Street Fighter: Roxy=s Revenge – v3

By Night Creeper

Disclaimer: Characters from the comic book are created by Capcom and are owned and created by Capcom. And even though I have tampered with some of the storylines and backgrounds established by Capcom, they are still owned by Capcom. Any resemblance to actual people are coincidental and unintentional. And remember, this story is used for entertainment and not profit. If it is illegal for you to read something that only ADULTS should read, then go away!

Additionally, this is a parody, a work of fiction, all characters and fictional situations are adult in nature, no money or any financial gain comes from this story, if you are below adult age in your country of residence close your browser now or delete this fiction from your hard drive, By reading this disclaimer you agree to take full and complete responsibility both legal and social if you continue reading: Basically you continue reading you are responsible for your actions.

Notes from the author: Once again, there was no editor for this story so here’s hoping that it all makes sense.

Feel free to e-mail me at <[email protected]> with comments, criticisms, ideas, etc. Thanks and happy reading.


Street Fighter: Roxy=s Revenge – v3

By Night Creeper

There are many definitions for the word, gang. A gang could be a group of people who regularly meet and do things. A gang could be an organized group of people doing manual work. Or a gang could be an organized group of criminals. The Mad Gear Gang was all three and one more; a group of people getting their assess handed to them by a female Interpol agent named Chun Li, who was delivering punches and kicks sending various members of the Mad Gear Gang sent flying and crashing into the ground. All of this was happening inside a strip club that was owned and operated by the gang while many of the females were unwilling employees.

“Damn it!” Poison cursed. The pink haired woman wore a pair of pink cheeky shorts, a white tanktop cut just below her breasts, a matching black hat, and black high heels. She also had several armbands around her right arm and neck as well as some chains and a pair of handcuffs suspended off her shorts. Her eyes darted back and forth trying to find someone who could stop the hard-kicking fighting machine that was destroying her club.

“Well . . . it’s been fun, but I have to go,” a short and very sleazy Chinese man with greasy hair said as he slowly crawled away from the woman.

“Look here, pal! You brought that bitch here! You stop her!” Poison demanded.

“I can’t! I’m not a fighter!”

“Stop her, Kang! Or I will stop you!”

“You can’t hurt me! Hugo’s down and so is the rest of your gang!” Kang shouted back.

“Asshole!” Poison growled as she grabbed the man by his collar and picked him off the ground.

“Put my slimy informant down,” Chun Li growled.

“Bitch!” Poison snarled as she dropped the man and turned around, ready to strike Chun Li. But instead of connecting with a punch, she was met by hard kick to the side of her face, followed by a knee to the gut, and an elbow to the back, sending her crashing to the ground.

“Everybody FREEZE!!” an officer shouted as several police officers ran into the room with their guns drawn.

“Better late than never,” Chun Li sighed.

In a little over an hour, most of the Mad Gear Gang had been tossed into various police vehicles. However, Chun Li stopped two officers right before they placed a handcuffed Poison into their squad car. “So Kang . . . is she the ring leader of the operation?” Chun Li asked her informant.

“Yes,” he replied.

“Bastard!” Poison growled.

“You won’t have to worry about Kang, where your going,” Chun Li snapped.

“You think you’re so smart, don’t you? I have news for you, toots! You’re going to fall! And you’re going to fall hard!” Poison spat.

“We’ve recovered more than enough videos from your own surveillance tapes. You have quite an extensive collection. And thank you for documenting the kidnaping so well. I only had time to watch a few minutes, but Kang has told me that there are numerous tapes. The same tapes that will be your downfall,” Chun Li smiled.

“Can I go now?” Kang asked.

“Was she the only person in charge or were there others?” Chun Li asked as Poison stared at Kang.

“She’s the main person in charge.”

“Officers. Take her away,” Chun Li spoke as Poison was loaded into the squad car. The Chinese woman watched it drive off as Kang slipped into the shadows and quickly ran away.

Unbeknownst to Chun Li, a woman with orange hair had seen what had just transpired and wasn’t very happy. However, the woman didn’t go after Chun Li. There were simply too many cops around. No. She was slowly following Kang as he walked through the alleyways.


One Week Later

Chun Li cautiously entered the restaurant and locked the door behind her. The Chinese woman was wearing a black sleeveless evening gown with gold accents at the bottom. The gown had a black and gold sash held by a red rope-like belt. Completing the outfit were a pair of red shoes, gold earrings, and black and gold bracelets on her arms. Her hair was done in the familiar ox horns, but were unadorned and held by red ropes with golden bells at the tip. Chun Li quickly made her way up the steps and into the office, where she saw a woman wearing the same outfit as Poison, except she had orange hair. Also standing inside the room was Yang.

“Looks who is here,” the orange haired woman spoke with a sinister smile on her face.

“Are you alright, Yang?” Chun Li asked.

“I’m okay, auntie,” Yang replied.

“You two related?”

“No. Not quite . . .” Yang replied.

“Eh. Whatever. I don’t really care. I only care about revenge. I’m here to avenge my sister.”

“Poison is your sister?” Chun Li asked as she remembered the pink haired woman from the club.

“That’s right. Poison is my sister, but you can call me, Roxy.”

“I’m here and wearing the outfit that you requested over the phone. Now, release Yun,” Chun Li demanded.

“It’s not that simple,” Roxy replied as she pointed at the laptop in the corner. The Chinese woman gasped as she saw Yun tied to a chair with a large clock on his chest, which was covered by a vest covered by dynamite. Worse yet, there was also a collar lined with explosives around his neck. “Yun is safe for the moment. I need to send a text message to the receiver every three hours or Yun will be blown into pieces. That means you have to cooperate, Chun Li,” Roxy laughed.

“What do you want?”

“I want a lot of things, but let’s start with the easy stuff,” Roxy smiled as she sauntered up to Chun Li and whispered into the woman’s ear. Chun Li was shocked, then outraged, but she nodded in agreement.

“What did you say to her?” Yang asked.

“Relax boy,” Roxy spoke as Chun Li took a cup from the dim sum cart that was beside her. The woman gulped down the tea and placed the cup back on the cart.

“Come here,” Roxy spoke as she pulled away and gestured Yang to approach.

“What do you want?” Yang asked with a shaky voice.

“Stand behind Chun Li. Good boy,” Roxy spoke as she saw Chun Li close her eyes and began taking deep breaths.

“What now?” Yang asked, not sure what was going to happen next.

“Stick your hands under Chun Li’s dress and play with her fat tits,” Roxy ordered.

“WHAT!?!” an extremely shocked Yang shouted.

“It’s okay, Yang. Do as she says,” Chun Li spoke calmly.

“But auntie . . .”

“We have to save Yun.”

“Okay,” Yang spoke hesitantly as he slid his hands under the woman’s dress and gently fondled the woman’s breasts. The young man slowly moved his hands while gently squeezing the woman’s boobs. His fingers would accidentally rub against the woman’s nipples from time to time.

“This is boring. Tell the boy to use more force, Chun Li,” Roxy ordered.

“Yang . . . be more forceful,” Chun Li groaned.

“Not good enough! I will speed up the timer if you don’t act like a proper slut! Remember those woman that you ruined? They had happy lives, but you destroyed them!”

“You were taking advantage of them,” Chun Li corrected Roxy.

“Wrong! They loved their jobs! They loved getting off and making money for it! And if you don’t start talking like them, there’s going to be a lot of Yun scattered about,” Roxy warned.

Chun Li took a deep breath. She hated Roxy, but she knew she had to comply with her disgusting orders. The Chinese woman remembered all the pimps that she had arrested and remembered how some of their girls talked. The woman took one more deep breath. “Please Yang! I want you to pull, pinch, and slap my round tits! Do it or she’s going to kill Yun!” Chun Li screamed.

“Yes auntie,” Yang replied as he did what he was told. The young man squeezed Chun Li’s breasts and wrung them as if they were large sponges.

“AHHHHHGGGGRRRR!” Chun Li growled as she tried to endure the pain.

“Oh my, I can see your tits turning white, Chun Li. This lad does have power. I can even see some of your tit flesh bulging out from his fingers. How exciting,” Roxy gushed as she pressed herself against Chun Li’s left side. Her own left hand caressed the woman’s thigh and slowly made her way between her legs, under her dress, and under the thong that she ordered the Chinese woman to wear. Roxy then began to pump three fingers in and out of Chun Li’s pussy.

“Stop . . .” Chun Li panted.

“No. I’m going to do this until you cum. Yang is going to play with your tits the entire time. Hold on tight to her, Yang. If you drop her, Yun dies. And Chun Li, I’m only going to stop until the counter reaches less than twenty minutes. If you resist in any way, I’m not going to reset the counter. Understand?” Roxy asked.

“Understood,” Chun Li reluctantly agreed as her legs began to sway from side to side as the fingers pumping in and out of her pussy was causing her body to react while juices flowed down her thighs. The Chinese woman couldn’t believe the strength that Yang possessed as her tits throbbed with pain, but she was glad that he had power for she was going to need someone to hold her up for Yun’s sake especially after her first orgasm surprised her and took the strength from her legs for a few seconds as her body lurched toward the ground only to be stopped by Yang. The woman’s face burned bright red as she realized that she had just climaxed while a vile creature like Roxy fingered her pussy and Yang, a boy that she knew when he was young and helped raise, was holding tightly to her tits while playing with her nipples. However, the woman didn’t have much time to think as her body betrayed her and she climaxed yet again.

“Auntie?” a worried Yang cried as he couldn’t stop his dick from hardening and pressing against Chun Li’s writhing body.

“Holy shit! I’m . . . ARGGGGGGGGGGGHHHH!!” Chun Li screamed as she climaxed yet again while her entire body shook violently. The Chinese woman gripped Yang’s hands and made him squeeze harder for a few seconds before she lost her strength. Her hands then dangled in the air and swung as her body dictated.


“Hush boy! Can’t you see that you’re auntie is climaxing like a whore? Just watch as her body shakes!” Roxy laughed, knowing that neither participants knew that the tea was drugged and that Chun Li would be climaxing a lot more during the remaining hour.


An hour passed and Roxy kept her word. She stopped fucking Chun Li’s pussy with her fingers and reset the time to the explosives. By this time, Chun Li was moaning incoherently while she and Yang stood in a puddle of Chun Li’s sweat and pussy juice. The only thing keeping the woman up was Yang, who was constantly apologizing to Chun Li.

“Oh stop that, boy! Why don’t you get her some tea? She looks awful thirsty,” Roxy sighed as she saw Chun Li slowly regaining her senses.

“But she will fall,” Yang replied.

“I’ve got her,” Roxy spoke as she held onto Chun Li as Yang released the Chinese woman’s breasts. Chun Li sighed as Yang removed his hands. Yang then came back with the drugged tea and Chun Li gulped it all down. The woman stuck out her tongue happily and Yang went back to get more. The young man made three more trips before Chun Li had drank the tea pot completely empty. With the tea gone, Roxy dragged the exhausted woman to a mattress on the floor and quickly deposited her on it.

“Please . . . the timer . . .” Yang stammered.

“Fine,” Roxy sighed as she strolled to the laptop and entered a code. Yang was relieved to see that another hour had been added to the timer. However, he was bewildered when he saw Roxy get on the mattress, got behind Chun Li, and pulled her up until she was on her knees. Roxy then fondled the woman’s tits as Chun Li moaned.

“Ahhh . . . so . . . feels soo . . . good,” Chun Li moaned softly.

“Auntie?” Yang stammered.

“Slap her tits, Yang! Or I play with the timer tied to Yun!” Roxy threatened.

“Auntie,” Yang stammered as he knelt on the mattress in front of Chun Li.

“It’s okay . . . do it for Yun . . .” Chun Li panted as Roxy pulled both the woman’s hands behind her head while the Chinese woman thrust her chest forward.

Yang took a deep breath before he raised his right hand. The young man then slapped Chun Li’s left breast and watched it jiggle. He then slapped her right breast and watched it bounce as Chun Li yelped. The young man could feel his dick twitch as he watched the woman’s large heaving breasts jiggle with each slap. “Auntie,” he stammered yet again.

“HARDER AND FASTER, YANG!! BEG FOR EACH HIT, CHUN LI!” Roxy commanded both of them.

“SLAP MY FAT TITTIES, YANG!! IT’S OKAY!! HIT THEM FAST AND HARD!!” Chun Li yelled as Yang obeyed. The force of each slap caused Chun Li to scream as she threw her head from side to side. Soon, Chun Li’s breasts were red with hand prints. Roxy got into the mix and cupped the bottom of Chun Li’s breasts, and made sure that each hit from Yang would smack against the maximum amount of flesh. And this went on for a minutes.

Eventually, Roxy got tired of holding Chun Li’s breasts so she released them. The woman then gripped the Chinese woman’s stomach with her left hand while her right hand reached over and began to pump three fingers in and out of Chun Li’s pussy. The Chinese woman moaned and immediately began to whip her hips from side to side. Her eyes were closed as she moaned incessantly. “Cool off the slut’s tits, Yang. Go ahead and wash her tits with your tongue. Then chew on them like hamburger,” Roxy ordered.

Yang gulped, but did as he was told. He parted his lips and began to wash Chun Li’s breasts with his tongue. The woman cooed loudly, which caused his dick to become totally erect. The more he licked, the louder Chun Li became. Her moans drove him as he licked faster and faster until Chun Li’s tits were soaked with his spit. His dick strained against his pants as he continued to lick like a thirsty dog trying to drink water from its bowl.

“OH YES!! FEELS SO GOOD!!” Chun Li yelled.

“Oh yes,” Yang moaned while he licked. The young man was fueled by Chun Li’s words and he quickly alternated between biting and licking the woman’s tits. The first time he bit down, Chun Li yelped loudly. This only fueled his lust as he increased his speed. He even chewed on her nipples. Soon, Chun Li’s tits were covered in saliva and teeth marks.

Chun Li knew what was happening to her, but she couldn’t stop. She tried to fight the building pressure inside her, but she couldn’t do much to stop it. The woman sobbed as her body betrayed her. “I can’t be enjoying this! This is so wrong!” her mind screamed right before she climaxed like a runaway train that had jumped its tracks. Her body shook violently at all angles as Roxy fucked her pussy and while Yang chewed and lapped at her tits. The woman was truly humiliated now and thought she couldn’t sink any lower. However, she didn’t think much about it after the third orgasm and it was completely gone by the fifth one. In fact, if it wasn’t for Roxy holding Chun Li’s body close to her own, the Chinese woman would have already fallen.

Roxy however wasn’t satisfied with what was happening. She could see the lust burning in Yang’s eyes and she wanted to exploit that. Thus, she eventually released Chun Li and allowed the exhausted woman to collapse onto the mattress as spit drooled from her lips. As Chun Li laid on the mattress, Roxy reached forward and spread the woman’s legs. “Stick your cock into her hot pussy,” Roxy ordered.

Yang paused for a second before Roxy gripped his cock and pumped her hand on it a few times as she pulled him towards Chun Li’s pussy. The resistance in Yang’s face quickly dissipated as he moaned. His head flew backwards as Roxy positioned his dick against Chun Li’s pussy. The exhausted woman was even playing attention as Roxy stroked the head of Yang’s dick over and over again. Soon, the young man’s tongue was stuck out of his mouth. He was totally consumed by lust when Roxy rested his dick at Chun Li’s entrance and released his dick. Needing something against his dick, Yang immediately lurched forward and felt the warmth of Chun Li’s pussy. The young man smiled and immediately rammed his dick into Chun Li’s defenseless pussy. Then like a madman, he thrust in and out of Chun Li’s pussy as she held onto her raised legs.

Chun Li moaned and cooed as Roxy slapped the woman’s tits. The Chinese woman continued to moan as she wrapped her legs around Yang even though she had no idea it was Yang. She then felt his hands on grip her hips as he thrust harder and deeper inside her. Chun Li moaned as she enjoyed the cock pumping in and out of her. Eventually, one hard thrust caused her to open her eyes. That’s when she saw Yang and the lust in her face quickly faded. “Nooo,” she panted weakly, but it was drowned out by Yang’s loud grunts. However, Chun Li soon found her voice after about ten more thrusts.

“Auntie!” Yang yelled as he snapped out his cloud of lust and realized what he was going.

Roxy smiled and didn’t deviate from her plan. The woman simply started rubbing Chun Li’s clit even Yang had slowed his thrusts, but hadn’t stopped completely. Roxy rubbed faster and faster and soon it appeared that she could start a fire. In fact, she started a fire deep inside Chun Li. The Chinese woman was quickly filled with lust as she even arched her back and gripped the mattress. “You want to cum, don’t you?” Roxy asked.

“Ahhh . . . I . . .” Chun Li panted.

“Tell me you want to cum, you fucking whore!” Roxy growled as she simply rubbed faster.

“HOLY SHIT!!” Chun Li screamed as she writhed uncontrollably on top of the mattress like a fish caught on a fisherman’s hook and pulled out of the water.

“AUNTIE!!” Yang yelled as Chun Li’s thrashing made him want to thrust harder.


“I . . .I . . .”


“I . . . I . . . CANNOT!!” Chun Li screamed through gritted teeth as she tried to resist Roxy’s speedy fingers. However, her resistance faltered when Roxy scratched her clit with her nails. “HOLY SHIT!! YES!! I WANT TO CUM!! FUCK ME!! FUCK ME!!” the woman screamed at the top of her lungs as she whipped her hips from side to side. Her motion and words caused Yang’s lust to surge as he quickly regained the pace that he was at earlier before both of them snapped out of their lust induced haze.

Roxy smiled as she saw the intellect in Chun Li’s eyes completely disappear. They were glazed over as her face had a lustful grin. Although Yang didn’t have any drugs in his body, the man had the same look on his face. The orange haired woman smiled as she rubbed the Chinese woman’s clit while the young man thrust faster and faster. Within a few minutes, both Yang and Chun Li climaxed together as they both yelled at the top of their lungs. Chun Li’s pussy was then flooded with the Yang’s hot spunk, which caused Chun Li to climax yet again as the woman gripped her own tits and squeezed them as hard as she could. “FUCK ME!! FUCK ME!!” the Chinese woman yelled as the drug had now completely overwhelmed Chun Li.

Yang, who wasn’t drugged simply couldn’t resist fucking a woman like Chun Li even though he was very close to her. Roxy had counted on this and was barking out orders to the young man, who obeyed them even without Roxy threatening Yun’s life. However, convincing Yang to pull out of Chun Li was a hard sell for only a few seconds. Roxy had the man lie on his back as she positioned Chun Li over his cock. Soon, the woman was impaled on his dick. The Chinese woman bounced up and down, her ass slapped against Yang’s stomach over and over again as he held her hips. After her first climax in this position, Chun Li laid on top of Yang, who continued to fuck her, but her now gripped her tits for support to ensure that Chun Li didn’t fly off his duck.

While Yang fucked Chun Li with his cock, Roxy laid next to Yang and whispered into his ear. “Fuck the slut, Yang. She loves fucking. That’s all she’s good for. Just watch and listen to her as she cums from your hard cock pumping deep inside her,” she spoke seductively into the young man’s ear, fueling his lust. The orange haired woman would however continue to play with Chun Li’s clit.

That didn’t last too long as Roxy eventually repositioned Chun Li so that the Chinese woman’s breasts were now bouncing in front of Yang’s face. Roxy had to hold Chun Li up as Yang’s hands squeezed and groped the woman’s sweat covered tits. Yang could see the lust in Chun Li’s eyes and face as the woman begged for his cock and for more orgasm. “Fucking slut,” Yang growled as he continued to pump his dick in and out of the woman.

“Good boy,” Roxy spoke as she released Chun Li’s body and patted Yang on the head while the Chinese woman laid on top of him. Yang now gripped Chun Li ass as he continued to fuck her. Roxy then went to reset Yun’s timer. This time, she gave the man ten hours since she wanted to watch Yang and Chun Li fuck.


The day, Chun Li woke up with a splitting headache. “Did anyone get the license of the truck that hit me?” the woman muttered as she rubbed her head. Her entire body was sore and she lacked the ability to get up. The woman was lying on a completely soaked mattress, which smelled horrible. The Chinese woman soon opened her eyes and found herself alone in the room. That’s when she realized that the entire lower half of her body was caked in dried spunk mixed with her own pussy juice. She then remembered Roxy, Yang, and Yun. The woman scanned the room and found the laptop and a pot of tea and the cup next to the mattress. She clicked on the keyboard and the laptop roared to life with Roxy’s image in a video, which immediately started playing.

“Hello Chun Li . . . you’re probably wondering what happened to you last night, aren’t you? Let me fill you in. You saved Yun’s life last night by allowing Yang to treat you like a total slut. However, you did not dress or talk like one. That will change tonight. You will dress the part and talk like a total slut or Yun will die. In addition, those powerful orgasms last night were caused by a very powerful and addictive drug. Many girls who worked at the club were given this drug. It was in the tea that you drank. Tonight, Yang will give you more tea. You will drink it willingly. You will even ask for it. He doesn’t know it’s drugged and if you tell him, Yun will die. But first, get yourself cleaned up. There is a laptop in the bathroom too. When you’re done with the shower, touch the keyboard and find a nice play to relax. You will then watch hours and hours of porn. Remember how the women talk and act. You must act and talk like them. Once the videos stop, go into the other room. I have left the appropriate makeup and outfit in the other room with directions on how to apply the makeup and dress. Yes, there is another laptop. Just hit any button and the video will play. Stay in the room and wait for me to summon you. If you comply with all these commands, you will become the perfect slut. A slut that I will use to rebuild my club with. Of course, you will be too busy whoring yourself to testify at my sister’s trial so she will be released. Not only will she be released, but I will release Yang and Yun as well. I think it’s an even trade. You tried to ruin my sister, Poison’s life so I will ruin yours, but you can save Yang and Yun as well. Accept my offer and you’re Interpol days are over. Turn down my offer and Yang and Yun will be terminated. It is completely up to you,” Roxy spoke as the video stopped.

Chun Li stared at the laptop for several minutes, totally unable to move. Tears flowed freely from her eyes as her hands shook. Eventually, the woman composed herself and found the strength to stand. She then marched into the shower and prepared to follow Roxy’s instructions.


Later that Night

Yang was incredibly nervous as he sat in a chair. He could see the dirty mattress from the night before and the dim sum cart with hot tea was next to him. But there was something new in the room and it was covered by a large tarp. Roxy was also standing next to him. The orange haired woman clapped her hands and Yang could hear something clicking in the next room. The clicking got closer and closer to the doorway. Soon, he saw the source of the sound and his jaw dropped to the floor. Standing in the doorway was Chun Li wearing a black vinyl harness teddy with O-rings detailing and a daring cupless cut. Basically, it was just a series of straps that criss-crossed her body with a circular strap secured at the base of each tit. The woman also wore a black elastic g-string. There were also three sets of one-inched black leather straps. One was on her thigh, one was below the knee, and the other was above the ankles. When Yang looked closely, he could see O-rings and he realized that they were restraints and could be connected together at any time. The woman was also wearing black pumps with six inched heels that had several straps to ensure that they stayed on the woman’s feet. Chun Li also wore a pair of shiny black latex fingerless gloves that covered two inches above her elbow and her wrist. A small strap of leather circled the woman’s middle finger while several O-rings lined the area around her wrists. The woman wore a black studded choker with the word Slut in front, spelled out by glitzy rhinestones. She also wore a pair of extra large hooped earrings with the word Slut spelled out in large rhinestone letters inside. Not only did the woman have glitzy jewelry, but she had lots of makeup. Her lips were painted bright red and sealed in with lip gloss. And to make the color stand out even more, she traced her lips in black. The woman also had a heavy layer of blue eye shadow over the heavy layer of mascara and there was no doubt that her long eyelashes were fake. She also wore blue eyeliner and her cheeks had way too much pink blush. The only thing that reminded him of Chun Li was the hair with the ox horns. Everything else was completely different, including the O-shape that the woman kept her lips in.

“Auntie?” the young man mouthed in shock.

“Hello Yang,” Chun Li said in a soft seductive voice as she licked her lips. Her right hand reached up and squeezed her right tit, revealing her fake three inched nails, which were painted metallic silver. The Chinese woman sauntered over to Yang, swaying her hips from side to side like a pendulum.

“Chun Li had an epiphany last night, Yang. She realized that she wanted to be a slut. She always had the body of a slut, but now she is going to embrace it,” Roxy spoke calmly. Keeping to script, Chun Li began to play with both her tits and said nothing. Instead, she simply licked her lips and looked seductively at Yang. The Chinese woman then sat down the chair across from Yang. “She’s quite the horny slut,” Roxy spoke as she rubbed her hands against Chun Li’s left cheek as the Chinese woman spread her legs.

“I’m really hot . . . why don’t you pour me a drink?” Chun Li spoke in a soft voice, knowing that the tea was drugged.

“I . . .” Yang stammered as he poured her some tea. Chun Li took the cup, pressed it against her lips, tossed her head back, and down the tea. She then put the cup back on the table and tapped the cup. Yang poured her another drink and the Chinese woman drank it the same way. Then she tapped the cup again and Yang refilled it. By the time the pot was empty, Chun Li had drank over seven cups of tea. And even though the woman wanted to cry out every time, she kept her emotions in check, knowing that Yun’s life hanged in the balance whereas her fate was already sealed.

“I want your hard cock inside me, Yang,” Chun Li cooed as she reached between her legs and pushed her g-string to the side. The woman then stood up to show off her shaved pussy. “Not yet,” Roxy spoke as she pulled the tarp and Yang’s jaw dropped to the floor as he saw a metal square platform with two metal poles on the right and left side of the platform. The poles had a wooden board with an oval cut into the middle of the wood. In the middle of the platform was a metal pole with a knuckled dildo with small metal bulges all over it. Chun Li glanced saw the platform and knew she was going to experience a painful and humiliating experience on the dildo. However, the woman said nothing as she slowly backed away from Yang and made her way to the platform.

“Auntie?” Yang meekly uttered.

“Don’t worry, Yang. I got this from Chun Li’s home,” Roxy smiled.

Chun Li wanted to glare at the woman, but she remembered the video and the instructions. The Chinese woman was told earlier that she had to obey and agree with Roxy or Yun would die. Thus, the Chinese woman smiled back at and Yang and said, “That’s right. It’s from my home.” Chun Li then positioned herself over the dildo as Roxy secured chains to the Chinese woman’s ankle cuffs, securing Chun Li to the frame. The orange haired woman then secured Chun Li’s wrists to each other behind her back.

“Now rape yourself on the dildo and you better enjoy it,” Roxy whispered into Chun Li’s ear.

The Chinese woman nodded and impaled herself on the dildo. Chun Li felt each metal bulge press against the walls of her pussy, forcing her pussy to accommodate them. She gasped from the pain, but forced a smile on her face as she felt some of the bulges painfully scratch against her sensitive skin. Chun Li was in pain, but she started to bounce on the dildo. Her thighs pressed against the wood while her tits bounced up and down with each painful thrust. If it wasn’t for the years of arduous training, Chun Li would have passed out by now, but she was able to endure the pain and continue.

Yang couldn’t believe what he was seeing and hearing. He couldn’t keep his eyes off of Chun Li’s bouncing tits, nor could he ignore the woman’s moans. The young man could see the once bright brown wooden dildo change into a much darker shade of brown thanks to Chun Li’s own juices. He could feel his dick straining against the front of his pants while he continued to stare at Chun Li’s muscular and sweat covered body, glistening in the pale light of the room.

“Holy shit! Holy shit!” Chun Li screamed as she felt her lust rise again and again. The Chinese woman kept telling herself that she wasn’t really turned on; it was the drugged tea that was making her wet and horny. In fact, that’s what she told herself over and over again even after she climaxed on top of the wooden dildo.

“Watch carefully,” the orange haired woman ordered Yang. Roxy then knelt on Chun Li’s left side. The Chinese woman was still bouncing on the dildo as Roxy started playing with the Chinese woman’s clit. Roxy’s right hand then began to fondle the woman’s right tit while Roxy licked the woman’s left tit with her tongue.

Yang watched as Chun Li climaxed violently and begged for more. The Chinese woman was insatiable. The young man knew that both of them wanted to save Yun, but it appeared to him that Chun Li enjoyed her current predicament. This simply made the young fighter hornier as he felt his dick about to burst.

“Come here, Yang,” Roxy ordered as the young man slowly stood up and made his way toward the women. The orange haired woman then stood up and gripped Yang’s shoulder before placing him beside Chun Li, on her right side.

Without being told, Yang began to copy what Roxy was doing earlier. And just like before, Chun Li climaxed and screamed for more. But unlike Roxy, Yang didn’t stop. He simply rubbed the woman’s clit faster and faster while her feasted on the woman’s tit flesh and nipple. Yang’s actions sent Chun Li’s libido through the roof as the woman climaxed twice in rapid succession, which totally drained her. The Chinese woman gasped for breath as she stopped fucking herself on the wooden dildo. Her makeup was all screwed up and running down her face thanks to her own sweat. Yang looked at her and kissed her on the forehead before he whispered into her right ear, “Slut.”

Before Chun Li could even register Yang’s words, she was freed from her platform and moved over to the mattress by both Yang and Roxy. The Chinese woman laid on her back as Yang thrust his dick into her bruised pussy. He then laid on top of her and pumped his meat in and out of her cunt while Roxy laid next to Chun Li and gently stroked the woman’s forehead. Chun Li could feel her own lust building inside her for a mere five seconds before she climaxed again. “HOLY SHIT!! FUCK ME!! FUCK ME!!” Chun Li hollered at the top of her lungs and that’s exactly what Yang did for the next hour, flooding her pussy with his spunk and forcing Chun Li to climax again and again.

Eventually, Yang shot his load one last time into Chun Li’s pussy before he passed out. The Chinese woman eventually recovered and was beside herself as she saw Yang lying on top of her. “Don’t worry, Chun Li. You were a magnificent slut,” Roxy spoke as she stroked the wet hair from Chun Li’s face.

“It was the drug in the tea,” Chun Li mouthed.

“Actually, there weren’t any drugs in the tea. I simply lied, but I was right . . . you are a slut,” Roxy smiled as she saw the horror in Chun Li’s eyes. She knew that the Chinese woman just realized the gravity of her words and realization of the depths that she had sunk to. Roxy then pressed her body against Chun Li’s and started to pump her fingers in and out of the sobbing Chinese woman’s pussy. From time to time, she would pull her fingers out of Chun Li’s pussy and feed her the mixture of her pussy juice and Yang’s spunk. The Chinese woman allowed the woman to insert her fingers into her mouth, where she licked them clean. In fact, Chun Li allowed the woman to have her way with her body. Chun Li had thought that she was drugged, but she hadn’t. Yet, her body reacted in ways that she had never thought possible. She knew that she had crossed a line and her life would never be the same again especially when she saw the camera with the red light hanging overhead.


Weeks Later

Poison slowly ascended the steps. The woman had been freed a few hours ago and took her time getting to the restaurant. She still wasn’t sure what was going on. The arresting officer, Chun Li, had basically admitted in court that her entire investigation and arrest were illegal. The charges were then quickly dropped as the case fell apart. After the court had cleared out, Chun Li approached Poison and slipped her a note before leaving the courthouse in haste. At first, Poison thought that Chun Li had left so quickly since she had been disgraced, but now she knew the real reason. And she was quite pleased with what she saw.

Poison saw Chun Li on an old mattress in the center of the room. The Chinese woman was on all fours with a young Asian man underneath her as her cunt rode his cock. Chun Li had cuffs on her ankles and wrists, but no chains. She wore a thick black collar around her neck and the collar had a chain, a chain that was held by her sister, Roxy, who was dressed, but had a strap-on dildo around her waist and lodged deep inside Chun Li’s ass. The Chinese woman was panting and moaning for more too.

“Quite an interesting scene, sis,” Poison spoke as she stood next to the Roxy.

“Welcome back,” Roxy spoke as she pulled the dildo out of Chun Li’s ass. The orange haired woman stood next to Poison and patted her sister on the shoulder.

“No hug?”

“Not unless you want this rammed up your pussy,” Roxy smiled as she pointed at the strap-on.

“I’ve already experienced it before. So how long has this been going on?”

“This? Only a few hours. I ordered her back here after her court appearance. Her reputation should have took a major hit today.”

“Not that. I meant . . .”

“Ever since you were thrown into a jail cell. I had to get revenge.”

“HOLY SHIT!! MY SLUTTY BODY IS ON FIRE!! CUNT CLAMPING DOWN!! BODY . . . HOLY SHIT!!!” Chun Li screamed as her body quaked violently. Both sisters smiled as they saw the large amount of pussy juice sliding down Yang’s cock.

“Who is the man fucking Chun Li?” Poison asked.

“One of her students.”

“How did you manage that?”

“She had two students. I kidnaped one and strapped a bomb to him. In order to save his life, these two have been cooperating ever since. I will have to say that one of them seems to be having way too much fun though. Care to help me move something?” Roxy asked as she pointed at the platform and frame.

“Sure,” Poison replied as both women moved the cart close to the mattress. Once it was in position, they picked up the exhausted Chun Li and moved her onto the platform.

“Feel free to play with her body while I lock into position,” Roxy spoke as Poison did just that. The orange haired woman smiled as she heard Chun Li softly moan while her sister fondled her tits while she pinched and pulled on her nipples. Roxy then secured the chains to the cuffs on Chun Li’s ankles, followed by the ones on her wrists. Once Chun Li was locked, Roxy shortened the length of the chains until Chun Li became nothing more than an X. That didn’t stop Poison from playing with Chun Li’s taut athletic body.

“She’s one sexy bitch,” Poison whispered into Chun Li’s ear right before she slipped three fingers from her right into the Chinese woman’s cum-filled pussy. She heard the Chinese woman moan as her body thrashed against hers. This spurred Poison on as she started to kiss, suck, and lick Chun Li’s neck and shoulders while her left hand continued to play with the woman’s nipples and tits. And she kept on doing it as Chun Li climaxed again and again, drenching Poison’s hand. However, she wasn’t content with standing just behind Chun Li. The pink haired woman quickly moved to the front and began to suck, lick, and kiss Chun Li’s tits while she continued to play with the woman’s cunt, forcing her to climax again and again.

“I’m sorry to stop you sis, but we do have a schedule to keep,” Roxy spoke as tapped her sister on the shoulder.

“Another time, slut,” Poison hissed as she reluctantly pulled away from Chun Li’s voluptuous body. Roxy then whispered into Poison’s ear and the woman smiled anew as both sisters made their way to the door. Then each one stood on either side of the door, Roxy on the left and Poison on the right. Both women waited for Chun Li to recover. Once she did, Poison looked at Roxy and waited for the cue.

“Hello Chun Li . . . come back to the world of the living now . . .” Roxy giggled.

“What is it?” Chun Li panted as she stared at Roxy.

“Remember the bomb?” Roxy spoke as she opened the door.

“YUN!!” Chun Li gasped as Poison quickly grabbed the young man’s arm and brought him into the room. The bomb was still strapped to his chest as he was presented to Chun Li and standing just a few feet from her while the timer was just seconds away from reaching zero. “You promised! You promised that if I did everything that you told me to, Yun would be released!” Chun Li screamed as Roxy stood next to Yun with a smile, but said nothing, which only angered Chun Li more. “You promised me that if I dressed like a slut, acted like a slut, and ruined my own case, you would free Yun! I’ve done all that! I even fucked Yang senseless on numerous occasions! I even took drugs! Now free Yun, you fucking bitch!” Chun Li growled as five seconds remained.

“I intend to,” Roxy spoke as she glanced at the time and saw only two seconds left.

“Yun!” Yang shouted as only one second remained.


“Hardly,” Roxy spoke as the timer ticked all the way to zero without an explosion. “At least I know I haven’t broken your spirit yet. But that is something that I definitely intend to do. Isn’t that right, Yun?” Roxy asked as she removed the bomb.

“Yun?” a confused Chun Li mouthed.

“You’re in shock, Chun Li?” Yun spoke with a wicked smile as Poison and himself removed the last vestiges of his bonds.

“Yun . . . how . . . why?” a shocked Chun Li spoke.

“Kang lead Roxy here and I served her dinner since she was a customer. She then offered to sleep with me. I quickly agreed. As we fucked, she told me her plans. She told us that I could so much more with my life.”

“I didn’t raise you this way . . .”

“No. But Master Gen was a criminal and don’t think for a second that I didn’t go through his stuff after he died. His old life intrigued me. I wanted it. And when Roxy told me that I could fuck you whenever I wanted, I had to accept. You have no idea how many nights I spent dreaming about your sexy body during my teenage years when you trained me. That tight blue body-hugging outfit filled my dreams almost nightly,” Yun spoke as he reached forward and fondled Chun Li’s fat tits.

“YUN NO!!” Chun Li yelled as she felt his mouth and tongue against her breasts. That didn’t stop the young man as he kissed, sucked, and licked both her breasts and nipples. He covered every inch of her tit flesh with his spit and he left dark red marks on his tits with his hands by squeezing so hard.

“Yun!” Yang shouted as the other young man appeared. Chun Li saw him and thought that Yang could knock some sense into Yun. “Dude! You’re hogging both her tits!” Yang shouted as Yun moved to Chun Li’s right, allowing Yang to claim Chun Li’s left tit.

“NOOOO!!” Chun Li screamed as she felt both their mouths and tongues on her tits while each one drove two fingers into her pussy, which was already wet with arousal. The Chinese woman tried to deny the impending orgasm, but she couldn’t. She had been drugged too many times and for too long to be able to resist. Thus, the woman climaxed at the hands at the two youngsters, who she trained all those years ago and treated like family members.

“Alright boys, let’s get on with it,” Roxy spoke as she held a belt and several electrodes while Poison held two vibrators. Yun and Yang moved to the side as the two sisters showed Chun Li each electrode before placing them on her body. They placed them on her nipples, thighs, stomach, arms, pussy, and even on inner part of her butt cheeks. Roxy then placed the belt around Chun Li’s hips and both she and Poison stuffed a vibrator into her holes. A strap was then placed between her legs and connected it to the belt. He strap had two holes that hugged the vibrators and insured that they wouldn’t fall out of Chun Li’s holes.

“You crazy bitch!” Chun Li growled.

“Not crazy. Just vengeful. You should have left us alone or at least allow my sister to go free in the raid. But you didn’t,” Roxy growled back.

“And you should have let us fuck that delectable body of yours as a reward for obeying you during our training sessions,” Yun added.

“If you did, we wouldn’t have had to join the Mad Gear Gang,” Yang added.

“Mad Gear?”

“Yes. We’re full fledged members now. Roxy and Poison will lead the gang with us as their lieutenants and lovers. You will also be a member of the gang, but only as property,” Yang added.

“That’s right, Chun Li,” Roxy spoke as she kissed Yun passionately.

“You see, Chun Li . . . Roxy and Yun are an item, that’s why I never fucked her during our trysts. I’m hoping that Poison will be a sexual dynamo since we’ve never fucked before.”

“Yang . . . an evil plotter like yourself, makes me extremely wet,” Poison cooed as she rubbed his shoulders.

“This can’t be happening!” Chun Li sobbed.

“It is happening and the best part is . . . there was never a bimbo making drug injected in your bloodstream. That was all you,” Yang smiled.

“Such a conniving bastard! I love you!” Poison gushed as she turned Yang around and kissed him passionately.

“Now folks. Let’s finish Chun Li’s conditioning,” Roxy spoke as she placed earphones into Chun Li’s ears while Yun secured wires to the vibrators. Roxy then slipped on a pair of black goggles over Chun Li’s eyes, followed by a ring-gag, which was buckled and secured to the Chun Li’s head.

After Chun Li was completely trapped in darkness, she felt a quick surge of electricity shooting through her body. It was quick and weak, but it caused her body to tingle. Then the goggles came to life as she saw herself sucking Yang’s dick. She instantly remembered that it was the first time that she sucked him. Then the earphones came to life. “I am a slut! I will spread my legs and ass for anyone! I will open my mouth without saying a word so other can use it! I’m nothing more than a pair of tits, an ass, a cunt, and an opened mouth for all to use! I am nothing more than a piece of meat that needs to be fucked! I am piece of fuckmeat and I belong to the Mad Gear Gang!” the earphones blasted again and again into her ears. Chun Li shook her head in defiance as she saw herself fucking Yang now. She tried to close her eyes, but her own eyelids were zapped open. Then the electricity started to surge while the vibrators worked over her holes. Within minutes, Chun Li was trashing in her chains as wave after wave of voltage surged through her body and holes. The pain was horrendous and Chun Li was in agony. Yet her own pussy juice gushed from her pussy while her body glistened with sweat. Chun Li was powerless to resist the persistent jolts that devastated every nerve and muscle in her body. She knew she couldn’t resist and if she did find a way to endure the torment, drugs laid ahead. Regardless of method, her captors would not relent until they had reduced her to lowest depths of depravity and turned her into nothing more than a mere fucktoy. Hours, days, and maybe weeks of agony laid ahead for Chun Li and there was no way she could stop it. Of course, that would just lead to unrelenting torture and sex as a Mad Gear bondage sex slave.


Years Later

“PSYCHO CRUSHER!!” M. Bison growled as hit Chun Li with his devastating move. The Chinese woman fell to the ground in defeat. Bison, the leader of Shadoloo stood over the fallen woman triumphantly with his arms crossed across his chest. His shoes just mere inches from the sobbing woman’s face. “You’ve lost. Will you honor your pledge?” Bison smirked.

“Y . . . yes . . .” Chun Li spoke as she slowly got on all fours. The woman extended her tongue and licked some of the dust on Bison’s right boot. She gagged and coughed, but continued to lick until the front of the boot was clean. The woman then got lower to the ground and tilted her head as she cleaned the side of his boot. Once cleaned, she repeated the entire process with the left boot. When Bison’s boots clean, the woman lowered her forehead until it touched the ground and bowed before Bison.

“Rise and continue,” Bison spoke.

“Y . . . yes . . .” Chun Li stammered as she rose to her feet. The woman took off her spiked bracelets and handed them to Bison. After the man took the bracelets, she began to unbutton her infamous traditional blue outfit. Soon, she took it off and handed it to Bison as Juli brought a large tray filled with equipment. Chun Li then reached behind her back and unclasped her bra. The Chinese woman then pressed her arms against her body, ensuring that the bra didn’t fall of. Her hands came back to the front where she cupped her own breasts and moved her arms. The woman then took off her bra and exposed her tits for Bison. Her nipples were erect as she handed the man her bra. The woman was wearing any pantyhose, but she had a thin blue thong. The woman slowly pulled the thong down to her thighs and revealed her moist shaved sex. As she used her hands to move the thong further down her legs, a small trail of her pussy juice slid down her leg. Once the thong was below her knees, she stopped using hands and used her legs to have it fall to the ground. She stepped out of them and squatted on the ground with her legs spread. Her reached between her legs and then down to the ground where she picked up her thong. She placed it on her right thigh as she reached down and undid her laces before she loosened her them. The Chinese woman then took off her boots. Then she took her thong in right hand as her left hand gripped her boots. Then she stood up and handed Bison her boots followed by the thong.

“I accept your gifts, do you accept mine?” Bison asked with a wicked smile as he pointed at the tray.

“Y . . . yes,” Chun Li stammered as she picked up a black collar with four O-rings even spaced on it. She placed it around her neck and secured it behind her neck. Chun Li then picked up black pumps with six inched stiletto heels. The woman pulled the straps tight to ensure that they stayed on. She then picked up two black leather straps from the trap as well as the chains. She placed them on each leg, just a few inches above the ankles. The Chinese woman then took another two straps and secured them a few inches below her knees. She then placed another one in the middle of her thighs. This was followed by another on her arms, between her shoulder an elbow. She left the chain off though. The woman placed one around her stomach, once again, no chain. However, the woman picked up a leash and secured it to O-ring in the front of the collar. She handed it to Bison as she picked up a long black leather glove with no fingers. It was just a giant flipper at the end. The woman secured it over her right hand. Chun Li picked up a cuff and secured it around her wrist, over the glove. She then picked up another glove and handed it to Bison before she extended her arm for Bison. The man placed the glove on and secured a cuff around her wrist. Chun Li’s hands were now bound in black leather just a few inches above her elbow to her fingers. The only thing above the gloves were the straps that she secured earlier. The woman placed both hands behind her back as Juni appeared with small chains. She connected the straps above her elbows, the ones around her wrists, and a longer one that she connected to the strap around her back and placed the other end to ones on her wrists. This was followed by another chain that went from ones on her thighs. As Juni pulled the short chains toward Chun Li’s tits, she got another one and secured it to the O-ring around her throat. She pulled the longer chain between Chun Li’s tits and connected the chains together. They met in front of her stomach, which forced Chun Li to stand with her back tilted forward.

“If you’re comfortable, I think you need to address the crowd,” Bison spoke as Chun Li nodded and took little steps in order to turn around and faced the crowd.

“My fellow street fighters, I have lost to M. Bison. I disgraced myself a few years ago and thought I could reclaim my dignity by challenging Bison. I did not have an invitation so I made a bet with Bison. You all heard it. I lost the fight and the bet. That means I also lose my freedom as well. I have given all that I owned to my new master, M. Bison. And in return he has given me these items. I will now spend the rest of my life using my body to pleasure him. I will also fuck and suck whomever or whatever he commands me to. I am no longer Chun Li, the strongest woman in the world. I am now M. Bison’s bondage sex slave,” Chun Li spoke as Bison gripped her chin and turned her face toward his. He then pressed his lips against hers. The Chinese woman then kissed him passionately as stream of pussy juice was no longer a small trickle, but a constant flowing river.

“Continue slut,” Bison spoke as he broke off the kiss.

“If the female fighters stay and fight. This will be your fate if you lose..”

“Continue with the tournament. I am going to go play with my new toy,” Bison spoke as he gave the leash a tug. Chun Li slowly turned and followed Bison. She had to take small steps and thanks to the chains, her tits led the way. In fact, her large tits would be the first part of her to enter any room.

There was rumbling amongst the assembled fighters. They talked and watched as Chun Li obediently followed Bison. They even talked when they were no longer in sight. Some of the women quickly left the area while the men tried to conceal the tent in their pants. Others slowly trickled away. Even some of the men left. However, some of the women fighters remained and even prepared for their fights. Eventually, a new fight was about to start.

Cammy was announced and prepared to fight Balrog as Juni and Juli disappeared with Chun Li’s possessions. And right before the fight started, everyone who was left could hear the loud screams coming from the loudspeakers placed around the fighting area. “YES MASTER!! FUCK ME!! FILL MY WORTHLESS CUNT WITH YOUR MIGHTY COCK!! FUCK ME!! HARDER!! FASTER!! OH SHIT!! THIS FEELS SO GOOD!! I LOVE HOW YOUR COCK FILLS ME!! RAVAGE ME, MASTER!! IMPREGNATE ME!! MAKE ME YOURS!!” Chun Li screamed. Cammy’s hands began to shake as she found it impossible to keep her fighting stance. The woman then lowered her hands and eventually her eyes. She shook her heard and then walked away from the fight. Then, other fighters did too.

Watching all this were the members of the Mad Gear Gang, Roxy, Poison, Yun, Yang, Rolento, Sodom, Hugo, and several others. None of them budged or were surprised by the fact. They all knew what really happened. Chun Li had been completely broken and reconditioned after a week in the frame. Her pussy would moisten and her nipples would perk up the second anyone mentioned sex. She had earned millions of dollars for the gang as several criminals and crime lords wanted a chance to fuck the woman that ruined so many of their plans, but it was Bison who eventually purchased her from them. They got so much money from the deal that they now owned their own island to run their activities from. Chun Li had lost all will power, but did cry when she heard that Bison purchased her. She still remembered her old life even though she was powerless to reclaim it. None of the fighters knew of this. Nor did they know that Chun Li had worn her current outfit many times and even fell several times when she was first introduced to it and attempted to walk. Or that first night with Bison was complete torture for her, but not as bad as when she gave birth to their first child, the first of three, the next were a pair of twins. Of course, she was currently a few weeks pregnant with her fourth. However, they knew none of that, they only knew that prideful woman was nothing more than a sex toy for Bison. They knew nothing of the real hell that the woman was going through or had already experienced. In fact, Chun Li herself, cursed the day that she arrested Poison. For if she didn’t, Roxy would have never sought revenge and gotten it. But it did please the members of the Mad Gear Gang especially since they all fucked her and were now rich beyond their wildest dreams. All because of Roxy’s revenge.

The End