Ang Fraylelectio

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About Ang Frayle

Ang Frayle is the Filipino word -- albeit Tagalized Spanish -- for "Friar". If for Shakespeare or in Robin Hood lore a friar is somewhat romanticized (I am thinking of the friar in Romeo and Juliet and Friar Tuck), in Philippine history of the 1800's they are maligned. I myself am a friar of the Order of St. Augustine. When I first began to work on the web in 1999, I had a website called "AgustinongPinoy" which was housed in a free account of the best free website host of the time, Geocities.COM. When folded up sometime in the 2000's, AgustinongPinoy continued on via other hosting services until 2015, the year after my heart operation. Now that Geocities.WS has resurrected, I am again putting up this purely HTML-driven website, to complement what my Facebook page does not have. What that is you will have to find out.

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