Be With You

Author: Ryan Email: [email protected] Disclaimer: These characters are owned by Joss Whedon, WB and Mutant Enemy Productions. I don't own them and I'm not making any money off them. The song is by Mandy Moore and its called I Wanna Be With You----I don't own that either, the poem is by Alee Summary: Angel/Buffy -Fluff (with a lil angelus) Spoilers: Just to be safe I'm gonna say everything up to the last eps of each series. Notes: Ok this is only my second fic and has taken me forever to finish. It started out one way and has been changed so many times, I nearly didn't even finish except for the encouragement of my wonderful beta reader Cass I probably wouldn't have. O and riley and kate and all the others who've tried to come between them don't exist.....~~~~~~= a someone dreaming. One last thing...This fic started off one way and has changed in my head several times, so I hope its at least decent. Dedication: ok there are soooo many people I wanna dedicate this too and I can't remember them all so bare with Cass who without her wonderful beta-reader skills, all her other help and her encouragement this story would never have been written or sent out for that matter. To Sy and Tali who continue to give great RP's which keep me in the mood to write...and tali for coming up with her outfit... and sy for helping me with songs even though I didnt end up using the one I was orignally gonna and for constantly sending me songs from napster.. To all of you who sent me B/A moments...I'm sorry I can't remember who exactly...To Alee for the poem...To everyone else who sent me responses to my o so many OT help message and the list moms for not killing me...To all the wonderful fic writers who I love to read and to anyone I have forgotten to mention. Luv ya all! --Ryan
Part 1 "What's going on? Why are you in my dreams?" The frightened blonde asked. "Shhhh I promise this isn't about hurting you. Please, just listen to me. I need you to listen to me," the bigger dark-haired man said. "Why should I? You, you tried to kill me, you hurt me?" As the blonde said this she moved closer to him, her movements contradicting her words. "You have to, you need to remember, you need to come home," the dark-haired man said moving to envelope the blonde in his arms. "Remember what? What do you mean come home?" the blonde asked. "Will you listen? Will you promise to believe what I'm about to tell you?" The dark-haired man questioned. "I promise. I don't know why but I will," the girl said, turning around to face him while still staying locked in his embrace. "Ok well then here I go...Do you remember around Thanksgiving, when you were in LA?" "Of course I do, I only saw you, I mean the other you, for a few minutes," the blonde said, not sure where this was going. "No, you were there longer then that, you just don't remember," said the dark-haired man tightening his embrace on her in fear she would run. "What do you mean? I think I'd remember if I had been there longer," the blonde said now totally confused. "Well this is what happened..." (Time passes as he tells her the events of IWRY). "And so he made the oracles take back that day, and only he would remember, he gave up his humanity for you," the dark- haired man wrapped up his tale. "But why? I mean we were happy, we could have had everything, how could he do it, and then just let me walk outta there?" the blonde said half sobbing, half yelling in frustration. "He didn't, he wouldn't risk your life for his," the dark-haired man replied. Looking up at him with tears streaming down her face the blonde asks, "Why did you tell me this? Why did you tell me of all those things? You said you weren't going to hurt me!" "Shh, please don't cry. I've made you cry enough. I told you because I need you, I miss you, and because I love you," he said pulling her as close as possible. "You, you love me? Then why, why everything that happened before?" She asked burying her head in his shoulder. "I don't know, because I was scared, because I didn't know how else to keep you," he said breathing in her scent. "And what now?" she asks. "Now you have to get him back, you have to go there and make him see and once you do, then we'll all be free." he said brushing a strand of hair out of her face. "What do you mean?" she asked bringing her hand up to hold his. "What I mean is, I want you. All I ever wanted was you, I just didn't know it until I didn't have you. The only way I got you was through him, so once you are back with him I'll be happy because I will have my dream. You're my dream. I'll have my dream, and I'll be at peace. " "Kinda," she replies. "What I mean is that once you're his again, once you're with him I'll have you too...I want exactly what he wants. You. The only difference is I'm willing to give it to myself and he isn't. So once that happens even me, the demon will be happy and that happiness will make everything right," he says. "So how do I do this? How do I make us all happy?" she asks. "Just follow your heart, it'll lead you to him, to me, to us," he said leaning down to kiss her. "I'm gonna have to go soon." "Will I see you again...I mean here?" she asked suddenly scared she won't be able to do this. "Only if you need me," he said. "I'll always need you, I love you Angelus" she said mere inches from his lips. "I love you Buffy," he said as their lips met in a soft tender kiss ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Buffy come on time to get up, Buffy you're gonna be late for class." Willow said trying to wake her best friend and roommate. "What huh?" Buffy asked sitting up, remembering her dream. "You ok Buffy? You don't look so good," Willow asked concerned. "Yea I'm fine Will, I'm going home," Buffy said smiling for the first time in months. Part 2 "Buffy didn't you just see your mom yesterday?" When Buffy nodded, Willow asked, "Why are you gonna go home again?" "That's not the home I was talking about, Will. Home is where the heart is...and my heart's with Angel," Buffy replied smiling more then she had since before Prom. Willow was not liking where this was going. "But Buffy I thought you guys agreed to stay away from each other. You here, him there." "I know Will, but I gotta go to him. I just have to and things will be different this time. I can't explain how because you wouldn't believe me, but they will." And with that Buffy started packing a bag. "But you, you shouldn't, you can't, what about school? We have a big psyche test tomorrow, Buffy. You can't just leave!" Willow exclaimed in more of a plea. "Sure I can. I'm sick of always doing what everyone else wants, for once I'm doing what Buffy wants, dammit, and I'm going to enjoy it! I LOVE HIM! I love him for the man he is and for the man he wants to be, I love him! He completes me and I'm gonna make him see it. See you next Monday!" and with that, out she went. **** Finally after a 3-hour drive in her new rented purple Porsche, Buffy pulled up to Angel Investigations. "Hey Cordy, what's new?" Buffy asked as she walked in the door. "Buffy what are you doing here? I thought you and Angel were, you know, doing the separate cities thing." "We were, now were not simple enough?" Buffy said getting kind of annoyed that Angel hadn't already sensed her and come looking. "Oh, well, Angel's downstairs most likely brooding about thanks - about thanks and the way he needs to learn how to say it more often, yeah." Cordelia said, knowing Buffy wasn't gonna buy that. "Relax Cordy, I'll let you in on a little secret...I know exactly what happened when I was here at Thanksgiving. How Angel was human, how we had an incredible time, and how that damn man went back to the oracles and had them reverse it! Wanna know what else? I'm not leaving here without him, I'm going to make him see once and for all that he's mine just as much as I'm his and that we ARE meant to be together despite what everyone else thinks!" Buffy finished more loudly then she has meant. "Well its about time, sure as hell took you long enough," Cordy said with a smile. "So are you gonna help me or what?" Buffy said fully knowing Cordy's answer. "Hell yea I'm gonna help, how could I not!" And with that the two of them started planning away. **** About two hours later, Doyle walked in. "Hey princess," he said not looking towards where she and Buffy sat yet. "Hey Doyle, aren't you gonna say hello to Buffy?" she asked. "What?" Doyle asked finally looking towards the couch. "Oh, hi, uh Buffy, whatcha doing in this city?" he asked kinda nervous, knowing Angel wasn't gonna do well seeing her again. Before Buffy could answer Cordelia jumped in, "Buffy's here to take back what's hers and we're gonna help her!" she said as she jumped up to kiss him not giving him a second to refuse. "Well if I got more kisses like that I'll help ya lads out anyway I can, consider me at your service, milady's," Doyle said once he had caught his breathe. And with that said Cordelia and Buffy set to filling Doyle in on their plan, keeping their voices in whispers so as not to draw Angel's attention just yet. Part 3 After 2 hours of scheming with Cordelia and Doyle everything was set and Buffy was heading back to Cordelia's for a nap and to change. Back at Angel Investigations Doyle and Cordy were doing their parts. "Angel mail's here," called Cordy. Angel came out and extended his hand for the mail. Cordy placed one envelope in his hand. "That's all?" Angel asked. "Yup that's it just one single piece of mail that you should probably go read write now," she said smiling pleasantly. "Um ok, I'll just go read it in my office," Angel said going back into his office. As he sat down he looked at the envelope, it said Angel in HER handwriting he turned it over and opened it he took out the first sheet of paper and was a little puzzled when he saw a poem but read it anyway:
"Grey" I want to see you-- But you fade away. I want to hold you-- But you push away. I want to love you-- But you run away. I offer you all that I have, All that I believe, All that I am-- But you turn from me. You shy away at every touch, Every embrace, Every emotion. I wonder-- Will it always be thus?
As he finished the poem a single tear fell from his eye, he took out the second piece of paper and as he read more tears fell:
My Dearest Angel, It's odd before I sat down to right this I had it all planed in my head what I would write and now that I'm doing so I don't know what to say. I guess I'll speak from my head instead of my heart...I know all the reasons you gave me are good ones, I didn't see it then but I do now you were only trying to do what you thought was best and I realize now how hard it was for you too walk away from me, from us but Angel, my Angel those things those reasons kids, sunlight, sex...None of it matters to me Angel I LOVE YOU, and I want to be with YOU. Not some guy who can take me on a picnic in the sun and then take me home and fuck my brains out and then get me pregnant (and yes that's what it would be Angel fucking because the only man I will ever make love with is you). I don't want a normal guy, I want the guy who makes me feel loved, like I'm the most precious thing in the world, the guy who kisses me and I want to die, the guy who gives up his own mortality for me...Yes Angel I remember...I remember the kitchen table and chocolate fudge mint chip ice-cream and spending all day in bed with you and I remember holding on to u and crying and telling you I'd never forget and I'm sooo sorry Angel. I'm so sorry I forgot and I'm sorry you had to live with that memory for so long all alone but Angel I remember now and I love you even more for it...I want the guy who could technically be considered my husband...I still wear my claddagh, do you wear yours? Angel I WANT YOU. And if I can't have you then I don't want anyone Angel. I Love you. Always Buffy
By the time Angel had finished reading his face was soaked with tears and his hand was clutching his claddagh. He was about to pick up the phone and call her when he heard Doyle shout. "Ahhhh damn vision!" Doyle yelled...hoping he was a decent actor. Angel came rushing out as Cordy handed Doyle some whiskey. "Can't I ever get a break," he muttered wanting to do nothing but call Buffy. "Sorry Angel man but I got a feelin this is a big deal," Doyle said swallowing the whiskey. "Ok so what'd you see?" Angel asked. "A blonde, real pretty, at the club on 58th street...Aspen and the clock said 7" Doyle said. Angel looked at the clock "ok well we have an hour so I'm gonna go take a shower and then well leave." As Angel left to shower Cordy and Doyle hugged each other for a job well done. Meanwhile Buffy was on Cordy's couch sleeping. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "You've done well," Angelus said. "He'll be there?" Buffy asked. "Yes, he'll be there and I have a pretty good feeling things will be going just as we hope," Angelus said. "How will I know you're happy, satisfied?" she asked. "Don't worry you'll just know," he replied hugging her too him. "So this is goodbye for us?" she said a little sad, in the past day she'd realized that in loving Angel shed loved Angelus as well despite his "evil tendencies". "No not goodbye, I'll always be there...we'll be one in the same now the'll never go away completely I just won't be trying to overcome him and making things all evilly," he said grinning...This was how it should have been to begin with, what was I thinking making her so upset taunting her and causing so much pain...she's mine, I love her he said to himself in his head. "I love you...Angelus," she said kissing him before he could respond. And as Buffy started to rouse from her sleep she hear "I love you too Buffy". Buffy woke up smiling and looked at the clocked 6:15 she had 45 minutes to get dressed so she jumped up and got ready. **** At exactly 7 o'clock Angel, Cordy and Doyle walked into Aspen. "Ok do you see her?" Angel asked Doyle. Doyle looked around and finally spotted Buffy. "Yea man, over there by the bar 3rd seat to the left," he said. Angel looked over to the bar he could only see her back, she was wearing a blue dress with a black sheer slip covering with little silver rosebuds on it and black strappy sandals, her hair was swept up in a curly bun with pieces hanging down, there was something so familiar about her. And then she turned around, as if sensing him. "Buffy," he whispered. Buffy's wonderful slayer hearing abilities came in handy and she smiled at him. Angel walked toward her. Buffy met him half way on the dance floor. Just as a new song started. I try but I cant seem to get myself to think Of anything but you "Dance with me" she said and he took her extended hand and wrapped his arms around her. As they started to sway to the music. Your breath on my face Your warm gentle kiss I taste the truth I taste the truth You know what I came here for So, I wont ask for more "Did you get my letter?" she asked, already knowing the answer. "I did," he said "Buffy, I...I don't know what to say I mean...I love you, you know that and I want to be with you but are you sure YOU want to be with ME?" he asked praying to god she said yes. I wanna be with you If only for a night To be the one who's in your arms To hold you tight Wanna be with you There's nothing more to say There's nothing else I want more then to feel this way I wanna be with you(yeah) Buffy lifted her head from where it had been on his shoulder and looked into his eyes. "I've never wanted to be with anyone but YOU. I love you, and I WANT TO BE WITH YOU." She said hoping he could hear how much she meant it. So, I hold this like night Like if you were mine to hold Forever more And...I'll say That I wanted so much to feel before(To feel before) How beautiful it is just to be like this Angel raised his hand and hers...the hands that each wore a claddagh and pressed them together. "Then there's nothing more too wife" he replied leaning down to kiss her. I wanna be with you If only for a night To be the one who's in your arms To hold you tight Wanna be with you There's nothing more to say There's nothing else I want more then to feel this way I wanna be with you(yeah) Buffy saw Cordy and Doyle and mouthed thank you as she watched them exit. And then tilted her head to meet Angel's kiss. One that started out gentle and soft and turned into a passion filled kiss that caused a tear to slip down Buffys cheek. Oh baby I can't fight this feeling anymore Drives me crazy When I try to So call my name And take my hand can you make my wish baby your command yeaah "Don't cry, please I've made you cry so much already," Angel said. Buffy looked at him noting that those were almost the exact words he had said to her in her first dream, she brushed the tear away and smiled at him..."take me home Angel," she whispered into his ear seductively. At first Angel was about to tell her that they couldn't but then he felt it and he knew they could, he knew they were "both" happy, so instead he leaned down and kissed her again. "It would be my honor to take my beloved wife home" he said putting emphasis on the wife part. His arm around her shoulders, her arm around his waist they walked out never feeling happier then at that moment. I wanna be with you There's nothing more to say There's nothing else I want more then to feel this way I wanna be with you oh yeah(I wanna be with you) I wanna be with you Wanna be with youu(I wanna be with you yeaahhh I wanna be I wanna be with you yeah I wanna be I wanna be baby I wanna be I wanna be with you yeah (Whispers)I wanna be with you yeah... The End 1
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