All parades are as scheduled, inclement weather changes to schedule will be updated. Sign up for email updates.


For nearly 150 years now, Mobile, Alabama, has been known as the Mother of Mystics. Say what you will about who started Mardi Gras - Mobile or New Orleans - it's a fact that Mobilians started the first mystic society.

Without those societies, there would be no Mardi Gras as we know it today. This web site is for all Mobile-area revelers, experienced and novice, native and visitor. The site is a companion to the annual Mobile Mask magazine. Mobile Mask is an independent media outlet, solely owned by Thrown Ventures LLC, and is not affiliated with any particular parading group or other organization. Through the Mask, you'll find schedules, route information, coverage of the most recent parades, and news items all year long, so come back often. Now, go ahead, click a button and take a look around.

/* Video and Content Courtesy of Mobile Mask */
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