Hi Welcome to Angel's Designs..

Please feel free to look around.
As of right now..Linkware sets are up..and Designs are up.

Linkware are sets that you may use for non commerical sites only..
and must link back to Angel's Designs.
Designs: We will design any site with any graphics you like for a low price.
Please see the design page for more info.

If you have any problems, comments, or drop by a hi..my guestbook is below our links.

If your here looking for my home site...(Angel's Wings)..
it will be down for a few weeks..due to my domain name tranfer.
You may visit my fiancee's page tho *smile*

Thanks for Visiting us

:Graphics: :Design:
:Calling Cards: :Contact Me:

View My Guestbook
Sign My Guestbook

My bg music is by yoko...she is a very talented girl..please see her site.
DO NOT use her music untill you have permission by her..Thanks!

�Angel's Designs
Set may be used with Permission Only.

Hosted by www.Geocities.ws