Aprizky Bagus Heldinto

Personal Website

“Who wants to become a writer? And why? Because it’s the answer to everything. … It’s the streaming reason for living. To note, to pin down, to build up, to create, to be astonished at nothing, to cherish the oddities, to let nothing go down the drain, to make something, to make a great flower out of life, even if it’s a cactus.”—Enid Bagnold

Welcome to My Website!! This is my first website. I hope you can enjoy to read my writtings in this website. Happy reading :)




  • Name              : Aprizky Bagus Heldinto
  • Nick Name       : Aprizky
  • Birth                : Palembang, Indonesia. April 1996.
  • Profession        : High School Student
  • School              : SMAN Sumatera Selatan (Sampoerna Academy)
  • Hobby              : Reading the Novel
  • Favorites           : Cat and Rain

  One thing that I can interpret for  myself is; I just a simply person. To live with simplicity, and enjoy all the things that has been given by God, is what I do. Struggle to become a good person, is my goal. To reach my goal, I need to learn many things, and seek anything that I haven't known yet. Another thing that I enjoy in my live is always keep my worship to my God, and do my hobbies, such as reading novel and listening to music. I also like to spent my time to write some stories. Finding information and make a friends in the network are also my favorite activities. Live in dormitory, studying, learning, and sharing together with my friends also make my live colorful.

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“I’m not a very good writer, but I’m an excellent rewriter.” ~ James Michener

Short Stories

“A short story is a love affair, a novel is a marriage. A short story is a photograph; a novel is a film.” 
 Lorrie Moore
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Behind the Scene of Short Stories

“No one but YOU knows how hard you work, how many hours you put in behind the scenes, so rely on YOURSELF for approval, not the outside world”  Unknown

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My Life, My Story

“Sometimes I feel like relationships consist of telling your same life stories to different people until someone finally appreciates them.” 
 Kate Rockland
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Academic Writing

“There's nothing like the discovery of an unknown work by a great thinker to set the intellectual community atwitter and cause academics to dart about like those things one sees when looking at a drop of water under a microscope.”
Woody Allen
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Short Stories                                               

Balon Pecah

Kulihat mereka berkumpul di kelas. Aku sampai pertama di ruangan, jadi aku tahu siapa yang datang duluan tadi. Mereka bermuka ceria. Aku tak tahu itu ceria di segi apa. Sejauh ini aku tak melihat muka yang terpaksakan—dan mungkin hanya aku saja yang begitu.                                View More

Semburat Merah Terlihat Samar

Semburat merah terlihat samar-samar di atas bayangan awan kelabu di ufuk barat. Di depannya, mendekat ke arah gedung yang sedang aku tinggali ini, berjejerlah awan-awan berwarna kelabu, kehilangan warna putihnya. Aku termangu saja di dekat jendela, melihat semuanya.                                View More


Ratapan dalam Ratapan  

Berjalanlah ia di koridor sekolah yang berkeramik itu. Dia sengaja menyeok-nyeokkan kakinya saat berjalan, membuat sepanjang koridor bergema dengan bunyi sepatunya. Gemanya begitu terdengar—memang, saat itu sepanjang koridor sedang kososng.        View More 

Akhir Bulan Oktober

Hujan terus turun dari jalan kecil yang baru saja diaspal. Wangi hujan yang khas menyerebak di kota itu. Terlihat sayup di arah barat, matahari enggan memunculkan cahayanya. Lampu jalan di sudut pengkolan yang menguning seakan tak cukup menerangi jalan sempit itu.                                View More

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Behind the Scene of Short Stories      

Balon Pecah

...Aku waktu itu sedang mengerjakan blog dan mengetik-ngetik sesuatu untuk dijadikan penulisan bahan di blog, tapi mood untuk menulis cerita pada saat itu sedang on...                      View More

Semburat Merah Terlihat Samar

...Aku ingin sekali kesibukan-kesibukanku di masa mendatang—saat aku menjadi dokter nanti, akan seperi karakter tokoh dokter muda di cerita ini....            View More


Ratapan dalam Ratapan  

...Aku sebenarnya senang menulis saat hujan, tapi terkadang aku sering terbawa suasana...         View More 

Akhir Bulan Oktober

...Aku membayang-bayangkan bagaimana cerita yang menyejukkan, namun penuh dengan intrik dan teka-teki—dan tentunya terjadi di kota yang dipenuhi dengan hujan...

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My Life, My Story                                      


“What can you do to promote world peace? Go home and love your family.” 
Mother Teresa


“Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: "What! You too? I thought I was the only one.”         C.S. Lewis



"...I'm strong I can be, What ever I want to be. Among my new family, living in academy..." 

- Erma Retnowati, I Can Make It Happen


“Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.” 
Robert F. Kennedy

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Academic Writing                            

Contoh Menulis Abstrak pada Karya Ilmiah

 Abstrak adalah ringkasan tentang apa yang telah ditulis dalam suatu karya ilmiah, yang berisi ide pokok penulisan suatu karya ilmiah. Berikut adalah contoh abstrak dalam karya ilmiah.

Contoh Puisi Baru-Selendang Sutra Merah

Puisi baru adalah karya sastra yang lahir setelah puisi lama, puisi ini lahir bersamaan dengan puisi kontemporer, tidak terikat dengan aturan-aturan dalam puisi. Berikut ialah contoh puisi baru.

Example of Narrative Text 

Narrative is a text focusing specific participants which tells an interesting story. Its social function is to tell stories or past events and entertain or amuse the readers. Here is the example of the narrative text.

English Speech Example

English speech is the act of delivering a formal spoken communication to the audience. Here is the example of english speech.

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