Today I will teach you about how Aquaman is better than Superman.

Picture of the great Aquaman
Picture of the not so great Superman

     As shown by like *cough* *cough* every single comic ever, Aquaman could beat up Superman in like 2 seconds. In fact, Superman is so bad that from now on I will refered to him as "Sewerman".

Aquaman Sewerman Winner
Coolness Cool Not Cool Aquaman
Awesomeness Awesome Not Awesome Aquaman
Smartness Genius Dumb Aquaman
Strenth Can lift anything Can't lift an ant Aquaman
Overall Winner Aquaman

Now we will look at the individual powers, and weaknesses, of Aquaman (the great) and Sewerman (the stupid).



If you couldn't already tell then I will state it loud and clear.


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