A Kodak Moment

Author: Dani Email: [email protected] Rating: R Summary: Truth or dare... Couples: Who knows???
Once again seated at her compter, Dani was reading a particularily smutty btvs fan fiction. Perturbed at the thought of Spike doing ANYTHING with Xander, she was relieved when the screen suddenly went blank. HELLO. appeared and floated across to the top right corner of the screen. "What the hell?" she snorted in confusion. The language! Is that any way to talk to a friend you haven't seen in 3 months? Appeared in script same as before. "You can hear me?" Dani gasped. You have a mic on your computer. "But I didn't know it was on." I turned it on from my end. HEHEHEHE!! "Ok Willow, now can you put my computer back on and I'll talk to you in ICQ." she chuckled in relief when she realized who it was. OK. floated across the screen and suddenly the story reappeared. Closing the file, Dani turned on ICQ and waited. When the phone rang, she jumped about a foot in the air. Clutching her chest, she hesitantly picked up the reciever. "Hello?" "Allo pet." "Spike! I was just talking to Willow." her heartbeat slowly returned to normal. "I know. She's sitting right here." "Then why did you call me? I was gonna talk to her on ICQ." "The batteries for her bloody laptop just died." "Oh." not sure what else to say, she waited for him to talk. "Anyways...the reason I called was..." she heard him holler at someone in the background to "Shut your gob!" "Yes..." she tried to prompt him back talking to her, but had to wait while he continued to fume at the bodyless voice. "What are you doing today?" he came back on the line. "Not much. Why?" "Feel like some company?" Not sure where he was going with this (he is quite the prankster) she wanted to be sure he had no hidden agenda before inviting him over. "Why?" she tried to sound casual. "Because I'm bloody sick of the bloody slayer!" the contempt was audible in his voice. Dani heard him growl at something in the background, a comment from someone maybe. "Well?" he prompted after a few seconds pause. "I suppose. As long as your still unable to bite." "I only do one kind of biting nowadays pet. And I can guarantee that you'd enjoy it. Maybe even do some biting of your own..." Spike purred over the phone. Blushing furiously and thanking god that he wasn't there to see, Dani wished she'd kept her mouth shut. EVERYTIME! He gets me every damn time! "Ok! I suppose you can come over. And I promise not to bite!" Dani teased, wishing she could get him to blush. "Oh! And the wanker will be coming too." "Which wanker would that be?" she asked, mentally running through the list of everyone Spike had called wanker. "Angel, the poof!" "Okay. Bye." Dani clicked off the phone. I wonder how long they'll be? Maybe I should straighten up. She groaned as she scanned the room and noticed the empty pizza box and beer cans from last night. This might take awhile. Cleaning up in record time, Dani had a quick shower and sat at the kitchen table to wait. Not for long though. Just as she finsihed combing her hair, the doorbell rang. "Come in!" she didn't bother to get up and answer the door. Spike was the first one thru this time. It was Angel's turn to get elbowed in the nose. Grinning like the cheshire cat, Spike plopped himself down in the nearest chair and folded his arms across his chest. "Hello." "Hey guys." Dani grinned back, trying to contain her laughter as she remembered the time she had met them, in a very similar situation. Angel grumbled and sat across from Dani. Catching her eye, they both caved and laughter filled the air. Soon, even Spike had joined them. "You...two...are so...ador...able!" Dani choked out between fits. "We're not adorable. Vampires aren't adorable! We're DANGEROUS!!" Spike pumped himself up and tried to look all manly. But that just set them off again. When they had finally finished, and the giggles had all died. Angel took a stab at starting a conversation. "So, what were you doing when Spike called?" "Reading a fanfic." Thinking back, Dani tried not to blush. Unfortunately, she failed. "A smutty one, huh?" Spike leered. "Sorta...it was...nevermind!" she didn't want to give them anything more to tease her about. "Tell us..or you'll never leave this room." Angel spoke, mock threateningly. "Was it about me?" Spike's grin grew when she nodded. "Yeah, well you and...Xander." "XANDER! NOT BLOODY LIKELY!" the vampire looked almost nauseous. "Not like that. God, you are such a perv. Mind always in the gutter. Besides it was a dare thing...he dared you to grope Buffy." "Not likely! The slayer...bloody hell." he grumbled to no one in particular. "Well then, this should cheer ya up. Of all the fan fiction I've read, you get the most action. More than Angel even. People seem to think your a highly sexual being." Glancing at Angel, she had a curious look on her face. "Got me as to why? I just don't see it." Spike was out of his seat and yanking her into his arms before she'd even had a chance to gloat about getting a rise out of him. "I'll show you just how sexual I am luv." he purred and planted a brutal kiss on her lips. Proving his point when her arms wrapped around his waist and she began to return the kiss, Spike pulled back and smirked down at the girl as she gasped for breath. Yanking her arms back and placing her hands flat on his chest, Dani shoved as hard as she could, barely moving him. "JERK!" she dragged the back of her hand across her mouth and glared. Dropping back into her seat, she prayed he didn't notice her trmbling knees. "I was just teasing. You didn't have to take me literally." "Fun and games pet." Spike strolled back to the other side of the table and sat. Angel just smiled faintly and kept his mouth, wisely, shut. "I don't think I care for your sense if humour!" Dani crossed her arms, slumped down in her seat and stared at her feet. "Come on pet, I was just playing." No response. "Alright, alright. You had better savour this cause it ain't gonna happen again." checking to make sure that she was looking at him, he continued. "I"M sorry. There. Happy now?" "YES!" Dani's grin returned. "So what's on the agenda today?" "Anything that doesn't include being out in the sun." Angel supplied. After a few rejected suggestions, they were lost for ideas. "I know! How about truth or dare? I bet I can think of something to humiliate the two of you." Dani offered. "Bloody hell! I bet you can't!" Spike challenged. "Then it's settled! Truth or dare! I ask first." she stated, no arguments. Angel exchanged a glance with Spike, realizing they might be in trouble. "Angel. Truth or Dare?" "Dare?" he answered hesitantly after a moments pause. "I dare you to put on a pink tutu and go over to my friend Alicia's for a kodak moment!" Dani giggled as she looked at the shocked expression on the vampire's face. "Can I change that to a truth?" Angel looked poitively ill. "NOPE! You said dare. And I refuse to let you back out of it!" "Go on ya wanker. Get to it!" Spike prodded, grinning widely. Running to her room, Dani quickly returned with a box containing a pink tutu which she gleefully handed to Angel. "You set me up!" he groaned. But obideantly went to change when she gave him the 'LOOK'. Coming out with barefeet and his leather duster wrapped tightly around him a few moments later, Angel was resigned to his fate. 1/2 HOUR LATER Arriving at Alicia's door, Dani knocked and tried in vain to contain her laughter. "Hey Dani! What's up?" Alicia greeted her. "I brought Angel and Spike over for a visit. We were...hehehe...playing...truth or dare...gasp..." she couldn't finish. "Angel's here for some pic's. I want copies." Spike joined the conversation. "I want the negatives!" Angel growled. "Come in and tell me EVERYTHING!" Alicia grabbed Dani's arm and dragged her into the living room. "Get you camera pet! This is a moment you won't want to forget." Spike smiled at his sire's tormented expression. Plopping down on the sofa, Dani began to get herself under control. Spike joined her, while Angel paced a hole in the carpet. When Alicia returned with the polaroid, Dani held her hand out. "Do you want to be in the picture? Or no?" "Definately!" Alicia walked to his side. "We'll take one with the coat and on without." Dani pitied Angel and almost opened her mouth to tell him to forget it, but decided to stick to it. He wasn't getting away that easily. This is too much fun. I owe him for the bed coment. Angel put his arm around Alicia's shoulder and waited for the flash. "Can we forget this. I'll do anything else you want. IN PRIVATE. If you just forget about the whole thing. PLEASE?" "Forget it! I"M GONNA BLOODY TREASURE THIS FOREVER!" Spike gloated. With a flutter of her hand, Dani motioned for the elder vampire to lose the duster. When he sent her a pleading look, she simply adopted Willow's resolved facial expression and waited. Once he had shrugged out of the duster, he glared at Spike, daring him to laugh or make a comment. Spike just shrugged innocently with a smirk. "HURRY UP! Just take the damn picture." Angel glowered at Dani. "OK! OK! How about a ballet pose?" she placed the camera back up to her face just as Angel brought his game face to the fore. "PERFECT!" Dani shouted in pleasure at getting the desired result. Alicia stood to the side laughing hysterically, holding her sides in pain. Angel put his jacket back on quickly and glared, changing back to his human facade. "Can we go now?" he demanded. "Sure. You guys go to the car. I'll be right there." Dani waved them out. "That was so great! I can't believe he actually did it!" Alicia giggled. "I know. But he did. And we have the pic's to prove it!" Dani held up the 2 photo's. "What's Spike's punishment gonna be?" "I don't know. But I doubt that he'll take a dare after what Angel got." "Yeah, he won't let his manliness be questioned." Alicia agreed. "One thing's sure. It'll be good. I owe him big time. But I better go, they're waiting." Dani strolled towards the door, waving goodbye. The car ride back was quiet. Angel pouted, while Spike grinned. Dani just spent the entire time thinking about what she could do to get Spike. She wanted to humiliate him for all the sarcastic comments he had made on her behalf. It had to be GOOD! The End 1
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