Kiki's Delivery

Kiki, a young witch-in-training, has reached the age of 13. According to tradition, all witches of that age must leave home for one year, so that they can learn how to live on their own. Kiki, along with her talking cat Gigi, fly away to live in the seaside town of Korico. After starting her own delivery service (using her broom as the delivery vehicle), Kiki must learn how to deal with her new life, especially after she loses the power to fly.
�Mike Konczewski

Kiki is thirteen and on her own. Once a witch turns thirteen, it is time for her to go out and find a city to settle in for a year to complete her witches study. It is this time for her and we get to go along as she attempts to survive in the world on her own.
�Colin Mahoney

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