A parody by Micky Budarrap



Disclaimer: Star Trek, its characters, locations and plots are not my creations and are used without permission. No profit has been or will be made by their use in this story.


“Broke Bodice” is not intended for consumption by minors. If you are below the adult age in your country, state or county then read no further and delete this file from your computer. By reading this disclaimer you agree to take full responsibility for continuing.


The author does not encourage or condone the enormously disrespectful and frequently criminal things that are done to women in this story. The activities performed in this fictional work should never be inflicted on people in the real world.


This is a work of fiction that features rampant exploitation of women in parody of the depictions of species and societies in Star Trek. Where the TV shows and films only suggest for cheap titillation value, “Broken Bodice” takes it to its sleazy conclusions. The story focuses on the perils and misadventures of Deanna Troi (Star Trek: The Next Generation), T’Pol (Star Trek: Enterprise) and B’Elanna Torres (Star Trek: Voyager).


For a clearer idea of what these characters look like, check out and use the search feature to find the characters by name.


Feedback can be directed to [email protected].






B’Elanna Torres and T’Pol were naked, standing back to back inside the inactive warp core of the USS Sutherland. The reactor housing was a crystal-clear sheath of advanced alloys, perfectly transparent. It didn’t provide much room for the two nude heroines: the Klingon and the Vulcan’s bottoms were pressed against one another’s and their bare breasts were flattened deliciously against the see-through walls of the core.


Their uniforms were gone, stripped from their lush bodies by the invaders that now owned the Sutherland and its female crew. An infection had swept the ship, transforming the men onboard into nearly mindless creatures that had immediately set to stripping, groping and mounting the young women they had once worked with. T’Pol and Torres had been able to find brief sanctuary within the warp core, their bare bodies momentarily spared the fondling hands, sucking mouths and thrusting dicks of their assailants. The other women in the engine room were not so lucky. The chamber was filled with moaning and bucking women, tears of ecstasy running down their cheeks as they were relentlessly fucked, legs parted, feet kicking and bare breasts flicking vigorously with each thrust.


The two gorgeous brunettes stiffened as they received Deanna’s empathic message, their thighs tightening beneath their smooth bald pussies and their nipples making squealing sounds as they rose against the transparent walls. The Betazoid’s mental words shocked both T’Pol and B’Elanna to the core.


“You’re going to be the bait? the twenty-two year old Torres mentally exclaimed. “You have got to be kidding me Deanna!”


“It’s the only plan that will work,” insisted the counselor. “Brahms has confirmed that the creatures are guided mostly by smell and instinct. They can taste our hormones. Sight is a secondary stimulus at most. She’s used the medical equipment here to brew up a kind of anti-hormone chemical that will neutralize the smell of most of the women onboard. We can use the sickbay controls to get it into the life support feeds and spread it all over the ship. The crewwomen will lose their scents, so hopefully the creatures will be less interested in them. She’s also been able to mix up a boosted Betazoid hormone mix that’s strong enough to attract the monsters from one end of the ship to the other.”


“For the bait,” T’Pol reasoned, seeing the logic but also doubting it. Her arms still lifted above her head in the tight space inside the reactor, the Vulcan twisted at the waist to direct a disbelieving look at B’Elanna. Both women drew in deep breaths as they opened their mouths to object, and both bit their lips in involuntary pleasure as their melons pressed even harder against the walls with their breath.


“I’m the only Betazoid onboard,” Deanna continued, “My ‘smell’ is unique. They won’t mistake another woman for me. Being trapped in sickbay was a blessing in disguise. We have equipment, sensors and access to the ship’s emergency lockdown and evacuation controls. We can open any door, or seal them, and we can control the air flow. Which is something we’re going to need.


There was a pause before Deanna continued to explain her dangerous plan. “I’m going to lead the creatures to the shuttlebay. We can peek in through the security feeds and it looks like the hanger is empty, at least of women. It also has pressure sensors that are used the measure the weight of cargo, fuel and shuttlecraft. We can use those sensors to count the creatures as they follow me into the hanger. Even if they’re invisible they still have to walk. Once we have them all inside, we’ll open the doors and suck them out into space.”


“Blow,” T’Pol corrected. Her plump lips pursed. “Things are blown into space. Not sucked. But this plan is unnecessarily hazardous. If you are able to control the air feeds, surely you can use them to create a false scent trail to lead the creatures to the shuttlebay without endangering yourself as the bait.”


“We don’t have enough of the chemical,” Troi disagreed. “The neutralizing agent is based on surgical sterilizers: we’ve got a huge supply. But we’ve only been able to produce a little of this hormone. My own scent will finish the job. I have to do this.”


“Deanna,” Torres thought, her bare thighs shifting in concern beneath the delicious folds her perfect bald pussy, “A Nebula class has a crew complement of a thousand. The men made up seventy percent of the crew. That means that there are seven hundred of these things that you have to get into the shuttlebay!”


“We’re guessing a lot of the men are dead now, from trying to bash in the engines and other systems onboard. Besides, the hanger is big enough for them all to fit inside.”


“But will they all fit inside you?” With their minds touching, it was easy for Troi to sense the Klingon’s concern. “Deanna, even if you somehow make it across the ship and lead them all in there, you know what they’ll do to you when they have you cornered.”


“I know, believe me I know.” The thoughts of the counselor of the Enterprise were filled with helpless dread at what would happen. “But I brought these things onboard and I owe this crew to fix this. You mentioned that the creatures respond to electrical currents: that’s why they’ve been attacking the ship’s systems. I think we can use that.”


“This is still an unacceptably dangerous plan,” T’Pol asserted, trying to keep her thoughts away from how good it felt to have her tits pressed up against the core’s sheath, and her bottom firmly against B’Elanna’s ass.


“Please,” Deanna begged, “I’ll need your help. B’Elanna, T’Pol, I’ve got a few tricks arranged that will help me keep ahead of the pack but when we vent the hanger I’m going to be blown out into space too. I need someone to rescue me.”


“A transporter?” T’Pol surmised.


“Once the corridors are clear Brahms will head for the transporter room and try to get a lock on me,” Troi empathically transmitted. “Once the engine room is clear of creatures I need you two to do whatever you can there to give her the power she needs to beam me to safety.”


“You can count on us, Deanna.” T’Pol and B’Elanna exchanged a look, both beauties faces showing their concern for their Betazoid companion. “Be careful.”




Lieutenant Robin Lefler was a stunningly attractive young woman known for her quick wit, stubborn determination and her self-titled rulebook Lefler’s Laws. She was also eyed frequently for her slim figure, pixy-like smile and bright green eyes. With the male crewmembers mysteriously vanishing Robin had found herself temporarily in command of the Sutherland’s bridge, even enjoying a brief sit-down in the captain’s chair. She was still in the captain’s chair, or rather bouncing a few inches above it.


One of the transformed crewmen of the Sutherland had stripped Lieutenant Lefler of her uniform and now the acting ‘captain’ was humiliatingly naked, held on the beast’s invisible lap. Robin’s exposed tits leapt vigorously as she bounced up and down on the monster’s cock, her head rolling back and forth. Every now and again her nude body would be pulled forward, her tits sucked by an invisible mouth, before she was allowed to slump back in limp ecstasy again.


As a further indignity Lefler’s long braided hair had been used to cruelly tie her wrists behind her head, preventing her from resisting, covering her nakedness or even cradling her energetically leaping breasts. She could only throw her head back and wail, her nipples describing figures-of-eight as they danced on her jiggling tits.


Women all across the bridge were suffering similar fates. From one moment to the next they had been pulled from their duty stations, uniforms ripped from wriggling bodies, breasts sucked, mouths forcibly kissed and thighs spread. Each and every female on the bridge had felt their pussies stretch to permit an enormous enhanced cock to fill their vaginal passages. Each had been reduced to helpless wails of ecstasy as their minds and bodies were overcome by the pheromones and aphrodisiacs exuded by their attackers. And none of them had received the slightest mercy or even a break in the vigorous fucking of the last two hours.


The small monitor in sickbay showed the scene on the Sutherland’s bridge in all of its stark horror. Troi and Brahms stood together before the screen, watching the feed that came from the bridge sensors with wide eyes.


“Look!” Deanna breathed, pointing to the bouncing breasts of Robin Lefler on the small screen. “They’re slowing!”

Sure enough the green-eyed Lieutenant’s tits were no longer leaping with as much vigor as they had been a few seconds before. Her peaches slowed from violent flicks towards her face to gentle bounces, then further to a subtle jiggle as the cock pumping into her clenching pussy slowed its rhythm. The beast fucking the temporary Captain was losing interest. At last, after hours of endless violation, the monster ceased thrusting its dick into Robin Lefler. Half-sitting in the Captain’s chair the young woman leaned backwards, her spine arching as her head bowed towards the floor in semi-conscious defeat, her only movement was the rise and fall of her supple breasts as she panted for air. Robin was still held in place, the broad penis of her attacker anchored firmly in her quivering pussy and its hands on her thighs, but the ruthless fucking had ceased.


“The counter-agent must be working,” Brahms said in a whisper, leaning forwards to look at the monitor with her own exposed tits dangling beneath her. “It’s neutralizing the women’s hormones just like we hoped!”


Other women on the Sutherland’s bridge were also enjoying a respite from the rape. A beautiful bald Deltan on her hands and knees by her helm station ceased her bucking, although the distended shape of her breasts revealed her assailant was still holding and squeezing her irresistible titflesh. Two blondes moaned at their stations at the back of the bridge, the two teenagers bent over their consoles and still suffering cocks filling their vaginas, but those rock-hard organs were no longer pumping. The gorgeous Andorian navigator, pressed tits-first against the viewscreen, was allowed to slide down to her knees, her pale nipples squealing on the smooth surface.


But this was only the first stage of Brahms’ plan. The naked engine designer tapped a few buttons on the console, the brisk movements of her hands making her hanging boobs shake left and right. “Introducing the amplified Betazoid mix now.”


From the sickbay Leah and Deanna had limited control over the Sutherland’s life support systems, a contingency for contamination and isolation situations. The bridge ventilation released a new hormone mix, far stronger than the natural aromas of the women the transformed crewmen had been ravishing.


The immediate response made both Brahms and Troi leap back in shock. Lefler squealed as her hips were gripped and she was pulled back towards her invisible attacker, inhuman cock stuffing her narrow vagina to capacity. But a few short thrusts later the assault halted. The panting Lieutenant was gripped by her tits and, crying out in pleasure and distress, was pulled into an upright sitting position. She reeled and arched her back as the invisible monster sniffed deeply of her breasts and face, trying to confirm that Robin was the source of this interesting new aroma.


She wasn’t. Robin Lefler was pushed off the Captain’s chair and fell to the carpeted floor on her back. The stunning Lieutenant was only the first female to be disregarded. The other women in the bridge were pushed aside by suddenly disinterested beasts, their animal senses homing in on the new and powerful hormonal scent being fed into the bridge.


The two blondes at the security and science stations were left bent over their consoles, one with her heaving breasts pointing to the ceiling and her hair fanning out over her LCARS displays, and the other with her tits pressing against her controls and her ass thrust backwards, puffy and excited pussy lips peeking out between her thighs. The Andorian and the Deltan at the front of the chamber were dumped side by side. Their naked bodies, still addled with ecstasy-inducing pheromones, made accidental contact and the two young women began to wriggle and writhe together, breasts mashing in a delicious display and long legs intertwining. The blue-skinned beauty and the bald bombshell moaned in semi-conscious pleasure, their hands seeking out breasts and bottoms and pussies and their lips softly meeting in a mindless kiss. But at least they were no longer being assaulted by their transformed male comrades.


“The creatures must be following the scent trail,” Brahms said, her blue eyes wide as she found herself watching the Deltan and the Andorian as they kissed and fondled and wriggled together. “It should lead them into the Jeffries tubes and from there to the rest of the ship.” She straightened, erect nipples bobbing on the peaches of her bare breasts. “It’s working!”


“It’ll work better once I’m out there,” Deanna said with determination, a deep breath making her supple and generous melons press against her tight makeshift top. “Make sure the air vent system is set up so that my scent reaches them.”


Brahms eyes were filled with worry as she regarded the gorgeously proportioned counselor. “Are you absolutely certain about doing this? We can find another way, I’m sure.”


The raven-haired beauty shook her head, her dark locks settling over her pale shoulders and her black eyes closing solemnly. “This has gone on too long already. Give me the hormone mix.” The voluptuous young woman lifted her chin, standing before Brahms wearing only two skimpy towels tied around her breasts and hips.


Brahms carefully lifted a large sealed beaker from the console, handling it as if it were physically dangerous. She handed the container to Troi and quickly retreated several steps back, creating some distance between herself and the beaker’s potent contents.


Popping open the lid Deanna reached into the beaker and scooped up a handful of a thick transparent gel. She rubbed it over her arms, her milk-pale skin quickly gaining a shine as she oiled herself up. Her legs were next, the Betazoid leaning forward and unwittingly giving Leah a lovely view of her cleavage as she rubbed the goo into her bare thighs and calves. Lastly she rubbed the gel across her flat stomach and up higher, beneath her towel-bra as she oiled up the firm globes of her breasts.


Troi re-settled her towel over her tits. The fabric moistened and grew slightly transparent, offering an even more tantalizing glimpse of Deanna’s dark round nipples. The voluptuous Betazoid shivered slightly at the gel’s cool touch.


“Now you’re the most powerful monster magnet on the ship,” Leah said, still keeping a nervous distance from the brunette beauty.


Deanna Troi, one time counselor of the USS Enterprise and now living bait, turned and looked towards the infirmary door. “Then I had better kit up and be on my way,” the nearly naked Betazoid beauty said nervously.




The sickbay door slid open and Deanna raced out, immediately turning and running down the corridor as quickly as her bare legs could carry her. In addition to the two towels that covered only the most delicious parts of her curvaceous body, Troi was also carrying more than a dozen tricorders and sensor pads strapped to her arms and thighs and attached to a belt around her waist.


She weaved past a redheaded crewwoman who lay flat on her back with her legs spread and her pale tits jiggling, leapt over a blonde who was positioned nude on her hands and knees with her pink-nippled udders swaying beneath her, and sprinted past a kneeling asian teen whose mouth was trapped in an ‘o’ as she unwillingly sucked on an invisible cock, her bottom wiggling at the sensation of her small but cute boobs being squeezed as a reward. The Betazoid could not stop to give aid, knowing that for each bare-bodied woman there was at least one invisible creature at work on them. They would eagerly drag a voluptuous brunette down as well and Troi couldn’t afford to be stopped.


But her enhanced smell drew a powerful reaction from the creatures in the corridors. The counter-agent was now all throughout the ship, neutralizing the hormonal scents of the female crew except for those of the lone Betazoid. The synthetically amplified scent that covered Troi now drew every monster who smelled it after her lush, ripe figure.


Deanna Troi was now the most enticing, most fuckable woman aboard the Sutherland. Every creature that caught a whiff of her hormonal scent was immediately fixated on her voluptuous figure and desired nothing more than capturing her full soft breasts in his hands and thrusting the hard length of his cock into her vulnerable pussy. The three gasping women in the corridor were abandoned as their invisible rapists set off after the voluptuous Deanna.


Troi’s round bottom wiggled as she ran, her dark hair flying and her arms pumping. The empath could only faintly sense the alien minds of the invisible creatures. She could also sense the female crew, the humiliation and despair and helpless ecstasy that each and every one of them felt after being stripped of their clothing and pulled down, tits sucked and pussies filled with meat. Normally the sensation would have overwhelmed Deanna’s empathic mind but thanks to their pheromone-induced daze the emotions Troi sensed from these women were muted, unable to cloud her thoughts.


The brunette counselor turned a corner and ran directly into an invisible barrier. It was a pair of the creatures, growling in pleasure at having their hands on such a deliciously full-figured woman as Deanna Troi. She gasped in fright as both her top and bottom were ripped from her curvaceous body, leaving the voluptuous Betazoid naked except for the tricorders and sensors strapped to her pale figure.


That equipment failed to cover her breasts. “Oh god!” the counselor cried out as a pair of invisible mouths planted over Troi’s tits and sucked hard. Her dark nipples became the peaks of the two cones as her boobs stretched upwards, making the Betazoid’s back arch and her mouth open in a wail of shock and unwanted pleasure. Forced to stand on tip-toe, invisible hands groping at her thighs and rump, Deanna knew what was going to happen next.


Her left hand scrabbled for a tricorder strapped to her upper arm. Even as the incredible sensation of her super-sensitive tits being sucked threatened to overwhelm her, Troi managed to stab its activation button, tear the tricorder off and throw it away.


The pre-programmed device immediately began a full-powered scan cycle. The energy pouring through its circuits had exactly the effect Brahms and Troi had hoped for: it attracted the beasts. The same destructive impulse that had forced the altered crewmen to cripple the Sutherland from within now urged them to ignore their captive and destroy the little buzzing device as it performed its scan.


The beasts groping Troi released her, the Betazoid’s boobs bouncing back into globes as they ceased to suck her teats. With wide eyes she watched the tricorder lift from the deck and jerk left and right as the camouflaged beasts fought over the object, drawn to and threatened by the powerful signals it was producing. The decoy was working!


Deanna turned and ran. Now completely nude, her bare breasts leapt on her chest and her delicious rump wiggled as she raced as fast as she could, side-stepping and leaping over the stunned bodies of stripped, raped and defeated crewwomen. As she sprinted she heard the tricorder far behind her shatter under the fists of the invisible beasts: the decoy had not lasted long.


Troi pulled another tricorder from her thigh and prepared it. These electronic decoys were her best chance of keeping her lush naked body out of the hands of the invisible creatures she was luring to the Sutherland’s shuttlebay.




The dilithium articulation hatch of the USS Sutherland’s warp reactor slowly opened at the pushing of T’Pol’s foot.

The nude science officer still stood back-to-back against B’Elanna Torres, both women’s bare breasts pressed against the transparent walls of the core. With her arms still lifted above her head to make room in the narrow space, T’Pol began to slide herself down to the hatchway, her hips wiggling sexily from side to side and her nipples squeaking against the see-through reactor sheath. The Vulcan’s plump lips closed tightly as she fought to hold in the pleasure in her throbbing boobs as she wriggled lower and lower, her tits lifting and flattening. Finally she was low enough to extend one long leg out of the access hatch.


T’Pol’s other leg followed. By energetically flexing her flat stomach the Vulcan inched her way out, her bottom lifting and her hips shifting out through the hatch. “Uhhoooh,” she moaned as she squeezed her tits beneath the upper edge of the opening. Leaning back deeply she swung her head and arms into the clear and T’Pol was finally out of the Sutherland’s warp core.


Nude crewwomen lay all around the engine room, their sweat-slick bodies motionless except for the rise and fall of their breasts as they breathed and the occasional shifting of quivering thighs as they closed around hot moist pussies. There was no sign of the beasts that had so recently been violating these women: it appeared that every one of them had been lured away by Deanna Troi’s enhanced scent, pumped through the ship thanks to Brahms’ manipulation of the life-support system.


T’Pol turned and offered assistance to B’Elanna as she made her exit from the core. Voyager’s chief engineer crawled out of the hatch on her hands and knees, her bare breasts swaying and jiggling beneath her. Getting her legs out proved trickier. The Vulcan embraced Torres to support her upper body, their soft melons pressing firmly together. The twenty-two year old Klingon worked one long and lovely leg out of the hatch and then the other, settling her feet beneath her and the two brunette beauties were standing naked side by side.


The sight of so many crewwomen stripped nude and raped into submission spurred feelings of helpless anger in B’Elanna and even the Vulcan T’Pol. The two heroines had shared something in common with these young women. All had joined the fleets of their homeworlds and colonies in the hope of serving a greater cause. They had been cruelly rewarded with this humiliating treatment, their male crewmates transformed into monsters hell-bent on stripping them naked and violating them.


But they had a job to do. “T’Pol, get me a coolant feed,” Torres said, “I think I can get that backup generator working.” As B’Elanna’s brown nips bobbed as she headed to a nearby console, the sound of her name being moaned drew her attention to a blonde lying naked on the deck.


“Torres.” Elizabeth Shelby, the Captain of the Sutherland, had been stripped nude and fucked to the edge of consciousness by the transformed men of her own crew. Officers and men who had once taken orders from her had taken turns thrusting into the blonde’s snatch, sucking on her tits and forcing their former Captain to suck their inhumanly large cocks. The blonde had screamed, fought, wiggled and finally surrendered to the ecstasy of her ordeal, cumming over and over as aphrodisiacs flooded her lovely slim body.


Even now her blue eyes were dazed and her lips slack as she tried to form words, her body still obviously overcome by the pheromones. “What’s happening?” She lay on her back, her hands cupping over her throbbing breasts, her legs lifted and her thighs pressed together to protect her still-quivering snatch. “What did you do?”


“Just sit tight captain,” B’Elanna said, the light from the control station she was leaning over shining on her swaying breasts, “We’re going to clean up your ship.”




Velcro straps made a ripping sound as Deanna pulled another sensor off her left thigh. The counselor was running dangerously low on tricorders: apart from the unit in her hand she had only one more, hanging from a strap slung low around her curving hips. That tricorder bounced and bumped against the pale moons of her bare bottom as she skidded to a halt in front of the turbo lift.


“Nearly there,” Troi panted, the globes of her heaving tits slick with both hormone-heavy gel and her own perspiration. She hit the call button for the lift and waited, her dark eyes flashing back down the corridor behind her. She could hear the sounds of struggling as the monsters’ pursuit was slowed by another tricorder she had left behind, but Deanna knew it would only buy her a few more seconds. While she could only faintly sense the beasts chasing her Troi knew that they packed the corridor from wall to wall, a hundred transformed crewmen all eager to get their hands on her lush naked figure.


To her relief the turbolift emitted a chime almost immediately, indicating the cabin was already on her level. But when the doors opened her relief turned to terror as a redheaded crewwoman fell forwards out of the turbolift, having been pressed tits-first against the doors. The nude young woman, who couldn’t have been more than twenty, landed with her boobs on the deck and her ass in the air, moaning in the aftermath of multiple orgasms. The poor girl must have been trapped in the turbolift with one of the creatures.


Deanna would have felt sorry for her if not for one fact. With the redhead no longer being molested, that meant that the beast that had mounted her was now standing directly in front of Troi!


Oh god!” the Betazoid cried, activating the sensor in her hands and hurling it down the corridor. An invisible mass barged past her, knocking the counselor onto her ass with tit-bouncing force as it chased the charged-up sensor unit. Scrambling to her feet, Deanna leapt over the stunned body of the naked redhead and into the turbolift cabin. She could sense the mass of monsters in the corridor rushing towards her like a gushing torrent.


Shuttlebay,” Troi gasped, leaning her curvy naked body on the handrail that circled most of the cabin, her melons heaving with her panting, “Priority journey, no stops!”


This turbolift is out of order,” announced a synthesized feminine voice, “Maintenance has been informed.


No!” wailed Deanna. With the turbolift inoperable, the Betazoid was essentially trapped in a tiny metal cell with a horde of sex-mad monsters about to charge in on her through the cabin’s only exit.


“No, two exits!” the counselor realized, looking up to the maintenance hatch in the turbolift’s ceiling. Deanna moved quickly, climbing up on the handrail and nearly doing the splits to steady herself. She pushed open the shutter-hatch and began to pull herself up and through. Above was the dark turbolift shaft, lit by a row of emergency lights running up the wall of the tunnel beside a maintenance access ladder. With the turbolift immobilized Troi would have to climb.


The sound of heavy footfalls approaching the lift made her move even faster. “Please, please!” the busty Betazoid begged, her wide womanly hips wiggling as she struggled to pull herself up, her boobs rubbing against the hatch entrance before popping through.


A groping hand touched her inner thigh and Deanna shrieked. With an adrenaline-fueled burst of strength she practically launched up out of the hatch, her hands slapping on the rungs of the emergency ladder. With her round ass wiggling the nude counselor began to climb at a furious rate, her black eyes fixed on the rungs above with lusty snarls and growls below spurring her on.




Leah Brahms’ race through the Sutherland’s corridors left her pale figure shaking with terror. Completely naked, her tits leaping with each stride of her long legs and her bottom creating a mouthwatering wiggling show, the scientist had expected at any moment to be grabbed by the invisible hands of one of the male crew, her breasts sucked and her thighs spread.


But all Leah found as she ran through the Sutherland’s corridors were moaning and panting crewwomen. The female members of the Nebula Class Starship’s crew lay stunned and semi-conscious everywhere, some with tattered uniforms around their shoulders and knees but most wearing nothing but their boots, constantly reminding Brahms that the ship was under the control of the invaders.


Brahms knew on an intellectual level that their chemical trick had cleared the corridors and that she was safe, but her body disagreed. The gooseflesh on her bare breasts and the throbbing memory of an enormous cock lodged in her pussy making her run as fast as she could.


She reached the transporter room at a full sprint and skidded to a halt at the sight of a redheaded teenager lying with her back arched over the control console. “Oh no, Hedril,” despaired Leah, her blue eyes taking in the sight of the eighteen year old’s bare saliva-slick breasts rising and falling with her breathing and her slim thighs and flat stomach splattered with the cum of her assailant. Hedril’s red hair fanned out around her face, her eyes closed as she remained blissfully unconscious, having blacked out under the weight of relentless orgasms.


Brahms gathered the girl up in her arms, their soft tits pressing together as she pulled Hedril from the console and lowered her gently to the deck. She had no time to help the Ensign, or any of the young women she had passed during her journey. “If I can’t beam her back in when we vent the shuttlebay,” Leah told herself as she got to work on the transporter console, “Troi is going to be in for a nasty surprise… oh no.”


Leah Brahms stared at the diagnostic readouts on the console with dread. Panting with fresh anxiety the doctor found a working communication circuit and activated it. “Brahms to engine room! T’Pol, Torres, answer me!”




“We read you Doctor,” B’Elanna Torres replied, the Klingon’s hands moving over her console with energetic movements that made her bare breasts tremble. “How’s that transporter? Ready to fire?”


“This transporter will never fire again,” came the engine designer’s desperate voice. “This cannot be repaired. When this transporter unit shorted out, it fried the central and backup buffers. None of the transporters on the Sutherland work! The buffers have to be replaced, and that means days of work with parts we’d have to haul out of storage!”


T’Pol’s nude figure was half inside the workings of a massive coolant pump, the Vulcan’s udders dangling beneath her lean frame as she worked on her hands and knees. Her efforts suddenly without purpose the science officer crawled back out of the machinery, her firm ass swaying from side to side. “The transporter was our only hope of rescuing Deanna. Without it, she will die with the creatures when they are vented from the shuttlebay.”


“I know that!” snapped B’Elanna, “Just let me think!” A hand on her firm calf made the twenty-two year old look down.


Elizabeth Shelby lay on her side, one arm covering her breasts and pressing her titflesh up into a delicious cleavage. Having gotten Torres’ attention the blonde returned her other hand to cover her aching, throbbing snatch. “The shuttles,” the Captain moaned, fighting against the debilitating effects of the pheromones that soaked her body, “Emergency transporters.”


B’Elanna’s dark eyes lit up. “Of course,” she breathed. Her shoulder-length dark hair flicked as looked around the floor. Finding a shredded uniform she searched through it and located a Starfleet communicator badge. “Doctor Brahms!” Torres said as she pressed the badge to her left breast, its adhesive backing attaching to her tanned tit, “Stay at that station. Very soon I’m going to route control of a working transporter to your position!”


B’Elanna set off at a run and T’Pol matched her pace. “What is your plan?” the Vulcan demanded as the two nude beauties ran side by side, long legs pumping beneath their delicious asses, their hands cradling their soft melons as they tried to leap with their rapid pace. “Without a transporter, rescuing Troi will be difficult in the extreme.”


“The Sutherland’s transporters aren’t working,” answered B’Elanna, “But there are still working transporters onboard! Shuttle design has advanced quite a bit since your time, T’Pol! Some of the larger models have limited capacity transporters installed. We’ll rig one up and use that to rescue Deanna.”


T’Pol’s eyes went wide as she realized the Klingon’s destination. “We’re going to the hanger? Troi is leading all of the creatures there!”


Torres’ expression was one of absolute determination as she ran, her naked thighs working hard beneath her firm ass and her boobs jumping in her hands with each stride. “I’m not going to let her die,” she promised.




The effort of the climb was making Deanna gasp for air. She could feel hot breath on her bare feet, her pursuers only a few rungs beneath her. “Getting too close,” she panted. She risked stopping long enough to reach down and rip the last of her tricorders from her naked hips and activate it.


As powerful invisible hands settled on her thighs, a gust of hot, hormone-heavy breath on her bottom and nethers, Deanna Troi dropped her very last tricorder down the turbolift shaft. Almost instantly the beast’s interest shifted from the voluptuous nude Betazoid to the powerful electrical field produced by the sensor.


Troi felt its hands leave her thighs, and suddenly her legs were free of the hot exhalations of her pursuer. She looked down into the blackness of the shaft, even though she knew she would see nothing. But she heard it: a series of dull thumping noises as bodies struck the ceiling of the turbolift cabin far below. Driven by their instinctive need to demolish electrical devices, the beasts were jumping down the shaft after the tricorder!


Deanna resumed her exhausting ascent, hauling her lush naked body up the rungs. Perspiration made her hands and bare feet slick. She slipped, crying out distress as her bare breasts hit a rung hard. Shutting her eyes against the throbbing in her tits she continued upwards, knowing she had only one more deck to climb.


But the five-foot-three Betazoid was no match for the enhanced strength and stamina of her pursuers. The tricorder below had already been smashed into dozens of pieces, and she had no more ways of distracting them. It was only a matter of time before one of them caught up with her. Deanna only hoped she would reach the shuttlebay before that happened.


She hadn’t thought they would catch up with her before she even escaped the turbolift shaft!


No, please!” wailed Deanna as a powerful hand clamped around her ankle. She kicked with her foot only to find her other ankle grabbed. Then the monster was climbing up the ladder behind her, its powerful body pressing her nakedness against the rungs!


The Enterprise’s counselor bucked and wiggled on the maintenance ladder, her voluptuous figure gyrating sexily with her breasts swaying and her ass shifting left and right. But against the powerful monster behind her she had no chance. An invisible arm reached over her shoulder, firmly gripping a rung, while another wrapped around her waist.


The transformed crewman’s laugh of triumph was an inhumanly deep chuckle over her shoulder as it pressed its broad, hot meat against the folds of Deanna Troi’s bald pussy.


The full-figured counselor arched her back, tipped her face upwards and screamed in defeat as she felt her nether lips stretch to allow a broad and powerful cock slide into her. The organ partially withdrew with cruel slowness, nine inches of hard ridged flesh tormenting her sensitive folds, and then the monster thrust its organ back up inside Deanna Troi. “Uh! Uh! Uh-uh-uh-uh-uh! Her shriek became a series of rapid yelps, perfectly timed to the pumping motions of the monstrous penis plunging up into her velvet vagina.


The Betazoid was pressed against the ladder by the monster’s mass. She found her bare breasts hooked over a rung, her melons lifting deliciously. A particularly deep thrust lifted Troi’s feet off the rungs and suddenly she was kicking her long legs helplessly. This left much of her weight supported solely by her hands and by her tits!


Noooo!!!” wailed the counselor, her dark hair flying as she helplessly thrashed her head, “I was so close ah-ah-ah-ahh-aaah-AAAHHHHHH!!!


Deanna Troi orgasmed, defeated by her super-sensitive body, the pheromone dosage she had already received and by her assailant’s powerfully thrusting cock. She had reached the same level as the shuttlebay, built into the upper decks of the Sutherland, but had lacked the speed to stay ahead of the pack. Now she was paying the price.


Gasping and rolling her eyes in ecstasy, the Betazoid could only buck and bounce as she was vigorously banged, her legs kicking uselessly in the air, her pussy lips stretching to allow the monster’s invisible cock deep inside her, and her boobs jumping up and down to smack between the ladder’s rungs. The counselor reached her peak again, pleasure blasting her conscious mind and making her wail out loud. The beast behind her emitted a growl that was almost a laugh as it deeply enjoyed the sensation of thrusting its tool deep within Deanna Troi.


Suddenly the dimness of the turbolift shaft was filled with light. The creature’s transparent body could not cover Deanna’s porcelain nakedness: a rectangle of illumination fell across the counselor’s voluptuous pale body, revealing her with legs spread and kicking with her nether lips parted.


“Deanna!” yelled a woman’s voice, “Hold on to the rungs! Get a good grip!” Even in her mind-addling ecstasy Troi obeyed, her arms interlocking in the rungs. Over the sounds of her own gasping inhalations she heard a buzzing sound that she recognized: a tricorder powering up. It was dropped into the shaft.


The thrusts into her tender pussy suddenly ceased. With a grunt of effort Deanna’s assailant leapt away from her, falling down the turbolift shaft in pursuit of the falling tricorder. Troi was left dangling by her hands clinging the ladder and her tits hooked over a rung. She moaned and trembled, her legs still spasming after her orgasms.


“Get your feet back on the rungs!” shouted another female voice, its familiarity pushing through Troi’s ecstasy-daze, “You’ve got to jump! Come to us!”


Deanna’s bare legs awkwardly shifted as she moved her feet onto the rungs. She half-turned, revealing the delicious curve of her left breast from the side as she squinted into the light. It was an open turbolift door with two dark figures starkly silhouetted before it. Her eyes still adjusted to the dim lighting of the shaft Deanna could not make them out, and after her mind-blowing orgasm she could barely think.


“We’ll catch you!” Hands were reaching out for her. Deanna almost fainted, over-exerted after her climb and chase and the powerful fucking she had endured. In a last moment of clarity she bent her pale legs and dove for the open entrance. She didn’t jump far enough to reach it.


But B’Elanna and T’Pol caught Deanna’s arms. The curvaceous Betazoid’s bare breasts hit the shaft wall hard enough to make her cry out in distress and pleasure, the twin bursts of sensation in her super-sensitive tits bringing her back to her senses. She looked up to see her lovely Klingon and Vulcan companions holding her by the wrists, saving her from falling.


The two brunettes hauled the third up and out of the shaft. The three Starfleet officers stood together completely nude, the Betazoid still shaking on her unsteady legs but held up by her lovely companions, their bare bodies pressed together, three sets of round but supple tits squeezing into a mix of Betazoid, Vulcan and Klingon cleavage. “Together again,” Torres said with a quick grin.


“As if anything would keep us apart,” added T’Pol.


“But how?” Deanna moaned, her arms draped over the shoulders of her nude companions, the Betazoid’s mouthwatering jugs swaying gently as they supported her. “How did you know I was in there?”


“You’re loud,” teased Torres, “And we both know what your squeals sound like.” As Deanna blushed the Klingon continued. “Come on, we haven’t got any time to waste!”


The three heroines headed down the corridor, T’Pol and B’Elanna supporting Troi between them. Their naked bottoms neatly lined up they moved with short quick steps, their thighs shifting beneath their smooth pussies, three pairs of bared breasts swaying and jiggling in a row as they walked three abreast.


“Oh no,” breathed Deanna in realization, her dark hair falling in front of her tits as she looked at her arms, draped over the shoulders of her comrades. “You’ve both touched me. You’ve got the hormone gel all over you now!” Her dark eyes were wide as she looked at her friends with dismay. “We can’t risk any of them staying on the ship! You’ll both have to come with me to the shuttlebay!”


“Unfortunately that is already our plan,” T’Pol said. The sound of hands slapping on rungs and grunts of effort from the open turbolift doors made the nude Vulcan look over her shoulder with concern. “Deanna, can you run?”


“I have to.” Reluctantly disengaging her arms from the naked shoulders of her gorgeous comrades, Troi steadied her legs beneath her. She found new strength and confidence in the presence of her friends. Despite sensing the horde of creatures climbing the turbolift shaft behind her and Jefferies tubes across the ship, despite all three of them being completely naked, despite all three of them having suffered the groping hands, sucking mouths and thrusting organs of the invaders, Deanna felt her spirit lift.


“There’s no two people in the galaxy I’d rather face this with than you two,” the curvaceous counselor said in gratitude. Then she balled her fists, set her face in an expression of determination and began to run.


T’Pol and B’Elanna fell into step beside her. The three brunette heroines ran side by side, their longs legs pumping beneath her wiggling asses and their bare breasts jumping with each stride as they raced towards the shuttlebay. Ahead of them was the final confrontation, the last desperate showdown with the Sutherland’s invaders. In the next few minutes the fate of every woman onboard would be decided.




Deanna Troi, B’Elanna Torres and T’Pol entered the shuttlebay at a dead run, the sound of footfalls and lusty growls behind them spurring the three nude brunettes on. With one hand lifting to check that the combadge was still stuck to her leaping left tit, the twenty-two year old Torres pointed towards one of the larger shuttles. “I’ll try that one!” the Klingon yelled, pulling ahead of her companions as her athletic legs worked even harder and her big brown nipples jumping on her tanned globes even more vigorously.


“We will try to buy you some time!” T’Pol panted, the Vulcan and the Betazoid halting and turning, their boobs lifting with their heaving breaths as they awaited the arrival of their pursuers.


Torres skidded to a halt, quickly working the access keypad and opening the hatch on the shuttle’s flank. She ducked inside, her bare feet coming down on the carpet inside the shuttle and she headed for the front of the cockpit. Her breast stretched slightly as she pulled the combadge off, its adhesive backing trying to cling to the silky skin of her tit. “It’ll only take me a few seconds!” she shouted, plugging the combadge into the shuttle’s console. Her hands moved quickly over the controls, activating the small craft’s systems and setting up a remote link to the Sutherland’s communication system. “I have to program it so it only powers up just before transport,” B’Elanna said to herself as she worked, energetic keypresses making her boobs jiggle. “If these bastards sense the energy flow and smash up this shuttle, it’ll all be for nothing!”


Torres nearly jumped as Deanna Troi lunged halfway through the hatch with a gasp. She was leaning forward heavily with her hands on the edges of the opening and her soft melons dangling beneath her.


“What are you doing?” B’Elanna demanded, a glance over her shoulder making her dark hair flick around her face.


“Blocking uhhh, blocking the entrance aaahh!! The Enterprise’s counselor bucked forwards, her boobs swaying back and forth and her eyes shutting in intense pleasure as something thrust deep between her vaginal folds. Another glance back and Torres knew the truth: one of the creatures was taking the busty Betazoid from behind, and it was only her naked body in the hatchway that was preventing them from entering the shuttle! As she watched Troi’s dark nipples stretched downwards, causing the twenty-nine year old to squeal as invisible fingers grabbed and twisted her brown teats!


With Deanna’s yelps and mewls ringing in her ears, B’Elanna redoubled her efforts. Testing signals between the shuttle and Leah Brahms’ transporter console were sent and received. A control structure was established. Light diagnostics confirmed the transporter system should be operational.


A thump on the shuttle canopy made Torres duck. T’Pol was pressed tits-first against the transparent aluminum, her palms helplessly thumping on the canopy. The Vulcan’s long legs were gracelessly spread and her slim but full-chested figure began to jerk and wiggle. From the wideness of T’Pol’s eyes and thighs B’Elanna knew that the NX-01’s science officer was also receiving her dosage of the monsters’ attention. He tits slid up and down the canopy with each thrust into her snatch, the science officer rolling her eyes in paralyzing pleasure, her plump lips open wide.


“Hurry up!” moaned Deanna. The cock pumping into her pussy was so vigorous that it set her entire body to shaking with each thrust. Her boobs were flicking forwards and backwards so energetically that the counselor thought that they might hit her in the face.


“One last check,” Torres said desperately, “Leah, are you receiving me? We’re all set up at this end!”


“Establishing control,” answered the voice of the engine designer, transmitted from the transporter room. “Running system check!”


With a triumphant grin on her face B’Elanna turned to look back at Deanna. “I think we’ve got it…” She trailed off. The hatchway where she had last seen the nude counselor was now empty. Troi had been dragged out into the hanger.


Now it was Torres’ turn. “Oh ow aaaaAAAIIIEEEE! B’Elanna arched her back and squealed as an invisible pair of hands clamped tight around her bare breasts and lifted. Her soft titflesh distending in its powerful grip, the twenty-two year old was pulled forwards on the tips of her toes, her long legs moving quickly and awkwardly to stay beneath her as she was yanked by her boobs towards the hatchway. “Gaawd let go let go leggoooo!” she mewled as she was pulled down to her knees and dragged, breasts-first, out of the shuttle and into the hanger itself.


The invaders in the shutlebay were invisible, so it was impossible for B’Elanna to make any sort of count past a guess. But from the impatient footfalls, grunting laughs and the hot breath on her naked body she knew she was completely surrounded. The early arrivals had been able to monopolize Deanna and T’Pol’s delicious pussies, but now there was more competition. The three women were pulled onto their feet by eager hands and now staggered left and right, surrounded by an invisible crowd of sex-hungry monsters.


To an outside observer it would have appeared that the three Starfleet officers were stumbling around nude, hands lifted to shield breasts and faces. Deanna, B’Elanna and T’Pol staggered and spun and yelped and jumped without any grace, modesty or dignity. But in reality they were surrounded by the invisible male crew of the Sutherland, transformed and eager for the three heroine’s lovely naked bodies.


Bare bottoms were slapped and nude Starfleet officers jumped. Hair was grabbed and pulled, making the women jerk back with a yelp of discomfort. Soft breasts were groped and pinched causing nipples stiffen to erectness. Invisible fingers plunged upward into quivering vaginas. But each contact was brief as the three brunettes were sent off in another direction, sometimes by a hand twisting in their hair, sometimes by a hard smack on their rumps and, distressingly often, by unseen fingers squeezing and pulling on their tits.


Tears of humiliation ran down their cheeks. Thighs trembled above their bald pussies, quivering in anticipation of what was to come. Pink marks appeared on breasts and bottoms as they were smacked, fondled, pinched and twisted. Troi, Torres and T’Pol yelped and mewled and squealed in distress, pleasure and embarrassment. They were surrounded, naked and helpless to do anything about it. Robbed of all poise and dignity, the three Starfleet officers stumbled naked from one set of groping hands to another, squealing and yelping and crying in defeat.


But each of them knew that this was only the beginning. The sheer mass of bodies was making it difficult for their assailants to get what they truly wanted from the three heroines’ lush naked bodies, but it was only a matter of time.




“Can’t we beam them out before venting the chamber?” asked Hedril. The Ensign had regained consciousness but was still very unsteady on her slim legs. The naked eighteen-year-old leaned against the transporter console beside where Leah Brahms stood, the torn remains of her Starfleet uniform pressed against her bare breasts, making her soft titflesh rise into a tasty cleavage. “Waiting until they’re in space is dangerous.”


Brahms shook her head. “It would be even more dangerous to try transporting them out now. The sensors can’t detect these creatures: we would be beaming one or more of them out as well. They could merge in mid-transport and we could end up killing our girls, not to mention the risk of bringing a dozen of them into this room.”


The thought of that made Hedril stare at the transporter pad with wide blue eyes. The eighteen year old redhead had only suffered a single creature, just one of her former crewmates groping and fucking her. The thought of a dozen taking advantage of her beautiful, slim, full-chested figure filled the Cairn with dread, and a little spike of pleasure that she would never admit to anyone.


“We have to wait until they’re outside the ship so we get a clear lock,” Brahms was finishing. “What’s the pressure sensor reading?” Despite having no clothes to cover her pale and delicious figure the scientist seemed completely professional, leaning forward over the console, presenting her firm ass behind while her boobs dangled like ripe fruit between her upper arms as she worked.


The redheaded Cairn drew strength from Leah’s example. As she looked across the console she dared lowering her torn uniform from her chest, offering a peek of her pink puffy nipples. “Equivalent weight to three hundred and fifty crewmen, approximately.” Hedril’s blue eyes moved to the monitor screen. On it Deanna, B’Elanna and T’Pol still staggered around the shuttlebay, apparently alone, but in reality they were surrounded by hundreds of grasping hands and hungry cocks. “That must be horrible… oh no,” the teenager breathed.




Deanna Troi cried out as she was forced to her knees. The Enterprise’s counselor was pushed down onto all fours, her round ass lifted and her heavy melons swaying beneath her. The voluptuous twenty-nine year old tried to cradle her tits but her wrists were grabbed and pulled wide, forcing the busty Betazoid brunette to bare her breasts.


B’Elanna Torres found both her arms firmly grabbed by invisible hands. Given no choice but to stand with her arms spread wide, the Maquis tried pulling free but only succeeded in making her boobs jiggle left and right on her chest. Her tits rising with her rapid breathing, the Klingon stared forward with a mixture of defiance and trepidation in her dark eyes.


T’Pol was also snared, but in a manner that left her with even less dignity. “Yowww!” the science officer cried as an invisible hand snared her short hair and pulled her upwards, lifting her toes from the ground. She grabbed at her attacker’s wrists, easing the strain of her being lifted by her hair, while her long legs kicked uselessly and her boobs jumping and jiggling with her helpless struggles.


Deanna Troi, B’Elanna Torres and T’Pol had succeeded. The altered crewmen had been successfully lured to the shuttlebay and transporter control had been restored. With their selfless courage and daring they had ensured that the USS Sutherland would be cleansed of the creatures that had been transformed from the male members of the crew, sparing the women onboard from a fate of endless rape and humiliation.


For their sacrifice and courage, the Betazoid, the Klingon and the Vulcan were rewarded by being cornered by hundreds of the creatures they had trapped. Now the monsters would get what they wanted.


T’Pol groaned as she was lowered onto the upright cock of one of her assailants. The Enterprise’s science officer wiggled and arched her back, pleasure making her long-limbed figure spasm. Deanna Troi mewled as a penis parted the lips of her tender pussy, stretching her nethers as it plunged deep into her passage. Trapped on her fours, the curvaceous figure of the Enterprise’s counselor bucked forward, her boobs performing a vigorous flick forwards. B’Elanna Torres tipped her head back and wailed as a pair of unseen mouths clamped over her tits and sucked hard, pulling her boobs upwards into cone-shapes and making Voyager’s chief engineer thrash her head in ecstasy.


The invisible horde crowded in on them, mass of bodies all eager to have their way with the three Starfleet officers. “Mmmmphh!” complained Troi as she found her mouth filled with dick, “Mmm mmpph mmmMMMM!” Her muffled moans rose in pitch as she felt hands grab at her dangling tits and yank hard, twisting her nipples and squeezing the soft flesh of her boobs, treating the Betazoid’s chest-treats like they were udders.


T’Pol found herself pulled backwards, her tits pointing to the ceiling as she lay on her back atop the monster with its cock lodged in her pussy. Immediately other beasts closed in, hands fondling her clitoris and vaginal folds, mouths sucking at her generous breasts and a penis stuffing itself between her plump lips. Assaulted from all angles, the Vulcan could do nothing but roll her eyes as she felt her orgasm approaching.


B’Elanna’s long legs were lifted into the air as another creature positioned itself between her slim athletic thighs. “Oh gawd uuuhoohhhhh!” groaned Voyager’s chief engineer as she felt her nethers stretch wide, ten inches of cockflesh working its way inside her snatch. Suspended as if lying in mid-air, she was helpless as a hand gripped her dark hair and pulled her head back. As her mouth opened to gasp she felt a hard tool thrust in between her lips.


The powerful hormonal mix Deanna wore drove the monsters into a frenzy, taking only seconds to reach their peak and ejaculate. Some did not even get that long with the three gorgeous Starfleet officers. B’Elanna gasped as the cock in her mouth was yanked out, a monster pulled away by one of his impatient brothers. Then the Klingon let out a muffled “Mmmmmph!” has her lips were parted by another invisible dick.


The three heroines writhed and jerked. Sometimes a beast would reach its peak, firing its seed into wombs or mouths, or spraying semen across a humiliated face. Other times the monster would be pulled away first, cocks popping from pussies or yanked from gasping mouths. The two invisible creatures sucking on T’Pol’s tits were both pulled away, the Vulcan’s back arching in ecstasy as her boobs stretched further than ever before and then bounced back into globes. Her breasts were free only for a second before another pair of mouths clamped over her udders to powerfully suck on her erect nips.


Mmmmm mmmpphhh! Deanna’s cry was muffled by the penis filling her mouth as her teats spurted milk. The incredible pleasure and suction being applied to her melons was too much, her nipples surrendering two jets of white fluid.


Mooooaaahhh!” groaned T’Pol around an invisible dick, the Vulcan’s udders also yielding her cream as they were sucked and squeezed.


“Oh gawd my boobs!” wailed B’Elanna Torres, her mouth only free of cock for a few seconds before the twenty-two year old’s mouth was stuffed once more. Her athletic body jerked and bucked even as she was milked, her melons squirting white into the sucking mouths of her attackers.


Torres, Troi and T’Pol’s Orion conditioning blessed them with sexy but resilient figures. Few women would be able to handle this incredible abuse but these three could. More importantly, the endless thrusting and sucking and grabbing was more than enough to over-stimulate their enhanced erogenous zones.


Deanna, B’Elanna and T’Pol orgasmed over and over. Their naked bodies, appearing as if they were floating in mid air with legs spread and tits stretching, jerked and arched and thrashed with fresh energy as the three heroines cummed again and again, their finely-tuned sex slave bodies responding in the only way they could.


“Just hold on!” came the voice of Leah Brahms, transmitted through the shuttlebay’s speakers. “The pressure sensors record about five hundred creatures in the chamber. You just have to hang on!”




“Six hundred and thirty is what we’re aiming for,” Leah said, her blue eyes unable to look away from the spectacle of Deanna, T’Pol and B’Elanna suffering an unbelievable gangbang. “Based on the number of males I estimate got themselves killed punching into conduits around the ship.”


“But that’s just an estimate.” Like Brahms, Hedril was morbidly captivated by the sight of the three heroines being relentlessly fucked. The Ensign was so distracted she didn’t notice she had lowered her shredded uniform away from her mouthwatering teen figure, leaving her bare to the red dusting of pubic hair above her tender pussy. “Mass equivalent to five hundred and fifty crewmen. My god, how can they stand it?”


“They’ve got not choice,” Brahms answered, “And neither do we.”


The wait was agonizing. Hedril’s bare buttocks lined up beside Leah’s trim ass as they stood at the console, the two nude young women watching the sensor reading from the shuttlebay slowly rise towards the critical level. The minutes dragged on and on as Hedril and Brahms watched Deanna, B’Elanna and T’Pol thrash and buck as they were fucked over and over, their super-sensitive bodies driving them into orgasm after orgasm.


The Cairn blinked as tears of sympathy appeared in her eyes. She seemed almost startled when Leah placed her arm consolingly on her bare shoulder, then the teenager gave the doctor a grateful smile. She leaned against Brahms and slid one slim arm around the other woman’s shoulder, the naked bodies of the redhead and the brunette pressing gently together as they solemnly witnessed the courageous sacrifice in the shuttlebay.


At long last, some fifteen minutes after the three heroines had first ran into the chamber, the readings peaked. According to the pressure sensors the entire male crew complement of the Sutherland, or at least what remained of them, was inside the hanger. More than six hundred monsters gathered in the chamber, all pressing and snarling for the chance to fuck Deanna Troi, B’Elanna Torres and T’Pol.


Leah Brahms forced herself to wait another terrible sixty seconds in case their estimates were inaccurate, to allow stragglers to catch up.


“Alright.” The mole above her lip shifted as she nervous pursed her pretty lips. “This is it. Running power to the shuttlebay doors. Be ready to invert the deck gravity.” Brahms’s slim hands moved over the controls, her blue eyes looking at a row of icons that would light up green as they received power. She touched the controls, engaging the system.


The lights didn’t turn green. “No,” the engine designer whispered, “No, not now!”


“What’s the matter?” cried out Hedril, feeling the Doctor’s despair.


Her eyes closing for a moment, Leah Brahms wracked her brains for another solution. She could only find one. Her blue eyes opened and she looked at the three heroines on the monitor screen.


Deanna, B’Elanna and T’Pol’s delicious naked bodies had ceased all resistance over the past fifteen minutes. Now their only movement was caused by the bodies thrusting against theirs and the ongoing pull and struggle of invisible beasts trying to get close enough to fuck one of the three beauties. Their bare skin was coated in sticky seed and their hair was clotted with it.


Brahms’ voice cracked with emotion as she spoke into the microphone. “I’m… I’m sorry,” she stammered. “One of the creatures must have damaged the mechanisms that control the door. We can’t access the emergency explosive bolts either. We can’t vent the chamber. I’m so, so sorry.”


Hedril stared at the engine designer in horror. “You mean…”


“The creatures,” continued Brahms in a stammer, “The creatures have to be contained. So… I don’t have the words. I’m sorry, but…”




Leah Brahms’ voice was easily audible across the shuttlebay as the speakers boomed with her damning message.


“…but I have no choice. I’m closing the door.”


The scientist’s grim pronouncement meant only one thing. There would be no escape for Deanna, B’Elanna and T’Pol. They would be trapped in the shuttlebay, surrounded by the monstrous remnants of the Sutherland’s male crew, helpless before their grasping hands, tit-sucking mouths and ruthlessly thrusting dicks.


But the three heroines did not respond to the terrible news. Troi, Torres and T’Pol were each unconscious, fucked until they fainted, their lush super-sensitive bodies completely overwhelmed by the pleasure they were enduring. The combination of their Orion-conditioned biologies and the pheromones in their attackers’ fluids had reduced the Enterprise’s counselor, Voyager’s chief engineer and the NX-01’s science officer to limp, silent fuck dolls. Their long bare legs kicked unconsciously with each thrust and their boobs stretched distressingly when they were sucked and bounced vigorously when they were not. But as their future was announced, their fate sealed, the three nude and defeated Starfleet officers could offer no reply but mute limpness beneath the thrusting hips of their assailants.


The doors connecting the shuttlebay to the rest of the ship began to close. Foot-thick metal descended from the ceiling to cut off any hope of rescue.


The lowering barrier was two feet away from closing when a slim nude figure rolled beneath it, blonde curls falling around her face and lovely breasts dangling beneath her as she came to rest on her hands and knees. It was Elizabeth Shelby, the Captain of the Sutherland, still naked as a newborn after being stripped of her uniform in the engine room.


The lovely blonde reached back quickly under the descending barrier, risking her hand to grab something she had left behind. The door continued to grind down as she pulled the object through after her. The large gleaming object scraped through just in time. The barrier sealed, trapping Shelby and the three heroines inside the shuttlebay with the transformed men of the Sutherland’s crew.


The endless pumping into Troi, Torres and T’Pol’s bodies slowed, their tits briefly returning to globes as the sucking ceased. The beasts in the chamber were suddenly aware of a fourth female presence, a fresh pair of breasts to suck and a pussy not yet filled with one of their cocks.


They would never get the chance. The object Shelby had pulled in after her was an Isometric Disintegrator, but would be better described as a great big honking gun. The blonde stood up, her long bare legs now steady and the big pink circles of her nipples rising on her bare breasts as she drew in a deep determined breath.


Wearing nothing but an enormous cannon hoisted up on her shoulder, Captain Elizabeth Shelby pointed the weapon’s muzzle at the shuttlebay’s immobilized doors. “Suck on this!” she shouted.


She pulled the trigger. The cannon’s recoil made her tits jump. Shelby’s blonde hair streamed back from the exhaust wash. The weapon launched a blinding ball of light that flamed across the hanger and slammed into the Sutherland’s exterior bay door. Nearly eighty square meters of metal was turned into molten fragments and sent flying out into space.


And in the transporter room Hedril and Leah watched with wide amazed eyes at the Captain’s desperate final gamble. With a gasp the redheaded Ensign lunged forward and hit the controls with enough speed to make her teen tits bob, inverting the gravity plating as she had been told to.


The air in the shuttlebay departed in an enormous rush and suddenly Shelby, Troi, Torres and T’Pol were flying towards the breach, their naked bodies flailing as they fell towards the star-filled blackness. The gravity systems had been disengaged: ships and other dock-secured items were held in place but anything tied down was not so lucky. That included the creatures. Hundreds of invisible bodies were blown out with the four nude women, struggling vainly to arrest their doomed flight as they were dragged out into the deadly embrace of the vacuum.


The blasted edges of the breach glowed red-hot from the powerful shot that had opened up the hole in the hull. It was just a blur passing by the four women and then they were outside the Sutherland, in space, and completely naked!


Their bare breasts rose in the zero gravity, their hair fanning around their faces and their long legs kicking uselessly. Their lips parted mutely, each woman suddenly unable to breathe. Utterly nude B’Elanna Torres, Deanna Troi, T’Pol and Elizabeth Shelby fell through empty space.


It is worth mentioning that it was the first time in Starfleet history that four women simultaneously performed an EVA without clothing.


A handful of terrifying seconds later their naked tumbling bodies were surrounded by blue energy. The shuttle’s transporter systems, hooked remotely into Brahms’ console on the Sutherland, locked onto their sexy figures and beamed them to safety. Troi, Torres, T’Pol and Shelby were snatched from the darkness and carried back to the air and warmth and safety of the now-cleansed Nebula class starship.


The four nude beauties materialized on the transporter pad and collapsed to the deck in a tumble of long bare legs and jiggling tits. Hedril and Brahms ran forward with breast-bouncing steps. “Captain!” the redheaded teenager exclaimed as she knelt by the gasping and struggling blonde, “Are you alright?”


A few deep breast-lifting breaths later Elizabeth Shelby shut her eyes. “I think so. How are our guests?”


“Unconscious,” Brahms said, leaning over B’Elanna with her own peaches hanging and swaying as she reached forward to check pulses and breathing. “I think that last shock was too much for their bodies to take. We need to get them to sickbay.”


Captain Shelby looked over her bare shoulder at the naked figures of Troi, Torres and T’Pol. “That’s our priority. We’re going to take good care of you girls.”




On the bridge of the USS Sutherland, the all-female command crew slowly roused from their semi-stunned state.


At the rear stations the two blonde officers shifted. One cradled her aching breasts while the other pressed her hands between her bare thighs as they lifted themselves from the consoles they had been bent over. The Andorian navigator and Deltan helm operator, their naked figures intertwined, blushed in sudden embarrassment as both realized their position. They quickly disengaged hands from breasts and legs from waists, although they cast furtive and speculative looks at each other afterwards.


Every woman who had been on the bridge had been stripped and mounted by the transformed members of the crew, each female Starfleet officer surrendering to the chemical urge to mindlessly fuck as they climaxed over and over. But despite that humiliating defeat they were all still Starfleet officers. Each had been trained to respond to emergencies by doing their jobs. Through discipline and habit they turned their attention back to their duties, trying to ignore aching tits, stinging nipples, throbbing pussies and cum-splattered thighs, bellies and asses as they checked the Sutherland’s systems and did what they could to restore the Starship to working order.


Sitting naked in the bridge’s center seat, the lovely green-eyed Robin Lefler drew in a deep breath to steady herself. Then she issued what would be her very first order as acting Captain.


“Someone untie me please?” Robin Lefler asked, wiggling her wrists that were still bound behind her head in her own braid, the movement making her bare breasts jiggle mouthwateringly from side to side.




Elizabeth Shelby ran her hands down over the chest and waist of her uniform, savoring the feel of fabric on her skin. She had never felt that the Starfleet uniform suited her as much as it did right now. It was two sizes too small for the blonde’s lovely figure, but Shelby had to make do with what they had on hand in the ship’s stocks: they were yet to restore the Sutherland’s replicators to working order. So Elizabeth endured a revealingly tight, figure-hugging uniform that lovingly followed the lines of her ass and intimately stretched across her still-tender breasts.


“I overheard Torres and T’Pol’s plan,” the blonde explained as Leah Brahms swept the Captain’s sexy figure with a medical tricorder. “I knew that they might need backup but I didn’t want to run into the shuttlebay naked, I mean unarmed,” Shelby blushed. “So I stopped by an armory and secured a heavy weapon.”


“If you hadn’t, those three would still be in the hanger with those creatures right now,” murmured Brahms as she completed her scan. “Excellent Captain. The bio-filters completely removed all traces of the infection from your body and apart from some minor bruises you seem none the worse for wear, considering what everyone went through.”


Brahms stepped back, drawing in a thoughtful breath. Like Shelby, Leah’s choice of clothing had been limited to Starfleet uniforms built for slimmer, flatter-chested women. The scientist’s top hugged her breasts revealingly while her pants clung firmly to the curves of her bottom. “We’ve been lucky,” the blue-eyed beauty added. “I was expecting dozens of pregnancies but the altered crewmen seem to have been sterile. The ship’s environment has been swept clean, so we won’t have to worry about the infection springing up again the moment a man comes aboard.”


Shelby looked towards the observation window that separated the medical bay from the containment lab. The damaged screen had been reinforced, ensuring that the sole surviving member of the male portion of the crew remained locked within. “Do you have any hope for Doctor Tigis?”


“There’s always hope,” Brahms offered, “But you would need a miracle to bring him back. From my examinations of Chief Depner’s body the subject’s brain shrinks to about the size of a golf ball at some point during the transformation. Even if we could reverse the changes, there isn’t enough of Doctor Tigis to bring back.”


“One more casualty,” breathed Shelby grimly. Just as the girls and young women under her command had not signed up to be stripped naked and raped by their crewmates, the men had not deserved this infection, destroying them as it rebuilt them, nor death in the vacuum of space. “Someone is going to answer for this.”


The Sutherland’s blonde Captain climbed to her feet, her blue eyes turning to the three occupied biobeds across the medical bay. “How are our guests doing?”


Brahms and Shelby approached the unconscious forms of Deanna Troi, B’Elanna Torres and T’Pol, the three women lying on the medical bunks. For modesty’s sake light blankets had been brought in from someone’s quarters, covering the Betazoid, the Klingon and the Vulcan from the armpits down. Their naked shoulders hinted that beneath the light blankets the sleeping trio were nude. “The medics said it’s better to let them rest,” Brahms said in a soft voice, “Let their bodies metabolize the pheromones they absorbed. And they absorbed a lot during that last, um, event.”


Shelby could see T’Pol’s plump pouting lips moving, mindless movements as she moaned softly in her sleep. B’Elanna and Deanna were also restless, the Klingon’s eyelids fluttering and her brows creasing, while the Betazoid counselor turned her head from one side to the other, shifting her dark hair. Wrapping her arms around her too-tight uniform beneath her breasts, Shelby could only assume that the trio were deep in dreams, or nightmares, of their ordeal with the creatures.


“What they did,” Shelby said softly, “Must have taken the most incredible courage. I don’t think there’s any way that I can repay them. Their ship is gone,” Elizabeth said with a shake of her head. “Just disappeared. We’ve been able to locate Kira and Dax’s escape pod on sensors but there’s no sign of Starheart. I’m not sure what I’m going to tell them when they wake up.”


The voice of Lieutenant Lefler emerged from Shelby’s communicator badge. “Captain, we have an incoming ship!”


Starheart?” the blonde responded quickly.




It was not Starheart.


“Status report!” Shelby strode onto the bridge, her uniform flexing and tightening around her confined chest-treats as she pushed her blonde curls back from her eyes.


“Main reactor is still offline,” reported Lefler, the Lieutenant’s lovely figure once again wrapped in a body-hugging Starfleet uniform. “Auxiliaries are at less than ten percent. Minimal shield and phaser power.” Her green eyes rose from her screen to her blonde commander. “The Sutherland’s in poor shape, Captain.”


“In no state for a fight, that’s for sure,” Shelby said, halting in front of the bridge’s centre seat. “We haven’t even been able to send a shuttle to retrieve Dax and Kira. Give me a visual of the approaching vessel.”


The incoming ship was a large craft although not as heavy as the Nebula class Sutherland. Its shape was a low and menacing wing with a bulky body in its centre, and many threatening spikes emerged from its forward surfaces. “Power signature is similar to newer Romulan designs,” reported Ensign Hedril, the redheaded teenager temporarily promoted from her post at the broken transporters to a bridge station. “A lot of cargo space too. It might just be a heavily armed freighter.”


“Or a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Alright.” Shelby turned, looking across her all-female command staff. Every single one of them had been stripped naked and mounted during the invasion of the Sutherland, every woman sent wild with pleasure as they were fucked by their former crewmates. More than a few of them still nursed aching tits and throbbing pussies, many blushing with the memory of the unbelievable ecstasy they had endured. But now each wore a Starfleet uniform again, and they had to be ready. And they needed their Captain.


“The Sutherland is battered but they might not know that,” Shelby said. “Let’s put up a confident face. Keep our shields up and open hailing frequencies.” The blonde lowered her bottom into the command chair and turned to face the viewscreen. “This is Captain Elizabeth Shelby of the USS Sutherland. Unidentified vessel, state your intentions.”


“Receiving reply,” reported Hedril.


Shelby had been expecting to see the bridge of the unknown vessel and the face of its captain. Instead the viewscreen was filled with the image of an expansive and mostly empty cargo bay. Centered on the screen was a solitary Orion, seeming rather bored as he looked over a datapadd in his hands. “Morning,” he said, barely looking up.


“Where is the captain of your vessel?” demanded Shelby.


“He’s busy.”


The beautiful blonde stared at the seemingly uninterested Orion on the viewscreen. “Who are you, and what are you intentions?”


The heavy-set Orion shrugged. “My name’s Yolad. We made our intentions clear in the message, Shelby. We’re going to give you an inside view on the slave trade.” The man hit a button on his datapadd.


A low-powered disruptor beam hissed from the alien ship to the Sutherland’s shields. The attacker had known exactly how weak the starship’s defenses were: the shot dispelled the shields without even scratching the vessel beneath. That left the women aboard with no protection from transporters.


Elizabeth Shelby opened her mouth to speak but green light ran up and down her body. In a heartbeat the Captain of the Sutherland was beamed away. But her uniform remained, for a split second hanging in the air, the fabric perfectly following the contours of the blonde’s figure. Then the taut fabric collapsed on itself and fell down into the empty Captain’s chair.


Lefler and the other women on the bridge gaped in astonishment at Shelby’s empty uniform. Then their eyes moved in dread to the viewscreen.


The blonde Captain of the USS Sutherland materialized in the cargo bay of the enemy ship, in exactly the same posture she had been on the bridge. There were two important exceptions. First, she was positioned to sit but with no chair beneath her. Second, Elizabeth Shelby was now entirely naked!


With a yelp of embarrassed surprise Elizabeth fell onto her bare rump, her boobs bouncing with the impact briefly before her hands clamped protectively over them. She stared up in shock at the Orion Yolad, who was leering down in interest at the blonde triangle of her pubic hair and the tender pink folds beneath.


The humiliated Starfleet captain drew her thighs together with a quick gasp of shame, her fingers tightening in their embarrassed hold on her breasts. Her cheeks flushed pink with deeper shame as she realized that her image was being transmitted back to the Sutherland, her humiliating nudity fully visible to her crew!


 “And you’re going to get an intimate view on the slave trade, Captain Shelby,” the man smiled, leering at the blonde’s naked body.


The teenaged Ensign Hedril was the next to go, the full-chested redhead beamed out of her uniform with a helpless shriek of fear. Lefler was reaching for the red alert button when she too was snatched away, stripped by transporter and delivered naked to the cargo bay of the enemy ship.




The alien vessel’s transporters scoured the Sutherland, seeking out every woman aboard. Brahms disappeared from a turbolift, her fellow passengers staring in shock at her empty uniform before they too were beamed out. Phasers and armor clattered to the deck as an all-female security team, the only kind that remained on the Sutherland, was kidnapped out of their uniforms. Women were snatched from their posts, from in front of their meals, from their beds and from beneath running shower heads. Each and every one of them was delivered, bare to the skin and wide-eyed in embarrassed shock, to the alien vessel’s cargo bay.


Shelby gaped in despair as she watched her crew being beamed into the cargo chamber in front of her, all of them stripped to the skin in transit. Hands pressed over tits and slits, thighs pressed together, cheeks flushed with embarrassment and whimpers emerged from women who had too recently suffered the lusty hold of their former crewmates, and now found themselves utterly naked and helpless yet again.


“Those combadges you bitches wear make it too easy to target you,” grinned the Orion Yolad. Climbing to her feet Shelby turned on him in fury, her mouth opening to deliver a threatening command, but her words were muted by the sight of a disruptor in the Orion’s hand, pointed directly at her. “Hands above your head, blondie.”


Elizabeth’s fingers tightened over her boobs. “This is an act of war…” she began.


“I want to see what a Captain’s jugs look like.” As Yolad’s smile deepened the bursts of green transporter light continued, each announcing the arrival of yet another kidnapped Starfleet woman. “Put your hands up and show me those puppies, Shelby.”


With defeat in her eyes the Captain of the Sutherland removed her hands from her chest and lifted them above her head, leaving her breasts bare. She flushed in helpless embarrassment as the Orion gazed upon her peaches, smiling at the sight of her round pink nipples. “Nice pair, Captain. A crime to cover those with a uniform. Pretty bitch like you should have your tits out all the time.” The blonde flushed harder with humiliated outrage at the man’s words.


Meanwhile the new arrivals were looking around their new surroundings in shock. A few made a run for one of the doors but a phaser beam hissing down from the walkway surrounding the cargo bay made a scorch in the deck, the warning shot making the would-be-escapees skid to the tit-jiggling halt. Gunmen were positioned at the perimeter of the hold, grinning at the sight of the stripped Starfleet personnel.


“All of you!” Yolad ordered, raising his voice, “Hands above your head! Come on, let’s see those Starfleet titties!”


The captive women looked from the Orion’s leader to the men on the walkway surrounding them. There was no hope of escape and the presence of so many armed thugs promised quick retaliation for any act of disobedience. Hesitantly a few of the women lifted their hands, then more, then the rest. In short order every single member of the Sutherland’s female staff had their arms raised, leaving the naked bodies exposed. Bare breasts rose with nervous breaths as the prisoners realized their desperate situation.


“Slavers,” Shelby said sharply as if it were a swearword. “You won’t get away with selling Starfleet officers aaahhh!” The blonde captain cried out in discomfort as a man behind her grabbed her curly hair and pulled upwards. Elizabeth stood on tip-toe, her hands grabbing the man’s wrists to ease the strain on her blonde locks, the wiggling of her naked body setting her breasts to swaying and bouncing.


The flash of a sensor scanning and recording her humiliated expression made Shelby flinch. “You’re right,” the slaver nodded, lowering the sensor to record the lovely shape of the blonde Captain’s bared breasts, “If we put a Starfleet crew on sale in the Auction Dome on Ferenginar there would be hell to pay when the Federation came down on us.” He reached out to squeeze and fondle Shelby’s tits, making the woman cringe in shame, then lowered the sensor to the blonde’s pussy. “So the boss has something special planned for you and your trained sluts, Shelby. Turn her around and hold her still, I need to scan her ass.”


Shelby gasped as she was twisted about, forced to face her crew completely naked as her bottom and thighs were scanned by the slaver, his hand squeezing and fondling her buttocks. The women of the Sutherland watched in shock and shame as their Captain’s naked body was recorded and catalogued. The blonde shut her eyes in pure humiliation. Nothing in her Starfleet training had prepared Elizabeth for this.


She was turned around again and her hands pulled behind her back. The sensation of something being clipped around her wrists made Elizabeth twist at the waist, looking down at her hands. Her wrists had been locked behind her back with a pair of gravimetric shackles, high-tech handcuffs that used gravity fields instead of chains.


“That’s one,” the slaver grinned, then turned his eyes to the crewmen lining the edge of the hanger. “Gentlemen, I think Captain Elizabeth Shelby here deserves a big round of applause! Just look at what she’s brought for us today!”


Clapping, hooting and laughter broke out across the Orion’s crew as they drank in the sight of the former Captain of the USS Sutherland naked, shackled and helpless before them. As Shelby flushed in anger and humiliation the Orion gave her a hard slap on the ass, making the blonde yelp and leap, her pink-nippled tits bobbing. The cheers from the men grew even louder and the Captain’s cheeks pinker.


“Get the bitch moving,” the slaver ordered, “Start sorting the rest. The boss wants these whores recorded and conditioning estimates made in one hour.” Other gunmen stepped forward, eager to pick women out of the crowd to grope and size up.


The nude Starfleet officers and crew cringed, a whimper of shame rising from the crowd. With a cry of humiliation Ensign Hedril was pulled forwards, a hand grabbing and squeezing her boobs. Another of the slavers picked out the beautiful Robin Lefler, the green-eyed young woman lifting her hands to defend herself only to find fingers pulling on her hair and lifting her up on the tips of her toes, her boobs trembling. She cringed as hands squeezed at her tits and ass.


With practiced speed the women of the Sutherland were sorted and shackled. Those with the most beautiful features, the most enticing figures or from exotic species were selected first, prize captives for the slavers. But even the plainest, flattest-chested among them would ultimately receive the same treatment. None of them would be spared the humiliation of a tit-groping examination or the cold touch of gravshacks on their wrists.


The USS Sutherland, one of the most powerful ships in the Federation, had been brought down. Its male crewmen destroyed by an insidious infection, its female crew had now been captured, stripped naked and now at gunpoint were humiliatingly fondled and measured up for their future lives as sex slaves.


Shelby yelped as her bare ass was slapped yet again, forcing her to break into a run. Her head lowered in shame to watch the bouncing of her own bare breasts as she was forced into the corridors of the ship, the first of her defeated crew to be measured up for her new life as property.


To her growing shame the corridor was lined with the crew of this slaver ship. Men of dozens of species grinned at the sight of Elizabeth Shelby, once the Captain of the USS Sutherland and now naked slave, her breasts exposed and leaping as she ran between their ranks. Hands reached out to squeeze her tits or slap her bottom, making her cringe and yelp and wriggle in humiliation. Cruel smacks to the ass kept her moving in the right direction, and crueler fingers gripping her tits pulled her about if she took a wrong turn. Panting and crying in despair and embarrassment, Elizabeth was forced to follow a humiliatingly long and winding route through the vessel’s passageways to the cells where she and her crewwomen would be held.


She was only the first. Each and every woman of the Sutherland’s crew would suffer the same degrading march, each naked, shackled, smacked and groped and leered at by their captors. Elizabeth Shelby and her crew had just become property.




The Sutherland’s new owner walked through the corridors of the captured starship with a small smile of satisfaction.


Here and there were discarded uniforms. Once those garments had clothed Starfleet women. They had been left where they had fallen, their owners beamed into slavery. Tops draped over control stations and meal tables. Pants rested on chairs. Uniforms lay in small piles in the corridors where women had been walking the very instant they had been abducted. Now each and every officer and crewwomen was secured in his ship, three hundred once-proud Federation females helplessly waiting for their lives as sex slaves to begin.


It was a good start.


With an unnaturally long and powerful stride the new ‘Captain’ of the Sutherland walked through the corridors, making a beeline for the ship’s medical bay.


The infirmary door slid open and he stepped inside. With every badge-wearing member of the crew kidnapped, only three women now remained aboard the Sutherland. The brunette trio were still unconscious, lying on biobeds with their lush figures only barely covered by simple sheets.


The man held back from them for now: first he had something to attend to. This infirmary was equipped with a sophisticated containment lab where the sole surviving male member of the Sutherland’s crew was trapped. Doctor Tigis, his Andorian physiology transformed into a monstrous sexual predator, was locked within the lab.


The new arrival looked through the observation screen, even though he knew he would not be able to see the altered Andorian with his eyes. He had made certain that their camouflage mechanism was perfected before he had deployed this new weapon aboard the Sutherland.


Without any fear the man touched the airlock controls, causing the heavy metal doors to slide aside. The transformed crewman inside was free.


He heard a grunt and then a snuffling sound as the nearly-blind creature sampled the air. Almost immediately it picked up the scent of the three helpless women lying unconscious in the medical bay. There was a rapid series of footfalls as the beast charged forward.


There was obstacle in its path. The beast’s advance halted abruptly with a massive hand catching the creature around the neck, easily catching the rampant monster.


He didn’t need to see it.


The transformed doctor was lifted from the deck and slammed against the sickbay wall. It possessed an inhuman strength, grabbing and pulling at the long and powerful arm that had halted it.


Its struggles ended with a sickening snap as the man broke its neck with a twist of his thick wrist. The transformed Andorian was tossed to the deck, limp as a boned fish, all its strength and power coming to nothing.


Now the man could focus his attention on the prize. He approached the nearest of the three biobeds, looking over the occupant’s ridged forehead and attractive face. The Klingon’s bare shoulders hinted that beneath her bedsheet she wore nothing, but the Sutherland’s new master would not be satisfied with a hint. He gripped the fabric and yanked it away, leaving B’Elanna Torres naked before him.


The twenty-two year old possessed a firm athletic body, her skin tanned and smooth, her waistline trim, her breasts proud and generous and her nethers completely bald thanks to her Orion Conditioning. She remained unconscious, the toll of her ordeal keeping her slumbering and blissfully unaware as she was once again stripped to the skin. “Once so defiant,” the intruder murmured, “Now just a plaything.” A clawed hand trailed down B’Elanna’s nude body, briefly playing with the proud globes of her breasts. The Maquis flinched in her sleep as a single finger touched her nether lips and slid down her trim thighs. Then the man turned to the next.


T’Pol’s bedsheet was stripped away, exposing the magnificent body of the Enterprise’s science officer. Her slender frame and limbs contrasted her supple generous breasts, too tempting to pass up. He pushed one of the orbs across her chest, setting both to wobbling as he admired the Vulcan’s always-impressive chest-treats. “These didn’t make it into the history books, T’Pol,” sneered the creature that had conquered the Sutherland. “They should get more attention.” Then he moved on to the third of his captives, the true prize. He gripped the bedsheet that covered the final woman and pulled it away.


Deanna Troi, the former Counselor of the USS Enterprise, daughter of the Betazoid Ambassador and one of the most significant diplomatic figures in the Federation, now lay naked, unconscious and helpless before the man that had brought the Sutherland and its crew down. His eyes drank in her porcelain skin, savoring the sight of her bald snatch and the curve from her wide hips to her narrow waist to her soft and ample breasts, her orbs flattened and separated as she lay on her back.


He gave one of those tits a slap. Even unconscious the super-sensitive brunette responded, flinching slightly and biting her lip. He smacked the other boob, leaving both jiggling and making the twenty-nine year old toss her head. But like B’Elanna and T’Pol, her body had taken too much of a strain and she would not rouse.


“Ignorance is bliss,” the man sneered, reaching out to grip and twist one of Deanna Troi’s big brown teats. The counselor mewled in her sleep as her areola was pinched, her nip already erect. Watching her imperiously beautiful face the man pulled her nipple upward, causing her globe to stretch. The brunette beauty moaned and arched her back, her body rising with her lifted breast. He continued to pull her teat up, making Deanna arch further and further, her moans becoming squeals as the sensation grew even more intense.


The counselor wiggled in her sleep, her hands thumping, her heels kicking and her bottom lifting and butting against the biobed as her nipple was twisted and pulled. Finally the man released Deanna’s teat and the busty brunette Betazoid fell back, panting and mewling, her bare breasts rising and falling with her rapid breathing.


“Still unconscious,” the man murmured. “I suppose our reunion will have to wait.”


The sheet that had covered B’Elanna’s lovely body was tied in a simple knot around her wrists, while the blanket that had concealed T’Pol’s full-chested frame was tied around the Vulcan’s ankles. With ease the bulky, powerfully built man slung the two heroines over one broad shoulder, more than strong enough to carry the unconscious Klingon and Vulcan on his back. Her new position made Torres arch her back, presenting her bare breasts proudly thrust out and up, her head limply lolling forward but not far enough to allow her dark hair to cover her tits. T’Pol, on the other hand, was slung upside-down with her generous udders dangling towards the deck and her arms limply hanging on either side of her head. The two unconscious brunettes were oblivious to their new and embarrassing posture, their bare bodies on full display as they were carried on the muscular figure’s back like pieces of meat.


But the third of their number was carried in a more intimate way. He scooped the five-foot three Betazoid up with his right hand, hooking his arm around her ribs so that her right breast was hooked over his forearm while her left melon was caught firmly in his fingers. As she was pulled aloft by this intimate hold Deanna Troi moaned softly, her super-sensitive breasts stimulated even in her unconscious state.


The counselor’s head rolled back limply as she leaned against his shoulder, her dark hair falling over her shoulders and leaving her tits uncovered. The man carrying her was so tall that Deanna’s bare feet did not even touch the ground as her naked legs hung slack beneath her.


“But our reunion,” the giant growled, “Will be one you will remember, Deanna Troi.”


B’Elanna and T’Pol’s breasts swayed as the man turned towards the exit and began to walk. The three women’s weight was nothing to his strength. As he walked the hand around Deanna’s left breast squeezed and massaged the Betazoid’s titflesh, making the Enterprise’s counselor mewl and wiggle as she was carried naked from the sickbay.


They had arrived on the Sutherland as guests. But when they left, Deanna Troi, B’Elanna Torres and T’Pol were naked property.


With the Betazoid, the Klingon and the Vulcan unconscious and helpless in his power, the man responsible for the downfall of the USS Sutherland and its crew strode out of the sickbay, carrying his prizes back to his ship.






If you’d like to comment on what you’d like or what you’d want to see more of, email me at [email protected] .