A parody by Micky Budarrap



Disclaimer: Star Trek, its characters, locations and plots are not my creations and are used without permission. No profit has been or will be made by their use in this story.


“Broke Bodice” is not intended for consumption by minors. If you are below the adult age in your country, state or county then read no further and delete this file from your computer. By reading this disclaimer you agree to take full responsibility for continuing.


The author does not encourage or condone the enormously disrespectful and frequently criminal things that are done to women in this story. The activities performed in this fictional work should never be inflicted on people in the real world.


This is a work of fiction that features rampant exploitation of women in parody of the depictions of species and societies in Star Trek. Where the TV shows and films only suggest for cheap titillation value, “Broken Bodice” takes it to its sleazy conclusions. The story focuses on the perils and misadventures of Deanna Troi (Star Trek: The Next Generation), T’Pol (Star Trek: Enterprise) and B’Elanna Torres (Star Trek: Voyager).


For a clearer idea of what these characters look like, check out and use the search feature to find the characters by name.


Feedback can be directed to [email protected].






“Oh my gawd,” moaned the Ensign as she was helped to her feet by her shipmates. The blonde was unsteady on her skis, her hands pressed between her bare thighs. “Chase, Linda, what are they? And why did they stop?”


“It must be the cold,” chattered one of her rescuers, a slim Asian teenager. The three young women had been visiting the holographic ski-slopes of an Andorian peak, before their recreational time had been rudely interrupted by the unimaginable attack. “Jennifer, we’ve got to run!”


The third of the trio, a voluptuous young woman with scruffily short red hair, turned her widening dark eyes back at the slopes behind them. Footprints were appearing in the snow as some thing approached them. “We’re out of time! Go!” She gave her companions a shove on their backs, sending them sliding down the slope. With a lunge she set herself after them, their skis hissing in the snow as they raced down the slope.


The three young women were wearing their skis, mittens and cold-weather caps. They were wearing nothing else. Their warm jackets and trousers had been ripped away from their trim youthful bodies, leaving them nude in the artificial cold. Each of them sported a healthy tan with contrasting triangles of paler skin over their breasts, bottoms and pussies. While they frequently visited sunny spots on the Holodeck they rarely exposed themselves this much. Lazy hours spent on beaches had given them all obvious tanlines that they had never thought they would expose. Now every inch of them was on display as they raced down the slope, holo-snow flicking around them.


Gooseflesh rose on their naked thighs and bare breasts as they made the descent at breakneck speed. The trio hunched low, their dangling breasts jiggling as they made small adjustments to their course, their pussy lips peeking between their thighs.


“Faster, faster!” the blonde Jennifer urged, her blue eyes wide. Snow flicked against their naked bodies and their hair whipped around in the wind. They ducked lower, breasts pressing against their knees and their rumps deliciously shown off from behind as they skied nude down the slope.


“There’s nowhere to go in here!” shouted her red-haired companion Chase. “Computer, exit!


The air ahead of them shimmered and the holodeck door manifested in front of them. It slid open and the three naked skiers raced through. The holographic snow beneath their skies became carpeting as they shot out of the synthetic snow field and into the warm corridors of the USS Sutherland.


As one the three nude teenagers turned and skidded, thumping into the corridor wall with tit-bouncing force. “Close the exit!” shouted Linda, the slim Asian clasping her mittened hands over her cute breasts. Her dark fear-widened eyes stayed on the holodeck door as it shut, preventing their pursuers from following.


“What were those things?” gasped Chase, her thighs trembling beneath the red triangle of her pubes and her hands wrapped over her full breasts.


“I don’t know,” the blonde Jennifer said, striding awkwardly on her skies towards the nearest wall-mounted terminal, “But security has to be informed!” Her clumsy strides made her pink-nippled tits jiggle deliciously as she approached the communication panel.


She never reached it. The blonde’s eyes widened and her mouth opened in a gasp as she felt invisible hands grip her bare breasts, squeeze, and then cruelly lift! “Aaaaeeeiii!!” Jennifer squealed, her long legs kicked and her mittened hands grabbing at the unseen wrists of her assailant.


Chase advanced to help and yelped as she was pushed roughly against the corridor wall, her generous tits pressed against the paneling and her ass thrust backwards. Linda was snared just as quickly, a hand wrapped around her midsection and lifting to grip and squeeze one tit as the slim Asian teen was lifted into the air.


“Oh my gawd!” Linda cried out, shutting her eyes as her breasts were cruelly squeezed by invisible hands, “There are more of them!”


She didn’t know the half of it.




Her gorgeous face accented by an artfully placed mole above her lip, Doctor Leah Brahms was one of the most brilliant scientists in the Federation. Her work as the ‘junior member’ of the Galaxy project had earned her a leadership role in later efforts on the advanced Sovereign and Intrepid classes. Her expertise had brought her here to the Nebula class USS Sutherland, where under her watchful eye its engines, so similar to those of the Galaxy class, would be upgraded in the field. But the Sutherland had problems far beyond her expertise.


Leah Brahms lay nude on the cold metal floor of the containment chamber in sickbay. Her long bare legs were half-folded around her throbbing pussy lips and her bare breasts formed a deep cleavage as she lay on her side.


Her containment hazard suit had been stripped from her body, as had the clothes she had worn beneath it. Now Leah Brahms wore nothing but her boots and gloves. Her breasts and snatch still ached with pleasure after what the thing had done to her. Brahms had no idea what to call it, or even what it looked like. Her assailant had been invisible. When it had planted its mouth over her tits the Doctor’s breasts had stretched upwards as if by themselves, her globes becoming cones. The brilliant scientist had been reduced to wiggling and crying, spasming in ecstasy as she cummed against her will. She had only a dazed memory of the ordeal, having slipped in and out of consciousness due to the sheer pleasure her pheromone-loaded body had undergone.


Leah’s eyelids flickered as she stirred, a rhythmic thumping noise awakening her. Her blue eyes opened and turned in sudden horror towards the source of that noise.


Deanna Troi was pinned against the wall of the containment lab, her pale thighs spread as an invisible cock filled her pussy with vigorous thrusts. The counselor’s jugs bounced as her hips jerked, her raven-black hair flying as she thrashed her head in mindless pleasure. The Betazoid’s imperiously beautiful features were dull, the thrilling ecstasy driving her into a semi-conscious daze. Her legs were lifted so high that her thighs were sandwiching her melons together, a mouthwatering pair that flicked up and down as she was fucked, her round bottom thumping against the wall. She was only a few feet from the lab’s exit but the nude Betazoid had no chance of reaching it.


The pumping rhythm forced the air from Deanna’s lungs in soft yelps, the beautiful Betazoid helpless as her assailant’s meatstick pumped deeply into her vagina. The same creature that had stripped and penetrated Brahms was now eagerly having its way with the Enterprise’s full-figured counselor. Her yelps turned into squeals as invisible fingers grabbed her boobs, halting their bouncing and squeezing Troi’s melons tightly. Even unconscious her super-sensitive body responded. The busty brunette peaked, her scream emerging as a high-pitched squeal, her back arching and her hips thrusting forwards against those of her invisible rapist as she cummed.


Leah did not know how many times the creature had enjoyed both of their beautiful naked bodies, switching from one to the other, the vigorous fucking and the deep mind-numbing pleasure forcing both women to black out. But now, with its attention diverted by Deanna’s Troi’s lush voluptuous body, Leah Brahms had her one and only chance of escape.


It faded as Deanna’s full-figured form sunk to the deck, gasping as she fell flat on her bare breasts. Brahms could not see the creature but the fact that it had abandoned Troi’s lush figure could mean only one thing: it was coming back for her!


On instinct the doctor shut her blue eyes, pretending to be unconscious. With her eyes closed her mind focused on her other senses, fear making her sharply attuned to the monster’s presence. She could hear its footfalls, powerful and full of purpose, and could smell the rank sweaty odor of its body. A hot gust of breath washed over her nakedness and Brahms only barely stopped herself from shivering in terror. Then a large rough-feeling hand grabbed one of her booted feet and lifted Leah’s long left leg, spreading her thighs and baring the lips of her vagina.

Leah kicked with her other leg, hitting it solidly in the stomach and knocking the monster off balance. She didn’t even wait to hear the thump and growl of it hitting the deck: the young woman rolled onto her feet and ran towards Deanna Troi and the airlock door beyond her. “Get up counselor!” she screamed as she scooped her gloved hands beneath the voluptuous Betazoid, her fingers squeezing around the convenient handholds of Deanna’s breasts as she dragged the other woman through the airlock door and into the sickbay beyond. Troi’s bare legs slid on the deck as she was pulled along by her tits.


Heavy footfalls behind her told Leah that the creature was up and after her again. A hot gust of angry breath hit Brahms’s bare breasts and her mouth opened ready to scream as she hit the controls for the airlock door.


The barrier slammed down, sealing off the containment area and trapping the monster inside the analysis lab. Brahms fell backwards onto her bare bottom, tits bouncing on impact and she sat frozen in fear beside the naked and motionless Deanna Troi.


Her wide terrified eyes stared at the door. Her shaking thighs pressed together around her trembling snatch and her bare breasts heaved with her panicking breaths as she sat there, naked except for her gloves and boots, her eyes locked on the barrier.


Then the metal door dented as a powerful fist slammed against it. Brahms scrambled back on her palms, heels and buttocks, her supple orbs shaking left and right as she awkwardly retreated from the door.

There was no following blow. Seconds passed and Leah gasped in relief, pressing her palm between her bare breasts and feeling the hammering of her heart. She shut her eyes, trying to calm herself, and then gathered her lovely long legs beneath her and rose to her feet. Naked except for the boots and gloves of her torn-away hazard suit, her tits still rising and falling rapidly with her rapid breaths, Brahms tried to think of what to do.


“Call security,” she breathed. The nude engine designer tapped her hand to her left breast. “Brahms to security… damn,” she sighed as she remembered that her commbadge, along with her clothes, had been torn from her body and was now trapped in the containment lab with the creature.


With brisk steps the long-legged young woman headed to the communications control built into the wall beside the sickbay door. “Brahms to security, critical alert in the medical bay!” When there was no reply she jammed the button again. “We have a hostile life form trapped in containment and require a full security force here on the double!”


The faint sound of alarm claxons intruded on the Doctor’s consciousness. She had not noticed before, having had her attention occupied by the invisible creature fondling and fucking her helpless figure, but now she realized that the alarms had been blaring before she hit the alarm. The ship was already on red alert. The beauty mark above her lip shifted as she pursed her lips in confusion and headed for the door. “What the hell is going on out there?” The urgency of the situation over-riding any concerns she might have had about being seen naked in the corridor, Brahms covered her boobs with one hand and her thatch with the other and stepped out of the sickbay.


“Don’t go out there!” gasped a now-conscious Deanna Troi. The counselor reached out from where she lay on the deck, her black Betazoid eyes deadly serious. “Leah!” Her tits dangling beneath her as she got up on all fours and then rose on shaky legs, the gorgeous brunette staggered out of the medical bay after the slim engine designer.


Brahms hadn’t gone far. She had frozen only two steps out the door, her bare breasts rising with a terrified breath and her blue eyes wide as she stared at what was happening in the corridor beyond.


There were three young crewwomen in the passageway. They had evidently been in the holodeck for a welcome escape to a snowy ski-slope when the disaster had struck the ship. They were still wearing fur-lined hats and skis. Unfortunately they were wearing nothing else.


One girl had both her palms against the wall as she was forced to bend forward, her bare bottom rising with rhythmic regularity. Her head was bowed, her scruffy short red hair shadowing her eyes as she stared at her own dangling melons swaying forwards and backwards with each deep thrust.


Another was standing on one foot, her other slim leg pulled upwards until she was forced to perform the splits with her thighs spread wide. The Asian Ensign’s trim body bucked and quivered as something thrust into her pussy. The girl’s forearms pressed against her bare breasts, pushing her humble titflesh into a cleavage, and her dark eyes rolled in endless pleasure and humiliation.


The third was flat on her back, her blonde hair fanning out around her face and her boobs dancing on her chest. The crewwoman’s slim legs were spread wide, her feet kicking in the air and her skies on her boots shaking in time to her fucking. She wailed in defeat, her arms held back so that she could not even cover her bouncing breasts.


As one the three young women reached orgasm. “Aaaahhhaaaiieeeee!” they wailed, their voices rising in pitch, their backs arching and their bare breasts quivering as they spasmed in climax. This only seemed to spur their invisible attackers on. The bouncing of their tits grew faster as the unseen monsters pumped quicker and deeper, pushing the three helpless crew women towards another round of unwanted orgasms. Their eyes rolled and their thighs involuntarily spread wider as the drug-addled women offered their still-spasming snatches to their attackers.


Leah Brahms stared at the awful sight, her tits trembling as she shook in sudden terror. Then Deanna was wrapping her arms around the young woman, hands slapping over Brahms’ breasts and belly as she pulled her back into the sickbay. “Get back inside!” the counselor said urgently as the two naked women retreated from the corridor, closing and sealing the sickbay door behind them.


“My god!” gasped Brahms, her eyes still wide from the sight of the three girls in the corridor. “Those things must be all over the deck!”


“No,” disagreed Deanna, wrapping her arms across her bare breasts, “They’re all over the ship!”


Leah turned and stared to the voluptuous nude Betazoid in stunned shock. “You mean…”


The Enterprise’s counselor nodded in despair. “They have every woman on the Sutherland.”




The nebula-class USS Sutherland, one of the most powerful starships in the Federation, had been transformed into a whorehouse. Its own female crew had become the whores.


The men had disappeared. Officers had headed off on errands and never returned, crewmen had not shown up for duty and stations had been vacated with no explanation. They had vanished as if into thin air, their absence catching the female staff off guard. And then all across the ship the assaults had begun. Women found their uniforms torn from their bodies, breasts squeezed and sucked, bottoms fondled, thighs spread and vaginas thrust into. And in every case their attackers were supernaturally strong, next to impervious to phaser fire and completely invisible! To add insult to injury, the invaders exuded powerful pheromones that quickly reduced every woman they came into contact with to moans of pleasure as their naked bodies were overwhelmed with aphrodisiacs.


Every woman onboard, from Captain Elizabeth Shelby to the humble Ensign Hedril, had been stripped naked, groped and penetrated despite all their wiggling struggles and screamed protests. Their invisible attackers enormously outnumbered the helpless women, who frequently found themselves double-teamed by their unseen assailants. Where a woman’s pussy was already filled, a creature would push its meat into a gasping mouth or suck powerfully at the helpless female’s breasts until she squealed for mercy that would not come.


No one was spared, not even the crew of the nearby USS Shangani, a runabout assigned from Deep Space Nine. The beautiful Jadzia Dax and the fiery Major Kira Nerys had both been easy prey for the lone creature onboard, its incredible strength, near invulnerability and camouflage skills allowing it to strip both women nude and vigorously have its way with them.


The same fate was shared by the three women who had heralded the arrival of the affliction. Deanna Troi, B’Elanna Torres and T’Pol had delivered a mysterious cargo crate to the Sutherland on the eve of the outbreak and now found themselves in the middle of this nightmare.




Dressing was a problem: the torn remains of Deanna and Leah’s clothes were trapped in the containment room with the beast that had stripped them naked. The sickbay itself had little to offer in way of coverings as the high-tech biobeds lacked sheets. Troi and Brahms had to settle for narrow rectangular hand towels as a way of covering their nudity.


Deanna secured a towel around her breasts with its knot above her cleavage. “I think that the box was a distraction.” The counselor’s dark nipples produced noticable bumps against the light fabric and the narrow material left the delicious swell of the lower halves of her boobs exposed. “I think we were meant to stare at the box and waste our time.” The counselor adjusted the bottom half of her makeshift garment, a second narrow towel tied around her curving hips and round bottom.


“What is it doing in there?” Brahms wondered aloud. The slim beauty, also dressed in a makeshift bra and tiny skirt made of towels, was looking through the observation screen into the containment lab. Trapped within was the creature that had assaulted her and Troi. They could not see the monster but they could certainly see the shredded remains of their clothing. The pathetic remains of Leah’s shirt were lifted into the air, twisted by invisible hands before being cast aside. Then Troi’s torn catsuit rose in invisible hands, the monster snuffling at the material before discarding it as well.


Deanna stared through the window. “It’s sniffing for us, like a tracking dog!”


“We’re clearly visible through the screen,” Leah pointed out. The gorgeous young woman frowned. “Unless it’s blind, or close to it. Maybe they track more by smell and hearing than vision. Anyway, these creatures didn’t just come from nowhere.” Brahms pulled up her own towel-bra to cover her pink nipples, then adjusted the tiny thigh-flaunting makeshift skirt she wore, unwittingly offering a glimpse of her bottom. “And doctor Tigis couldn’t just disappear. Unless…” Her lips opened in astonished horror and her blue eyes locked onto something behind Deanna. “Oh my god, look.”


Deanna turned. On a biobed across the sickbay was the body of chief Depner, one of the Sutherland’s crew. Horribly burnt when a power conduit ruptured, he had been dead before he had arrived in the infirmary. But now the terrible flesh-shriveling burns were of secondary interest. It was what had happened to the rest of his body that caught the two women’s attention.


Depner’s legs, torso and unburned arm were swollen with muscles that had not been there when the scorched chief had been beamed to sickbay. He had bulked up so enormously that his uniform had split, fabric tearing to reveal tough grey skin that was slightly moist with some sort of exuded slime.


But it was the man’s head that was the most transformed. His neck and face were elongated, his eyes shrunk to tiny pits and his mouth transformed into an enormous maw that gaped open in death, ringed with fat powerful lips and filled with a thick tongue. The sight of its mouth reminded Deanna of her still-aching breasts, so recently sucked by powerful invisible lips. The man’s ears were just tiny remnant flecks of flesh on the sides of his deformed head and his hair was a scruff of fur on top.


“That’s hideous!” breathed Deanna, her dark eyes looking down the length of the transformed corpse. The chief’s uniform had been torn open from chest to crotch by his swollen muscles. Revealed between his legs was a heavy and thick organ, easily ten inches long and two inches wide across the shaft. “Hideous and huge!” Troi added in a whisper, remembering the sensation of her narrow pussy being filled with a cock like that. “That’s what the creature looked like. When I shot it with my phaser, it was visible for a few seconds and it looked like that.”


“It’s the men,” Brahms said, her hands lifting protectively to her barely-covered breasts as she stared at the grotesque corpse. “Something has affected the men onboard, a virus or a parasite or nanomachines, something that only affects men. And it changes them. It transforms them into these monsters,” Leah said, gesturing to Depner’s corpse, “Even after they’ve died it can transform their tissue. And then they turn on the rest of us.”


Deanna Troi turned towards the observation window, beyond which both she and Leah Brahms had been stripped nude and repeatedly raped. “That’s what happened to Doctor Tigis,” the full-figured Betazoid exclaimed, “He turned into one of those things! But he was invisible, and we can see this one.”


Brahms started gathering up medical equipment, tricorders and tools and datapadds and clutching them against her barely-covered breasts. “They must possess a camouflage mechanism of some sort, something that couldn’t develop in Chief Depner’s body after he had died. If I can figure out how it works we might have a way to detect the others. Thank heavens the databases are still functioning: this medical stuff isn’t my first field.”


“But even if something could transform a person so quickly,” Deanna objected, “Someone would have noticed! The alarm would have been raised!”


Halting in her search for gear, Leah lifted her blue eyes in thought. “Before Tigis… changed,” she said delicately, not wanting to remind herself that the Andorian doctor had just moments before been vigorously fucking her, “He said something about the lights being too bright. That could be a final stage symptom: photosensitivity.”


“They would be compelled to flee from light just before they change,” Troi said in sudden understanding. “They’d move to dark places, their own quarters, equipment lockers, places where they could transform unnoticed.”


“And Tigis was inside that bulky hazard suit,” added Leah. “We had no idea what was underneath.”


Deanna swallowing her fear as she pulled her dark Betazoid eyes from the containment lab window. “I’ll contact Starheart,” the counselor said, “Melika should be able to beam us out of here.”


The communications system built into the sickbay had limited access to the Sutherland’s external comms. “Melika, can you hear me?” Troi spoke to the computer panel, “Tell me that you can beam us out of here!”


The response Deanna received was garbed by static, broken up into bursts of white noise and the occasional sentence fragment. “oice not recognized. Repeat tran… …will be interpreted as a hostile act…Melika’s normally familiar voice was twisted out of synch, sometimes too faint to hear and other times crackling with static.


“Something is interfering with the signal,” Troi complained with a frown, running a hand through her dark hair as she thought. “Maybe the damaged reactor. Melika, adjust for signal distortion. It’s me, Deanna! Deanna Troi.”


“…voice print not…” The voice of holographic teenager was lost in static for a moment, before returning with sassy spark. “…so try harder next time if you want to trick me, buster! Unless you have an over-ride code…” And again Troi lost the signal.


Deanna Troi,” the counselor said slowly, “Over-ride code delta-delta four zero two four three nine!, Repeat, delta-delta four zero two four three nine! Melika, we need emergency beam out, now!




The silver shape of the USS Sutherland hung majestically at the edge of the asteroid belt in the Gugatan system. Its enormous nacelles and broad deflector dish were unlit, the result of the deactivation of its warp core. The many windows scattered across its hull flickered occasionally, some remaining dark. Many of the Nebula Class starship’s systems had been damaged by the creatures prowling its corridors.


And against some of the windows were the naked bodies of the Sutherland’s female crew. Palms thumped against screens and mouths opened in unheard screams of ecstasy. Bottoms and breasts were pressed against the transparent aluminum, flattening rhythmically as their owners were ruthlessly banged against the windows. Starfleet women had been stripped naked, defeated and mounted, their humiliating plight on display for the uncaring stars.


A few kilometers distant from the heavy Starfleet cruiser was a far smaller, sleeker ship. Dwarfed by the Sutherland, Starheart was an experimental design built for the extremes of high warp speed. Its original registry and insignia had been painted over by Troi, Torres and T’Pol when they had begun their crusade to rescue women from slavery under the Ferengi.


The little ship’s impulse engines lit up and it turned itself about. Starheart began to accelerate away from the Sutherland and its trapped crew, leaving them to their fate in the hands of their monstrous attackers.




Starheart, respond!” Troi repeated urgently. “Runabout Shangani, this is Deanna Troi in the Sutherland’s medical bay. The ship has been invaded by hostile life forms. Please respond!”


The comms system produced no reply to Deanna’s repeated calls. The Betazoid slapped the communication panel with her palm, the vigorous gesture nearly making her nipples jump free of her makeshift bra. “I can’t believe it! We’ll have to get out by ourselves!” Her curving hips swishing, the raven-haired beauty headed for the sickbay’s equipment replicator.


“What are you doing?” asked Brahms as she leaned over the corpse of chief Depner with a medical tricorder, her expression intent and her cleavage mouthwatering.


“Dialing up a phaser rifle,” Troi said, punching commands into the replicator. “Those things are tough, but hopefully they aren’t tough enough to hold off a full-powered rifle shot.”


Replicator power buffer depleted due to power loss,” informed a computerized feminine voice that emanated from the replicator. “Charging the system will require twenty-two seconds.”


“Whatever, just do it,” ordered Deanna, folding her arms and making her boobs rise inside her towel-bra, one foot tapping impatiently as she stared at the replicator. The replicator began to hum as it built up the energy needed to produce the large energy-packed phaser rifle that Troi had requested.


The sound of something hitting the observation screen made Deanna and Leah jump. Their eyes flashed to the window overlooking the containment lab. The transparent aluminum shook as a powerful fist slammed against it a second time. A third blow made Brahms duck down behind a biobed, her slim body trembling. “I think he wants something!” Leah cried out in fear.


“Hurry up, hurry up!” Deanna knelt in front of the replicator, her perfect bald pussy peeking out from beneath her tiny makeshift skirt. “Faster, please!” she urged as she stared at the replicator, willing it to produce the phaser. Another thump against the window and Troi looked back with wide and frightened eyes.




Through a pleasure-induced daze B’Elanna Torres watched her own bare breasts bounce on her chest, her big brown teats flicking towards her face.


Voyager’s chief engineer had been stripped to her tanned skin. Now naked except for her boots, she was positioned upside-down with her shoulders and head resting on the deck and her long trim legs up in the air and her thighs spread wide. Her body jolted rhythmically, her breasts flicking towards her face and her thighs involuntarily spreading wider as an invisible cock thrust downward into the velvet tightness of the twenty-two year old’s pussy.


Only a few meters from here was the beautiful Vulcan T’Pol, her haughty face frozen in an expression of shocked pleasure, eyes shut tight and plump pouting lips open wide. The Enterprise’s science officer knelt with her long slim legs parted as she perched atop the invisible cock of yet another transformed crewman. The monster allowed the Vulcan to ride on top, thrusting its hips upwards rapidly and making T’Pol’s naked body almost vibrate, her brown nipples dancing on the globes of her quivering breasts.


T’Pol pouting lips were parted wide, not out of pleasure but because another invisible cock was sliding forwards and backwards into her mouth. Her Orion-conditioned body wracked with ecstasy, the science officer involuntarily sucking on the monster’s rod and unwillingly thrusting her hips in time with those of her assailant.


The Klingon and the Vulcan both rolled their dark eyes in ecstasy as they climaxed. T’Pol moaned around the cock in her mouth while B’Elanna let out a mewl of joy, both women clutching at their melons and squeezing them tightly, heightening their pleasure.


Every woman on duty in the engine room had been stripped naked and now bucked and wiggled as they were relentlessly raped by their former shipmates. Under flickering emergency lights two dozen women, from Ensigns and the enlisted personnel to Captain Elizabeth Shelby herself, writhed and moaned and cummed helplessly, reduced to playthings in the groping and squeezing hands of the transformed male crewmen.


The blonde Shelby shuddered in humiliation and ecstasy, her vaginal passage stuffed with the dick of one of her officers even as she was forced to fellate one of her enlisted men, Elizabeth’s lips running up and down the beast’s shaft as she obediently bobbed her head up and down its invisible penis. The Captain orgasmed helplessly, her legs wrapping tightly around the invisible waist of one assailant even as she moaned around the unseen tool between her lips.


Elizabeth Shelby possessed a slim body with a firm ass and a pair of proud but supple breasts, but lacked the sexual indoctrination that made T’Pol, B’Elanna and Deanna such such responsive sex slaves. It did not matter. The pheromones in the air and in the fluids of the invisible monsters around her had transformed Captain Shelby into an obedient and pliant toy, the blonde moaning like a whore whenever her mouth was free of the cocks of her crew and wiggling her rump whenever her aching pussy was not filled.


Consoles around the warp core lit up as they warned of a power drain: a replicator in the medical bay was demanding more power than the Sutherland’s dead reactors could produce. A backup generator across the engine room groaned into life, providing the necessary power from its limited reserves.


Something immediately changed in the engine room. Until that moment the invisible monsters raping the women in the engine room had been relentless, the transformed male cruel vigorously fucking the young women that they had once worked alongside.


But the instant the backup generator powered up the naked bodies of the female crew ceased their quivering and jiggling. Legs lifted into the air were dropped, allowing thighs to rub together around aching pussy lips. Tits squeezed by invisible hands were released, returning to trembling globes that rose and fell on heaving chests. Nipples that were being sucked upwards with incredible force were suddenly left alone, still erect and puffy but unmolested.


B’Elanna and T’Pol both felt the meatsticks lodged deep in their vagina’s pulled out. The creature who T’Pol had been fellating also abandoned the sexy science officer, leaving her free to collapse gasping to the deck beside Torres. The two gorgeous brunettes looked at each other with shock in their beautiful dark eyes: their rapists had lost interest in them for some reason!


Both heard the strain of the generator functioning and turned their eyes to it. There was a thump as something struck the engine’s metal housing hard enough to leave a dent. Growls sounded out from apparently empty air around the machine. While Torres and T’Pol could not see them they could surmise from the sounds what was happening: the beasts were gathering around the generator as if it were a threat. As they watched as a second deep dent appeared in the machine’s metal skin, another of the creatures striking the generator.


“We’ve got to get out of here!” Torres said urgently, gripping T’Pol by the arm. The naked Klingon and Vulcan looked around the engine room helplessly, taking in the dozens of bare-bodied women that lay moaning and panting around the chamber. They both felt the urge to try to save as many as possible, that impulse fighting the terrified animal instinct to run before their invisible assailants returned.


But most of the crewwomen were barely conscious, fucked into stunned submission, many with their legs still spread, their hands caressing their own breasts or their mouths unconsciously mouthing at where the cocks had been a few seconds before. Between Torres’ athletic Klingon physique, T’Pol’s lean Vulcan physiology and their Orion-conditioned metabolisms the two brunettes possessed a resilience to the overwhelming pheromones that the Sutherland’s crew women lacked, but still their bodies were weak as they leaned against each other for support, legs shaking beneath them and their bare breasts dangling and trembling.


There was a bright flash and a deafening thunder-like crack as one of the transformed male crew put his fist through the generator’s side and into its heart. The breach erupted with energy, sending the monster flying through the air. Flames made his body visible before he hit the wall of the engine room, already dead.


But its crazed attack had also killed the generator. As it powered down, energy bleeding from its systems, the invisible monsters seemed to lose interest in the generator and returned their attention to the female members of the Sutherland’s crew.


T’Pol and B’Elanna’s brown eyes widened. One by one the girls and young women in the engine room were grabbed, some flipped onto their backs, some pulled onto all fours and others lifted into the air and their thighs forced to spread. Their invisible rapists were returning eagerly to their work. It was like a tide, swelling outward from the ruined generator as the creatures stalked through the engine room looking for helpless women to fuck. That tide was racing towards where the Klingon and the Vulcan stood in front of the Sutherland’s inactive warp core.


And Torres and T’Pol had run out of time. Their chance to escape the engine room had come and gone, the two women too weak from the lengthy and vigorous fucking they had endured to make a run for it.


It was then, as they heard the footfalls of invisible creatures moving towards them and felt their hot breath on their bare breasts, that B’Elanna Torres had a moment of inspiration.




The next blow on the observation window almost popped it from its frame, the transparent aluminum sheet edging out at one corner. One more hit and it would burst free.


“No!” cried Deanna as the replicator failed, the phaser rifle that had been slowly assembling fading into nothingness. “No no no!” With a wail of despair she slapped the replicator’s control panel. Taking in deep breast-lifting breaths to stop herself from sobbing in defeat, Troi stood up and turned to face the nearly-broken observation screen and her fate.


Her tits heaved in her makeshift bra as tears ran down her pale cheeks. Counselor Troi stood in trembling fear, already half naked and knowing that soon the monster’s hands would rip those last pathetic rags from the body, drag her to the ground and rape her. She stared at the containment lab window, awaiting the final blow that would knock the barrier free and doom both her and Brahms.


That blow never came.


Seconds passed, eventually stretching into an entire minute of silence. Her blue eyes locked on the window, Leah Brahms cautiously rose from where she had been crouched behind the biobed bearing the transfigured corpse of chief Depner. “It just… stopped.” She sank back down, sighing.


Leah’s warm breath flowed onto the mutated corpse. Its nostrils flared.


Its one good hand lashed out, lazy yet incredibly fast, reaching for Brahms’ half-naked figure. There were two snapping sounds as her makeshift top and bottom were ripped away, leaving the engine designer suddenly topless and bottomless. Leah let out a yelp of shock, her blue eyes wide as she found herself suddenly nude. She leapt backward to slap her bottom and palms against the sickbay wall, her bare breasts lifting and leaping with her retreat. Her wide and terrified eyes flashed from the ‘corpse’ to the two pathetic towels now clutched in its hand, and down to the pink nipples quivering on her now exposed boobs! “It’s alive!” she screamed.


But the creature did not move. Brahms’ makeshift bikini was now firmly clasped in its powerful fingers but the mutated remains of Chief Depner were motionless.


Deanna, her lovely Betazoid eyes wide with alarm, watching the corpse closely. “No,” she breathed, “It really is dead.”


“It took my clothes!” squealed Brahms, her hands now flashing to cover her bosom, her titflesh pressed into a cleavage by her fingers and her nipples poking against her palms.


“I think it was just a reflex reaction,” Troi ventured, carefully approaching the corpse. “It’s difficult for me to sense these creatures, but I’m not feeling anything from it.” She gingerly reached out, grabbed the two towels that had been torn from Leah’s luscious figure and tried in vain to tug them out of the creature’s hand. Deanna gave up and retreated a safe distance, just in case. “It’s grip is like a vice. Well, they’re his now,” she admitted, her own tits lifting inside her makeshift top as she breathed deeply to calm herself.


The now-nude Brahms inched away from the biobed. “Those were our last hand towels,” complained the blue-eyed beauty, her arms folded in front of her delicious tits.


Troi reached for the knot of her own top. “You can take one of mine.”


“Don’t bother,” Leah said, self-consciously lowering her hands from her chest and leaving her breasts in plain view. She forced out a weak laugh, her tits making a cute jiggling motion. “They were uncomfortable anyway.”


Deanna’s eyebrows lifted. “Well, I’m keeping mine on, thanks.”


Leah Brahms’ eyes considered the counselor’s curvaceous figure with a little disappointment. “Suit yourself,” she said, her regret making the empath suddenly question the scientist’s tastes.


“That’s one powerful reflex action,” Deanna changed the subject, looking at the transformed corpse. “How could it even know you were there?”


“It must have smelled me,” Brahms suggested, despite her returning humor keeping a safe distance from the corpse that had stripped her nude. “These things have such a powerful mating instinct that even when they’re dead they still have to obey it.”


Rubbing her bare arms in uncomfortable nervousness, Troi watched the bizarre cadaver and spoke softly. “I’ve seen something like this before. Not the mating instinct, but this transformation into a camouflaged creature, when I was aboard the Enterprise.” The counselor’s lovely dark eyes were distant as she remembered her time on the old Galaxy class starship, back when she had been the ship’s counselor aboard the Federation flagship.


“I think it was in the Tarchannen system,” the raven-haired beauty said, folding her arms and causing her melons to rise against her makeshift bra, the swell of titflesh threatening to spill out of her top. “It was a parasite that transformed its host into a form that was almost impossible to detect. But those parasites took time to gestate and begin the transformation. This took only minutes, maybe just seconds!”


“How did you detect them?” Brahms asked promptly.


“I think we used ultraviolet light.”


Leah nodded towards the observation window, the small motion making her bare breasts bob. “We have a specimen to test on,” she suggested, suddenly full of energy and optimism again. “We might be able to do this!”


Troi nodded. Then she had to close her eyes and steady herself with a hand on a nearby console for a moment as a wash of sensation flowed over her. Through her empathy the Betazoid was connected to every living creature on the ship, and on one level of her awareness she could experience what was happening to every woman aboard.


With only a little concentration she could feel it. Her breasts lifted and squeezed and sucked, her nipples burning with pleasure. Her thighs spreading, her feet kicking and her nether lips stretching as an enormous rod of hard hot meat plunged deep into her pussy. Troi sensed complete helplessness, every effort to fight or escape overwhelmed by the sheer strength of her assailants. She could feel the hammering hearts of the woman aboard as they experienced incredible pleasure doubled by terrible humiliation, the entire female crew complement being relentlessly mounted. And regardless of how many times they cummed, or how many times their assailants ejaculated, the assault of sucking mouths and groping hands and thrusting cocks continued.


The sensation was both terrible and wildly ecstastic. Deanna could feel those women who had blacked out from the pleasure and also those who had surrendered to it, once proud Starfleet women who now obediently sucked on cocks, thrust their hips back against those of their assailants and offered their aching tits to eager sucking lips. The three hundred women aboard the Sutherland had been utterly defeated, and the empathic Troi was completely aware of it.


“Are you okay?” Brahms asked, seeing the voluptuous young woman slightly unsteady on her feet and stepping close to her. A steadying hand settled on Troi’s arm as Leah’s naked body pressed against hers, holding her upright. Brahms’ soft nipples rubbed gently against the Betazoid’s bare skin.


Welcoming the nude scientist’s presence, Deanna swallowed and nodded. “I’m empathic, so I can sense what’s happening. But I think I can deal with it,” she added, straightening and drawing in a deep breath, her bottom pulling in and her breasts pushing out against her skimpy top. “The women are being pacified by whatever pheromones the monsters are producing, so it changes what I’m sensing from them. They feel… dulled, without an edge. If they weren’t drugged I doubt I would be able to stand up. And the creatures are much harder to sense, their minds are totally alien…”


Troi’s beautiful face tilted, her black Betazoid eyes staring off into the distance. Her full lips parted slightly. Suddenly joyous surprise blossomed on her gorgeous features. Knowing the horrible truth of what was happening on the ship she had refused to sweep her thoughts over the Sutherland. But now, as she brushed her empathic abilities across its edges, she could sense them.


 B’Elanna!” Troi exclaimed said with a victorious smile on her beautiful features, “T’Pol?! You’re alright?”




“For now,” T’Pol thought, her head bowed and her eyes closed as she focused her thoughts. In their months of working together T’Pol, Deanna and B’Elanna had learned to use the empathic counselor as a limited psychic relay for private conversations. But this was the first time they had communicated over such a distance. “Where are you?”


“I’m trapped in the medical bay with Leah Brahms,” came Deanna’s mental reply. “We’ve got one of those things locked up in the containment lab, but we’re okay at the moment. Where are you two?”


“In the engine room,” answered the Vulcan, “But we cannot move from where we are hiding.”


“Why not?” Troi queried.


“Because,” Torres thought, her dark eyes rolling in embarrassment, “We’re squeezed inside the damn warp core!


T’Pol and B’Elanna stood back to back inside the transparent warp core of the USS Sutherland. The reactor was powered down, the dilithium articulation frame that usually rested at the heart of the core hastily pushed out of the way to make room. With the entry hatch closed and sealed the two brunette beauties were safe from the creatures prowling around the engine room.


There was precious little space inside the vertical cylindrical reactor, and B’Elanna and T’Pol did not have so much as a pair of panties between the two of them. The Klingon and the Vulcan were completely naked as they stood with their bottoms pressing together and their bare breasts pressing against the transparent walls of the core. With every intake of breath their tits rose against the crystal-clear material, the pressure on their super-sensitive mammaries causing wonderful sensations for both women.


“We seem to be safe for now,” T’Pol observed, her face held in a calm expression above the delicious sight of her flattened boobs.


“I’m not sure how,” added B’Elanna. With the engine room’s emergency lights running, both the athletic Maquis and the heavy-chested Vulcan were in full view of the monsters in the chamber. Every inch of their nakedness was exposed thanks to the transparency of the reactor sheath, the suppleness of their breasts and the smooth baldness of their pussies plain to see. Yet there appeared to be no attempt by the creatures to pry the core open. “I think these things are blind, tracking by scent and hearing. Otherwise they would have figured out how to open the hatch and get in here with us.”


“How did you get inside the reactor?” came Deanna’s incredulous question, the empath’s thoughts transmitted to her companions’ minds.


“The core had been disengaged during repairs,” T’Pol explained. “We were close to the dilithium entry hatch and had an opportunity to hide within. But we cannot leave: there are creatures all throughout the engine room. The women of the crew are being… assaulted,” the Vulcan thought delicately.


The transparency of the core not only meant T’Pol’s naked figure was on full display, but it also meant she had an unhindered view of the wiggling, bucking and climaxing women of the Sutherland. Even as she watched a youthful Ensign arched her back and squealed in orgasm, grabbing at her own bare breasts, only to have her hands pulled away from her tits and be pulled back down into an invisible embrace, grooves appearing on her firm buttocks as her ass was squeezed.


A short distance from the girl was Elizabeth Shelby, the ship’s Captain, just as nude and helpless as her staff. The blonde was wailing in pleasure as she was thrust into from behind, her bare breasts swinging forwards and backwards with the vigorous thrusts of her invisible assailant. “I believe that these creatures were once the male members of the Sutherland’s crew, somehow transformed,” T’Pol ventured.


“That’s our thinking too,” Troi transmitted in response. “During the Enterprise-D’s voyages I saw infections that could mutate people like this, even camouflaging them. Maybe someone tried to weaponize it. Brahms is putting our guest through the full spectrum of scans, and we’ll be testing out some ways of neutralizing his invisibility and maybe even knocking him out. With any luck we’ll be able to do something about the rest of them.”


“Can you beam us out?” B’Elanna interrupted, the Klingon’s mental message less refined than the empathic Deanna’s or T’Pol’s precisely ordered thoughts. She twisted slightly to get a better look around the engine room, and rolled her eyes as her breasts made a delicious squealing sound as they rubbed against the reactor’s transparent sheath. There was so little room in the core that T’Pol kept her arms lifted above her head, causing her generous melons to rise even more prominently as they pressed against the reactor’s see-through walls. “Not that this isn’t great fun and all, but I’d like to be on a ship not populated with invisible sex-mad crewmen.”


“I don’t know what’s happened to Starheart,” Deanna apologized. “I could barely get through to Melika. I don’t think we can count on rescue that way.”


“The damaged components on the ship must be leaking energy,” Torres suggested, “And screwing with communications.” She felt T’Pol inhale deeply, the Vulcan’s back pressing against her own and causing both women’s udders to press hard against the reactor walls. A moan of pleasure escaped either heroines’ lips at the sensation, addling their thoughts momentarily.


“What?” Deanna empathically asked.


“Um,” T’Pol said, her brown eyes meeting B’Elanna’s as the two nude women bit their lips in embarrassment. “We are just feeling slightly… groggy. The creatures exude some kind of pheromone that is very effective on female physiology.”


B’Elanna fought the urge to rub her soft tanned breasts against the see-through walls of the core. “It’s a little distracting,” the Klingon said as she shut her eyes and shook her head, her brown nipples aching with the need to be sucked.


“Extremely,” added T’Pol, wishing that Torres would not shake her head. Every movement pressed the Klingon’s firm ass against her rump, the pressure teasing at the Vulcan’s nethers and making the science officer want to thrust her bottom back against B’Elanna’s rear. If her arms had not been trapped above her head, the science officer was certain that her fingertips would be at the folds of her pussy.


“Well, you two just stay where you are,” Deanna ordered. “Brahms and I will do what we can in the lab and maybe come up with a solution.”


“Deanna,” T’Pol said before the mental contact ended, “Listen to me. Earlier we witnessed the creatures being drawn to an active generator, ignoring the women temporarily. They appear to be attracted to powerful electrical currents and instinctively attack them. That is likely the cause of the many system failures aboard the Sutherland. They destroy the ship from the inside!”


They felt Deanna’s mental contact break off and both Torres and T’Pol slumped down slightly in their tight transparent prison. This made both women’s teats rub against the walls. Simultaneously they self-consciously straightened, but this only heightened their pleasure as their tits pressed harder against the transparent material, creating a delicious sight.


“This is going to get old very fast,” breathed B’Elanna, shutting her eyes as her bare breasts throbbed with ecstasy.




“Nothing,” Brahms said, her blue eyes filled with disappointment. “The only way I can detect the creature is the air flow it creates when it moves, and that’s worthless in an environment as large as a starship. I’ve pumped in every paralytic and anesthetic compound we have and none of them have had any effect!”


Troi’s dark eyes watched the observation window, buckled from multiple hits received from the other side. Beyond it was the monster that had been Doctor Tigis, stalking about now that it was denied Leah and Deanna’s lush delicious bodies. “I can’t believe it can’t see us through the observation screen.”


“It’s invisible on every frequency of light I’ve checked,” Brahms stated, the still-nude scientist leaning over a console, the folds of her pussy lips peeking out beneath her bare bottom, “That kind of camouflage must come at a cost: it must have almost no sense of sight. I think Torres was right.”


“This is a much more advanced biology than what we saw on Tarchannen,” Deanna breathed. Then her deep dark eyes moved to the deliciously naked scientist she was trapped with. “Leah, what are you doing?”


In front of her ripe melons Brahms was holding a medical tricorder and a cotton swab. “I may have found something,” she said. “I’m not entirely sure however. I said earlier my expertise is engineering, not medicine, but… can I have your hands for a second?”


Troi obligingly extended her hands as the Doctor touched the swab to her thumbs. “I don’t understand,” the counselor said, “What’s this for?”


“Chief Depner’s medical records are on file,” Brahms said as she took the swab back to the laboratory equipment, “I’ve compared those records to scans of what he currently is, and was able to isolate the foreign element responsible for the transformation and perform a light scan for it.”


“You’ve found how it got onboard? It wasn’t anything in that crate, was it?” Deanna said with certainty, settling her hands on her lovely wide hips as she moved her black-eyed gaze to the mysterious box on the other side of the observation screen.


The topless scientist slipped the swab into a receiving tube in the medical console, where automated systems would quickly prepare it for scans and analysis. “Since we haven’t been affected I have to assume that whatever this is only targets males, activated by a genetic or hormonal factor. But how did it get onboard? It had to get past the Sutherland’s bio scanners. There they are, look at this.”


Deanna looked at the monitor Brahms indicated, where she could see a magnified view of the swab the Ensign had taken of her thumb. “Do you see those?” There were tiny green ovals among the swab’s fibers arranged in clusters like microscopic grapes. “Those are made of nano-organized carbon. I can’t imagine how expensive it must have been to fabricate them. I’m guessing that when I subject them to an electrostatic field…” Brahms touched a few buttons on the console. “There. Look, I was right. They’re decaying.”


“I don’t understand,” Troi admitted. “These things were built? What are you saying?”


Brahms sat down, placing her hands between her slim thighs and her boobs pressing together as she looked seriously at the counselor. “Like I said, I’m an engineer, not a doctor. And this was engineered. I’m saying that you brought this infection onboard. It wasn’t the box. You were the delivery.”


Deanna Troi stared in horror at the other woman. She looked down at her thumb with wide eyes, her full lips opening in shock. “I pressed a thumbprint scanner when I accepted the delivery,” she breathed.


The blue eyed Brahms nodded. “It was probably coated with those capsules. The infection was engineered in separate parts, each contained in a carbon capsule, each of them harmless. The Sutherland’s bio-filters sweep every object transported aboard, but these were too simple to register. But when you beamed onboard, the electrostatic field that lingers after each transport compromised the carbon capsules. Enough of them ruptured for the components of the infection to combine and activate.”


“A time bomb set off by a transporter,” Troi realized with horror.


Leah’s voice was solemn. “Then it began to spread. Everyone who was in the transporter room carried it. The ventilation system would have flooded it through the whole ship. Tigis was infected before he even put on his hazard suit,” Brahms finished.


On the medical monitor they could see that the tiny green capsules had cracked, quickly becoming covered by a threatening purple growth that emitted tuft-like spores. The rate of growth was astonishing. “My god,” Deanna whispered.


“Commander,” Brahms said as seriously as she could while ass-naked, “This weapon was broken into molecular components, smuggled past the most sophisticated bio-screens that exist and spread through a forty deck Starship in less than an hour. Within minutes of infection it transformed the crew into creatures that are invisible, almost unkillable and instinctively destroy technology and rape the remaining female members of the crew. This is probably the single most sophisticated biological weapon I have ever heard of.”


The engine designer clasped her hands between her bare thighs, the posture pushing her bare boobs together as she looked seriously at the Betazoid counselor. “Who the hell hates you this much, Deanna?


A voice from the communication system interrupted them before Troi could answer. “This is Major Kira,” came the voice of the Bajoran liason officer to Deep Space Nine, “Can anyone read me?”


Deanna and Leah headed for the communications panel. “I thought the comms weren’t working,” Troi said in confusion, “We had so much trouble getting through to Starheart.” She activated the panel and spoke. “This is Deanna Troi aboard the USS Sutherland, we can hear you. Major, we could really use some help from the Shangani right about now. Are your transporters working?”




“Um, probably not,” Jadzia Dax admitted as she stood on the tips of her toes to peer over the edge of the escape pod’s tiny viewing port. The runabout Shangani was a burning mess of molten metal, slowly growing smaller as their ejected module drifted away. “We had a bit of a situation onboard,” the Trill said, her gaze meeting Kira’s dark doe eyes with concern as she tried to think of a way to explain what had happened.


“We were assaulted,” the redheaded Bajoran took over, shutting her eyes as she tried to think up a safe story that wouldn’t be a lie. Unaware of the horror unfolding on the Sutherland, they made an effort not to mention being stripped naked, raped and forced to orgasm repeatedly by their inhuman captor.


“Let me guess,” came Leah Brahm’s voice. “An invisible, almost invulnerable and sexually indiscriminate monster? And your male crewmember is missing?”


Kira and Jadzia exchanged a confused look. “How the hell could you know that?”


“It’s happening on the Sutherland right now, but on a far larger scale,” was Brahms’ grim news. “It’s an infection and it’s affected every man onboard.”


“But the Sutherland has a crew of a thousand!” gasped Jadzia, her own recent ordeal suddenly inconsequential next to the fate of the women aboard the Nebula class cruiser. “The women onboard… there must be hundreds!”


“We’re in pretty bad shape over here,” Deanna reported, “What happened on your side?”


“Our attacker ended up punching a hole in the primary fuel line,” Kira said, offering an extremely abbreviated version of events. “We were barely able to get to eject before the ship burned.”


“Eject?” Brahms questioned. “That style of Danube class are only equipped with a single one-man escape pod. Must be a tight fit for the two of you.”


“Tell me about it,” Jadzia and Kira said simultaneously. The Trill and the Bajoran were both completely naked, standing pressed against each other in the tiny pod. As both had been stripped of all their clothing by the invisible creature that had once been Ensign Gregory Doyle, the Trill and the Bajoran now enjoyed the sensation of her bare body pressing against the other woman from thighs to tits, unwittingly copying B’Elanna and T’Pol’s confinement but sexily reversed.


And just like the Klingon and the Vulcan, Kira and Jadzia found that their bodies were responding in unusual ways to their proximity. Their hearts beat hard and fast, their pussies moistened and their nipples poked erect into the softness of the other woman’s supple tits. The pheromones that had turned Dax and the Major into obedient fuck-toys were still doing their magic on their gorgeous naked bodies.


“What did you just say?” Deanna asked, “Your signal is breaking up.”


“Sorry,” Dax said, rising on her toes again to look out the tiny window, the movement making her boobs rub against Kira’s melons and making the Bajoran shut in eyes in embarrassed pleasure, “We’re drifting into the rings of Gugatan-7, so we’re going to be out of contact for about six hours until we swing out again,” Jadzia reported, trying to ignore the delicious sensation of her erect nipples catching on Kira’s stiff teats. “According to the pod’s navigational computer we’re in no danger of crashing. The gravity will pull us in but we’ll slingshot around.”


“We don’t have any serious flight control,” added Kira, “Our escape pod’s thrusters were damaged when the ship blew. We can’t offer any help. Not as if we were in any shape to,” she complained, shifting her weight from leg to leg and once again rubbing her tits against Dax’s globes.


“Once you’re clear of the rings,” Troi said, “Signal for help. If we don’t come for you in the Sutherland then Starfleet will eventually pick you up.”

If you don’t come for us?” Dax questioned sharply. “Commander, I’ve been around long enough to know someone talking kamikaze.”


“This is an infection,” stated Deanna in a firm voice. “The threat it represents is impossible to understate. Imagine what would happen if it spread to a populated world, like Bajor or Earth or Vulcan? That can’t be allowed to happen, no matter what. If worst comes to worst we’ll destroy the ship.”


“Lieutenant, Major,” Brahms said, her voice growing fainter as the escape pod drifted deeper into the interference of the planet’s ring system, “Be careful when you are picked up because you are probably carrying the infection too. You’ll need to decontaminate. Also, the creatures use pheromones to, um, disorientate their prey. You may feel a little weird…” And then Leah’s voice was too faint to make out.


Major Kira sighed, her bare breasts flattening against those of the spectacular Jadzia Dax as they stood utterly naked and pressed against each other in the confined space of the escape pod. “Well that’s just great,” the Bajoran complained sarcastically. “We’re not just trapped in here without any clothes for six hours, but we’re on drugs too!”


“I suppose it’s a relief,” Dax said, biting her lips as she settled her hands on Kira’s firm bottom, one of the few places she had to put her hands in the confined space. “Pheromones explains why we were so, um, eager with the creature.”


“We had no choice,” agreed the redheaded Bajoran quickly, happy for any factor that explained away how she had so quickly transformed into an obedient fuck-toy. “You put any woman in that situation and she’d lose all control.”


“Absolutely no inhibitions,” Jadzia breathed, her bosom rubbing against Kira’s, “No shame and no regrets.”


“Exactly,” gasped Kira, her hands sliding up the Trill’s spots from hips to breasts to shoulders. The Bajoran groaned in pleasure as Jadzia’s hands encompassed her boobs and squeezed tightly. The two women ground their hips together, Daz lifting one long leg to hook it around the Major’s slim waist. With panting groans and mewls of pleasure the two women surrendered to the impulses of their pheromone-soaked bodies, hands alternating between squeezing breasts, fondling asses, caressing faces or diddling pussies. They kissed, soft lips pressing together as the two women moaned in growing ecstasy.


It was only ten minutes later, when both women were slick with perspiration and panting in the aftermath of orgasm, that Kira managed to look Jadzia in the eyes. “Okay, that makes twice now. That was the last time,” the Bajoran Major insisted.


The beautiful blue eyed Lieutneant nodded. “It was an accident.”


“Drug-induced,” added Kira, “We had no control over ourselves!”


“It won’t happen again,” promised Jadzia.


They were even able to keep that promise for all of six minutes.


Their nude, pheromone-amped bodies pressed together in the tiny escape pod, Major Kira Nerys and Lieutenant Jadzia Dax were about to experience the longest six hours of their lives.




“Are you ready?” breathed Deanna Troi.


Leah Brahms stood naked before the counselor, her hands protectively covering her soft and supple breasts. Her lips tightening nervously the blue-eyed beauty disengaged her fingers from her peaches and lowered her arms to her sides, leaving every inch of her nude body revealed to Troi. Shutting her eyes and swallowing nervously, Leah nodded and lifted her arms above her head. The posture caused her boobs to shift and lift deliciously, her nipples quivering with her trepidation.


Counselor Troi pointed a pump-bottle at Brahms’s bare breasts and squeezed the handle, spraying the young woman with a diluted chemical solution. The engine designer shivered as moisture settled on her naked skin, goosebumps rising on her pale skin and the big circles of her nips tightening to hard nubs. “All over me,” she ordered, turning to offer her firm ass as Deanna sprayed the solution over Leah’s bare body.


“Alright,” Brahms said, wrapping her arms around her boobs and feeling her stiff buds poke against her palms, “Let’s try it out.” Leah stepped over the biobed bearing the corpse of chief Depner and, her naked body trembling, leaned over the altered figure lying there.


The creature that had previously grabbed at the woman on pure instinct now made no move. Brahms let out a sigh, bravely released her breasts from the confirming of her arms and then shook her body slightly. Her bare dangling udders swayed left and right only inches above the monster’s enormous mouth. Still it remained motionless. Then, holding her breath in trepidation, she lowered herself another inch and let one bare tit brush the beast’s lips.


It did not move.


“Second test,” Brahms said, quickly stepping back from the corpse with a sigh of relief. With a slight tremor of trepidation Deanna wiped a piece of tissue paper over her bare skin, rubbing beneath and over her breasts, down her flat stomach, around her buttocks and between her pale thighs. Scrunching the paper into a ball she gingerly threw it at Depner’s transformed corpse.


Its nostrils flared. The monster jerked upwards, its one good arm grabbing and only barely missing the in-flight tissue paper. Then the corpse sank back down. The surge of instinctive movement had been only an echo of the life it had possessed.


Leah Brahms and Deanna Troi exchanged a look of grim seriousness. “Okay. It works just like I thought it would. But are you sure about this, Commander?”


The bare shoulders of the Enterprise’s counselor shivered as she considered what she was about to attempt. “I brought this infection onboard. It’s only right that I help get it off the ship again. And we both know how strong these things are. Even if we could lure them to one part of the ship I don’t think we could contain them there. This has to be done.”


Brahms looked towards the containment lab with agony in her eyes. “We’ll be killing the entire male crew!”


“And they’re raping the entire female crew!” Deanna drew in a deep tit-lifting breath to steady her nerves. “Let me tell B’Elanna and T’Pol. We’ll need their help.” The Betazoid’s dark eyes gazed blankly as she mentally reached out for her companions trapped in the engine room. Deanna Troi had a plan.


“Are you receiving me?” she thought.


It took a few seconds before she sensed T’Pol’s reply. “We are here, Deanna.”


“Have you two worked out a solution yet?” came Torres’ thoughts. “This core isn’t getting any less tight.”


“And our breasts are not getting any smaller,” T’Pol added. “Well, they aren’t,” she added in reply to B’Elanna’s silent annoyance.


“Yes, we have a plan.” Deanna Troi hesitated just for a moment before speaking. “I am going to be the bait.”






If you’d like to comment on what you’d like or what you’d want to see more of, email me at [email protected] .