Batgirl - Blind Bat; Version 1
By Night Creeper

Disclaimer: All of the characters created by DC Comics are owned and created by DC Comics. And even though I have tampered with some of the storylines and backgrounds established by DC Comics, they are still owned by DC Comics. Any resemblances to actual people are coincidental and unintentional. And remember, this story is used for entertainment and not profit. If it is illegal for you to read something that only ADULTS should read, then go away!

Notes from the author: I would like to take the time to thank Emerald Enforcer for his input in this story. Basically, he supplied an outline and idea for the story, and I just expanded on it and wrote the scenes accordingly, which made things rather easy. Also, he served as the editor for this story and even supplied pictures that have also been posted. Finally, this story may be a little harsh. If you are easily offended, do not read any further.

Otherwise, feel free to e-mail me at <
[email protected]> with comments, criticisms, ideas, etc. Thanks and happy reading.


    It almost always rained in Gotham City now.  The streets were almost always barren at night.  Police officers often travel in groups of at least three police cars.  Crime was rampant and rumors had been spreading for weeks that Batman was dead.  No one really believed it until some of the lesser crooks began to get away with their heists.  Later, the bigger fish came out to play.  Those crooks didn’t care if people got hurt.  Soon blood was spilled on the streets.  For a little while, other crime fighters stopped the criminals, but they weren’t enough.  Suddenly, the carnage stopped.  Random killings disappeared.  It seemed like the criminals had partitioned the city and were content to run their own sections.  The police was had little luck in catching anyone.  But Commissioner Gordon continued to wage his war on the criminals.  He won a few battles and thought he was reclaiming the streets until it all fell apart one night.
    “He’s like dead weight!” a large thug grunted.
    “Hurry up!  The boss wants to see him.” another spoke as both of them dragged Commissioner Gordon through the hallway of a large building.
    The old man was still semi-conscious.  His face was bruised and there was a large gash along the side of his forehead.  Eventually, the pair pulled the man into a large office.  They tied him down to a chair in front of a large desk overlooking downtown Gotham.  Once he was secured, a large man entered the room wearing a silver pajamas.  “What are you doing?  Untie my guest,” the large man spoke as he sat behind the desk.
    “Sure boss,” one of the thugs spoke as both quickly untied Commissioner Gordon.
    “Care for a drink?” the large man spoke as he poured a Scotch and handed it to one of his thugs, who quickly handed it to Commissioner Gordon.  Gordon didn’t think twice.  He took the glass and quickly doused the large man with it before slamming the glass onto the floor, shattering it.
    “Why you!”
    “Stop!  Can’t you see that Commissioner Gordon is upset?” the large man snarled as both thugs took a step back.  He then began to snigger as he took out a napkin and began to clean his face.  Right when he was about to speak, he was cut off.
    “You’ll never win Diamondback!  My police force is going to end your operation!  You’re going to be old news!” Commissioner Gordon snarled at the large man.
    Diamondback chuckled.  He was a large man, six feet and six inches of pure muscle with short white hair.  His choice of clothing was usually a white tux with white leather shoes and gloves.  He normally spored a black shirt and white tie.  His tux also normally sported a large diamond logo on the back.  The man was Albino, leaving his skin very pale, but it made his icy blue eyes more prominent.  The man preferred not to use guns.  Instead, he preferred to use his wrists to crush the throats of his opponents.  “I do apologize for my men roughing you up a bit.  However, I don’t intend to leave Gotham City just yet.  Especially since the town has been divided between the numerous criminal elements in the city.  Besides, I already have three quarters of the Gotham City Police Department on my payroll,” Diamondback chuckled.
    “You lie!” Gordon snarled.
    “You’re right.  I have more than three quarters.  That isn’t really important though.  Soon, all your loyal supporters will be dead or in prison.  In fact, it started already,” Diamondback laughed as he tossed a manilla folder to Gordon.  “A few hours ago, my men paid a visit to one of your friends.  The newspapers will run it tomorrow.  They’ll tell Gotham City that one of your most loyal officers was found dead in his apartment.  Yes Gordon, that fat slob, Detective Bullock is dead.  He suffered a mind-blowing shotgun wound.”
    “You bastard!” Commissioner Gordon snarled as he opened the folder and saw that the first picture showed Bullock with what was left of his face.
    “I do find it humorous that the police force is doing everything it can to stop crime, but seems to be falling behind.  I guess you realized that the terrific trio of Batman, Robin, and Batgirl weren’t going to be able to save this city.  I know you called for some reenforcements like Huntress and Black Canary.  When they didn’t slow things down enough, you called for more help.  I am a bit flattered that you did call the Justice League to assist you.  But I still find it humorous that your so-called highly trained officers couldn’t stop me,” Diamondback laughed.
    “Laugh it up while you still can, you Albino ass!” Commissioner Gordon snapped.
    “No one insults the boss like that!” one of the thugs growled as he delivered a hard punch to Commissioner Gordon’s stomach.
    “BACK OFF!” Diamondback yelled at his thug.
    “Sorry boss . . . but . . .”
    “But nothing!  Commissioner Gordon has wanted to see me face to face for a long time.  I want to give him his big chance.  So don’t interrupt us!”
    “You’ll . . . never get away with this . . . we’re going to bring you down,” Gordon panted.
    “Oh yes.  You must be referring to Montoya.  You’ll also be happy to know that your best officer, Lieutenant Renee Montoya, was not killed in her apartment.  Turns out that you sent her to do some undercover work in one of my clubs.  She was even to get some of men to spill the beans about my operation.  Crafty and resourceful woman.  I mean, it was due to her help that you were able to confiscate my money from those three banks.  But did you ever wonder why you weren’t able to get any more information?”
    “You killed those men!”
    “Yes.  You’re correct.  I did kill them.  I found out and kill them.  Of course, you read that in her report.  What wasn’t reported was that she helped me identify them.”
    “What?  That can’t be . . .”
    “I found out about her undercover work so I decided to make sure that she was comfortable with her undercover work.  I decided to pay her a visit in her own apartment, on her own bed.  I’m sure you know about the drugs that I sell on the streets.  I gave her some, regularly.  She’s not on my payroll.  Instead, she barters with me.  She does what I want her to do and I give her what she wants, a hit, Diamondback spoke as he snapped his fingers.
    “My lord!” Commissioner Gordon gasped as another large thug pushed a armchair with wheels into the room.  Seated on the chair was Renee Montoya.  She wore a black dog collar around her neck and a leash that was resting on the armchair.  A pair of thigh-high black leather boots covered her legs while large silver hooped earrings dangled from her ears and rested on her shoulders.  The woman was dazed and covered in wet sperm.  In fact, sperm was dripping out of her mouth as she laid on the chair.
    “She’s had a busy night on the streets.  She’ll soon be wearing her uniform while working though,” Diamondback laughed.
    YOU!” Commissioner Gordon hollered as he stood from his chair and was about to dive across the table.
    “I wouldn’t do that,” Diamondback warned as he pointed at Montoya.  Gordon looked at his former officer and saw that she was busy sucking on the barrel of a gun, which one of Diamond back’s thugs was holding.  Without saying another word, Commissioner Gordon sat back down on the chair.  “Good decision, Gordon.  I bet you’re wondering why we’re having this meeting right now?”
    “Not particularly.”
    “Still defiant?”
    “You still have her sucking on a gun.”
    “Take the gun away from her mouth.  In fact, take her out of the room.  I need to speak to Commissioner Gordon.”
    “Yes boss,” the thug spoke as he pulled the gun away Montoya.  He then rolled the chair out of the room while three more thugs rolled in a large a glass case each.
    “What the?”  Commissioner Gordon gasped.
    “Oh!  I seen you’ve seen my collection.  Commissioner Gordon, I present to you the authentic costumes of Batman, Robin, and Batgirl,” Diamondback laughed.
    “How did you?” Commissioner Gordon spoke as he saw that each costume was in pristine condition and was draped over a mannequin.  Batman’s costume was completely back and his cowl was placed at the top of the mannequin’s head.  The black and yellow belt was wrapped around the waist.  Robin’s costume was black with a red chest.  His mask covered the eyes of the mannequin while his yellow belt circled the mannequin’s waist.  Batgirl’s costume was completely black with yellow gloves and boots.  The mannequin had a long flowing red wig that was secured by the cowl.  The cape was yellow on the inside, but blue on the outside.  Her utility belt was also yellow as was the Bat symbol across her chest.
    “The costumes?  I have even more of them in a separate room.  But if you sit back and relax, I’ll tell you.”


    It happened about seven months ago.  I had to use the hired help to spread rumors that a warehouse number sixty-five in Gotham Harbor was going to receive a delivery of the newest and most highly addictive drug ever.  It was a lie of course.  I had to make it look authentic.  So I had a boat deliver lots and lots of sugar.  Batman, Robin, and Batgirl easily defeated my five guards.  They then roughed up my two contractors.  They were local boys.  I didn’t care for them.  I don’t know how he knew, but Batman told the others it was a trap.  I had to allow my best five troops to act fast instead of go through with the ambush.  They fought with such ferocity that my troops just weren’t able to defeat them.  That’s why I sent a squad of fifty men.  You should have seen the fight.  It was amazing.
    Batman being the highly skilled fighter, was able to thwart my troops.  Robin was able to hold his own and so was Batgirl.  However, I told my men that they didn’t need to win.  They needed to split up te trio.  I wanted them to push Batman out of the warehouse, onto the dock.  I wanted them to push Robin to the back of the warehouse.  I also wanted them to push Batgirl toward the dock inside of the warehouse.  That’s where there was an underground passageway.  I had planned to have the boards blow right as she stood on them.  I was hoping that the fall would incapacitate her.  It didn’t happen that way.  The woman simply fought harder in the dark.  Luckily I had a fresh twenty hired thugs in the hole with her.  She fought them and tired herself out.
    I watched from the darkness, Commissioner Gordon.  I watched as she fought.  She was smooth.  Her punches and kicks were deadly and on target.  Before I arrived in Gotham, people use to tell me stories about her.  After a while, I asked for pictures.  I got those pictures.  And I wanted her ever since.  Basically, Batgirl is the ultimate female fantasy.  She’s a sexy women who could beat the living snot out of any man who dares touches her.  I was drawn to her beauty, but disgusted by her confidence, strength, and independence.  I knew the woman was disillusioned.  I had to save her.  She shouldn’t be a crime fighter.  She needed to be my fucktoy!  So I came to Gotham City, determined to quash her confidence and put the bitch in her place; on her knees before me.  I wanted to teach her how to treat a man.  You might see me as a sexist, but I’m not.  I’m a realist.  I know that women are nothing more than toys to please men.  Batman and Robin
didn’t see it that way and I was more than willing to show them the error of their ways.
    Where was I?  Oh yes.  I was talking about watching her from the shadows.  She was wearing the same outfit as the one in the glass case better known as my trophy case.  I loved watching her kick.  I could imagine her wrapping those powerful legs around me, pulling me toward her as I thrust into her.  And although her breasts never bounced underneath her outfit, I knew they would feel great mashed against my chest.  I was getting hard just watching her.  I had to act.  She didn’t even see me.  I ran out of the darkness and wrapped both of my large hands around her throat.  I squeezed and squeezed, enjoying the look of shock and pain in her eyes.  She was struggling for breath.  She was trying to kick me while her hands feverishly tried to pry my fingers off of her throat.  Needless to say, she failed.  Yet, she exhausted herself even more.  That made it easier for me.  I even released her only to turn her around.  I reached over and cupped her throat
with my right hand, bringing her body against mine.
    “You’re so pretty,” I told her as my left hand slid up her hips and to her breasts.  I gave her heaving chest a squeeze.  She groaned and struggled, but my hand around her throat made it difficult for her.  “I hope these are real.  They’re going feel great mashed against my chest.  And these long sexy legs will be wonderful wrapped around my torso as your dripping pussy takes my cock.  From this day forth, Batgirl, you are mine,” I told her.  She didn’t like it, but she couldn’t really voice her dissatisfaction either.
    Eventually, the hired help began to awake.  One of them handed me a chloroform soaked rag.  I immediately took it with my left hand and engulfed her face with it, making sure that her mouth and nose were completely covered.  She struggled like a hellcat, but within seconds, the fumes overcame her.  Batgirl had succumbed to the darkness and was asleep.  To ensure that she was asleep, I took a gun from one of my men and shot one of the free-lancers.  “That’s how you stop a crime fighter,” I growled as the men’s legs began to shake.
    I didn’t shoot any more people.  Instead, I sent the hired lads to finish off Batman and Robin, who were still fighting.  I knew they wouldn’t be able to kill them.  But it didn’t matter.  My loyal men eventually all gathered in the hole.  They then threw grenades up onto the floor as we made our departure.  I picked up Batgirl and threw her on top of my shoulder.  My hand patted her firm ass as we walked through the fortified passageway under the warehouse.  The warehouse was engulfed in flames and came crashing down.  With the passageway sealed, it would take Batman and Robin hours to locate it.  And by that time, we were long gone.


    It didn’t take long for us to get to the getaway vehicles.  We had vans waiting for us.  I suppose I could I could have used a limousine, but I thought it would be to conspicuous.  Thus, I stuck with the vans.  My men boarded the vans and I got into a special van.  The driver took off the minute I closed the doors in the back.  You should have seen this van, Commissioner.  The front was sealed off from the front like the trucks that you use to transport criminals.  It had a small prison bed on one side and a cabinet on the other.  I placed Batgirl on the bed and went to the cabinet.  I took a needle that was already prepared with a power sedative inside.  I took a cotton ball and drenched it with alcohol.  I then dabbed it against her delicate neck.  I gently went back and forth until her neck the area was covered.  Then I slowly injected the sedative into her neck.  She let out a light groan the second the needle pierced her skin.  However, she then
cooed as the sedative entered her body.  I discarded the needle, safely of course, and swabbed her neck with the alcohol yet again.  Didn’t want her to get an infection especially with the things that I had planned for her.
    I removed her utility bet by simply unhooking it.  It comes off easily allowing me to see her hips.  I pat her hips, knowing full well that I would soon hold them tightly as I ram into her again and again.  I then trailed my hands down her long legs knowing that they would be wrapped around my torso while she pants for breath.  In fact, I hopped on the bed and knelt between her legs.  I then pulled her close and placed her legs around me.  I held onto her hips and then slid my hands from her hips to her thighs, over and over again.  I eventually got tired of caressing her legs.  I know it’s hard to believe, but I trailed my hands up her ribs toward her breasts.  I once again cupped her breasts and squeezed them as if they were oranges and I was trying to see if they were ripe.  Actually, melons might be a better fruit in this instance since there were simply not the size of oranges.  I could see myself in that position for years to come.  The only
difference would be that Batgirl would actively give herself to me while calling me her master.
    Unfortunately, I couldn’t just sit there like that.  I had a job to do, so I did it.  I wrapped a blindfold over the woman’s eyes and then placed a purple ball-gag into her mouth.  Then, I flipped her over and gave her firm buttocks a squeeze.  The were incredibly firm.  I even bounced a silver dollar off of her bottom a few times for my own entertainment.  I couldn’t help but imagine those two powerful glutes smacking against my hips as I take her from behind.  I then pulled her arms behind her back and placed her wrists together.  That’s when I bound her wrists together.  And before I could continue, the van stopped and I was home.
    I carried my new toy to her holding cell in the basement.  I free her wrists and place them in tight purple latex sleeve.  I then prop her up so that she is on her knees.  Then I placed her ankles into a pair of manacles bolted to the floor.  Once secured, I bound her legs tightly with a rope, securing her thighs and knees together.  I then secure a slave collar around her neck.  It has an O-ring with a chain that is connected to the wall behind her.  I then leave my new toy in her cell, knowing that she is still asleep and my cameras would show me when she was awake.


    You’re probably saying to yourself that I raped Batgirl right then and there.  But I didn’t.  Instead, I gave her a few hours in total darkness to contemplate her predicament.  You should have seen her struggle in her bounds.  She screamed into her gag and fought against her bounds.  The best part was that the more she struggled, the more her breasts moved from side to side, almost waving me into the room.  She would struggle, stop in frustration as well as exhaustion, before starting up again.  At first, you would struggle anew pretty quickly, but she eventually slowed down.  When I figured that she had exhausted herself, I decided it was time to send in the troops.
    My men enter the cell.  They’re a greedy bunch.  Immediately, one of them removes the gag.  He then unzips his pants and tries to ram his dick into her mouth.  Unfortunately for him, Batgirl didn’t want any part of it.  He forced it past her lips only to get the tip bitten.  He screamed as the other wailed in laughter.  You should have seen him.  He was jumping around like a jumping bean in a hot skillet.  He then tried it again, but Batgirl played possum.  She allowed his member to pass her teeth and this time, she slammed down hard onto his dick.  There wasn’t any blood, but he crumpled to the floor.  The men wouldn’t stop laughing.
    I didn’t want to give Batgirl some unwanted confidence so I strolled into the room.  I immediately placed a ring-gag into her mouth.  The men immediately clapped their approval.  I then undid my pants and rammed my member into her mouth.  I held onto the sides of her cowl and pumped my member in and out of her mouth against her muffled pleas.  Actually, she was rather angry so the chance of her pleading was rather slim.  But the ring-gag did its job.  She couldn’t bite down on my dick and her lips were exquisite.  I’m hard as a rock just talking about it.
    “Better get use to this.  This is your only source of food until you obey,” I told her as my hands guided her head as I pumped my dick in and out of her mouth.  But I wasn’t content with just fucking her mouth.  I decided that one of my henchman should be able to partake in the festivities.  So I ordered one to grab a whip.  He whipped her ass and back, causing Batgirl to groan around my cock whenever the lash connected.  Her muffled screams were music to my ears.
    There was a problem though.  I spent a good ten minutes pumping my dick in and out of her mouth, but I had to do the work.  Whenever I released her head, she always stopped.  Eventually, I became tired of her resistance.  So I pulled my dick out of her mouth and slapped her hard across the face.  The blow was totally unexpected.  I could tell from her reactions and the fact that she bit her lip due to the force of the blow.  Soon, a little blood trickled down her chin.  And like a shark, the blood set me off.
    I immediately pushed my henchman aside and felt the fabric around her ass.  I then used a knife and was careful not to damage the merchandise.  I pinched a small section of the fabric and lifted it up.  I then cut that and used the hole to clear more space.  With her ass revealed, I was quite pleased to see that the woman was wearing a thong.  The thong didn’t stay on for long as I easily cut it away.  I then pushed her forward, bending her at the waist.  I slapped her ass a few times as she howled in pain.  The next scream would have shattered windows if it wasn’t for the ring-gag.  You see, Commissioner Gordon . . . I rammed my spit covered dick into her dry ass.  It squeezed me like a vice so I’m guessing it was a virgin ass.  I fucked her long and hard, enjoying every second of it.
    I could see drool dripping down from the ring-gag so I ordered my henchmen to fuck her mouth.  One by one, they pumped their load into Batgirl’s defenseless mouth.  And one by one, she allowed the spunk to leak out of her mouth.  She never did drink any of it down.  I decided that I was going to remedy that, but I couldn’t pull my dick out of her mouth in time.  The vice-like grip was enough to make me blow my load when I tried to pull out.
    By the time I recovered, I pulled out of her ass and wiped my dick all over her glutes, My men had stopped fucking her mouth so I placed my lips next to her right ear.  “This is only the beginning,” I told her as we all left the room.


    The next day, she was less receptive to the idea of being captured.  So I decided to show her what would happen if she continued to defy me.  I had one of my men flog her bare ass with a horsewhip.  She screamed, but they weren’t very loud thanks to the ring-gag.  As she screamed, I took out my dick and began to masturbate.  Although she couldn’t see it, she tried to pull her head away, but two of my men held her head in place.  I told her how much fun it was going to be when I stuck my cock into her pussy.  I wanted to know if it was as tight as her ass.  Batgirl didn’t like the crude remarks as she struggled anew.  I wasn’t sure if it was because she was trying to turn her head or if she moving thanks to the angry red lashes appearing on her ass.
    After a while, I had pity of her.  I told my men to back off.  I then knelt beside her and massaged her firm globes.  She gasped when I first made contact with her ass, which was red from the flogging.  I rubbed my palm gently against her ass.  I even signaled for one of my men to hand me a wet cloth that was wrapped around some ice.  Once again, Batgirl jumped when I placed the cloth against her ass.  But she settled down a bit after I slid the cloth back and forth on her ass.  The more I rubbed, the more she cooed.  She even moved her ass to get closer to the cloth when I applied less and less pressure.
    Eventually, I grew tired.  I simply tore more of her costume and this time, I made sure that the area around her pussy was exposed.  I then spanked her ass and rubbed my fingers against her pussy lips.  I alternated between the two before I settled into a steady rhythm and pattern.  I could tell that she hated it, especially when her pussy began to drip.  Once I realized that she knew the rhythm and pattern, I changed it up a bit.  It was no longer spank and rub.  Some times I spanked her twice before I rubbed her pussy.  Other times, I slapped her ten times before rubbing her pussy.  Hell!  I even rubbed her pussy for a good ten minutes before slapping her ass.  Regardless of what I did, the woman eventually gyrated her body.  And boy, I was surprised when she climaxed as I rubbed her pussy and spanked her at the same time.  I watched the woman’s body as she shook and shivered.  Her ass bounced as she moaned around the ring-gag.
    Without waiting for her to recover, I moved in front of her and rammed my dick into her pussy.  I don’t remember how far I got before her tightness stopped me, but I wasn’t completely in.  So with some brutal thrusts, I finally lodged myself deep into Batgirl.  That’s when I had the urge to tear off the blindfold.  You should have seen her eyes.  I could see anger, fear, shame, and lust.  It was an amazing sight.  Once I was fully inside her, I held my position and shook my hips.  She hated it, but her head and back did arch.  So I placed both hands on her ass and humped her.  The woman groaned and tried to pull away, which only added to the experience.  Oh!  Her pussy was tight and I could feel it stretching.  Eventually, the woman climaxed as her cunt tightened its grip on my cock.  I even let her pussy milk my dick for a few seconds before I finally pulled out.
    I could tell that the woman was quite traumatized by the experience as tears of sadness and pain poured down her face.  She must have been engulfed by shame.  I knew she was humiliated.  My men wanted more, but I told them hold off.  That’s when I stuck my cock into the woman’s mouth.  I kept it inside her mouth, pumping it in and out to get the last few dribble of my sperm in their.  When I pulled out, she allowed my spunk to drip out of her mouth.  I couldn’t have that, which is why I tilted her head back and held her nose.  Eventually, she swallowed.  That’s when I released her.  The woman gagged as I saw a wet spot spreading over breasts.  It might have been her drooling, but I bet my sperm was mixed in with it.
    “Alright boys, do what you want with.  Just remember not to damage her too much,” I told my men as I placed the blindfold back on her face before they fucked all three of her holes.  Batgirl was unable to resist.  I knew she wanted to, but her body betrayed her.  I have it all on tape if you like to see.  But I’ll save that for later.


    The next day, Batgirl didn’t have the same fight.  It might have been due to the fact that my men fucked her for ten hours straight.  I stared at the stain on her costume.  It had grown considerately.  Not due to people shooting their loads on her, but by her own drool.  The woman was constantly drooling thanks to the ring-gag.  And even though she seemed exhausted, she growled when I ripped the costume around her tits.  I tore the sports bra right off.  I then stood back for a few seconds and watched her tits jiggle free from their confinement.  There they were, two perfect breasts, round and smooth.  I had to touch them.  So I placed my hands over them.  I squeezed, stroked, and caressed them.  The warm feel of her flesh was divine.  I could hear Batgirl protest, but her nipples were becoming erect.  So I rolled them between my fingers and pinched them until they were fully erect.  Then I backed off and took in the sight.
    “Slap!” I yelled as I slapped her right breast and then slapped her left.  I slapped her again and again.  I was a bit surprised when her nipples got bigger during the slapping.  And during the slapping, Batgirl found her fire.  The woman was angry.  No doubt, she believed that a heroine like herself should never be treated like that.  Yet, I was slapping her tits.  Soon, she shrieked as I continued to brutally slap her tits while tears ran down her face.
    When I was bored, I unzipped my pants and pulled out my dick.  I then placed it between her tits.  My hands then cupped her breasts and sandwiched my cock as I pumped it back and forth, stabbing her chest with my dick.  I told her that she would soon be holding her tits while I pump my dick between her tits.  I don’t think she liked it, but she didn’t verbalize her denial.  Instead, more tears dripped down her chin.
    “Hmmmmppphhh!” Batgirl protested as she arched her back and tried to pull away from me.  I didn’t mind since she more she bent over backwards, the easier it was for me to pump my dick between her breasts.  I doubt she knew that.  I bet she just wanted to get away.  But soon, the head of my cock would almost jab right into her throat.  It was a sight to see.  Too bad Batgirl couldn’t see it since she was blindfolded.
    Eventually, I couldn’t contain myself any longer.  I released her breasts and pulled her up.  I then rammed mt dick past the ring-gag and into her mouth.  Her tongue was pressed against the bottom of her mouth, but when my dick tried to charge down her throat, she gagged and her tongue came up and pressed against my dick.  I pumped my dick in and out her mouth for a few seconds before ejaculating.  I was a little surprised to find that the woman was swallowing my sperm without any urging from myself.  I guess she was thirsty.  All that drooling over herself must not have been helping.  The best part was that Batgirl’s tongue started to clean my dick as she tried to get all the sperm.  I was delighted when I pulled out of her.  Wasn’t sure about her as she hung her head in shame.  The tears did continue though.
    The next phase of my plan was complete.  Just a few more to go.  Seeing as my job was done, I put my dick back into my pants and signaled for my men to enter.  I smiled as I left the room.  My men walked by, bowing to me.  They knew that they had a new set of toys to play with.


    The next day, I tore off the blindfold so that she could see.  I wanted her to see the new outfit that she would wear once she was broken.  However, the woman was very uncooperative as she thrashed in her bonds.  Seems like the power of sight had renewed her strength even though she hadn’t been properly fed.
    “STOP THAT!” I ordered as slapped her hard across the face.
    “Yea!” one of my men shouted as I pointed at her ass.  The man immediately began to flog her ass.
    “Fuck yea!” another yelled happily as I pointed at her breasts.  This man was only to happy to punish her breasts with a horsewhip.
    “Thighs,” I said calmly as two men, each took a horsewhip and began to flog her thighs.  Some times they hit the outer parts.  They some times hit the inner parts.  Hell!  Some of the times, they hit her pussy.  Regardless, Batgirl was in agony.
    The flogging lasted for a good ten minutes before I had them all back off.  The exhausted Batgirl was panting for breath while her red tits heaved up and down.  I then knelt down next to her and unceremoniously rammed my fingers into her pussy.  Turns out that they woman had gotten wet during the flogging.  Her pussy gripped my fingers as I thrust up and down.  Batgirl’s nostrils flared as she tried to pull her face away.  Her head thrashed about, but she couldn’t escape.  Instead, she sobbed while her breasts heaved.  Soon, her body gyrated as I found her clit and started to assault it.  She was totally defenseless and she came within minutes.  Watching her tits flopping about was an awesome sight.
    I then pulled away and one by one, the men in the room, repeated the process.  And much like before, Batgirl climaxed.  By the time we were through, hours had ticked on by and the woman was thoroughly exhausted.  We placed a huge mirror in front of her so she could see herself.  Next to it was a mannequin, who was wearing her future costume.  She winced as she saw the costume and her own reflection and turned her head away.  And that’s how we left her.


    I didn’t give Batgirl any food or drink for the next few days.  I made it a point to visit her at least five times a day.  I fucked her in the ass, her pussy, and her mouth.  The damn bitch refused to cooperate each time.  She would always struggle and even though she was wearing that ring-gag, she would try to grind her teeth against my dick.  In an attempt to break her down, we ripped her clothing.  By the end of the first week, she only had her cowl, cape, boots, and gloves in tack.  Everything else had been torn to shreds.  But she kept resisting even though we raped her on a daily basis.  Just so you know, I forced my men to wear condoms when fucking her.  I didn’t wear one though.  And like I said before, I hate strong women.  So I came up with something drastic.
    On the eighth day, I made my move.  She screamed and screamed until she was hoarse.  She also thrashed and quivered.  I gave her a shot an injection of a rather addictive heroin that I created to dull the pain.  That’s when I told her that if she didn’t start cooperating, I would do something much harsher to her. Then, I left the room and told my men not to disturb her.  I wanted her to think things over.
    I watched the woman through the surveillance system for much of the day.  I could see that she in agony.  That night, I visited her again.  I gave her another injection of the heroin and pumped my dick in and out of her mouth.  She didn’t try to grind her teeth against my dick.  In fact, I could have sworn that she even tongued the belly of my dick.  Granted, she didn’t keep doing it, but I felt it.  We were making progress.  And maybe it was because of the heroin or maybe it was because she hadn’t drank anything in days, she swallowed my spunk once I shot my load into her mouth.  So before I left the room, I gave her another shot of heroin to dull the pain.


    With each passing day, Batgirl’s resistance withered away.  She did try to bite my cock once I removed the ring-gag, but a hard slap across the face and stern talk, made the woman change her mind.  Next thing I know, the woman is sucking my dick with gusto.  She’s pumping her head up and down my cock without my hands leading her.  I was quite impressed.  And best of all, she swallowed every drop from that moment on.
    The next day, I released her from her bondage.  Actually, I removed the ropes and manacles, but the collar stayed put.  Needless to say, so did the blindfold.  I think she was in love with the blindfold.  She would squirm and plead whenever I tried to remove it.  You should have heard her beg.  I’m sure she could have raised billions of dollars with her pleas if only she were soliciting funds on a telethon.  Thus, I told her that the blindfold could stay.  And you know how she thanked me?  She rode my cock all night long.  Her hands played with her tits as I laid on the bed.  She would even lean down and kiss me on the lips as she called me, “Her master.”  It was quite a move on her part.  I guess she really loved that blindfold.
    For two days, I stayed in my bedroom and fucked Batgirl silly.  But I must admit that half the time, she was fucking herself silly with the aid of my dick.  That woman could really go.  I did feed her so she could keep her strength up.  I also gave her quite a lot to drink if you know what I mean.  And when I didn’t, she would scoop some out of her pussy.  Then there was the heroin.  I gave her some of that too.  You’re probably thinking that she was fucking me for the heroin, but you would be wrong.  She was fucking me because she wanted to.  She wanted to be my slave.


    The world is funny, Commissioner Gordon.  You let a few blurred pictures and grainy videos slip onto the web and everyone starts to report on it.  I’m sure you saw the news reports.  Everyone wanted to know what happened to Batgirl.  Everyone saw that golden boy, Bruce Wayne, standing at the top of the steps of the courthouse and offering money for any information that may lead to finding Batgirl.  Then there were reports that Batman had gone crazy looking for Batgirl and was killing criminals left and right.  I’m going to share a secret with you today.  I’m the one who sent the blurry pictures.  I’m the one who posted the grainy videos.  But most importantly, I was the one killing the other criminals.
    Don’t look at me like that, Commissioner Gordon.  I did a great service for this city.  I killed thirty of Gotham City’s worst white slavers.  These men kidnaped law abiding citizens from the streets and sold them.  Did Batman stop them?  No.  He may have caught one or two, but he was too busy with criminals like Joker, Penguin, Riddler, and Catwoman.  I on the other hand, held meetings with these men and killed them there on the spot.  Now . . . I remember your conferences where the media asked about the ropes and broken batarangs found at each crime scene.  Those weren’t his per say.  They actually belonged to Batgirl, but Batman supplied them to her so of course they were the same.  The media didn’t care and the police department had a whale of a time trying to calm the public down.  Basically, everyone thought Batman had gone crazy.
    Yet somehow through it all, you stood by him.  You gave him support through the media.  That took guts.  Then again, the city wasn’t turned against him or anything.  They actually liked the fact that dead criminals were being found in old warehouses.  Kept the streets safe.  Hell.  Even crooks like Joker were a bit scared.  However . . . in the end . . . only the small fish got killed.  The big ones remained.
    That didn’t detract Batman and Robin though.  Since the criminals in Gotham City had no idea who was behind the killings, they all suspected that Batman had gone mad with grief.  They tried to give him as much as they knew, which in reality was very little.  The more he searched, the more wrong answers he got.  Basically, the man went on a wild goose chase.  Thank goodness that a lot of the goons that I hired for the capture of Batgirl, who were nabbed by the Dynamic Duo were killed when the warehouse collapsed.  In other words, there was no trail leading to my door.
    As for the equipment that was left behind at the crime scenes, Batgirl supplied them to us.  She had revealed where her base of operations was located.  We used an alleyway to get there.  She told me that she could tell that Batman had been there.  He must have searched for clues, but left the all the stuff behind.  You have to remember this was before the killings so he had no reason to take it.  I’m sure he checked the place after the killings started.  Actually, I’m damn sure he did.  But I’m getting ahead of myself.  Let’s talk about the rest of Batgirl’s captivity and breaking.


    It took three weeks before I finally broke her.  That’s when I freed her from her cell and she permanently stayed by my side.  I decided to replace her Batgirl outfit with something more becoming of a slave.  I gave her a black corset, a pair of black leather thigh boots with six inch heels, and a latex bat mask with no eye holes, which had a built in ring-gag that kept her mouth open at all times.  A sex slave must be able to suck cock at any time.  The best part was that the bat logo appeared on the mask where it covered her forehead.  I even tattooed her to show everyone that I owned her.  Basically, I tattooed a small diamond on the small of her back.  And because she wanted the blindfold so much, I told her that the eyeless mask could stay on at all times.  And to be honest, her blindfold was covered in so much sweat and spunk that I didn’t even want to see it anymore.  Luckily, she liked the mask more than the blindfold.  Finally, I modified
her Bat-belt, which still fit snugly around her waist.  The belt had Bat-cuffs and Bat-bolas for me to restrain her.  There were also two vibrators and nipple clamps.  Just want to be prepared.
    In order to thank me for the gifts that I bestowed upon her, Batgirl told me some interesting information.  It was also around this time that I learned that Officer Montoya was collecting information regarding my operations.  I decided that the two should meet.
    One night, Steven Mandragora was in the club.  He paid me a large amount of money so I put him in a special room with at least two dozen of us men.  Then I have Batgirl riding his cock in her new costume.  Montoya was sent to give the men in the room their drinks.  Needless to say, the woman was quite shocked by what she saw.  She thought that the woman riding Mondragora’s dick wasn’t the real Batgirl, but I could tell that she wasn’t completely sure.  Especially since I had dumped one of Batgirl’s former costumes on the floor.  It was in perfect condition and the bat logo was clearly visible.  Montoya stayed in the room and watched not only Mandragora fuck Batgirl, but also his men.  They used her ass, pussy, tits, and mouth.  Some times, they were taking turns.  Other times it was a complete gang-bang.  She even watched Batgirl receive a shot of heroin.
    Eventually, one of the men offered Montoya a drink.  She refused, but the men refused to let her leave without at least downing one drink with them.  Some even threatened to abuse her like they did with Batgirl.  But it was Mandragora, who finally convinced her.  The man basically told her that everyone was going to toast the breaking of Batgirl thanks to me.  That seemed to spur her on.  She even asked if I was around.  Mandragora said I was and would be picking up Batgirl once their time was up.  Needless to say, she wanted to report that to you as soon as possible so she accepted the drink.  Too bad, her drink was laced with a power tranquilizer.  Within seconds of drinking it, the woman collapsed onto the floor unable to move.
    Needless to say, the mobsters had a field day.  They used her like a cheap whore.  They didn’t even bother to undress her.  They just ripped it as they went along.  By the time they were done, the tranquilizer had worn off for hours.  Mandragora and his men left as I entered the room.  I knelt down next to Montoya and swabbed her arm with alcohol.  She looked at me with her tired teary eyes as I injected some of the heroin into her.  I then had Batgirl licked the woman’s pussy.  Batgirl liked that assignment since she was thirsty and the woman had a lot of sperm for her to drink.  Montoya even climaxed a few times.  I had to pull Batgirl off of the woman as I gave her another shot of the tranquilizer.  She only had to make an appearance, she didn’t have to do anything.
    Two hours later, she was wearing a cheap police costume that we picked out from a costume store.  I had forgotten to tell Mandragora to keep her original uniform intact.  But it served its purpose.  So on a long dark road, a limousine was stopped a few feet from the gates to its owner’s mansion, because my boys had a cop as their hostage.  They forced the occupants of the limousine out.  They then tied bound their arms behind their backs and marched them to the mansion while one of my boys drove the limousine.  Everyone entered the mansion and waited for us in the entertainment room.
    Thirty minutes passed before I arrived.  I sat down in an armchair and surveyed the three men on the sofa.  They were still bound, but they had bruises on their faces.  I guess my men roughed them up a bit.  I introduced myself to them as the person who captured Batgirl.  You should have seen their facial expressions change.  They went from wondering to instant anger.  Oh!  It was even more delicious when I patted my knees and one of my men lead the new Batgirl on a leash into the room.  She had a new mask.  This one was eyeless too, but the gag was gone.  Although Batgirl hardly ever spoke, she still could.  She would just say whatever I wanted her to say.
    “Master Diamondback.  Where are you?  I need to service you,” she panted as the three men saw my mark on her back.  They were shocked when Batgirl pulled my dick out of my pants and began to lick it feverishly before sticking it inside her mouth.  She got me nice and hard and mounted me.  The woman rode by cock as she squeezed her tits and begged me to fuck her.  It was quite a show for them.  I blew my load inside her and then propped her on all fours and fucked her ass.  Once again, right in front of all of them.
    I heard all sorts of foul language being hurled at me that night.  Except it was all from Batgirl.  The three men were stunned silent.  They were flabbergasted when Batgirl welcomed the gang-bang that immediately followed after I shot my load in her ass.  I think they whole thing last about twelve hours.
    In the end, I had Batgirl suck their dicks on by one until they blew their loads in her mouth.  The woman sucked it down greedily and thanked each one like I had ordered.  She then stepped back as I handed her a pistol.  With my hand on hers, she pulled the trigger whenever I told her to.  I had to help her aim though.  Eventually, the gun was empty.  Two bullets for each person.  One to the groin and one to the head.  When the deed was done, we went to another part of the mansion to celebrate.


    “Some hero!  You may have killed some criminals, but you just killed three citizens, you lousy bastard!” Commissioner Gordon yelled.
    “Okay.  You got me, but you might be interested in seeing what’s playing on this monitor,” the man spoke calmly as he pointed at a monitor on his desk.
    “No,” Commissioner Gordon mouthed as he saw Huntress and Black Canary enter a room, which was quickly sealed.  The woman tried to escape, but it quickly filled with gas.  They passed out and the scene faded.
    “Keeping watching,” Diamondback laughed as the monitor came to life.
    The old man gasped as he Huntress and Black Canary stripped of their costumers and given black garters and black stockings.  Each had a ball-gag in their mouth.  Both women were on all fours and their legs were bound to each other’s while a double-headed dildo was stuck in each of their pussies.  The dildo also had a long metal pole in the metal that was connected to the floor.  Their wrists were bound to a metal rod that was connected to some machinery under the floor, the same one that the dildo was connected.  The rods would move forward and back, dragging the heroines with it and pushing them back.  This forced the two women to slide up and down the length of the dildo.  Both women’s protests were muffled by the gags.  Commissioner Gordon shook his head as he saw Officer Montoya in the same outfit, but without a gag, enter the room.  The woman was on all fours, but she was holding leash, which was connected to Batgirl, who was dressed in her new
costume.  Montoya positioned Batgirl in front of Black Canary before taking her spot in front of Huntress.  Two men then entered the room and quickly knelt behind the women and began to fuck them in the ass.  This allowed the two heroines to see what was happening behind them.
    Huntress and Black Canary were disgusted by the sight, but just like Montoya and Batgirl, both women climaxed again and again.  Eventually, the two exhausted women were allowed some time to rest.  Batgirl and Montoya then began to lick the heroines’ faces, covering them with a layer of slobber.
    After some time, the men got up and pulled the long hair of the Huntress and Black Canary.  They then inserted their hair through a circular clamp that was the size of a man’s fist.  The men moved it to the center of their hair and tightened it all the way.  Each clamp had a metal hook that was connected to four elastic cords stored inside the clamps themselves.  The men slowly pulled the hooks closer to the center as the dildo’s metal rod was released from the floor.  One of the men simply twisted the dildo until the rod was sticking up in the air.  This caused the women to groan into their gags.  Then the men locked the two hooks into punctures in the rod.  The hooks then began to pull on the captured heroines’ heads, pulling them into a painful position.  Each woman though their neck would snap as they fought it and tried to pull their head back into a more comfortable position.  This would cause the dildo to slide deeper into the other’s
pussy.  Since they were unable to coordinate their efforts, the two friends quickly sought self-preservation as they fought to keep their necks from snapping, which drove the dildo further into the other one.
    Whenever one passed out, the game would end.  The victor would be allowed to rest in her own cell while the loser was taken to another cell and received a gang-bang for the rest of the day.  The screams could be heard from the other cell.  But the winner wasn’t completely left alone, Montoya and Batgirl would join the victor in the cell, where they would pleasure the woman with their tongues.  Some times, Huntress would win and some times Black Canary would win.  Regardless, both women were always too exhausted to fight back.  And thanks to exhaustion, Black Canary’s screams were just ordinary screams and not her Canary Cry.  The two women were subjected to a two weeks of this torment.  By the second week, they were adversaries rather than friends. 
    At the end of the second week, Diamondback paid Huntress a visit.  He told her that if she fucked him and fucked him good, he would not allow his men to gang-bang her.  Needless to say, the woman quickly took his cock into her mouth and tried to please him.  She used her pussy, ass, hands, legs, tits, and mouth in order to please him.  She lasted almost two hours.  In the end, Diamondback purposely told her that he was disappointed and let his men gang-bang the exhausted woman.  The same thing happened to Black Canary.  She too tried to please Diamondback, but was rewarded by being tossed to the guards.
    This went on for days before Black Canary was the first to snap.  The woman promised that she would be Diamondback’s slave if he wouldn’t toss her to his men.  Diamondback agreed on one condition.  The woman quickly agreed without even hearing the condition.  Before she knew it, she was lying on an operating table.  She was drugged into a deep slumber.  By the time, she awoke, a whole week had passed.  Black Canary could feel that something was wrong as she got up and saw Diamondback.  She wanted to say something, but a high chirping sound came out of her mouth instead.  Diamondback smiled and told her that he had a doctor fuse her vocal cords together, which eliminated her Canary Cry, but also limited the sounds that she could make.  That wasn’t all as he told her that he sold her to Penguin.  The woman stood there dumbfounded as the scene faded.
    When an image reappeared, she was wearing her Black Canary outfit, but she was inside a large birdcage at Penguin’s Iceberg Lounge.  She chirped a few tunes like the good songbird that she was before stripping her costume and dancing for the crowd.  The woman was now Penguin’s prized stripper.
    As for Huntress, she went as far as revealing her secret identity to Diamondback.  Commissioner Gordon gasped when he saw that Huntress was really Helena Bertinelli.  He was equally shocked when Diamondback tossed her a dog collar and leash.  The woman locked it around her neck and locked the leash around the collar.  She then fell to her knees and held the leash high above her head.  Soon, she was following Diamondback out of the cell on all fours.  “No . . . that can’t be . . .” Commissioner Gordon mouthed.
    “What?  The most headstrong Justice League member submitting to me?  She did more than just that,” Diamondback laughed as the image changed to Batgirl licking the woman’s pussy while she rode Diamondback’s cock with her ass.  Later, she donned her costume and allowed Diamondback to fuck her.  And that’s how she remained, in her costume.  Whenever Diamondback wanted to fuck her, he would lift her top up to access her tits or pull her tights down to fuck her pussy or ass.  He even met numerous mobsters with Huntress and Batgirl.  Both women would enter the room on all fours.  Batgirl would then slip under the table and suck on Diamondback’s dick while Huntress would pull her top up to reveal her tits, which she would use to massage the man’s neck.  Other times, she would drop her tights and pull her top up and lie on the table in front of Diamondback with her legs spread.  This allowed the man to eat her pussy or finger her pussy as she
climaxed like a common whore in front of all the mobsters, who she hated.  Regardless of who used her, she would always have to fix her makeup and clothes afterwards so that people would know just how far she had fallen.
    Eventually the image showed a private meeting between Diamondback and Steven Mandragora with Huntress and Batgirl in the room.  A large suitcase of cash was pushed across the table toward Diamondback by Mandragora.  Huntress then walked to him and handed her leash to him.  The man clutched her breasts tightly as the woman mouthed, “Master,” to him.  Mandragora then picked her up by the breasts and tossed her onto the table.  He then pulled down her tights and rammed his dick into her pussy.  She wrapped her legs around his back and brought him closer to her as Diamondback left with Batgirl.
    “You sold her to the man that she sent to jail?” Commissioner Gordon growled.
    “I sold her to the man who helped kill her parents,” Diamondback replied as the scene changed.  Commissioner Gordon gasped as he saw Huntress being double teamed by Mandragora and his now teenage son, Edgar.  The woman’s stomach was clearly bigger.  “I don’t know who the father is, but crime fighting is far gone from her life.  So much for her independence!” Diamondback laughed evilly.  Commissioner Gordon tried to pull his eyes away from the monitor, but found himself unable to do so.  He was only able to stop watching when the video stopped.
    “Did you enjoy the show?” Diamondback inquired.
    “You’re a monster,” Commissioner Gordon replied.
    “I’m trying to keep the streets safer.  These heros will stop it nothing to capture criminals.  I can’t have them injuring any law-abiding citizen.  At least, the criminals can police ourselves and the ones we can’t get eliminated.”
    “I’m going to lock you up and throw away the key!”
    “I don’t think so, Commissioner Gordon.  Batman and Robin are dead.  I not only have their costumes, but I have their precious Bat-computer.  I backed up all its data so I have more than one backup.  As for the computer itself, I relocated it to this building’s basement.  It provided hours and hours of laughs when I realized that Batman had followed every fake lead that I leaked to the media.  He was going crazy trying to find Batgirl.  He didn’t kill anybody, but he started to track all his conversations with you.  I thought it was hilarious!”
    “Why would he keep track of our conversations?”
    “Some of it was due to the fake leads.  He wanted to know what the police knew.  The rest of time, he wanted to check up on you.”
    “I’ll tell you later.  But one of the most important things is that the Bat-computer also told me the secret identities of numerous Justice League members.  I already knew Batman, Robin, Huntress, and Black Canary thanks to Batgirl, but I found out about others like Green Arrow,” Diamondback spoke as the monitor showed a mannequin dressed in Green Arrow’s outfit and armed with his bow and arrows.
    “No!” Commissioner Gordon yelled as he shook his head.
    “Oh yes.  I’m tracking them down one by one in order to make sure that the streets are safe for us criminals.  The men are usually sold to their arch-nemesis or blackmailed and forced to help my criminal empire.  Flash has already pulled off two heists for me to protect some friends.  Others like Green Arrow can be used as punching bags by villains.  The females are different though.  Penguin wanted Hawkgirl, but he didn’t have the cash.  So, she and Vixen appear nightly at my newest club that attracts the high rollers,” Diamondback laughed as the monitor showed mannequins that were dressed in the women’s outfits.
    “You won’t win!  You’ll be stopped!” Commissioner Gordon growled as his blood began to boil.
    “There are some that continue to elude us.  But you’ll be interested to know that Batman greatly distrusted Superman.  The man even kept some kryptonite.  The best part is that he kept a rather large file on Superman.  I might not be able to stop Superman, but I can use his friends and family as leverage, especially his Earth parents.”
    “Superman will be able to stop you!”
    “I wouldn’t be too sure of that.  Lex Luthor is going to pay me a lot of money soon.  So Superman might be out as well as Supergirl.  Lex may make a woman out of her.”
    “Sit down!  I don’t want you to get work up yet.  I have a surprise for you,” Diamondback spoke.
    “And what is . . .” Commissioner Gordon spoke, but stopped in his tracks when he saw Diamondback’s finger, pointing at the door.  One of his henchman was slowly walking towards them with the broken Batgirl, walking on all fours beside him.
    “I removed the gag, but she can still hear.  Batgirl, suck his dick,” Diamondback ordered as the henchman positioned Batgirl between the old man’s legs.  Then Batgirl went to work, unzipping he zipper, and taking his cock out.  It took a few seconds since the hood was eyeless. 
    “Ahhhh," the old man moaned as Batgirl's mouth started to travel up and down the sides of his manhood.  The man tilted his head back and slammed his eyes shut as Batgirl began to slurp and lick his dick.  The woman's tongue left a trail of saliva along the side.  Inch by inch, she slowly twirled her tongue, exciting him more. 
    “You can grip her shoulders and slam into her,” Diamondback instructed the old man.  Commissioner Gordon tried to shake the evil man’s words from his mind, but Batgirl’s actions were overriding his normal thought process.  Eventually, the man couldn't take it as he gripped the woman's shoulders and rammed his member into her mouth.  Batgirl's cheeks puffed out like a hamster storing food.  Then the woman sucked even harder on the man’s cock, bobbing her head up and down.
    “OHHHH!” Commissioner Gordon wailed as he blew his load into Batgirl's mouth,
which she dutifully swallowed again and again before cleaning his member while Diamondback placed a large gift box on his desk.  He then placed Commissioner Gordon’s hands back onto the chair’s armrests.  He then secured to the armrests with the bat-cuffs from Batgirl’s own belt.  Diamondback smiled as he watched his pet lick the old man’s balls. 
    “Better now?” Diamondback asked as he pulled Batgirl away.  And before Commissioner Gordon could respond, Diamondback pulled the mask off.
    “BARBARA NOOOO!!” Commissioner Gordon wailed as he saw his daughter before him even though her face had changed.  The old man saw that her face had become skinny and pale.  Her long red hair had been cut incredibly short.  But worse of all, her eyeballs had been removed from their sockets.  Rage, shock, and horror engulfed him as he pulled at his bonds.
    Although Diamondback had broken Batgirl and the woman who had been reduced to mostly squeals and moans, was suddenly very vocal.  “PLEASE NO, MASTER DIAMONDBACK!!  LET HIM GO!!  PLEASE!!” Batgirl wailed.
    “Calm down, Batgirl,” Diamondback spoke calmly as he gave the leash a light tug.
    “Please . . . don’t kill my daddy!  It was all my fault!  He didn’t know I was Batgirl!  He didn’t have anything to do with it!  I helped you capture Huntress and Black Canary!  I even gave Batman and Robin to you!  You have the Bat-computer!  You have me!!  If anything, I deserve to die for betraying my friends!  Please let him go!  I’ll help you capture someone else!  You hate strong woman . . . how about Wonder Woman?  I can help you capture her!  She will crawl for you!  Please!  Just don’t kill my father,” Batgirl pleaded.
    “Ridiculous,” Diamondback spoke as he snapped his fingers.  Two of his men then wrestle Batgirl away from the pair.
    Batgirl sensed that she was being pulled away.  “NOOO!!  PLEASE DON’T!!  OH LORD!!  PLEASE FATHER!!  PLEASE FORGIVE ME!!!  I’M SO SORRY!!” Barbara wailed as the men wrestled her to the floor and muffled her screams with their hands.  It took a few minutes of struggling, but the men were eventually able to subdue Barbara Gordon.
    Diamondback didn’t say another word as he opened the gift box on his desk.  He took out some rubbing alcohol, a swab, and a needle.  He walked over to Batgirl with all free items.  He carefully swabs her arm with the alcohol and then injects the heroin into her.  Within a seconds, Barbara is docile again.  Diamondback then slips the hood back in place and pats her softly on the head.  He then runs his hands up and down the woman’s body as she lets out a soft moan.  Diamondback then gets up as his two men continue to run their hands gently over the woman’s body.  They even pet her like an animal.  She cooed at their touch and eventually passes out.  Then the men carry the sleeping heroine away.  “Give her a bath and feed her.  She hasn’t eaten in nearly a day,” Diamondback ordered as his men nodded.
    “You’re probably wondering why I kept her around this long,” Diamondback spoke to Commissioner Gordon as he sat on top of his own desk.  “It wasn't because she gave me information about her friends.  It wasn't because she was blind and no one would buy her.   The reason was that I had grown fond of her.  In fact, it had grown to love.  She was a loyal woman by nature and incredibly tough.  Although I did revel in watching her break, I admired her resistance.  I hated her resistance, but I have to give it to Batman.  He was smart in choosing her as a partner.  I doubt anyone else would have lasted as long.  Nor, would have fought me for so long.  Both Huntress and Black Canary caved without any disfigurement.  After she broke, she stuck to me like glue and allowed him to do whatever he wanted with her.   Batgirl was quite useful and could prove to be a huge asset in the future, especially her knowledge of other superheroines.  Did you know,
Commissioner Gordon that Barbara sacrificed herself for you?  I thought pulling her eyes would break her, but it didn’t.  Instead, it was the promise that I would pull your eyes out that broke her.  She didn’t want that to happen so she promised to be my sex slave.  She even gave me the secret identities of Batman and Robin.  Plus, she helped me trap Huntress and Black Canary.  Ever since then, I felt guilty when it came to blinding her.  Keeping her around is a gift to her, for helping me build my empire and a reminder of my first major conquest.  But let me show you something,” Diamondback spoke as he slipped a disc into the monitor.
    “Hello father,” Barbara Gordon spoke as she wore blindfold around her eyes.  “I wanted to tell you for so long, but I never found the right opportunity.  I wanted to tell you that I was Batgirl for the longest time.  I just didn’t know how.  I use to have nightmares that you would reject me after I told you.  I even had nightmares that you may try to blame one of my crime fighting friends if I turned up dead.  I hope neither happens.  But one of my nightmares have come true.  Someone has learned my secret identity and wants to use you to get to me.  Diamondback knows.  He has tried to break my spirit, but I resisted.  I was then punished by him.  But like a stubborn child I resisted.  Now, he says he will punish you.  I can’t allow that to happen.  Thus, I am sad to say that Barbara Gordon is dead.  Today, I will become Batgirl and I will service Diamondback as his sex slave forever.  I also gave him the secret identities of Batman and Robin.
I was the one that pulled the trigger and shot them.  Huntress and Black Canary are also gone.  As well as some of the members of the Justice League.  But before I go . . . thank you, father.  Thank you for everything.  I love you.  I hope you will forgive me and my actions . . . love you,” Barbara sobbed as the video stopped.
    “Just so you know, I had to make sure that the Bat-family wouldn’t come and rescue Barbara, especially after she was blinded.  Thus, I captured Huntress and Black Canary while killing Batman and Robin . . . and their butler,” Diamondback spoke as he saw a flicker in Commissioner Gordon’s eye.  “Yes.  Bruce Wayne was Batman and Dick Grayson was Robin.  Alfred was just the butler.  But I had to get rid of them.  And yes, Barbar