Batgirl - Hostel - Version 1

By: Night Creeper and Emerald Enforcer

Disclaimer: All of the characters created by DC Comics are owned and created by DC Comics. And even though I have tampered with some of the storylines and backgrounds established by DC Comics, they are still owned by DC Comics. Other characters from other companies that make a guest appearance are owned and created by their respective companies. Any resemblances to actual people are coincidental and unintentional. And remember, this story is used for entertainment and not profit. If it is illegal for you to read something that only ADULTS should read, then go away!

Notes from the author: I would like to take the time to thank Emerald Enforcer for his input in this story.  In fact, he even wrote parts of it.  You might be able to tell which parts by the formatting.  In addition, he served as the editor for this story and even supplied pictures that have also been posted.  Finally, this story may be a little harsh.  If you are easily offended, do not read any further.

Otherwise, feel free to e-mail me at <
[email protected]> with comments, criticisms, ideas, etc. Thanks and happy reading.


Batgirl - Hostel - Version 1

By: Night Creeper and Emerald Enforcer

“I’m sorry, ma’am. The room reservation that you made was never logged into the computer. I’m very sorry, but there’s nothing I can do for you,” spoke the incredibly proper blonde British woman, standing behind the hotel counter.

Barbara Gordon glanced back down on her confirmation printout and sighed. "Great," she thought "why does trouble follow me wherever I go?"

Her last outing as Batgirl - Gotham City's female defender - left the twenty-two year old redhead beauty drained physically and mentally. The Joker had broken out of Arkham for the umpteenth time and his scheme - to poison the cities hydro dams with his patented smilex toxic - infected nearly five hundred civilians. By the time her father and the GCPD were alerted of the crisis, Joker's toxic had already turned these people into crazed zombie foot soldiers loyal only to his commands. Standing atop a platform in the center of Gotham square, Barbara recalled the madman shouting orders from a speakerphone. He called to his troops, and told them to loot and destroy mass blocks of the downtown area.
Before long the police were swamped, and the city called for it's terrific trio: Batman, Robin, and Batgirl. Along with Bruce and Dick, the three of them jumped into the fray and kicked ass. Within hours of their arrival, they'd defeated half of the infected. By dawn most of the victims were returned to normal thanks to Batman's antidote. The Joker himself was captured soon after. Batman did quite a number on the sick freak, beating the psycho to within an inch of his miserable life. As Batgirl, Barbara took personal pride in hunting down the Joker's girlfriend Harley Quinn. Even with her arsenal of bombs and guns, Quinn was no match for her. The years of training under Bruce Wayne had honed Barbara Gordon into a relentless crime fighting machine. The "mission" became as important to her as it did to Batman, and she was not afraid of anyone anymore.

But she was still human, and the body could only take so much. After Joker's capture, Batman had his two junior partners working overtime to mend the damage that'd been done to the city; but the extra hours spent on crime fighting really began to take it's toll. She felt it every time she was in the black kevlar suit. Her reflexes were getting slower every night; a lack of proper sleeping hours also meant that her temper was becoming more and more volatile. Finally, she was forced to admit the truth: Batgirl needed a break. Bruce was not happy when she informed him of her intention to take a two week holiday to England. He felt that she was neglecting her responsibilities as a member of his team. "Crime doesn't take a vacation," she remembered him saying, and her thoughts drifted back to their heated conversation in the cave. In the end, Barbara had stormed out, insulted that Bruce was talking to her as if he were her own father. At least Alfred, Bruce's
butler and surrogate father, and Dick Grayson had been supportive. Ultimately, it was with their encouragement that she finally made the decision to go. However, Alfred and Dick would not allow her to leave without proper protection. They'd arranged for her sleek and sexy Batcycle to accompany her on her trip, and Alfred insisted that she pack a spare Batgirl suit along with her other luggage, just in case. In spite of herself, Barbara couldn't resist a chuckle. Gotham's miles away and I'm on holiday, she thought, but Batgirl never rests.

She'd made reservations at this hotel months in advance to prepare for any incontinences. Yet, here she was, standing in front of a hotel counter with no room. “Are you sure?” Barbara asked again, her tone laced with suspicion.

The blonde gave her an icy glare and spoke in a rather stingy voice: “I’ve checked three times already, miss. There’s a football game this weekend and most of these rooms were booked well in advance. My theory is that you booked your room during a high traffic time on our site. It may have given you Room 207, but that room was also given to Mr. Stevens. He checked in four hours ago. At this moment, I have no rooms left.”

“Should I wait?”

“You can, but I’m afraid there won’t be any openings.”

“Any suggestions?” Barbara spat impatiently.

“I did check on some of the other hotels, but they’re booked as well. However . . . most of our guests will checkout shortly after the game. That’s two days.”

How convenient, thought Barbara.

“So where should I go in between then?”

“There is a hostel a few kilometers from here. It’s cheap and quite clean. You can stay there for two nights and come back. We’ll even give you Room 207 for free. It’s the best I can do right now.”


“I’ll call a cab for you. It will take you there for free.”

“Taxis don’t cost money?”

“They do. But the hotel will pay for it due to the inconvenience.”

Really? Everything about this lady felt fishy. The sudden news that her reservation was non-existent, the fact that not a single hotel was open in the surrounding area, none of it made any sense. She was being scammed, Barbara felt sure of it. But what choice did she have? She had on relations in this country and no one she could trust. She was alone, and at the mercy of con-artists.

The idea of a hostel was not what Barbara had envisioned for herself during her stay in this country; but it was best to play along, the redhead decided silently, and take action when the mystery became clearer. After all, this woman didn't know who she was messing with. She didn't know what the real Barbara Gordon was capable of.

As the bellboy took her luggage outside to a waiting taxi, Barbara turned her head to sneak a final glance at the blonde behind the counter. She didn't like the way the woman was looking at her. As a pupil of Batman, she'd been taught to read the behavior of criminals and trust her instincts. They'd never failed her and she trusted them inexplicitly. The vibe she was getting from this woman was not good. Her eyes were piercing, leering almost, and the knot in Barbara's stomach tighten. There was a feeling she couldn't really shake off, the feeling that she was being sized up like a pig led to slaughter.


She hung before him, swaying ever so slightly in the light. The chain securing her ankles dangled over the ceiling. Thick ropes entwined her long athletic legs at the quadriceps and knees, binding them together. The chastity belt over her waist held a dildo still pumping furiously in her vagina, and her elbows - crisscrossed around her neck - extended to her wrists which were bound to manacles bolted to dungeon floor. The tips of her beautiful blonde locks glazed the murky brown stones. She was completely naked and her creamy white skin glisten with sweat. The slave's eyes were shut, and she breathed laboriously through her mouth which had been painfully forced open by a steel ring gag. She looked to be in a state of uneasy slumber.

"What are you dreaming of?", he thought as he breathed a tired sigh.

A few hours with his new slave had rid him of all stamina and energy. Her buyer had been contacted, a billionaire from Metropolis, and the money already wired to his offshore accounts in Switzerland. Along with the money was an encrypted file containing all information collected of the slave - including her personal history and psychological profile. The information was intended to be used to train her to specifications. However, the process was proving difficult. She was very tough and breaking such a spirit would take time and patience. Even now, after four full training sessions, her stubbornness persisted; her mind continued to resist his teachings despite the most practiced methods of persuasion.

No matter. He relished the challenge of every case, and she was no different. She would conform to his standards like all the others before her. It was just a matter of time.

However, now it was time for a rest.

Turning his back to the slave, he made his way to the far corner of the room and pressed a button on the panel by the door. Instantly it opened and he entered into a luxurious suite befitting a king. The new chamber was gigantic and gloriously decorated with gold trimmed curtains, twin king sized beds, and a large diamond chandelier. Along one wall stood a series of faceless female themed mannequins. Each was wearing a unique costume that was remarkably different from the next; but all had one thing in common: they were clothing worn by women.

With a smile, he proceeded to the end of the line and glanced at the latest mannequin in his collection. The doll was life-sized with a platinum blonde wig over its white head; it wore a bright blue spandex top that extended to the midriff, covering the arms completely. A red miniskirt hung below its plastic abdomen and extended to mid-thigh. The mannequin's feet were placed in matching red boots, and a small red cape hung quietly over the doll's back. Finally, a red and gold framed "S" was stitched into the fabric covering the chest. Around its lifeless neck hung a gold chain and nametag, it read: Kara Zor-El/Supergirl.

"Soon to be Super-Whore," snickered the man as he proceeded to a nearby closet to retrieve a dark blue night gown. After wrapping the gown over his naked flesh, he climbed onto one of the king sized beds with a martini in one hand and a remote in another. He clicked the remote and the giant sized flat-screen monitor came alive before him.

Facing him was a middle aged woman of no particular beauty. The wrinkles over her cheeks and the fading blonde hair clinging to her scalp indicated that she was in her late forties. She wore a suit and tie befitting a hotel receptionist.
“I want an update on last months shipment,” he said, "are our buyer's pleased with their new toys?"

The woman beamed at him and spoke.

"Yes Mr. Davis, very much so. We sold ten of our promising young ladies at last month's auction, two of whom recieved record sales figures!"

"Bring up their personal files."

The blonde disappeared and a new image arose moments later.

A beautiful young Chinese woman, no more than twenty-one years of age, filled the moniter screen. Her hair was braided into twin ox horn buns, and she's wore a black mask over her eyes. Through the slits, one could tell that blue eye shadow and mascara has been applied heavily to her eyes. Her lips, painted ocean blue, had been injected with collagen giving them a distinct pout. The young beauty was wearing a black bikini with matching black leather boots. A black collar with the symbol of a winged red skull encircled her neck. The skull swung back and forth as she sucked the cock of a man in a red military officer's suit.

“This lovely young flower is Chun Li. Born March 1st, 1988 in Hong Kong, China. Mother died at childbirth, father worked for Interpol as an undercover detective until assasination by members of the criminal empire Shadowloo. Orphaned, Miss Li joined her father's agency at age eighteen, and, within a year, became its youngest agent in history. By age twenty, she had become the organization's most decorated detective. Due to her childhood trauma, the girl had a particular vendetta against our client - General M. Bison of Shadowloo - for murdering her father. Naturally, the General expressed serious concerns of imprisonment and offered great sums for Miss Li's capture and conditioning. Our team captured detective Li in Hong Kong nine weeks ago at a local restaurant called Junny's. We lured her there under false pretenses that it was a front for Shadowloo drug smuggling."

The video switched to black and white footage of security cameras from the restaurant. The footage showed Chun Li - wearing an embroidered vest, a blue unitard, and a pair of athletic shoes - fighting a small group of hooded men. Her martial arts skills were on display as she kicked and punched her attackers. She hit one man square in the solar plexus with her boot and sent him crashing into a wall. Another man tried to grab her from behind but she headbutted him in the face and threw him into a nearby table. However, the numbers soon became too much for the brave girl to handle and she was overpowered. One of the kidnappers managed to grab Chun Li's in a bearhug from behind while his partner grabbed the detective's legs to prevent her from kicking. Despite struggling the girl was nevertheless brought to the floor where another attacker forced a chloroform soaked rag down on her face. She screamed and bucked under the weight of the men, but her fight
died eventually and she was put to sleep. The last bits of the video showed an unconscious Chun Li being restrained and molested by her kidnappers. The video ends and the screen returns to the middle aged woman.

"Miss Li fetched a staggering ten million dollars for us, a company record sir."
Davis smiled.

"Yes, she was most difficult to train, but I did so enjoy her fire. Let the General know that I have located the whereabouts of his precious Killer Bee and I'm awaiting down payment for her capture."

"Yes sir."

"Good, now I'd like the mornings report from our scouts."


An Hour Later

    Barbara Gordon smiled as she sat down with a group of ten American travelers.  There were six females and four males in the group.  Each one was in their early twenties and most of them had never met until they arrived at the hostel.  All of them were more than happy to showoff the numerous pictures that they took.
    “Hi!  I’m Kate,” a buxom brunette spoke as she greeted Barbara.
    “Hi.  I’m Barbara,” Barbara replied.
    “Glad to meet you.  And this is my good friend, Bambi,” Kate spoke as she pointed at a buxom blonde, who was busy flirting with a guy with blond hair.  “She has a thing for blond hair,” Kate snickered.
    “Okay,” Barbara replied, trying to end the conversation.
    “By the way, there is a party later tonight.  You should come.”
    “I thought this was the party . . . that’s what the taxi driver said when he dropped me off.  He said every minute here at this hostel is a party.”
    “Nah.  This is just people meeting and greeting each other.  There’s a party later.  It’s a few miles down the road.  Everyone is going.  The hostel is nothing like the hotel that we were suppose to stay in.”
    “Wait.  This hostel wasn’t your first choice?”
    “No way.  We were suppose to stay at one of the local hotels, but they were booked solid even though we had a confirmation.  In fact, I even called ahead from the airport.  But once we got here, they said they room was taken.  The hotel suggested this hostel.  What choice did we have?  So Bambi and I came here and that’s when we met this group of travelers.  There’s a smaller group of Brazilians.  They went to the party site already.”
    “Do you remember the hotel name?”
    “I can’t really remember.  I have it in my room.  No sense in checking them out.  They lady at the counter was incredibly rude.”
    “Was she . . .”
    “Hey gang!  It’s party time!” a man with black hair yelled as he tore down the street.
    “Let’s go!  Party time!” various people in the group yelled as they all followed the man.
    “Come on!” Bambi giggled as she grabbed Kate’s arm.
    “See you later,” Kate laughed as she ran after her friend.
    Barbara Gordon stood there for a few seconds and glanced back at the hostel.  She could sense something was wrong.  However, she wanted to collect more information.  “Wait up!” Barbara called out as she chased after the two women.


Later that Night

    Barbara Gordon was happy that Alfred had convinced her to pack a Batgirl outfit.  The redhead had donned the outfit and was searching the various rooms of the hostel in search of the guests that she met earlier in the day and at the party.  She had heard screaming and various things being smashed into the walls.  However, she only found empty rooms with clothing strewn all about.  The female crime fighter could not locate the exact cause of the commotion.  That was until she looked out the window.  Peering out of the window, she could see some men loading the unconscious pair of Kate and Bambi into a car.  In fact, there were several cars outside the hostel, all of them full of unconscious people.  “Shit!  I knew something was wrong!” she growled to herself.  The woman pulled a small tracking beacon and threw it out the window.  The beacon landed on the trunks of one of the cars right before they drove off.
    “What’s this?” a male voice spoke from behind Batgirl.
    Batgirl whirled around and saw man with medium build, wearing a brown leather jacket, blue jeans, and black ski mask.  “Is there something you would like to tell me?” Batgirl asked as she placed her fists on her hips and struck her iconic pose.
    The man felt his pants tighten as his cock grew.  However, he had a job to do.  “Guys!  We have a live one here!” the man shouted.  Almost immediately, five men appeared behind him.  All the men were dressed the same, but the they all had larger muscles than the first one.
    “Let’s get her!” they shouted as they charged into the room.
    Without batting an eye, Batgirl stood her ground.  She raised her leg straight up and kicked the man’s chin with a hard kick.  The man crumbled to the floor as the other four stopped dead in their tracks.  This gave Batgirl and advantage as she charged and slammed her knee into another man’s gut.  As the man keeled over, she delivered an uppercut and knocked him to the ground.  The woman then swept the legs of another man, who immediately crashed into the others.
    “Shit!” the first man growled as he picked up an empty suitcase and threw it at the woman.
    “You have to do better than that,” Batgirl laughed as she ducked and the suitcase clobbered one of the men trying to get back to his feet.  The redhead didn’t stop as she continued to fend off the attacks of the men.  Punches, kicks, elbows, and knees flew left and right.  And when the dust cleared, the five muscular men laid on the floor, totally unconscious.
    “OH CRAP!” the first man yelled as he turned tail and ran.
    “You’re not going anywhere,” Batgirl snarled as she pulled a batarang from her utility belt and flung it at the man.  The batarang separated as it released a heavy-duty rope that entangled the man.  The man tumbled the ground and slammed hard against the wall, dislocating his shoulder.  Batgirl then glanced out the window and saw that all the cars had disappeared.
    “OOOOWWW!” the man groaned.
    “You’re going to tell me what’s going on around here,” Batgirl snarled as she knelt down beside the man.
    “I’m not telling you shit!” the man yelled defiantly.
    “Oh yea,” Batgirl spoke as she squeezed the man’s dislocated shoulder, causing him to scream.  “How about now?”
    “Aaaaahhhh,” the man groaned miserably.
    “How about now?” Batgirl asked as she released his shoulder and delivered a hard punch to it, causing him to cry and whimper like a baby.  “This can get worse for you,” Batgirl spoke as she took something out of her utility belt.
    The man was not sure what she had gotten of her belt, but he didn’t say a word.  Instead, he pulled something from his pocket and jammed it into his mouth.  Within seconds, the man was hemorrhaging and before Batgirl could do anything, he was dead.
    “Shit,” Batgirl muttered as she saw the man fall lifelessly to the ground.  The woman didn’t even need to check to know that they man had slipped himself a capsule full of cyanide.  The frustrated Batgirl then activates the homing beacon.  “Let’s see where your friends went,” the woman spoke as she dashed out of the hostel.


    In a darkened room, Mr. Davis is standing on a platform and addresses a man on the giant computer screen before him.  “Your report,” the man spoke.
    “The operation at the hostel has been compromised,” the man on the screen replied.
    “What is the status report then?”
    “We’ve secured two of the targets, but a third one evaded capture.”
    “What’s the information regarding the third one?” Mr. Davis asked as he barely glanced at the screen since he was busy reading the information that he had on clipboard.
    “The third one is the American redhead.”
    “You do know that this sets us back.  That is bad news.  I’m losing my patience here especially since we have orders to fulfill.  My clipboard here tells me that we need a redhead.  So please tell me why you weren’t able to secure the redhead!” Mr. Davis seethed as he glared at the screen.
    “Well sir . . . an unknown woman dressed in a bat-like costume attacked us when we went to retrieve the America.  We have some video,” the underling replied as his face was replaced by the recording from earlier in the night.  Mr. Davis watched as he saw a woman dressed in a bat-like costume attacking and defeating his men.  “The woman was highly skilled in martial arts and has captured one of our own men,” the underling added as the video continued.
    “Stop the video.  Go back about five seconds . . . stop there and run it through out database!” Mr. Davis spoke as the picture stopped with a closeup of the woman’s face.  The image changes slightly as the computer checks various databases and returns a name.  “Batgirl,” Mr. Davis smiled as he read the name that flashed on the screen.
    “Prepare the men.  If the computer is right, the woman will be able to locate you in short time.  Don’t fail me again,” Mr. Davis warned.
    “We will not fail,” the man replied as the screen showed that the man had disconnected his transmission.
    Mr. Davis continued to read the names on his clipboard and glanced back at the screen when he was done.  The closeup of Batgirl’s face was still there.  “Barbara Gordon?  It’s a little suspicious how my men weren’t able to capture you and yet, Batgirl shows up to protect you.  I didn’t see Barbara in any of the video.  Could it be that Barbara Gordon is really Batgirl?  Those full lips, flaming red hair, and baby blue eyes cannot lie.  But I have to be sure.  Oh what a prize you would be Barbara . . . if you were Batgirl,” the man smiled.


The man that Batgirl captures in the hostel refuses to tell her anything. Instead he bites down of the cyanide pill that was hidden in his mouth and ends his own life. Frustrated, Batgirl activates the tracking beacon that she'd put on the assailants van as they drove off. Using the tracking beacon as a guide, she manages to follow the thugs to their hideout (an old warehouse on the docks).

Once there, Batgirl fires her grappling hook and ziplines onto the roof of the warehouse. There, she peers into the skylight window and is horrified by what she is seeing. The room underneath her is large and oval. Two girls are brought in naked and hooded. A group of thugs manhandle the girls and pry them apart from one another. Then each girl is molested and groped by three or four thugs. They seem to be inspecting them in some sick perverse fashion. Batgirl has seen enough, she is about to make her move when she feels a gun pressing against the back of her cowl.

A male voice tells her to get up. She does so, slowly and with her back turned to the man. She turns around and meets a henchman with a shotgun in his hands. The two stare at each other eye to eye. The henchman licks his lips and tells her to raise her arms. Batgirl is silent. She does as she is told and smiles. The man blinks, in that split second of time, Batgirl rushes the man. She grabs the barrel of the gun and points it upward, it goes off with a bang. Before shock can register on the man's face, he hears a sickening crack and realizes that his right wrist is broken. Moments later, Batgirl tosses him into the air and the man crashes through the skylight.

A big crash as heard as the man falls twenty feet to his death on the floor below. The other eight men in the room look up to the broken skylight in horror as Batgirl dsecends upon them. She extends her cape and flies through the air. She lands on one thug by planting her booted heels into the poor sods face. Blood gushes from his broken nose and jaw. The impact sends him crashing to the floor. He manages to stagger to his feet and takes a wild swing at the superheroine. Batgirl ducks and grabs the guy's arm. In one swift motion, she snaps his forearm in two. The man screams and sinks to his knees. Batgirl ko's him with a kick to the head. The other thugs are screaming in terror now, four of them rush the heroine but Batgirl handles them all easily with brutal kicks and punchs. Within minutes they're all KO'ed. The remaining three men try to make a run for it but Batgirl is not about to show mercy. She fires a baterang from her hands and it hits one guy
in the back of the head. He falls to the ground KO'ed. The other two grab the two hooded kidnapped girls and put knives to their throats.

"DON'T COME ANY CLOSER BITCH!" one of them yells.


Both henchmen collapse on the ground...dead. a bullet hole through each of their foreheads. The girls are screaming and crying frantically now.

Shocked, Batgirl looks toward the direction of the shots.

A big door is open on the far side of the room and Mr. Davis is standing in the doorway with a gun in his hands. He is dressed in a black suit and smiling at the heroine. He points his gun at the two hooded girls and fires two more shots. Both bullets rip through the girl's and drop them dead.

Laughing now, Mr. Davis makes a run for it and Batgirl follows him.

    Batgirl makes her way through countless corridors, pushing open several heavy wooden doors as she chased after the man with the gun.  Eventually, Batgirl enters a large open room.  “Don’t just stand there!  Get her!” the man with the gun shouts as seven more thugs charge Batgirl.  With catlike reflexes, the heroine dodges the punches that come her way.  She pulls out batarang from her utility belt and tosses it towards on of the thugs.  The man ducks only to allow to of his cohorts to be knocked unconscious. 
    “What the fuck?” the shocked man spoke as he heard the thuds.  He turned around to see just as Batgirl charged and delivered a hard kick to his gut.  The man doubled over just as Batgirl slammed her knee into the side of his head.  Within seconds, the man was unconscious.
    Without saying a word, Batgirl tucked and rolled past another man, who missed with a clothesline.  Batgirl grabbed the batarang from the ground, stood up, and delivered a back fist.  The batarang crashed against the man’s face, sending him to the ground.
    As the fight continued, Mr. Davis couldn’t help but cheer for Batgirl.  “Such an amazing woman,” the man thought to himself as he reloaded his gun and slowly made his way down a flight of stairs.
    Batgirl noticed that the man was leaving and fought her way toward the stairs, but more henchmen had poured into the room.  The heroine was more than capable after all those sparring sessions with Batman.  It took her roughly ten minutes to dispatch of all the men.  By the time she was done, the bodies of thirty unconscious men were scattered about in the room, littering it like garbage.  Without batting an eyelash or taking a glance at her handiwork, the woman quickly descended the steps in hot pursuit.
    The steps were a precursor to another series of corridors before she came upon another large open room except this time, a bound and blindfolded woman was in the center of the room and Mr. Davis was standing on a stone balcony.  The man had his gun pointed at the bound girl.  “That’s quite enough, Batgirl.  Last time, I didn’t give you the option of saving those two girls.  This time, I’ll give you that chance,” the man spoke.
    “Surrender you vile beast!” Batgirl growled.
    “HELP ME!!  PLEASE HELP ME!!” the bound woman screamed.
    “Shut up or I’ll put a bullet in your head!” the man threatened as the woman tried to hold back her sobbing.  “There’s a table behind you, Batgirl.  I suggest you put your weapons and your utility belt onto the cart and surrender . . . or I put a bullet into the back of the woman’s head.”
    “OH GOD NO!!  PLEASE NO!!” the woman screamed.
    “You have until the count of five, Batgirl.”
    “STOP!” Batgirl shouted as she made her way to the table.  She took off her utility belt and placed her weapons it.
    “Good girl,” Mr. Davis laughed as a forklift entered the room with two henchmen walking beside it.  “Now Batgirl.  Don’t resist as these men will ensure that you cannot cause me any trouble.”
    Batgirl sighed as the men escorted her to the forklift.  The forklift slowly raised te forks.  When the forks were high enough, Batgirl noticed that there were cuffs on the side of the forks.  The men then turned her around so that her back was visible to the driver.  They pulled her arms over her head and secured her wrists to the cuffs.  The driver then raised the forks until Batgirl was suspended into the air.  The two men then pulled her legs back and secured her ankles two more sets of cuffs that were bolted to the forklift itself.  “She’s secured boss,” one of the men spoke.
    “Good,” Mr. Davis laughed as he pulled the trigger and shot the bound woman anyway.
    “You bastard!” Batgirl growled.
    “Silence the bitch!” the man yelled as one of the henchmen took a chloroform soaked rag and placed it over Batgirl’s mouth and nose.  The woman struggled and tried to hold her breath as long as she could, but the human body needs oxygen, and the woman was forced to breath in the fumes.  After some time, the woman’s eyes slammed shut.
    “She’s out, boss,” the henchman spoke as he was about to remove the rag.
    “Keep it on her, you idiot!  She’s a skilled fighter so keep it on her mouth for another five minutes.  Then take it off and take her to the processing room,” Mr. Davis spoke as a wry smile ran across his face.  His hands were busy tracing the contours of the woman’s body.  He simply couldn’t wait to start breaking Batgirl.


    Batgirl is awakened and finds herself inside a large open room made up on gray stone walls.  Her head hurts, but she easily determines that she is in a dungeon cell with no windows.  She is shocked that she isn’t chained or tied up, but she does see a pair of steel cuffs over her head.  Batgirl also sees all types of bondage instruments hanging from the walls.  The woman then realizes that she’s has a thick collar around her neck.  Batgirl’s hands immediately try to remove it, but the cell door immediately swings open.  She sees five large hooded men enter and strike a fighting stance.
    “There’s no need for that,” one of the men laughed.
    “In that case, save me the trouble and chain yourselves to the wall,” Batgirl snarled.
    “Don’t think so,” another one added.
    “Then I’ll have to . . . ARGGGGHHH!!” Batgirl shrieked as her body exploded while several volts of electricity burned through her body.
    “She likes to dance,” one of the men laughed as the shock treatment stopped.
    “Bastards!” Batgirl growled.
    “No reason to fight.  You’re our entertainment.” another man laughed.
    “Fuck yo . . . ARGGGGHHHH!!” Batgirl wailed as she leapt toward the man only to stop in mid-flight and crumple to the ground in a heap.  The woman screamed as she rolled on the floor.  Her hands gripped the collar while she endured shock after shock until she couldn’t scream anymore.  The woman’s hands went limp as her body shook.  Batgirl resembled a fish out of water, flopping violently all about.  After a few seconds, the shocks stopped as Batgirl laid on the floor, unable to move.
    The men laugh as the pick up the defenseless woman off the floor.  A harness gag is placed in her mouth and secured by some tight straps.  Two men then pull the cuffs from overhead and secure her wrists to them.  A different pair of men pull her legs taut while her ankles are fitted into cuffs that are bolted to the floor.  Batgirl now is now chained and hanging above the dungeon floor as the men fondle and grope her defenseless body.  The woman tries to resist by screaming into her gag, but she receives a shock for her troubles.  “Resist and you’ll receive a shock,” one of the men warned as Batgirl continued to struggle.  Her body quaked, which just excited the men more.  However, Batgirl was unable to sustain her defiance as the shocks drained her strength.  Within minutes, the woman hung in her chains and reluctantly allowed the men to run their hands all over her body.
    “No,” Batgirl whimpered into her gag when a man started rubbing her crotch.  Although she was still wearing her costume, it offered little comfort to the woman as the men paid extra attention to her breasts, ass, crotch, and legs.
    Eventually, the men got bored and walked away from Batgirl.  They each picked up a flogger.  Two men took positions behind Batgirl and three men took positions in front of her.  That allowed her to see the floggers.  Then within seconds, the men smiled and began to rain down blows onto her defenseless body.  Hits fell upon her ass, breasts, and stomach.  The costume had some protection, but it wasn’t enough to absorb everything.  Batgirl started to protest trying to pull her body away.  Although useless, she received a few shocks to deter her.  And deter her they did.  Batgirl weakly sobbed and groaned as the men continued to flog her body.
    Batgirl wasn’t sure how long it lasted, but the men eventually stopped.  They then walked away for a few seconds before returning.  They all stood behind Batgirl as one of them stood right behind her.  He reached over and gripped the woman’s chin as he held a knife just inches away from her eyes.  “Time to see if everything matches,” the man laughed as he gave her hair a quick tug.
    “Hhmmmmm!” Batgirl screamed into her gag as the men took various positions.  Once again, the shocks rendered Batgirl totally unable to resist them.  Within minutes, the woman still wore her gloves, boots, cowl, bra, panties, and parts of her costume near the boots and gloves.
    “Ta da!” one of the men yelled as he sliced the bra in revealed Batgirl’s breasts, which had some red marks thanks to the flogging.
    “Ta da!!  Red!!” another man laughed as he sliced her panties and saw that the small bush matched her hair.
    “Don’t move,” one of the men warned as he took a blade and slowly shaved the woman’s pussy.  Batgirl dared not move since she didn’t want to be cut.  She also didn’t say anything to avoid the shocks.  Basically, the woman sobbed as she slammed her eyes shut and waited for the man to finish.
    Once the man was done, they all threw their knives onto the floor and began to flog the woman yet again.  This time, each hit hurt a lot worse.  Within minutes, Batgirl began to wiggle and protest.  This was met by several shocks.  The woman screamed into her gag as sweat poured off her body.  Her perspiration flew in the air as the hits forced it to fly off her body.  Batgirl’s world was quickly engulfed by the heat of the shocks and the heat left from the flogging.  They melded together as the woman continue to endure her hell.
    When the men finally stopped, Batgirl’s body was an angry red, which gave her hair a run for its money on which one was redder.  Worse yet, the woman’s nipples were fully erect.  One of the man had an idea and quickly put it in motion.  He took two clamps and a series of small weights.  He placed the clamps on Batgirl’s sensitive knobs and quickly attached the weights to them.  Batgirl screamed and was shocked for her effort.  The shock caused her to jump, which caused the weights to swing, increasing her pain.  The more it hurt, the louder she screamed as the shocks and swinging continued to only grew.  After a few seconds, the clamps and weights flew off of the woman, leaving deep marks on her nipples in the process.
    The men laughed as one of them took out a large vibrator and smaller one.  He immediately placed the large between the woman’s legs.  The man then placed the smaller one over her clit.  Batgirl began to moan as her head flew backwards.  The other men then began to grope and kiss her body.  She felt their disgusting mouths and tongues all over her body, but she couldn’t stop them.  Then the worse thing imaginable happened.  Batgirl climaxed!  The woman screamed as she felt the orgasm tore through her like a rabid grizzly terrorizing a campsite.  Her body flew all about and even received a shock or two.
    The man pulled away the vibrators and allowed Batgirl to calm down.  Once she did, the other men began to flog her as te vibrators were put back in place.  And much like before, a violent climax ripped through Batgirl.  Unlike before, the men didn’t stop.  Instead, they merely alternated between using their mouths, tongues, and hands and the flogs.  But regardless of what they used, Batgirl was always forced to climax.
    Batgirl was unconscious as several more orgasms ripped through her body.  She had no idea how long it lasted, but it was all recorded.  In fact, the men made several comments and gestures to the camera before they blindfolded the woman.  Then they left the crime fighter to her dreams, hoping that they were unpleasant, which would match what they had in store for her.


    Batgirl had lost track of the number of days that she had been captured.  The woman was still blindfolded and the ring gag was still secured in her mouth as well as the collar around her throat.  Most importantly, she still wore her cowl.  She was constantly doused with water and climaxing again and again thanks to the vibrator inside her.  As she remained in her bonds, Mr. Davis entered the room.
    The man walked up to Batgirl and slapped her tits with his bare hands.  He watched as the redhead tugged at her bonds and groaned into her gag.  “Does that hurt a little bit?” the man asked as Batgirl said nothing.  The man continued to slap her tits and when he stopped, he saw his own hand prints on them.  “You already have some defined hand prints on your tits,” the man smiled as he moved onto the next phase.
    The man stood next to Batgirl and yanked the vibrator out of her pussy.  He then rammed his fingers into the woman’s dripping sex.  The woman groaned in protest.  “What?  You don’t like my fingers inside you?  Scared that I’m going to turn you into a sniveling, drooling, fucking whore?” the man asked as he gave a signal and the cuffs around Batgirl’s legs opened, releasing her feet.  Mr. Davis continued to pump his fingers in and out of her pussy while his left hand caressed the woman’s ass.  He gave her ass a few swats before he pulled his fingers out of her pussy.
    “I’m going to take this gag off and you’re not going to say a word until instructed to.  Got it?” the man asked as he removed the gag.
    “Fuck you,” Batgirl groaned as she opened and closed her mouth in order to get some feeling in it.
    “BAD GIRL!” the man yelled as he jammed a small electric cattle prod into the woman’s ass.
    “ARRRRGGGGHHHH!” Batgirl wailed.
    “I didn’t instruct you to speak!” the man growled as he shocked her again.
    “AGGGGHHHHH!!!” Batgirl groaned as she pulled at her bonds.
    “You’re only making worse for yourself,” the man warned as he shocked her twice in rapid succession before stopping.  This allowed Batgirl to gasp for breath as she tried to recover.  “Are you going to disobey me?” the man asked after a few long seconds.
    “No,” Batgirl panted.
    “I’m going to fuck you, Batgirl.  And when I do, you’re going to say that you’re a dirty slut again and again when you’re climaxing.  If you don’t, you will be punished.  And even when my hands are busy, I can use your collar to shock you instead of the prod.  Understand?”
    “No way,” Batgirl panted defiantly.
    “Very well,” the man sighed as he rammed the electrical prod into Batgirl’s pussy.  The woman shrieked in pain as she felt every nerve in her body being fried.  Her eyes rolled to the back of her head as drool dripped down her face.
    “I’m a dirty slut!  I’m a dirty slut!” Batgirl wailed as she climaxed.
    “Better,” the man spoke as he pulled the prod out of Batgirl’s pussy.  Mr. Davis then walked behind Babara and unzipped his pants.  Within seconds, the man rammed his dick into the woman’s pussy as he reached forward and gripped her hips.  He loved the tightness of the woman’s pussy and he loved the woman’s athletic body.  In fact, the man dug his nails into her skin as he slid them up and down her body.
    “Nooo!” Batgirl moaned pitifully as the man continued to fuck her defenseless body.
    “I didn’t tell you that was an option,” the man snarled as he zapped Batgirl again.  The woman yelped, but bit her lip in order to stifle it.  “Better,” the man smiled to himself.   
    Batgirl was disgusted with herself.  She couldn’t believe that she was forced to call herself a slut while allowing a man rape her.  Thus, the woman decided not to say anything when he forced another climax from her.  As her body shook, the collar came to life sending volts of electricity pouring through her body.  The electric charge was intense as Batgirl’s body thrashed about.  Within seconds, the woman’s act of defiance was over.  “I’m a dirty slut!  I’m a dirty slut!  I’M A DIRTY SLUT!!” Batgirl wailed.
    “Good girl,” Mr. Davis spoke as he continued to fuck her while the electricity stopped.  “If you’re wondering why I’m not shocked, it’s because I’m grounded.  So the shocks simply hurt you and not me.”
    Batgirl sobbed as her will to resist dissipated.  Tears rolled down her face as she allowed the man fuck her dripping pussy.  “I’m a dirty slut!  I’m a dirty slut!” she shouted again and again with every orgasm.  In the end, the man pulled his dripping dick out of Batgirl’s pussy.  His spunk and her juices streamed down her thighs as the man had the woman lowered to the ground.  Batgirl soon found herself kneeling on the ground.
    “Suck me clean,” the man ordered as Batgirl caught a whiff of the pungent odor coming from his dick.  The woman pulled her head back as she cringed.  The man grabbed the back of her head and stuck the cattle prod into her mouth.  “I can use this instead,” the man threatened and was genuinely shocked when he saw Batgirl pumping her head slightly up and down on the prod.  The man realized that self-preservation had settled in for Batgirl.  He pulled the prod out of her mouth and replaced it with his dick.  The man groaned as Batgirl began to service his dick with her mouth and tongue.
    Batgirl was novice at best.  However, she made it up with enthusiasm.  The mere threat of the cattle prod being turned on inside her mouth was enough to force to comply.  She had already felt it inside her pussy and wasn’t about to let it fry her brain.  The woman hated the taste in her mouth, but continued to endure it.  She fought hard to prevent herself from gagging and throwing up.  And she did a good job suppressing it.  Thus, when the man pulled his dick out of Batgirl’s mouth, the woman panted for breath as she hung miserably in her bonds. 
    “That wasn’t too bad.  We’re going to put that slutty body of yours through the paces soon.  Rest now, Batgirl,” Mr. Davis laughed as he left the room, leaving Batgirl alone and crying.


    Batgirl groaned miserably as she was nude and hogtied on top of a cold metal table.  She still wore her cowl, but her legs were spread wide as a ball gag was secured in her mouth.  This allowed Mr. Davis to play with her pussy lips, gliding his fingers over them again and again.  The woman’s heaving breasts were pressed against the table as her body slowed rocked from side to side.  Batgirl had no concept of time as the man continued to tease her pussy, making her juices flow onto the table.
    “This is very simple, Batgirl . . . you’re a slut and you won’t be allowed to climax until I say so,” Dr. Davis spoke as he started to spank Batgirl’s ass.
    “Hhhh!” Barbra groaned into her gag as the man’s hand slammed against her buttock.
    The man continued to slap the woman’s butt with his hands for several minutes.  He then got a paddle and began to smack the woman’s firm as with it.  Batgirl screamed into her gag as her body began to move, hoping that she could evade the smacks.  This only annoyed the man, who got the cattle prod.  The man shocked Batgirl’s ass, causing her to jump like a fish caught in a net.  “You will take this punishment or I’ll jam this somewhere else,” Mr. Davis threatened, shocking three more times before stopping.
    Batgirl took several minutes to collect herself.  Drool was dripping from the gag and tears flowed from her eyes.  Sweat covered her body as she panted for breath.  She wanted to rip the man’s heart out.  But when she heard the prod warming up, the woman quickly pushed those thoughts out of her mind.  She held her body as still as she could.  “I’ll be good!” she screamed into her gag.
    Mr. Davis smiled as he placed the prod down and slapped her ass with his bare hand.  “I won’t spank you anymore, Batgirl.  I think you’ve learned your lesson and you know who is in charge here.  I know you wanted to climax when I played with your cunt earlier.  So I’m going to show you what happens when you obey.  Just remember to say that you’re a dirty slut every time you orgasm,” the man spoke as he picked up a large vibrator.
    Batgirl groaned into her gag as she felt the vibrator’s head pressing against her pussy.  Her body began to tighten and she knew exactly what she needed to do.  “I’M A DIRTY SLUT!!” the woman screamed into her gag as she climaxed.  Her body convulsed as the woman wailed like a banshee.
    “We’re not done yet,” the man smiled as he turned up the power.
    Batgirl felt her body trying to betray her.  She tried to remind herself how despicable the man really was.  Yet, her body was reacting to the vibrator between her legs. “OOOO!!  AAAWWW!!  OHHHH!!” Batgirl screamed as she felt herself losing control of herself.  Then like a dam breaking, Batgirl screamed as she felt the pleasure engulf her body.  The vibrator was too much for her as she climaxed yet again.  “I’M A DIRTY SLUT!  A DIRTY SLUT!” she yelled again and again.
    Mr. Davis continued to use the vibrator on Batgirl for a good hour before he finally turned it off.  When he did, he saw that the woman’s eyes were glassy and rolling about in her head.  The man kissed her on the mouth and drank her spit, which soaked her gag.  He then walked behind her and stuffed a much smaller vibrator into the woman’s pussy.  He turned it on and slapped her ass on last time.  “Enjoy yourself, Batgirl.  It’s at a much lower setting now.  You don’t even need to talk.  Just know that I have a better pose for you when you wake up,” the man laughed as he left the room.

    Batgirl moaned as she woke from her slumber.  There was a large mirror in front of her that showed that she was secured to something that resembled a large H.  She could see that several cords of rope secured her shoulders, elbows, and wrists completely to a wooden post, which was parallel to the floor.  Even her neck was secured to the post, which was inserted into two vertical poles.  At the bottom of the poles were a pair of ankle cuffs.  She could see that the remnants of her outfit like her boots and gloves were removed.  Luckily, the cowl remained.  However, that meant she felt the cold steel of the cuffs on her ankles.  The restraints kept her legs spread and unable to move.  She also saw a spreader bar connected to the cuffs even though it was completely unnecessary since she couldn’t close her legs even if she wanted to, which she totally wanted to.  Her body was also glistening with oil since Mr. Davis stood behind her and was busy groping
her buttocks and smearing more oil all over them.
    When Mr. Davis was done, he walked to the front.  “Putting oil on your tits and legs were the most fun,” he spoke as he presented a giant vibrator on a long thick stick to Batgirl.  He also pointed at the electrical prod that was attached to his belt.  The mere sight of the insidious device sent shivers up and down Batgirl’s spine.  In fact, Batgirl forced herself to keep still as she saw Mr. Davis insert the stick into a hole in the floor that just happened to be located directly under her pussy.  The man stepped away as she saw the vibrator came to life and slowly make it’s way toward her pussy.
    “Nooo,” she meekly groaned.
    “Shhh Batgirl.  You’re going to need your voice for this.  Every time that you’re going to orgasm, I want you to me that you’re a dirty slut.  If you climax without telling me that, I’m going to use the prod on your most sensitive areas.  Understand?” Mr. Davis asked as the large vibrator worked over her pussy.  The man then placed a much smaller vibrator onto a handle that extended from the main stick.  The placement of the smaller vibrator was right above Batgirl’s clit.  Within seconds, the female crime fighter was squirming as the vibrators worked over her body.
    Batgirl could feel an orgasm building inside her.  She tried to suppress it, but the need was simply too great.  Her own pussy juice trickled out of her pussy as she felt her body tighten.  The woman clamped her mouth shut and frantically shook her head.  That lead to Mr. Davis removing the prod from his belt.  Batgirl released a pitiful groan as tears streamed down her face.  She didn’t want to say it, but the prod was just too much.  “I’m a dirty slut!” Batgirl yelled as her body shook violently and juice poured out of her pussy and onto the floor.  The vibrator splashed it all over her legs.  She felt her juices sprinkle onto her skin, adding to her perspiration on her legs.
    “Good slut.  But louder next time,” Mr. Davis spoke as he charged up the rod and held it in front of the woman’s eyes.  Batgirl’s eyes almost retreated into her head as she dare not move her head.  The woman breathed a sigh of relief when the man pulled the rod away.
    “I’M A DIRTY SLUT!!” she screamed as she climaxed yet again.
    “Better,” the man nodded in approval as he placed the rod back on his belt and stood in front of the woman.  His hands began to fondle and grope her heaving breasts before he used his thumb and finger to pinch and pull Batgirl’s sensitive nipples.  The man continued to play with them as Batgirl pulled against her bonds, not to resist him, but because she was about to climax again.
    “I’M A DIRTY SLUT!!” she screamed yet again.  This was followed by another scream a few seconds later.  A few seconds after that, another scream.  Then it happened, there was no delay between the orgasms.  Batgirl screamed again and again as her body climaxed again and again until in rapid succession until it all blurred into one long continuous orgasm.  Mr. Davis even backed away and allowed the woman’s body to shake and gyrate unfettered since it was all being captured on camera.  In fact, Batgirl even screamed herself hoarse, but that didn’t stop the orgasms.
    Out of pity, Mr. Davis didn’t even bother to shock her.  He didn’t even shock her when she passed out.  However, the woman continued to climax as darkness consumed her.  “Happy dreams, little slut.  It’s going to get a lot rougher here on out,” the man smiled to himself.


    When Batgirl awoke, her body was incredibly sore and her asshole felt stretched.  Her whole world was dark and the woman had no idea if she store her cowl.  All she knew was that she was unable to move or close her mouth and her pussy and ass were incredibly sore.  The woman had no idea that her head and arms were trapped in an actual medieval stock.  The stock was a simple wooden block that had holes cut into it.  The holes were just big enough for Batgirl’s head and hands to fit through.  With her head and arms trapped into the stock, the rest of Batgirl’s body was bent over padded bench and her legs were secured by manacles, which were bolted to the floor.  Her ass and pussy were bare and open for the slavers to rape and abuse, which they already did.  The woman was still wore her cowl, but holes had been cut to reveal her ears.  The woman was blindfolded while her mouth was wide open thanks to a spider gag.  Her ears were plugged, leaving her
totally isolated.  The woman had no concept of time.
    Her emptiness was soon shattered as a man gripped her hips and slammed his cock into her ass.  Batgirl was surprised that she didn’t feel much pain until she realized that she must have been sodomized repeatedly while she was out.  The realization caused the woman to weep uncontrollably.
    Her crying also caused some sounds to come out of her mouth, which was instantly silenced by a stiff cock entering her mouth.  She felt hands grip her cheeks as someone rammed his dick in and out of her mouth.  Batgirl tried to close her mouth, but found it impossible.  That’s when she realized that she had been gagged.
    For quite some time, her two assailants fucked the defenseless woman.  Batgirl tried to think of something else, but the cocks inside her would always jar her away from her thoughts and back to reality.  Since she couldn’t see or hear, her mind would imagine who was fucking her.  Soon, her only thoughts were the cocks fucking her and how she must have looked while they fucked her.  No matter what the woman did, she was unable to get those thoughts out of her head.
    Eventually, the men climaxed inside her and pulled their cocks out of their respective orifices.  Batgirl thought she had some time to rest, but the cocks were back.  They pounded her savagely.  Unbeknownst to Batgirl, there was a huge line of at least fifty slavers in the room with her.  Each one would be able to fuck each hole at least ten times.  They had the ability to rest and recharge whereas Batgirl did not.  And although, Mr. Davis wasn’t in the room, he was the first to use all three holes while Batgirl was secured to the stocks.
    For hours, Batgirl tried to keep her sanity.  However, it slipped further and further away with each forced climax.  Eventually, the woman retreated into her own mind.  It was like an out-of-body experience.  She could picture herself being fucked, but that was it.  It was so vivid and it was all she could see.  And every orgasm rocked her to her very core.
    When the men were finally done, Batgirl fucked like a mindless machine for quite some time, climaxing again and again.  Every orifice ached and her body was covered in drying spunk.  She had no idea that she had been in the stocks for only two whole days.  However, with the fucking stopped, Batgirl slowly regained her thoughts.  Then something that she would have never suspected happened.  Her body began to crave attention.  She wanted something to happen to since the darkness was way too quiet and uneventful.  She needed something to acknowledge that she was still alive.  At first, Batgirl thought she had gone insane from all the fucking, but then she realized that she would go insane if no one fucked her.
    As Batgirl stewed in her maniac thoughts, Mr. Davis entered the room.  The man rammed his dick into the woman’s pussy and fucked her long and hard.  He reached up and gripped her tits for support.  To his amazement, Batgirl began to fuck him back.  She was meeting his thrusts, something that she had never done.  When the man climaxed inside her, she too climaxed.  The man then inserted his dick into her open mouth and was amazed to find that the woman immediately used her own tongue to clean his dick.  And when he pulled out and didn’t touch her again, Batgirl groaned and begged for his return.
    For a few more days, Batgirl remained in the stock with Mr. Davis paying a visit from time to time.  At first, she still wore her gag.  Eventually, Mr. Davis removed it.  That’s when he started hearing Batgirl begging for him to fuck her.  She sobbed, whined groaned, and pleaded.  Always asking for someone to fuck her.  And when a cock was inside her, she would become very vocal and appreciative.  She called herself a dirty slut just like she had been trained to do.  She even added other lewd comments about herself.  In the back of her mind, Batgirl knew that she was being trained into a sex slave, but it didn’t matter to her.  She only cared about the pleasure that the cock could provide.  It was far better than the darkness and sensory deprivation. The stock was a painful and humiliating torture, but it had worked and Mr. Davis knew it was time for the next phase.


    Batgirl could hear slurping sounds as someone removed her earplugs followed by her blindfold.  The woman blinked her eyes repeatedly since the light was blinding her thanks to the long period of darkness that caused her eyes to be incredibly dilated.  Once her eyes became accustomed to the light, she saw the source of slurping sounds.  Just a few mere feet away from her face, stood Mr. Davis with his pants unzipped.  Kneeling in front of him was another nude redhead, who was busy sucking his cock.  Her hair was longer than Batgirl’s, but her flawless features were decorated in white spunk.  Yet, she continued to enthusiastically suck the man’s dick.
    “You’re awake, Batgirl,” Mr. Davis spoke as he saw Batgirl watching and licking her dry lips.
    “Uhhhhgggg,” Batgirl groaned miserably.
    “Do you wish to change places with Scarlett?  Not yet.  Scarlett . . . stop pleasuring my dick and stand up so my latest slave can see your backside.  Hold the position for a minute or two and then face her,” Mr. Davis spoke as the redhead quickly obeyed.  Batgirl gasped as she saw the woman’s ass, which was as red as her hair thanks to the many spankings, whippings, and ass poundings that she received.  After a minute, Scarlett turned and showed off her equally red, puffed out and swollen pussy.   “This lovely little number has been broken for a few days now.  She spent last night in my bed, pleasuring my cock while I spanked her ass.  Every time I was about to shoot my load, she released my dick, and jerked me off until I shoot it on her face.  Then she allowed it to dry as she continued to pleasure my dick.  That’s why her face is completely white,” Mr. Davis spoke as he grabbed the redhead’s left arm slowly marched her toward Batgirl.
    “Need cock,” Scarlett panted.
    “Scalett use to be an operative for an elite military unit, but we were able to capture her.  She fought like a hellcat too, just like you.  It must be something with the hair.  I’ve put her through the same training as you, Batgirl.  Today, you’re going to tell me just how well I’ve done,” Mr. Davis spoke as he marched Scarlett right in front of Batgirl’s secured head.  He placed Scarlett’s hands on top of the stock and made her spread her legs.  The man then gripped the woman’s hips and rammed his cock into her dripping pussy.
    “COCK!!” Scarlett squealed gleefully.
    Batgirl watched as the man’s dick slid in and out of the redhead’s pussy.  She saw the juices leaking from the woman and she watched each droplet hit the floor beneath her.  Batgirl licked her lips and felt her pussy tingle.  Her nipples became erect as a small drop of juice slowly slid and collected on her left pussy lip.  The droplet slowly increased as her eyes were engrossed by the man’s dick.  Batgirl smacked her lips together and made them wet by licking her lips with her tongue.  She heard the redhead moan and pant as the cock made her louder and louder, begging the man to fuck her.  As Scarlett became more vocal. More and more small beads of juice collected on Batgirl’s pussy lips.  None of them were big enough or heavy enough to fall yet, but they were gradually increasing. 
    “Yes!” Batgirl moaned loudly as her juices started to flow.  The droplets that formed on her pussy lips quickly disappeared as they melded together and dropped to the floor.  Unlike Scarlett, whose pussy juice gushed out of her pussy like waterfall, battering the floor beneath her, Batgirl’s was dripping like a leaky faucet.
    Mr. Davis pulled out of Scarlett’s pussy and watched Batgirl’s eyes follow his cock.  “Time to go for more fucking,” the man spoke to Scarlett as he gripped her arm and tugged her toward the door.
    “NOOO!  I’M A DIRTY SLUT TOO!!  FUCK ME!!” Batgirl wailed.
    “Are you sure?” Mr. Davis asked.
    “Yes!  I’m a dirty slut!  Fuck me with your cock!  Fuck me hard!” Batgirl pleaded as she struggled against the stock.
    “Very well,” Mr. Davis spoke as pulled Scarlett behind Batgirl.
    Batgirl didn’t know what was going on behind her, nor did she care.  She only cared that Mr. Davis was staying.  And when she felt the cock fill her pussy, it was pure bliss.  “I’m a dirty slut!  Fuck your dirty slut!” she screamed again and again as she met every single thrust.
    Mr. Davis fucked Batgirl for quite some time and the woman climaxed several times.  Each time, she simply begged for more.  And when Mr. Davis finally stopped, he tugged Scarlett back to the front, where Batgirl could see her.  The woman’s whitewash face was now cleaned by all the juices that she had provided during her climaxes.  Batgirl then watched as Scarlett licked the man’s cock completely clean.  While she watched, Batgirl wished it was her, licking the man’s cock instead of Scarlett.
    When Scarlett was done, Mr. Davis bent down so he could whisper into the woman’s ear.  “I hope you enjoyed the show, Barbara.  You’re going to spend a few days in here before you join me in my bedroom.  You’ll take off your mask there, but we already know who you really are.  And don’t play dumb with me.  I already know your identity when we first captured you.  We took the cowl off then before putting it back on,” the man spoke as several men entered the room.  Then he blindfolded Batgirl and allowed his men to fuck the shocked woman.


Days Later

    Batgirl tried to control her breathing as she knelt in front of Mr. Davis in his own bedroom.  Her right hand gripped the base of the man’s dick as she licked the head again and again with her tongue.  When she finally pulled away, a long strand of spit connected her tongue to the man’s dick. Mr. Davis reached down and played with the woman’s tits.  “Suck on it,” the man ordered.
    Batgirl wrapped her lips around the head of the man’s tool and began to slide further and further toward his crotch.  She then gripped the man’s thighs as she pumped her head up and down on the man’s cock.  Batgirl closed her eyes as she pleasured the man’s dick with her mouth.
    After a few minutes, the man released her tits and gripped her soggy hair.  He pumped her furiously on his dick and then rammed his dick down her throat as he held her face against his crotch.  The man’s body tightened and became as stiff as a board before he released a flood of spunk into the woman’s throat and mouth.  Batgirl swallowed it all before the man pushed her mouth off his cock and laid down on his bed.
    Batgirl didn’t say a word as she slowly climbed onto the bed.  She stood over the man’s cock and looked down at the man.  The woman squatted over his dick.  She grabbed his dick with her left hand and spread her pussy with her right.  The woman slowly slid the man’s dick inside her.  Once the head of the dick was inside her, she removed her left hand from it.  She then placed her hands on her thigh and braced herself as she allowed the dick to fill more and more of her pussy.  When she felt his balls slap against her skin, she felt her pussy being stretched.  That’s when she knew to begin.  “Ohhh!  Uhhh!” the woman moaned as she fell to her knees and impaled herself on his dick over and over again.
    “Good!” Mr. D