‘A Vision of Missing Moments’ - Chapter 11 (back to chapter one)

By Angela Jade - [email protected] - constructive criticism and happy thoughts gratefully received ... please don’t flame me!

Set directly after Chapter 10, a few months after ‘Vision of the Future’ by Timothy Zahn. Haven't read the 'Union' comics - don't intend to until I've finished this fic. But, from what I've seen, it's all a bit 'US/West European' (white dress, flowers, yadda, yadda), so I'm gonna try make the wedding a bit more 'StarWars-ish'. You have been warned. :-)

Main characters - Luke, Mara, Leia and the rest of the gang.

Rated - NC17

Disclaimer - the recognisable characters belong to Mr. Lucas, Mr. Zahn and Mr. Stackpole. I write about them as a form of flattery - please don’t sue. I’m making no money from this.

Summary -  a little bit of smut and some wedding plans.

Written May 2000

Chapter 11 - Are we nearly there, yet?

Mara lay on her side propped up on an elbow, one hand lost in a mass of red-gold hair. She smiled gently as she watched Luke sleep, his chest slowly rising and falling, his eyes periodically flickering as some dream raced across his brain. The Yavin sunlight was held back by heavy wooden shutters, but enough managed to creep in through the cracks to speckle the bed with golden lines. He shifted in his sleep, turning slightly towards her. Mara reached out with a finger to trace his jawline, then stopped, not wanting to wake him just yet. Sometimes she tried to remember how she felt about Luke before they finally acknowledged their feelings for one another, before they fell in love. It didn’t seem that long ago, but it felt like a different universe. She even regarded him as two different people; the Luke she knew before Nirauan, and the Luke she was watching now. She glanced at a nearby chrono. They were still running on Coruscant time, but they should really get up soon. She’d already heard a few people walking past in the corridor outside their room, so the academy was beginning to stir. Mara’s smile turned into an evil grin; she’d wake him up alright. She crept under the bedsheet that was covering them both.

Luke smiled in his sleep as his dream took a decidedly erotic turn. He turned his head towards the window and grimaced as a shaft of light hit his eyes. As he slowly regained consciousness, he tried to stretch but soon realised that something - correction, someone - was pinning his hips to the bed and ... Oh, Gods! This was absolutely the BEST way to wake up. His hips tilted involuntarily and he groaned, his hands snaking under the cover to tangle themselves in Mara’s hair.

She felt his reaction and would have smiled, but her mouth was otherwise occupied. //Good morning//

‘It’s an excellent morning, so far,’ he replied through gritted teeth.

//You want some more, or is it my turn?//

‘More, please.’ He closed his eyes tight as she swallowed him; the tension started to build and he tried not to grasp her hair too tightly. ‘Oh, Mara.’ Breathing heavily, he let go of her hair and grabbed the top of the bed, trying as hard as he could to hold back his climax.

She knew he was close, so with one final lick she quickly kissed her way up his body and impaled herself on him, gasping into his neck as she did so. His lips attached themselves to hers and she rubbed her hands up the muscles on his arms as she started gently rocking. She kissed and kissed him, tasting him, hungry for more. His hands were suddenly all over her, caressing her breasts, her stomach, her thighs, before he grabbed her hips and pushed himself further into her. Mara growled low in her throat, an almost animal noise she had little control over, but which drove Luke wild. He flipped her onto her back and started steadily thrusting into her, kissing and licking her breasts, barely noticing her fingers tangling through his hair. Her legs crossed behind him and yanked him in deeper, just as he lifted his head to gaze into her eyes.

He was directly above her now, his head perfectly still even as his hips continued their pounding rhythm. Mara caught her bottom lip with her teeth as she felt the pleasure within her starting to build; her eyes never left his. Her hips moved synchronously with his, and she wrapped her arms round his neck, pulling him down for a passionate kiss. Her kiss turned into a muffled cry as she climaxed, followed closely by Luke.

Their kisses became tender and leisurely as he slowly softened inside her, their heart-rates returning to normal. Mara heaved a huge sigh as he buried his face in her neck.

‘I think I’m awake now, Mara.’

‘Yeah, I kind of got that impression.’

‘Thank you for the wake-up call.’

‘My pleasure.’ Mara wriggled slightly beneath him. ‘Luke?’


‘You’re heavy. Do you want to get off me now?’

He lifted his head to smirk at her. ‘Maybe I’m just getting comfortable.’ He put his head on one side. ‘Besides, I thought it was your turn now.’

Mara’s eyebrows shot up as she watched him slither his way down her body, then she lay back and closed her eyes as Luke settled between her thighs.


An hour later, Mara lay sprawled across Luke’s chest as he ran a finger up and down her spine. ‘We really should get up, Luke. Haven’t you got a class to teach?’

‘Not this morning,’ he replied. ‘Although it probably wouldn’t look very good if we spent all day in bed.’

‘Maybe they won’t notice.’

His finger trailed up and tickled her neck. ‘Maybe not. When do you have to go back to Coruscant?’

Mara blew out a sigh. ‘I told Leia I’d be back tomorrow, so I should really head out fairly soon.’

‘Are you taking the shuttle back? The X-wing’s still there, remember.’

She frowned at him. ‘I’m taking the shuttle, flyboy. You can get yourself a transport when you finish here.’ She kissed his chest. ‘Or maybe I’ll come to get you. If I’ve got time, of course.’

He raised his eyebrows. ‘If you’ve got time? Do I have to reserve a spot in your busy schedule, these days?’

She cringed slightly as he tickled her neck again. ‘Weddings don’t just organise themselves, especially at such short notice. Leia and I are going to be pretty busy over the next few weeks, and maybe I just won’t be able to go traipsing off after a Jedi Master who couldn’t manage to scrounge passage...’

He silenced her with a kiss.

Mara frowned again. ‘Will you stop doing that? I was in mid-sentence.’

‘Damn. She noticed my ploy.’

‘I’ve told you before, Skywalker. You’re about as subtle as a drunken bantha.’

He pouted at her. ‘When are we going to see each other again?’

She shrugged. ‘Don’t know. How busy are you here?’

‘Very. At least two of the students are extremely close to making knighthood, and I’d really like to see if I can get them there before they go home.’

Mara nodded, understanding. ‘In that case, I probably won’t see much of you before the wedding.’ She smiled as an idea came to her. ‘Maybe we shouldn’t sleep together again until our wedding night. You know; make it a bit special.’

Luke stared at her incredulously. ‘You’re lying here totally naked and you’re telling me we can’t have sex until we’re married? You have got to be joking, Jade.’

‘No, I’m serious. You said yourself that we have to meditate a lot before the ceremony. Living apart would be less distracting.’

His eyes never left hers as he pondered this latest development. ‘Okay, I’m game. But you’d better stay away from me when I get back, or I’m likely to jump you.’

‘It can’t be that difficult, Luke. Some cultures insist everyone remains a virgin until they’re married.’

‘I think I would have died from self-abuse.’

‘So you’ve got this raging libido now - what if it starts to wane? You’re not getting any younger.’

‘Neither are you, Jade! And my libido has shown no signs of decreasing yet, so I don’t think you have anything to worry about.’ He winked at her. ‘I think it’s a Jedi thing.’

Mara grinned evilly, before kissing his chest and licking a nipple. ‘I hope so. I like my men with stamina.’

‘Stop teasing, Jade.’

‘Sorry. Couldn’t resist.’

Luke sighed as his eyes wandered over the ceiling. ‘No sex, huh?’


‘I think I need to go for a run.’


Mara had never organised a wedding before and she silently swore to herself that she would never do it again, not for anyone. She stood in front of the official’s desk, her arms folded and a scowl on her face, resisting the urge to tap her foot impatiently.

‘Please, won’t you take a seat, Miss Jade.’ Tall, dark hair, clipped Coruscant accent and a sickly smile Mara desperately wanted to smack. His whole demeanor screamed ex-Imperial.

‘No, thank you. I just want to know exactly why you called me here...’ she frowned at the name bar on his desk. ‘Mr. Toman.’ Fifteen years ago this guy would have been jumping to her every command. Now she had to grit her teeth and be polite; it had taken her and Leia more than three weeks to organise this wedding, and she didn’t want anything to put their plans in jeopardy.

Toman peered at a datapad in front of him, before raising his eyes to meet hers. ‘There has been a slight ... ummm ... hitch. We have received a request that you do not use the old Hessayon Temple for your wedding.’

Mara’s eyes tightened as she took a step forwards. ‘A request from whom?’

Toman swallowed and tried to smile ingratiatingly. ‘From a Hessayon priest. He claims it is still sacred ground.’

Mara took another step forward and leaned on his desk. Now she was getting annoyed. ‘You’re little buddy in the office next door told me that the temple had been abandoned for years, that the religion was almost defunct, and that it was definitely NOT sacred ground.’ She leaned closer. ‘Are you telling me that your department is giving out false information?’

Suddenly Toman felt as if the temperature in the room had increased considerably. ‘N-n-n-no. I was merely suggesting...’

‘Mr. Toman!’ Fed up with trying to do this the hard way, Mara decided it was time to pull a few strings. ‘Do you know who I am?’

‘Y-y-yes. Mara Jade.’ His eyes flicked around the room, trying to avoid her stare.

‘And do you know who I am marrying?’

He nodded, his voice beginning to fail him.

Mara stood back and crossed her arms once more. ‘This temple has been booked for three weeks,’ she said calmly. ‘In three days time, over two hundred guests, including a contingent of Jedi Knights and fair-sized chunk of the New Republic Senate will show up expecting to see the first Jedi Bonding Ceremony in more than fifty years.’ Her voice dropped to a threatening growl. ‘I suggest you get this little problem fixed or I will not be the only one making your life a misery.’

Toman swallowed again. ‘I’ll ... ah ... see what I can do, Miss Jade.’

She spitted him with one of her best cross-me-and-die glares. ‘If I do not hear from you today, I will be back tomorrow morning and by then I imagine I’ll be angry.’ She spun on her heel and headed for the door. ‘Fix it.’

Later, as she poured the whole sorry tale out to Leia over lunch, she was surprised to see the frown on Leia’s face.

‘You don’t want to get on the wrong side of the bureaucrats, Mara. Did you at least try to be diplomatic?’

‘Of course I was diplomatic,’ snapped Mara. ‘For about the first five minutes.’

Leia raised a delicate brown eyebrow. ‘You threatened him, didn’t you.’ It was a statement, not a question.

‘Only a little.’

Leia put her head in her hands. ‘This wedding is never going to take place.’

‘It bloody better. I’m not organising another one.’

The vehemence in Mara’s voice finally made Leia smile, and she looked up to see her future sister-in-law scowling. ‘How about if we don’t hear from this guy today, I’ll come with you tomorrow and do the heavy-handed-councillor routine.’

‘And if that doesn’t work, I get out my lightsaber and start chopping bits off.’

Leia took Mara’s hand in hers. ‘Promise me you will never, ever consider a career in diplomacy.’

Mara grimaced. ‘I’m Jedi. We’re all supposed to be diplomats.’

‘The galaxy is truly doomed.’

Mara laughed. ‘I take everything else is running vaguely smoothly?’

Leia nodded. ‘When does Luke get here?’

‘The Yavin Four Holiday Special arrives tomorrow. Morning, I think.’ Mara smiled involuntarily; she knew she wouldn’t see Luke until the ceremony, but at least he’d be on the same planet.

‘And do we have final numbers?’

Mara sighed. ‘Including Knights and students, about thirty, I believe.’

‘Thirty? No wonder he needed such a big transport. Why so many?’

‘That’s classified.’

‘Mara, I’m supposed to be your attendant. Can’t you even tell me what’s going to happen during the ceremony?’

‘Nope. Luke and his merry band of Knights want access to the temple as soon as possible.’ She groaned. ‘I suppose that means I’ve got to have another meeting with Toman.’

Leia patted her arm. ‘We can both go. I’m sure you could use a bit of moral support.’

Mara nodded. ‘Have you had any ideas about where I’m going to stay when Luke gets back? I told him to take the apartment. He’s got a lot of preparation to do.’

‘Didn’t I tell you?’ replied Leia. ‘Mirax and Corran said you can stay with them. Valin’s coming to stay with us.’ She rolled her eyes. ‘Like the kids need any more excitement.’

Mara grinned. ‘That sounds great. Thanks.’

Leia drained her glass of wine and set it carefully down. ‘And now, Miss Jade, we’d better get to this dress fitting. And let’s just hope they’ve got it right this time.’

Mara nodded as she stood and followed Leia out of the restaurant. ‘They’d better have it right. I’m not feeling particularly forgiving right now.’

‘When are you ever?’

Mara nudged Leia in the ribs as they walked towards the designer’s residence. ‘I’m a very forgiving person, normally.’

‘Since when?’

‘Hey, I’ve forgiven your brother all his shortcomings, haven’t I.’

Leia rolled her eyes. ‘You’re not supposed to notice his shortcomings until after the wedding.’

‘I’ve known him for more than fifteen years, Leia. I figured out his faults a long time ago.’

‘Good point.’ She directed Mara into the entrance lobby of a rather ornate building, then along to the turbolifts and up to the suite of rooms used by Mara’s favorite Coruscant designer.

‘Mara Jade! You are here at last!’ The tall, blue Omwatii came rushing towards them, his hands waving energetically. ‘Come. We are ready.’ He stopped in front of Leia and Mara, fidgeting from foot to foot. ‘It is truly beautiful, but I must see you wear it to know for sure.’

Mara patted him gently on the shoulder. ‘Calm down, Qiran. I’m sure it will be fine. As long as you haven’t let that idiot apprentice near it again.’

‘Oh, no. Never. She is gone. Taking up a new career. In politics, I think.’

‘Terrific,’ muttered Leia, as she followed the two to the main fitting room.

Once inside, Mara wasted no time on needless conversation, and quickly slipped out of her clothes and into the dress she would wear to marry Luke. ‘Well, what do you think?’ she said, turning towards Leia.

‘It’s ... it’s lovely, Mara. Beautiful. He’s going to love it.’ Leia wiped at a stray tear threatening to fall as she watched Qiran’s assistants fuss around Mara.

Mara swivelled to face the huge mirror dominating one wall, twisting her body this way and that as she tried to see the dress from every angle. ‘You don’t think it’s a bit over-the-top? For me, I mean.’

Leia shook her head. ‘It’s your wedding day. You’re allowed to be over-the-top.’ She moved behind Mara to straighten out a hem. ‘I think it’s fabulous.’

For the first time that day Mara genuinely smiled. ‘It’s wonderful, Qiran. And it fits perfectly.’

A huge grin threatened to split the Omwatii’s face in two. ‘I do some of my best work for you, Miss Jade. I thank you for your patronage.’ He bowed formally. ‘Where shall I deliver the outfit?’

Leia started to help Mara out of the dress. ‘Deliver it to my apartments please, Qiran. At Orowood Towers. And be sure it is well packaged; we don’t want anyone else to see it before the wedding.’

Qiran bowed once more. ‘It shall be as you request, Madame Solo.’ He left, shooing his assistants ahead of him.

Mara dressed slowly, casting surreptitious glances at the outfit on its stand. She pulled on her boots and fixed the belt at her waist, before strapping on her wrist holster. ‘I think I’d like to go home now.’

‘Of course,’ said Leia quietly. ‘I don’t think there’s anything else we can do today.’ She helped Mara stand up. ‘There is one more thing I have to talk to you about.’

‘What?’ Mara couldn’t believe they’d forgotten anything; surely they had everything covered?

‘Girls’ night out.’

‘No,’ Mara groaned. ‘Not this close to the wedding. Please.’

‘It’s traditional,’ insisted Leia. ‘A last night out as a single woman. Has to be done.’ She put her head on one side as she played her trump card. ‘The guys are taking Luke out tomorrow night.’

‘They are? Does he know?’

‘Yeah, I think so. Han swears he told him.’ She patted Mara’s arm. ‘Come on, Mara. It’ll take your mind off Toman and all his minions. You can meditate constantly afterwards.’

‘Not with a hangover, I can’t.’

‘So go easy on the alcohol.’ She smiled. ‘It’ll be fun. Iella says she knows this really nice place...’

‘Okay. Okay. I’ll come. You knew I would, anyway.’

Leia smiled triumphantly. ‘Tomorrow night, then.’


The following evening as she got ready to go out, Mara finally allowed herself to believe that the wedding might actually take place. She and Leia had met with Toman that morning and he had assured them that all problems had been solved, and of course Luke could have immediate access to the temple. She’d packed a couple of flightbags, as Luke had asked, then grabbed a smaller overnight bag and headed over to Corran and Mirax’s apartment just before Luke was due to arrive.

As she was pulling on her boots, Mirax poked her head round the door. ‘Luke’s on the comm. He wants to talk to you.’

‘Thanks.’ Mara stood up and grabbed her wrist holster from the bed. She was still strapping it on as she sat down in front of the comm-unit.

‘Are you going out, my love?’ asked Luke, smiling.

Mara grinned back at him. ‘Of course. So are you, I believe.’

‘Only because Han told me you were. I was going to stay in and meditate.’

Mara’s mouth opened and shut a couple of times. ‘I’m going out because they told me you were.’ She glowered at Mirax who was hiding her smile behind her hand. ‘I am looking forward to getting away from these devious friends we seem to have accumulated. Are you going to tell me where we’re honeymooning yet?’


Mara shrugged; she hadn’t expected an answer. ‘How did it go at the temple today?’

‘Took a while, but they all seem to know what they’re doing now. Streen’s a nervous wreck, though.’

Mara grimaced. If there was anyone in this galaxy born to be a hermit, then Streen was it. She’d argued against asking him to perform the ceremony; she felt it would be too cruel to take him to a planet as over-populated as Coruscant. But Luke had insisted, then Streen had insisted that he’d be fine, so Mara was out-voted. ‘How is he coping?’

Luke appeared to think about this for a moment. ‘About as well as could be expected. He’s going to meditate all day tomorrow and he’s very good at mind barriers these days.’

‘Have you tried on your outfit?’

‘I have, it fits, and I love it. Even though it’s not black.’

Mara rested her chin in her hands. ‘It’s really going to happen, isn’t it.’

Luke nodded, smiling at his beautiful fiancee. ‘It is. I can’t wait to see you, day after tomorrow.’

‘Well, enjoy your evening out, Master Skywalker. And I’ll see you at the temple.’

‘Goodbye, my darling. And don’t let my sister keep you out too late.’ He winked as he leaned forward to shut off his comm-unit.

Mara finished fastening her holster, then looked up to see Corran and Mirax smiling at her. ‘What?’

Corran shrugged. ‘You two just make such a cute couple.’

‘Don’t ever call me cute, Corsec,’ growled Mara.

Mirax laughed as she shoved her husband towards the door. ‘Get moving, flyboy. The groom looks like he needs something to keep his mind off the bride.’

‘I don’t know if we can be THAT entertaining,’ said Corran as he left, the door hissing closed behind him.


After four drinks in four different bars, Luke was starting to feel distinctly woozy, and was fervently wishing he’d eaten more before he came out. The concept of a ‘last night out with the guys’ had seemed like such a good idea when Han had first mentioned it; now he wasn’t so sure. But he wasn’t going to complain, certain he could handle anything they decided to throw at him.

The fifth round took place in a Ryloth cantina on the edge of one of the rougher areas of Coruscant proper. Luke put his head in his hands as he realised that the scantilly-clad Twi’lek dancer that had been performing for the crowd was coming his way. He glanced to his left and saw Han, Lando and Wedge grinning from ear to ear; even Chewie was laughing to himself.

‘Master Skywalker?’ The dancer had sat on the floor in front of him, giving Luke an unparalleled view of her cleavage. ‘Your friends asked that I dance for you.’

Very carefully, Luke focused on her eyes. ‘You don’t have to do that.’

She leaned in even closer, her head-tails twitching mesmerically. ‘Oh, but I must. They pay me well.’ In one fluid movement she stood and pirouetted away from him, only to return as she began her dance. Luke couldn’t help but smile at the beautiful, if erotic, dance that was taking place not a meter in front of him. The smile earned him several thumps on the back from his friends sitting behind him.

‘I think she likes you, Luke,’ said Wes. ‘You could be in luck tonight.’

‘Nah,’ replied Hobbie. ‘I think it’s me she’s looking at.’

‘Please, I want to be the one to tell Mara,’ said Corran.

Luke spitted him with a glare. ‘Tell Mara about this and I’ll be forced to kill you, Corran.’

‘If he tells Mara, Luke won’t live long enough to kill him,’ commented Wes.

‘No, she’s a woman of the galaxy,’ replied Corran, ‘she’ll understand.’

Luke shook his head in mock-despair and turned back to watch the dancer. Finally she swirled to a halt in front of him, then straddled his lap, her breasts jiggling to a stop in front of his eyes.

‘Did you like my dance, Master Skywalker?’

He blushed as he struggled to meet her gaze. ‘It was very ... um ... beautiful.’

‘Thank you.’ She leaned in and planted a kiss on his forehead. ‘I wish you luck in your marriage. Your wife is a lucky lady.’ Then suddenly she was twirling off across the room, to the cheers and catcalls of the rest of Luke’s entourage.

He turned towards Han and Wedge. ‘You enjoyed that, didn’t you?’

Han nodded. ‘Terrific dancer. Wasted in a place like this. Don’t you agree, Lando?’

Lando’s head bobbed in reply. ‘Oh, yes. With moves like that she should be somewhere more upmarket.’

Wedge just grinned. ‘And your face was an absolute picture, Luke.’

Luke shook his head at them. ‘If the media gets hold of this, I’ll never live it down.’

‘Relax, kid.’ Han smiled confidently. ‘Who’s gonna believe the heroes of the New Republic frequent a place like this? Especially the Grand Master Jedi of them all.’

‘Shut up, Han.’ Luke reached for his ale-glass and drained it. ‘Where to next?’


After a wonderful meal, Mara and her friends settled into the wine bar next to Iella’s apartment building for a few quiet drinks. Mirax and Leia had tried to talk her into going dancing, but finally relented when Mara threatened to go home. A quiet evening in good company was just what Mara needed, as she tried to ignore the nervousness that had been steadily creeping over her.

‘Mara? Are you alright?’

She turned to find Leia watching her, a concerned look on her face. ‘Sure, I’m fine. Just a little preoccupied.’

Leia smiled. ‘It’s been so long since my own wedding, I’ve forgotten how nervous I felt.’

‘You felt nervous?’

‘Of course,’ replied Leia. ‘Everyone does, to some degree.’ She grinned. ‘Even though most of us don’t have to go through a day and a half in a trance before the ceremony even begins.’

‘Actually, I think that might help,’ said Mara. ‘But I’ll still be glad when it’s all over.’

Leia nodded; that sentiment she could remember.

Mara finished her drink then looked ruefully at the empty glass. ‘I think I’ll stop drinking alcohol now. It’s getting late.’ She stood up. ‘I’m going to the ‘fresher. If anyone gets more drinks, could you make mine a fruit juice please?’

‘Sure,’ replied Leia. She watched Mara walk to a door at the back of the room, then turned back to see Iella on her feet, a furious look on her face. ‘What’s wrong?’

‘Them.’ Iella pointed towards the door. ‘They shouldn’t be here.’

Leia and the others followed her gaze to see the door held open as Rogue Squadron, Han, Luke, and a dozen others sauntered into the bar, laughing and occasionally staggering.

Iella marched up to her husband and poked him in the chest. ‘What do you think you’re playing at, Wedge? I told you we’d be here.’

‘Did you?’ He grinned and tried to put his arm round her. ‘I don’t remember.’

‘I did. And we were here first, so you’ll have to go.’

‘Awww. But Han’s just bought a round of drinks.’ With his free hand he indicated Han standing at the bar; the space in front of him was covered in large mugs of lomin-ale.

‘Tough,’ replied Iella. ‘Luke and Mara are not supposed to meet tonight, so you must leave. Now.’ She started pushing him towards the door, then suddenly stopped. ‘Where is Luke?’

‘I dunno,’ replied Wedge. ‘He was here a moment ago. Hey, Han! Where’s Luke?’

Han had started handing out the ale. ‘Fresher. He’ll be back in a minute.’

Luke had asked Han to buy him a non-alcoholic drink, then rolled his eyes when Han had laughed and ordered him more ale. Great. He decided to go to the ‘fresher and at least get rid of some of the alcohol already coursing through his veins before he had to drink more. He didn’t even notice Leia and friends as he edged his way through the crowds at the bar towards the door at the back. No sooner had he pushed open the door, than he saw a familiar figure walking down the corridor towards him. ‘Mara?’

Her head snapped up and her eyes met his. ‘Luke? What are you doing here?’ She looked around a little nervously. ‘I thought we weren’t supposed to see each other before the wedding.’

He took a step closer, drinking in the sight of her. Somehow the same outfit he’d seen her wearing earlier over the comm looked a lot more enticing in real life. ‘We’re not. You look fabulous.’

Mara stood stock-still, like a bena-mouse caught in the headlights of an on-coming speeder. ‘We are not supposed to meet,’ she repeated.

Another couple of steps and he had almost closed the gap between her. Her scent was intoxicating, her eyes mesmerising, her...


Her voice snapped him out of his reverie. ‘What?’

‘We have to go back.’

He glanced at the closed door behind him, the noise of the bar barely filtering through. One more step and he was standing right in front of her. ‘Why?’

‘Because...’ Her eyes locked with his, shutting out the rest of the world. ‘Because...’ She swallowed, trying to choke down the emotion she felt at finally being reunited with him. ‘Oh, dammit!’ She shoved him roughly against the wall and covered his mouth with hers, saying with her body what she couldn’t say out loud.

And Luke got the message. He kissed her hungrily, his mind and body screaming for her touch; his famed Jedi control completely left the building. Her tongue danced into his mouth and he responded ravenously.

They both jumped when the door banged open and Leia marched in. ‘I might have known! Break it up, you two.’

Mara’s eyes fell away from Luke’s and she started to take a step backwards, when she felt his arm tighten around her waist, pulling her closer to him.

‘No. I need to talk to my fiancee.’ His steady gaze turned on his sister. ‘Alone.’

Leia raised her chin slightly. ‘But Luke, you told me...’

‘I know what I told you. Now it’s changed.’

‘I think both of you should come back through. Right now,’ said Leia, crossing her arms.

‘I said no.’ He spoke quietly but the power in his voice was unmistakable.

Leia regarded them both for a long moment, before turning on her heel and leaving, closing the door behind her.

Mara stared incredulously at Luke. ‘You didn’t just mind-whammy your sister, did you?’

He smiled as he tucked a stray lock of her hair behind her ear. ‘Certainly not. She just knows when to back down, that’s all.’

She burrowed her face into his neck, tightening their embrace. ‘Maybe she’s right. I don’t know how I’m going to manage all that deep meditation tomorrow when I’m constantly thinking of you.’

‘And leaving now or in five minutes isn’t going to make an iota of difference.’

She closed her eyes, listening to his voice.

‘Mara, if we’re going to do this properly, we must be prepared. Forget about me and spend tomorrow inside yourself, connecting with the Force. Reach deep down inside and immerse yourself in it, until everything else becomes completely irrelevant. You must be as connected as you possibly can be.’

She raised her head to look into his blue eyes. ‘I know. I’ll...’

‘Don’t say it.’ He pressed a finger to her lips. ‘There is no try.’

Mara smirked. ‘I was going to say “I’ll do it”.’

‘I believe you.’ He smiled and glanced back to the door. ‘Now, before we have half of Rogue Squadron in here dragging me out of your arms, would you please kiss me and remind me why we’re getting married.’

Mara obliged.


"You are cordially invited to attend the wedding of Luke Skywalker and Mara Jade, otherwise known as 'Chapter 12'. Weapons and plots must be left at the door."


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