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Hey guys!...Wow spring break has trailed off faster than I thought possible. I just got back from Point Roberts, where I and Ingrid visited my grandparents! (P.S.Check out the "blog" link).Warm fuzzies to be updated in the next 5 mins.
March... Last day of school! Note: I posted my short story ^_^ constructive criticsm welcomed with open arms. :)
March...8th? Thursday in any case.
I cannot believe it's snowing. W-t-f mate, wtf. Though it took me nearly ten minutes longer to walk to school, all is not doomed; I've got a free pass to Grouse that I might as well use, now that the conditions are good. In other news, last tuesday I went to art class again for the sixth time, and it was awesome. We got to make these huge collagram prints, which are made by first creating a cardboard plate collage, slathering thick ink onto it, then putting it through the press. So messy - such great results. Anyway, afterwards Rosea and I missed our bus by SECONDS! (Why did he just leave, why?) We ended up walking to phibs, getting lost (?) jaywalking accross highways and nearly getting killed in the process. When we finally got to Rosea's we had vanilla been coffee from Tim Hortons, (godsend) and I finally got home at around 10:30. Class ended at nine.
In other news I'm planning on posting a story I wrote in writing ^_^;;; with mixed results. Check back soon!
March 1st
Oh, how I pity my dentist. On another note, I've written up the start of the warm fuzzies, though they're not really warm fuzzies as you know them. More like things I want to tell people, but always forget to when I see them. In Mia's case, it's a blatant reminder to SEND ME "SLUT" BY VELVET ACID CHRIST! Please. ^_^
March 1st
Well, I still haven't left my house, though that's about to change. Dentist appointment at 2:30, guys. I'll be the lump sporting the parka and wielding two-ply Kleenex. In less disgusting news, I put together a writing page. Not a lot of content, but it's something! I've also uploaded nearly two hundred pictures onto Ringo, some of which may or may not be worth your while. Though nearly half of them seem to show up when they please, there's still minimum 5 pages for you to scour through. You can check it out here.
February 28th
Boy, is this a little awkward! Sorry for not updating in so long guys! nearly a month! I'll try to get into the swing of things again. I'm not going to attempt at a recap at what has happened in the past month, but here are the things on my mind as of late. n# 1: it may not be highway driving, but I made it down to a soccer game near Park Gate. ...Where my team proceeded to get shut-out 1 - 0. Then I tried to drive back, which was considerably more difficult with Mia and her mother driving in the lane next to me! I had to stop myself from reving the engine at the red light. n#2 I went for a walk with Robin that night, who promised to come to our next soccer game. Little did he know, it is in Chilliwack. Though I remembered to bring an umbrella, I neglected to used it on the way back. Sometimes I just like getting wet, and it matched the mood at that time. However, thanks to the soak and the cold soccer game I became so sick that I've not left the house since. It's now Tuesday night.
January 28th
Well the History essay was due 12 hours ago...Now I'm frantically trying to finish for a shot of only 10% off. Wish me luck! In other news I got my L yesterday! YES! ...Nearly two years later after I reached the minimum age. Hmmph. I'll have you know though, that an older woman took the test for the first time right before I did. 17 seems young compare to 55 now, doesn't it? I may have put off getting my L for too long, but atleast I got it before menopause! *Ba-doum-chi*
Yesterday I went to go see the coldplay concert, and it did not disapoint. Though I missed the first 20 seconds of the opening due to an impromt emergency bathroom break, I was soon screaming, waving my arms and bawling (?) with the rest of them. Wow! That evening was just a series of emotional highs. Jozef, sorry about the rough treatment - standing in between me and Coldplay is never a good thing - not to mention the ear-curdling "OMIGAWDS!" at five minute intervals. ^_^
Januay 26th
History Essay due in 20 hours... Still no sign of the finish line. In other news, Robin has not been sighted in Choir or History today! But I shouldn't really call that news lol. More like a daily occurence. :D
But I digress! Today I was in the girl's bathroom when I heard what sounded like crying in the bathroom stall - sobbing! Then I heard talking, and I assumed someone was talking on a cell phone in the stall. But no! Someone was talking to themselves - Ophelia style! She walked out and continued talking, then looked up and saw me...And I could not, for the love of me, think of anything to say at that moment. Even more surprisingly, the same thing happened to me at Lonsdale Rec Center a while back...
January 25th
Coldplay concert tomorrow!
Hey guys! Sorry about the lack of content on my website; as you most undoubtedly have discovered, nothing works ^_^;;;. Since I feel really busy this week, I most likely won't get around to that until the weekend. On another subject, I dreamt I was eaten alive by ants last night. I think it was because Rosea told me about the leeches in the Kong movie! Strangely enough, I wasn't alarmed in the slightest.
Speaking of Rosea, last night she and I (as well as Adrienne, Ravina, Shannon, Alisha and Erin - it appears I know a lot of artists) went to our first three hour art session at Cap College. Wow. I loooved the instructor ("I love string - its simply fascinating! And the conceptual relationships are out of this world: imagine a baby doll hand on a plaster hand! (think Toy Story)" Lol, Rosea knows what I'm talking about. He looked like a mix between Woody Allen and the crocodile hunter, from what we could see through the thick layer of clay and plaster on him. So "granola".
He'll be my art teacher for the next three weeks!
> January 23rd - 1:46 pm
...Mia forgot a pen!
> January 23nd - 2006 ELECTION DAY
Good god! Whoever invented Html codes has my curse. That being said, don't be surprised to find this site somehow flipped on its side, then backwards, then upside down everytime you hit refresh. All of the above have happened in the past few days! In other news, Hamlet test today.*chills* Knowing my previous reccord on in class writing assignments, it's going to be murder. Mia, you better not have a cold like last time! In case you do, I've taken the initiative to arm myself with tissues, ear plugs, a plastic bubble (germ free) and extra pens. You always forget to bring a pen.
> January 22nd - 2006
Hey guys! as you may have noticed, I'm making some changes to the website. Unfortunately, the way I create my last one (me not knowing anything about html) I was quickly running out of space. Therefore, I'm starting from scratch! i borrowed mia's layout for now and I'll be working off that.
It feels good to start working on this thing again. I don't think i could ever aspire to be a webmistress like ingrid ^_^, but I'll try and post new photos and blog on here atleast once a week
see ya!

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