
Why the Long Hiatus? lectio

My Computer

So finally, I have something new for this website. The last time I did something for AngFrayle was in November, 2020 yet. So what happened between then and now? For the rest of November. I have no excuse. In mid-December, however, I contracted covid-19 which caused my hospitalization. After getting discharged from the hospital (after two weeks) I still had to undergo a 14-day quarantine (from Dec. 19 to Jan. 1, 2021). Those days in the hospital and in quarantine prevented me from doing anything apart from trying to recover my strength.

One other reason why I am blogging again after this long hiatus is that my old Windows desktop has been revived and placed in a new "computer room" (if you can call the corner where I am typing this). The Windows desktop computer, though old, is special to me because of the many software applications it has. My MacPro -- which has a very limited number of applications cannot compare in this area. For blogging in HTML, I have a number of choices for text editors (which my MacPro does not have), an FTP client software (AceFTP Free), and image resizer (Irfanview) which is sufficient for my work.

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