Favorite Places
My Favorite AdoptionLinks:
    Here are links to some of our favorite places. When we started the adoption process, we did a lot of research and reading on these websites. They provided a lot of information and were very encouraging.
     I have also become involved in other projects that support children and the community. These projects have allowed me to return the many blessings that I have been given to those who are less fortunate. I would encourage you to visit some of these sites and consider how you can make a difference in the life of another. Something as simple as a child sponsorship for $28/month can not only help a child, but it can change the life of your family as well.
America World Adoption Association
Families With Children From China
Adoptive Parents China
Wonderful Adoption Stories
Holt International Adoption Agency
This is an impressive agency with a wonderful waiting child program.
Sophie Martin
LID 5/31/04
Referral 10/8/04
My friend's beautiful new arrival!
The Story of You
More wonderful adoption stories
Stephen Curtis Chapman and his wife have three beautiful daughters from China. Learn about their story as well as their foundation to help with the cost of adoption.
Other Great Places
Heifer International
Looking for a new gift idea? Make an animal donation to a needy family in the name of your family or friends. You can change a life!
Partners International
This group's mission is to create and grow communities of Christian witness in partnership with God's people in the least Christian regions of the world. They offer a gift catalog similar to Heifer.

Samaritain's Purse
This organization has multiple projects that need support and prayer. They are well known for their Operation Christmas Child , a ministry that distributes thousands of shoeboxes filled with treats to children around the world. They would love your support this Christmas!
Sponsor a child for $28 a month
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