‘A Vision of Missing Moments’ - Chapter 4 (back to chapter one)

By Angela Jade - [email protected] - constructive criticism and happy thoughts gratefully received ... please don’t flame me!

Set directly after Chapter 3, just after ‘Vision of the Future’ by Timothy Zahn

Main characters - Mara and Luke; cameos from Han and Leia.

Rated - NC-17 - graphic sex scene coming up. Don’t tell me you don’t like this sort of thing, just don’t read it in the first place!

Disclaimer - all these characters belong to Mr. Lucas, Mr. Zahn, and Mr. Stackpole (I love you guys!). I write about them as a form of flattery - please don’t sue. I’m making no money from this.

Summary - Mara joins Luke at the Academy on Yavin4.

Written September 1999

Chapter 4 - Yavin

Morning. Daylight. Mara groaned. Head hurts. Feel queasy. Mouth like a sarlaac pit. She wasn’t even going to attempt to sit up. What had they been drinking last night? She rolled over and went back to sleep.

Something was beeping. The comm. Luke’s voice asked the caller to leave a message and Mara pulled a pillow over her head. More sleep.

Daylight was brighter now. Mara slowly sat up, feeling a bit better. She pushed her hair out of her face, pulled on Luke’s robe and went in search of water. As she chugged down her third glass, she pressed the replay button on the comm. Might as well see who had left the message.

Han Solo. ‘Mara, what the hell did you do to my wife? I haven’t seen her that drunk in a long time. She’s still unconscious. Ah, well, we needed someone to liven up this family. I guess you’re it. Hope you’re feeling better than she is.’

Mara smiled. It was Leia’s idea, she deserved everything she got.

After a shower, more water and some dry toast, Mara felt human again. She had just finished getting dressed, when the door buzzed. A silver protocol droid delivering her shopping from yesterday. Good - now she could pack.

Later that morning Han opened the door to find Mara and a large flight bag. ‘You look well,’ he said with a smirk. ‘Going somewhere?’

She dumped the bag just inside the door. ‘Yavin. How’s Leia?’

‘Still zonked. I thought you weren’t going to Yavin until tomorrow?’

‘I changed my mind. Can you get me a shuttle or something? I’ll fly myself or someone can just drop me off. Gods, I hate not having my own ship.’

Han pulled out his comlink. ‘I’ll see what I can do. Why don’t you go check on Leia?’

Leia was just stirring as Mara put her head round the bedroom door. ‘Good morning, Princess. How are we today?’

Leia groaned and pulled a pillow over her face. ‘I’m never shopping with you again,’ came her muffled response.

Mara laughed and closed the door.

‘How is she now?’ asked Han.

‘She’ll live. Have you got me a ride?’

‘I’ve got you a shuttle, but you’ll have to pilot it yourself.’

‘Fine by me.’ She picked up her bag.

‘You want to go right now?’

‘No reason to wait.’

‘Come on,’ grinned Han. ‘I’ll give you a lift.’

As Mara popped out of hyperspace near Yavin, she realised the academy was in darkness. She put the shuttle into orbit then closed her eyes and stretched out with the Force. If Luke was asleep she probably wouldn’t be able to sense him. No, there he was, awake and ... excited? Mara frowned and concentrated. What was going on? When she realised exactly what he was doing, a wicked smile crossed her face. //Hello, Luke!//

//Mara?// She could feel his embarrassment over their force bond. //I was just thinking about you//

//I could tell//

//I thought you weren’t coming until at least tomorrow//

//Can’t a girl change her mind?//

//Sure// replied Luke. //I knew you’d miss me//

//Looks like you missed me, too. Are you coming out to meet me?//

//On my way//

Mara landed the shuttle next to the Skyblue One. She could see Luke standing beside it, trying to keep out of the pouring rain. As she opened the hatch, he ran up the ramp and pulled her into a tight embrace, kissing her fiercely. ‘Missed you,’ he murmured.

She kissed him back. ‘Missed you too.’ She took a step back. ‘Only now I’m soaking and you’re making a puddle in my nice clean shuttle. Shall we go inside?’

Luke shook his head, showering her with tiny, cold droplets. ‘Sorry. I thought we’d take a little flight round to the other side of the planet. It might not be raining there.’

‘Fine by me.’ Mara closed the hatch and followed him into the cockpit. She pulled on her restraints just as Luke lifted the shuttle off the landing pad.

He smiled at her. ‘I know a really nice little place I’ve been dying to show you.’

Luke landed the shuttle in a small clearing surrounded by trees. ‘It’s raining here as well,’ complained Mara.

Luke opened the ramp. ‘It won’t matter, where we’re going.’

‘And where exactly is that?’

Luke grinned. ‘You’ll see.’ He closed the shuttle before taking her hand and leading her towards the edge of the clearing. As they got closer Mara could see a small path winding it’s way through the trees. Luke led the way, holding back any branches that might hit Mara.

‘This better be good, Skywalker,’ she growled. ‘I’m absolutely soaked.’

‘At least it’s not cold,’ replied Luke. ‘Even if it wasn’t raining you’d still be soaked with the humidity.’

‘Oh, good. That makes me feel so much better.’

‘I thought you liked showers,’ he said with a wink.

‘Only ones I can turn off.’

‘Nearly there.’

‘Good. I hope there’s shelter.’

Luke stopped. ‘Close your eyes, Mara.’

She regarded him skeptically. ‘I don’t think so.’

‘Humour me. Please?’

Mara hesitated, then did as he asked. She felt his arm slip round her waist, then he gently propelled her forward. They stopped. ‘Open your eyes,’ he whispered.

Mara’s eyes flicked open and she smiled. Before them lay a small lake, surrounded by drooping trees and masses of red-pink flowers. The ruins of a temple lay at one end and the rain cascaded off it into the lake. Even through the rain, Mara could see the water was clear. She turned to Luke. ‘It’s beautiful.’

His smile widened. ‘Thought you’d like it. It’s even better when it’s not raining, although you lose the waterfall. Care for a swim?’

‘Might as well. I’m soaked through anyway.’

They giggled as they stripped off wet clothes and boots. Mara laughed as Luke went racing into the water, sending water everywhere. ‘Come on in,’ he shouted. ‘The water’s lovely.’

‘I take it there are no bug-eyed monsters in there,’ she replied.

‘Not one.’

‘Is it deep?’

‘It’s pretty deep beside that temple.’

Mara walked towards the ruins and climbed onto what was left of a small wall. Luke watched as she stretched and then Force-jumped into the air before diving into the water. He was treading water as he waited for her to surface. Then he felt her presence beneath him and just had time to take a deep breath before she pulled him under. She pulled him down level with her, wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him soundly. They floated gently to the surface in a tight embrace, kissing, skin touching skin. They parted briefly when they broke the surface, blinking the water out of their eyes. The rain pelted the water around them, and ran down their faces. Luke reached out his arms towards Mara, but she backed away, smiling. ‘Can’t catch me!’ Then she disappeared under the water.

Luke took another breath and dove under himself. He could see her just ahead of him, swimming for all she was worth. He came up for air then calmly reached out to the Force. Suddenly Mara found herself being lifted out of the water and raised into the air. ‘Not fair, Skywalker. That’s cheating!’

‘You were teasing.’

‘Luke, put me down.’

He shrugged. ‘Okay.’ And he let her fall the three meters into the water with a huge splash.

When she came spluttering back to the surface he decided it was prudent to start swimming towards the far bank. He could hear her yelling for revenge and started swimming a little faster. But Mara was the better swimmer and she soon caught him up and pulled him under again. She was most disappointed to realise the water was fairly shallow now, and they could put their feet on the bottom with their heads and shoulders above the surface. The downpour had eased off to a gentle drizzle.

‘That was not very nice,’ said Mara, as Luke scooped her into his arms and started wading out towards the bank. ‘I shall have to think of a suitable revenge.’

Luke leaned down and kissed her, his tongue just flickering over her teeth. ‘I’m sure you will, my sweet.’

Once on-shore, he laid her down among the flowers and then lay beside her. Mara took a deep breath; the flowers had the most beautiful perfume. Luke picked one and started trailing its petals over her breasts and abdomen. He watched fascinated as goose bumps appeared on her flesh. She reached up her hand to caress his face, gently tracing the almost invisible scars. His blue eyes met her green eyes and he smiled, bringing his flower up to tickle her cheek. ‘Did I forget to say thank you for coming early?’

‘I don’t remember being thanked,’ replied Mara.

He leaned towards her until their noses almost touched, his gaze burrowing into hers, his breath gentle on her lips. ‘Thank you,’ he whispered, before kissing her passionately, his arms working their way around her back just as her arms wound round his neck. He trailed kisses down her neck and breasts, suckling frantically as he passed her nipples, before continuing down over her abdomen. Her hands were in his hair and her back arched as he licked the tiny pool of water that had collected in her navel. A gentle breeze ruffled the flowers as he dove between her legs, gentle licks becoming more insistent as he heard her moans of pleasure. He placed one finger inside her, then another. How did she get so wet, so quick? He kissed the insides of her thighs as she rode his hand, then worked his way back up over her rain-soaked body. When their eyes finally met he entered her, watching her gasp in delight. He could feel the rain getting heavier on his back as Mara wrapped her legs around his hips, pulling him further in. Her leg muscles squeezed until he thought she might break his pelvis. //Mara, go easy!//

//Sorry// came the reply. She relaxed her thigh muscles only marginally then pulled him down for a kiss, her tongue exploring his mouth, her eyes shut tight against the rain. When their lips parted he pushed himself up onto his hands and tried to shelter her face a little as the rain got even heavier. Her hands explored his chest then moved lower, caressing his sides before she grabbed his rear. //You’ve got a nice butt, Skywalker//

//You’ve got a nice everything, Jade//

//Why, thank you. Now is there any chance you could create a Force bubble or something to keep this damn rain off us for a while//

Luke’s rhythm faltered for only a moment, then Mara realised she couldn’t feel the rain as much. A few drops still got through, but she no longer worried about drowning. ‘That’s a neat trick. You’ll have to teach it to me sometime.’

 ‘I thought you didn’t like unnecessary use of the Force,’ said Luke.

//It’s alright when you’re with me. I’ll keep you on the light side// She gasped as Luke drove deeper into her, setting up a faster rhythm. Perhaps because of their short separation, or because of the storm starting to rage around them, their love-making was fast and furious. Luke trapped Mara’s hands above her head as he kissed and nipped his way over her neck and breasts. When she managed to free her hands, she clawed at his back with her nails, gently at first then hard enough to draw blood, capturing his gasp of pain and pleasure with her mouth in a kiss. She shoved him roughly onto his back and rode him with her back arched and her head thrown back, before slowing down and tightening her inner muscles round him as much as she could. His Force barrier started to fail about then as Mara pulled him carefully to the brink. When he was almost there, she stopped and sat perfectly still, the rain pounding on them both.

‘Mara,’ he growled, ‘what the hell are you doing?’

She smiled sweetly. ‘I seem to remember talking about revenge earlier. I figure me stopping right about now should do it.’

He flipped her onto her back and brought his face centimetres from hers. //I don’t think so// He kissed her fiercely and rode her hard as her hands tangled in his hair and growls rose unbidden from her throat. The rain continued to lash down but neither of them heard the distant rumble of thunder. Luke buried his face in Mara’s neck as she clawed once again at his back, before hugging him so tightly he could hardly breathe. Luke raised his head and looked into Mara’s eyes. The passion in their bond hit them both like a physical blow and they climaxed together as lightening streaked across the sky.

They lay there for some time, Luke still inside Mara, her legs and arms wrapped around him. Their breathing slowed and Luke had the strength to replace his barrier to the rain. Eventually, he slipped off her to one side and kissed and caressed her face.

‘That was a bit wild,’ Mara said, grinning.

‘Mmmmmm,’ replied Luke. ‘My back is starting to hurt.’

Mara’s eyes widened and she put her hand over her mouth. ‘Sorry. I’ve never done that before.’ She sat up. ‘Let me take a look.’

He obediently rolled onto his front, wincing as Mara touched the welts crisscrossing his back. ‘Hell, I’m sorry Luke. It’s a complete mess.’

‘It’ll be OK,’ he said. ‘I’ll go for a swim to wash the blood off, then an hour in a healing trance and I’ll be fine. You might try cutting your nails, though.’

‘I will. I will. I’m really sorry.’

Luke sat up and took her hands. ‘It’s alright. I’m OK. Don’t get so upset.’

Her eyes met his and he could see the tears threatening to fall. ‘I’m really scared of hurting you, Luke.’


‘I’m not sure. Maybe because I wanted to kill you for so long. I’m terrified I’ll lose it and hurt you for real.’

‘That won’t happen.’ He cocked his head on one side and lifted her face with a finger. ‘You do love me, don’t you?’

‘More than I’ve ever loved anyone. I want to marry you, Luke, to be with you for the rest of my life. I want to go to bed with you every night and wake up with you every morning. Yes, I love you.’

‘And I love you. So you’ll never hurt me.’

‘I just did.’

He sighed and pulled her into his arms. ‘Throes of passion don’t count.’

After a quick dip in the lake, they found some shelter in the temple ruins and Luke decided to give Mara an impromptu lesson on healing. He lay as still as he could while she directed the Force through her fingers as she gently traced the welts on his back. Slowly he slipped into a healing trance.

He awoke a short time later to find Mara dressed and snuggled in beside him, fast asleep. His own clothes were draped over him; they fell off as he sat up and stretched. His back felt fine. He dressed quietly and checked the chrono on his wrist.

‘Come on, Mara,’ he said, shaking her gently. ‘It’s time we got back to the academy. It’ll be dawn there soon.’

She smiled up at him. ‘And I take it you don’t want any of the students to catch the exalted Jedi Master sneaking in with a woman.’

‘Something like that.’ He helped her up, and they started the trek back to the ship. At least the rain has stopped, he thought.

Mara put her arm round Luke’s waist. ‘How’s your back now?’

‘It’s fine, Mara. Honestly.’

‘Have you told your students about your plans for the academy?’


‘And?’ said Mara, impatiently.

‘Most of them weren’t very happy about it. I told them to go off and meditate for a while. A few of them came to me later and said they could understand my decision. Some haven’t spoken to me since.’ He shrugged. ‘We’ll see what they have to say today.’

‘And have you told them about us?’

‘No, not yet. I was saving that for today, for just before you arrived. I also thought I’d contact Wedge and tell him the good news.’

‘Why don’t you ask him if he can send Corran over,’ suggested Mara. ‘He’ll stand up for us if there are any problems. And I’m pretty sure he’ll agree with your plans for the academy as well.’

Luke stopped walking and pulled her into an embrace. ‘You are a genius, Miss Jade.’

She reached up and kissed him. ‘I think I’ll prefer Mrs Skywalker.’

Luke raised his eyebrows. ‘So you will take my name?’

‘Actually, I think I like Leia’s idea. ‘Mara Jade Skywalker’ has a certain ring to it.’

He kissed her and held her tightly. ‘I can’t wait till we’re married,’ he whispered in her ear.

‘Me neither.’


Onward to chapter five

Back to adult Luke/Mara fanfic

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