed Barbara's shoulder and before Barbara could brace herself, she was lying flat on her back. "Model!" Lana growled into her face as she straddled the woman's chest.

"BIMBO!" Barbara shouted as she placed her hands on Lana's hips and threw her off before she stood up.

"MODEL!" Lana yelled as she tackled Barbara to the floor again. The angry woman was now clutch a handful of hair and was rubbing Barbara's face against the cold floor. Barbara Gordon from her crime fighting days was use to fighting all sorts of characters, but Lana was a woman possessed. Although, Barbara could power out of the hold, Lana would drop her body on Barbara's back sending her crashing back into the floor. The cold floor was making her nipples hard and the more Lana shouted that she was a model, the more pissed off Barbara was becoming, friend or no friend. "Model!" Lana shouted again as she slapped Barbara's butt like she were a horse.

"That's it!" Barbara's mind screamed. The woman pushed herself off the floor with her hands, pulled Lana's hand from her hair, and then flipped herself over. "BIMBO!" she shouted as she shoved the woman's stomach hard. Lana gasped as her hands dropped to her stomach. "Bimbo!" Barbara shouted again as she slapped the woman across the face.

"BITCH!" Lana shouted as she tore Barbara's top.

The two women then call each other names as they roll around the floor. Back and forth they went, calling each other names, yanking hair, slapping each other, and kneeing each other from time to time. After a good ten minutes, both women laid on the ground, panting slurs at each other until Barbara was speechless as she saw the camera and the photographer focused on her and clicking away.


Two Hours Later

"Lois really liked these pictures," the man with the goatee said as she hovered over Barbara, who was still dressed in her lingerie even though her stockings were ripped. The man was rubbing her shoulders as she stared at the pictures before her. She had a cat fight Lana Lang, the wife of the Vice President. Worse yet, she was topless and her nipples were perfectly erect in most of the shots. "Hell, I like them too."

"They will be my only ones," Barbara muttered.

"Look at you! You wear bikinis and thongs! You look stunning in those and yet I don't have pictures of them. Instead I have pictures of you in lingerie! I even have topless pictures of you and yet you don't want to be a model. Instead, you want to be an assistant. The wage isn't that great and you could make a lot more as a model even when I dock your pay for the camera you broke," the man spoke.

"That's enough. I'll be back tomorrow to help assist you," Barbara spoke as she stood up.

"You've got a rocking body, use it!" the man said calmly.

"I'll be back tomorrow to assist you," she said just as calmly as she collected the pictures from his desk.

"That's fine, but wear this outfit when you come in," he said as she smacked her on the ass. Except this time, he squeezes her butt cheek for several seconds before releasing it. He then rubs it with his hands for a few more seconds before smacking her rock hard glutes. "See you tomorrow, Barbara!"

Barbara stood still for several seconds and couldn't move. She was totally appalled with the man's action and didn't understand why she didn't slap the crap out of him. Yet, she recalled the thrill that went through her body when he did that. "I may like a like authoritative men who knows what they want, but I'll be damn if I pose for pictures!" her mind resolved as she grabbed her coat and left.


Four Days Later

"Smile to the camera Barbara!" the man with the goatee ordered.

"I am," Barbara replied.

"This isn't working. Take five," the man spoke as he left the room while Barbara sat down on the floor.

"Loosen up Barbara," Lana spoke as she knelt next to the seated woman.

"I just can't seem to do this."

"You were able to pose in regular street clothes. Why can't you pose wearing a simple purple top and thong?"

"It's not the same."

"Tell me why you decided to model Barbara."

"I told you already. I told him too. That's why he finally agreed."

"Tell me again!"

"It was the day after my initial conversation with him about modeling after those pictures were taken. I was walking to the studio and I saw something out of the corner of my eye. I thought it was a green vapor or something coming from the alleyway. I took a closer look and saw a man ready to hang himself in the alley. I rushed in and begged him not to do it, but he said if I were to get closer to him, he would he hang himself. I asked why he wanted to and he said there wasn't any hope. I looked around and an ad for a your upcoming spread blew in from the street. There was even a few pictures of me with my top when we were fighting. I picked it up and handed it to him, telling him not to hang himself because I had something he should see. He took the ad and slipped his head of the noose. He then got down from his perch and stood next to me. He asked over and over again if I was going to do some more pictures. I told him that I didn't know and he replied with that he hopes I would do more since it would give him something to look forward to," Barbara replied.

"If you want to give him something to look forward to, don't look like a dead fish. Instead, make them want to see the next spread and the next. Give them a reason," Lana whispered into Barbara's ear as she stroked the front of the thong with her right hand.

"Don't," Barbara moaned as she shut her eyes.

"Kneel with your legs spread and cup your tits," Lana spoke as Barbara did as she was told.

"This is wrong."

"No! It's wrong if you don't do this. The man has already seen you model in regular outfits. He wants more. Don't take his hope away! You don't want to do that now do you?"


"Good. I'll rub this for a few more seconds, but don't open your eyes. Just bask in the moment and go with your feelings."

"Yes," Barbara Gordon moaned. When Lana finally removed her hand and moved away. Barbara's hands roamed all over her body as they gripped and pulled on her own skin. Her hands even tugged on the straps and even pulled the top away from her breasts. She even rubbed the thong over her crotch. The woman was totally lost in the moment.

"Open your eyes," she eventually heard Lana's voice.

It took several seconds before she opened her eyes, but she saw both the man and Lana were busy snapping pictures.


Three Days Later

"Oh god! I have to hurry up and finish choosing these pictures or else I am going to embarrass myself right here in his office!" Barbara Gordon's mind screamed as the photographer's hands rubbed her butt cheeks while the woman was wearing nothing but a purple thong. Laid out before her were the pictures from her latest photo shoot, where she went topless. Mixed with them were some where she wasn't topless. Those were the ones that she wanted to pick, but the man's hands were causing her hands to shake and it was getting hard for her to pile them correctly.

"Come on Barbara, choose the pictures already," he whispered into her ear before slapping her buttocks a few times.

Sensing that she was going to embarrass herself, Barbara quickly put the non-topless pictures on the right side of the desk and the topless side on the other. "The ones that my right hand is on," she moaned.

"Really," the man spoke as he whipped the woman by her hips so that she was facing him. He then cupped her ass and lifted her onto his desk, where Barbara was forced to slap her hands onto the desk to keep her balance. By doing so, her right hand had touched the topless pictures. However, she hadn't realized it yet since she could feel her sex boil as the man stared at her exposed breasts. "Tomorrow. Come back and pick your own outfit," he smiled as he helped her off the desk.

"Thank you," she replied, keeping her head down.

"By the way Barbara, I like your tits. They should be left uncovered. Also, I prefer high heels and makeup to accentuate your beautiful facial features," the man spoke as he saw the woman's face turn read. "See you tomorrow," he spoke as he slapped her ass again and the woman sauntered out of the room.


Three Days Later

Barbara Gordon was totally nude except for a pair of thigh high tan stockings and a pair of black five inch heels. Her lips were painted a maroon red and she wore dark blue eyeliner around her eyelids. Dangling from her ears were large silver hooped earrings, which were visible even when her long flowing hair wasn't pushed back behind her shoulders. The woman had heard numerous messages from her adoring fans whenever she walked to work. The first day, a lot of them thanked her for providing them with hope. She was very modest and said it wasn't much especially since she thought they were referring to the pictures were she was wearing jeans and a T-shirt. Barbara even promised that she would do more. Thus, when she finally came to one of the ads on the street, she noticed that she was topless. The woman angrily stomped into the studio and complained. She even slapped the photographer, who slapped her back, and reminded her that her right hand slammed onto the pictures after she said she wanted to print the pictures under her right hand. The man told her that it was moot issue now and that she should get dressed. Barbara then nodded, chose her outfit, and posed. Every day more and more fans thanked her and Barbara noticed that the homeless weren't as glum anymore, which spurred her on. And on this day, the woman felt so happy that she didn't even wear a g-string.

"Good Barbara! Good!" the man spoke as Barbara placed her right hand behind her head and covered her sex with the other. She then moved her hands to her hips, struck a pose and licked her lips. "Excellent, up the steps, but slowly," the man ordered.

Nodding, Barbara slowly went up a step and bent forward, showing off her ass. She caressed her ass with her left hand as her right hand played with her hair. She then moved her left leg up and other step. Now, her right hand was on her butt while her left hand played with her sex as she leaned forward. The woman's hand went faster and faster as her head tossed about. She whipped her hair as her right hand was pressed against the wall for support. After a few seconds, her hand was pressed against the step, making sure that she didn't fall over. "Oh god! So close!" she screamed just like Lana during her shoots.

"Turn around, spread your legs, show your cunt, and climax for your fans, you dirty slut!" the man shouted.

"Dirty slut," Barbara lust-filled mind moaned in agreement as she did just as he told her. She turned, sat on the step, spread her legs, rubbed both hands into her sex, and climaxed.


Two Hours Later

"I don't like it when you call me a dirty little slut," Barbara spoke as she never even looked at the man since she was too busy choosing pictures.

"Barbara, stop playing games with me. Something is on your mind, tell me."

"I don't kn . . ."

"Tell me," he said firmly.

"Okay. I've been staying at the motel. I pay the man at the end of the week, because that was our arrangement when I first arrived since I thought I would only be here for a week. However, I have been here longer than that. A few days ago, I handed him the money and he told me that the rates have increased. I owe him more money and my salary from here doesn't quite pay for it. Especially since it seems that I will be here for another week at the least."

"I have a way for you to pay for it this week, next week, and the one after that."

"Really?" Barbara spoke as she placed the pictures down on the table.

"A beautiful woman like you shouldn't have any problems coming up with the money," he spoke as he slid his right middle finger along the woman's face. Barbara's head dropped down as the man continued to speak. "Such a nice firm body," he spoke as he placed his left hand on her hip. "It can do so much more than just pose."

"I don't understand," Barbara replied, closing her eyes, but kept her head down.

"Firm tits, strong long legs, and a beautiful face, I think you know where I am getting at."

"But . . ."

"You like being independent, I respect that. I'm offering you the chance to make some really good money here. You can cover most of your expenses with it. How does it feel to be a working, independent women, who can afford things without a man doing it for her?"

"But . . . I would be getting the money from you . . ."

"I'm your boss, paying you for a service. I'm paying you for your work. Lois makes money, but she isn't very independent. She needs people like a man with a broken leg needs a crutch. She's weak, you're strong. You want to work for your money."

"Yes, I want to work for my money," she moaned as she felt the man trace his finger around her right nipple.

"I know you like authoritative men. You like a man who knows what he wants and isn't afraid to take it. I want you, Barbara. But I won't force myself upon you. I respect you, Barbara. That's why I am offering you a chance to make some money for yourself."

"But . . ."

"You're dressed for it already. I never asked for you to lose the g-string. Hell, I would have been happy with the thong, but you decided to lose it."

"It was for the fans. It gives them hope."

"Seeing a woman like yourself working for her own money gives them hope too. Do you want to live with them out in the cold. What hope is that? Show them that there's hope, by making ends meet by any means necessary."

"How?" she asked.

"I'll show you," the man spoke as he lifted her up by her ass again and plopped her on his desk. He laid her down and spread her legs. He then unzipped his pants and exposed his hard member. The man gripped Barbara's thighs and positioned himself. "Ready?" he asked.

"I . . ."

"Give them hope, Barbara. You want to give them hope, right?"


The man smiled as he rammed his member into the woman's dripping pussy. He pushed and he pushed, feeling her sex squeeze him every inch of the way. The man with the goatee heard her moan as she wrapped her legs around his back and pulled him deeper inside her. Finally, the man reached his destination, gripped her hips, and began to thrust into her. "Play with your tits, my lovely slut," he commanded.

Although Barbara requested that he not call her that, the woman was too far gone at this point to care. "Play with my tits," she repeated as her hands gripped and squeezed her own breasts.

"I'll give you enough money for three weeks. I'll pay the man tomorrow, but you have to stay here with me during that entire time. As a bonus, I will give you the money for three more weeks, so you can go back to the hotel."

"But . . ."

"You're an independent woman, Barbara. You make your own money and you bring people hope. All you have to do is spend the night here with me where I can enjoy your tits, ass, and cunt. Just say it and you can bring happiness and hope to so many people."

"But . . ."

"Be a good child and do what's right. Just say the words and it will come true. You can bring hope and happiness to everyone. That's what you want, isn't it, Barbie dear?"

Barbara didn't know what was going on, but the man's soothing tone and his words made so much sense. His cock in her pussy was also making sense to her ass well. "I'll stay here so you can enjoy my tits, ass, and cunt," she moaned as she pulled herself up from the desk, mashed her breasts against his chest, and kissed the man passionately. The woman was now allowing the man that she despised when she first met him to take her.

When she pulled off of him, the man simply looked at her, and said, "Back on the table, my little whore." Barbara nodded and did as she was told. Then she heard the sound of pictures being snapped. She turned to her right and saw Lana snapping pictures. "Blow the camera a kiss," the man said and Barbara did right before she climaxed.


At the Strip Club

Supergirl, better known as Linda Lee to everyone at the strip club, was dressed in her red boots and had a pair of small letter S's placed on her nipples, barely covering them. The woman was busy sliding against a silver pole, sliding it up and down between her breasts as if she were buffing it. Linda didn't have a garter on, thus she couldn't collect any money. Instead, the patrons had to wait for her to finish her set. Then she would walk around the club, holding her breasts together as they stuffed bills between her tits. However, tonight was different. An auction was held before she took the stage. By the time she ascended the stage, she found out that a man had bid a few thousand dollars on her. She was familiar with the man since she normally gave him lap dances and good slurping in the backroom. And although tonight would be different, Supergirl was bracing herself for the addition based on the request of the winning bidder.

"Here we go!" a fat slob from the crowd shouted as a brunette wearing a trench coat stepped onto the stage.

The brunette was Linda's dance instructor and unknown to the crowd, she was also her partner when it came to entertaining the club's owner in the bedroom. Although, she could never climax with the brunette, she learned how to fake one perfectly. And all the practice was going to pay off tonight as the woman slowly made her way to her.

"Oh god. Why me?" Linda asked herself as she stared into the crowd and saw the club owner watching her. She felt herself become flushed as she remembered his generosity toward her. He could have thrown her out into the streets, but he gave her a place to live and stay instead. Her super strength was gone and her greatest joy in life, flying, was also non-existent. The woman wasn't sure why this was, but the club owner housed and fed her when she lost all hope and money. So even though, the woman had hundreds of guys, some way better than the club owner, hit on her and wanted her to run off with them, Supergirl always turned them down. She would stay with the man and perform whatever task he demanded, even become a nude model. "He wants me to perform well tonight," she said to herself as she flashed a quick smile to him.

The brunette woman ripped her trench coat open and revealed that she was wearing a Supergirl costume with an extra accessory. The woman whipped her hair as she strolled across the stage with her red strap-on hanging down between her legs. She walked up to the real Supergirl and began to spank her ass while Linda moaned in response. When Linda's ass was as red as the fake cape, the brunette placed both hands on Linda's cheeks, parted them, and rammed the strap-on into the woman' ass.

"HOLY SHIT!" Linda screamed. The woman had been fucked in the ass by the owner several times before this and had been stretched, thus the strap-on wasn't a big deal, but to please the crowd, she was willing to act the part.

"Take that! And that!" the brunette hissed as she slammed the strap-on into the woman over and over again, much to the delight of the crowd.

"Fuck me, Supergirl! Fuck me!" Linda screamed in simulated ecstasy.

"You are weak!"

"Yes! I am weak! Oh god! Never stop fucking me, Supergirl!" Linda Lee screamed as she faked an orgasm, much to the delight of the crowd before she slid down the pole, panting for breath, watching the bills fly onto the stage, reminding her just how far she has fallen.


Back at the Studio

Barbara Gordon watched Lana Lang with jealous envy. She saw the woman ride the photographer's member as she gripped her own jiggling breasts. The woman's hair whipped about as she moaned incessantly. Barbara wanted to be in her place, riding the man's member, but instead, she was sitting on a leather couch, waiting for his command. The woman was wearing a black silk corset with a matching thong and matching thigh-high stockings with two straps connecting them to the corset. She was also wearing a pair of five inch heels. As she waited for his command, her hands roamed over her body, paying extra attention to her firm breasts as they were squashed up against her frame and pushed high on her chest. She could feel the soft silk caressing her body, making her wet in the process.

"Do you want to fuck her?" Lana whispered to the man as she bent down and was just inches from his face.

"I already have Lois."

"You don't need her. You already have me."

"Don't be jealous, my little presidential ho."

"I am not jealous," Lana pouted as she glanced over at Barbara and saw that the woman's eyes were closed as she ran her fingers along her thong covered sex.

"Lois," the man spoke as he placed his right hand on her left cheek and turned her head back toward him. "I took you in and give you a life when yours was falling apart. I nurtured you when the world shunned you. I never brought up any of your failures and we both celebrated your triumphs. Are you telling me that I don't deserve some sort of reward for my . . ."

Before coming to Hell's Heart, Lana would have slap any lover silly if they suggested that she wasn't enough, but the woman knew that if it wasn't for the photographer, she would be living out in the streets, eating garbage, like the rest of the worthless people. At least with him she had a future. Then it hit her, what if he was going to replace her with Barbara. A bolt of fear went struck her and she did everything in her power to hold back the tears. "You do. You deserve her," she almost sobbed.

"Don't cry. I'm not going to replace you with her. Both of you can live here and have me," he spoke as he kissed her forehead.

"Thank you," Lana replied in glee. "Called the bitch over and take her," she kissed him back. Then she got back up and started humping him for all that she was worth.

"Oohhhh," Barbara moaned as she almost climaxed.

"BARBARA!! STOP THAT THIS INSTANT AND COME OVER HERE!" the photographer shouted. Barbara was startled by the man and slowly stood up on wobbly legs. "Horny little slut, aren't you?" Barbara hated it when he called her by that word, but she couldn't deny that she was horny, thus she simply nodded. "Then come to bed, my slutty little whore. But when you walk, entice me or you may find yourself sleeping alone by the bed."

"Hmmmmm," Barbara Gordon moaned as she licked her right digits as she swung her hips from side to side. Her right hand then grasped her breast through the corset as her left hand gripped a handful of hair. She then snapped her head back and moaned again, thrusting her chest out. The woman was now imitating some of Lana Lang's own moves during the photo shoots. And like Lana during those shoots, Barbara was horny as hell.

"OHHHH!!!" Lana screamed as she climaxed. The woman continued to ride his member for a few more seconds before her threw her shuddering body onto the bed.

"If you want to climax, you know what to do."

"Yes," Barbara moaned as she quickly leapt onto the bed. Then with a quick tug, she tore her thong right off. She threw it onto the floor, gripped his still throbbing member with both hands, and slid it into her sex. Barbara then slammed herself down onto his member again and again as the man placed his hands on her hips.

"Slut," he spoke to her.

"I . . . I . . ." Barbara stuttered, protesting the name.

Lana slowly got up to her knees and made her way to the woman. By now, the man was slowing Barbara's actions with his hands, allowing Lana to get close to the woman. "You know he's right," she whispered into her ear. "You know you like assertive men and there's no one else like him. In a way, he's like your father, Barbara. He's a real take charge kind of guy, who commands people, us. I'm sure you don't mind being a subordinate to a strong man. Especially since you listen to your father's advice. That man almost runs your entire life, regardless if it's day or not. You like older male authority figures don't you? Don't deny it, Barbara. Embrace it."

"No," Barbara mouthed.

"It's true that you like strong men who know what they want and the ways that they can get it. That's why you let him fuck you in his office."


"I have the pictures to prove it though. You listened to him and did everything he asked. And I bet you loved every second of it." Barbara tried to deny it, but herself nodding her head in agreement. "So what's the harm of letting him call you by that word? Unless it's true. I have a tattoo on my ass that reminds me of what I am. I don't believe that I am good enough for a President or Vice President, but he thinks I am, hence the tattoo. He believes in me when no one else did, and if you give himself to him, you're life will be better too. Besides, he's so much like your father."


"Yes. Daddy," Lana moaned as she licked Barbara's ear.

The man smiled as he slammed Barbara on him over and over again. "Slut!" he shouted again and again at the woman.

Within seconds, the lust built inside Barbara and before she knew it, she was ready to explode. Without much control, Barbara found herself agreeing to Lana's statements. "I'm a slut, daddy! I'm a slut!" she screamed as she climaxed.


Three Days Later

"Lift your arms and put them behind your head," the photographer spoke as he snapped a few pictures. "Push this tits out more. Better. More. Good! Now smile and lick your lips like the sexy little pussy that you are. Good girl!"

Barbara Gordon could hear the man with the goatee all the way from the bedroom. "Must be doing another shoot with Lana," the woman thought as she staggered out of bed. Her body was sore and her legs were wobbly. This was mainly due to all the fucking that transpired in the previous night as well as earlier in the day. Technically, Barbara was suppose to assist the man during the photo shoot, but when she couldn't get out of bed, he told her to join him as soon as possible. Thus, hoping not to disappoint the man, Barbara made her way to the bathroom.

Once inside, she washed her face in the sink. She splashed water on own face again and again, hoping it would wake her up. With her eyes closed, she staggered toward the towel holder where an eerie green glow was being emitted by the towel. Barbara yanked the glowing towel and slammed her face into the towel and dried her face. Once her face was dry, Barbara pulled her face away from the towel and placed it back on the hanger. The woman then proceeded to take a shower.

"So soothing," the woman thought as water and steam blasted her. Barbara grabbed the soap and began to lather herself up as she took a step back from the water. A cold shiver went down her back as if something were crawling down her spine. Barbara dropped the soap and slammed her hand against her back and she heard the smack of skin as well as a whole lot of suds. "It's just the soap," Barbara chided herself as she bent down, picked up the soap, and stepped back under the spray of water.

By the time Barbara turned the water off, the entire bathroom was steamy. Once again, the woman grabbed the towel and dried herself off. She then placed the towel back on the hanger and stepped out of the bathroom, totally naked.

""Pump your fingers into your cunt! Faster! Harder! Faster!" the man yelled.

"Lana must be having fun," Barbara muttered as she felt her sex moisten. "I still cannot believe that woman refuses to leave this place. I'm only posing and fucking him for money, so I can stay in this dump while trying to reason with the damn bitch! She's doing it for some stupid reason. Just because Superman married Lois doesn't she has to throw her life away."

"Oh! Oh!" a female's voice moaned from outside.

"SHIT! It's a new girl!" Barbara realized as she quickly pulled a purple g-string from the dresser. "It's not Lana so he needs my help. Better hurry or he'll deduct some pay."


"Where's the top?" Barbara scanned the drawer.


"Fuck! Forget the top!" Barbara huffed as she slammed the drawer.

"OH GOD!!!" the woman screamed as Barbara entered the room, wearing only a purple g-string.

"So you're awake. I'm done here. Help Lois. Better yet, take some pictures of the panting slut. I'm going to develop this film," the photographer spoke as he smacked Barbara's bare ass and pushed his cart into another room, shutting the door behind him.

"Are you just going to stand there and gawk?" Lana asked as she flipped the woman over so that Barbara could see the woman's face.

"MY GOD! IT"S SUPERGIRL!" Barbara's mind yelled when she saw the face of the heavily oiled blonde woman, who was only wearing a pair of thigh-high red boots.

"Barbara?" the blonde woman moaned as she saw the woman. "What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing," she huffed as she picked up a camera.

"I'm doing a photo shoot at the request of my boyfriend."

"You're boyfriend?"


"Didn't you come here to find Lana Lang?" Barbara sneered as she snapped a picture of the woman, lying helplessly on the ground.

"At first, but I couldn't find her. However, I found a great guy, who is willing to take care of me."

"You're Supergirl! You don't need someone to take care of you!" Barbara reminded the woman as she continued to snap pictures, keeping her voice down a bit so that the photographer couldn't hear her from the other room.

"I do need someone to take care of me and my boyfriend does just that."

"Now that you've found Lana, you can leave, and take her out of here," Barbara spoke as she took another picture.

"Lana and Barbara can leave Hell's Heart if you like, but I'm staying here with my boyfriend."

"What?" Barbara asked in amazement.

"I'm not leaving either," Lana replied sternly. "I love my boyfriend and I'm staying here. Barbara wants to stay here with him as well."

"The fuck I do! I'm just staying here, hoping that I can talk some sense into you," Barbara replied as she took her last picture. "However, this conversation will have to be paused for a few seconds as I give this film to him so he can develop it. For crying out loud, get off the ground and show some decorum," Barbara huffed as she shook her head and knocked on the door to the dark room.


Later that Night

"She is a disgrace to the crime fighting community," Barbara groaned as she shook her head and tried to talk over the blaring music of the club.

"I don't know what you're getting so worked up on," Lana replied.

"I don't know what has gotten in you both! First, you come to Hell's Heart and now you don't want to leave. She comes here, can't find you, but hooks up with a guy, falls in love, and becomes a stripper at his request. Now, she's posing for pictures at his request."

"Romantic isn't it?"

"It is not romantic. It's wrong! No women should have to demean themselves like this."

"If he asked me to dance here, I would. I'm sure if he asked you, you would too. Besides Barbara, I know how much you like his cock deep inside you. You basically surrender yourself to him. He's an authoritative man and you like that. Don't deny it, because I already know the truth. Hell, you even called him daddy when you climax," Lana shot back at the now speechless woman.

"Barbara. Lois," the man with the goatee spoke as he stood between the two women. "Linda Lee finished her set about half an hour ago. Barbara grab your stuff, because we still have a photo session in the back. Lois, follow the brunette, you're up in a few minutes."

"Whatever you wish," Lana replied as she stood and walked to the brunette at the far end of the club.

"Come on," the man said to Barbara as he yanked her arm and dragged her along.

The woman couldn't believe what was going on. One minute Lana said she would strip and dance before strangers and now she was going to do just that. "What photo shoot?" she finally stammered as she was lead through a serious of corridors away from all the people.

"It's not usual stuff that we do, but this one comes as a special request," the man with the goatee said as he opened the door.

"My god!" Barbara mouthed as her eyes only popped out. In front of her on a huge bed was Supergirl on all fours dressed in her usual attire except her top was pushed up and her pendulous breasts flopped with each thrust of the club owner.

"It seems that Linda Lee is actually Supergirl and the club owner here is her loving boyfriend. I think we should try that position when we get back home," the man with the goatee whispered into Barbara's ear as she felt her sex tingle just a bit.


Three Hours Later

Barbara Gordon laid on a rickety old bed, trying to recover from a mind-blowing orgasm. The T-shirt and hot pants that she had worn to the club were now nothing more than a shredded mess on the floor. The photographer, the man she referred to as daddy during sex, had ripped and torn them. The man simply couldn't wait to take Barbara home due to Supergirl's hot performance. In fact, he barely finished the second roll of film before the club owner told him about a spare room at the end of the hall. Within seconds, the photographer was kissing Barbara as she wrapped her legs around his back while they made their way down the hall.

Once they arrived in the room, Barbara was engulfed by lust as he tore her clothes off. Before she knew it, she was on her knees, her hands pressed against the wall as the man fingered her sex and pumped his meat into her ass. The prim and proper Barbara Gordon began to moan and scream in ecstasy as the fucking continued. She had numerous orgasms before her hands gave out and she fell onto the bed. Without Barbara propping herself up, the man simply flipped her over, and began fucking her sex. He laid on top off her and Barbara wrapped her arms around his neck, drawing him closer to her as she kissed him and called him, daddy.

Currently, the woman was left all alone in the room as the photographer went to find something for her to wear so she wouldn't have to walk home totally nude. Barbara waited some time and the man hadn't returned. The woman scanned the room and saw a desk at the far end. She strolled to the desk and opened some of the drawers. Most of them were empty, but she did find one drawer with several notes scribbled on various sheets of paper. She glanced at the writings, but didn't read any of them until she found a sheet of white notebook paper with writings that resembled a journal. Barbara remembered the passage she read in the motel room and instantly recognized the handwriting to be the same. Feeling curious, Barbara began to read the writing.

It's been a few weeks since the meteor shower. Something strange is going on. Most of the people around the center of town, which use to be the main economic center of town, are becoming very grouchy. The female shopkeepers are very depressed and emotional. The men are just simply moody and lazy. There is some talk that some of the businesses are failing due to the current state of the shop owners. In fact, four stores have closed. Worse yet, three office buildings closed as well. The mayor hasn't said or done anything about it, but it seems that a strip club has replaced one of the failed businesses. I'm not really sure what the store is since it doesn't have a name, but a lot of men are going to it and there's always loud music coming out from it. I'll write more a bit later.

Five days have passed since my last entry. I can't help it, but I have been very depressed as of late. Several businesses have failed. It's as if suddenly, people just didn't want to work anymore. Some of the businesses are still around, but there seems to be a certain gloom engulfing the town. I keep on seeing weird glowing green light and several other people have seen it too, but it vanishes almost as quickly. It's as if the green glow of the meteor shower has been burned into my brain. I see it some times out of the corner of my eye, but when I blink, it's gone. I don't know what's going, but I have seen it in my sleep as well.

It's been two weeks since I've written and it's apparent that money and jobs are now tight. It turns out that I was right, there is a strip club, and it employs women. At least it is preventing people from starving to death and some of the men seem happier now, which is a good thing. I don't know what is happening to me, but the green lights seem to be getting worse. Perhaps my retina was burned or something, but I see it more and more. Numerous people have seen it too. However, not all of them saw the meteor shower. All I know is that I haven't had the urge to write in a long time. I am really unhappy right now, but it must be due to stress.

It's been months since I have written here, but I don't know what is going on. It's like some sort of bug. Feeling real depressed, but must fight it. I must warn people. I must put it in writing at the library so that other people will remember. I must . . .

Barbara flipped over the sheet of paper and saw nothing on the back. The woman was puzzled as she thought of what the person wrote. "Green lights? I could have sworn that I have seen something like that," the woman thought as she dropped the sheet.

"Barbara! Put this on!" the photographer spoke as he entered the room and tossed a purple g-string into her face. "Lois made quite a lot of money tonight and we better be getting home. When we get back, I want to fuck your ass again, except Lois will capture it on film this time."

"What about a top?" Barbara asked as she slipped the g-string on.

"You don't need a top. Just press your tits together and walk behind me, burying your tits against my back. No one will see them then. Now, hurry up!" he ordered.

"Yes daddy," Barbara replied as she hugged him from behind.


Two Days Later

"I can't believe both of you strip at the club now?" Barbara spoke as she thumbed through the pictures, helping the two women decide which pictures should be published.

"Like you should preach considering that you walk around in a g-string all day," a totally nude Supergirl shot back.

"She's only wearing that because you're here. Otherwise, she would be nude since our man prefers us that way when other people aren't around," Lana replied.

"Really now?"

"Oh yes. Little Babs here is quite the slut even though she tries not to acknowledge it," Lana spoke as she stood next to Barbara and stroked the woman's left breast.

"Lana, please stop," Barbara panted as her hand gripped the woman's wrist, but did not exert any power to stop it.

"Don't worry Barbara, don't fight it. There's no need to fight it," Supergirl spoke as she pressed herself against Barbara and played with the right breast.

"Stop," Barbara Gordon panted. She didn't quite know why her hands refused to tug or pull. Instead, they just gripped their wrists and did nothing.

"Perhaps you should join me on stage," Lana uttered.

"No. It's wrong. Just like posing for pictures. Why can't you two see that?"

"Because it's not wrong. My boyfriend takes care of me. He protects, shelters, feeds, and clothes me. I owe him so much. Thus, I dance and pose for him," Linda replied.

"No one wants me except him, our man. I do whatever he says because has faith in me. He likes me, which is more than anyone else can say," Lana added.

"We should all get out of here and return home."

"Return home? What for? There's nothing back where I came from. No one misses me or anything. No one has ever came to this place looking for me except you. They all know that I am happy here. You're the only one that wants to ruin things for me," Lana retorted.

"No . . . not true," Barbara moaned through closed eyes as her g-string was becoming damp.

"It's true! It's completely true! You can't stand sharing him with me! You just want him for yourself! You've always liked authoritative men! I guess they remind you of your father or something! I guess when you think I am out of the picture, he's all yours!"

"You share him?" Linda asked.

"Of course. He wants it that way and what he wants, this Presidential Ho, is more than willing to provide."

"No. You're not that."

"Whatever Barbara. Perhaps we should have Daddy's Little Girl branded on your ass."

"No. I'm not that."

"Sure you aren't. That's exactly what you are. In fact, you scream it every time you climax. Trust me, you are his new little girl, especially when you take it up the ass."

"She likes that too, huh?"

"Of course. She can't get enough of it."

"Not true."

"She's totally submissive to him. He can spank her ass as much as he wants and she'll hold her tongue."

"Maybe I should let her borrow some of my schoolgirl outfits."

"She might like that. Right?"

"No," Barbara moaned as she shook her head frantically.

"Lois, I think we should have a set on stage where we play with Barbara like this. I bet the crowd would love it."

"Linda, that's not a bad idea!" Lana agreed.

"No. I am only sleeping with him to make some money so I can save you two from here."

"Earth to Barbara. We don't want to be saved," Lana purred into her ear. "It's you that needs to be saved."

"That's right. We've already seen the green light," Linda huffed into her ear.

"Green light? The journal entry spoke of a light? I have to find the journal in the library!" Barbara's mind shouted through the fog of lust in her head.

"Now be a good little slut and take off the g-string and climax for us," Lana spoke.

"NO!" Barbara shouted as she pulled both their hands off her breasts. "NO WAY!" The woman's face was angry and determined as she stared both women down, who seemed to cower a bit from her.

"Barbara," the photographer spoke as he entered the room. "Here's the money that I owe you. You may want to grab your coat and pay the manager of the motel off before he throws your stuff into the streets."

"Thank you," Barbara smiled as she hugged him, squishing her tits against his body while she planted kiss after kiss on him. "I'll go pay him right now," she giggled as she bounded out of the room.


At the Motel

A topless Barbara Gordon was frantically trying to throw everything in the room back into her two suitcases. She closed one and locked it, but when she was about to close the other one, the door flew open and the photographer entered the room. "Going somewhere?" he asked.

"Don't come any closer!" Barbara shouted at the man.

"What's the matter?" the man asked as if he didn't know already. His eyes darted to journal sitting on the woman's pillow. "I see that you found the journal tucked in the back of the library archive. I always thought that it was the perfect place to put it since no one really checks that area. I mean, we can't destroy it since it describes the town so well," he smirked.

"Don't come any closer! I'm warning you!"

"Don't warn me!" the man yelled as he grasped her wrist and pulled her into the bathroom. He held her shoulders and made her look at her reflection. Barbara Gordon shook as she saw a green ethereal creature clutched to her chest. It had the head of a lizard and a body of a slug. However, when Barbara blinked it was gone. "Those things are called Heart-Breakers. I don't know why, but they seem to feed on sorrow and self-pity. At first, they make people sad and unmotivated. Women feel inferior and very insecure about themselves. Men on the other hand become very lazy. I believe these things arrived during the meteor shower. The infestation started in the center of the city. Now, some people looked and saw these things and left here, leaving the others to fend for themselves. The strangest part is that they people who left never talked about these things and people simply forgot about our little city."

"Get it off," Barbara sobbed as she saw it appear on her chest again.

"Don't worry about it. It wouldn't harm you. It just makes all your insecurities come to the surface. I'm sure you discovered that when you read that journal, especially since the two scraps that you read were placed back into the journal for you to find."

"How come it doesn't . . ."

"It does have some control over me. The only problem is that I made a ton of money whereas other people suffered. I guess it's because of this that my confidence level is at a certain point where these things don't have much effect on me. And now since I have two lovely bitches like yourself and Lana Lang, I can honestly say that my confidence has reached new levels.

"You knew that she wasn't Lois Lane?"

"Of course. Why do you think I had her get that tattoo? Besides, if she wants to be called Lois Lane, who am I to argue," the man spoke as he pulled Barbara out of the bathroom and flung her on the bed.

"Don't," Barbara spoke meekly as the man unzipped his pants and ripped her g-string off.

"You know you like this," the man replied as he placed his member into her sex. He then placed his hands on her hips and pulled her close to him, ramming his member deep inside her. "Such a good girl, wrapping your legs around my back," the man complimented.

"I have to get out of here," the woman moaned.

"I doubt that. When you first arrived in town, those little critters hadn't taken to you yet. But the longer you stayed, the more they got to you. You might have seen them if you looked really close, but most people just ignore them. They aren't vapors or light, but they do start off by holding onto your ankles. They make their way up and by the time they settle on your chest, that's all she wrote. So in a matter of minutes, my little girl, you will be staying with me and Lana. You do whatever I ask, whenever I ask. Got it?"

"Yes daddy," she panted.

"Ah. The submissive side of you is back. I love those things," he laughed as he thrust forcefully into her, causing her tits to jiggle about. Barbara moaned and her hands whipped about, sending the suitcases crashing onto the floor. The locked one landed with a heavy thud while the unlocked one, hit the ground, and its contents spilled all over the floor. "Kinky. So Barbara, why do you have a Batgirl costume?" he asked.

"Because I am Batgirl," she moaned.

"Well isn't that just fucking amazing! My brother is fucking Supergirl and I'm fucking Batgirl and Lana Lang! Incredible! I think the girls are right. You're going to have to perform on stage with the rest of them."

"Yes daddy, whatever you want!" the woman screamed as she climaxed.


Two Days Later

"Harder! Harder!" Batgirl shouted as she planted her hands on the table and stuck her ass in the air, swinging it from side to side as a fat man slapped her costume covered ass. The woman's ass was still tender from the gift that her boyfriend, the man with the goatee, gave her. Thus she wasn't dropping the bottom portion of her costume yet, but the top and the cap were already gone. The only thing that the woman was allowed to keep above her waist was her cowl, which caused people to pay more money for her lap dances due to the mystery factor. The woman knew that the photographer was watching her performance from high above the club. She also noticed that Lana was not on stage, which meant that he was probably fucking the woman against the glass, peering down on her. This made Barbara even hornier.

"How much for more?" the man asked.

"I don't know. I'm actually off the clock now," she teased. "If you want me to stay, the rate is doubled."

"I'll triple it if I can touch," the man slobbered.

"Deal," Batgirl agreed as she lifted herself off the table and back ass against the man's crotch. She began to slide from right to left for a few seconds before going back and forth, teasing the man's cock, which was straining against his pants. Then she turned around, gripping her tits. She fondled them and pulled on her own nipples. The woman then squatted on the floor with her legs spread. She pushed the right tit up and licked it with her tongue. The crime fighter then repeated the process with the left one. She continued to do so until a thin layer of saliva covered the upper parts of her tits. Batgirl then cupped them and pushed them together as she slid them up the leather chair, against the man's crotch, up his stomach, past his chest, and finally positioned them right under his chin.

"MY GOD!" the man grunted as he placed his hands over Batgirl's before she moved her hands, allowing him to hold them while he buried his face between her breasts and lapped at the sides, adding his saliva to hers, even going as far as taking some of hers and swallowing.

"Oh my, we're mixing our liquids. Perhaps next time we can exchange even more at a different place," she cooed as she rested her hands on the man's thighs.

"HHHMMMMPPPHHHTTTT!!" the man moaned with his face stuck between the woman's cleavage.

"My, you seem to have wet yourself. I'll call another girl over with a towel. As for me, we're done," Barbara spoke as she snatched the money from the armrest. "See you next time," she moaned as she blew him a kiss. The man nearly had a heart attack as he nodded dumbly over and over again. Barbara turned and sauntered away, sticking her hands down her tights and pulling out a wad of money. She briefly counted some of the bills as she walked down the hallway to the club's observation booth, knowing that all the money in her hand would buy herself a good fucking from her boyfriend, which she was greatly looking forward to.


Three Days Later

Linda Lee, Lana Lang, and Barbara Gordon walked the poor streets of Hell's Heart, headed toward the photo studio. Linda and Lana were both wearing a red, white, and blue V-sling bikini, which left almost nothing to the imagination. Both women were pulling on two luggage carts with a couple of suitcases while Barbara was dressed in a trench coat and holding a purple duffle bag. They passed by several homeless people along the way, but most of them simply stared and salivated as they got to see Lana and Linda's full breasts and long legs. Some were very disappointed with the fact that they couldn't see Barbara, but only one man in an alley made it known.

"Hey! Lose the coat sweetie cakes," the man blurted out.

"I beg your pardon," Barbara replied as she stopped and looked at the man.

"I said lose the jacket."

"Why should I?" Barbara asked as she entered the alley with Linda and Lana behind her.

"Because I asked."

"I, Barbara Gordon, daughter of the heroic Police Commissioner Gordon, does not obey some common street urchin. I am not Batgirl," she replied as she placed the duffle bag on the ground.

"I have a dollar that says you will."

"Yes sir," Barbara replied as she dropped her head and began to undo the buttons of the coat. Once all the buttons were taken care of, the woman raised her head slowly a looked the man straight in the eyes. "I charge a lot more than that at the club, but since we are not at the club, money is money," she spoke as she flung the coat open, revealing her totally nude body except for the five inched purple heels.

"Holy shit!" the man uttered as Linda and Lana approached Barbara as she slowly turned a full circle, letting the man see her. "Daddy's Little Girl?"

"My boyfriend decided to brand me like a cow. I often walk around his place with my udders bare just like a cow, hence the brand. And since he provides and protects me like a father, I call him, daddy," Barbara replied as she could feel herself moistening just thinking about him.

"Well, I guess you earned this dollar then," the man spoke reluctantly, almost not wanting to part with his money as he searched his dirty pockets.

"She hasn't earned it yet," Lana spoke as she gripped Barbara's left shoulder while Linda grabbed the right one.

"Lois Lane? The woman in the magazines?"

"That's right. Barbara has more to show you and since she doesn't have a garter for you to put that dollar under, we'll have to improvise," Lana sneered.

"I'm ready," Linda smirked.

"Then begin!" Lana yelled as she inserted several fingers into Barbara's pussy and Linda quickly did the same. Both women pumped their fingers in and out of Barbara's now dripping sex like machine bullets being fired out of the gun in a firefight.

"HOLY SHIT!" Barbara wailed as she felt her knees weaken and legs buckle. Before she knew it, she was on her knees, her nipples sticking out like daggers, quivering. Her hands couldn't even move as she got closer and closer to the edge.

"NOW SLUT!" Lana growled and Barbara came like a raging volcano blowing its top. Lana waited several minutes for the woman to recover. Once she did, both woman pulled her up. "She seemed to have made a mess of your alley. However, we have solved the garter problem," she laughed as the man pulled out a very wrinkled and dirty dollar bill. "Kindly paste that over the woman's cunt and we'll be off," she laughed.

"Thank you sir," Barbara moaned as she felt the dollar bill slide into place.

"I'll get the coat. Just walk and don't cover yourself up!" Lana demanded as Barbara nodded and walked out of the alley with Lana and Linda behind her, lugging the carts and the suitcases, leaving a totally speechless man in the alleyway.


At the Studio

"Fuck me daddy! Fuck me!" Batgirl moaned as she dressed in her purple crime fighting outfit with one glaring change, her breasts, sex, and ass were all visible, though they weren't really visible at the moment. Her tits were being mauled by the photographer's hands as he rammed his member into her ass. Barbara basically kept her body at a forty-five degree angle as she knelt on the bed and took it in the rear, slamming herself against him.

"I never thought this day would happen," the man spoke with a huge grin on his face.

"Why is that?" the naked Lana Lang inquired as she pressed her breasts against the man's back and held on to him as he fucked Batgirl.

"I always knew that I had the VP's wife as my personal fucktoy, but now, I have the great Batgirl as one too. Isn't that right, Batgirl or should I call you, Barbara Gordon?"

"Call me whatever you like daddy. Just don't stop fucking me," she panted.

"It's going to be great walking up and down the streets of Hell's Heart a redheaded slut holding onto each of my arms."

"But Barbara wears a red wig."

"Only for the moment. When we're done, she'll be a redhead. Isn't that right?" the man asked as he inhaled a whiff of the woman's sweaty wig that flowed from her cowl.

"Whatever you want daddy!"

"That's a good little girl. Not only will you listen to me, but you'll listen to Lois as well."

"Whatever you want daddy!"

"You're going to be a regular at the club too."

"Yes daddy!"

"What's the point of that? She just charges a dollar for everything she does. It will take forever for her to make a lot of money.

"So she's a cheap slut. She doesn't mind. Does daddy's little girl mind?"

"No daddy. Of course not."

"What's going on here?" the photographer's brother asked as he entered the room with his erect member dangling out of his pants. Standing next to him was Linda Lee decked out in her Supergirl costume with a small trickle of the man's seed dripping down the side of her lips. "I thought I was the only one who got to fuck a heroine every night."

"Not every night. Whenever you want," Supergirl cooed as she dropped to all fours. Immediately the man dropped to his knees, gripped her hips, and rammed his hard member into her drenched pussy. "OH GOD! JUST LIKE THAT! SUPERGIRL FUCKED BY A SUPER DICK!" the woman wailed.

The loud scream woke Barbara from her reverie. She glanced at Supergirl and saw that her top was pushed up to her neck, exposing her pendulous tits while the man had total access to her cunt since she wasn't wearing any underwear under her already short skirt. "My god! What has happened to us?" the woman's mind asked as she took in the sight before her, knowing that she too was in her uniform being taken sexually.

The photographer knew that Barbara was thinking about her past since she was no longer moaning aloud. So the man gripped the woman's tits forcefully as he slammed harder into her. "Are you thinking about the past?" he asked.

"No," Barbara reluctantly replied through gritted teeth.

"Don't lie to daddy."

"You're not my daddy."

"I take care you just your dad. You would be sleeping on the street with nowhere to go without me," he reminded her.

"The Heart-Breakers made me . . ." she began to sob.

"No. The Heart-Breakers just brought it out of you. Face it, you like authoritative men. I know it's getting old, but it is the truth," the man replied calmly as he gave two hard thrust to hammer the point. "You could have slapped me back after I slapped you all those weeks ago, but you didn't. You also could have told me to stop slapping your ass. Or how about the names I called you? You told me not to, but I still did, and you did nothing about it. In fact, you could have fought me off before I took you on my desk, but you didn't. Face it Barbara, you are this way. Your father is just like me except I am not as old or related to you. I tell you what to do and you do it. Perhaps that's why you wanted to be Batgirl, to get away from his control, yet you became second fiddle to Batman, listening to his orders. Don't worry about your male crime fighting friends. I'm not a criminal and I don't give a shit about them, but perhaps you should call the female ones some day. I can always use some new models. And if you left me, daddy would hate to see what his lovely daughter has become."

"No," Barbara panted as her hands gripped the man's and tried to pull them off her tits.

"Don't fight me. You know you want this. And if you did leave this place and return to your old life, you would eventually come back here. Perhaps a simple call from me would be all that it takes. Daddy's little girl knows that I'm right," he said confidently as he gave two hard thrusts to accentuate the point.

Barbara wanted to tell him that he was crazy and everything that he said was false, but her body refused. Her heart wasn't into telling him differently either. With a low groan, Barbara nodded her head in defeat. "Yes daddy. Daddy is right. I am daddy's little girl," she moaned as her hands began to move his, adding more pressure to her tits. "Dye my hair! Whatever you want daddy!" The woman was slamming herself against him in earnest, filling the room with sound skin slapping against skin. Before too long, the woman was about to climax when the photographer pulled out of her. "NOOOOO!" she wailed.

"Shut up!" Lana warned as she stuck a purple ball gag into Barbara's mouth before locking the straps into place. She then reached into the purple duffle bag and pulled out a pair of handcuffs. Lana slapped them on and secured the woman's wrists together. She then pulled out a pair of anklecuffs and secured them onto Barbara as well. Once restrained, she took the woman onto her lap with her ass high up in the air, and began to spank her.

Barbara moaned into her gag as the first smack of Lana's hand to her bare ass was like the hot metal poker branding the photographer's words onto her ass. She could feel the hotness spreading through her body, causing her to writhe in pain. As more and more slaps rained onto her bare ass, the woman writhed even more, almost as if she were trying to avoid the slaps even though she never moved from the woman's lap. That's when the photographer grabbed his picture and began snapping away.

"Stay still now," Lana ordered as she reached into the duffle bag and pulled out a small paddle. Although Lana wasn't very confident, she saw the photographer smile back at her, which was enough to supply her with the needed confidence. Thus, Lana began to rain down the smacks with the paddle like there was going to be no tomorrow.

Barbara screamed bloody murder as her ass became a dark shade of red, slowly turning black, blue, and even purple, almost blending in with her costume a bit in some areas. Every nerve in her body was on fire as the pain shot through her body like a speeding train. By the time, Lana was done, the woman was almost convulsing with pain as her sex was pouring like a waterfall. Spit and drool covered her lips and bottom portion of her face as her own mucus mixed with her saliva. Lana slowly undid the straps and the gag fell out of Barbara's mouth. "Thank you," she finally panted, trying to catch her breath.

"Slut," Lana spoke as she took a towel and wiped away all the mucus and drool on her face. Then she quickly unshackled the woman.

"I got some interesting pictures," the photographer said as he placed his camera down and laid on the bed. "I see that you like being punished. Thus from this day forth, Barbara Gordon will do soft and hardcore shots whereas Batgirl will do some of the more extreme stuff. If you agree to that, come on over and ride daddy's cock."

Without any hesitation, a weary and exhausted Batgirl quickly slid to where the man laid, and impaled herself on his cock. " Yes daddy! Whatever you want daddy! I love you daddy!" she screamed as she tried to climax, which she did in a matter of seconds.

At that same time, Supergirl climaxed as well, coupling her screams with Batgirl's. And it's a good thing that people in surrounding areas become apathetic when people come here or we would be a lot of trouble. But this is the life," the club owner smiled.


Three Weeks Later

"Don't go anywhere. You got me into this and you're not leaving me alone here," Commissioner Gordon spoke as he clutched Officer Renee Montoya's arm and made her sit back down.

"But sir," she stammered.

"No buts," the man replied as a woman dressed up as Batgirl danced topless before them. The only way you could tell she was suppose to be Batgirl was her purple cowl and boots. The woman wore a purple micro-thong as she lewdly gyrated to the music while sliding her hands all over her tits. "Besides this woman looks nothing like Batgirl. That woman would never subject herself to such a tasteless profession. Nor is that woman currently dancing on stage with that poor excuse of a plaid skirt that doesn't even cover her unmentionable, Supergirl, since she wouldn't subject herself to this either."

"Sorry sir, but everyone said that we could find Barbara here."

"Barbara would never come here. My little girl would never step foot in a strip club. I'm telling you that she probably jetted off with her European boyfriend and will contact me when they're ready to get married."

"You're not worried?"

"My little girl? Why should I worry about her? She would never step foot in a tawdry establishment like this."

"If only you knew," Batgirl's mind spoke as she tried not to cry.

"Are you saying that she's not fooling around with the guy? You never even met him."

"My sweet little Barbara would never fool around unless she was married and prepared to start a family, so she could stay home and watch everything like a proper wife."

"Oh god daddy! I've fucked a man who I don't even know his name," Batgirl's mind whimpered. "He has fucked me in places and positions that I didn't even think were possible. The scary part is that although I hated it, my body loved every second of it. Please don't be disappointed in me. Please!"

"Here's the drinks you ordered," Lana, who was wearing her V-sling bikini, spoke as she placed two glasses of water next to the two seated patrons. "We usually prefer our customers to buy real drinks, but since you two are special, water is okay."

"OH MY GOD!! You're Lana Lang!!!" Montoya yelled as she pointed at the woman in shock.

"You have me confused. My name is Lois," she replied without batting an eyelash.

"I told you. These women are just dressed up to look like famous people. Do you expect Lana Lang to have a tattoo calling herself a Presidential Ho?" Commissioner Gordon uttered.

"Why you're so smart sir. Turn around Batgirl and show them yours," she laughed.

"Daddy's Little Girl," Commissioner Gordon uttered as he saw the brand on the woman's rear. "Does your father know about this?"

"Daddy did it. I would do anything for daddy," Batgirl responded, referencing her boyfriend and not her real father.

"As long as your father approves of this, I guess it's okay then."

"I hope he does."

"You haven't told him?"

"I . . . I . . . well, daddy wanted me to have this job," she quickly replied.

"I guess he doesn't mind then. See Montoya, some fathers will let their kids do these things, but my little Barbara would never do this even if I allowed her too. I'm telling you that Barbara is a straight arrow and she would never deviate from her straight and steady path," the man spoke as he handed Batgirl a twenty dollar bill.

"You're giving her a twenty?"

"Sure. If her father allowed her to do this and she agreed, it probably means that she needs to support her family."

"THANK YOU!" Batgirl beamed as she slipped the twenty underneath her thong, covering her sex, just like that day in the alleyway with the decomposing dollar bill from the fat slob.

"Or they don't have the funds to pay for college so she can get a good education and get out of this dump," the old man spoke as Batgirl's smile began to disappear as she sauntered closer and closer to him.

"Don't tell me you believe that old cliche?"

"You think girls act like bimbos because of their own free wills? Of course not," he spoke as Batgirl's smile completely vanished. The woman was now crying on the inside as she learned that she was a total failure in her father's eyes. "They do it because they have no alternative. Simple as that."

"No, I had choices, but I took this instead. I'm so sorry. Please like me! Please!" Batgirl's mind cried as she placed her right knee on the man's thigh and began to mash her breasts together, just inches away from his face.

"You don't need to do this."

"I want to make you happy."

"But . . ."

"She's just doing her job sir. You might as well let her since someone might get mad if you reject her."

"Very well. Continue then," the man spoke reluctantly as Montoya took that as her cue to leave and search the club.

"Excuse me sir, I couldn't help but overhear. Do you love your daughter?"

"Of course."

"Are you proud of her?"

"I am proud of my daughter regardless of what she does."

"What if she stripped for a living and allowed others to take nude pictures of her for other people's enjoyment?"

"I know you hit some rough times," the old man replied. "And if you're okay with that, I won't judge you, but my darling Barbara would never sink so low. She is probably off in Europe right now, taking in the sights, and being courted by suitors."

"What if she's fucking them?"

"First off, my daughter does not fuck! When she is married, she will interact with her husband on her wedding night. Then she will do it again when she feels it time to have a family."

"What if she did?"

"My daughter would never do that. She is the epitome of self-control and decency. She would never do that. Trust me. And why are you so interested?"

"You remind me of my father," the woman said as she almost fed her tits to him.

"I hope you don't to this with your father!" the man retorted.

"No! Never have! I have always been a good girl. I listened to him and did whatever he advised me on."

"Good girl."

"You think so?"

"I have no problem if you obey your father."

"So by obeying my father, you're saying that I am being a good girl?" Batgirl asked as she pulled and placed her butt on his left knee, grinding it. The surge of pain flew through her body as she remembered all the times that she had sat on his lap as a child and he looked at her with love and admiration. However, now she could feel his eyes boring into her, rejecting her and even feeling contempt for her. She knew that he didn't want to even see her dance. Barbara knew that he only stayed in his seat because Montoya told him to. And even though he didn't know that it was his daughter dancing in front of him, he was still disgusted beyond belief and it tug on the woman's psyche.

"If your father asked you to do this, I'm sure both of you had a good reason, but . . ."

"But what?" Batgirl asked in fear.

"Look. It's obvious that you need money. So take this," the old man spoke as he held out another twenty.

Barbara heard the crinkling of the bill and felt ashamed. "He thinks I'm a slut," her mind told her as she fought back the tears. "He thinks I'm disgusting, which is why he hasn't touched me like the other owners. Oh god! I only wanted to make you happy! Why do you not like me?" her mind cried as she couldn't believe that her own father was trying to get rid of her.

"Perhaps this isn't enough," the old man spoke as he dug into his pockets and pulled out another bill. "Look Miss. Just take the money and go," he tried to sound as politely as possible.

"He wants to get read of me! Oh my god! He hates me! He doesn't want to be seen near me!" Batgirl's mind screamed as she turned around and faked a smile.

"I hope this enough."

"It is, but what if you were my daddy and I was your little girl"

"I'm sorry. I don't follow."

"Of course not. You're a born leader. But what if I was your daughter and would do anything to make you happy?"

"I'm really sorry, but I am not sure what you mean."

"I can be your daughter!" Batgirl said as she cupped her tits and presented them to him again. "I can lay back on this table and have you take me. If you think I'm disgusting and need to be punished, you can spank me right here if you like. I just want to make you happy. If not, I can do other things. I just want to be the perfect daughter!" she pleaded.

"Miss. I don't know who you are, but I don't want to do any of that, and your father would be embarrassed if he knew that you talked like that to total strangers," the man admonished.

Barbara Gordon was crying on the inside. The woman was totally crushed as she realized how she had failed her father and that there was no longer a life for her outside of Hell's Heart. She was heart broken and her old life came tumbling down, devastated beyond repair. She knew that she had nowhere to go except to spend the rest of her life with the photographer and maybe start a family with him since her father pictured her as doing so. She had definitely failed and his aspirations for her would never materialize. He would never approve of her current lifestyle or her. In fact, she asked him if he wanted her to do. He could have told her to go home and never dance again, but he looked at her with pity and admonished her angrily. There was no doubt in the woman's mind that she had failed him now. Perhaps, she can live up to at least one of his expectations since she hasn't met any of them yet. Then she realized that the man would never agree if she didn't do a good job at the club. Thus, without saying a word, the woman threw herself into her routine, acting like a total depraved slut, while she turned around and let her branded ass slap against the man's covered groin, thinking about how to get someone to take care of her father now that she could never return to his life.

"Daddy's Little Girl indeed," the man muttered under his breath.

The End

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