*Lord of the Ring fan photo gallery*


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Encyclopedia of Arda                                                     Official site: Lord of the Rings.net

Halls of gathering                                                            Annals of Arda

Ring codex                                                                          Archive of LotR trailers

Empire movies

Hobbit Lore

Hilarious stuff:                                                                Lord of the Ring fanatics

Fraud of the Rings caroon archive                           Lord of the Rings flame

Laine anime net                                                                Nine Companions Net

Humor 9companions.net                                              OneRing.Net (TORN)

                                                                                                Peter Jackson online

                                                                                                Project Back to Middle Earth (music)


                                                                                                The council of Elrond

                                                                                                The Fellowship-NL (great comics!)

                                                                                                Tolkien’s guild

                                                                                                Tolkien online (TORC)

                                                                                                Ring quest

                                                                                                War of the Ring









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This site is maintained and updated by Alandriel. I am in no way affiliated with Tolkien Enterprises or the Tolkien Estate. I in no way claim the artwork displayed to be my own. Copyrights and trademarks for the books, films, articles, and other promotional materials are held by their respective owners and their use is allowed under the fair use clause of the Copyright Law.









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