HeOwwO mein Name iszt Ernestus Virgilius, also known as ze emperor of the almighty virtual real known as Apoptosis. There is nothing to be known other than knowing you know nothing, paraphrasing my best friendo Socrates, whomst is very famous and kawaii da yo~! I am a very mysteriousz and dangerousz perszon, so watch out for your life hee hee~ You might be in danger for visiting this website ÒwÓ My hobbies are training with my dear katana (yes, I do study the blade) Piko-chan anddd listiening to dark musik such as MCR and Evanescence heehee! Notice that I am also very smart and intelligent, haa stop né. My IQ is something around 263 and is always raising due to my heavy use of psychotropic substances such as mariguana and codeine mit alcohol for maximum ernlightenment nyaa. Take time to visit my other pages onegaishimasu!!

<-this is me