An FAQ page is generally cooked up, here I have answered only those that have really been asked many times by many people.


Q. What does your name mean? How do you pronounce it?

A. Aniruddha in Sanskrit means:

The one who cannot be opposed, his words or deeds cannot be opposed. Always victorious.

Vishnu Sahasranama [hymn 20].

    I pronounce it as   Ä-nē’rōōdhä [Listen, in my voice].

    But if you find it difficult, you can pronounce it as   Ä-nē’rōdh.

    If all that sounds confusing, simply call me "Ani".


Q. Didn't you try for a job after B.E? Why M.Tech and not MBA?

A.  No I didn't, I always wanted to have a master's degree. I did'nt want a non-technical degree!.


Q. How did you reduce weight? VLCC?

A. What's that! - I know (and use) only two cc's. gcc and tcc.  ;-)



CC: C Compiler.

GCC: GNU's Compiler Collection.

TCC: Borland's Turoc C Compiler.


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