- by HotboyZ_Bonster 8/12/03
Updated 10/01/03
Updated 12/18/03 - 1 New Tactics.
Updated 01/15/04


If you lose no need to get upset.
JJ good game and just learn why you lost and improve in the future.

Ballistic Upgrades

Thanks for fixing my dumbness.
Corrected by `AkA_RuLeR`

Fast Upgrades  Surroundings  The Basics  Hill Control  Losing  Attacking  Land-Taking  AC Destroyer
 Ugly Map  River Map  Double  Faking  Army Control  Farming  Gold Mining  Less Gold  Decoy 
Sneak-Backdoor  Dirty-Play  Teamwork  Modern Nsers  Popular Excuses  Fastkey 
Annoying Rookies  New Ideas  Building Style  PMvsReg  Contributors  ContactMe 

FAST UPGRADES (Mr.Bon way to upgrade)

Will A1ex since you didn't know what I meant here's what I was trying to tell you.
This method saves you the trouble of going to the TC then clicking on the upgrades. It goes directly to the upgrades.

Type #1

Highlight EACH Upgrade Building > CTRL+# > Press Key 1, 2, & 3 > Upgrade Item Easy


Type #2:

Highlight ALL Upgrade Buildings > CTRL+# > Hit `#1` >  Hit `Tab`> Upgrade Items Easy


SURROUNDINGS (Mr.Bon most important skill in my mind.)

Read Map - Look at map for advantage like hills, best attack points, gold position.
Gold Piles - Is gold position is even if not use `LESS PILES METHOD` (below)
Look Out - See if you can 2v1 or they can 2v1 you.
Flank - Read land for the best way to flank your enemy.
Openings - Some dumb ass might leave openings to his base so kill his miners
Plan B - Have a back up plan to recover


THE BASICS (Mr.Bon's dictionary)

Run - YOU BLOCK OR YOU DON'T. No Such Thing as run in a "WAR". Stop Your Crying BITCH!!!
Landtaking - land belongs to whoever takes it and fight for it. Nothing is given to you. Got that idiot.
My Gold - why do partners fight over gold. Your on the same team who cares who mines it. RETARDED

- Someone is all over your TC. Not someone taking your land. There is no such thing as paint 5min into the game.


Look at mini map (your right)
I never even touch his TC.
And he calls me and I quote:
 "Bon you fucking painter"

Yes! `AcT` you are a D-u-m-b-a-s-s.
You Fucking Loser. Fuck you bitch. Hahaha

You teach NS to newschooler but why you so dumb?
You make them even more retard just like yourself.
Let me see you trained GatZ right?
No wonder why he is retarded also.

Good Quote:
"STUPID IS STUPID DOES" - Tom Hanks in (Forest Gump)

`AcT` The Idiot Thinks is Paint.



Usually, many dumb ass think oh a hill if I get on it first I win, hahah I expect this so. I let his ass get on hill. I just pull my pop and stand at the bottom of the hill and when he bring his archer up. He will lose a lot because it takes time for his archer to climbing the hill and regroup. HAHAH = dead. Use one archer to see if he bringing his army.

Remember this guys? - HandOfDeath  & V3nomous (I Miss You Guys *Kiss* *Hug* lols)

Stay on the bottom. Let him take hill. Hahaha (Vietnamese Hill Control)


LOSING (Mr.Bon turns the game around)

So your losing? Pull back dumb ass. Collect gold and pump. NO MORE ATTACKING. Defend time. Flank position. Delete Some Range.

Really Losing!!!.
Run and double with your partner and take out the other guy. Hehehe it works 1/2 of the time. When I'm dying I run to my partner and take out the other guy.


ATTACKING (Mr.Bon the commander)

Use flanks. Army Control. Reading Land for any advantage. Try faking and decoys. Double . Non-stop Pump.
Keep sending archer to the front line as it dies very quickly. Stay focus.
Always try to surround him if you can `Circle of Death (COD)` You know what I mean.

If you losing read `LOSING` (above)


LANDTAKING (Mr. Bon Style) - No Flanking Needed

Note: Don't Try this on 3v3 hehe because I've been 2v1 and 3v1 doing this heheh

Jack your opponent's land really fast because the dumb bastard is focusing on his start. He is going to make excuses about you taking his land (Some Excuses Are: Paint, Cheater, Macro). Build range on his land first then turn him Neutral and keep building towards his base. Don't worry if he got more archer then you. Keep building Archer and Range soon he will die because hahah no army and no gold for him.

Yes!!! many of you has fallen to me with this method. HAHAHAH

Jack Land, Surround Him, Stay NEUTRAL


AC DESTROYER (Mr.Bon's new method)

I came across a few Nser saying "Bon u suck at AC" so it gave me a new idea. If my AC suck like they say then imma make their AC suck also.

Use barracks or any building (except Range cuz archer die as it pops out.)

Barracks is like a gate. If he runs thru your barracks his AC is fuck up. So he has to destroy it 1st.
You can also attack or pull back anytime behind your Barracks to recover. Delete and build Barracks as you pull up or pull back. He will turn you neutral for sure.  Try building barracks to mess up his front line from moving side to side and towards you. Barracks is to block his army moments. His army don't move the way he wants, then his AC = shit Kekeke. Good for any map.

Your enemy is gonna feel so angry. Like this loser here.

I use rax. He uses houses. Then I bust out houses and rax. HAHAH LMAO!!!!!
He got so annoy by this tactics that he wall me. OMG NEWBIE
Yes I'm talking to you `_YellowEyez_` you fucking gay ass.
Don't play dirty with the dirty player like me.
And when you play dirty don't cry about it.


*Gook* = *Shit* (Vietnamese Word)


UGLY MAP ( Mr.Bon Outsmart Dumb asses )

Note: Use this only if you have a gay map, stupid river crossing or don't like river.

Use `LANDTAKING METHOD`. Whatever your start use 1-3TC for starting. Don't Build Any Range on your land, build on his first. Start build on your land later. Don't Forget to go NEUTRAL. Then keep going with the Landtaker Method. Try To Build Ranges where gold is or surround him. Try also to block his pards from helping if your not 1v1ing. Try to get the most ranges you can. STAY NEUTRAL THE WHOLE GAME.

See Gay Map And Gay Cross. Jack Land Fast And Kill. Dont wait on your side just cuz is river.
*Many dumbasses wait on their river and pop then attack what dumbasses.


RIVER MAP (Mr.Bon doesn't like waiting on a river)

Read `UGLY MAP` (above)

If you fail `UGLY MAP METHOD `start building ranges on your land and defend until your back in good shape.
Now try to win the river or play Kill & Lost ratio meaning try to get more kills.


DOUBLE (Mr.Bon 2v1)

Always in a team game. Try to double if you have the chance. Is a team game. Many of you idiots think is a 1v1. Yea I'm talking to your dumb ass. Stupid bastard. Turn him NEUTRAL PULL 25% of your ARMY IN AND SIT THERE. Your Partner will have to do the rest and take him out. Block your enemy build a wall of range. And set your Army for defense. Your enemy has 2 choices attack you or help his partner. If he attack you then keep sending some men to double. If he helps his partner then you hit his gold. If he pull his army back then you pull your army back to defense. Now he mad!. But also don't let him double your partner too much.

HotboyZ-SNK Classic Shot


FAKING (Mr.Bon's tricks' book)

Pretend as if your losing then make him chase you back and bam you trick him.

`I'm out of gold` he might believe you hahah.
`I'm going to double` lols (some ppl believe me cause I usually 2v1 and they redirect their army hahah)

Use your brain and you'll know what I mean.


ARMY CONTROL (Mr.Bon > "stay alive I do the killing")

Basic is the Flank (LEFT, RIGHT, MIDDLE).  Advance Flanks is to be learn not to be told.
History: Gangues Khan invented this tactics to rule the world at one point is history.
Modern History: This tactics is use in the US Army today also. Although with tanks and not archers hehehe.

I made it simple even Idiots like you can understand.
LOLS I remember SoLiD_Tactics showing me the flank I wasn't even interested (I was playing cho).
But is useful now hahah thanks buddy


FARMING (Mr.Bon laughing)

Note: Not really a skill

Well farm when you hit 2-3k Food left or just don't do it at all & ask your partner for it =).


GOLD MINING (Mr.Bon > no gold = no archer)

Note: Not really a skill.

Pop vills on that bitch.  The early you mine the better chance you have of surviving.

Tact's Gold Mining Method:
Front-to-back is jack gold that's far away 1st. Jack gold that is closes to your base 2nd.
Doesn't matter to me I don't play normal by Nsers' Standard.

No `Nerviii` I still don't think this is a skill.


LESS GOLD (Mr.Bon uses brain)

If your opponent has more gold then you. Use `LANDTAKING METHOD` and build on the gold your going fight for. Keep building towards his base and keep pumping. STAY NEUTRAL THE WHOLE GAME. Attack all his gold piles if possible. Don't ATTACK HIS ARMY KEEP HITTING GOLD PILES. Remember STAY NEUTRAL and use your archer to kill miners.



DECOY (Mr.Bon's Plan C)

Running some archer in his base (try to kill miners if possible).
I'm pretty sure he going to send army back to kill you.

Also try `SNEAK/BACKDOOR` read (below)

There are other types of decoy... can't think right now


Building Style (Mr.Bon building lines)

Always try to place the Ranges neatly if you have time. Space them out for best army flow towards the spot your gonna attack. The best method of doing this is to make straight lines of ranges (X,Y axis )
When building Ranges send a group of villagers left right and middle to build. More villagers = Faster Build.

Try to place your Ranges in flank position (works great with landtaker method). Don't Just Build in one place. Have a sense of map control.


SNEAK-BACKDOOR (Mr.Bon's play book)

During your fighting try running in some villagers and build ranges around his gold pile.
(about 3-10 Ranges will do). STAY NEUTRAL. Keep attacking front and use archer to kill his miners.
Annoying to your enemy and good for you. HAHAHA

Run vills in and build hahaah. Damn I build 3 way. HAHAH Sneak


DIRTY PLAY (Mr.Bon the dirty-player)

[`] Use a house to know where your enemy archers at. (DIPLOMACY ENEMY ONLY)
[$] House in the front line as you attack your enemy. (DIPLOMACY ENEMY ONLY)
[*] House on other side of hill to slow down enemy archers from climbing. Also use `HILL CONTROL` (above)
[^] House or TC his gold. Also use `SNEAK/BACKDOOR` (above)
[+] TC on the cross for best defense.
[#] Block your enemy from a narrow opening like a tree.
[?] TC wall. But you might get booted =) HAHAH i use Rax instead or other buildings
[/] Read `DECOY` (above)

That's enough.

TEAMWORK (Mr.Bon I might need to rewrite this a few times)

In 3v3 usually the team with the best teamwork wins. If you see your partner dying help out then idiot.
I give my gold and army to my partner cause I know if he dies I'm dead for sure.

You'll wondering now what will happen to me. Well my base will be mess up by my opponent but is ok he has to help his partner also or else the shift of the game will turn on him. Meaning 3(My team) vs. 2(Enemy Team)
This is not always the same outcome though. Basically is either the team die as one or win as one. Don't play 1v1 in a team game idiots.

Use Landtaker Method to get best position meaning block the most gold from your enemy. Or block him from helping his partners. Every map is about position if you can get a better position then your enemy you have a better chance of winning. Most of you idiot build close and pump until you pop then attack lols. I hate people that sits there and let their partner die. Is Call a `TEAM GAME`

`Tiny Minoan`
I suggest you guys play tiny minoan you'll learn more teamwork and you learn how your partners play also reading the map. I use to play this with my friend `_Papo_Karnage` we didn't even had to ask for help, if he was in trouble I just come. If I was in trouble he just come meaning we think as one.  Most of the time we laugh during the game cuz is too fun to play this shit. And also paint and shit is funny. TINY MAP

TINY MINOAN - Best Way to develop teamwork, map reading, and a good way to have fun.

HAHAHAH LOLS HEHEHE 19 19 19 17 19 17 25ness 25ness - Karnage and Me laugh the whole day

Composition Bowmen Only (I call them girl archer)
No Bowmen (is too gay)
No Towers (duh)
Tiny Map
Try not to paint LOLS
And Laugh to death



MODERN NSERS (Mr.Bon view on Nsers today)

[0] Cry and make excuses when they lose.
[1] Don't know what a paint is. Yes is true.
[2] Complains about land and not even try playing.
[3] Plays Perfect Maps cause they suck at regular map.
[4] Thinks they good cause they can play perfect map. (Perfect Map requires no skills)

My First Time Playing Perfect Map (Useless Map nothing to learn) JJ Buddy =)

[5] Doesn't know how to use their land.

Every land you guys get you still build close to base. Sometimes that's not going win the game.
Small Land (you) vs. Big Land (enemy) = Small Land must take enemy land fast. To get advantage back.
Read `UGLY MAP METHOD` (above).
All he can do is defend. `JJ GAME OVER BABY`


POPULAR EXCUSES (Mr.Bon heard just about all the lame ass excuses over the years.)

Stupid Nser> This is my island you can't build on my island Bon you cheater!
_Bon > If gold is in the middle do we fight for it? Why should land be any different. STUPID ASS

Stupid Nser> Bon stop running.
_Bon > no such thing as run anyways you have army don't you? use it then stupid. stop crying and play.

Stupid Nser> Bon cheats he builds on my land and not his own.
_Bon > Land is not given to you. Is to be taken with force. Just like rape!

Stupid Nser> Bon you play cheap you attack my gold and not my army.
_Bon > I guess I'm trying to win. Stop being stupid.

Stupid Nser> Stay out Bon we 1v1ing.
_Bon > This is a team game. Hint there's 4 people in here.

Stupid Nser> Bon you had more gold then me. That's why you won.
_Bon > Life is not fair.

Stupid Nser> Bon stop house rushing me.
_Bon > damn your dumb. use your army idiot. stop crying

Stupid Nser> Why do you like painting Bon?
_Bon > Jack your land, understand the differences RETARD. Read `THE BASICS` (above)










I jack his land cause I know I can't
do shit with that tree on my crossing.
(Yes! I'm smart)

So I jack his land HAHAH.
He got mad cause he know he dead.
So he make up excuses and call me a Painter.
Then he wall me lols who painting now?
He is a dumbass I will prove it to you guys.

Look at his TC (pic on your right)
I never even touch his TC (look on mini map)


The Sad Thing is there are many more dumbasses like `sX_Surewin_Xs`.
They make excuses, cry, sync, bigdaddy all this shit over a game LOLS.

O yea and wall me also.





Fastkey (aka Macro, Cheat whatever) (Mr.Bon enlightenment on this matter)

Hahah too many talks about this so I'm going to enlighten you guys.

First off a villager poping out of empty TC doesn't mean shit. If you play this AOE long enough you'll realize that.

As Much As I Hate AcT. A Villager Poping Out like this Don't mean shit.
And Sammy If you gonna watch a game don't touch. I hate him as much as
you but you don't have to try to frame the guy. People do that to me I fucking hate it.
This guy cancel my upgrade and shit even empty shit out of RAX also.
You wouldn't want someone to mess with you when your playing.


Second, An empty out of range doesn't mean shit also. Maybe if it empty out of more then 5-10 range It might mean something. But is debatable. [Which means there is gonna be two sides]

(If you like `AcT` then your gonna be on his side , but if you hate him then your gonna enjoy this picture)


Third, The timeline will show a break in the graph if any shit happens.

Fourth, Look at the tributes. (Combo Pack)

Look At That Negative Tributes. Can You Say Cheat.


ANNOYING ROOKIES (Mr.Bon responds to stupid questions )

Rookie > What's my rank?
_Bon > This is the stupidest question ever. Get the fuck out of my room RETARD. !!AUTO-BOOT On!!

Rookie > Why you boot me?
_Bon > You Suck/Gay name/Unknown/No aka. And yes your dumb.

Rookie > I'm super xpert let me play.
_Bon > You got no aka and no1 knows you. GET THE FUCK OUT!

Rookie > 1v1 Ladder map Me You rook! / 1v1 Perfect Map me you rook!
_Bon > HAHAHAH you just made yourself look stupid.

Rookie > I ask everyone and every Nser hates you and thinks your a rook! What did you do?

Rookie > I beat the guy that beat you Bon so I'm 100% sure I can beat you easy. You Rook!
_Bon > LOLS that's nice. Don't talk until you do it.

Rookie > I Beat Bon. I'm going tell everyone now. ZM ZM ZM
_Bon > hehe wow beat some1 once and thinking your the best. LOLS but is cool you have all right to talk shit.

Rookie > Stop booting me I'm good man.
_Bon > Fuck go away stop coming back LOSER. You not going to get a game here Bitch.

Damn this guy is super rook. Yawn LOSER

Rookie > 1v1 Me rook!
_Bon > I don't have time to fight every dumb ass I meet. (Example below)

HAHA This Idiot thinks he's all good come in our room and talk shit about SNK. He all saying some shit that xStar can't beat Bomber (who the fuck is bomber anyways?). We told him to call Bomber, he didn't come. Well anyways we don't give a shit. `_Element` said 1v1 me _Snk__xStar_ (he was eating).
So I said 1v1 me bitch. I kick his ass =), then xStar was done eating so I let him take over.
I think this idiot learn his lesson hahah.
FUCK YOU `_Element` you lame ass rook.
Don't talk shit no more.

Then we continue to play 1v1 Circle and still laughing to death. hahahah


Perfect Map vs Regular Map (Mr.Bon continues the chat with Mickey+Shadows)

PERFECT MAP (Is it really perfect?)

Improve Speed (I think so)
Pop Faster (Maybe)
Fair Land (Duh)
Pumps (Endless pumping)

Same Shit Land Everytime (You might get bored)
Don't Even Need To Read Land (Minimap is useless now!)
You Can Narrow Down the Best Attack Points.
Gold is given to you. No need to fight for it.
Learn Nothing New. Your Mind is already set before the game even started.

In the end I ask you one question. Is this the only map your good at?
I rest my case...

REGULAR MAP (Nothing can compare)

Must use all your skills. Even reading minimap.
Map is Unknown to both players.
Don't No where your enemy is at.
Adapt to the map you have.

No River On/Off Button. (Fuck you MSN)
Sometimes is not fair land/gold (Life is not fair)

More fun on REG map then PM that's for sure.

PM=Training Map
REG=True Skills

End of story.


Hold up...
yawn i donno. I'll test it out b4 i write about it
You guys can try some of this out and send me some feedback if you can.

UESLESS HILL (New Trick. worked once)

RUSH START (close to enemy)



POP START (Record is 4:51 by Mr.Shadow 2.0 speed)

 Landtaker vs. Landtaker (Unreleased)




Contact Me:
Any sugguestions or help to this page ZM me.
Zone > _UU_Bonster__, HotboyZ_Bonster, _Bon
GSA AOE/RON > HotboyZ_Bonster
CS1.6 Steam> HotboyZ_Bonner


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(Renew Forum so post any new ideas or which
method sucks or which method you think is best in here.
Or which Method should be deleted. Have a Reason!)


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