A Basic concentration Exercise
Try this very simple concentration exercise.

This is just one of the many exercises available in my P.K course for beginners “Mind Magic”. The book is available by sending me an e-mail.

Exercise 5.2 The concentration Exercise. This exercise is designed to enable you to achieve a level of concentration that will be required, in order to achieve substantial P.K effects. True concentration takes time to master, so be patient, because the rewards for patience are worth it. In this exercise, we will concentrate on a target and try to remain focused on that target for a period of time. The target can be a moving object, such as the second hand of a watch for example. We will concentrate only on the movement of that second hand for this exercise. We need to keep our mind focused on the target at all times and believe me, this can be difficult for the novice, so be patient at the early stages. Now let’s begin. First of all get in a relaxed position, preferably sitting upright, but not tensed. Now place your watch in front of you and with a deep breath, inhale and hold for two seconds whilst focusing on the second hand of the watch. Now slowly exhale and maintain your focus on the second hand all the time, force your mind to focus clearly with this exhalation. With every inhalation relax a little and then hold for a second then drive your focus forward with every exhalation. If your eyes become sore then relax your body and let your focus drift for a few seconds or two breaths, then begin the exercise again. Don’t breath too deeply, but try to maintain almost normal breathing volumes with each breath, however breath enough air to maintain comfort. Practice this exercise as indicated in the course for each session and you will find that your concentration span will begin to increase. You will find that this level of concentration is remarkably powerful when used to carry out P.K so don’t forget to carry it out. The main aim of the exercise, is thus to increase your concentration span and to encourage you to drive home the ability to maintain eye contact with your target. Both the time period and strength of your concentration are variables that will determine how you succeed during the P.K exercises, so give it your best with each session. .

Full course/book available through my e-mail address

An extract from the “Mind Magic” book/course by:

By A.J.Kingston.
BSc Honours (Open), DipBiolSci (Open), CertNatSci (Open), MCMI , GIBiol
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