Aum Gung Ganapathaye Namah

Namo tassa bhagavato arahato samma-sambuddhassa

Homage to The Blessed One, Accomplished and Fully Enlightened

In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful


Introductory Prayer

I pray The Being who always was of old, and has now been by me revealed, to grant that my words may endure in so far as they have been spoken truly and acceptably to Him; but if unintentionally I have said anything wrong, I pray that He will impose upon me a just retribution, and the just retribution of him who errs is that he should be set right. Wishing, then, to speak truly in future concerning the generation of the gods, I pray Him to give me knowledge, which of all medicines is the most perfect and best.

            - Timaeus in Critias by Plato



This material contains the writings of a cyber victim – the feelings, emotion, anger, temper of a man who faced high tech wireless spy devices, GPS tracking devices, satellite based zooming spy devices, stalking, hunting, for a considerable period of time of over 7 years as of year 2003 and still continues... A stalking that commenced sometime in 1995 or 1996. Some of this material was published previously under a religious heading.

There I faced limitations in expressing myself. The reality could NOT be documented and written as it is, under a religious heading. For example, your feeling of temper, you just have to cover up if you put there. As a mark of respect, you just can’t write abusive material under religious heading. That covering up, that masking prevents or hides the truth of despair any man or woman can go through when faced by the invisible monitoring by your own neighbors, men and women of different age groups.

There is ample use of abusive wordsº in this following webpages, given as it is…

For I don’t want a remark where somebody hides under a religious website and then abuses his or her own brothers and sisters. What I felt I have given and expressed as it is…without any restriction…or cover up…They didn’t respect your basic rights…so why should I cover up my feelings towards them?


I want to remind you of the Ambalatthika Rahulovadasutta (Majjhima-nikaya, Sutta No.61) which may be familiar to you. In that sutta, the Buddha encouraged his son, Rahula, who was a seven year old samanera, to live properly, happily and peacefully. The Buddha taught Rahula to stop and reflect whenever he had the intention of doing something.


      Rahula, you must be mindful of what you are going to do and consider whether this deed will be harmful to yourself or to others. By considering thus, if you find that this deed will be harmful to yourself or to others, you must not do it. But if this deed will not be harmful to yourself or to others, you may do it.


      In this way, the Buddha instructed Rahula to consider what is to be done, to be aware of what is being done and to reflect on what has been done. So this ethic too is the best way for living happily and peacefully in our daily life. There are innumerable aspects of ethics conducive to a happy and peaceful life. If we try to understand these ethics and follow them, we are sure to live a happy and peaceful life although we cannot yet get rid of all our suffering.

(Reference: Venerable Chanmyay Sayadaw U Janakabhivamsa. Vipassana Meditation: Lectures on Insight Meditation. Chapter Three. Seven Benefits of Mindfulness Meditation.)


Buddha, Rahula, Jesus…they all lived in the wilderness…homeless life. And I face the dilemma while living in society, how I can live in  silence, without any emotion or whatsoever…when there are people in your surroundings…your own neighborhood…who behave in insolent manner…using wireless high tech spy devices…to peep through even walls and monitor covertly and silently?

Why should I paint myself, mask myself as something else and act?

No…in this notes of a cyber victim, I write and express my mental outpourings as it is…

There are rules which forbid this type of in depth monitoring even into your toilets and bedroom. But have they respected that sort of privacy? They haven’t…

True, there are also nations where laws are yet to come on such forbidden monitoring…sleepy and lawless nations…yet being a basic human morality, you actually don’t need written laws there…a morality where as a human being you are expected to respect the privacy of another. They haven’t done that…

They watch and monitor…your weaknesses are pulled out…and that become the joke of that day…to sit and laugh…as if they are the best of all.   They can watch anything they want…and when you write, according to them, you are writing as if someone from the slums will not even write! So bad…so abusive a person…is what they classify you.

Religious concepts are very minimal in this webpages…for I have purposely left like that…

I live in society…a man of flesh and blood…just like everyone…with my own weaknesses…you cannot expect such a man to keep his mouth shut, and you doing anything you want…look and watch anything you want…with in the locked security of your private dwelling…but using high power devices to peep into other toilet and watch to the fulfillment of your dirty desires …a cyber victim like myself can at least scream and cry…

They threatened many times and still do…that I might be killed off…as a punishment to this documentation…a threat which I don’t care…for after suffering this long who cares whether I am alive or not…I don’t give any importance…and thus there is no need for any filthy woman to wag her tongue around, “you will be killed…for this…”, supported by her male cronies…For it is too embarrassing to reveal the dirty voyeurism of many a woman, young and old! Sitting and watching along with their sons and daughters and their own husbands, the nakedness and nudity of their neighbors.

º The symbol *?! is used as a form of stammering…to express a man’s temper, anger, rage…and a variety of emotions…no words or nothing implied…just expressing an emotional state of being.

Written around 05:55 am Friday, May 16, 2003

Revised around 04:30 pm Monday, January 19, 2004


"Victims [of stalking] will come forward much quicker." "At the moment they are made to feel stupid and they wonder if it's their fault."

- Diana Lamplugh of the Suzy Lamplugh Trust

(Reference: Stalking and bullying: the types of stalking.)




Cyber victims could be using inappropriate language or displaying an excessive fear of some places or things.

(Reference: Lalitha Sridhar. (Sunday, November 17, 2002) Cyber Crimes and the Real World. India:


Whenever I feel inspired, I just write. The writings contain feelings of happiness, pain, agony, despair etc.

When the file gets larger, say, more than 175K, when saved as web page, it takes a long time to download. So I am forced to segment the main file into smaller chapters, for easy download.

The purpose behind these writings is to convey certain facts across, as simple as possible. For the reader to think, ponder and thereby “change” his or her own way of life as he or she deems fit.

The writings undergo CONTINUOUS IMPROVEMENT. New additions and modification, even to “old” writings, changing of words, sentences etc. The writings evolve and are thus “living”. They are NOT fixed and thus “dead”.

So do check the day and date of revision, not only on the main files but also on the individual diary notes, where the time of modification is also given for reference purposes.




(Revised:  Friday, January 04, 2008)

Contains scanned images of handwritten diary notes of a victim describing gang stalking experiences in India, Singapore and Indonesia, focusing on the use of long range (exceeding 3500 kilometers) satellite based thermal imaging devices, infrared or thermographic spy cameras by sex predator gangs to spy across nations, to monitor precisely and clearly the verbal, bodily, and mental actions of the victim and his immediate surroundings (whatever is around him, JUST ANYTHING, ANYWHERE).

A day-to-day test diary. Contains certain mental outpourings. Emotions, anger, pain, despair, spiritual concepts – a mix.

The spelling mistakes...of an unstable man...are regretted...apologized...

The handwritten pages...are folded the middle...and thus...there is...left side...and right side...set of each page...

Some pages...scribbled rough scrap papers...may be and there...which I put in a later revision...Please forgive...a mad man...if the pages...are NOT in order...

To zoom in...and read...I currently use...Windows Picture and Fax Viewer...


(Revised:  Sunday, October 19, 2008)

Contains 2008 emission tracker of an unstable mendicant




28   Be not a witness against thy neighbour without cause; and deceive not with thy lips.

29   Say not, I will do so to him as he hath done to me: I will render to the man according to his work.

            - Proverbs 24:28-29 :: King James Version (KJV)


What I have went through is a sort of ripening of a stalking scenario from a raw and non-edible fruit to a ripe and edible fruit. The climax of stalking, the ripened case is very different, from the initial raw case. In the initial stages you “fight” with a single stalker for a considerable period of time say, 3-4 years. Then you wander, leave the province and go elsewhere…move from land to land…fight another stalker…leave again…then another stalker…leave again …another couple of years pass…finally you reach a province where there goes on a major fight…nearly three years again…some of the previous stalkers come together and join forces…and then the gossip…the word of mouth…stalking matures into something else… there are many who want to watch you…to learn from you… is it respect?…is it adoration?…or is it a new form of plunder?…a sort of folk tale…and then you are not actually fighting…you are a sort of teaching…you can’t fight, for they exceed in numbers of over 20…maybe 50 or even more…you just have to forgive whatever happened in the past, in the name of the Lord…and that is what I do…I don’t file any court case or any sort of prosecution against the trespassers…the initial few or the current multitudes…are they my “students”?…my “brothers”? “sisters”?

Yet…I documented many of the past events…and left for whoever to check and validate if he or she wishes…there are many things to learn from what I underwent…as well as many precautions to be undertaken for those who don’t feel safe…in the initial years of battle…

True, your mental condition evolves…from something narrow minded…to a sort of broad minded…and maybe a bit of madnessº…as the cyber victim faces nowadays…

And I repeat, I forgive all…whether it be “enemies” or “friends”…

And there were fits of temper, where in I have used certain abusive words…for which I apologize for whoever it matters…subsequent revisions will remove those abusive words…

Praise the Lord!

º A state of mind which I believe any cyber victim will come across, when surrounded from all sides, and for a long duration, they do many things on you insolently…covertly…something I leave the learned psychologists to ponder on…a state of silent acceptance of no justice, finding solution oneself, to forget, to be still…to destroy oneself…

Written around 04:25 pm Thursday, May 15, 2003

Revised around 08:35 pm Friday, May 16, 2003


There could be socially prompted changes where a person changes to keep up with the world around them. Or you could also imagine people's personalities developing to allow them to take on those roles.

- Sanjay Srivastava, a psychologist at Stanford University, California.

(Reference: Bhattacharya, Shaoni. (Sunday, May 11, 2003) Personality changes throughout life. UK:


According to some...doctors...observers...the mental on terminal state...During the stalking days...since 2004...he maintained...a handwritten diary...which he doesn’t know...whether he can type them in...onto his colorful websites...A fear of death lingers...which prompted scan up his notes...bit by spite of his sufferings...onto the let the world...know his experiences...

I ask for forgiveness...for so many linked much memory space...taken up...for my bulky...stupid notes...of madness...written in pain...

I just don’t know...any other means...on how to inform the world...what I paper...with my mental problems...increasing day by day...and the fear...of absolute madness...closing in...

In the event of organized stalking...the end result either the victim...gets mad...or becomes a wandering monk...or get terminated...or violated...

Written around 08:50 pm Friday, June 08, 2007

Revised around 09:25 pm Friday, June 08, 2007


Note on web-link

If you do put a link to any of the individual writings, then it is better to link to this homepage index, instead of the individual writings page. For the individual writings modify, split to separate chapters on transformation. From this homepage index, you can navigate to the specific writing, as you wish.


Note on number of pages

It is advised to read and understand the contents. Photostats, print-outs could be expensive. Also the writings evolve and modify.


Reprint permission

A clarification on reprint permission - to reprint, quote or summarize.

Anyone reading this index page - or any written material on this website -has permission in advance to reproduce any or all of it in newsletters, class materials, web sites, etc. as long as acknowledgement is included. The acknowledgement must include the web site address and the homepage name.

For example:

For personal writings other than referencesº


In the case of a clipping,

(Reference: Name of the webmaster. (Pseudonym used in that webpage) (Date of Revision of the CLIPPING) Name of the Webpage. (with hyperlinked URL) Name of the Website.)


(Reference: Name of the webmaster. (Pseudonym used in that webpage) (Date of Revision of the clipping) Name of the Webpage. Name of the Website. WWW: URL address of the webpage.)

If the Date of Revision is not given, then use the Date of writing.


In the case of multiple clippings from a single webpage,

(Reference: Name of the webmaster. (Pseudonym used in that webpage) (Date of Revision of the WEBPAGE) Name of the Webpage. (with hyperlinked URL) Name of the Website.)


(Reference: Name of the webmaster. (Pseudonym used in that webpage) (Date of Revision of the webpage) Name of the Webpage. Name of the Website. WWW: URL address of the webpage.)


º In the case of references edited by the webmaster in this website series, you quote the respective authors directly.


Note on revision/typing/correction mistakes

Small mistakes like difference in web page name, difference in revision dates between inner and outer sheets etc could happen due to the author’s carelessness. Mistakes are always there. Human errors. But being on constant change or revision, they will be identified slowly and rectified. The author regrets his weaknesses.


Note on sister websites

Being a poor jobless man, I don’t have any funds to maintain a single, bigger website. I just use free websites. I don’t have to worry about those yearly or even monthly payments for maintaining the website. I can just wander away…freely…like a bird…flying from one place to another…with nothing to worry about…(Don’t you feel happy when you don’t have anything to care about?)

Also to express myself, my writings etc, I faced space limitation, in a single website, say 15 MB. As of June 2003, the Test Diary alone runs over 12 MB, with over 1000 pages of printout. All free, in return, to my brother and sisters, be of any society, to read…to understand…

Moreover some of the topics go out-of-context to the arbitrary name I have chosen as “pen name”. Though there is NOTHING in a name, still there are men and women who give importance to the word you use to identify yourself…I initially opted to use “Anonymous”, but then there are already too many “Anonymous” websites. The word “Anonymous” is much sought after…

So there are currently twenty eight sister websites – twenty three general websites and five petition websites:


General Websites

Praise the Buddha

An online book on Energy The Invisible Living Lord and other topics.


A Wandering Tantric

It is not ethical to put erotic topics as well as abusive concepts written out of anger under “praisethebuddha”. It is not ethical to put erotic topics under “notesofacybervictim”, for a court of law might find that inadmissible. They say, “emotions are illogical”.


Notes of a Wanderer

A sequel to A Wandering Tantric. When the Test Diary exceeded 15MB, this sister website came up with the remaining chapters.


A False Priest

A sequel to Notes of a Wanderer. Contains Test Diary chapters 20-29.

Note: As of Sunday, October 29, 2006, most of these voluminous diary notes are still remaining in paper format. They were originally scribbled on garbage paper. They are slowly being typed...using a computer...whenever the writer gets spare time...converted into e-format...and uploaded...onto the web...for free distribution...


A Pseudo Monk

A sequel to A False Priest. Contains Test Diary chapter 30 onwards.

Note: As of Sunday, October 29, 2006, most of these voluminous diary notes are still remaining in paper format. They were originally scribbled on garbage paper. They are slowly being typed...using a computer...whenever the writer gets spare time...converted into e-format...and uploaded...onto the web...for free distribution...


An Unstable Mendicant

Note: Contains scanned images of handwritten diary notes of a victim describing gang stalking experiences in India, focusing on the use of satellite based thermal imaging devices by sex predator gangs.

The spelling mistakes...of an unstable man...are regretted...apologized...

The handwritten pages...are folded the middle...and thus...there is...left side...and right side...set of each page...


A Mad Schizophrenic

An edited reference on Schizophrenia with pointers or cross references to spirituality.


1. All living beings – men, women, animals, plants, anything out there are children of God...sons and daughters of God...various forms of energy...

2. Diseases are only one of God’s many turn a person onto the path of practical live a certain way of a certain manner...daily...

And thus cease doing certain things...either voluntarily or involuntarily...

3. There is nothing called is just a mental or spiritual advancement...something different from normal...from what you see around you...

If you say,...No, there is indeed something called madness...then you must also accept that there is no one in this planet who is not mad...

One way or the other...each of us is mad to a certain far that madness is, depends on you...and those who perceive you...


An Indian Tantric

Some edited references on various topics of research interest.


An Indian Yogi

A sequel to An Indian Tantric. Some edited references on various topics of research interest. Also contains web Links to hundreds of reference sources.


Notes of a Cyber Victim

It is not ethical to put stalking concepts under “praisethebuddha”. It contains the stalking updates.

It also contains some representations.


Sreegopal Sreekumaran

Contains some details about the “mad” webmaster. It also contains some representations (repeated emails!!...for whom??) to the Indian government and other agencies…a plea for legally “limiting” the use of high tech wireless spy devices to non-predatory and non-sexual purposes. Though this website contains some email addresses, the webmaster rarely responds to any forms of contact, due to his “mental imbalance” and “short temper”. (As you will understand when you read the Test Diary.) My apologies!…but it serves to continue cordial relations with others…by mutual non-interference into other’s personal matters by any means, even by emails.


Sreegopal N Sreekumaran

A sequel to Sreegopal Sreekumaran. Due to space constraints, the new updates of couple of files are given in this sister website. It also contains the web publication details (internet search engine submission) of all the sister websites.


A Deranged Man

Contains scanned images of handwritten diary notes of a victim describing gang stalking experiences in India, Singapore and Indonesia, focusing on the use of long range (exceeding 3500 kilometers) satellite based thermal imaging devices, infrared or thermographic spy cameras by sex predator gangs to spy across nations, to monitor precisely and clearly the verbal, bodily, and mental actions (mind reading/thought access) of the victim and his immediate surroundings (whatever is around him).

Contains test diary notes from 2007jul161 - 2008aug45.


A Prisoner for Life

Contains scanned images of handwritten diary notes of a victim describing gang stalking experiences in India, Singapore and Indonesia, focusing on the use of long range (exceeding 3500 kilometers) satellite based thermal imaging devices, infrared or thermographic spy cameras by sex predator gangs to spy across nations, to monitor precisely and clearly the verbal, bodily, and mental actions (mind reading/thought access) of the victim and his immediate surroundings (whatever is around him).

Contains test diary notes from 2001to3mute184 - 2007jul160.


Test Diary Album 1

Contains scanned images of handwritten diary notes of a victim describing gang stalking experiences in India, Singapore and Indonesia, focusing on the use of long range (exceeding 3500 kilometers) satellite based thermal imaging devices, infrared or thermographic spy cameras by sex predator gangs to spy across nations, to monitor precisely and clearly the verbal, bodily, and mental actions (mind reading/thought access) of the victim and his immediate surroundings (whatever is around him, JUST ANYTHING, ANYWHERE).

Contains test diary notes from 2001to3mute184 - 2008aug45.


A Mental Patient

Contains scanned images of handwritten diary notes of a victim describing gang stalking experiences in India, Singapore and Indonesia, focusing on the use of long range (exceeding 3500 kilometers) satellite based thermal imaging devices, infrared or thermographic spy cameras by sex predator gangs to spy across nations, to monitor precisely and clearly the verbal, bodily, and mental actions (mind reading/thought access) of the victim and his immediate surroundings (whatever is around him).

Contains test diary notes from 2001to3mute183 backward.


A Looney Puppet

Contains scanned images of handwritten diary notes of a victim describing gang stalking experiences in India, Singapore and Indonesia, focusing on the use of long range (exceeding 3500 kilometers) satellite based thermal imaging devices, infrared or thermographic spy cameras by sex predator gangs to spy across nations, to monitor precisely and clearly the verbal, bodily, and mental actions (mind reading/thought access) of the victim and his immediate surroundings (whatever is around him).

Contains test diary notes from 2008aug46 forward.


Test Diary Album 2

Contains scanned images of handwritten diary notes of a victim describing gang stalking experiences in India, Singapore and Indonesia, focusing on the use of long range (exceeding 3500 kilometers) satellite based thermal imaging devices, infrared or thermographic spy cameras by sex predator gangs to spy across nations, to monitor precisely and clearly the verbal, bodily, and mental actions (mind reading/thought access) of the victim and his immediate surroundings (whatever is around him, JUST ANYTHING, ANYWHERE).


A Mad Schizophrenic

Web surfing details…of a mad man…as he crawled through…the web…dragging his tired body…weak mind…from one place…to another…Behold!…His alms collected…


A Happy Jail Bird

A prisoner's portrait collection...Some portraits are personal the web...others collected...from various sources...on the web...books...and elsewhere... Just a portrait collection...of a mad man...similar to stamp collection...coin collection... Portraits which he found ponder dwell the prison...of the mind...


A Failed Student

Scanned copy of the book (with personal notes...and highlights...), David Kinsley. (2003) Tantric Visions of the Divine Feminine: The Ten Mahavidyas. (First Indian Edition reprint) Delhi, India: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Private Limited. ISBN: 81-208-1523-8. Pages: x + 318.


An Academic Disaster

Scanned copy of the book (with personal notes...and highlights...), S. Shankaranarayanan. (2002) The Ten Great Cosmic Powers (Dasa Mahavidyas). (Samata Edition) Chennai, India: Samata Books. ISBN: 81-85208-38-7. Pages: xii + 146 + ii.


A Runaway Patient

Scanned copy of the book (with personal notes...and highlights...), David Frawley. (2005) Tantric Yoga and the Wisdom Goddesses:  Spiritual Secrets of Ayurveda. (First Indian Edition reprint) Delhi, India: Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Private Limited. ISBN: 81-208-1357-x. Pages: 256.


Petition Websites

Somewhere I mentioned democracy is a failure…why?...bureaucratic red tape, corruption, bribery, injustice, and so on - such is any form of democratic government…

The hundreds and hundreds of petitions for investigation, for justice…was it to no avail?...yet, it is my duty to inform and keep on informing, lest they “forget”…


Notes of a Stalking Victim

A sequel to Notes of a Cyber Victim. Contains email representations.


Notes of a Cyber Victim II

A sequel to Notes of a Stalking Victim. Contains email representations.


Petition Website 1 of a Cyber Victim

A sequel to Notes of a Cyber Victim II. Contains email representations.


Petition Website 1b of a Cyber Victim

A sequel to Petition Website 1 of a Cyber Victim. Contains email representations.


Petition Website 2 of a Cyber Victim

A sequel to Petition Website 1b of a Cyber Victim. Contains latest email representations.


1. In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful.

2. Praise be to Allah, the Cherisher and Sustainer of the worlds;

3. Most Gracious, Most Merciful;

4. Master of the Day of Judgment.

5. Thee do we worship, and Thine aid we seek.

6. Show us the straight way,

7. The way of those on whom Thou hast bestowed Thy Grace, those whose (portion) is not wrath, and who go not astray.

          - The Holy Quran. Surah 1. The Opening.


6 Now when Jesus was in Bethany, in the house of Simon the leper,

7 There came unto him a woman having an alabaster box of very precious ointment, and poured it on his head, as he sat at meat.

8 But when his disciples saw it, they had indignation, saying, To what purpose is this waste?

9 For this ointment might have been sold for much, and given to the poor.

10 When Jesus understood it, he said unto them, Why trouble ye the woman? for she hath wrought a good work upon me.

11 For ye have the poor always with you; but me ye have not always.

12 For in that she hath poured this ointment on my body, she did it for my burial.

13 Verily I say unto you, Wheresoever this gospel shall be preached in the whole world, there shall also this, that this woman hath done, be told for a memorial of her.

          - Matthew 26:6-13 :: King James Version (KJV)


I consider as imperfect all those philosophies which fail to please the Lord because of their lack of devotional exuberance. Knowledge does not shine with dazzling brilliance, if it is devoid of the fervor of devotion to the Supreme Being.

            - Narada to Sage Vyasa


15   And he shall live, and to him shall be given of the gold of Sheba: prayer also shall be made for him continually; and daily shall he be praised.

          - Psalm 72:15 :: King James Version (KJV)


Concluding Prayer

13 …God be merciful to me a sinner.

          - Luke 18:13 :: King James Version (KJV)




Published on internet:  Sunday, April 15, 2007

Revised:  Friday, January 09, 2009


Information on the web site is given in good faith about a certain spiritual way of life, irrespective of any specific religion, in the belief that the information is not misused, misjudged or misunderstood. Persons using this information for whatever purpose must rely on their own skill, intelligence and judgment in its application. The webmaster does not accept any liability for harm or damage resulting from advice given in good faith on this website.


“Thou belongest to That Which Is Undying, and not merely to time alone,” murmured the Sphinx, breaking its muteness at last. “Thou art eternal, and not merely of the vanishing flesh. The soul in man cannot be killed, cannot die. It waits, shroud-wrapped, in thy heart, as I waited, sand-wrapped, in thy world. Know thyself, O mortal! For there is One within thee, as in all men, that comes and stands at the bar and bears witness that there IS a God!

(Reference:  Brunton, Paul. (1962) A Search in Secret Egypt. (17th Impression) London, UK:  Rider & Company. Page:  35.)


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