Doctors' Day
March 30th is set aside to honor those in the medical profession. Here are some ideas to do with your kids to help them understand what a doctor does.

Telling time- this is a good unit for teaching or helping telling time. Make a worksheet up that has questions about the time to take medicines. ex: The doctor said you have to take a pill 3 times a day. How many hour between each pill? 24/3 or 8+8+8=24
For younger ones use a clock with moveable hands to show this. On their worksheet have clock shapes without the hands on them and have a time underneath and let the kids draw the hands to the right time.


Study the different bones and muscles and the different body systems.

Social Studies-

Study the different types of doctors there are.


What kind of doctor would you want to be?

Arts and crafts-

Make pictures or cards for your doctor to show your appreciation for all they do for you.
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