Bionic Six:  Glove�s Glory
By: Night Creeper

Disclaimer: All of the characters are created by other people. This story is loosely based on the
characters created by TMS Entertaintment. The characters are owned by their creators. And even though I have tampered with some of the storylines and backgrounds established by them, they are still owned by them. Any resemblance to actual people are coincidental and unintentional. And remember, this story is used for entertainment and not profit. If it is illegal for you to read something that only ADULTS should read, then go away!

Notes from the author: Writing long stories can be really tiring, so I tried writing some really quick short stories (less than 10 pages).  Please note that I don't edit my stories. However, since there aren't any red lines on this, I guess I have the spelling down.

Also, feel free to e-mail me at <[email protected]> with comments, criticisms, ideas, etc.

Thanks and happy reading.


Bionic Six: Glove�s Glory
By: Night Creeper

    �It�s very simple.  We lure the Bionic Six here to this trap,� Scarab spoke proudly as he raised his hands high in the air, to show his minions the ice dome, which they were all standing in.
    �You mean, I lure the Bionic Six here,� Glove corrected.
    �Of course.  The rest of us will be behind the ice wall.  We will be able to see them enter.  Once they enter, we will seal all the exits except for one.  Glove will use that exit, which we will seal once he�s gone through.  Then we release the nanobots, which will infect the Bionic Six and make their bionics useless.�
    �How will they do that, darling?� Madame O inquired.
    �Simple.  The nanobots will eat their bionics.  We will also release some knockout gas.  Without their bionics, they will be unable to escape.  Then we lower the temperature to the room, forcing the nanobots to stop snacking on our foes.  We can then move them to these stasis chambers, which will keep them in a deep sleep.�
    �Why do we need to stop the nanobots?� Chopper asked.
    �If we don�t, they will eat through our special suits!� Scarab replied.
    �But these suits look like bee keeper outfits,� Mechanic uttered.
    �Totally dreadful looking too,� Madam O added.
    �These suits will save you!  The nanobots not only eat through bionics, but they will eat through flesh and bone!� Scarab yelled.
    �WAIT!  You expect me to lure the Bionic Six to their doom with nanobots, which may also kill me?!� Glove roared.
    �If you can�t get into the exit, just inject yourself with one of these,� Scarab spoke as he presented a suitcase with five needles inside.  �Each of these needles contain a serum, which will corrode the nanobots.  It�s effects are instantaneous.  So it�s hardly a threat.  And if there is a problem, I have also built stasis chambers for us.  These chambers will immediately have an needle, which will inject us with the antidote.  Sorry Glove, there won�t be a chamber in your exit.  But I�ll make sure that there are plenty of needles.�
    �Thanks a lot,� Glove muttered.
    �I�m just glad that we are all in the special room,� Mechanic whispered to Madam O, who nodded.
    The trap worked and the Bionic Six were infected, but the ice wall separating Scarab and his minions from the infected room was unable to stop the nanobots.  They ate through the ice wall as well as the metal plated wall, which Glove installed.  This forced Scarab and his minions to dive into the chambers.  But there was no needle inside.  Instead, the chamber simply blew gas into their lungs and lowered the temperature, stopping the nanobots but not destroying them.  Glove then emerged from the sealed exit after injecting the antidote into himself.  He moved all the Bionic Six members except Mother 1 into the chambers.  He injected her with the antidote and injected himself once again just to be on the safe side.  Then he took her into Scarab�s control room.  When she awoke, Glove explained what had happened.  Mother 1 didn�t believe him so Glove turned the temperature up inside Fluffi�s chamber.  The robot disintegrated in a matter of minutes,
horrifying the woman.  Glove then turned the heat up slightly in Karate 1's chamber.  The woman could see the boy wince in his sleep and she begged for Glove to stop.  Glove then informed her that she was his slave and that she would have to live her life pleasing him.  Mother 1 refused at first only to see Glove�s hand turn the dial.  Without thinking, the woman quickly agreed and Glove turned the temperature back down and took Mother 1 to his room.
    Mother 1 wanted to bury her head into her hands and cry on the first night.  She had to tell Glove all about their secret identities including her real name, Helen Bennett.  She also explained all their bionic powers while she rode Glove�s manhood.  He abused her breasts and called her degrading names.  Mother 1 would then repeat the names and agree with whatever Glove told her.  By the time Glove was ready to sleep, Helen�s pussy was fucked raw.  But the woman couldn�t go to sleep.  Instead, Glove had prepared a series of training videos for her to watch.  Mother 1 watched them all obediently, fearing the safety of her children if she didn�t.
    A daily routine was created for Mother 1.  Every morning, she was to greet Glove with a blowjob.   Afterwards, he would shower while she made him breakfast.  While he ate his breakfast, the woman would take her shower.  There wasn�t much use for cleaning since Glove had programmed various robots known as Zyphrons to do the job.  But occasionally, Mother 1 would be assigned menial tasks like vacuuming or washing the dishes.  Glove preferred to use her time more effectively however.  For example, the woman would spend an exorbitant amount of time watching porn videos on the couch with Glove.  The woman would be nude and forced to masturbate the entire time.  She would also have to make comments about the scenes as well as how she would improve them.  Some times, Glove would leave her alone in the afternoon, forcing her to watch the movies by herself.  He would then meet up with her around dinner time.  After eating, he would humiliate the woman.  Some
times, he walked her around on all fours while she wore a collar and a leash.  Other times, he attached nipple clamps onto her nipples and pulled them toward him while telling her stay still.  Glove would even spank the nude woman as she pressed her body against the chambers that housed her various family members.  Afterwards, she would bathe him before joining him in bed and showing him what she learned from the videos.  Then the whole routine would repeat itself.  Over time, Mother 1 was given more time by herself during the day and her porn videos consisted more and more of two women fucking one man.
    However, that was months ago.  Currently, Mother 1 was on her knees, sucking dutifully on Glove�s hard cock.  The woman wore red thigh-high stockings, a red thong, and a pair of red five-inched heels.  A red ribbon was wrapped around her breasts, leaving a both the top and bottom of each breast visible.  Her hands gripped the man�s thighs as she pistoned her head while her tongue dutifully licked the belly of his dick.
    Glove patted the woman�s moist hair as he stared down at her puffy cheeks.  The man then began to stroke her hair by running his hands through them.  The woman instantly raised her head and locked eyes with Glove.  She continued to suck on his cock as her eyes looked lustfully up at him.  Mother 1 never broke eye contact even when Glove slowly pushed her away from his dick.  In fact, she watched him hungrily as he sat down in a chair.
    Mother 1 smiled as she placed her warm hands on Glove�s knees and in swift motion, she parted them.  The woman then straddled the man and waved her breasts in front of his face.  She got them closer and closer to Glove�s face with each pass.  Eventually, her hard nipples, which were now slightly longer thanks to the sessions with the nipple clamps, were gliding across the man�s face.  And just like before, the woman�s eyes were glued on Glove�s.
    Glove kisses her heaving breasts, leaving a trail of spit behind him.  Helen moans softly as she runs her hands through the man�s hair.  However, the woman realizes that�s not what he wants.  So she quickly retracts her hands and grips the sides of her breasts.  The woman then pushes her breasts forward and is basically feeding them to him.  �Suck my tits, master.  Suck on them hard!  My body is just a plaything used for your pleasure,� Helen moaned.
    With that, Glove slams his hands onto her hips and lifts her briefly before ramming his manhood into the woman�s dripping pussy.  Within seconds, Mother 1 is bouncing up and down on top of Glove�s dick.  Her breasts are bouncing with each thrust too while Glove watches them bounce intently.
    �Fuck me!  Fuck me hard!� Helen purrs as Glove speeds up his assault.  Eventually, the woman closes her eyes and moans loudly with each thrust.  She knows that it�s just a matter of time before her pussy is flooded with Glove�s hot spunk.  The woman prepares herself for it and is incredibly thankful that Glove has placed her on the pill.
    Glove watches Helen�s face with a huge smile, knowing that he had successfully trained the woman to perform for him.  He couldn�t wait for the next step.
    Helen gritted her teeth and squeezed Glove�s cock with her cunt muscles like she had been trained to do.  �So close . . . so close . . .� the woman thought as she was about to climax, something that she had done quite a lot since becoming Glove�s toy.  However, the woman wasn�t prepared for what was about to happen.
    �You�re suck a fucking whore, mother.  I can�t wait to see him shoot his hot sticky spunk into your slutty cunt,� Rock 1's voice purred into her ear.  The shock and warmth of her breath was enough to send Helen over the edge.  The orgasm hit her like a perfect ten on the Richter scale.  It was the most powerful orgasm that she had ever experienced.  And she wasn�t even conscious for the whole thing as her unconscious body continued to quiver in Glove�s powerful arms.


The Next Day

    Mother 1 dutifully rode Glove�s dick as he laid on his own bed.  Her pace was slow as she gripped the man�s hands and pressed them against her breasts.  The man was busy squeezing her breasts while his thumbs teased her nipples.  Mother 1 didn�t say much as her eyes were focused on her nude daughter, Rock 1, who was also on the bed.  Even though Rock 1 was nude, she still had a series of ropes covering her body.  First off all, one rope circled the base of each one of her breasts, which were a deep red.  One long rope circled both breasts, pushing them together.  A series of ropes crisscrossed over her stomach and ran between her legs, where it pressed tightly against the two vibrators, one for her shaved pussy and one for her ass.  The ropes forced the vibrators deep inside her body as the ran up her spine.  Although Helen couldn�t see the knots, there was a series of them that kept her arms bound behind her back.  The knots went all the way up
to the back of her neck where two ropes went over shoulders and were once again tied to the ropes around the base of her breasts.  Her legs were also held tightly together by a series of ropes.  Rock 1 also wore a black leather mask that covered her entire head.  There were two holes for her nostrils and two holes for her eyes and ears.  However, her eyes were covered by a visor while her ears were covered by headphones.  The young woman was constantly moaning as her body quivered continuously.
    �You�re probably what I�ve been doing in the afternoons in the last month,� Glove spoke as he saw Helen�s eyes still staring at her daughter.  �I freed your daughter for about a month now.  Since Fluffi was destroyed, I had to make an example out of Klunk.  Even though he was mostly made of goo, it created quite an impact when I showed her what would happen to daddy.  She agreed almost instantaneously.  I�ve been training her ever since.  While you�re watching your videos, I�ve been fucking her.  Then when I�m done, I wrap her up just like that.  The visor is showing her erotic visions while hypnotic commands are being pumped through the headphones.  Her brain is soaking both up like a sponge.  Soon, she will be the perfect sex slave,� Glove laughed.
    The harsh words were enough to capture Helen�s attention.  �Please master . . .� Helen panted as she tried to look as sexy as possible. �You don�t need her . . . I can do the job . . . I�ll be your perfect sex slave.�
    �You�re already my sex slave.  Your daughter, Meg Bennett, is going to be much more than just my sex slave.  She�s going to be my trophy wife.  My obedient and submissive wife.  I can�t wait to see her pregnant belly,� Glove stated with a sneer on my face.
    Mother 1 felt like she was going to be sick.  And for the first time in months, she had a twinge of defiance in her.  She wasn�t going to thrash Glove even though she wanted to.  Instead, she wanted to outsmart him.  The woman was going to make it worth his while to keep her and to stay away from her daughter.  �Fuck me in the ass, doggy-style,� she begged.
    Glove was taken back from the request.  He had thought about fucking her in the ass, but he didn�t think that she would initiate it.  However, it didn�t take him very long to collect himself.  �Okay,� he quickly replied with a mischievous smile on his face.
    Mother 1 quickly extracted Glove�s dick from her dripping sex.  The woman got into position and wiggled her ass, teasing him, beckoning him.  The man�s smile got even larger as he smacked her ass and left a red print on her skin.  �Oh yes!  Spank me!  Spank your dirty fucking whore!� Mother 1 screamed.
    �You are a dirty little slut,� Glove sneered as he continued to spank the woman�s ass again and again.  Soon, her ass was as red as her old uniform.  The best part for Glove that was that her glutes were so firm that they hardly bounced.  Instead, his blows landed and she felt the full force, but continued to beg for more.  Glove was truly excited as his dick got even harder and bounced from side to side as he landed his blows.
    Mother 1 wanted to cry as her ass felt like it was on fire, but the woman stayed strong and kept her act going.  �I�ve been a bad girl!  Spank me!  Spank me hard!  Give me a preview of what your powerful cock is going to do to my sphincter!� Helen shouted.
    That was enough for Glove as he gripped her hips and rammed his dick into her ass.  The woman�s fingers dug into the bed as Glove shoved it deeper inside her.  Glove was delighted by the tight fit.
    Mother 1 could feel herself being stretched.  But she did nothing to stop the inevitable.  Instead, she grinded her ass back against Glove�s dick in order to get the full effect of his thrusts.  �Fuck me like those hot bitches in those videos!  Fuck my ass!  Ram it deep and hard!  Make your fuck slave unable to sit or walk!� Helen roared.
    Glove�s fingers buried into the flesh around her hips and rammed as hard as he could.  Helen could feel her his dick plowing ass.  The pain was unbearable.  The woman could have sworn that he guts were being forcefully shifted from their normal positions.  Yet, she hung in there.  She increased her speed as she gripped the bed for support.  The woman then felt Glove�s hands grip her jiggling breasts.  His grip was tight as he slowly lifted her off her hands by forcefully squeezing her breasts. Unfortunately for Mother 1, the pain in her ass only increased as she got higher and higher.  Soon, she was unable to talk dirty as she was simply deliriously panting for breath.  Suddenly, it hit like a freight train.  Helen Bennett climaxed.  Her body violently shook as she lost all her strength and crashed into the bed.
    This didn�t stop Glove.  �YES!!  YES!!� the man howled as he continued to fuck her ass, holding onto her hips now for maximum penetration.
    Mother 1 rubbed her eyes against the bed sheets.  �I�m truly a slut!  I climaxed as he fucked my ass!  I�m a filthy whore!� her mind screamed.
    Eventually, Glove shot his load into the woman�s ass.  The hot spunk caused the woman to orgasm again.  As she rode out her climax, Glove pulled out and laid on top of her while some of his sperm dripped onto her buttocks and down her legs.  �Helen, you�re a filthy whore with an amazing body!  I can�t wait to do that with your daughter, Meg!� he whispered into the woman�s ear. 
    Mother 1 could only groan as she realized that her plan had failed.  She had surrendered her last virgin hole to Glove in order to save her daughter.  Instead, she had doomed her daughter.  He now wanted to do the same thing to her daughter, the person she was trying to protect.
    �By the way, you�re going to dress Meg for our wedding.  It�s bad luck for the groom to his bride before the wedding.  So her appearance better meet my standards,� Glove spoke as he nibbled on Helen�s ear.
    Chills shot up and down the woman�s spine as she realized that she had to dress her daughter in slutty attire on what should be an incredibly special day.  That was simply too much for Helen, who instantly burst into tears.
    �Those better be tears of joy for me giving you such a honor.  Because if it�s not, I can impregnate her now without being married.  She can give birth while her old family dies around her,� Glove warned.
    Helen heard Glove�s words and felt her heart break.  The woman then quickly collected herself.  �No . . . no master . . . I�m honored by gift.  I�ll make sure that Meg is properly dressed for the occasion.  I�ll make you proud,� Helen spoke as she turned over and kissed Glove passionately.  She had gambled and lost, there was no going back now.


Two Weeks Later

    Helen wore a black leather harness that consisted of two narrow straps crossing circling her bared breasts, two sets of straps crisscrossing down her stomach and then went between her legs, cutting into the flesh around her shaved pussy, before going all the way up her spine to a black leather collar around her neck.  Two thin straps also extended from the collar to the straps around her breasts.   Helen Bennett looked the part of a sex slave and that is exactly what she had become.  The woman was on knees and elbows, sucking on Glove�s manhood as the doors to the bedroom opened and entered her daughter, Meg Bennett.
    Meg Bennett was still wearing her white wedding dress, which consisted of an incredibly tight corset, which shrank her waist and pushed her breasts up, almost making them pop right out.  Her legs were incased in white thigh-high floral stockings while her feet were encased by a pair of white four-inched spiked heels.  Four white straps connected her stockings to the corset.  The area below her collarbone was bare, but even with her veil, one could see that she was wearing something from the shoulders up.  When Meg reached the bed, Helen stopped sucking on Glove�s cock and made her way to Meg.  She then stood next to her and waited for a sign from Glove.  The evil mad nodded and Helen raised the veil, revealing that Meg was wearing a white posture collar and a latex hood that encased her head.  The only flesh visible were her nostrils thanks to two small holes in the hood and her lips, which were kept open by a ring-gag.  The girl�s eyes were covered
by a visor that switched from giving her a view of what was ahead of her to recordings of Glove fucking Helen.  Earphones were placed into the young woman�s ears, allowing her to hear the vulgarities coming from her mother�s mouth as she was fucked over and over again by Glove.  There were also recordings of Helen telling Meg that she was a slut and how she could please Glove.  Helen had to lift the veil because Meg�s arms were secured in a white leather glove behind her back.
    �You know what to do slave,� Glove spoke with a wry smile on his face.
    �Yes master,� Helen spoke as she guided her daughter up to the bed and positioned her over Glove�s dick.  With her right hand, Helen began to lower Meg while her left hand gripped Glove�s manhood.  When the tip of Glove�s dick touched Meg�s pussy lips, the young woman moaned as her body quivered with anticipation.  Then like a woman possessed, she shook violently, throwing off her mother�s hands before impaling herself in one swift motion onto Glove�s dick.
    Meg moaned incessantly as she rode Glove�s dick for all she worth.  The conditioning had paid off.  Glove even had to hold onto the Meg�s hips to control the woman�s enthusiasm.  He enjoyed her slick pussy as well as the young woman�s surrender, which actually happened weeks ago.  In fact, Meg was going faster and faster.  Her breathing accelerated as humped him for all she worth.
    Helen watched as she fingered her own nipples.  The woman knew that Meg was using her bionics, which was the only way she could go so fast.  She slowly applied clamps to them as well as a chain.  The woman knew it was only a matter of time now.  Helen didn�t have to wait long.  Glove grunted as he shot his load into Meg�s womb.  The young woman grunted and exploded as well.  Within seconds, Meg was lying on top of Glove, her body quivering.  That�s when Helen slid Meg off of Glove�s dick and quickly placed a cup around her daughter�s sex.  She then used the four straps connected to the cup to secure it in place.  Helen knew that Glove�s spunk would be trapped in Meg�s fertile body.  If Meg doesn�t become pregnant, Glove would simply try again until she does.
    �Ready, Mother 1?� Glove inquired.
    �Bionics on!� Helen shouted as her bionics came to life.  The woman then impaled herself on Glove�s sticky cock.  She handed the man the chain, connecting to her nipple clamps.  Glove tugged on them and pretended the chain was reigns to a horse.  He jiggled and pulled them until Mother 1 reached the pace that he wanted.
    �Did you enjoy the show?� Glove inquired.
    �Of course, master,� Mother 1 panted as she rode Glove�s cock.  The woman�s breasts bounced as she slammed herself over and over again.
    Glove�s left hand reached over to Meg�s visor.  He tapped the side two times.  He then gripped the sides of the ring-gag and pulled Meg toward him.  Glove�s fingers eventually found a small button on the gag.  He pressed it and the gag began to shrink, allowing him to pull the gag from Meg�s mouth.
    �She looks so slutty riding your dick,� Meg moaned as the visor allowed her to see what was going on.
    �That�s because she is a slut.  Isn�t that right, Mother 1?�
    �Yes master,� Helen replied.
    �I knew she was a slut when I was on my knees, sucking your dick.  My arms were encased in the same glove that is currently around my arms and I was busy pumping a dildo in and out of her cunt,� Meg spoke calmly as she licked her lips.
    �Maybe I should pierce your nipples and give you rings to make this permanent,� Glove mused to Mother 1 with a large smile on his face as Rock 1 cuddled next to him, her eyes hungrily watching her own mother.
    �Anything you want, master.  You�ve broken me with hours of degradation.  I am nothing more than a slave, your slave.  I am to be used for your pleasure.  I will watch you impregnate my daughter, your new wife.  I will serve your every need for I am yours,� Mother 1 moaned as she knew there was absolutely nothing that she could do to escape her fate.  She then looked at her daughter and said, �Mommy is Glove�s slave and unworthy of his affections.  I�m so happy that he�s chosen you to be his devoted wife.  Please allow this worthless slut some of the master�s precious spunk.�
    �She�s well trained.  Maybe I can keep her as a pet,� Meg smiled.
    �Yes!  I�ll be your obedient and loving pet!� Helen yelled as she was close to an orgasm.
    That was enough for Glove.  The man�s dick exploded again as Mother 1's eyes turned upward, signaling her own orgasm, the first of many for the night.

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