<BGSOUND SRC="http://www.geocities.com/aniram45/amazinggrace.mid">
One of the largest breeds of domestic cat, the Siberian rivals the Maine coon and the Norwegian forest cat in size. In fact, the three breeds are occasionally mistaken for one another because of their similar sizes and long, all-weather coats. The easiest way to define the differences is to think in terms of shape. The Siberian has a rounded barrel-shaped torso and a broad, modified wedge-shaped head with rounded contours, rounded ears and round eyes. The Maine coon, on the other hand, is more rectangular with his long body, tail and legs. The Norwegian forest cat has a triangular head, slanted eyes and pointed ears, and a medium-length body.

As befits a cat that developed in a cold climate, the Siberian possesses a thick, semi-long to long coat with a full ruff and a tight undercoat that becomes thicker in cold weather. The coat's long oily guard hairs give the coat water resistance. The full coat increases the impression of size. All colors and most patterns are accepted. The colorpoint pattern is not accepted in all associations but is making progress; AACE, ACFA, CFF and UFO accept the pattern for championship. However, tabbies and tabbies with white are the most numerous and popular.
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