Assuntos Teológicos


Data: 31/01/2003 03:21
Assunto: Creekside Devotional January 31, 2003

Good Morning:

We have a special treat this morning. Dr. Angelica Mansano, a pediatrician in Dracena, Brazil, is providing our devotional for today. Dr. Mansano works within a government funded Family Health Practice designed to provide for some of the most needy children in her area. She provides not only medical treatment for her patients and their families, but as you will see in her devotional, "I Will Give You Rest", she quite often provides spiritual comfort and treatment as well.

I was introduced to Dr. Mansano some time ago by Ana Biederman in Tulsa who says that Angelica is like an evangelist and "God has used her so much in her profession". She and Ana studied Bible together in Brazil. I greatly appreciate Ana's expertise in English and Portuguese to help finalize the devotional.

Isn't modern technology wonderful? We can share our morning devotional with Christians all around the world.

God bless you all...

George Bragg
Creekside Christian Fellowship

Creekside Devotional
January 31, 2003

I Will Give You Rest

Matthew 11.28-30 (KJV)
“Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my
burden is light.”

In one of the last days of December, just after Christmas, a young lady came to her appointment at the Family Health Program that is supported by the Government. While she was waiting for me to finish with another patient, she sat with her head back on the wall of the waiting room and kept her eyes closed. She was a bit impatient. Her face and speech showed it, but despite this she waited her time. The nurse asked me if she could give her a pain medicine because she had such a terrible headache. The lady refused the medicine the nurse offered saying that she had just taken her own medicine (a very popular and well advertised one that suggests that when people take it “their headache will just disappear!”).

When she came in my exam room and sat before me, I looked in her sad eyes and wondered what kind of troubles may be beyond that healthy young woman’s looks and heart. I remembered that “the light of the body is the eye... if therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!” What in fact could cause her to be so heavy or have brought her to this simple unit of health care if she refuses its medicine? If her
medicine is better than ours why had she stayed there waiting and murmuring?

Her vital signs were all normal as well as her physical exam. So I asked her about her work duties, if they were too heavy, and I also asked about her husband. As I suspected the answers were quite direct. She takes care of
her two children working at two jobs because her husband left her six months ago! She had forgiven him twice because of his adultery, but he had not repented nor changed.

So I told her that she could have Jesus’ shoulder to help carry her load because He loves her and cares about her. I continued to talk about His love and fidelity, and the conversation went on and on talking about Jesus,
and forgiveness. She cried a little bit, but finally left the room with an easier mind, and her terrible migraine headache had gone!

LORD, Thank you, for you are the best friend anyone could ever find! Thank you because we can rest in your love, and share all our loads just with you, and we can be sure that we will find rest for our mind and spirit. 
I am thankful in Jesus’ name.



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