


"Fuck!" Aya screamed, slamming her palm against the side of a building. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!"

She despised the fact that she was a virgin. She was nearly twenty-three and she had hardly even been touched, much less kissed. It was her curse as the only daughter of the high priestess of Hiri to be pure until the day of her wedding. It was part of �the covenant�- a set of rules that governed her behavior. Those rules were strictly enforced by her numerous guardians back at the temple (each and every one an old hag in her opinion). Prying eyes always watched her, judged her, lest she do some ill, or worse, fall prey to a handsome patient in the recovery ward. Sometimes it felt like she was haunted by a prudish specter; long spectral arms drying up and sucking the life out of any fun she was going to have.

"Fuck!" She screamed again, kicking a potted plant with her steel-toed boot. It cracked with a satisfying crunch and sent a shower soft black soil over her foot.

The bitter truth was that her needs were irrelevant; sex- or anything even remotely like sex - was simply out of the question.

"Out of the question!" She repeated to herself � a phrase she had heard too many times in her life.

She had learned to cope by throwing herself into her duties. Over the years she had become a formidable fighter and a skilled healer, but it was clear to everyone that her true motives were bitterness. The shriveled old women in the temple would gossip about little else. They called her "ice queen" and cackling behind her back even as they made sure she did nothing interesting.

Sometimes she felt that she deserved the name. She felt as if her womb had frozen in ice. That�s why seeing Lish and Em touching hit her like a slap in the face. She had stormed out of the room choking back a cry of anguish. It took her almost ten minutes to suppress the impotent trembling of her body and regain control.

Finally, though, she kicked the dirt from her shoe and marched on.


Em croaked hoarsely as she saw Lish disappear. The last thing she saw was Lish screaming as her body twisted and warped. Then there was a sudden flash and Lish was gone. All that was left was the frighteningly tall mage slowly turning and facing her�. and he was smiling evilly.

Slowly Em managed to get to her feet. It took all her strength but she stumbled forward and draped herself around him � clutching his robes "What did you do to her?" She cried as she began to beat her fists weakly against his face.

"She is in pain�." The mage answered, catching her hands in his and holding her away. "Terrible, delicious pain�" His eyes flashed with insane pleasure as he talked.

"You are a monster!Why is everyone so cruel?" Em cried - her lips trembling as she struggled to get free and hit him again. The mage smiled grimly and pushed her roughly away, sending her tumbling to the ground.

�Why am I cruel? This is a war�. You are a traitor.� The mage answered.

Em felt too hopeless to stand back up. Everything had gone wrong - the city was ruined, Lish was gone and she was alone again- alone in a burning city with a heartless, cruel enemy that was too powerful for her. What could she hope to do against him? She collapsed down onto her ass as the fight drained from her body.

The mage stepped closer, grabbing her chin and roughly pinching her face so that he could see her eyes. "Yes little one� You are a traitor and I am cruel. A monster! Yes, I like that� a monster. The worst among all of them!"

He began to laugh gleefully as Em glared back at him.

"Such a feisty, young thing� and so innocent! And such big breasts�No wonder the drow liked you."

With one hand he pulled the pink hair tie from Em�s hair, leaving a bird's nest bunched on her head. She looked up at him with fiery hateful eyes - her skin puffy and streaked with tears. She held his gaze, waiting with despair and determination to see what would happen next. But the more she thought about it the more hopeless the situation seemed.

"Yes�The Drow's little plaything�" he continued, "But what shall we do with you? There are so many horrible, monstrous things that I could show you�. So many ways to pollute you� But which one is best?"

"Please�." Em muttered. "Please just let me go�"

The mage frowned slightly. "Such pain and torment! Aren't you even curious? I expected more from a little magician�"

"Please�.� Em cried again� "Just stop it� Just let me and Lish go�."

The mage's evil grin grew. "Just let you go? Just like that? After what your friend did to the human captain?"

Em shook her head pathetically. "We're sorry� I'm sorry."

The mage grinned broadly now. He looked around the city at the war that progressed. They were high on one of the ramparts with a bird's eye view of the street battles. Em was crumpled at his feet, begging now. Her resolve quickly melting away.

"I'll do anything� Just let me go away from here�."

The mage took Em's chin in his hand again and tipped her head up, studying her face and her lips. "Yes that would be good." He muttered. His smile deepened - a dirty, creepy smile that just turned the corners of his angular face.

"Earn your escape then�" He said, reaching lower and grabbing one of her breasts, squeezing it through the thin material of her blouse. "I am sure you know how�"

Em looked up at him and sobbed as he pinched her nipple painfully.

She thought of Aya and Lish and the choices that they had made. She looked up at the mage, his dirty leering eyes staring down at her. Could she do it? Would she choose death over whoredom?

"And my freedom?" She finally asked.

"We shall see�"

After a long while Em made her choice. Slowly she nodded. With weak hands she reached forward and began to fish through his robes for his erection. She could feel it through the silky cloth - long and thin like the mage�s build. Finally it was revealed - the hard length staring her right in her face.

The mage looked down at her, running his fingers into her knotted hair.

Em was hesitating.

�Come on� open up�� He commanded, waving his erection just in front of her lips.

The mage smiled darkly as he watched her eyes focus on the tip of his penis, he could almost see her brain working � a huge fateful step in her life. It was like taking her virginity. Then with pleasure he saw her mouth parting slightly. He waited until she opened it all the way � until it was a soft feminine oval of submission� until her tongue was pushing slightly out of her mouth� Then he pushed himself inside like he was coming home.

"Pleasure me well and there may be hope for your Drow friend as well�� He said.

Em�s warm mouth began to engulf him softly.

**** LISH IN THE TUNDRA************************************************

She was no longer in Shenor � that much was certain. But Lish didn't have time to consider such niceties. She had been teleported into the air high above a wasteland of sleet and ice.Below her, as far as she could see, there was an endless sea of frozen water and driving wind. A moment later gravity found her and yanked her downwards.

She curled into a ball just in time to crash through the snow and sleet. In a jumble of limbs and snow she tumbled down a slippery slope finally coming to rest in a pool of ice-cold water. Worse than the fall was the most mind-numbing cold she had ever experienced. She fought for her breath as the cold bit down deep into her bones, making them throb with a driving pain that almost stopped her heart.

Her fingers turned into claws as she clutched at the slippery snow and ice, scrambling to pull herself out of the frigid pool. Twice she slipped and her head went completely under in an eruption of bubbles in the gray-blue water, but on her third attempt she managed to pull herself out. Gasping, she crawled on her stomach, pulling herself out of the wet pond like a walrus. Her hair was plastered to her head, her lips blue, and her dark skin shivering and crawling with goosebumps.

For the first time in her life her teeth began chattering. She tried to take a full breath but her lungs seemed to have shrunk, incapable of drawing in more than a thimble full of freezing air that froze her teeth. Then, just when she thought it couldn�t get worse - a gust of cold wind blew across the featureless landscape, whipping her with snow and sharp particles of ice. Soon she felt more like she was burning than freezing.

Eventually she managed to get to her feet. Cupping her reddened hands to her eyes she looked around for shelter but there was none. Her skimpy leather outfit was soaked through and her exposed midriff was hardly suitable for the harsh landscape. Only then did the reality of what had happened strike her. She had been banished far, far away. Exiled to a frozen wasteland perhaps thousands of miles away from the battle for Shenor. The mage had sent her to freeze - to die alone in the tundra without ever knowing what happened to Em or Aya - without the remotest possibility of help. That thought bit into her skin almost as deeply as the cold. The mage had banished her away to her a drow's deepest fears - to die slowly from cold and hunger in the vast openness of a freezing tundra. It was the antithesis of a drow's life. She began to stumble forward - but there really was no point - there was nowhere to go�.

Then she heard it� A low growling coming from somewhere behind her. She turned to look, but there was nothing in the blinding whiteness - only wind and snow. And yet�. she sensed something lurking, something drawing nearer.

The noise grew� a heavy animal breathing. Something shifted just outside her vision� something huge and hairy was approaching. Instinctively she took a step backwards and drew her knife. Her fingers were so cold that she could hardly grip the handle. The blade shook as she held it in front of her, her hopelessness momentarily displaced by fear.

There was a growl� Some kind of an animal shifted and moved closer. She felt the ice shake under its weight. Then she saw it - impossibly near. It was as big as a bear, covered in thick white fur. The Drow have no words for Yeti, but Lish had heard rumors around the campfires of her youth. It had been moving towards her the whole time, but its color had camouflaged it almost beyond sight - only its red gums and black eyes had given it away - That and the shaking of the ice as it quickly drew closer.

Lish's hand trembled as tried to fight it back with her knife. She stepped backwards heedlessly, slipping and falling and getting back up again. The creature advanced steadily, its black eyes fixed on Lish and her blade.

It had to be eight feet tall. It was clearly animal, but it�s giant arms made it look more humanoid than bear. Behind its eyes she could detect no intelligence - only savageness backed with cruel teeth and ferocious instinctive brutality. It had pinched, dog-like face on a thick neck. Its arms and legs were long, but ended in great paws with long blackened claws. Its weight was massive.

Lish slipped and half-fell, catching herself with her free hand, but the creature was on her. It barreled forward recklessly, its giant head crashing past Lish's defenses. She was face to face with the creature � its horrible breath in her face. It was studying her � teeth bared, one giant clawed hand on her stomach pinning her down. Lish hardly dared breathe � too afraid to provoke it. She clutched her blade tightly, waiting for an opportunity to strike. A minute of tense silence passed � Lish shivering with cold as the giant creature pressed her down. Then, in the sunlight something on her armor glinted, catching the Yeti in the eye. With sudden ferocity astonishing for its large build it bit towards her chest. Lish cried out in shock and tried to jab her dagger into its head but her body lurch forward as the massive creature pulled his head back; twisting it and growling like a huge angry dog. She felt a tearing at her chest and in the heat of the moment she thought it had bit her, but its massive jaws had only closed around the leather of her top.

Lish's body was flung around like a rag doll, pulled this way and that as the creature swung his massive head. She beat on its head wildly, trying to drive her dagger into its brain, but the creature�s thick fur and even thicker skin seemed to make it impervious. Suddenly she felt its hard skull crush against her ribcage, knocking the air from her as she bounced off the frozen ground. In the fray she felt her dagger slip from her freezing fingers, falling somewhere into the snow.

She cried out in desperation groping for it blindly in the snow. The yeti changed tactics. Instead of throwing its head wildly, it pinned her to the spot with its powerful arms and used its head to pull back, almost like it was ripping meat from a carcass. Suddenly there was an enormous pressure on Lish�s chest as she felt her halter dig into her skin.

The pressure came free with a ripping sensation across her back. The creature rose up and flicked its head � casting Lish into the air like a rag doll. She spun wildly, her top coming loose. Her breasts were exposed to the snow in a shock of cold as she tumbled face down into the sleet. She tried to pull herself up but she was too late - the creature's great paw pressed down on her back and trapped her against the snow. She could feel the sharp points of its claws just digging into her soft flesh. Her top, with its offending bright metal, was gone. That seemed to mollify the creature slightly.

It began studying her again, bending low and sniffing her. Lish was forced to remain still again lest she provoke it. She had to endure its wet nose digging into her underarm � its wet face studying her own. Unsure what to do and terribly afraid she tried to hold still, play dead, but it nudged her with its nose, pushing her body forward.

Then the creature whined unhappily. Slowly recognition hit; it was playing with her. It was that simple. It was playing with its food.

She felt like a mouse in the jaws of a huge cat. She could hear its deep breathing even over her own short gasps. Every breath seemed to end in a short animal-like whine of excitement. It nudged forward again, pressing its hot snout under her arm and licking there. It was disgusting. But she forced herself to hold still all the same - even though she was shivering and afraid.

The snout began sniffing everywhere. In a shock she felt its tongue flick out and lick her side. Again it licked and sniffed, descending lower until with a mew of animal excitement it found the source of an exquisite order � its snout digging under Lish�s skirt-like armor pressing between the globes of her ass. One lick and Lish was scrambling for her life. Its heavy animal breathing turned into a long whine of excitement � its dead plaything had come back to life�

The two mammals played a game of cat and mouse. Lish somehow managed to scramble free, running on her hands and knees a few steps, fighting to get to her feet, before the Yeti batted her down again, its wet snout finding the space between her legs with unerring precision. Lish was too mortified to even comprehend what was happening. Then, just when her brain was popping with absolute unqualified disbelief She felt its full weight come bearing down on her. Immediately she was crumpled flat onto the ground. The air left her body as she was crushed under its incredible furry mass - her face disappearing into the whiteness of the snow and her legs and arms sprawling to either side.

She tried to struggle, a muffled scream getting lost in the wet snow in her mouth and nose, but she was pinned by folds and folds of beastly fat and fur. The only thing she could see was the ice sticking to her face. The only thing that wasn�t cold was the strip of back that was crushed by its warm fur and the warm wet organ that was pressing against her thigh� It took a moment to realize what it was, but a white-hot light burst in her brain when she did.

She screamed in terror.

The creature shifted its massive frame, causing its bulky fat skin to ripple. Its large pink penis slid up her thighs and between her legs, crushing against her crotch with undeniable force. The large organ bent slightly with nowhere to go - encountering her hard pubic bone and the silk wall of her panties. Lish dug her nails into her fingers, struggling to get up, but knowing that she was trapped.

It began shifting its massive body - deftly dipped lower and pressed forward again, dipping and jabbing, dipping and jabbing, until to Lish�s utter disgust, its massive erection had probed almost everywhere, leaving a wet trail of slippery fluid that wet Lish�s thighs and ass cheeks. Whining with excitement and frustration it dipped and thrust forward again, its huge head banging directly against Lish's panties. The panties, already wet with snow and the creature's precum, stretched inwards as Lish's body was forced to open inwards.

Lish's mind went red in shock. It hadn�t gotten inside, but it hadn�t bounced off her leg either � it was getting closer. The creature's wet penis felt like a log that kept getting thicker � as it probed incessantly against her body she could feel it on both thighs at once like a bobsledder sliding along an iced track.

As the creature got more frustrated it thrust harder and faster - several times hitting just about the right place. Lish screeched in shock each time, redoubling her efforts and jerking her hips violently out of the way. But as the immense struggle went on and the strain of fighting off the creature�s immense weight began to wear her down. Slowly she jerked less and less, the creature�s penis finding the mark more often, until finally with one miscalculation by Lish the creature found the perfect combination of placement and weight, trapping Lish completely until there was nowhere left to move her hips.

It was then that she had to endure the mass of its penis pressing against her pussy without reprieve, its bulk bent and squeezed between her clamped thighs like if she were holding out the weight of a small building.

The creature began to pull back and thrust forward again - its penis gliding along the wet tunnel of Lish's thighs like a hotdog in a bun, coming to an abrupt halt against her crotch. With each thrust her wet thighs became more slippery, until soon they felt like a wet channel leading to her pussy.Her trapped thighs guided the spearhead towards its target like it was slipping down a funnel. Her soaked panties began to crumple and roll into a thin rope that dug between her wet pussy lips. The first contact between those lips and the hot, probing bulbs of the Yeti�s straining penis sent an electric discharge through both victim and assailer. For Lish it gave her new strength to fight, but for the creature it meant opening of hormonal taps that had long been denied.

In a frenzy � so close to its goal, the creature lifted its great mass, straightening its massive forearms and leaning its weight against Lish's groin, tunneling, digging, forcing forward� It needed to get in with all of its instinctual might.

Lish's panting became a long yelp as she felt its girth spearing into her. Her entire body tensed in shock as she felt its wet, thick mass probe inside her body in one long fluid motion�. It had not just probed the outside of her. It had not just bounced off ineffectually. It had found the mark, crushed past the rolled rope of her panties, squeezed aside the clenching of her thighs and the straining of her vaginal muscles. Its fat head and forced itself inside and it was tunneling in deeper along the curve of her vaginal track.

She had never even come close to experiencing such girth�or even imagined such a thing was possible. Everything in the world became a blur except for the indescribable sensation of being violated.

The creature pressed forward, jerking erratically, until its full mass was buried inside of Lish �right up to her womb she was filled with its density. The pressure inside was almost unbearable. She felt stretched all along the curving path from outside to inside � her eyes swam with stars as something deep inside her was crushed against and stimulated.

Then the creature began pumping�.

Lish held her breathe, digging her fingers deeper into her palms as she felt from behind her the shaft slip out along strained confines of her body and the press forward again. The first thrust made her gasp as the sensation reddened her brain - the muscles her pussy ached to close � ached beyond endurance � but instead they had to accept the tunneling density of something enormous�. but more than that, something animal.

After the first thrust she knew there was no hope that it would slip out - it was in too deep � even a full thrust hardly pulled it out half way.

Lish could hardly take it. Her panties were rolling along side of its girth, rolling into a tight, wet rope as it tunneled in and out of her. She gripped the icy snow in her hands, melting it in her grip until it ran through her reddened fingers. Her eyes squinted closed as she gasped for breath - too full even to breathe - and too shocked.

The creature's excited whining grew deeper and more frantic as it enjoyed a prize it had not had during most of its life.The circuitry of its brain popped with the hard-wired need to reproduce and the pleasure from Lish�s womb was instinctual bliss.

Lish too began to pant as her breath was forced from her body by its shifting mass. The creature pumped faster and faster, riding Lish and forcing her frazzled mind to endure the overload of input flooding in from her overwhelmed body. Soon Lish�s mind went red � completely blanking out any thought besides a screaming fire alarm of red energy. More than anything else she wanted it to stop. Her leapt when she felt its rhythm falter - its hips jerking forward at a frantic rate. A chill swept through her even beyond the red screaming in her mind- she knew it was coming to a climax. It was going to cum� It was going to be over� The thought hit her like a lightening bolt. She caught her breath and gritted her teeth - her consciousness focusing on the pit of her stomach. She could feel the end of its penis banging against her cervix - the very spot she knew it would burst.

The creature whined loudly and thrust forward firmly - its huge dick tunneling all the way into her body until the thick folds of the skin around its groin bounced against Lish�s ass - and then it stopped moving�

Lish couldn't hold back a long dying croak of emotion as she felt her insides begin to fill with something. She could feel wetness pouring into her, filling her, squishing back along the rod embedded in her womb. The creature thrust a few more times� Lish cried out in disgust - its movements were slick like an oiled cylinder. It was still cumming inside her.

Finally though it was over. Lish collapsed - all the tension leaving her body - she had been fucked by an animal.

The creature began to pull out, but the head of its penis seemed to have trouble leaving the tight confines of her body. She squirmed and clutched the ice as the creature again tried to remove itself from her. It jerked back once� twice�. and then finally it popped free. But as its long penis slid out of Lish's body countless flexible, stiff hairs ran back against the grain, stimulating Lish's insides and depositing something hormonal or chemical.

It seemed like a fire had been lit along the entire track of her over-stretched womb. It was the final insult � both overwhelming and disgusting. As the fluid on the spines got absorbed into her inflamed reproductive tract the burning, tickling sensation got worse. Unable even to get up she began to thrash in the snow, her hands clamping her stomach and pussy- the feeling everywhere at once - as she tried to cope with the weird sensation inside her. Vaguely she was aware that the creature had begun pulling her through the snow by her tunic, but at that point she really couldn't think about it. All that she could focus on was the throbbing inside her body. It wasn't so much pain or even pleasure that she felt, but just plain sensation. She wanted above all to reach inside herself and touch the spots that throbbed - or have something touch them. It burned and tickled and throbbed all at the same time.

As she was dragged along she slowly became more aware of the cold. She had forgotten about it when she was trapped under the beast, but now the wind and the wet snow was reminding her in no uncertain terms. She began to shiver again. Soon she began looking at the creature's fur with almost a sense of envy. She realized that it wasn't that she had forgotten about the cold, but that she had been warm under its bulk...

The yeti continued to drag her towards its destination, walking backwards through the tundra as it clutched Lish's tunic in its jaws. Lish didn't have the energy left to fight back. She simply let herself be taken, too overwhelmed and defeated to care. Thankfully, blissfully, she passed out after ten or fifteen minutes of slow progress through the featureless landscape.

*** EM ***

Slowly Velrak's mage worked his dick in and out of Em's mouth, enjoying the wet sensation of her face. His fingers curled into her sweaty blonde hair as he pushed himself deeper. They were at street level now � he had dragged her there so he could enjoy his prize as the war raged all around them. Everywhere elven soldiers were making their last stands as the human armies poured in through the ruined gates. Arrows were zipping through the air and streets were filled with the sounds of swords clanging, but in their midst Em was on her knees and Velrak's mage was slowly fucking her throat. Em�s tongue pushed along the base of his penis with every pass, trying desperately to hold up her end of the bargain, as hopeless as it seemed.

"Little one�" He reminisced stroking her hair as she sucked him. "Life is a beautiful, beautiful thing�The glory of war�. The rush of power� The thrill of defeating your enemy�"

Em began to gag as he pushed his dick in deeper. He was clearly getting closer and closer to cumming.

"Life is like a -ugh- warm mouth�" he continued, "Like a tight throat�. It is to be taken -ugh- and used and -ugh- enjoyed. Life is a -ugh- virgin whore's asshole�-ugh- -ugh- -ugh- to be -ugh- -ugh--UGH- to be broken in� just the same as magic�-ugh- -ugh- -ugh-"

Suddenly he stopped and pulled his dick abruptly out of Em's mouth. Em was trying to catch her breath. She stared at his dick like it was a weird monster, aware that most of it had been in her throat.

"Do you want to know the secret of magic?" He groaned, grabbing his penis and stoking it with maniacal zeal. "It's this�." He groaned, suddenly pushing his dick back into her mouth. "It's this!" His hips jerked back and forth violently, both hands clamping around her head. "IT'S THIS!!!" He screamed again, tipping his head back and releasing a spray of cum into Em's mouth.

Spontaneously he began humming and singing, holding Em's head firmly against his groin as his dick jerked and twitched his seed into the back of her throat. Em could hear soldiers laughing and snickering as they rushed by, no doubt watching the mage cum into her mouth.

Months later she would have her revenge. She would return for him, more powerful and more cunning than anyone could ever have imagined, and she would exact a shocking vengeance. But just then she knew nothing of that. All she knew was that she had let the man who hurt Lish cum in her mouth�

"Swallow!" He commanded, looking down on her. "Swallow for your freedom."

He watched as Em�s nostrils flared as she tried to work her throat with his length buried inside it. He could see she was having some trouble, with all the saliva and cum in her mouth, but he held himself there anyway, enjoying the way her mouth sucked and struggled to carry out a simple biological function. Eventually she blinked at him, letting him know it was done. Satisfied, he pulled her to her feet and commanded her forward.

"Now for your reward." He joked, tucking himself back in. "Now for the freedom I promised you!"

Em walked in a daze as the mage led her towards the city gates. He was laughing happily, letting her know that she had just let her enemy cum in her mouth�. She had just become a whore�.

Was it worth it? Would he really let her go? All around her soldiers were running, Shenor was falling- the air was filled with the clashing of swords, screams of the fallen. There seemed to be no way out.

Finally Em reached the gates. An army of men watched her stumble between them. Some recognized her as the woman who was giving the mage a blowjob, others just watched with interest as a human captive was found in an elven city. The mage was only three steps behind, prodding her now like cattle. He was clearly having a merry old time. A crowd began to gather for the show. Some even began to help her with her shirt, grasping at it and pulling at it as she stumbled by. It was a walk of shame, but she hardly cared anymore - all she saw was the exit. The mage was leading her right to it - in her haze she almost believed that he might let her go. She almost believed it would all be over if she could just walk through the gate. For a moment she imagined returning to her inn and taking up her job again - the thought felt impossibly sweet.

She was only a few steps from the gate when the mage commanded her to stop.

For some reason Em obeyed. She stood rooted to the spot, her pretty face streaked with wondrous tears of joy from her sweet dream. Her body was swaying back and forth from fatigue and emotion, one hand clutching her now torn shirt to her chest.

She had nothing more to lose, so she turned around when he told her to. She was standing over the dead body of Velrak himself. The fallen general was still lying where Lish had killed him. She didn't know it but one foot was even standing in his blood. She let her arms go limp, resigning herself to her fate. Her shirt fell open, parting just enough to reveal her nipples and her smooth stomach.

The mage laughed. "Oh, little one." He called out. "You should laugh and be merry � not just anyone gets my personal attention." He smiled and unraveled a scroll he had tucked in his robes. "Stand still, for I am about to give you a lesson in magic that may become legendary. It is my gift to you - your freedom� and a chance for the life of your friend"

Even as the mage spoke a perfectly clear sphere of energy slowly formed around Em. For a moment she imagined the same thing was going to happen to her as had happened to Lish. She reached out and touched the boundaries - the sphere felt as solid as glass. The soldiers crowded around her, watching as she pressed her hands against the clear wall of energy. But even as they watched the glass bubble slowly began sinking into the earth.

"Nothing the elves do is by accident� The mage continued. �This city is built on a gateway to the ruins of another, much more ancient place�." The mage laughed. "A fact that the elves like to keep hidden. But you will be the vessel to unearth these secrets. It is the freedom you begged for. Wake the sentinel and you will discover many secrets - even the power to save your friend."

Em had no idea what he was talking about � all she knew was that the earth was slowly melted below her, rising up like mud and swallowing her. She stared out at the crowds of soldiers gathered around her, unsure whether to be afraid or to be glad, but she knew that anything the mage had planned had to be bad.

As if on cue the dead body of Velrak slipped into the bubble with her. She looked up at the mage but he seemed pleased, he was smiling back at her with his usual oily grin. The sphere sank to her waist and then almost over her head. The last thing anyone could see of Em was her hands pressing against the smooth globe of energy that surrounded her before the earth closed in and cut off the last ray of daylight. Then nothing remained of the world she knew but darkness and Velrak's dead body.

**** Lish ***

Lish woke up cold. She had never been so cold in her life. It seemed to fog her brain and dull all her senses. She couldn't feel her fingers or toes. She could hardly see. Slowly she turned her head. She was in some kind of cave. The creature that had raped her was asleep by the entrance. It was curled in a tight ball, its head by its feet, but even so it easily weighed five hundred pounds. Its chest rose and fell with steady breathing as it slept peacefully and contently.

Lish strained her neck to look around. She was lying on her side, also curled up in a ball. She was basically naked besides for the beaten up leather tunic barely hanging on to her hips. Her skin looked almost pale and frozen. She tried to move her fingers and to her surprise they slowly closed. She couldn't understand why she was not dead. Memories of what had happened slowly drifted back into her addled senses. She had been in Shenor - fighting the invading army� Em had been there� She had almost escaped from certain death� but then the mage had come. She remembered his face with burning certainty. The thought alone was enough to give her the energy to sit up.

She had been teleported� Em had been left behind� What fate that monster had cooked up for her she could only guess, but looking across at the creature that had violated her she was certain it had been bad.

"Oh Em� I hope you did not suffer too much�" She croaked painfully.

Slowly more details of where she was began to filter in. The cave was small, but it was sturdy and warmer than outside. She could hear the wind whipping along the landscape and the memory brought a chill through her body. She was sitting on some kind of a fur mat. Vaguely she remembered crawling onto it. It was mostly covered in ice, but still thick clumps of hair poked up here and there and it was warmer than the icy floor. At her feet there were three silver fish, their sides cruelly punctured with teeth marks. Apparently they were for her.

Slowly she got up. Her feet felt unsteady. Stepping over the fish she crept along the side of the cave, working her way towards the entrance where the creature lay. She tried to work her way around it, but its bulk took most of the space. She had to lean over it, tiptoeing along the edge of the cave. For a moment her calves brushed against its fur - the warmth beckoned to her like a fire. Fur meant warmth� She began to think of ways she could kill it and wrap herself in its hide. But her knife was long, long lost�and outside the wind howled horribly. It was clearly suicide to leave. And yet what did it mean to stay?

She lingered too long. The creature half woke up, sensing Lish's presence at the entrance to the cave. With a shift of its bulk and an annoyed swap of its paw it shoved her back inside. For a brief moment Lish was engulfed in its fur and then she was toppling back into the cave.

She sat back down on the mat and shivered. She was so cold that she could hardly think� and she was so tired. The creature was curled up again by the entrance - there was no way out� Slowly she let herself slip back into unconsciousness, muttering ways she could get her revenge on the mage.

When she woke up again she was covered by fur - there was a massive weight on top of her. Fur beneath and fur above. Slowly she realized that the creature had come to her for another go. She was flat on her stomach, taken in the very same way as she had been before�how long ago? She had no idea� But suddenly she felt the insistent bulk of its penis pressing between her legs. It took less time this time to find the right spot. With a loud groan she felt it gain entrance to her body.

*** Five Days Later ****

"Oh god�." Lish moaned, feeling the prickle of the needles all through her body. "Oh god�.No�"

All at once the creature pulled himself out of her, the tiny spines on his penis sending her screeching like a cat and curling her into a ball. The tingling in her womb was unbearable. How many times had she been curled up like that, clutching her stomach? She didn�t even know how many days had passed, always seeming to be in perpetual darkness. All she knew was that this time she had cum. She didn't even care anymore - it just felt good � and that was all that mattered anymore. The animal�s sperm began leaking out of her pussy and beading on the fur mat, but she was too stunned to even think about it. Instead she let her mind become blissfully free of any thought. It was so much easier that way.

Lish would have trouble recalling details of this period of her life with any clarity. From other sources and by backtracking through a timeline of events she became reasonably certain that all together she had spent nine days holed up alone in the creature's cave at his mercy. The nights in that region lasted unbearably long and the days were so short that she quickly lost count of how many had passed. Her existence was based on the pure necessities of life. The creature provided her daily food - raw fish that it caught on its brief outings from their cave. Suicide was always a pervasive thought - she only needed to wander into the endless tundra and she would soon be lost and dead, but on the few occasions that she resolved to accept death the creature found her and dragged her back to her doom.

If the mage had any idea of what he had subjected her to he would have been ecstatic, but she doubted that even he could have dreamed something so devastating to her psyche. She was a drow elf - an educated, fiercely independent and capable woman that was accustomed to the bustle of cities or the stillness of subterranean vaults. She could hardly have imagined a place as wide and as open and as cold as where she was trapped. She could never have imagined the strain on her will that she had endured at the mercy of that creature�

But the truth was that from that day on she came almost every time the beast took her. She was living well beyond the limits of civilization and so almost willfully she resolved to live at the extremes of her consciousness. Only the need for vengeance sustained her. With vengeance as her motive she found in her core such feral instincts and animal ferocity that cumming to the creature�s enormous penis seemed almost natural. She had, in fact, such wild will to exist that she could persevere through any indignity.

Her freedom, when it came a few days later, would make her even stronger and fiercer� She would be legendary, even among the drow. Next 1