The Apathy Party

Apathy is a rising force in British politics. The Apathy Party, established in September 2000, seeks to represent those people who, for whatever reason, do not feel inspired to vote.

The Apathy Party can already claim great success, without even existing. Witness the spectacular non-turnout at the last Local and European elections, the elections for London's Mayor and Assembly, and even the 1997 General Election. Now we aim to take apathy one stage further, and make it a force for political change.

Like the party, this website is in it's infancy and very much a work in progress. As I get the chance I'll update the content and the links. Please go to the "About the Apathy Party" page for more information, and please feel free to mail us or leave a comment in the guestbook if you'd like more information.

Tim Rodgers (19/9/00)


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