Lesson 5:

Anton Van Herrera
I am the creator of this website, and I am a student of Valenzuela City Science High School. I love reading books, and also I love watching movies, especially the movies that are based from a book. I also love adventure and also likes singing and listening to music. Although I created this website, I am also not that familiar to Adobe Photoshop.

Did U Know That:

*A cockroach can live for up to a week without a head.

*Ants are social insects and live in colonies which may have as many as 500,000 individuals.

*Aphids are born pregnant without the benefit of sex. Aphids can give birth 10 days after being born themselves.

*Australian termites have been known to build mounds twenty feet high and at least 100 feet wide.
Frozen Basic Photo Editing Tutor

Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 Lesson 5 Lesson 6
Lesson 7 Lesson 8 Lesson 9 Lesson 10 Lesson 11 Lesson 12
***Clone stamp Tool***
Clone Stamp Tool
Photoshop's clone stamp tool allows you to duplicate part of an image.
The process involves setting a sampling point in the image which will be used as a reference to create a new cloned area.
Pattern Stamp Tool
The Pattern Stamp tool allows you to stamp the size of a pattern.
There are several defaults of patterns that can be used with the Pattern Stamp tool, or you can customize your own.
***History Brush Tool***
History Brush Tool
The history brush uses a previous state or snapshot of an image.
The tool makes a copy of the image as it was in a previous state, then uses the content of this copy to paint with.
Art History Brush
The tool makes a copy of the image as it was in a previous state, then uses the content of this copy to paint with.