TITLE: Things to come

Rating: Pg-13

Spoilers: Recent episode of Claire's baby and possibly things before.

Author's note: Might be AU with the recent episodes of lost to come.

Disclaimer: I own none of this.

All my stories can be found at http://www.freewebs.com/andromedaabyss

Claire opened her eyes to the sun and smiled. Her child was not far from her in the cradle. She went out of her sleeping bag and touched its forehead. He was perfectly healthy, and today promised a beautiful day with him in it


With a final tug Jack closed his backpack.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Kate asked.

"Boone said that they were investigating a secret hatch. If I follow their trail, I should be able to find it. And maybe Locke."

"You couldn't save Boone. Going alone isn't going to bring him back-"

"He won't be alone," Charlie said, also carrying a backpack. "It is true that you're going to find the hatch, right? Then we're going with you."

Jack sighed. He knew it would be pointless to argue with Charlie. Not when it came to Claire. "We? You told someone else?"

"Just the people who will do anything to protect the kid from this psycho," Michael said, arriving upon the scene. Jinn was right behind him.

"Plus one," Sawyer added from behind Jack. He raised his eyebrow. "You don't think I would miss the only precious form of entertainment on this Island, did you doc?"

Jack opened his mouth to protest.

"Face it, you need me," Sawyer said sharply.

"And me," a newcomer's voice added from behind them. They all turned to see Shannon. Her eyes were red as though from crying.

"Shannon, I don't think-" Jack began.

"I'm coming with you," Shannon said. "Whether you like it or not. You know the reasons."

A shadow behind her. "Which means, of course, that I will be accompanying you," Sayid said. "I've studied the french woman's maps. I suggest we start searching there."

Jack stared at all of them in astonishment. Everyone was here. Well, except for Hurley-

"Sorry I'm late, everyone!" Hurley said. "Had to get water." Sun was right behind him. Hurley stopped. "Glad I didn't miss anything."

"We're with you, Jack, whether you like it or not," Sayid said.

"Kate and I will protect Claire," Sun said in broken English. "You do what you have to do."

Jack slowly began to smile. He couldn't help it. "All right, we stay together in one group. No one goes out of sight. I've brought flares in case we can't find the hatch by nightfall."

"Cool. I brought chips," Hurley said.

"Jack," Sayid interrupted. "What happens if we run into Locke?"

Jack said nothing for a moment. "I still would like to believe that Jason Locke still has a reasonable explanation for all of this. But if not-"

"If not, we reserve the right to beat some sense into him, is that right?" Sawyer asked.

Jack nodded. Reluctantly. "One other thing-whoever took Claire in the first place might still be underground. People like Ethan. We have to be very careful."

The others nodded. "Okay. Let's go."

And with that, they set off towards the hatch.

Towards answers.


They trekked long into the night. After midnight Jack called a quick break. He joined Sayid, who was taking some granola bars out of his backpack. "How is she?" he asked.

Sayid glanced up at Shannon, who was sitting next to the small fire they had created. "She has spoken very little to me."

Jack sat down. "I can't imagine what it must be like. Losing a brother-"

"Boone was her stepbrother." Sayid hesitated. "And, I believe that there was a great deal more to the relationship." Sayid met his eyes. "He loved her. And I believe that despite what she claims, she loved him. Now I ask you, Jack, what exactly am I suppose to do in this situation?"

"Jack!" Hurley called. "Everyone, get over here!"

Jack and Sayid promptly got to their feet. Sawyer doused the fire with water from his cup. All of them hurried to the sound of Hurley's voice. Charlie reached him first.

Right to their left was the massive unburied hatch.

"We must have walked right past it," Hurley said.

"Get out your flares," Jack ordered. Soon the clearing was bathed with green light. Jack was the first to step forwards, despite the eerie feeling in the pit of his stomach.

Turns out he wasn't the only one. "Does anyone else feel it?" Hurley asked. "It's like this place has weird vibes or something."

"This whole Island is weird," Charlie said in a choked voce. "And we're right in the center of it."

Jack bent down. "Locke must have had a hell of a time trying to open this. I wonder how long it will take us-" His hand touched the glass.

Instantly with a click the hatch unlocked. Everyone except Jack took a startled step back.

"Seconds, apparently," Sayid remarked.

Jack opened the hatch. Sawyer joined him and looked down. "Well, after you doc," he invited.

Checking a sigh, Jack climbed down the ladder, followed by Sawyer and Charlie.


(The next morning)

On the beach Kate looked up as she saw everyone approach from the forest. "Claire! Sun!" All three woman headed over to them. "What happened?" she demanded.

"It was a huge bust, that's what happened," Sawyer said. "There's nothing there!"

"Nothing-nothing at all?" Claire asked, bouncing her child slightly in her arms. "No sign of Locke? Or anyone else."

Charlie shook his head. "No one."

"Where's Jack?" Kate asked.

Claire looked up anxiously and realized that for the first time he was missing.

Sayid and Hurley glanced at each other. "Um, he decided to stay at the hatch site," Hurley said quickly. "Just in case there was something we missed."

"He should be back within the day, I'm sure," Sayid said.

Claire frowned a little.

"Are you all right?" Charlie asked.

"Got a nasty bug bite. Charlie, can you hold him for a sec-"

Charlie backed away. "Ah, no. That's all right, Claire. I don't think I can do that very well after all."

Claire glanced at him in surprise.

"Sorry," Charlie added.

There was an odd tone in his voice. Claire looked up. Sayid's face was cold and impassive.

Claire held her child tighter without knowing why.


Kate packed up her backpack with needed supplies, and tugged it close. She shrugged it onto her

shoulders and turned around.

Sawyer was right in front of her. "Hold on there, miss freckles. Where do you think you're going?"

"It's nightful. Jack still isn't back," Kate replied. "And I want to see this hatch for myself."

Sayid suddenly emerged from the jungle. "I just came back from talking with Jack," he said, his voice calm. "He said that he had everything under control. He will be there probably until the morning."

"Is that safe?" Kate demanded.

Sayid shrugged. "The hatch has long since been abandoned. Perhaps Locke thought the same as well. There is no reason to panic, Kate."

Kate reluctantly stared at the jungle, then dropped her backpack. Without a further word she walked back down the beach.

Sayid and Sawyer met eyes for a moment. Sayid immediately started to follow Kate. Sawyer heard a sudden twig snap and turned around. He could just see in the dark someone looking at him. Sawyer had never met the man before in his life, but he could guess easily enough. Sawyer nodded once at the man.

Everything was under control.


Being a thief, Kate thought that it would be easy to slip away from the camp. Even without supplies, she had to try and find the hatch. Yet as she walked through the jungle she couldn't help but feel as though she was being...watched. She glanced back as a twig snapped. She turned around, and jumped when she saw Sayid standing in front of her.

"Kate, you must listen to me-you cannot go to the hatch!" Sayid snapped at her.

"Why?" Kate demanded. "Sayid, ever since you've returned everyone seems different in some way. Tell me what's going on!"

Sayid hesitated, and looked away.

"The hatch isn't really abandoned, is it?" Kate inquired.

Sayid glanced at her. "No," he said. "It's a truly horrible place."

"Is Jack in danger? Why didn't he come back with you?"

"He might be in danger. I honestly don't know." Sayid gestured at the log. "Please, sit down, and I will explain everything."


Claire opened her eyes, surprised by the sudden nap. Being a mother seemed to be more taxing then she thought it would be. She was also surprised that her child hadn't woken her up. She glanced at the cradle.

And saw that it wasn't in there.

Claire immediately got to her feet. "Charlie?" she called. "Charlie, are you out there?"

No response, but Claire did hear something in the distance and walked through the caverns towards it. Singing. Charlie was singing. She entered a cavern and saw Charlie sitting with the child in his arms. He was singing a really sad song.

Claire hesitated, and stepped forwards. "Hey," she greeted.

Charlie turned, half-startled. "Hey! Didn't know you were up!"

"What are you doing?" Claire said.

Charlie looked down. "Just ah...just giving the little rascal a bit of a bath. Wanted to keep him distracted so that he wouldn't wake you. You should have him back now."

Claire took him from the former rock star, feeling an odd sense of relief. "Can I ask you something, Charlie? Are you sure you didn't see anything in the hatch?"

Charlie shook his head. "No. I didn't see anything. It's like it's been abandoned for hundreds of years. Certainly not the place where Ethan was. Why do you ask?"

"Because everyone keeps starring at me," Claire said. "In a weird way."

Charlie blinked, truly puzzled. "Starring?" His eyes widened and he stood. He grinned. "Claire, how many of us expected to see a newborn baby here on this Island? After everything we've been through, who would have thought, some good news." Charlie looked down. "You really are the luckiest woman here, Claire, and everyone knows that." He glanced to his right. "Look, whatever happens out there, Claire, I want you to know that I'm going to protect you. We all are." He forced another smile. "So. Have you decided a name for the little one yet?"

"No, still thinking," Claire said. "I ah...think I'll take a walk. Goodnight, Charlie."

Charlie waited until she was out of the cave before sitting down again. "I can't do it," Charlie whispered. "God help us, I can't do it. Not even for Claire."

He felt Sayid touch his shoulder and Sayid crouched down next to him. "It is for the best that you do nothing. Tomorrow evening, it will all be over soon. Charlie, you do not have to face this alone."

Charlie burst into tears. He doubled over, holding his hands to his face. Sayid patted his back comfortingly.


Claire took a walk down the beach and breathed in the cool air. On the surface, it looked as though it was a perfectly ordinary day. Sawyer was gathering logs for the fire. Michael was working on the raft with Walt. The kid glanced at her once, and quickly looked away. To her left she saw Jinn talking quietly to Sun in Korean. His hand was on her leg. Sun was crying. Jinn was looking at Claire grimly.

Deeply disturbed, Claire moved closer to the fire. Immediately a few people backed away.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Claire asked them. The others didn't respond. No one did. Not even Charlie, who had followed her and was only a few paces away.

Claire gripped her child tighter. "Why won't you tell me what's going on!?"


It was starting to rain heavily in the jungle.

Jack knew that he had little time. He dug deeper into the soil with a shovel. The ground was becoming moister, helping him. Jack's digging became more frantic until finally, he uncovered a small metal box. Jack lifted it from the hole and placed it on the ground. His hands were shaking a little. Wiping water from his forehead, Jack picked up the axe fro the ground. He was by no means an expert, but a few hits and the box was unlocked. Jack yanked opened the lid. Inside were three guns, just as he had left them.

Jack took them all.


The beach was buzzing with activity.

"Claire?" Charlie called out. "Claire!?"

"Damn it, where the hell could that girl be!" Sawyer snapped. "Tonight-"

"Let's just try and stay calm," Sayid said. "She couldn't have gotten far."

"You don't think....one of Ethan's men..." Charlie whispered.

An uneasy silence between the three.

"Not a chance," Sawyer said. "She just got a little spooked, that's all. One of us let something slip..." His eyes went to Charlie.

Charlie started in surprise. "Don't look at me! I haven't told her anything!"

"Oh yeah? Sayid told me about your little 'planned accident' with the baby. As if that would help our situation any!"

Charlie looked away.

Sawyer shook his head. "Goddamit! You were against our plan from the very beginning! Maybe Locke should be chasing you in the jungle instead of Jack!" He stepped forwards. "Yeah. You would do anything to protect your little sweetie pie, even kill every single person on this accursed Island to do it!" He gripped Charlie's arm. "So how much is your loyalty worth?"

Charlie stared at Sawyer right int he eye. "Let go of my arm," he whispered.

"Please!" Sayid hissed. "We are drawing ourselves unwanted attention!"

Sawyer and Charlie looked up and saw they were drawing more then a few curious looks.

Sawyer released Charlie and pointed at Sayid. "You get Hurley on this. You get Kate on this. We don't stop until we find her." He glanced at Charlie, his eyes burning. "And if by some miracle you find her first, little man, by all that's holy you will lie to her. Lie until you're blue in the face, or by God I will kill you. I swear it."

Charlie swallowed.


(One hour later)

It was still raining in the jungle.

Claire clutched the child in her arms. She thought she had chosen a good hiding place-Boone's grave site. She was certain no one would think to find her there.

"Hello, Claire," Charlie said.

Claire automatically stood. "Don't come any closer. Don't come near me, Charlie!"

Charlie spread his hands. "Okay. But I have to admit, I am more then a little worried about you Claire. We all are."

Claire said nothing, her jaw set in determination.

Charlie looked down and sighed. "Boone's grave. I didn't know him too well, you know. I wihsi I had. Every life on this Island is special Claire. Every life is unique."

Claire still didn't say anything.

"Claire, will you please come back with me?"


"Okay." Charlie turned away, and turned back. "Do you want me to bring you some food, maybe? A blanket?"

Claire shuddered, and something in her relaxed. "Yeah, Charlie. That would be nice."


Later Charlie and Claire were having a picnic. By this time they had settled comfortably together.

"So, after we left the concert in Europe, we went to Spain for a while," Charlie said, dipping the chip into sour cream. "I wish you had been there. There was a light show that lit up the whole city block."

Claire ate hungrily, having not eaten all day. "This food looks incredible!"

Charlie's face lit up. "Ah. Courtesy of Hurley. He wanted to join us, but I said that you weren't in the mood for company. Then he refused to part with his chocolate chip cookies. Then I fought him for a while."

Claire stared at him, intrigued in spite of himself. "Did you-"

With a grin Charlie took out the jar of cookies from his backpack. "I was quicker."

Claire punched him lightly in the shoulder.

"Ow! What was that for!?" Charlie demanded.

"You stocked me on chicken before you told me about cookies!?" Claire demanded, laughing.

Charlie joined in with her.

After a few minutes of comfortable silence Charlie's face turned serious. "Can I ask you something, Claire? Why did you leave?"

"Because....everyone at the camp is looking at me like I'm a monster." Claire said. "Like I've done something terrible."

Charlie said nothing.

"Charlie, I don't remember what happened before...Ethan. But I think that I can trust you. Is there something going on that I don't know about?"

Charlie was silent for a moment. "No. There's nothing, Claire." He looked up at her. "And you have my word on that."

Another moment of silence.


"Claire, I want to give you something," Charlie interrupted, and reached for his backpack. "Took me quite a while to find, and even then only after you had disappeared." He glanced at her. "You ready?"

Claire nodded, more then curious.

Charlie took out a jar of peanut butter. Chunky peanut butter.

Claire felt herself smile. She couldn't help it.

"Want some? I've got bread too," Charlie offered.


Everyone in the caves were relieved to see her back, and told her as such. Claire told them that she had a lousy night and just needed some sleep, which people seemed to buy. Though it took a long time for Charlie to leave her alone, but he finally did. As soon as he left Claire opened her eyes from her supposed nap. Her baby was sleeping comfortably in the cradle near the fire. Claire's eyes went to Charlie's green backpack beside him. She hurried over to it and opened it up.

She burst into tears, feeling her heart break.

In the bag was a gun and several bottles from Jack's medical bag. Claire read one out. Chloroform. There were others with names she couldn't understand. Claire wiped the tears from her eyes. Charlie had lied to her. She was truly on her own.

She looked up when she heard footsteps approaching.

Claire thought fast.

Charlie entered the cave, mentally kicking himself for forgetting the backpack. Claire was still asleep. With a brief glance to make sure the contents were intact, he lifted the backpack and left the cave.

Claire opened her eyes.

Nightfall was only a few hours away.


Charlie was at the beach, sitting on a log and playing on his guitar. It was yet another sad song. The man standing in the shadows waited comfortably until the song ended, and the strings stilled, before approaching. "It's time, Charlie."

Charlie said nothing for a long moment, before setting the guitar down in the sand. "Yeah. I know." He sighed. "It's time."


Charlie and Sawyer were waiting at the entrance to the cave. "Claire? Do you mind coming out here for a minute?"Charlie asked.

No response. Sawyer and Charlie glanced at each other quickly before entering the cave. "Claire?" Charlie called out, not seeing her.

"The baby's still here," Sawyer remarked, seeing a lump under the blanket. He pulled the blanket away.

Underneath it was a rock. ---------------- Claire ran through the jungle, clutching the baby in his one remaining blanket. With every step her heart lurched with fear. She was pretty sure that no one had discovered her missing yet, judging on how quiet it was. Yet, at the same time, it felt too quiet. As though the jungle itself was listening, trying to find her.

Jack. She had to find Jack. He had not returned with the others. It was possible he wasn't crazy like everyone else.

Her baby cried. Claire rocked him a little. When she looked up, Sawyer was in front of her.

"This running away thing of yours is getting real old, missy!" Sawyer snapped, gripping her wrist.

Claire struggled in his grip and cried out.

"I've got her here!" Sawyer shouted. "I"ve got-" He swallowed the rest of his words as Claire's elbow connected with his jaw. Sawyer half-stumbled backwards, and Claire shot off like a deer into the jungle.

But as fast as she was, Sawyer was on her within seconds. He grabbed her legs and she tumbled into the dirt. The baby flew out of her hands.

Claire struggled to her feet, fighting Sawyer's grip. "Let go of me!"

"I don't want to hit you. But I will," Sawyer snarled.

Charlie arrived within seconds, a look of real concern in his eyes.

"Charlie," Claire whispered. "Charlie, please, it's my baby."

"Knock her out," Sawyer ordered savagely.

"Chloroform. In my bag," Charlie said, his voice empty.

Sayid took it out and stepped towards Claire. "Hold still. Take deep, regular breaths."

Claire shook her head pleadingly. "Charlie-"

The pain in his eyes said it all. "I'm sorry, Claire."

The rag went to her face, and she slumped in Sawyer's arms.


Before Charlie had entered the cave, Claire had disposed of the chloroform in the steam and filled it with regular water. But even so, there was enough in the bottle to knock her out for a few minutes. When she came too again, the sun had almost set, casting the jungle in fiery red. She was laying on the wet grass with no one else in sight.

And, her baby was gone.

Claire stood shakily to her feet and headed back to the beach. What else could she do? --------------- Charlie watched the setting sun on the beach and held the baby in his arms. He willed himself not to look into his eyes or innocent face. I'm doing the right thing, he tried to remind himself again and again. Even so, he felt his heart painfully contract and he turned towards the ocean, to give the child a last look of something he might never see again.

And, at that moment, Charlie knew what to call him. "Alex," he whispered. "That's your name."

When he turned back, he saw they were looking at him. Dozens of people, all dressed in dark clothing and had pale faces. They were silent and cold as shadows. One of them, a man, stepped forwards. "It's time, Charlie," he said. "Give us the child."

Charlie swallowed, remembering all-too-well his last moments of being hung in the tree by these people. When he died. All the same, he couldn't do this. Not now, not ever. "No."

The man took another step forwards. "Give him to us. Or else you know what will happen. We will kill Claire." ----------------- Claire sat in the bushes, watching as Hurley and Sayid walked back to camp. "Dude, I feel like, so awful for leaving Claire in the jungle like that," Hurley said.

"There was no other choice. Ethan's men were arriving at the beach. She will be all right," Sayid said. "Soon, this will be all over."

Claire started to hyperventilate and forced herself to calm down. She waited until they were well out of hearing range before creeping out of the bushes. She had to get to the beach!

A few minutes later she hid behind the final tree and stared out into the beach. Charlie and Sawyer were there, as well as several men and women Claire didn't recognize. Charlie was holding the baby in his arms. It was high tide, and the waves were crashing against the beach. Claire watched as the last of the sun twinkled out below the waves.

"Here! Take it!" Charlie shouted, about to give the man her baby. "Take it while you still can!" His voice was choked.

Claire didn't hesitate. She ran up to one of the men and yanked the gun from his belt. She pulled back the safety. "Give me my child!" she ordered.

Charlie's face was of comical disbelief. "Claire!" he whispered.

One of the people Claire didn't recognize took a step towards her. Claire shifted the gun at him. Reluctantly he froze.

Claire focused all her attention on Charlie.

Charlie licked his white lips. "Claire, please, you don't want to do this!" he begged. "You don't know anything about this child!"

"I thought I knew you, Charlie," Claire replied.

The expression in his eyes was worthy of pity. "I was only trying to help," he whispered.

Claire said nothing. "Give me my child, or I swear I'll kill you."

His arm trembling, Charlie stepped forwards and slowly handed her the child. Claire took him in her spare arm, feeling a rush of sweet relief.

"No!" one of the men shouted, and lunged forwards.

In her panic Claire pulled the trigger, but at the wrong person. She fired at the person right in front of her.

Charlie fell to the ground.


"Charlie!" Claire cried out.

With a savage snarl Sawyer swatted the gun out of her hand. Sayid struggled with the man who held the other gun.

Blood soaked the sand where Charlie lay on the ground.

The next few seconds became a blur to Claire. When her mind focused again she was in the jungle. She stopped next to a tree, tears falling down her eyes. She wiped them away with one hand. She wanted to throw up, and probably would have if she had eaten more.


On the beach Sayid wrapped the blanket around Charlie. "I think he will be all right. The bullet went right through his shoulder. But we have to dress this wound to prevent any more blood loss."

"What the hell did you think you were doing!?" Sawyer shouted at the man who had threatened Claire.

The man's face was pale but defiant. "Find her. Kill her if you have to. You know the stakes. And you know what will happen to all of you if you fail."

(3 hours later)


With a startled gasp Claire opened her blue eyes. She had dozed off for the last few minutes against a tree. She frowned and leaned forwards. "Hello? Is someone there?" she whispered.

No reply.

Then, a loud growl. Claire wasn't sure what it was. Then came a large stomping. With a cry Claire got to her feet, clutching her child tighter. The freezing wet moss of the tree rubbed against her hair as she stepped back against it. The stomping was coming right towards her.

Claire! Claire! Claire!

Claire ran for several minutes on end, not entirely sure where she was going. She did so for half an hour before she was calm enough to stop. At that moment she heard a strange noise. She wasn't sure what it was. "Jack?" she called out. "Jack? Is that you-" She went through the bushes.

What she saw made her scream so loud that she was sure that the entire jungle had heard.

Jack was hanging from a tree, blindfolded the same way Charlie had been. He didn't move except for the occasional swaying from the wind. His lips were blue and blood dripped from his wrists to the ground. There was a knife in his chest. He was obviously dead.

For a long moment Claire could only stare in horror. She burst into tears and touched his shoulder. "Jack..."

His body moved backwards slightly. Claire swallowed back another scream. Her lower lip trembled. Somehow, she knew that he was dead because he tried to help her. Tears ran unchecked down her face. She peeled back the blindfold...

...and realized that it wasn't Jack, though in the dark it was an understandable mistake. It was someone else from the group, someone she vaguely saw yesterday. Claire burst into more tears of relief and horror. Yet someone else had died for her child.

But her child was the only thing that she had now.

Rough arms suddenly grabbed her from behind, arms coated with blood. Claire could smell decaying flesh.

"Is it becoming clearer to you yet?" Boone asked in her ear.

Claire gave a choked scream and punched Boone in the face. He fell to the ground with a surprised grunt...

And disappeared.

Claire blinked a few times. She even pinched her arm to make sure she wasn't dreaming.

Looking up, she realized the rain had stopped. ---------------

Gripping her child close to he chest, Claire ran through the pitch-black forest. Branches cut into her hair, her clothes, and her cheeks that were stained with tears. She had been running for hours and her clothes were filthy and wet. For a moment she stopped, wondering which way to go. She was completely lost, and the others were not far behind her. As she moved to run but she half-stumbled on a tree root and fell into a stream.

When she looked up, Charlie was right in front of her. His arm was crudely bandaged. "Give me the baby, Claire," Charlie said, his voice tingling with desperate impatience. "You know it's the only way."

Claire gave a half-cry and turned the other way. She climbed up the bank.

And ran right into Sayid. They were circling her. "Claire, it's all right," Sayid said gently. "Ethan's friends will take good care of him. Your child will be safe. Please, come with us-"

Claire gave a strangled cry and ran from both of them.

"Claire!" Charlie shouted.

Claire didn't stop. She proceeded to run through the jungle. Dawn was only an hour away. If she could hold them off until then, she might have a chance.

But even as she exited out of the clearing onto the beach, she knew that she had lost. Forty of them were there on the beach. People she once thought were her friends, perhaps. And others, people like Ethan that she didn't recognize. They said nothing, just stared at her. Like as though she was a monster. Claire searched their faces but could find no mercy in any of them. "You don't understand!" she shouted. "Please don't hurt my baby!"

"Give us the baby, Claire!" Shannon said from the back of the crowd.

Soon, it became a chant. "Give us the baby, Claire. Give us the baby, Claire." With a small whimper Claire turned around, but she was surrounded. There was no way to escape. The circle around her became tighter.

Charlie reached forwards. "Claire..." Claire screamed.


Claire awoke to something wet and cold touching her forehead. She opened her eyes and saw Charlie sitting next to her. It was daylight, and his smile was as bright as the sun. "Hey."

"Hey," Claire said, automatically returning his smile. She frowned and lifted herself up. "What happened-"

"Sh, it's all right. Everything is going to be fine now, just fine." "

Where's my baby?" Claire demanded.

"They took it away."

Claire immediately tried to sit up. Charlie held her down. "No wait Claire-listen to me! It's all for the best, really! Your child-"

"Let go of me!"

"If you saw what we saw, you wouldn't try to stop this!" Charlie exploded.

She fought past him and ran away.

Charlie put his hand to his head and sighed.


In desperation Claire tracked two of the Island's inhabitants with a skill and silence worthy of Locke. She had followed them for several hours. They didn't have her baby, but if she could make them tell them where her baby was....Claire took out her knife that she had scavenged from the camp.

One hand gripped her shoulder and pulled her back, the other went down on her mouth before she could cry out in surprise. She instinctively bit down. The man behind her swore under his breath, and in that moment Claire knew who it was. She turned around. "Jack!" She hugged him. "Oh Jack I'm so glad to see you! Everyone's gone crazy and-"

"Sh..shhh. I know," Jack said. "Keep your voice down. It's going to be okay."

Claire burst into tears, because she knew it wasn't. ------------------

Jack said little as he led her down the small path. His face was haggard, as though he had not slept in days.

The moment she entered the clearing, however, she forgot that Jack even existed.

Huddled in a blanket against the log was her baby. It was crying. Claire immediately ran to her child. She held it in her arms, rocking back and forth as her heart burst with joy. It was minutes, or hours later that she finally looked up. Jack was sitting on the log stroking the fire.

Claire sniffed. "Thank you. For a moment I thought that-" her voice rose in pitch. She settled for just griping the baby in her arms.

Jack spoke for the first time. "I found two men that were taking him with them. I knocked them out, and brought him back here. I wasn't followed."

"So you've been here...all this time?" Claire asked. "What have you been doing?"

"For the most part, watching." Jack said. "I've been trying to find a way to get to you before everyone else did. Sometimes I would raid food and water. On my last trip I got those." He nodded next to Claire.

Claire glanced to her left and opened the box. In it were two guns.

Claire looked down. "How did you escape?"

Jack shook his head. "I didn't." He was starring intently at the fire. "I saw what everyone else saw."

Claire frowned, holding the baby closer to her. "What exactly did you all see?"

Jack didn't reply. Then he looked away. "It doesn't matter-"

"I think it does!"

"The important thing is that we have to get you someplace safe. They're going to be looking for you, Claire, and they won't give up until they find you both. By nightfall, we have to be gone." ---------------- (Midnight)

Jack had scavenged a dark blue jacket for Claire and a blanket for the baby. They hurried into the jungle, Jack cutting a path with his knife. By this time, Jack had relaxed enough to tell her a little of what happened. "Ethan's men had captured us. There were...quite a lot of them. They've probably lived on the Island for years, maybe even all of their lives."

"What do they want with my son?" Claire persisted.

Jack cut a vine away. "It's better not to ask questions you don't want the answers to, Claire," Jack said. He paused. "Listen-do you hear that?"

Claire did. The snapping of twigs. Claire and Jack automatically crouched down. The sounds were coming closer.

"Come on," Jack said. They both broke into a run.

Claire led the way, with Jack only a second behind her. The bushes cut into her face and no matter how fast she ran she could always here the stomping right behind her-

Jack suddenly tripped on an open root and fell to the ground with a surprised grunt.

Startled, Claire turned around but saw no sign of him. Not anywhere. The jungle was suddenly calm. "Jack?" she called out. "Jack!?"

No reply.

Claire swallowed and made a decision. She turned and continued running.



Claire had walked for hours, and she was sure that she was nowhere near the beach. She followed a small but stead stream. She was covered in dirt from head to toe, and she felt like she could fall asleep within seconds.

Small wonder that she didn't see the hatch until she almost ran right into it.

It was directly in front of her. There was a yellow light shining through the glass.

Claire hesitated, and made a decision. All of her answers were in there. She walked forwards, not afraid of what awaited her or her baby.

Slowly, and not without a little difficulty, she climbed down the ladder. She went off the final step and turned around.

"Hello, Claire," Locke greeted calmly. "I've been waiting for you."

Claire swallowed.


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