LOSER REVIEW "Loser" is a different sort of Angel Witch song, as are all the tracks on this EP. Sort of in the rock and roll rhythm style, and also a sort of a commentary on the kind of person Heybourne doesn't like. It's very mocking in sound. Personally I'm not overly crazy about this one but it isn't too bad. "Suffer" is a bit happier sounding, a kind of sadistic sort of riff rocker song and a bit on the pop side and fairly catchy. I'm quite fond of this track... "Dr. Phibes" closes the EP and the classic Angel Witch years (the last anyone would hear from them for four years) as an instrumental that sounds quite grandiose and sinister. I have not yet seen the film "Dr. Phibes" but I would imagine that Heybourne and co. captured the mood quite nicely. The riffs are simple, and build up and flow pretty smoothly, and, as in the case of "Devils Tower," the lead guitar here is very moody and not so self-absorbed as a talent showcase. This is also the first time that an Angel Witch song has been composed by all members of the band. RATING: 8.5