The Arab Hala Gorani introduces us to a western-type Arab singer �Caramel� as if that's a 'normal Arab today'


The Arab Hala Gorani introduces us on to a western-type Arab singer �Caramel� as if that's a 'normal Arab today'.

The Arab Hala Gorani has a long history on CNN to 'glorify Middle east cultures' on her show 'Inside the Middle east', she's a master on picking & selecting the rare and never on the mainstream. In other words, not showing reality but being a propaganda tool for the Arab world, when no one speaks [really] for the west in that wild jungle of hatred.

In this age of �multiculturalism� that is nothing but a tool by Islamists, it�s not the time to lie and be a propaganda machine instead of showing what�s most important, what most Arab Muslims have by in large, intolerant mostly that is, from their burning venomous mainstream media to the �guy on the Arab street�, the dark cult of the �angry Arab� from their native world onto Paris or Amsterdam or Sydney, etc. is being cheered and boosted by Arab journalists and leadership.

Until the Arab Muslim leadership & media will not change, this cult will only keep growing no matter what �excuse� they try so hard to sell us.

A suggestion to Her 'Inside the middle east', Like to select postivity in that world? start showing us [exactly] how many in that world like the west [no matter what 'policy' we take].


This is another [from 2006] example of that Arab Hala Gorani

This is just such powerful proof of how lame the Media-Left have become. The CNN interview of Abdurahmen Jafar of the Muslim Council of Britain conducted by Hala Gorani is just too aggravating. Especially when the rotten twit compares the 12 cartoons to anti-Semitic cartoons during the Nazi era in Germany as an indication that Europe is now 60 years on "re-learning to hate". Yeah right - he might as well have said in the middle of the night, the sun is up, let's switch off the lights with Hala obligently replying "Your right, it's practically glaring in here. Someone switch the lights of pleeease". How can she let him get away wih this blatant distortion; as CNN's hostess of �Inside the Middle East�, a half-hour programme featuring stories on the "most important social and cultural issues in the region", surely she must be aware of the daily plethora of precisely such Nazi style hate cartoons published unabatedly THROUGHOUT the last 60 years.

Or this one

September 10, 2005. This weekend:
1) Hala Gorani featured the Christian minority in Gaza: there was not one mention of Arafat's persecution of Christians (which led to their enormous diminishing and becoming the tiny minority as such). However the transparent fear of the Arab-Christian priest interviewed, his reluctant & extra caution of words should be clear to everyone that Hamas' totalitarian cruelty (and it's 70% popularity among "moderates" there...) is all over the place.
2) Jim Bitterman reported on the 'situation' in France, and the effect post Gift-Of-Land in Gaza to the "Palestinians". We were expecting Mr. Jim Bitterman to be mentioning the obvious ONE SIDED violence from Arab Muslims on Jews, whether physical brutality on people passers by that happened to be Jews, or burning down Synagogues etc. instead he started off by being blurry and painting it inaccurately, as he said tension between Muslims and Jews..., AS IF Jews were --in some cases-- the attackers as well... Maybe it is that wrong notion that all sides are equally to blame, as that cliche of "extremists on both sides", (Let's face it, as on the Arab Muslim side, is there any organized murderers of civilians on the Israeli or any Jewish side?) is well entrenched in journalism today, either to appear as politically correct or to make the impression as being "objective".
We are very sorry that Mr. Bitterman is either naive in this area or feels that he has to "say" it, for such is the form-formula for journalism today.

Do You think Hala Gorani from CNN is symphatizing with islamic terrorists since she is from Syria?
I believe she is not appearing authentic but artificial and wrong.

CNN Uses Medal Ceremony to Take Shot at Surge... HALA GORANI: Should Americans expect a bloody summer because of this, a bloody summer for the troops in Iraq?

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CNN's Jihadists apologist & Jew-hater: Christianne Amanpour's FAKE 'Jewish warriors'


What a low level of fake �journalism� in turning self defense by Israelis into a �religious matter�, in a cheap attempt to try and equate anti terrorism to Jihadi fascists, only Islamic �warriors� kill in the NAME of religion, even Christianne Amanpour �strongest proof�: Baruch Goldstein did NOT act in the name of religion, he went mad and insane, personally after friends were all killed.

The so called �International law�, which was orchestrated by Arab Muslim lobbyists and oil power, is repeated by this Arabist �journalist�, many times, what �international law� is there about defending lives?

Then she has her venomous hateful way of portraying pro-Zionists as �fanatics�, in other words, total demonization, goes after everyone sympathetic to Jews living in their historic land.

As if �settlements� are �THE� obstacle to peace? how much closer to �peace� did the middle east came as soon as �religious God�s warriors� gave over Israel's piece of land to the Arab grand children of mere) immigrants?

The �Palestinians� [as soon as Israel made that historic sacrifice in 2005] couldn't wait to support overwhelmingly the terror �movement� Hamas, bend on �drinking the blood of the Jews and wipe them all of [their words!] (Hamas vows to 'drink' Jewish blood ).

Why would she magnify the "settlements" subject? well, In accordance with the first rule in Pallywood propaganda, to lie to the world that anti Israel stems from supposedly "issues" [today it's a barrier against bombers, What was (always violent) Arabs' excuse before 1967?], and not the truth which is the bigotry of 'not wanting the non Arab-Muslim entity' there.

Which is why she [in her pick and choose history] ignores the basic historical facts of Arab attacks on Jews in Israel/palestine many years before any such "settlements" came about, or even much prior to the reinstating of the 'renewed state of Israel'. (A History of Arab Terrorism in Israel since 1920...
Or [talking about 'international law'?] that the Arabs rejected the UN offer of partition and STARTED all the wars against Israel.

Which the reason she avoids the entire central struggle of Israel, survival against genocide, that is.
(Even the issue of 'settlements' has within it, an argument of a security buffer zone, not just a "religiious" argument.)

Amanpour also "provided" us a typical 'Palestinian' propaganda title, that the Intifadah was to "shake off Israel's occupation", what a blatant lie, radical Muslims want to kill every Jew [at least] in the entire area, period! (Hamas is committed to continuing jihad against "the Jews" until Allah's victory is implemented. ... Oh Allah, annihilate the Jews and their supporters. ..., And supporting Iran's Islamic Hitler Ahmadinejad, that wants to wipe off Israel

So desperate to embed her hateful anti-Israel bigotry into "religion" she had 0% success in connecting the [not Islamic lobby, or the most powerful lobby the Arab oil lobby, but the] Pro-Israel lobby, it seems clearly, that Chrstianne Amanpour was looking for an opportunity to simply bash Jews.

What on earth does secular state of Israel's anti terror policies have to do with "religion"?

CNN's program, is nothing but an appeasement for the only ones that are of a real threat to the world, [AKA Islamo-Fascists], on every corner of the face of this earth, and trivializing their crimes as "just another extremist phenomenon".
This too, plus a venemous hate against Jews by Arabist Christianne Amanpour.


CAMERA Snapshots: CNN's Scheduling Bias, Was CNN trying to place extra emphasis on the Jewish warriors and less on ... As of this week, CNN has broadcast its "Jewish Warriors" program a total of ...

CAMERA: CAMERA Video: Errors and Distortions in CNN's "God's Jewish Warriors" discusses a number of serious problems with the documentary, including false and misleading statements ...

Errors in CNN�s �G-d�s Jewish Warriors� Noted Re: Araqbist Christianne Amanpour, Errors in CNN�s �G-d�s Jewish Warriors� Noted

CNN�s God�s Warriors at war with truth

"God�s Jewish Warriors," is one of the most grossly distorted programs to appear on mainstream American ...

Christianne Amanpour nominated for �Emmy Award for Biggest Disappointment�?

Program On 'God's Jewish Warriors' Left Viewers Misinformed.

CNN Strikes Again With 'God's Warriors'

G-d�s Jewish Warriors According to CNN, "terrorism"?... It turned out to be a pitiful search for virtually nonexistent Jewish terrorists. Another of G-d�s Jewish Warriors, according to CNN, is AIPAC*, the well known pro-Israel lobby. Amanpour is there to provide examples of the intense power ...

CNN�s 'God's Warriors' Reflects MSM�s Bias Against 'Big 3' Faiths, Tuesday night�s "God�s Jewish Warriors" focused on the cause of the "right-wing" Jewish settlers. The term "right wing" is used seven times...

Elder of Ziyon: CNN's and Amanpour's biasesI have no real intention of wasting two hours of my life watching the "even-handed" CNN show, "God's Jewish Warriors", which is meant to show that Jews ...

Poisonously biased Jerusalem Post, God's Jewish Warriors, her two-hour screed against Israeli settlers and American supporters of Israel, is the most poisonously biased and factually shoddy ...

CNN�S Two Hour Attack On Israel, On Tuesday night, August 21, CNN had a two hour �Special Investigations� piece called �G-d�s Jewish Warriors� hosted by Christiane Amanpour. ...

Herbert W. Armstrong: God's Jewish Warriors -- CNN's AbominationGod's Jewish Warriors -- CNN's Abomination. The first part of the series is one of the most grossly distorted programs to appear on mainstream American ...

CNN�s Jewish prejudice?

CNN's pro Muslim bias IN DETAIL:"God's Jewish Warriors" vs. "God's Muslim Warriors", "God's ... "God's Jewish Warriors," is the different way Amanpour approaches the two programs. ...

Shiloh Musings: CNN's G-d's Warriors, This is the story of God�s Jewish Warriors, people who risk their lives � and their children's � to live in and claim what they believe is their religious ...

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