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Over the years I've written no books and few stories, but millions of words in essays. I suppose it's my favorite medium for writing. It doesn't seem terribly useful, but when I get a good one, it gives me chills to write it, and again to read it, every time I read it. It seems to have an impact on people who read it too, so I like to share my writing.
The essays below are by no means a good sample of what I've done. At the moment they're the only ones I could find! When you write as much as I do, you may get careless with the copies. Afterall, there's manuscripts and digital documents everywhere, it's hard to remember to treat them carefully. Disks corrode, paper crackles and fades, computers crash and lose all data. I'll be searching for more of these over the coming days and weeks. I know of several very good ones I remember writing that I cannot find!
Compliments are welcome, so are donations via the paypal button at the bottom. I don't care if you disagree with me or dislike my words or attitude or opinions. If you can't stand to keep it to yourself, put up a website to dis me. I don't want to hear it and I'm much too stubborn for some unkind words to change me! If you have some genuinely insightful comments to debate, that's different. I'll accept literary criticism too. Additonally I will welcome all offers of writing contracts!

I have crossed over to the dark side. I am now hosting my own blog. Click this link to go there.

Essays on Spiritual or Philosophical tacks.

An essay on beauty.
My image of a supreme Deity
Thoughts from the morning George Harrison died.
There is always magic to be found.
This one is about appreciating what you have.
This is practically a poem, it's another examination of the relationship between energy and spirit.
How to talk to trees.
Why are we here?
A dream of Summer. About as close to poetry as I ever get. All that schtuph about meter and rhyme leaves me annoyed. :-)
Singing my Freyr to the Summerland.
A bedtime story, it's more political than spiritual but it's short.
Her Lady's DutyThis one gives me chills every time I read it.
City. It's not precisely a spiritual thing, being a description of a city, but it comes from that same place within me.
Is there a point?
Why would a dust storm be of use?
The Power of Tyranny An allegory drawn from observing humans in groups.
The teachers in our lives.You might be surprised to whom you are indebted.
Higher Power Struggle.  This one is really a bit too intimate to be publishing but I'm kind of stupid that way so just let's pretend you didn't read it, ok?
The Fool  A quick little essay on the significance of the Fool in Tarot and in life.


I moved to Vancouver one Winter
Then I moved back ~smile~ Just no way to please me, eh?
Even falling in love, there's just no way to please me.
How should I classify a poem about suicide? Of course, it doesn't rhyme.
An exceptionally large and violent storm on my infrared satellite display inspired this rhyme.
A Poet Without Poetry Again, it lacks all structure, rhyme or reason, but it isn't prose either.
A snowstorm in April.  Heartbreak and Ice.
Musings of a pathetic poet.
Another snowstorm in April:  Fairy Magic on a Bicycle.

What's Left Over, Unclassified.

This is what happens when you try to steal my car. :-) It is a true story.
This was an event 3 years later foiling an armed robber.I swear this guy's knife was identical to the one the car thieves lost to the cops! It is a true story too. I even got interviewed for the news (had to call them myself, hehehe)
Turkeys in the mail? A little solstice ramble that reminds us of our blessings.
This fragmented little bit of awkward rambling tries to focus on the question of whether Autistic Spectrum Disorders are really disorders, or merely differences.
This is not a polite or pretty essay. I have not shared it with anyone before now but it was something I needed to get said. Now I want to share it in spite of the fact that it is harsh and will draw criticism.
What gets me down? A long whine of the loveless one sleepless summer night.
Insecurity. Bridget Jones has got nothing on me!
Reminiscence on a lost love. A brief snippet of the healing.

Rabbit Tails Little snips of text. Personal Quotes mostly. This is an ongoing project.
Letter to the Editor regarding the controversial issue of a casino in the downtown core.
My introduction to Canada. This is for all you “furreigners” who wonder about the Great White North.
More adventures in The Hood: you want to end crime? Try following this example more often.
Breeding Rant: An immodest proposal to sterilization of the indigent. No, I'm not kidding.
Freedom vs Security: Is it your fault if the government gets too strong and takes away your freedom?
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