Warped Reality

Author: Dani Email: [email protected] Rating: R Summary: The Buffy world and Dani's warped mentality crossover... Couples: Who knows???
As Dani sat in front of her computer screen, she drummed her fingers on the desktop in frustration. What do I want to write? It's been 1/2 hour and I still have nothing. Sighing, she slumped her head into her hands, elbows resting on her knees. Just then the doorbeel rang, saving her from having to over analyze this case of writer's block. "I wonder who that is, I wasn't expecting anyone." she wondered aloud as she headed for the door. Imagine her suprise when 2 characters from her favorite television show stood there on her door step. "What?...Angel?...Spike?...Wha?" she was dazed. "Hi! Can we come in?" Angel was smiling down at her. Just what the hell is going on here? I don't think I'm dreaming. I'm positive I didn't fall asleep. "Come on pet, let us in. The sun's gonna be up anytime and it'll get a little toasty out here!" Spike's comment brought her back to the moment. "Okay. Come in." she wasn't sure what else to do. Stepping back to allow them entrance, she was amused when they shoved at each other in an effort to see who got through first. Angel won, but only because he elbowed Spike in the nose. "Bloody wanker!" Spike growled as he held his nose to stop the bleeding. Trying to smother a giggle, Dani reached out and took hold of his arm. "Come on ya big baby." "He hit me! In the bloody nose! Bloody wanker!" Spike whined, taking her hand and allowing her to pull him inside. Leading them into the kitchen, Dani got some ice and wrapped it in a towel. Turning she handed it to Spike. "Put this on you nose. Both of you sit." She pointed at the table and both obeyed immediately, but they sat at opposite ends. "Now. Just what are you two doing here?" She stood near the sink facing both of them awaiting an answer. "We heard you were having trouble deciding what to write. So we came to give ya some suggestions." Angel answered. "Wanker!" Spike practically spat at him and Dani was afraid she'd have to seperate them. Angel just glared for a moment, then continued. "I think you should write about me. When I was first changed, all the nasty stuff I did. How evil I was. Stuff like that. Make it dark and scary, lot's of deaths." "NO WAY! Why would she want to write about you as Angelus - it's been done. Besides, I'm the better subject. I never went soft and slept with a slayer." "You wish!! You almost married the slayer, so don't preach to me!" Angel's fists were clenched at his sides as he leaned over the table. Obviously there was no love lost betweent these two. But just as she was about to try and placate them by agreeing to having both of them in her story, the door burst open. Buffy, Willow and Riley rushed throught the door. "YOU GUYS CHEATED!" Buffy hollered. "Ya! Your...bad!" Willow chimed in. "Oh, poor Buffy. The wanker misled her! BOO HOO!" Spike chuckled. "What are you three doing here?" This day was getting was bizarre for Dani. "We were all supposed to come together to help you with your next story. But these two..." Buffy poked Angel in the chest "...switched route somewhere along the way and got here quicker." "Don't do that!" Angel batted her hand away. "Oh yeah! And what are you gonna do about it big man?" Buffy glowered down at him. "Wanna take this outside?" Angel stood and placed his face right in front of hers. "WAIT A MINUTE! WAIT A GODDAMN MINUTE!" Dani didn't want them fighting anywhere near her. It would ruin her obsession with their love. "I thought you two were in love with each other." When they both snorted contemtuously, she decided to try another tact. "Besides the sun is up now, and it wouldn't be a fair fight. What with Angel turning to dust and all!" That seemed to get their attention. "Another time slayer!" "Definately dead boy!" Spike came to stand beside Dani as the others took a seat. All except Angel who moved closer. "Why'd you spoil my fun? Even you have to admit it would have been intresting, seeing those two work out their sexual tension." Spike whispered. "I don't condone violence." She answered huffily. "But pet, you write about it all the time. In fan fiction and in your little head, even though you won't admit to it." Spike was teasing her. "All right. I admit I like some violence. But there's a certain time and place for it. And it's not now in the middle of my kitchen." "Perhaps in the bedroom..." Angel had been listening and decided it was time to add his two cents worth. "SHUT UP!!!!" Dani yelled drawing her to everyone's attention. She blushed furiously and crossed her arms across her chest. "Just a joke pet!" Spike wrapped an arm around her shoulders. "Can we get down to business please? I have to get back soon. I have demons to hunt and classes to study for!" Buffy waited. "Well I can save you all the trouble, cause I already know what I'm gonna write. That I've gone completely insane and am talking to fictional characters." "Naw! No one would read it." Riley spoke up for the first time. Taking out a notepad, Dani began writing names at the top of each sheet until she had scribbled all five names down. "Now. Everyone tell me what they want written about them and I'll write it down. Then I can consider each idea later." In no time at all four of the sheets were filled and Dani's arm was aching. "Good! But what about Spike? I don't have anything under his name." Looking up she saw everyone gazing around the table. "Where is he?" Willow asked when no one spotted him. "I don't know. Did anyone even see him leave?" Buffy questioned. "No." was the resounding reply. "Well he couldn't have wanted me to write about him to badly if he disappeared." Dani tried to hide her disapointment under a smile but Angel sensed and gave her a quick hug. "Well we are not staying to look for him. We have to go." Buffy stood. Willow and Riley followed suit. "Do you need a ride Angel?" "No. I'll wait for Spike and nighfall." he thanked Buffy for the offer and gave her a kiss. Seeing them to the door, Dani invited them to return anytime. Just to call ahead so she could prepare for a visit. Smiling she shut the door behind them and turned back to Angel. "And what are you gonna do?" "I figured I'd have a catnap on your couch. Or maybe you'd like to join me and I won't really sleep." Angel was teasing her again. Once she's settled him on the sofa, Dani decided she's like a nap too and headed down the hall to her room. "Spike! I thought you'd left?" she was happy to see him but hid it beneath a scowl. "I figured I'd let everyone do their thing. Besides as long as you write about me, I'm happy." he answered from his position on he bed. "Oh. Okay." she decided to take his comment at face value and not read too much into it. "Nap time luv?" he grinned. "Yeah! But you can just forget it if ya think I'm getting in with you" she repiled, hands on hips. "Come on. There's plenty of room. I could just scoot over!" he patted the comforter beside him. "No thanks! I actually plan on sleeping bud!" "Where's the fun in that?" he inquired as he stood. "Out! Go sleep with Angel, he wants a bed mate." grabbin his arm, she propelled him towards the door. "Alright. I'm going. But you just don't ralize what your missing pet." and with that he was out the door, pulling it closed behind him. Flopping down on the bed, she wondered what was wrong with her. First she meets fictional people and then refuses to sleep with one. If this really was a dream, there's no way I would have kicked him out of my bed. I'd probably have jumped him and torn off all his clothes. Hell, I wouldn't have turned down Angel either. Oh well. Shoving all thoughts from her mind, she curled up and went to sleep. The End 1
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