‘A Vision of Missing Moments’ - Chapter 9 (back to chapter one)

By Angela Jade - [email protected] - constructive criticism and happy thoughts gratefully received ... please don’t flame me!

Set directly after Chapter 8, a few months after ‘Vision of the Future’ by Timothy Zahn.

Main characters - Luke and Mara, with cameos by the usual crowd.

Rated - NC17 - but not too graphic

Disclaimer - all these characters belong to Mr. Lucas, Mr. Zahn, Mr. Stackpole and all the other SW authors. I write about them as a form of flattery - please don’t sue. I’m making no money from this.

Summary - everyone's on Coruscant at the same time and Luke has to make good on a promise - party at the Antilles' place!

Written April 2000

Chapter 9 - the Antilles’ party

Mara woke up to the sound of singing; not terribly tuneful, but still recognisable as singing. Luke was in the shower, obviously enjoying the acoustics as much as the hot water. She stretched languidly on the bed, her toes wriggling as they encountered a shaft of light from the window. Should she go and join Luke in the shower? It was a tempting thought. Just then, the shower shut off and the singing stopped. Mara frowned, realising she had missed her chance. She sat up and pulled on her shirt, before padding silently over to the wardrobe in the corner.

Luke came out of the fresher, a white towel around his hips, another over his head as he rubbed his hair. ‘I was just about to wake you.’

‘That noise you call singing woke me,’ said Mara, yanking items out of the closet and flinging them in the general direction of the bed.

Luke stooped down to pick up a dress that had missed its target. ‘What are you doing?’

‘Deciding what we are going to wear tonight.’


She walked towards him, resisting the urge to snatch away the towel at his waist. ‘What were you planning on wearing?’

‘Ummm, my blacks?’ he said, hopefully.

‘No,’ replied Mara. ‘Definitely not.’

‘But I like them. And even you said I look good in black.’

‘So do I. But I don’t wear it all the time.’ She put her arms around his neck and kissed him gently. ‘I’ll go have a shower, you choose something to wear. Something that’s not black.’

He pouted as she walked towards the fresher. ‘Can’t I come shower with you?’

‘Not today, farmboy. Now, get a move on.’

Luke grimaced as he turned towards the pile of clothing on the bed. ‘This living-together thing isn’t as easy as people make out.’

//I heard that, Skywalker//

When Mara came out of the fresher, she could hear Luke clattering about in the kitchen; surely he wasn’t eating again? She rummaged in a drawer and finally found a set of black lace underwear, which she quickly pulled on. Putting Luke’s robe on top, she cinched the sash at her waist and wandered off to find him.

The kitchen was a scene of devastation; cupboards stood empty as bottles and packets covered every available surface. ‘Looking for something, Skywalker?’

Luke turned to grin at her. ‘A bottle of Old Republic Corellian Whiskey. It’s here somewhere.’

Mara scanned the bottles on the surface in front of her. ‘You sure you didn’t drink it.’

‘I would have remembered.’

‘I’ve tried OR Corellian. I doubt you would have remembered anything.’ She smiled as she lifted one bottle. ‘Is this it?’

‘Ah, yes. Thanks, Mara.’ He started putting groceries back in cupboards. ‘My mind must have been on other things.’

Mara frowned at him as she took in his appearance. ‘Luke Skywalker, you are wearing black!’

He whipped round guiltily. ‘No, I’m not.’ He pulled slightly at one trouser leg. ‘It’s dark blue.’

‘It looks black.’

‘The shirt’s purple,’ he said. ‘Not even close to black.’

Mara pursed her lips. ‘It’s a very dark purple. Not that far away from black, in my opinion.’

‘You just said “not black”,’ he insisted. ‘And this isn’t black.’ He took the bottle from her hand and put it down carefully, then took her in his arms. ‘Besides, I don’t think much of your outfit.’

‘Stop trying to change the subject, Skywalker,’ said Mara, smiling. ‘I just haven’t chosen what I’m going to wear.’

He leaned in for a gentle kiss. ‘You could always model clothes for me. I’ll help you choose.’

‘Like I trust your fashion sense,’ replied Mara. She saw the hurt look that crossed his face, and sighed. ‘Oh, alright. Come on.’ She led him through to the bedroom and sat him on the bed, holding up three dresses for his inspection. ‘Red, green or blue?’

Luke put his elbows on his knees and balanced his chin in his hands. ‘I have no idea. Which do you think?’

Mara rolled her eyes towards the ceiling, muttering a curse that even Luke hadn’t heard her use before.

He immediately jumped up and pulled her into his arms. ‘You look gorgeous in anything. You could wear a sack and still look stunning.’ He undid her sash and slipped his hands inside the robe. ‘I think you look your best wearing nothing at all.’

‘That might raise a few eyebrows.’

He grinned, pushing the robe off her shoulders and kissing her neck. ‘It would raise more than eyebrows.’

She squirmed slightly as his hands roamed over her back before slipping into her panties. ‘Luke, we don’t have time for this.’

‘Sure we do,’ he replied, smiling. ‘We could be fashionably late.’ His hands came up to rub her nipples through the lace of her bra. ‘You know you want to.’

Her darkened eyes met his. ‘I was managing to control it until just now.’

He gave a lop-sided smile as he slipped one strap off her shoulder. ‘I never was much good at control.’

Mara sighed and bit her bottom lip as he nibbled his way down her neck and along her shoulder. ‘Leia’s going to kill us if we’re late.’

He held her face as he kissed her deeply. ‘Leia will get over it.’ He scooped her into his arms and dumped her on the bed, shoving the pile of clothes onto the floor. His own clothes soon joined the pile, then he climbed onto the bottom of the bed and started to kiss his way up her legs. He paused at her panties, tugging at them with his teeth. She obligingly lifted her hips and he pulled them off, before continuing his journey north. When he finally reached her lips, he kissed her passionately, gently pushing her legs apart with his knees. ‘I guess we’d better make this quick.’

Mara wriggled beneath him, lifting her head up to kiss him. ‘Whatever. I really don’t care anymore. I just want you.’ One arm round his neck, one round his waist, she arched off the bed as he slowly slid inside her.

Han Solo piloted the speeder towards Luke’s building in silence, listening to his wife vent. When she paused to take a breath, he said, ‘it was an accident.’

‘No it wasn’t,’ bit back Leia. ‘It was an Anakin. I can’t believe it. Every damn comlink in the house. Why did he have to pick tonight of all nights to take them apart?’

Han had no answer to that, so he just shrugged. ‘Do you think Luke and Mara will mind us turning up unannounced like this?’

Leia shook her head. ‘They’ll have to wait ages to get a transport at this time of the evening. They might as well come with us.’ She glanced at her chrono. ‘They’ll be ready by now, anyway.’ Her eyes narrowed. ‘At least, they’d better be ready.’

Han pulled the speeder into a space not far from the building; they could see the media circus as it continued to camp outside.

‘Right, Captain Solo,’ said Leia brightly, a huge smile plastered across her face, ‘are we ready to face the reporters?’

The forced smile Han managed to drag up was not nearly so enthusiastic. ‘I suppose we must.’ He helped Leia out of the speeder and offered her his arm. ‘The quicker those two get married and all this fuss dies down, the better.’

‘That’s what I keep telling them,’ replied Leia, still grinning slightly maniacally as they approached the hordes.

They turned into the entrance lobby and the artificial smiles dropped simultaneously from both their faces.

‘That is REALLY beginning to bug me,’ said Han as he steered his wife towards the turbolift. The doors closed behind them and he was about to indicate Luke’s level, when he heard Leia gasp. He turned to see her bracing herself against one wall, breathing heavily. ‘Leia, what’s wrong?’

‘I’m going to kill him,’ she replied between breaths, her chin almost touching her chest. ‘He is so dead.’

Han put his arm round her shoulder, trying to see her face. ‘Kill who? What’s going on? Are you sick?’

She turned her face towards him, her jaw clenched even as she tried to draw in more oxygen. ‘Luke.’ She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. ‘No shields.’

‘Luke?! What the hell...? What’s he in? The X-wing?’ Han scrabbled in his pocket for the non-existent comlink. ‘Why’s he got no shields?’ He turned to open the turbolift doors but was stopped by the solid grip on his arm. He faced his wife once more, and suddenly saw a very familiar look in her eyes. The look that still sent a thrill through him, because he knew what was coming next.

‘Luke. Isn’t. Shielding.’ She said the words slowly and concisely, partly so she could breath between each word, partly to encourage their meaning into her husband’s brain.

He looked intently into her eyes as the truth slowly dawned. ‘Luke and Mara are...’


Han raised an eyebrow. ‘And you can sense...’


He tried really hard to keep a straight face. ‘Should we come back later?’

‘No.’ She reached over and dialled for the top floor. ‘We’re not going anywhere.’ She reached her arms round Han’s neck and pulled him down for a passionate kiss, as the lift shot skywards.

The Antilles’ party was in full swing, the buzz of conversation punctuated only by raucous laughter. Droids scuttled about refilling glasses and occasionally bumping into people, as Iella circulated amongst her guests. Wedge’s idea of circulating was to gather all the pilots in one corner and talk to them all night; sure enough, Iella spotted her husband by the window in the company of most of Rogue Squadron, past and present. She shook her head, smiling, then turned to find Mirax directly in her path.

‘Well, where are they?’ asked Mirax, snagging another drink from a passing droid. ‘Luke Skywalker is notorious for being late, but Leia’s always on time for everything.’

Iella shrugged. ‘Last time I spoke to her, she said they were going to pick up Luke and Mara. I hope nothing has happened.’

Mirax scanned the crowd of people squashed into Iella’s main room. ‘Is everyone else here?’

‘I think so,’ replied Iella. ‘Some of Karrde’s people are meeting us at the dance club later, but pretty much everyone else is here.’

The door buzzed and Iella smiled triumphantly at Mirax. ‘That’ll be them now.’ She crossed and opened the door, surprised to see only Leia and Han. ‘Hi. Come on in. Aren’t Luke and Mara with you?’

Han stifled a laugh, but Leia’s face was like thunder. ‘No,’ she said, ‘They got delayed. We didn’t get a chance to speak to them.’

As he passed Iella, Han whispered, ‘when they get here, don’t let Leia near them.’

‘Why? What’s happened?’ asked Iella.

Han winked at her, the grin refusing to leave his face. ‘It’s a long story.’ He patted Leia’s backside as he passed her on the way to join the pilots.

Mirax and Iella exchanged a glance, then caught up with Leia on the way to the kitchen.

‘Have you and Luke had an argument?’ asked Iella.

‘Not yet,’ Leia growled ominously.

‘He must have done something pretty bad for you to be this mad at him,’ commented Mirax, handing Leia a drink.

‘It was ... potentially embarrassing,’ replied Leia, a small smile temporarily defeating the frown on her face. She took a large gulp of her wine. ‘I’m not saying any more.’ The door buzzed and Leia’s frown returned. ‘If that’s my brother, you just send him right over here.’

Iella raised an eyebrow at Mirax as she turned to answer the door. She never got close; Han beat her to it. He opened the door, almost dragging Luke and Mara into the apartment. Putting an arm around Luke’s shoulder and one around Mara, he carefully steered them to one of the few empty spaces in the room, in the opposite direction from Leia. Iella watched as he talked animatedly to the two of them; Mara covered her mouth, but not quickly enough to stifle a laugh. Luke turned a bright shade of crimson as Han clapped him on the back. Iella watched as Han pushed Luke towards ‘pilots corner’, then she ducked back into the kitchen as Mara approached.

Iella grabbed Mirax’s arm. ‘Let’s go circulate.’

Mirax saw the look of thunder descend over Leia’s face once more. ‘Sure. Good idea.’

Mara entered the kitchen just as Mirax and Iella left, her face a mask of serenity. She helped herself to a glass of wine from the table and took a sip before turning to her future sister-in-law. ‘Sorry, Leia.’

Leia’s dark eyes continued to burrow into Mara, but she said nothing.

Mara sipped her wine again. ‘I usually remind him to shield. I guess I just forgot this time.’

When Leia finally spoke, her voice was low and angry. ‘He’s a Jedi Master. He shouldn’t need to be reminded.’

Mara sighed, setting her glass down. ‘Leia, as far as I can gather, he’s been all but celibate for the best part of six years. And we haven’t been sleeping together long enough for shielding to become a habit.’ She smiled tentatively. ‘Besides, we didn’t know you were visiting.’

‘Not the point,’ growled Leia. ‘You don’t know everyone in that building. There could be other Force-sensitives; Gods, there could be Force-sensitive kids living there, Mara.’

The smile fell from Mara’s face. ‘You’re right. I’m sorry. I’ll talk to Luke again.’

Leia’s frown melted slightly. ‘You do that. I’m sure he doesn’t want me lecturing him.’

There was a long pause before Mara sidled up to Leia. ‘So what happened?’

Leia stared straight ahead. ‘What do you mean, “what happened”?’

Mara watched her carefully. ‘Leia, I’ve been in the same building when Force-sensitive people are being ... ummm ... intimate. I know what it can make you feel. And that’s without the strong bond I know you and Luke have.’ She grinned mischievously. ‘So confess. What happened?’

Leia regarded her coolly. ‘What do you think happened?’

Mara watched her for a moment, running a couple of scenarios through her head. ‘I think you flew straight home and screwed him senseless.’

‘Mara, we didn’t even make it out of the ‘lift.’

Mara’s eyebrows shot up. ‘Seriously?’

‘Seriously. We took it to the top floor and hit the override button so we wouldn’t be disturbed.’ She smiled for the first time. ‘Han thought all his birthdays had come at once.’

‘You did it in the turbolift?! No wonder Han’s looking smug as hell.’

Leia nodded. ‘Tell me about it. And it’s just as well he’s not Force-sensitive.’


Leia clinked her glass against Mara’s. ‘Because if he’d been affected, I doubt he would have remembered to hit the override.’

The laughter that followed told Iella all she needed to know, and she stuck her head round the kitchen doorway. ‘Good, we’re friends again, I take it.’ She smiled. ‘So are you two coming out to say hello? Or do you want to wait until everyone has drunk that whiskey Luke brought with him and we’re all unconscious on the floor?’

Leia and Mara smiled at each other and linked arms before following Iella out of the kitchen.

Mara scanned the room for Luke and spotted him chatting to Han, Wedge, Corran and... ‘Lando’s here?’

Leia nodded. ‘Everyone’s here. Your former employer called in several favors to make sure they were on-planet.’

‘Karrde did?’ Mara looked more carefully at faces. She spotted Karrde and Shada talking with Winter and Tycho Celchu; Faughn was next to them, flirting with Wes Janson. As her gaze drifted over the crowd, Mara realised that most of her friends were present. ‘I can’t remember seeing everyone in the same room like this. How did you pull it off?’

Leia winked. ‘Friends in high places. And Han and Karrde threatening people. Wedge arranged for the whole of Rogue Squadron to be planetside for a week, in case we had to change the day. And there’s only a fraction of Karrde’s people here; most of them are meeting us at the club later.’

Mara smoothed down the front of her blue dress. ‘Yes, you mentioned dancing yesterday.’

Leia sipped her wine as they drifted over to where Iella and Mirax were chatting with Tendra Calrissian. ‘Karrde has hired out an entire nightclub for the evening. And he says he’s got a transport big enough to take us all there.’

Mara glanced back towards Karrde. ‘Wow. I guess he’s really in the mood to party, then.’

The huge transport bobbed to a halt in front of another of Coruscant’s enormous buildings. The moving laser show on the second-floor wallspace proclaimed it to be ‘The Brightest Star - we never close!’

An opening appeared on the side of the transport, and it was soon disgorging its passengers; laughing and joking, they headed into the main entrance. There was a minor delay at the front desk when the young assistant asked them to check in their weapons - looking down the muzzles of 23 drawn blasters soon reminded him that he wasn’t being paid THAT much, and he quickly waved them through.

As Mara’s eyes adjusted to the gloom, she realised the room already held a large number of occupants. She recognised many of Karrde’s employees, suppliers and contacts, as well as friends from New Republic Intelligence and other government bodies. There were even half-a-dozen astromech droids and a couple of protocol droids.


Mara swivelled round to find the source of the voice. She smiled as she recognised Ghent, then frowned when she realised he was staggering slightly. He tripped over his own feet and would have landed face-first on the floor if she hadn’t caught him. ‘Hello, Ghent. Are you drunk, by any chance?’

He straightened slightly and put an arm round her shoulders. ‘Only a little.’ A huge grin crossed his face. ‘I’ve been toasting you!’

‘Have you indeed?’ Mara smiled at the 27-year-old who still seemed like a boy to her. ‘I thought you didn’t drink?’

Ghent’s eyes glazed over in what might have been concentration. ‘I don’t?’

‘You never used to.’

A huge smile crossed Ghent’s face. ‘I do now!’ The smile vanished from his face as his hand dropped from her shoulder. ‘Master Skywalker.’

Mara turned slightly just in time to see Luke step towards them and nod his head to Ghent, a smile twitching his lips. ‘Crypt Chief Ghent. May I borrow my fiancee?’

‘Ummmmm, of course.’ Ghent nodded happily. ‘See you later, Mara.’

Luke slipped his arm round Mara’s waist and led her towards the dance floor. ‘Why do I still feel like I’m talking to a nine-year-old when I talk to Ghent?’

Mara shrugged. ‘I find it rather endearing. Where are we going?’

Luke indicated the now-crowded dance floor. ‘Leia said we have to dance.’

‘So, your sister is talking to you again.’

Luke nodded. ‘She’s still ticked off at me, but she’ll get over it.’ He looked down at Mara. ‘Han, on the other hand, is as happy as I’ve seen him in a long time. Any idea why?’

Mara leaned up and whispered in his ear.

‘You’re joking!’ His eyes searched the dance floor until they found Leia. ‘I never knew she had it in her!’

Mara’s gaze drifted from the dance floor to the Bith band on stage, then back again. ‘Can you actually dance, farmboy?’

‘Probably not as well as you, but I don’t think I’ll embarrass you too much.’ He grinned and whispered, ‘you could always give me private lessons.’

After two dances, Luke bowed gracefully to Mara and left her teaching Leia, Iella, Mirax and Faughn some intricate twi’lek dance she had learned on a recent trip to Ryloth. He snatched up a drink from a passing R5 unit and wandered over to where the pilots had set up camp, in a dark corner of the room, close to the bar. He was glad to see some of Karrde’s pilots had joined them; the lure of discussing flying of any description was too much for them to resist. He realised Han and Lando were holding centre stage, arguing over the details of their now famous trip to Bastion in search of the Caamas document. Sipping his whiskey, he leaned against a nearby pillar watching his friends.

‘Hi, Luke.’

Luke twisted slightly, squinting in the dim lighting. ‘Hi Wedge. Great party.’

Wedge joined him propping up the pillar. ‘Iella and I were just going to invite people to the house. This part is Karrde’s doing.’

Luke glanced back to the dance floor where Iella and Mirax were collapsing into fits of laughter as Leia attempted to copy Mara’s movements. A tiny smile crossed his face. ‘Everyone seems to be having a good time.’

Wedge’s gaze followed his. ‘Mara is quite the mover.’

‘You can say that again.’

Wedge laughed at the obvious longing in his friend’s voice. ‘Luke, I’m really sorry about dragging the two of you out this evening. I didn’t realise it would be your first night back.’

Luke pulled his gaze away from his gyrating fiancee. ‘We’re both glad to be here, Wedge. Honestly.’

Wedge laughed again. ‘I’ll believe you. Billions wouldn’t.’ He draped an arm around his friend’s shoulders and steered him towards the middle of the pilots’ gathering. ‘We’d better stop Lando and Han before they come to blows.’

The other pilots greeted Luke loudly and somewhat drunkenly, pulling over an empty chair so he could join them. As he sat down, a slow smile crept across his face as he felt the relaxed happiness exuding from his friends’ thoughts. It was nice to be one of the guys again, a pilot rather than the exalted Jedi Master. He was asked his opinion on X-wings and A-wings, strategy and past battles; no-one asked him about the Force or the Academy, and Luke revelled in the change.

The music stopped abruptly and the band left the stage, indicating they were taking a break. ‘Right,’ said Wedge, rubbing his hands together as he stood up. ‘Time for a spot of droid-racing, I think.’ He ignored Janson’s whoop of delight, and set about organising a race course.

Luke raised an eyebrow. ‘Droid-racing?’

Hobbie Klivian leaned towards him conspiratorially. ‘All the rage amongst sad people with nothing better to do.’

Luke watched as the pilots eagerly started setting up a course for the droids, moving furniture and even producing a few ramps. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Han heading towards the rest of Karrde’s crew on the other side of the room, a smile on his face and a glint in his eye, his argument with Lando temporarily forgotten. Luke leaned back and put his feet on a nearby chair, watching grown men and women behaving like children and enjoying every minute of it.

‘I wonder if I could set up a business racing R2 units?’

Luke smiled as Lando took the chair next to his. ‘I don’t think it would be very profitable, Lando.’

Lando shrugged. ‘You’re probably right.’ An almost imperceptible sigh escaped his lips. ‘How’s Mara?’

‘She’s very well.’ Luke turned slightly to face his friend. ‘Actually, she’s doing great, Lando.’ Luke suddenly realised he hadn’t really spoken to Lando since his wedding to Tendra Risant, and then only briefly. ‘How is Tendra?’

Lando grinned widely. ‘She’s terrific. What a businesswoman! I don’t know how I’d manage without her.’

‘That’s great, Lando. I’m pleased for you both, really I am.’ Luke had turned back to watch the start of the droid-racing when he felt Lando’s gaze on him once more.

After a pause, Lando said, ‘I’m glad you and Mara finally got together.’

Luke turned back to face his friend, feeling the jumble of different emotions coming from him. ‘Are you?’

‘Of course,’ replied Lando, his wide grin masking any conflicting feelings he might have. ‘You’re good together. You’re about the only one who could tame her.’

‘Don’t let Mara hear you say that,’ said Luke. ‘Anyway, I’m not sure I have, nor would I want to tame her.’

Lando shrugged. ‘She looks a lot calmer to me, like she knows where she’s going.’

‘That’s probably more to do with becoming a Jedi than any effect I’ve had.’ Luke smiled gently. ‘I always thought you and she were ... well ... involved. She finally told me it was a front for the mission.’

Lando sipped his drink, nodding slowly. ‘Can’t say I didn’t look at her that way, Luke; at least, not a first. But she made it clear she wanted nothing to do with me, so we left it at that.’ He leaned forward. ‘However, I still consider her a very good friend, and if you hurt her ... well, Jedi or not, I will...’

‘I know, I know,’ interrupted Luke, holding up his hands. ‘You’ll kill me. Honestly, Lando, I’ve had more death threats since Mara and I got engaged than I’ve had in years.’

Lando laughed out loud, slapping Luke on the back. ‘You just take good care of her and you’ll be fine.’ He stood up, looking over to where Han was deep in conversation with the crew of the Starry Ice. ‘I think I’ll just go help Han take some of the bets. Wouldn’t want that Corellian getting all the action now, would we.’

As she sipped her drink and watched her friends dancing, Mara decided the evening had been one of Karrde’s better ideas. At first the guests had remained polarised, with Karrde’s people sticking to one side of the room and NR people on the other. But as the music got louder and the alcohol started to flow, imagined animosities melted like snow, and everyone started to mingle. When the band took a break and Wedge announced the start of the droid-racing, Mara worried that the ensuing gambling might cause a few arguments. The shouting that followed as the R2 and R5 units raced around the course was enough to waken the dead, as everyone seemed to get caught up in the fun of the moment. Small amounts of money changed hands with little complaint, which Mara took as a good sign; everyone was getting along.

Leaning back in her chair, she smiled as she watched Luke whirling his sister around on the dance floor. Physically, they looked very different, but through the Force it was obvious they were brother and sister. Her smile widened as she saw Talon Karrde approaching.

He set another glass of whiskey in front of her, then sat in the chair next to hers, his long legs stretching out in front of him. ‘Are you enjoying the party, Mara?’

She raised her glass in a toast to him. ‘I am. It’s a great party, Talon. Must have taken some arranging.’

He touched his glass to hers. ‘I had help. Solo and Antilles.’

Mara nodded. ‘Thank you. Luke and I both appreciate what you’re doing.’

Karrde sipped his drink, almost managing to hide his smile. ‘Doing? I’m doing nothing. Are you suggesting I have an ulterior motive for this little get-together?’

Mara raised an eyebrow at him. ‘Are you suggesting you do anything without having an ulterior motive?’ She shook her head. ‘Luke and I are feeling a lot more confident about the wedding knowing that the guests are no longer going to feel the urge to shoot each other on sight.’

‘That wasn’t actually my original plan,’ he laughed. ‘Wedge Antilles suggested it when he contacted me about attending his party.’ He shrugged, his eyes drifting over the dancing guests. ‘Besides, I haven’t been to a decent party in ages.’

‘You always knew how to throw a party, Talon.’ Her eyes narrowed as she followed his line of sight. She realised he was watching Shada as she was propelled across the dance floor by Han Solo. ‘Of course, that doesn’t rule out another ulterior motive.’

His gaze drifted back to meet hers. ‘I have no idea what you mean, Mara.’

She watched him for a moment as he tried to fight a smile. ‘Shada denies you two are having a liaison.’

‘That’s because we’re not,’ replied Karrde. ‘You know I don’t get involved with employees, Mara.’

‘Really?’ Mara smiled. ‘I seem to remember you tried to kiss me once.’

‘I didn’t know you that well, and I was drunk.’

‘Do you remember what happened?’ asked Mara.

He frowned at her, his voice dropping slightly. ‘You pinned me to the floor and threatened to break my arm.’

Mara nodded towards Shada. ‘I don’t think she’d do that. She likes you, Talon.’

His face became a mask, betraying no emotions. ‘I never thought I’d ever find anyone if I ever needed to replace you, Mara. Shada’s doing a damn good job, and I’m already relying on her more than I probably should.’

Mara touched his arm. ‘Distancing yourself from her isn’t going to guarantee she won’t leave. I left, didn’t I.’

He smiled at her and patted her hand with his. ‘I know. But if I get involved with her and then we separate, it will be very difficult for her to remain in her job. The organisation can’t afford to lose her now.’

The music changed to a slow number, and Mara watched as more couples drifted towards the dance floor. She smiled as she saw Luke approaching their table, then leaned in towards Karrde. ‘Just for once, Talon, will you think of yourself before the organisation.’

Karrde watched as she stood and slipped her hand into Luke’s, following him to the dance floor. ‘You know I could never do that, Mara,’ he whispered. But still he found his gaze drifting towards the Mistryl shadowguard.

Mara slipped her hands round Luke’s neck as his hands slid around her waist, and she smiled. ‘It’s been a good party.’

Luke nodded. ‘It has. I’ve caught up with so many friends I haven’t seen in a long time.’

They drifted in time with the music, their eyes locked, not noticing that the dance floor was slowly emptying.

//I missed you so much, Luke//

He pushed a lock of hair off her face. //And I missed you, my love, although I didn’t think it had been that long since our last dance//

She narrowed her eyes. //You know what I mean, farmboy//

He smiled at her reaction. //I know. It’s been a long six weeks//

Mara ran her fingers through the hair at the back of his neck. //How did we manage without each other all those years?//

//I don’t know// He smiled at her. //You’re Jedi now. You figure it out//

Mara frowned as she realised that they were now the only couple on the dance floor. ‘Where did everyone go?’

‘For Gods’ Sake, Luke, just kiss her!’ shouted Wedge. ‘We’ve been waiting all night!’ His comment was followed by cheers and shouts of agreement from all around the room.

Mara looked back at Luke. ‘Did you ever get the feeling we’ve been set up?’

‘Yup.’ He leaned forward and gently kissed her forehead, then raised his eyebrows questioningly at Wedge, who shook his head and covered his eyes with a hand.

//You are getting to be such a tease, Luke Skywalker//

The jeers and catcalls were getting louder, as Karrde’s crew joined in with the Rogues.

//Can’t think who taught me how// replied Luke, gently kissing the tip of her nose. The shouting reached deafening level.

She smiled as her eyes met his and the noise of the crowd seemed to fade into the background, as they lost themselves in each others gaze once more.

Luke tightened his grasp on her waist, pulling her even closer. //I love you// He kissed her mouth and closed his eyes as she responded to the kiss. The shouts and applause of their friends as they finally witnessed a kiss fell on deaf ears, as Luke and Mara could hear only each other.

//I will love you forever//


Onward to chapter ten

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