*Lord of the Ring fan photo gallery*


Fan mail addresses:

*no guarantees*


also check the actor site links for official sites




                                        Billy Boyd

                                        Brunskill Management Suite 8a

                                                169 Queensgate

                                                London SW7 5HE / UK



                                        Cate Blanchett (Catherine Elise Blanchett)

                                        c/o Robyn Gardiner Management

                                                P.O. Box 128

                                                Surrey Hills, NSW, 2010 Australia



                                        Dominic Monaghan

                                        c/o Dallas Smith

                                                Peter Fraser & Dunlop

                                                Drury House

                                                34-43 Russel Street, London WC2B 5HA / UK



Elijah Jordan Wood

                                                c/o William Morris Agency

                                                151 El Gamino Drive

                                                Beverly Hills, CA 90212 



                                        Hugo Weaving

                                                P.O. Box 478

                                                Kings Cross NSW 2011 / Australia



                                        Ian McKellen

                                                You can write him an e-post here  



                                        John Rhys-Davies

                                        c/o Emptage Hallett

                                                24 Poland Street

                                                London Wv1 3DD / UK   



                                        Liv Tyler

                                        c/o CAA

                                        9830 Wilshire Blvd.

                                        Beverly Hills, CA 90212



Orlando Bloom

                                        c/o ICM Oxford House                c/o artists Management Group

                                                76 Oxford Street                          9465 Wilshire Blvd

                                                London W1N OAX / UK            Beverly Hills, CA 90212, USA



                                                Peter Jackson

                                                c/o WingNut Films Ltd.

                                                P.O. Box 15-208

                                                Miramar, Wellington / New Zealand



Sean Astin

                                                4000 Norwich Avenue               c/o Samantha Crisp

                                                Van Nuys, CA 90403 USA         William Morris Agency

                                                                                                          151 S.El Camino Drive

                                                                                                          Beverly Hills, CA 90212 USA



                                                Sean Bean

                                                c/o ICM

                                                76 Oxford Street

                                                London W1D 1BS / UK



                                                Viggo Mortensen *** (see below)

                                        c/o The Rawlins Company

                                                3933 Patrick Henry Place

                                                Agoura Hills, CA / 91301   USA


**Viggo will no longer accept fan mail
October 2, 2002
House of Telcontar
A message from Viggo (via Pilar Perez)

Over the years I have made the effort to read and answer every piece of fan mail that I received. Lately, however, the volume of mail has increased significantly making it practically impossible to keep up with it all and to respond to each piece personally. Although I am grateful for the favorable response that those of us involved in the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy have had, it is simply become a bit overwhelming. I find that I have little or no time left for other pursuits and have little free time left for art projects or for spending time with friends and family.
Therefore, as I do not wish to have mail answered for me by others, I have no choice but to say that I will no longer be accepting fan mail after October 31, 2002.

Please do not send anymore letters or cards as it will not be answered. I will, however, continue to honor requests for autographs in person as I have always done.

I thank you for your support and kind thoughts.








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