Rebuilding The Headman's Drug Empire

A G.I. Joe Story

By: Night Creeper

Disclaimer: Characters from this story were created by Hasbro are owned and created by Hasbro. And even though I have tampered with some of the storylines and backgrounds established by Hasbro, they are still owned by Hasbro. Any resemblance to actual people are coincidental and unintentional. And remember, this story is used for entertainment and not profit. If it is illegal for you to read something that only ADULTS should read, then go away!

Notes from the author: I would like to take the time to thank AlleyViper3 and Natasha Kneels for their input in this story. Both individuals read the story and offered assistance in correcting word usage, punctuation, and spelling. This story was created by cutting and pasting scenes that were not being used for the Scarlett vs Sheik story. Some scenes were revised to make sure that the scenes meshed together. So hopefully the story make sense.

Feel free to e-mail me at <[email protected]> with comments, criticisms, ideas, etc. Thanks and happy reading.


Rebuilding The Headman's Drug Empire

A G.I. Joe Story

By: Night Creeper

"Ladies and gentlemen," a female reporter spoke as she stood before the camera. "It has been reported that the building burning out of control behind me was not what it seemed. The building itself use to stretch two blocks and was considered an entertainment complex. It housed roller rinks, movie theaters, bars, dance halls, pool halls, and even a paint ball set. However, roughly ten hours ago, this huge building was engulfed in a huge fire fight. We have just learned that police officers from all over converged on this sight with Federal authorities. A warrant was served, but then shots were fired. Police called for backup and the entire building was sealed off. That's when the shooting began. For four hours, an intense firefight ensued that injured hundreds of police officers. Later, a crack commando unit was sent in and that's when the building ignited. As the fight roared on, so did the fire. Before long, the building became a massive inferno. According to police sources, numerous people are still unaccounted for and feared dead when part of the building collapsed. At this time, we have nothing more to add, but eyewitnesses swore they saw at least ten Dragonfly helicopters lower the unit onto the roof. Hopefully, we can get more information after this break, but here are some shots from our helicopter, which helping out the firefighters by dumping water onto the rubble."

An ominous steel mask of obscurity hid the man's complete face from the world. His blue piercing eyes stared directly forward as he watched the raging inferno. The man's poison-tipped steel boots pointed toward the sky as he relaxed in his plush seat. His black gangster dress hat was placed perfectly on his head and match his black double-breasted blazer that was reinforced with protective lining. He found it invaluable to have such an outfit in battle. In fact, his cufflink communicator and transmitter helped save his life as the building collapsed. Of course, it also helped to have a secret escape route planned ahead of time. Even more important was that the tunnel was reinforced to survive the initial collapse, but it has probably been destroyed by now. To the rest of the world, his empire may have fallen, but the building was just a small factory. He had plenty of factories. However, his main base of operation was still safe, and he would be there shortly as his pilots guided his private jet toward a more friendly place. Soon, he would be safe to relax and enjoy his two new toys, for sitting beside him were two unconscious women, one was a redhead and the other had raven black hair.


Scarlett awoke to found herself naked in a strange square room. The woman was a bit lightheaded and it took her eyes a few seconds to focus. She had a horrible headache and her arms were incredibly sore. Scarlett had no idea what was going on, but her head was congested and it felt like something had hugged her face for quite some time before being removed. She tried to find something to cover herself up, but found nothing. The redhead quickly pounced out of the bed that she was lying on and stepped on the floor. Scarlett almost fell on her tush, but caught herself. The woman felt a bit woozy, so she stood perfectly still for a few minutes before taking a few steps away from the bed. She glanced at the huge four poster mahogany bed. Each post had several rings, a pair of handcuffs, and chains. Additionally, rings appeared on the headboard as well in between the numerous lewd carvings of men and women fucking. A huge mirror covered the ceiling right above the bed. But for some reason, no pillows or sheets. Hanging over the headboard was a huge painting of numerous men busily screwing busty females.

Scarlett shook her head as she glanced at the only other thing in the room, a huge television set against the wall, facing the foot of the bed. Built around the set was a mahogany bookshelf that was filled with books, video tapes, and DVD's. Scarlett stumbled up to the shelf and perused the selection and was quite disgusted to learn that all the items were sexual in nature. "There has to be a way out of this place," Scarlett muttered to herself as she felt the walls.

Suddenly the television came to life as the room was inundated with the moans of a woman, begging a man to use her. Scarlett used the walls for support as she made it back to the television set. She searched for the power button. The redhead scanned the set and the area around it, but was unable to locate one. However, her eyes did glance at the screen as a blonde bimbo with huge tits was bouncing on a man's lap. The woman moaned and begged to the man to fuck her as Scarlett felt like puking. And even though Scarlett wanted to stop watching the scene before her, her eyes were glued to the set. She tried to walk away, but her legs gave out and fell forward on her knees, and continued to watch the video.


In another room, the Baroness had no idea what was going on. She was totally unable to move as several restraints kept her in place, but much like Scarlett, her body was sore too. The woman wasn't sure what was going on or what secured her in place, but she knew she was on her hands and knees and that a ball gag was placed in her mouth since she felt the strap around her cheeks and head as well as the pain in her jaw. All she could see was darkness except for the occasional flashes of light. As time passed, the flashes of light increased and she saw more. Soon, she was able to see distorted images, strange flashing colors, and nothingness. Her world was completely quiet as well. The woman didn't hear a thing as she struggled with the things flashing or not flashing before her eyes. Eventually, she wished for it to stop and it did.

As time slowly dragged on, the Baroness could hear things. They were faint at first, but after a few seconds, they became more audible. That's when she realized she was listening to the sounds of a porno flick. She was now listening to people in the throes of passion, fucking each other in earnest while female voices begged for it. The woman couldn't believe her ears. She wished that the noise would shut off. To her surprise, they did go off, leaving her in silence and darkness again.

More time dragged on. The Baroness had no idea how long, but the darkness and silence were killing her. Although the flashes and blurry vision annoyed her, it didn't annoy her as much as the sounds that bombarded her ears. Yet, part of her wanted it back. Unbeknownst to the woman was that everything was being cycled and the intensity had not increased yet. Thus, when the flashes returned, she welcomed it, for it gave her something to do. The noise on the other hand wasn't as welcomed, but after some countless minutes of nothing, eventually she began to tolerate the noise as well.

Eventually the woman was happy to see the images and hear the noise. She wasn't quite sure what she was listening to or what she was seeing, but it was better than nothing. At least this way, her mind wouldn't wander. Instead, she was trying to figure out what was going on, rather than imagining things that may befall her. Yet unknown to her, the images were quick snippets of pornographic material while the sounds were a combination of subliminal messages and sounds from porno videos. And even though she welcomed the sounds and images since it was better than nothing, her subconscious had welcomed them from the start.


Scarlett was totally exhausted. Her head was all muddled and she couldn't move without tripping over herself. Due to her inability to move without getting a headache, she remained in bed, where she watched the videos, cursing her luck. At first, Scarlett wanted the videos to just stop and when they eventually did, she was left with nothing else to do except stare at her own nude physique in the mirror over the bed. She sang songs to herself and recited several passages from novels. The redhead even acted out scenes from her favorite movies with her hands, but the silence and lack of stimuli and activities in the room was driving her mad. Just when she thought she couldn't take anymore, the television popped back on. Scarlett was relieved that she could do something other than driving herself crazy, even if it was watching a porno movie. Over the course of her stay in the room, she had fallen asleep too many times to count, yet porn videos constantly played when she was asleep. The woman had no idea what time of day or how many days she had been trapped in the room. All she knew was that she was happy that the televison was in her room and it gave her something to watch.

Over time, when the televison was off, the walls would turn and reveal paintings. The paintings were all bright and colorful, but they all were obscene in context. Most of the pictures showed women bound and performing all sorts of sordid acts with men while restrained. Other times, the pictures were of women pleasuring other women. Regardless of the painting, each women would have large breasts, erect nipples, gaudy makeup, and lust in their eyes. Much like the television, Scarlett did not care for the pictures at first, but when the television began to replay some previously seen movies, Scarlett began to welcome the pictures since they were new.

So as time passed, Scarlett welcomed the television and porn as well as the paintings. And unlike her first time in the room, Scarlett was no longer repulsed by the videos or paintings. Instead, she couldn't take her eyes off of them. She even masturbated when she saw the paintings and videos, except she was unable to climax no matter how hard she tried. The woman even mimicked the women in the videos when they played with themselves. She even started to talk like them when they begged others to fuck them, but it was still useles, Scarlett was unable to climax. And when the paintings and videos stopped, Scarlett would often look up at the mirror, comparing her own body to the women in the paintings and on the videos, and wondered why she wasn't able to climax.


"Oh god!" the Baroness wailed as she watched another women have her nipple pierced as she rode a man's member. Although the woman had no idea how long it was, the distorted images became clear and focused about two days ago. The sounds that permeated her mind were now very clear to her. The woman was now totally aware of what she was seeing and hearing. Yet, she was unable to do anything about it even when they appeared to explode and fill her head.

"Please fuck me, Headman. I love the Headman. I obey the Headman. I belong to the Headman," she heard a voice drone over and over in her head. She recognized the name and the man disgusted her, but there was nothing she could do.

In time, the Baroness saw women in bondage, whippings, spankings, discipline sessions, piercings, brandings, torture sessions, and eventually submission. Once the women submitted, their lives got easier. Their masters no longer treated them as harshly as before. Over and over again, the Baroness watched the videos. Some times the entire life of a slave would play out right in front of her eyes, from the abduction to the submission. The woman got to see everything including what happened after the woman submitted.

As time passed, the Baroness, a woman use to the high life and looked down on most people, began to envy the women in the videos. She saw the pleasure that they received and the adoration in their eyes when their masters approached and complimented them. Although her body was turned on back when she thought the images were vile, her body was even more turned on by the images now. Thus, the woman found herself repeating the words in her head. "Please fuck me, Headman. I love the Headman. I obey the Headman. I belong to the Headman," she moaned to herself over and over again.


Scarlett's body glistened with sweat as several beads of perspiration rolled down her pretty face. Her mouth was wide open while her lips quivered. The woman's eyes were closed as the fingers from her left hand furiously rubbed her clit. Scarlett's fingers on her right hand pinched and pulled her nipples, making them both red from the attention that she gave them. The woman's heels dug into the sheets as her legs slid back and forth on the mattress. She had been masturbating for half an hour and nothing was happening. Her body was excited, but she never could climax.

Scarlett even fantasized about various places and numerous people, but nothing happened. She imagined herself as a student with a teacher, a cheerleader and a jock, an employee and her boss, herself and various members of the Joe team. The woman even imagined herself in the bedroom, on the staircase, in the back of a car, even bent over a table, but it still didn't work. Finally, the woman began to imagine herself as the main female characters in the videos. Thus, a wife and a plumber, a wife and a pool boy, woman and mailman, and co-ed and pizza deliveryman. Yet, none of that worked either. Then it was the pictures. She imagined herself restrained and forced to please others. For some reason, Scarlett found that those thoughts got her the closest, but she was still unable to climax. That didn't stop her from her activity however.

In her mind, Scarlett fantasizes that she is nude, covered in sweat, fingering herself. Her eyes are blindfolded by a silk scarf as she lay on satin sheets. She can hear her lover's breathing as he hovers over her, his mere presence making her hot. Her body jumps a little as she hears the bed creak when he gets on the bed. A tingle of happiness enters her mind as she prepared for his touch. She heard him whisper in her ear, calling her vile names that a Southern girl like her would cringe or admonish someone for hours if they heard it, but tonight, the words only excited her more. Scarlett felt his hand grab her wrists, pulling them above her head before locking them with the manacles on the headboard. She then felt his hand push her fingers away from her sex and then taking their place. The woman moaned loudly as her body arched off the bed. She could feel the man's cotton shirt pressing against her right side as he blew hot air into her ear. "Scarlett, you are sexy slut," the voice spoke clearly, too clearly.

"What the!?!" Scarlett yelled as she awoke from her reverie. The redhead looked at the mirror over her bed and could see that her hands were indeed shackled to the headboard. She also saw the vile Headman, the man who supplied drugs to millions of innocent people, ruining their lives forever, snuggling up to her. Scarlett also saw his hand tickling her dripping sex.

"And a rather dirty slut too. All you do is watch porno, stare at smutty pictures, and masturbate all day," the man spoke as his left hand brushed her wet hair from her face.

"Get away from me!" Scarlett growled.

"As you wish," the man replied as he pulled his hand slowly away from her sex. However, he wasn't surprised when Scarlett began to thrust her hips trying to brush her sex against his fingers. The man chuckled triumphantly before placing his fingers on the woman's dripping sex again. "Your potty mouth tells me to go away, but your body tells me how much it needs me," he giggled like a child.

"I . . . I . . ." Scarlett stammered as her face turned red. The woman turned away from him and began to sob. She was unable to tell him to stop. The unknown amount of time left alone in the room had done its damage to Scarlett, which was something the Headman had counted on.

The Headman smiled and kissed Scarlett lightly on her neck, causing the woman to involuntarily moan. Her body quivered beneath his touch as his left hand slipped under her body and began to caress her back, causing her spine to tingle. "I have news for you, Scarlett. You have been a guest in my home for some time now. I have fed you during your sleep and I have coerced your body into relieving itself while you slept as well. Once that occurred, I cleaned you up, and returned you to your room. Of course, not before I gave you a special dose of my newest drug," he gloated.

"Impossible," Scarlett panted.

"I bet you have wondered why your arms are so sore. That's because I have been using needles and tubes to pump nutrients into your body. I then use a special drug that helps you relieve yourself. And finally, a drug that increases your libido and decreases your will. The side effects are grogginess, a lose of balance, and increased horniness. Over time, your body will be use to the drug, eliminating the loss of balance and grogginess, but the horniness will stay," the Headman spoke as he jammed his finger into the woman's sex to add an emphasis on the side effects.

"Nooo," Scarlett sobbed as she opened her eyes and saw little punctures on her arm. The woman quickly closed her eyes and cursed herself for not noticing them before. She then gyrated her body in an effort to pull herself away from him. Instead, she simply helped his fingers dig deeper into her sex, causing jolts of pleasure to course through her body. Within seconds, the woman moaned uncontrollably and had to stop moving just to catch her breath.

The Headman laughed as he slowly pulled away from Scarlett. He kept his right hand embedded in the woman's sex while his left hand gripped her breast and fed it into his mouth. His warm lips caused Scarlett to shiver and moan. The man then rolled his tongue all over the woman's highly sensitive nipple, causing her to thrash her head about. By the time, the man started working on her breast, he had left a dribbling saliva trail behind him, but to his surprise, Scarlett arched her body forward, allowing him to get even more in his mouth. "Slut," the man smirked as he pulled his mouth off her breast.

"I . . . I . . ." Scarlett panted, still unable to open her eyes.

The Headman smacked his lips and laid down on the bed. He pulled his fingers out of Scarlett's sex and the woman groaned in protest. The man then picked up Scarlett off the bed and maneuvered himself under her. Then with his left hand, he began to pump his fingers furiously in and out of her sex while his juice covered hand gripped Scarlett's throat, and made sure that her right cheek was touching his left one. "I know you need it, Scarlett. I know that you have been trying for some time now. I can make it happen. Just open your eyes, stare into the mirror, and you'll find your release," the man whispered into her ear.

Scarlett felt his hot breath against her skin and it made her skin crawl. The redhead continued to sob for some time before she gave in. Slowly, the woman opened her eyes and stared at herself in the mirror. She could see the man lying under her, touching her, pushing her toward the cliff. Her hands were bound, but her legs were totally unsecured. Yet, she never bothered to kick him. Instead, Scarlett spread her legs open as her breasts jiggled. The redhead moaned loudly as she felt his the fabric of his pants pressing against her, thanks to his throbbing member. Scarlett was disgusted, but her body continued to grow in excitement. "Oh god! You're just like the women in the videos and paintings!" Scarlett thought as she stared at the reflection of her and the Headman. Then without warning, the woman exploded. Her juices burst out of her sex, drenching the man's pants and the mattress as her body shook like an earthquake on top of the man's body.

The Headman enjoyed the view as he heard Scarlett coo like a satisfied kitten. Slowly, the man rolled himself away from Scarlett and stood up. He wiped his juiced covered fingers all over the woman's dripping hair and sweaty face before he picked up some pillows from the floor. The man then placed them on the bed as Scarlett began to recover. He pulled Scarlett toward the pillows and rested her head on one as Scarlett's eyes began to focus. "We won't need any more drug injections from now on. Instead, I'll come here and give them to you," he spoke as he pulled a red pill from coat pocket and placed it in Scarlett's mouth.

"Dream on," Scarlett panted as she spat the pill out of her mouth. The pill dropped onto the floor as the Headman shook his head.

"Whatever you like, my dear," the man spoke as he pulled out a wallet sized picture of himself and tucked it inside the pillow case. Without saying another word, he released the woman's hands from the shackles. The man was pleasantly surprised that Scarlett did not slap him. This caused him to smile as he placed Scarlett's own hands on the sides of her breasts. He made her hands grip her breasts and push them together. Then he used her hands to part her breasts before pushing them together again. The man repeated this several times as Scarlett moaned and he saw more juice trickle out of her sex. That's when he released her hands only to see them continue to push and pull. With a huge smile the man stuck two fingers into the woman's sex and pumped them in and out for a few seconds, before pulling out.

"Ahhhh," Scarlett moaned as she watched him raise his fingers to his face.

"That's to get you started again," the man laughed. "The red pill will make you horny and my picture may allow you to climax. I highly suggest that you put it in a very visible spot close to your heart. Otherwise, you may not climax at all."

"I . . . I . . ."

"I'll be back to visit you, Scarlett. I would never leave such a sexy piece of ass go unattended for a long time," the man laughed as he patted the woman on the head before leaving the room.

"Bastard," Scarlett groaned as she felt her body become hot again. "I should have slapped or kick him. I should have," the woman admonished herself as her left had found its way to her sex. "I can't allow this to happen. I can't," she wailed as her fingers pumped her sex vigorously.

After several minutes of anguish, Scarlett actually felt the sensations from her sex beginning to diminish while her lust remained unabated. Faster and faster, her finger pumped as the sensations continued to dwindle. With a long agonizing groan, Scarlett rolled off the bed, picked up the pill, and placed it in her mouth, without even worrying about the cleanliness of the floor. The woman could feel the vile pill begin to disintegrate in her mouth. It tasted disgusting as she slid back on the bed. With a long sob and whimper, Scarlett swallowed the pill. Her fingers then went to work on her sex again and this time, she could feel the pleasure increase. A sense of relief crossed her face as she tried to climax.

Much like before, Scarlett found it almost impossible to do so. "Nooooo. Must not allow this to happen," the redhead groaned as her right hand found its way inside the pillow cover. She gripped the picture and pulled it out. Scarlett wanted to die when she saw the gloating face of the man on the picture. Part of her wanted to rip it up, but the part that one, made her place it above her breasts, close to her heart like the man demanded. The woman then felt a pleasurable sensation course through her body. "Headman, what have you done to me?" Scarlett wailed as her body arched, sensing that a climax was near.


"Please fuck me, Headman! I love the Headman! I obey the Headman! I belong to the Headman!" the Baroness, who was on all fours moaned as the Headman pumped his tool into her soppy sex from behind. The woman's breasts with fitted with two thin circular leather belts, one around each breast, pulling them tightly. The belts almost resembled two plastic rings that held six packs together. However, this was her new bra. The woman also wore a pair of mid-thing black fishnet stockings, a pair of black leather stiletto heels, and a black leather garter belt with two straps that were connected to the stockings. The mask and gag were gone as the woman continued to buck and moan.

The Headman was in heaven as he continued to ram his meat into the woman. Years ago, he saw her during a arms expo and knew he had to have her, but her damn guards were just too many. He never thought that one day, she would drop in his lap. However, that dream was now a reality. The Headman smiled as he glanced down at the woman's rear and saw the red marks that he made with his hands earlier. He was quite pleased that the spanking actually served as foreplay for the woman. Then licked his member and balls, cupping them with her tongue and hands, protecting them while she serviced them. Once he was hard, the woman literally begged him to take her, which is what he did. "Heaven," the man thought.

"I . . . I, Anastasia Decobray, belong to the Headman! I am his slave! I am his toy! I am his!" she screamed."

"What about Destro? Or Cobra?" the man grunted as he gave a mighty thrust when he spoke the names to add emphasis.

"They mean nothing to me! You are my world! I am yours! I live to serve you!" she wailed as her body began to stiffen.

"And serve me, you shall!" the man grunted before he growled and shot his load into her. His own voice filled the room as much as his seed filled the Baroness. And even though he had shot his first blast, a second one was quick to follow.

The Baroness felt the warmth inside her as the man's seed filled her. Fueled by her own lust and the scream of the Headman, the Baroness went over the edge. A scream that rivaled the Headman's filled the room as the woman tossed her long black hair about, splashing sweat all over the room. If it wasn't for the Headman holding her hips, the woman would have fallen onto the bed. Instead, her sex continued to milk his member as both her body and mind exploded, engulfing the woman in darkness in more ways than one.


Scarlett laid on her back, busily pumping her fingers in and out of her sex. She remembered the lecture that General Hawk had given all the Joe operatives before they attacked the Headman's factory. The redhead remembered the grave warnings about how addictive and destructive the drugs were and that contact with them should be avoided at all costs. Yet, here she was, masturbating on her bed, staring at the mirror, hoping that every second was captured for the Headman's enjoyment. She hoped that he would enter her room, fuck her sex with his fingers, and give her another pill, which would cause her to climax. For an entire week, Scarlett only climaxed once per day as the Headman paid his daily visit. Never was the woman allowed to clean up and never did the woman strike him. Instead, she was more than happy to move her fingers out of the way, giving him access, so she could obtain what she needed; release.

"Hello Scarlett," the Headman spoke as he entered the room and stood next to the bed, peering down upon Scarlett's sweaty and smelly body.

"Uhhh . . . please," Scarlett whimpered.

"Not today, Scarlett. You belong to me now. I want to make sure that you understand that," the man spoke as he tapped her forehead with his finger.

"Plllleeeasssse," Scarlett whined.

"Normally, I come in here and watch you for a few minutes. I fuck your cunt with my fingers and I you swallow one of my pills. Then within a few seconds, you climax like a fucking bitch in heat. I like that, but we're going to do something different today. Today, I want to own you."

"I . . ." Scarlett stammered as her right hand reached for the man as her left continued to pump in and out of her sex.

"Your body already needs my drugs and your body needs me to climax. I want to know your real name, Scarlett. Then I want you to renounce your allegiance to the G.I. Joe team. From there, you will join my organization, where you will not be an operative, but my property. Your body will be my canvas to mold into whatever I desire."

"Nooo," Scarlett sobbed, shaking her head.

"Then we'll just have to wait until you change your mind. For the last week, I have been coming into your room and feeding you the drug at the same time. Let's see what happens when I don't administer the drug," the man laughed.

Scarlett wanted to scream, but she held her tongue as the seconds ticked by every so slowly. The woman had no idea how long it had been, but her drug-addicted body needed a new hit. Her body quivered for a awhile before violently shaking as if the woman was suffering a seizure. The woman's body was sweating profusely as Scarlett cried out in agony. To the redhead, her body felt like it was being burned by coals as her muscles tightened and spasmed.

The pain only increased with every excruciating second. Scarlett tried to calm herself down. She tried to use her military training to block out the pain, but it was no use. The redhead screamed in agony as both her hands reached out for the Headman. The redhead looked like an infant reaching out for its parent. Eventually, Scarlett could not take any more and she blurted out her real name. "Shana M. O'Hara! My name is Shana M. O'Hara!" the redhead howled.

"That wasn't so bad," the Headman laughed as he broke the pill in half and placed on half in the woman's mouth. Scarlett greedily took it in her mouth, swirled her tongue all over it, helping it dissolve before swallowing it, while the Headman got on the bed. The man picked Scarlett off the bed and forced her to her knees. "Only half of the drug for half of the work. You work for me now," he smirked.

Scarlett groaned as the drug seized her body and flowed through her bloodstream. Her body began to calm down as she immediately spread her legs and without hearing a command, the woman cupped her breasts, tilted her head backwards and allowed the man to feast on her breasts as she cooed. She could feel his tongue swirling on her engorged nipple as his saliva cooled her skin. While his mouth worked over one breast, his hand worked over the other, groping and fondling it. The woman knew that the man was right, her body had been conditioned to be dependant on his drug and his touch. As the realization hit her, tears streamed down her eyes.

"Who do you serve, Scarlett? Or should I call you, Shana M. O'Hara?" the man inquired as he pulled his mouth from his breast.

"I . . . I . . ." Scarlett stammered.

"Since you can't answer me, you won't get the other half of the pill or be able to climax!" the man snarled as he pulled away.

Scarlett's eyes shot open as the tears flowed freely now. Her chest heaved as she reached out for the man. "Call me . . . me . . . whatever . . . you . . . you want," she sobbed. "I . . . I . . . belong to . . . to you."

"That's better. However, you're too slow," the Headman spoke as the television set came to life. Scarlett was amazed to see the Baroness, who was wearing lingerie and being fucked from behind by the Headman. "Learn from the Baroness. Obey me. Serve me. And I'll take care of you and your needs. You're no longer a G.I. Joe operative. You're a bimbo, just like the ones in those videos. I want you to act just like those women. Understand?"

"I understand," Scarlett mouthed as her eyes were glued to the television set as her left hand found its way to her sex.

"I know you don't like me Scarlett. However, I know you love what I do to your body. You're already enslaved to my drug and the pleasure that I can provide you," the man spoke as Scarlett could barely keep her hands away from herself in front of the man. The woman hated him, but she knew he was right. "I'll come back here a bit once the tape is done," the Headman spoke as he gripped Scarlett's chin and made sure that her eyes were glued to his. "I expect you to dress and act appropriately. By the way, I left something to remind you of who you once were in the closet. I expect you give it all up tonight," the man spoke as an entire wall spun around to reveal a closet and makeup table.

"I understand," the woman sobbed as the Headman released her and walked out of the room, leaving the woman to her thoughts and the tape.


Four hours later, Shana O'Hara, code name Scarlett, stood at attention in her room. When the doors opened and in came the Headman, the redhead immediately saluted him. The woman was dressed in her infamous uniform, a grey shirt with an beige vest and a waistpiece. She also wore a pair of beige boots as well as a pair of beige gloves with throwing stars. "You've returned," the woman spoke as she took her throwing stars and placed them into the Headman's hands.

"I don't believe you understood my instructions," the Headman spoke as he curled his lips and growled.

"No. I understood perfectly. My body needs the drug and I need you," Scarlett spoke, trying hard not to cry. The woman couldn't even believe that she was handing her throwing stars to the man that she despised. Yet, she had to obey him even though she really didn't want to. "I would do anything for the drug."


"Yes," Scarlett sobbed, only to catch herself. The woman wiped away the tears and stood before the man.

"This will be the last day that you ever wear this uniform unless I say otherwise. Now, what are the significance of the throwing stars?" the Headman asked.

"Those throwing stars in your hands have been in my possession ever since I joined the Joe team. Now, they belong to you like the fact that I belong to you," the woman spoke, trying not to cry, as she turned her back on the Headman. "This uniform is who I am. Tonight, you will strip me of this outfit, just like you have stripped me of my name. Then you will be able to make me into whomever you want." The woman then took off the vest, followed by the shirt. The woman then continues to disrobe, leaving the boots and gloves. The Headman was pleased to see that her juices were dripping down her thighs since she wasn't wearing any underwear or bra. They woman covered her breasts and turned around to face the man. "Please command me," the woman cooed as fell to her knees and undid the man's pants.

The Headman patted the woman on the head as she pulled out his hardening member. She licked her tongue against the head while jerking the base with her hand. Slowly, she parted her lips and moved her head forward, taking it inch by inch. Scarlett sensuously moved her head forward like the women in the videos. She even looked up at the Headman as she took more and more of him into her mouth. "You will be every man's dirtiest dreams rolled into one. You'll have heavy makeup, a deep overall tan, and collagen lips that will make you look like you can suck chrome off of a car. Your body will need to be perfectly fit. Not to mention that you will need brightly colored fake nails until your nails grow in. Of course, you will need a pair over sized breasts just like the woman in the videos that you love so much," the Headman spoke as he reached down and caressed the woman's cheeks as she sucked him.

"Hmmmm," Scarlett moaned as her sex got wetter and wetter. Within seconds, Scarlett bobbed her head back and forth, sliding the entire length of the Headman's member in and out of her mouth. Soon enough, the only audible noise coming from Scarlett was slurps and moans that escaped from her lips. Those noises were coupled with squishy sounds that her sex was making as she fingered herself. She was now acting just like the bimbos in the videos.

After a while, the Headman voluntarily pulled out of Scarlett's mouth with an audible plop. He then made his way to her bed, taking off his black suit and pants in the process. By the time, he laid down on her bed, he had taken everything off except his black socks and his black mask. "Come here," the man ordered.

Scarlett licked her lips as she sauntered to the bed. The woman hovered over the man before impaling herself on his member. The Headman then placed the other half of the pill in Scarlett's mouth. Like before, the redhead swirled it in her mouth before swallowing it. Once she had downed it, she started humping the man. The woman for the first time was allowed to satisfy her own aching needs. Her head flung backwards as she moaned and cooed in pleasure. Scarlett's ponytail bounced as well as her breasts. The redhead was in heaven as pleasure coursed through her body, exciting every inch of her. Tears rolled freely down her face. Unlike before, these tears were not due to pity, but of joy. "Fuck me," she moaned as her hands reached down and clutched the man's shoulders.

The Headman gripped the woman's hips and helped her slam herself on his prick. Much like his time with the Baroness, he couldn't believe the success of his plan. Cobra Commander was unable to bend the woman's will with mind control, yet the Headman, a man who use to steal welfare checks from the elderly, now possessed the two most sought after women in the world. And what made it sweeter was that both women tried to destroy him, only to fail, and join him. The Headman smiled and only snapped out of his reverie by Scarlett's bouncing breasts. "Your tits will need to be bigger, slave," the Headman panted.

"Whatever you want, master," Scarlett moaned in response as her eyes slammed shut. Pleasure flowed through her body as prepared herself for the inevitable; something that she lusted for so long. She felt her body stiffen as her voice grows hoarse from all her delightful screaming. The redhead tighten her grip on the man's shoulders as her head shots forwards and then back. A mighty scream erupted from her lungs as the woman climaxed. Her body shook violently as she fell on top of the Headman. As Scarlett rode the orgasm, her tits shook and massaged the man's chest.

"Good slave. Good," the Headman panted as he brushed his fingers against Scarlett's puffing cheeks.

Eventually Scarlett was able to focus her exhausted eyes and saw the Headman beneath her. Without saying a word, the woman planted a kiss on the man's lips, thanking him for the most powerful orgasm that she had ever experienced. Tears rolled down her face as she placed her head on his shoulder. Some of the tears were shed in joy since she had climaxed, the rest were shed because Scarlett knew that the vile man owned her body now, and even if she did escape, she would eventually return to him. "What have I done?" the woman sobbed to herself.


Scarlett and the Baroness, two bitter foes, stood beside the Headman in the shower. The splash of water from the nozzle was well behind them and all three were nude except the Headman, who still wore his ominous black mask. Both women pressed their bodies against his as they rubbed their sex against his thighs. Scarlett was on the man's right side while the Baroness took care of the left. The redhead stroked the tip of the man's tool as the Baroness cupped and fondled the man's ball sac. Both women were enamored with the man between them and would do anything to satisfy him.

"My favorite," Scarlett purred as she pulled away and bent at the waist. Her right hand cupped the Baroness's hand and took the Headman's member in her mouth. The woman's cheeks puffed and collapsed as she pumped his member in and out of her mouth. Scarlett also slurped loudly as she took the man's member into her mouth. The Baroness slowly pulled away from the Headman and made her way to Scarlett. This allowed the Headman to shift his body so that he was directly in front of Scarlett, forcing her to spread her legs to keep her balance as she sucked him, looking lovingly into his eyes.

"She's wet," the Baroness spoke as she fingered Scarlett's sex. The raven haired woman then pressed her breasts against Scarlett's back and massaged her back with them as she reached underneath the redhead and cupped her breasts. The Baroness groped and pulled Scarlett's nipples causing her to moan around the Headman's member.

"Stop that and lie down," the Headman ordered the Baroness, who quickly laid down on the wet marble floor. Then without saying a word, the man yanked Scarlett's ponytail and pulled her off his prick. He then grabbed her shoulders and pulled her toward him. Scarlett was perplexed, but knew what the man wanted when he turned her around, and pushed her to the floor.

"Yummy," Scarlett cooed as she dropped to her knees and began attacking the Baroness's sex with her tongue. Scarlett had never licked a woman before, but she had seen enough videos to know what to do. Instantly, the Baroness clutched her breasts, closed her eyes, and moaned loudly. She could feel Scarlett's expert tongue extend past her pussy lips, entering her, and snaking all over her sensitive skin. The woman wrapped her thighs around the woman's head, trapping her in place as she enjoyed the tongue lashing. Scarlett knew her head was trapped and did very little to escape. Although Scarlett was not very fond of the Baroness, she knew that if she pulled out now, the Headman would be very displeased. Thus, the woman continued to service her old rival.

The Headman smiled as he knelt behind Scarlett. His spread her cheeks and rammed his erect member into her ass and began to thrust. Scarlett moaned inside the Baroness as she continued to service the woman. The redhead never had anal sex until she met the Headman. She always thought it was dirty, but after seeing the videos and having the Headman fuck her in the ass a few times, the woman enjoyed the pleasure that it provided. Part of it was the due to the drugs. The other part was that she really hated the idea of being fucked from behind, yet she had the most powerful orgasms whenever the Headman fucked her. Thus, Scarlett's dilemma: she hated the man with passion, but would do anything to please him so he would fuck her and feed her the drugs so that she could satiate her body's carnal lusts. And even though she cursed herself for being weak and not being able to resist, she knew it was really futile to fight him.

"Holy shit!" the Baroness screamed as her body was seized by small tremors, which quickly turned into one giant earthquake as she climaxed. Her juices flooded past Scarlett's tongue and splashed all over her nose and the parts of her face below it. The climax caused the dark haired woman to temporarily squeeze Scarlett's head, flattening her ears. However, she quickly released the redhead as her legs fell to the ground, moaning incoherently as she rode her climax.

"Good slave," the Headman spoke as he clutched Scarlett's breasts and pulled her toward him. The redhead's back was pressed firmly against the man's chest as she reached back and gripped his thighs. The man continued to thrust into her as she pulled him even closer. Both individuals were grunting like wild animals, perspiration pouring down their hot bodies as the water from shower ran in distance. "Do you want it? Do you want it, you slutty bitch?" the Headman grunted, knowing that Scarlett hated when he talked that way to her.

Scarlett felt an extra shot of heat surge up her spine as the Headman demeaned her. Although Scarlett hated him and his coarse language, her body enjoyed it immensely. The worse the words, the greater her climax. Thus Scarlett was in constant battle with herself. In one corner were her values and the other was her lust. Unfortunately for her, the lust always won, just like right now. "OH YES!" Scarlett screamed. "This bitch needs to screwed hard!"

"Then cum you fucking cunt!" the man screamed as he pulled out, revved up, and thrust mightily into the woman over and over again in rapid succession like a mad machine gun.

Scarlett's body was on fire, her mind ravaged by lust like her body. Drool began to drip down her lips as she screamed in ecstasy. "Yes! Fuck me! Faster! Fuck the shit out of your depraved slave!" the woman screamed right before her body was engulfed in a mind numbing climax.

"Fucking bitch. You're such a slutty whore," the Headman whispered into the woman's ears while holding her, enjoying the spasms of her body as he pulled her close and fondled her breasts.

"Should I get the helmet, master?" the Baroness asked as she slowly lifted herself off the marble floor.

"Yes. Let's make our new arrangement permanent," the man smirked as the Baroness used the wall to stand herself up. Then on wobbly legs, she made her way to the blue water resistant bag. The woman then grabbed the bag and made her way back to the Headman, walking slowly so that she wouldn't collapse and break the expensive equipment that aided the Headman in enslaving the prissy Cobra operative.

"Get it ready," the Headman ordered the Baroness as he sat down on the marble floor. The man spread his legs and sat Scarlett down on his lap. His hands gripped the woman's waist and began to move her up and down on his shaft. Scarlett, who was still recovering from her orgasm was on autopilot as her body began to obey the Headman. In a few seconds, Scarlett was slowly bouncing on his lap as the man groped her firm tits.

"It's ready master darling," the woman cooed as she saw life return to Scarlett's eyes.

"What is that?" the redhead groaned.

"This is what enslaved me to the Headman's organization," the Baroness spoke proudly.

"Now it's going to be used on you, Scarlett," the Headman grunted.

"I don't understand. I . . ."

"I like your fiery spirit. I know you hate me and what you've become. But I want something more. I want you to hate me with every fiber of your being. I want you to tear my eyes out with your fingernails. I want you to crush my balls and kill me in my sleep. That's what I want."

"But . . ." the redhead groaned, not sure what was happening. For the longest time, she thought the Headman wanted her to submit to him.

"You see Scarlett, you're going to put on that helmet. Then it's going to rewrite your brain. It will make you hate me, but your body will crave my touch and my drugs. And even though you hate me, you will obey my every whim and command. You'll show resistance and contempt, but you will obey. In return, you will receive the best climaxes in the world."

"I'm already like that," the woman sobbed.

"I know you hate me, but you can't resist me. However, I want my allies and foes to see what you've become. Can you imagine how they'll react when the most popular woman on the entire G.I. Joe roster is forced to become a bimbo while having full control of herself, yet still obey my commands. Of course, they won't know of our special arrangement."

"Nooo . . . please . . ." Scarlett wailed as she shook her head. Tears rolled down her eyes as she realized what was about to happen.

"Just reach out and place the helmet on your head. If you don't, your lust and drug addiction will go unsated for the rest of your existence!" the man snarled. Scarlett was now bawling her eyes out as snot slowly trickled out of her nose. "Do it now!" the man screamed at the blubbering woman. With shaky hands, Scarlett slowly reached out for the helmet. When her hands touched, they began to shake even more. The Headman was amazed that she didn't drop the helmet. Instead, she was able to put it on her head. Once it was on her head, the helmet secured itself as Scarlett immediately went limp. Then in a matter of seconds, her body began to ride the Headman's cock as she moaned loudly while her arms hung loose at her sides, showing no resistance at all. "Excellent," the Headman smirked in triumph as the Baroness sat down next to him and the two exchanged a long kiss.


Six Months Later

"That is why gentlemen, you should buy from me," the Headman smirked as he relaxed in his plush leather executive armchair. The man could see the puzzled faces of the world's most infamous mob bosses and drug kingpins. Each man was worth in the upper billions and had their own personal armies that could rival any third world country. Some times, their armies were the armies for a third world country. Regardless, these men were usually the faceless advisors to corrupt regimes. Yet, they were all watching a slide show presentation from the Headman, showing off his inventory and production lines.

"What makes you think we will buy from you?" one of the bosses finally spoke.

"For all the reason that I gave you," the Headman grinned.

"Your drugs are about the same quality as ours. I see no reason to deal with you," another spoke.

"Gentlemen. Not only will you be buying drugs from me, but you will be supplying me a safe haven away from the nagging forces of G.I. Joe and Cobra. The United States does not have extradition laws with your respective countries and the underground network that some of you have should be enough to help me elude Cobra. In return, I offer you the drug that will change your lives. Observe," the man spoke as he changed the slide to the Baroness and Scarlett.

Each member chuckled as they saw the slide. "It's a slide. Who cares?"

"You should, darling," the Baroness spoke as she sat down on the Headman's lap. The woman was decked out in her infamous black leather outfit. The only difference was that the red Cobra insignia had been replaced by the Headman's face. "The brilliant Headman has created a drug that will enslave the soul of any women that takes repeated doses. And with the right conditioning, they will serve you for the rest of their lives, whether they want to or not."

"It's the Baroness," a man gasped.

"She's Cobra's main Intelligence Officer," another spoke in astonishment.

"Was Cobra's. I belong to the Headman now," the Baroness corrected him.

"I used a series of conditioning techniques on the Baroness. The woman is completely loyal to me. Can you imagine if I shared my techniques with you. Movie stars, musicians, reporters, or the wives of various Head of States can be yours. And no one will even know unless you tell them," the Headman laughed as he peeked everyone's interests.

"For your hospitality to house my master in your borders, he will disperse several red pills that will permanently enslave a woman to your specific tastes. You can reprogram her to be anything you want and she will be powerless to stop you. She will be like clay in your hands. She'll be something that you can mold to your liking. Observe," the Baroness spoke as the slide changed.

"Fetish outfits like leather, spandex, lycra, and latex works best for me when it's combined with the control and manipulation of the female form. I like the women to be constrained to my will and made to suit me. Take that prim-and-proper Scarlett as an example. Wouldn't she look great walking about while wrapped in a confining cocoon of latex? Everyone can see her assets, knowing full well that she is a toy, an object to be used," the Headman spoke as the slide changed to Scarlett wearing a black latex outfit with her hands on her head in full surrender. "The subject can be covered and naked at the same time, ready for public display. Can you imagine having some sexy starlet as your lover or a songstress singing just for you?"

"Yes," the men all spoke softly in unison as they continued to stare at the slide.

"As you all know, Scarlett is the alpha female of the entire G.I. Joe unit. She is a highly trained killing machine. A woman that doesn't take shit from anyone. Someone who can kill you if you looked at her in the wrong way. However, that has changed forever."

"Liar!" one of the bosses spat. "She has single handedly thwarted one of my plans. One of my planes was taken down and my soldiers caught after a failed exchange. It cost me millions. Worse yet, the woman was able to intimidate one of my men into confessing. It ruined my operation for months!"

"Gentlemen, relax. The mere fact that the Baroness is seated here on my lap should be an indication of my power. However, if you don't believe me," the Headman spoke as he paused and snapped his fingers rather loudly. "Scarlett, enter!"

"What the?!?" the men all murmured as they watched in shook as Scarlett with her ponytail sauntered into the room, clicking her heels loudly on the marble floor as she clutched her reddish fur coat.

"As you can see, she is not wearing any makeup except for the fiery red lipstick that is virtually glowing on her lips," the Baroness spoke. "Normally, the woman is decked out like a whore. But today is different since we want you all to see how powerful the pill is."

"Scarlett here is an addict. She is totally dependant on the drug. Without a daily dose, she will go into withdrawal. The withdrawal is so painful that a highly trained operative like herself cannot resist. The best part about all this is that without me, Scarlett is unable to climax. Thus, even if she were able to escape and obtain my drug, she will never be satisfied. And folks, that would kill her. Isn't that right, Scarlett?" the Headman inquired as Scarlett hung her head in shame. "You see folks, even if Scarlett escaped, I seriously doubt that her friends would accept her, especially the female ones. The male ones will, thanks to my modifications to her. However, I highly doubt that she will ever be effective in battle again."

"Why don't you show them, darling Scarlett?" the Baroness inquired. Without saying a word, Scarlett threw open the coat and tossed it to the ground, revealing her new body. The woman wore a red garter belt with thigh high red stockings with two straps connecting the belt to the stockings. She also wore a pair of red stiletto heels. However, the men cared little for the clothing since they were too busy drooling at her body. For now, Scarlett had a body that any porn queen would be envious of. Her body was built for sex. The men seated at the table were already aroused as their members pressed tightly against their pants, straining the fabric and causing the men quite a lot of discomfort. However, that was a normal reaction as any male would become instantly aroused by the sexpot. Her breasts were absolutely huge, 40JJ, to be exact. Yet, there were perfect domes that jutted obscenely from her body without any sagging. Her aureoles were almost as large as man's fist and her nipples were now permanently erect, jutting out an inch; both had been injected with red dye so that they would match her hair. Her legs were still smooth and firm, but her hips and ass were a bit more curvaceous while her waist was still slim and flat. Her arms still had the muscles from her fighting days thanks to a daily exercise routine. However, the woman had several developed muscles that the men couldn't see at the time. Scarlett was now every man's wet dream. "Enjoying the view, boys?" the Baroness giggled.

"Bastards," Scarlett grumbled.

"Loyal?" a crime boss was finally able to speak.

"She's loyal. If I had the woman as a brainless bimbo, I would be bored of her in a second. However, I allowed her to retain her old self. Due to her lust, she was unable to stop me from modifying her body. Those aren't silicone. Instead, they are all natural. Mostly due to hormones. Speaking of hormones, Scarlett is now a slave to her own body. She needs my drug and me to survive. So even though she tell me that she hates me, she still does everything that I command. I mean, why extinguish the fiery attitude of this fine woman? I rather have her remain a Joe, but totally unable to resist me," the Headman laughed as he smacked his open palm on Scarlett's buttocks.

"You sick fuck!" Scarlett growled.

"Am I sick? Who is the one that begs me to fuck her like a cheap whore? Who is the one that now strips for a living, collecting tips and then giving them to me, just to please me with the hope that I will fuck her? Who is the whore who swore allegiance to my organization as I fucked her from behind while being plastered to a window for all my soldiers to see? Who was the woman who allowed the Baroness to ram a strap-on dildo in her cunt while she sucked my cock and played with her new breasts? And finally, who is the person that injected all those hormones into her breasts just to get me to fuck her? Speak up!" the Headman demanded.

"I am," Scarlett replied meekly as she hung her head in shame. The men were shocked to see a trail of pussy cream drip down her thighs. "I am the sick fuck who asks you to fuck me like a cheap whore, because that's who I am now," the woman sobbed as she gripped her tits and began to slide her tongue across them, leaving a trail of saliva like a slow moving slug.

"So gentlemen. I will give you some of my new red pills, which you can use on anyone other than these two. In exchange, I want some land and complete safety from my pursuers. Of course, I reserve the right to administer and train the female of your choosing. Once I am done she will be all yours," the Headman spoke. The crime bosses and drug dealers looked at each other and then at Scarlett before agreeing to Headman's request. Each man was busy thinking of a female who he would like to expose to the drug.

The Baroness slowly stood up and sauntered toward Scarlett. The raven haired beauty snapped a red dog collar around the woman's neck and connected a red chain to it. She then handed it to the Headman, who accepted it with a smile. With a slight tug, Scarlett obediently kneeled before him. Her hands undid his zipper and pants. Once his member was no longer covered by his pants or underwear, Scarlett look his manhood into her mouth. Her lips wrapped around it like a vice as her tongue coated it with her saliva. This made it easier for her to slide it back and forth in her mouth as she bobbed her head. The woman cooed as she made loud slurping noises. Her sex was now gushing like a waterfall as her juices splattered onto the floor beneath her. "Enough," the Headman smiled he pulled the woman off his member.

"You bastard! I hate you!" Scarlett growled as she stood up and turned to face the men. The men hooted and clapped as they saw the woman's juices flow down her thighs. Scarlett's face was blood red with embarrassment, but she did nothing to cover herself up.

"You know you like it. In fact, I want you to do something for me, Scarlett. I want you to tell everyone your real name. I want you to tell me where you're from and where your family members are. Once you divulge this information, I will send a crack unit of my men to your families home, and I will kill them. Do this for me and I'll fuck you and make sure that you get your pill for today," the Headman spoke as Scarlett ran her hands all over her body.

The woman burst into tears as she gripped her tits and squeezed. "Please Headman! Not that! I'll do anything but that! Covergirl used to be a model! If you want her, I'll help you catch her! Ever wonder what Lady Jaye is hiding under her outfit? Give me what I need and you shall see it!" Scarlett wailed.

"No Scarlett. I own you now. Prove to me that I am your master. Give me your name and the location of your loved ones as a token of your gratitude."

For several excruciating minutes, Scarlett fought her own body and brain, both of which told her to give up the names and location. However, her heart still remembered her loved ones and wanted to keep them safe. For months, Scarlett had surrendered her body to the man and submitted her mind to his perverted imagination. Yet, her heart and soul remained her own. The woman was not about to give the man everything. Thus, she fought the urge to submit as she closed her eyes, gritted her teeth, and clenched her fists.

Unfortunately for Scarlett, the Baroness moved in and began to slide her black leather hands up and down Scarlett's body as she planted kisses on the woman's neck. The redhead moaned as the men nearly lost it. The Baroness slowly moved her hands to Scarlett's breasts and began to tug on the woman's sensitive nipples. This time, Scarlett released a really loud moan as her body quivered while the splattering of her juices onto the floor increased. "Submit Scarlett, darling. "As an incentive, here is your pill for today," the Baroness cooed into the woman's ear as she released Scarlett's breasts and forced the pill into the woman's mouth.

"See gentlemen," the Headman spoke as Scarlett kept the pill in her mouth instead of spitting it out. "Although the woman proclaims to hate me, she still takes the pill into her mouth. She is unable to spit it out, knowing full well of her actions, yet totally unable to stop it. If my drug has this kind of effect of such a highly trained operative, just think of the possibilities on someone without any training."

The men nodded and rubbed their hands in glee; at least the ones that weren't rubbing something else. "Submit Scarlett, darling," the Baroness repeated as she began to fondle the woman's huge breasts.

"I . . . I . . . OH! Ahhhh! I . . ." Scarlett stammered as her fists opened up and clutched raven haired beauty's hands. Instead of pulling them off her breasts, Scarlett helped them as she made her hands go round and round, tugging even more on her teats. Then the redhead's legs began to shake as her lips quivered. The men watched in anticipation as Scarlett's eyes opened and the tears continued to drip. The sadness had vanished from her face as mask of lust appeared. Her lips quivered as a long hoarse moan escaped her lungs. "My nam . . . my na . . . my name is Shana M. O'Hara," she panted. "My fam . . . my family has a . . . has a dojo in Atlanta, Georgia. OH GOD! PULL HARDER, BARONESS!! They all work there . . . father . . .three brothers . . OH! YES BARONESS!! HARDER!! It's at the corner of First Street and Peach Street!" Scarlett shrieked as the Baroness released her and took a folder full of papers from the Headman.

"Come to papa," the Headman gloated as he yanked the chain. Scarlett stumbled backwards as the Headman gripped her hips and lifted the woman onto her lap. The redhead knew what was coming as her hands reached back and parted her buttocks. Within seconds, the man's member was buried in the woman's ass as she bounced and impaled herself over and over again. The Headman groped her tits with ease as Scarlett lost herself to the lust and depravity, smiling and laughing between grunts as her face was a mask of carnal lust. Scarlett's master grinned from ear to ear as he had totally broken the woman in front of his guests.

"HOLY SHIT! FUCK ME!! HARDER!! GIVE ME WHAT I NEED!" Scarlett screamed as her hands gripped the Headman's wrists. There were no tears of pain on the redhead's face even though she had just caused the deaths of her family. Instead she was moaning like a whore, engulfed by her desire for sex, and busily pumping her fingers in and out of her sex. She didn't care about anything other than being fucked, thanks to the conditioning. In a matter of hours, she would hate him again, but now she was his. The G.I. Joe operative was now destroyed, mentally and physically. The Headman now owned her, in body and soul. The betrayal of her family and her dependence on the drug and the Headman would see to that. Thus Scarlett would repeat a vicious cycle on a daily basis. She would loath the Headman only to fawn over him and degrade herself for his pleasure before returning to her old self. Yet, she was never able to escape.

"YES!" the Headman grinned, knowing that he had made quite an impression on the men, who were seated at the table. He saw all of them quickly signed the agreement papers that would protect the Headman, who would capture, condition, and train the women of their dreams to meet their perverted fantasies.

The End

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