Part 9 Buffy tossed and turned in her sleep. The words of Angel's letter ran through her mind, taunting her. "Buffy," a voice called. Her eyes closed, she couldn't see who called her. "Buffy," the voice repeated. She knew the voice immediately. "Angel?" "I'm here, Buffy." She opened her eyes, seeing him sitting next to her on the bed. "Oh my god. Angel!" Buffy sat up on the bed and threw herself into his arms. "You're here. I knew you wouldn't leave me." "I couldn't leave you yet. I needed to see you one last time," he told her as he kissed the top of her head. "Why did you do it?" Buffy asked. Angel looked away. "It's hard for me to explain." "Could you try?" "Things -- they changed for me after I came to Los Angeles. I learned a lot about myself. I learned to be more outgoing; to get to know people. But I never got over you, Buffy. You were the first thing on my mind when I woke up and the last thing I thought about when I went to sleep. "When you told me that you planned to marry Riley, it hit me like a ton of bricks. Reality had finally made its way to me -- the reality that you moved on. Without me. And it was more than I could take. "Then Morlox came to Los Angeles. He would literally rip the heart out of anyone who felt love for another. First he got Kate. It killed her because she loved me. I felt so guilty." "That wasn't your fault. She loved you," Buffy pointed out. "And that love killed her. Anyone who loves me is doomed to die." Buffy looked him in the eyes. "Don't say that, Angel. I love you and I'm still here." "Because I left you. Anyway, Morlox killed Kate. Doyle and I set up a trap for him in a warehouse. I won't go into detail, but he got to Doyle before I could get there. After he ripped his heart out, I set the warehouse on fire. Morlox and Doyle -- their bodies were never found." "Oh, Angel, I'm so sorry." "Don't be. After that, it was all downhill. Depression, brooding...even more brooding. I made Cordelia promise not to tell you. She kept her promise. "Buffy, I'm gone now. In a better place. In heaven, I can see the sun. Most importantly, I can see you. I'll always be with you, even if you can't see me. I'll be at your wedding, I'll be there when you have your first child with Riley, and everything important after that. I'll be your guardian angel for the rest of your life. Riley will take care of you on earth. He'll be able to do what I can't. I only came back here to say good-bye." Buffy slammed her fists against Angel's chest. "Don't you dare do this to me. Don't you leave me again." Angel held her head in his hands, forcing her to look at him. "And don't you cry. I don't want you to ever cry for me. We'll be together eventually, I promise you. But it's not your time." She sniffled. "Where will you go?" "Home. Galway, Ireland." "Now?" He nodded. "It's time." Buffy couldn't let go of him. "Can I kiss you good-bye?" "I was hoping you would ask me that." He brought his lips to hers. Buffy lost herself in her last kiss with the man she loved. "I love you, Angel." "I love you too, Buffy." Buffy's eyes burst open and she sat straight up in bed. Her dream of Angel was so vivid; it remained fresh in her mind. She brought her fingers to her lips, remembering their kiss. Her lips were wet. Had it been a dream? Buffy wasn't sure anymore. One thing she was sure of was what to do now. Dressing in a pair of blue jeans and a black sweater, she went out to the kitchen where the rest of the gang was seated at the table, minus Anya. Buffy hardly noticed her absence. "Good morning, Buffy," said Giles. "Hi. Cordy, do you still have Angel's ashes?" Buffy asked. She nodded. "Yeah, when I found them, I put the ashes in a tupperware dish." The rest of the gang stared at her. "What? It was all I could find!" "Where did you put it?" "On top of the fridge. I didn't want anything to happen to the ashes. Why? What are you planning, Buffy?" "I'm bringing Angel home." (3 months later) Buffy stood in the cemetery overlooking the small town of Galway, Ireland. In her hands, she held the crystal vase that contained Angel's ashes. To her right were the graves of Angel's family. She had placed a red rose at the base of each grave. SEAMUS REILLY 1696-1753 COLLEEN REILLY 1701-1753 ANGELUS REILLY 1726-1753 CHRISTOPHER REILLY 1727-1753 MEGHAN REILLY 1734-1753 SHARON REILLY 1736-1753 It had been three months since Angel's passing. Buffy's world had changed a lot in that time. Cordelia and Xander eloped shortly after the memorial service. They lived in Los Angeles in the apartment Angel left Cordelia in his will. Her show was a hit and movie offers were pouring in. They were happier than they had ever been. Willow and Oz had decided to marry a month later. All their free time now was spent preparing for the wedding. Buffy saw very little of them anymore. Giles and Buffy's mother began a relationship. She was happy for them. For years, they had been inching toward it. Buffy figured it was only a matter of time before Giles became her stepfather. When she arrived back in Sunnydale, Buffy went to the bank to open the safety deposit box. In it, she found deeds to three condos in Switzerland, an apartment in New York City, the deeds to the apartment and mansion in Sunnydale. Also, she found stocks and bonds in amounts nearing fifty million dollars. Jewelry, expensive jewelry, was also contained in the box. In Angel's death, Buffy became a multimillionaire. In returning home, she found a note from Riley laying on her bed. It stated that he could no longer play second best to her feelings for Angel. And though he'd always love her, it was best for both of them if he left town and they never spoke again. Buffy had no idea that the letter had been written and left there by Spike. Or that Drusilla tortured and set Riley's body on fire. Taking the top off the vase, Buffy let the ashes fly into the wind. "I'm letting you go, Angel. You're home now. May you finally be at peace." A warm gust of wind blew into Buffy's face. She closed her eyes and smiled. Yes, Angel was at peace. The End 1
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