An idea by Alfred Pfeiffer, July 2002.

Here the idea of the well known Sokoban game is extended to mazes that contain (often also require) more than one pusher.
(Note: Sokoban was invented by Hiroyuki Imabayashi and is Copyright(c)1982 by THINKING RABBIT Inc. JAPAN.)

Unfortunately the most available programs for Sokoban cannot handle such mazes.
Until now I know only the followings that allow to handle these new setups, most of them made after I puplished my spontan idea. Many thanks to the autors for submitting it.

The following some small examples were created by Alfred Pfeiffer.

(Thanks to Yoshio MURASE for allowing the use of his pictures for the diagrams. Look to his homepage from Japan.)

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When you collect more than one usual Sokoban mazes into one page you get an Pseudo-Multiban puzzle.
Here is an example, build by me from Yoshio MURASE's automatically generated maps.

Multiban puzzles by other authors:

Please send feedback about "Multiban" to [email protected].

Created: Jul 23, 2002; Last modified: Dec 5, 2008

Back to my HomePage (in German).

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