This section was created as a joke and has no intent of being mean.

Q+A About our Competator

(these answers came directly from the creator of anti-pi "himself")

Q: Why [would] anyone make a web site against pie? I love Pie!
{cesored to maintain "G-Rating"}

A: Well... it started as a site to support my diet to help me "cut the carbs." Then I decided to use it to promote my "company" so, I use it for both purposes.

Q: Does anti-"pie" have a large following?

A: Not really, but it is strong. It's follwing mainly consists of me and... Uh... and uh... Nope, just me.


To visit the Anti-"Pie" website CLICK HERE
OR To visit Anti-"Pie"'s parent company website CLICK THIS
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