All my stories can be found at

Title: The Return to Zion.

Rating: PG-13 for violence.

Spoilers: The Matrix.

Setting: Just after the first Matrix.

"Where we go from there, I leave up to you," Neo said, and slammed down the phone on the receiver of the payphone. It was a good feeling. For all of his life, he had been told what to do, where to go. Now, for the first time, he realized that there was another world he could exist in. A world almost virtually without rules. A world he could change. He walked out of the telephone both and slowly put on his sunglasses. Hundred of people were walking past him. Now, for the first time, he was in control.

He looked upwards into the sky. The machine world was trying to track him down, sending agents to several sections of the city. But they didn't know where to look. They weren't even close. He had seen to that just with the will of his mind. Neo couldn't remember a time when he felt so important. So alive. He honestly felt like flying.

And, after a moment he decided, why not?


The air rustled through his black hair as Neo jumped from one rooftop to another. The sun was setting. He had been flying for probably hours. He walked to the very edge of the rooftop he was currently on. He knew that he was on top of a bank building. A building ran mostly by computers. Just like the entire world. Neo took off his dark sunglasses and looked down at the city, at the thousands of cars driving through the narrow streets. "They really have no idea," he said to himself.

His cell phone rang. Neo took it out of his black jacket and lifted the phone his ear.

"We need you back," Tank said.


Neo opened his eyes as the old and shredded blue chair jerked to a halt. It was an eerie sensation, returning to this world. But it was one he was starting to get used to.

Trinity was smiling down at him as she unplugged him. "Where were you?"

"Starring down at the city. It was incredible," Neo replied. "There's so many lives I can change, so much to do. I don't honestly know where to begin."

"One person at a time," Trinity said. She gripped his hand. "I know you've changed mine."

His hand tightened around hers.

"We need everybody up here!" Tank's voice rang over the intercom.

Neo and Trinity ran up to the bridge of the ship. "What is it?" Trinity asked, jumping into the co-pilot's seat.

"Another ship just entered the same junction," Tank said. "They're too far out of range to identify."

"Slow to one-quarter power. Let them get a good look at us," Morpheus said, his voice as calm as ever. He opened a panel with a large red button on it-the EMP. "Did the machines get your message, Neo?" he asked off-handidly.

Neo was starring out at the other ship that was rapidly approaching. "Yes, they got it. I can imagine that they're not too happy now."

"I would never want to face the machines when they would have a reason to be happy," Morpheus replied, stone-faced as ever.

"The ship's circling around us," Tank said. "Just entering scanning range..." The image of a holographic hovercraft appeared. "It's the Nebula," Tank said and breathed a sigh of relief.

"A scoutship. Run by Captain Decipher. A good man," Trinity supplied quietly to Neo.

"Open a channel," Morpheus said.

"He's not responding to visual," Tank replied. "He is sending something though." He lifted his gloved hand to his headphone and frowned. "Sounds like...machine code. Numbers."

"Matrix coordinates," Neo said.

"It's not something very commonly done," Tank muttered.

"Can you localize it?" Morpheus asked.

"I think so," Tank replied.

The dark screen suddenly lit up with green letters. COME ALONE.


Morpheus sat in the chair as Tank geared up the equipement.

Neo folded his arms. "Are you sure he should do this?"

"Morpheus and Decipher go a long way back," Trinity whispered. "If he's in trouble..."

Anything else they might have said was blocked from Morpheus' hearing as Tank inserted the rod into Morpheus' skull. His living muscles tensed as the familiar whine ran through his body...

The next second Morpheus was alone in a demolished apartment room. A white telephone had been placed on the stool in the center of the room. Outside it was raining. There was no one else around. He put on his sunglasses and folded his arms behind his back. Waiting.

The door opened. Another figure emerged. He wore baggy pants and a blue sweater that was torn in many places. He had black hair, pale skin, and wore no sunglasses. But then, Decipher was never really into sunglasses.

"Decipher," Morpheus said, smiling. "It's been far too long."

"I wish I could say it was under better circumstances, Morpheus," Decipher replied. He was panting and looked disheveled. "I heard that you found the One. Is it true?"

"Yes," Morpheus said flatly. He looked back towards the window. "But somehow I doubt you are here to congratulate me."

"Morpheus, you cannot go back to Zion," he said. "Not now. And certainly not with Neo."

Morpheus turned and stared at him.

Decipher smiled dryly. "Imagining a hero's reception, people celebrating the return of the One?" He shook his head. "You won't get it. Instead you'll find yourself in the brig and Neo dead in a gutter somewhere! Forgotten."

When Morpheus didn't reply Decipher continued. "There are some who think..." he hesitated. "That for the past few years searching for the one without any success has put too much of a strain on you. And after hearing about Cypher's betrayal after you had such high hopes that he was the One.....they think that you've snapped. That you've become insane," he finished uneasily. "The Council's divided. They either considers you as a joke or a highly dangerous lunatic that needs to be brought in."

Morpheus' face did not change, as though Decipher was talking about nothing more stimulating then the weather. "It doesn't matter what they think of me. Once they see what Neo is capable of, that he is the One to save Zion, they will have to believe."

"I hope you're right," Decipher said softly. "But they might not see your way."

Morpheus tilted his head. "What do you mean?"

Thunder in the distance. "It's difficult to explain, but suffice to say that the Council has been acting oddly not long after you have left. There have even been rumors among our people about the possibility of betrayal or infiltration."

Morpheus looked out the window. "I cannot believe that."

"For many weeks now they've sent patrols to search for you, though they've made no official charges as yet. The sentinals have been slowing them down."

"Then they'll look no further," Morpheus said. "Once repairs are complete I intend to return to Zion with my ship and my crew."

"You cannot do that," Decipher said, shaking his head. "If you do...if you risk everything..."

The white telephone started ringing.

"Zion knows I'm here," Decipher said. "They're trying to contact me." Decipher approached the phone, and with a sweep of his arm threw it onto the ground. "They found me," he said, his voice trembling with fear. He looked up. "Morpheus, you must not go back to Zion. You can't take him there! Not with people who-" Deciphere's head suddenly jerked upwards and his body fell to the ground.

"No!" Morpheus cried out, but it was too late. Decipher was dead.

For the longest time Morpheus did nothing, spending a great time thinking. With his hand he took out his cell phone and activated it. "Find me an exit," he ordered.


For a long moment no one said anything in the dining hall as Morpheus explained what happened.

"What are we going to do?" Trinity asked.

Morpheus looked up. "We're going back to Zion," he said. "Tank, set a course."

Tank nodded. "Already on it." He looked between Morpheus and Trinity. "Neo, do you want to give me a hand?"

Neo stared at him for a moment. "Sure," he said, and followed.

Morpheus turned away and looked at the wall.

"Are you all right?" Trinity asked softly.

Morpheus sighed. "I lost half of my crew to these...machines. Now when I return I might be ridiculed, perhaps turned from the council." He looked up. "Yet...for once, everything I know feels right. And if everything I know feels right, then how can it not end right as well?"

Trinity stared at him, unsure of what to say.


The Nebuchadnezzar neared the fifth gate to Zion.

"This is the Nebuchadnezzar approaching, requesting landing instructions," Tank said.

"Nebuchadnezzar, you are cleared to enter gate five," a female's voice replied promptly. "Power down all systems upon entering the landing bay."

"Acknowledged, Control. Standing by."

The massive iron gates opened slowly. Neo, Trinity and Morpheus stood on the bridge. Neo stared in wonderment as the hovercraft entered the city.

Trinity glanced at him. "Not what you expected?"

"I just didn't thinkit would be so dependant on machinery," Neo replied.

"It's the only way we can survive," Trinity said, looking back at the city.

The ship landed with a small thud.

"Powering down all systems," Tank said. Instantly the lights plunged out.

"Neo. Trinity. Come with me," Morpheus said, and headed for the landing bay.


The trio waited as the landing ramp lowered. Not surprisingly, there were people waiting for them. Five of them.

"Captain Morpheus," the first one said, folding his arms. "So you survived. Again." Without waiting for a reply, the man added, "the council is gathering. They'verequested your presence. Be sure to attend."

Neo gave Trinity a startled look.

"Morpheus has spent his entire life in the Matrix searching for the One, and none of those times were under the council's orders," Trinity supplied quietly. "Most agree that he's spent more times in the matrix then anyone, and faced more agents. He rarely comes to Zion."

"Does he always get a reception committee when he does?" Neo asked.

Trinity smiled but said nothing.

Morpheus nodded. "This won't take long," he said off-handidly to Neo and Trinity. He walked away.

Once Morpheus was gone the man's face brightened considerably and he stepped up the ramp. "Trinity. It's good to see you again."

"Hello, Jason," Trinity greeted.

"And you must be Neo," Jason said, grasping his hand. "I'm sorry that you had to get mixed up in all of this, as you are undoubtably aware of the situation. Regardless, it's always a cause for celebration when another one of us is freed. Our numbers are always too few."

"It's good to be here," Neo replied cautiously.

"I'll have someone show you around the place," Jason said. "You'll soon discover that it's not quite as hospitable as the Matrixbut it's our home. Perhaps yours as well. AhGozer, would you mind-" He asked a man wielding a plate of machinery to another ship.

The man removed his masked and stared at all three of them. "No. No problem," he said slowly. He wiped sweat off his brow and glanced at Neo. "Come with me."

Neo stared to follow.

"See you soon," Trinity said, but her smile was frozen as she stared at Jason.

Jason clasped his hands behind his back and looked down. "Iah, heard you sustained casualties on your trip here. I've informed the families, and they should be here to pick up the bodies." Jason turned away and shook his head. "Shame they had to die needlessly."

Trinity dropped her pack at her feet. "Excuse me?" she asked coldly.

Jason snorted. "You know how I feel, Trinity."

"Morpheus is not insane," Trinity said quietly.

"Perhaps. The issue of his latest choices will be dealt with in the council. I will be attending there shortly to voice my opinions. If I were you, Trinity, I wouldn't be surprised when you find a new Captain the next morning." He walked away, his footsteps echoing against the metal ground.

Releasing a deep breath, Trinity stared at nothing for a moment.


The massive council doors opened as an escourt led Morpheus inside.

"So. The great Morpehus returns," a voice rang out throughout the hall. Morpehus walked down the rows of empty benches to where the council was sitting. There were six of them, gathered at a stone table. At the head was Osirus, the leader of Zion. "To grace us with his prescense," Osirus continued.

Morpheus nodded slightly, seemingly unbothered. "Council members."

Osirus cleared his throat. His hand brushed through six folders that were on the table. "We were shifting through the details of your report, and you'll forgive me if things have become a little unclear."

"Such as?" Morpehus asked.

The leader raised his hands. "Where to begin? Your unauthorized use of the Matrixagain, for example. Putting your crew at constant risk, releasing a mind far beyound the recomended age, the loss of five members of your crew, one of which supposidly betrayed your crew while negotiating a deal with the agent programs, your own alledged capture by the agents which I seriously doubtis that enough to start, Morpehus?"

"Council members, all the information you see is what happened. I trust I was not asked here to dispute it."

"Thanks to you, word has already spread throughout Zion about.your beliefs. It's causing a massive panic. Zion is dividing in half about whether they believe you or not. I'm sure that we all agree that order must be restored at all costs," Osirus said. "Which is why your report is a good place to start. It is a highly dubious read."

"Would you care to give me an example?" Morpheus asked.

"For starters, agents never take prisoners," a female's voice ran out. "Nor do they negotiate with humans. They live only to kill." She stared thoughtfully at Morpheus. "How do you explain that, Captain?"

"The machines wanted codes to Zion's mainframe computer."

"And did you give them these codes, Captain?" Another council member asked.

Morpheus stared at them. "If they did, then you would know."

"You were drugged, weren't you?" the female asked.

Morpheus said nothing for a moment. "I was. For a time."

"So what did happen?" the female asked with a significant glance at Osirus.

"I was rescued before any information was retrieved," Morpheus said evenly.

"By Neo," the female supplied.

"Ah, yes," Osirus said with a hint of desdain. "Neo." The leader of Zion moved a folder. "All right, let's talk about the hotel for a moment. By your accounts, Neo was shot five or six times in the chest, flatlined, miraculously sprang back to life, stopped bullets mentally fired again by the agents, and finally destroyed one agent."

A pause.

"Yes," Morpehus said simply.

"Goddamit!" Osirus' temper snapped. "Morpehus, do you have any idea how that sounds!? I'm trying to offer you a chance out of this and you're giving me none!"

"What I'm telling you is the truth," Morpheus replied. "I have seen Neo do the impossible, and more. There is no doubt in my mind that he is the One."

Osirus waved that away impatiently. "You saw it on a computer screen that was attacked by Sentinals at the time!"

Before Morpheus could reply the doors entered, and Jason entered and bowed his head. "My apologies for being late, councilers. I was inspecting the damage from the Nebuchadnezzar. They have suffered a massive sentinal attackand many casualties."

"Your recommondations, commander?" the female asked.

Jason glanced at Morpheus. "I recommend that the ship be decomissioned, and that Morpheus be stripped of his Captainacy. He is unfit to command."

Morpheus looked up, almost without interest. Inwardly he was surprised. Jason and himself had never been the best of friends, but he never thought that he would resort to this. And, he was appalled at how badly this had gotten already.

"I assume you disagree with that asessment, Morpheus?" Osirus said lazily.

Morpheus bowed his head a slight fraction of an ince. "Of course. Council members, I did not come here to dissect events that have already happened. They've happened. You may choose to believe me, or you may not. The choice does not matter."

"I urge the council to consider that no one has lost more crew members then Captain Morpheus in his search for his beliefs!" Jason snapped.

"And that search is now over," Morpheus continued calmly. "There is a prophecy. A prophecy which states that both Zion and the Matrix will be cloaked in darkness, that all hope will seem to leave humankind. That the machines will rule. But in that prophecy, there will be one person, one selected human being that in the critical hour, will deliver us from that darkness, save Zion, and end the war forever. I believe in that prophecy. I believe it with everything I have."

"I wasn't aware that Zion needed saving, Morpehus," Osirus said acidly.

Morpehus looked up at him. "But maybe it does." He stepped forewards, amongst the angry mutterings of the council. "Council-menbers, for my entire life I have searched for the answers to the matrix, but not just that. I saught answers to what my own purpose was in life. And I have found them all. Perhaps a way to save humanity forever. Now instead of finding rejoicing, I find a inquisition. An attempt to discredit me for what I've done. For things Neo can do."

"Please," Osirus snarled. "In your lifetime nine people you brought before us, Morpheus, claiminmg that they might be 'the one. One of them, Cypher, murdered four of your crewmates. You'll forgive us if we're a little skeptical." Osirus folded his hands. "I don't blame Neo for this, Morpheus. He is merely an innocent caught up in all of this. I do, however, think your opinion of him is a little off-centered."

"Once you can see what he can acomplish, Senator, then there will be no doubt in you mind that my opinion is valid."


Yellow goo dripped from the tip of the faucet.

Neo stared at it bleakly. It was nice to know that the food quality hadn't increased much in Zion. He took his tray and sat down at one of the main dining tables. He started to dig into it with a fork, then slowly looked up. Around him he saw people hastily return to their food. Reluctantly he tried to eat.

"You like it?" A voice said above him. He glanced up, and saw a tall and skinny. It was Gozer, the man that had taken him on a brief tour of Zion. "My family and I managed to salvage some spices, some basil and rosemary. It's not much, but it adds to the taste."

"It's...very nice," Neo lied. "Thank you."

Gozer sat down opposite him. "I'm one of Zion's operators into the matrix."

Neo took his hand. "I'm-"

"You're Neo," Gozer added. "I know. Everyone's talking about you. You're the new hype."

Neo looked down. "Thanks," he muttered. "Coming into Zion wasn't-"

"-wasn't exactly what you expected?" Gozer added. "I know, believe me I do. People..looking at you all the time." He looked away. "There was a time when people thought I was the One."

Neo stared at him, intrigued.

"I could do moves in the Matrix like no one else could...swinging left and right...mind you, I couldn't fly...but people thought I was special," he added.

"Then what happened?" Neo asked.

Gozer stared right at him. "Some agents caught me, had me off guard. Shot my body full of holes. I thought for sure I was dead...but my Captain, he was one clever son of a bitch. He russessitated my body until I snapped out of it. But ever since...I've been afraid to enter the Matrix. You know, in case my body's still dead back there. I find that an operator's life is much easier." Gozer leaned closer. "If there's one thing worse then being the One, it's knowing that you aren't the One. Take my word for it."

Neo couldn't think of a reply.

Gozer looked quickly left and right. "Listen...I believe you're the one. But not everyone thinks that way around here. Some people think you're way too dangerous for your own good. Others are just sick of losing hope. You're going to need help before the end. I hope you find it."

And with that, he left.

Neo stared at him, astonished.


For several minutes the council members conferred among themselves. Morpehus waited patiently.

Finally, they stopped. "The council is agreed, Morpheus, not to remove your status as Captain from the Nebuchadnezzar as was suggested. We are also agreed that at the time, you acted under the worst conditions with the best intentions."

Morpheus nodded his head. "Thank you," he said, and turned to leave.

"However...." the councilman continued.

Morpehus turned around.

"The council asks you to relienquish the One."

Morpheus stepped closer, and looked at each of them in turn. "Why?"

Osirus raised an eyebrow. "Obviously, if this Neo is the one as you say, then he will have to be secure. He will be much safer in Zion then on the Nebuchadnezzar." He turned slightly, as though that were the end of the conversation.

But Morpehus wasn't going to let it be. "Osirus, Neo is more then just my representation of hope for this city. He is also a member of my crew and as I'm sure you are all aware of, it is the Captain's authority and no one elses to decide the responsability of all crewmembers. Especially their comings and goings."

"You're overruled in this case, Morpehus." Osirus was already packing up. "Have Neo report to the council in the morning."

"No one can overrule that law," Morpehus pointed out. "Not even the council."

"The matter is decided, Morpheus! Neo's contract as one of your crew is terminated, your authority over him voided. The council has decided." Osirus straightened. "Failure to comply with this order will bemost severe."

Morpehus tried to reason. "Council members, it is my belief that Neo can do more under my command for the Matrix on the Nebuchadnezzar then Zion control. You must see that."

"The ship could be blown up or be dead in the water. How then, will Zion be served by the One? Tell me that, Morpheus," Osirus ordered.

A pause. "'Served by the One'," Morpheus noted, half in astonishment. "A peculiar choice of words."

"Careful, Captain," one of the councilman warned. "You're treading dangerous territory. One would think that you want the One all for yourselffor the attention."

Forced laughter from the council. Morpheus glanced at them, realizing how bad this rapidly was getting. But then, did he really expect anything else?

"You have nothing to fear, Morpheus," the female reasurred. "Neo needs time to adjust to his new surrounding, and that would best served here in Zionwith fellow humans. With us here."

"Perhaps you are right," Morpehus said. "But unfortunately, I have not found anyone here that I would trust with such an assignment." He nodded. "Good-bye, council members."

"Morpheus," the man warned. "If you leave now those steps might be your last you take here."

Morpheus continued to walk.

"I'm sure none of us would want you to end up like your friend Decipher. Would you?" Osirus said slowly.

Morpheus stopped. He turned around.

The council of Zion stared at him without expression. "Perhaps you didn't know. Captain Decipher had an unfortunate accident. He didn't know how to watch his step," Osirus said. "If you leave these chambers, Captain, you will never have a home in Zion. Nor will your crew. Ever again."


"Leaving?" Trinity echoed. She blinked. " can't. We need you now, more then ever."

On the Nebuchadnezzar people were slowing lifting out the bodies covered with a white sheet. Apoc, Switch, and....(Trinity's heart clenched with pain) Mouser. He was so young. His sobbing mother and father were slowly leading him out with a stretcher. Her gaze shifted back to Tank.

"I'm sorry, Trinity," Tank said. "It isn't a easy choice-believe me! But it's what I have to do."

"Why?" Trinity asked flatly. "Is it because you don't think Neo is the One? If you do, you can tell me."

Tank was lost in thought. He sighed. "It's not that, Trinity. Neo is going to change the world. I know it. But he's going to need help. A lot of help. I know that too. I want to do that. I can be part of history. I can change the fate of Zion if I try hard enough." He looked down. "But...every time I look at Dozzer, it all means nothing. Not a goddamn thing." He shook his head. "I have to bring his body back, Trin. And...maybe then I can start over."

Trinity looked down. "I guess I can understand that," she said. "I have to, right?"

He gripped her raven-black head with his torn gloved hands. "Trinity, you are the most beautiful woman I've ever met," he said. He hugged her. "Take care of both of them for me. They'll need you."

Trinity closed her eyes, and gripped back just as hard. "All right."

Tank broke off the embrace, looking away. He stared at her one more time, and nodded silently.

And with that, he headed off the ramp and out of Trinity's life.


A fist banged against the red metal door.

From his new and relatively empty quarters Neo looked up. He turned the heavy wheel and opened the door.

Gozer stood in front of him. "The council has finished its session. They want to see what you're able to do in the matrix. Come with me."

Neo looked past him. In Zion time, it was close to midnight. The adjacent hallways were empty. "Now?" he asked.

Gozer smiled a little. "Now's the best time."

Neo stared at him, indesisive. "All right," he finally said.


Morpheus stepped forewards. The air was deathly cold around him. "All my life I know I have acted against the wishes of the council," he said. "But what I've done, I've tried to do the best for Zion. If that involves leaving here at this very moment, then I will."

"Do that, and your ship will be impounded and your crew incarcerated," Osirus replied coldly. "Is that what you really want?"

Morpheus stared at all of them. "Consider this-after so many years I have found the One. A person who might very well be able to end this war. All of you are trying to stop me. To my knowledge there is only one similar group that would do anything to achieve this goal-the machines."

He slowly walked backwards, turned, and left the council chamber.

And broke into a run.


It was dark and cold inside the operator's room, the only illumination coming from the computer feed of the matrix from various screens. Neo looked around, and saw only empty chairs. "Aren't thereusually more people here?"


Gozer's blue eyes glanced up sharply from the operator's chair. "This is a spare operator's room. It's used mostly for training. I've started to download a few simple programs. Shouldn't be too challenging for you."

A little hesitantly, Neo sat down in the blue chair. Gozer had stood and he plugged the interface into Neo's head. "Once you get settled, I'll load up a weapons target scenario," he said. "Justhold still for a moment."

He went back to the operator's chair and began to type. Neo closed his eyes as the program of the construct filled the darkness.

In the real world, Gozer stared at Neo one final time. "Sorry, Neo," he said, and pushed a final button. "This is the way it has to be."

Another program intercepted the construct. Neo's head jerked a little. His grip on the armchair tightened.


Trinity waited as Morpehus walked quickly up the ramp and onto the ship. "What happened?" she asked.

"We're leaving," Morpheus snapped, hitting a switch that lifted up the ramp. He activated the com. "Tank, power up."

"He's gone," Trinity said quietly.

Morpheus went straight for the bridge. He sat down in the operator's chair. It was almost pitch-black.

Trinity sat in the co-seat, contemplating for a moment how empty the ship felt. Morpehus and Neo were the only crew she had now. "What happened back there?"

Morpehus said nothing for a moment. "All my life, I've believedbut I never imagine my beliefs would drive me to this." With a inward sigh he pushed a few buttons. "Bringing the ship up to full powerwhere's Neo?"

Trinity blinked. "Isn't he with you?"

Morpehus said nothing for a moment, and both of them shared a look. Both of them ran to the supply locker to get guns.


When Neo opened his eyes, he was standing in a run-down subway station, not unlike the one he had faced against Agent Smith only a day ago. He was dressed, as usual, in a black trenchcoat and sunglasses. He looked to the left and right, puzzled. This didn't feel like the construct. A train flew past him. Neo stepped closer. On it he could see people. No, this was the Matrix.

He heard the almost-silent sound of a low whistle and moved his head as he made time slow around him. Bullets exploded past his head into the concrete pillar. Neo instinctively went behind the pillar. He turned his head slightly.

Two Agents were approaching toward him, both of them armed. A quick search told him that he had no weapons.

No chance of escape.


Osirus was walking rapidly down the hall, taking in a radio. "Close the loading bay doors and assemble the 'bots. Under no circumstances allow the Nebuchadnezzar to leave!" He stopped. "What in the hell?"

He had glanced through a door he had past, and had seen Neo in a chair. He entered, and stared both at the comatose Neo and Gozer. "What exactly is going on here? Why is Neo in the Matrix?"

"I thought that's what you wanted, sir," Gozer said, beads of sweat forming on his forehead.

"What? That's impossible! I didn't authorize this!" Osirus barked.

Gozer's blue eyes slowly looked down and to the left, where a gun was lying on the floor.

"Get him out of the matrix. Get him out right now!" Osirus ordered, turning back to the computer screen.

Gozer dived out of the chair for the gun and he lifted it. He fired. It discharged blue electricity right at the council leader, who flew backwards, hitting various piles of equipment. He was dead before he hit the ground.

Alarms sounded around him.


The concrete plaster exploded next to Neo's head as the agents opened fire. One had normal handguns, the other a pair of uzies. Currently the one with handguns was circling around, trying to flank Neo while he was unprepared.

But though Neo had no weapons, he was far from defenseless.

Neo turned away from the pillar as the agent's uzis opened fire again. Neo lifted his hand as he ran towards him, and the multiple bullets approached as though in slow motion and bounced away. Neo kicked away the uzies from the agent and in the next moment kicked him in the chest. The agent stepped backwards, his face etched in a sneer. Quickly he lunged at Neo. Moving so fast that his hands were a literal blur to the agent, Neo delivered two hits to the agent's head, blocked one blow, and tossed him up into the air. The agent slammed into the concrete pillar and lay still.

The seond agent with the handguns opened fired. Neo ducked and rolled, grabbing the uzies from the ground as he did so. In one, smooth motion, Neo turned and climbed up the wall, twisiting as he flew upwards into the air and firing the uzies.

The agent immediately shimmered to avoid them, but wasn't fast enough. One of the bullets caught him in the shoulder. As Neo's feet landed on the floor he continued firing relentlessly. Bullets exploded through the agent's chest and he stumbled backwards, the code in his body already changing into a police officer before he hit the wall and fell to the ground.

Neo looked around, and, seeing no more resistance, put the uzies away in his trenchcoat. Now to figure out what was happening.

As another train flew past him, Neo searched and found a cell phone in his possession. Flicking it open, he headed towards the upper stairwell and dialed the number for the Nebuchadnezzar.

He received a constant dialtone. Neo considered for a moment, then turned it off and put it back into his coat. He suddenly paused. He tilted his head slighlty, and whirled around, the uzies raised.

Six guns were pointed at point-blank range to his left and right. And, he could tell, humans were pointing them at him.

One of them, a kid that was no more then sixteen years old, stared at Neo with open disbelief. "I've never seen a human stand up to one of those things-"

"Quiet," the leader snapped, a man with considerable bulk. "I apologize, Neo. The meeting place was supposed to be secure. We had no idea that agents would intercept the signal."

"And who exactly are you?" Neo asked coldly.

The leader shook his head. "Right now, all I can tell you is that we're your friends, Neo."

His guns never wavered. "I've known humans that work for machines," Neo said.

The man nodded. "Yes. And that's exactly why we're here."

Neo considered, then slowly lifted the uzies. Two people hesitantly took them from him.

The leader nodded. "Come with me." He walked up the stairwell.

Neo followed, the weapons trained on him.


Morpheus and Trinity hurried to the weapons supply locker. Morpheus lifted a heavy weapon and handed it to Trinity. "Set it to maximum field capacity."

"These are our own people we're fighting," Trinity mentioned.

Morpehus looked at her, then charged up the gun. Inwardly though, he was torn up with anguish. He wasn't so blind as to not know how unpopular he had become in Zion, but he expected at least some people to understandto believe. The council meeting had gone wrong-so terribly wrong, and now everything Morpheus worked for was rapidly falling apart. Though he kept it will hidden, he hated the machines with an uglyness that would have surprised Trinity and even Neo. Butto go up against fellow humans? Silently he prayed that they would run into no resistance while finding Neo. It was lock-down time in Zion and there should be no reason for anyone to be out.

But what if there was?

Morpheus' face became firm. This was the last thing he wanted to do. But the council had now made this into a war, and Morpheus had no doubt in his mind that Neo was in trouble.


It was past midnight in the realm of the Matrix world.

Neo was escourted through several side-streets and down a narrow stairwell, the guns still trained around him. In front of him the leader, whose name was Leo, stopped at a closed door. "This is it," he said.

"What is this place?" Neo asked.

"Our home. It's where we hide from them," Leo replied.

"From who?"

"Zion." With a key Leo unlocked the door. He pushed it open, motioning Neo to enter. He did so. It was an underground bunker that had a fuzzy television and several sofas. As soon as he entered at least ten people stopped taling and stared openly at him. Neo's attention caught a man sitting by a table at the far corner of the room. His body was hidden by shadow.

With his gun Leo gestured Neo to go closer, and he did so. Even with his sunglasses Neo knew who it was. He could see the familiar dress pants, the white shirt and tie, and the cold, caculating expression underneathe his sunglasses. It was an agent.

"Hello, Mr.Anderson," the agent began pleasently.

"Who are you?" Neo demanded.

The agent smiled a little at the question. "I suppose you could call me Agent Jones. That was my program designation, at any rate, when the machine world created me. Please, have a seat." He gestured to the empty chair.

Neo didn't take it.

"I can understand your reluctance. I am now an exile from that system. In truth I am now a program masquerading as an agent of the matrix. Through other agents I learn thousands of communications. If and when the machine world discovers my true purpose, I will be deleated. But like most agents of this program I was given basic human drives and desires. I will not allow this."

"Why did you bring me here?" Neo demanded.

The agent siged a little. "We are fighting a war on two fronts, Mr. Anderson, as you must surely be starting to be aware of. Though I doubt you know the full meaning of our struggle against Zion. Most of the people here, are exiles of that said world, just as I am an exile of the machine mainframe. But whereas I choose not to go back, they cannot go back, no matter how much they wish to."

Neo took his first real look around. A mother with a tank-top was combing her daughter's hair silently. Men who stood around Neo, with the exception of Leo, looked very dishivelled and half-starved.

The agent smiled dryly. "Morpheus is not the first to be banished from Zion."

Neo frowned. "What makes you think that?"

"Through Gozer," Agent Jones replied. "It is through him that most of our transactions of Zion takes place. Let's just say that the meeting with your Captain did not go quite as planned."


"He's not in his quarters," Trinity reported, closing the door. She looked up. "Where could he be?"

Morpheus sighed inwardly. This was going to be a lot more difficult then he had hoped. "Come on."

They both turned and headed down the ramp.

A voice called behind them. "Wait, Morpheus."

Morpheus turned around. Because the lights were turned off, it was virtually impossible to see who it was. By instinct Trinity leveled the gun. Morpheus stopped her with a calm hand. "Wait. It's Alex."

A tall man with brown hair and a torn blue sweater stepped out of the shadows. "You shouldn't be here. They're sending APU bots to your ship."

"Who is this?" Trinity demanded.

"Iwas the first officer under the command of Captain Decipher," Alex said.

"I'm sorry for your loss," Morpheus said. "Where is the rest of your crew?"

"They fled out of Zion by ship. I don't know where they are now," Alex said. "We both stayed behind to try to warn you."

"Why couldn't you have contacted us on the ship?" Morpheus asked.

Alex shook his head. "Someone, I'm not sure who, has been sending codes to the sentinals, relaying the location of secure hardlines. They've destroyed most locations over the past two months. Zion control was the only place for us to get a clear signal to warn you. Obviously, we payed a heavy price." He swallowed. "Captain Decipher was the best captain I ever had. Now he's somewhere down a garbage chute."

"What exactly has been happening here, Commander?" Morpheus demanded.

Alex sighed. "Corruption that goes so far thatI'm not even sure where it goes. All I can say for certain is that Zion stands on the brink of destruction. You've seen some of that for yourself. Several crews have scattered from Zion, where they can't be found."

"Because of the council?" Trinity asked.

"It starts with the council. But it doesn't end with them," Alex replied. "Morpheus, you should leave here with the rest."

"First, we have to find Neo," Morpheus said.

"They took him away a few hours ago," Alex said.

"Do you know where?" Trinity asked.

For a moment Alex was silent in thought. "Training exercises, I think."

"Then he would in the main Zion control tower," Morpheus said.

"No," Alex shook his head. "Not possible. There are no ships currently scheduled back to Zion. Most of the tower's control functions would be turned off now." He pointed. "Try the secondary operations room."

Trinity was immediately on the move. Morpheus paused a moment. "Thank you."

Alex gripped his arm tightly. "Morpheus, please be careful. And trust no one. I'll try to contact you again when you're out of Zion."

"You could leave with us," Morpheus pointed out.

Alex smiled, a little sadly. "This is still my home," he replied.

Morpheus nodded and followed Trinity.


Agent Jones leaned back in his chair. "Zion is currently on the brink of destruction, Mr. Anderson. I am sorry that you had to see it in its final days. But soon the last human city will inevitably be destroyed."

Neo shook his head. "I can't believe that."

Leo spoke up for the first time. "This is humanity, Neo! Do you really think human drives for power and control are gone even in a wake of a war of machines?"

"The level of corruption goes far deeper then even you can possibly contemplate, Mr. Anderson," Agent Jones said. "We know that in twelve hours time, someone from Zion is going to send access codes of Zion's mainframe to the machine world. When that happens, Zion will be virtually defenseless."

Neo blinked. "What?"

"The machines will destroy it utterly, Mr. Anderson, and unfortunately there is nothing we can do to save it. At least, this way, the level of corruption will be stemed. Most of the people that are here right now are jacked in on ships far away from the city. When Zion is destroyed, it will be they that rebuild Zion. I know this isn't easy to accept, Mr. Anderson. It is, unfortunately, the only equation possible. But before that could happen, we had to get you out."

"And you're telling me this because....why? To warn me?" Neo demanded.

Agent Jones smiled a little. "Not to warn you, Mr. Anderson. To save you. Whatever happens in the upcoming revolution, the One must be protected at all cost." He looked up, rearranging his tie. "I too happen to believe in the prophecy."

Neo blinked. "I have to get back."

"I'm afriad that's impossible," Agent Jones said. "You can't leave. Not until this is over."

"And are you going to try to stop me?" Neo asked softly.

Everyone looked at each other uneasily.

"I don't have to," Agent Jones said calmly. "No matter what happens, Mr. Anderson, your life will be in constant danger in the real world. Which is why you must be disconnected from that world at all costs. Even as we speak, a program is being downloaded into your sub-conciousness, a program that I created."

In Zion, Gozer was typing quickly at the control panel, downloading the program into Neo as fast as humanly possible.

"When it is completed, your existance will be solely dependant upon the matrix, and also it will allow you to survive indefinately after your material body is destroyed, much in the same way the agents in this system are able to. You will undoubtably start to feel the effects in a few hours. I am sorry, but it is the only way to ensure that the people of Zion or anyone else will not be able to destroy you. And since your only special abilties are involved solely in the matrix, it is the place you truly belong."

For a moment Neo could only stare in horror. He did feel different! Looking down at himself, he could see the coding being rewritten in his body. He looked up. Agent Jones smiled slightly. Neo launched himself at Agent Jones. Instantly Leo grabbed him.

Neo had powerful abilities. If he wanted to, he could have thrown Leo across the room without a backwards glance. If things were particularily desperate he could have interfered with Leo's coding, killing or incompaitating. Yet, he discovered with growing horror, he couldn't do any of those things. He could barely fight back as Leo pinned his arm behind his back and launched him onto the small table. Neo tried to hit Leo with his other elbow. Leo blocked it easily. Neo launched himself backwards, and both of them hit the concrete floor. Beyound them Agent Jones calmly rearranged the table.

Both went back on their feet at the same time, but Leo had the advantage. Delivering a blow which knocked Neo half-senseless, he put one arm around Neo's neck and squeezed hard enough for Neo to give up fighting in favor of breathing.

With a sigh the agent opened a briefcase. "Your typical human response was also predicted in the equation, Mr. Anderson. Consequently the program temporarily dampens certain parts of your neural transmitters into the matrix, namely your abilities. It will do so until the program is compleate, of course. We will keep you here until then."

Desperately Neo continued to struggle.

"I'm very sorry, but it's the way it has to be, Mr. Anderson." He opened up his briefcase, lifting a needle and a vial and injecting clear liquid out of it. "As you can see I've spent considerable time factoring all probabilties into this scenario. And just to ensure that you don't cause unpredicted variables"

The needle injected into Neo's arm. Neo's eyes closed as the world suddenly grew dark.


Neo opened his eyes.

He was instantly aware of the fact that he was laying on a flat surface, possibly a bed. His hand was stretched out on his chest. Neo tried to move, and found that it was impossible to do so. He felt extremely dizzy and it was a struggle to stay awake. Nevertheless, he managed to turn his head and open his eyes a little.

His vision was so blurred that he could just see shadows on the edge of his perception. His hearing, however, wasn't too bad. "-whatever happens, you must not let the One get away. Do you understand?"

"-yes sir. I promise, I won't fail!"

Entirely against his will, Neo leaned back.

And slept.


Neo's eyes opened once more.

Things were instantly much clearer. He was in a large and mostly-empty room, probably used for storage. There were no windows and two metal doors. The kid that had escorted him before was sitting beside his bed and starring at Neo in disbelief. Apart from him, there was no one else. The kid had a shaven kid and tattered clothing. He was whispering to himself. "Are....are you real?"

Neo looked at him. "What?"

"Sorry. It's just.....I've never met a savior before," the kid said.

Neo didn't quite know how to respond to that. He looked down and found, without surprise, that he was chained to the bed. He jerked at the links experimentally but didn't think he could break them in his current condition. And just how much time has passed since he was asleep? A few hours? A few days?

The kid looked down, almost guiltily. "They say that once you feel better, you're going to be so angry that you're probably going to kill us. If that's true, then I prefer something simple. Quick decapitation, if that's okay with you."

A pause. Neo stared at him, then snorted. "I'm not going to kill you, kid. Who are you?"

"I..don't really have a name."

For a moment Neo wasn't sure he heard correctly and asked for the question to be repeated. He got the same answer. "I was orphaned when I was really young. I've been on my own ever since."

"You must have a name."

"I do....but you'd laugh," the kid swallowed. "Most people around here just call me kid. You can call me that." He was really hesitating now. "Do you have a name?"

"Neo," Neo said gently. "You're an exile too, I take it?"

"For at least three years now. All my life I knew that there was something wrong with the world. Something I couldn't explain. Until I met these people. That's how I knew about the matrix, about Zion. I've been here with the exiles ever since."

"Why don't you just jack out of the matrix?"

"I can't," the kid replied. "I mean, I know that this world isn't real and everything, but I never escaped it like everyone else did. I'm still plugged in. Apparently messages were sent to Zion but....well, I guess that no one wanted to bother with me. I mean, I'm nothing special. Not like you, Neo."

Neo resisted a powerful urge to groan. He managed to lift himself up a little and stare at the boy right in the eye. "Kid, a week ago I was no more special then you." He looked away. "Obviously I'm nothing special now."

"You understand why we did it.....don't you? I mean, you wouldn't want to stay otherwise. Here you'll be safe with us, Neo. I mean, you're the One. You have to stay!" The kid swallowed. "Ever since I heard about the prophecy I knew...I just knew it had to be real." He looked down, smiling a little. "I just thought that I would never get to meet you!"

Neo stared at him for a moment, not without some irritation. He had about enough hero-worship he could take. Everyone was so bent on protecting him-did it ever occur to them that he could do just fine on his own? Without the exiles he would certainly not be in this mess, or-

-or he would have been killed in Zion.

He had to give them that. It was with a slightly calmer attitude that Neo resumed the conversation. "But why help Zion? You don't even know what it looks like."

"I've heard stories about it. What it could be." The kid looked down again. "Did you ever get the feeling that you have to help do something, something important, even if you can't understand how or why, or even if it really exists? I have that feeling everyday. I can't explain it. But I know it has to be real. It's the feeling that led me here. To fight against the machines."

"And yet you're working for one," Neo pointed out.

"That's different. He's changed," the kid said.

Neo shook his head. "Programs can't change."


Inside of the alleyway, a black car pulled up alongside the curb. Three doors slowly opened.

Leo heard the metallic door knocking and stood warily, gripping an assault rifle. He opened the door slot and frowned as he peered at the newcomers. "What the hell-"

The next moment he flew backwards onto the concrete floor, a bullet hole in his forehead. The metallic door was suddenly being pummeled with extreme force.

"Agents!" someone screamed, standing up from the couch. "AGENTS!"

With a twist of metal the door broke apart.


The kid smiled. "I'd like to see it someday. Zion."

The lights around them flickered. The kid glanced up in puzzlement.

"Hey look, kid, I'm a little thirsty," Neo said. "Do you mind getting me some water?"

The kid almost jumped at the chance. "Sure, Neo!"

Neo waited until he was out of the room before focusing back on the chains. He struggled hopelessly and gritted his teeth in irritation. He had to get out of here! According to the coding in his body he was still partially uninfected, but he could the tendrils of green spreading through the glittering golden color of his aura, and if he didn't act fast-

Neo blinked. It was happening so naturally that he didn't realize it until now, but he could still see in matrix coding. He hadn't lost that ability yet. His gaze focused from his body to the locks around his wrists. The design wasn't perfect, he could see. There were cracks that had formed, pretty much invisible to the naked eye. But the chains were still strong enough to prevent Neo from breaking free. No help there.

Suddenly, Morpheus' voice came to him in his head, strong and calm. 'There was a man born into the matrix, a man who could change anything he wanted to. When he died, the Oracle prophesied his return. I did what I had to because...I believe that search was over.

Neo blinked at the memory. He had done it before, stopping bullets before they could reach him. But those had all been at an instinctual level. He never really deliberately tried to change the structure of an object before.

But how was it any harder? And hadn't he done it before, with the spoon?

Yes, Neo thought, but this was different. But how was it different? Self-doubt clouded his thinking. He knew why. It wasn't just that he still couldn't believe that this wasn't reality, oh no, it was because he still couldn't accept that he was the One. That he was something other then some guy. Having his powers stripped away really didn't help matters match. He had already lost his connection to the matrix, the feel that he could control it. Could he ever gain those powers back? Neo swallowed. What if he wasn't really the One, what if it was nothing more then a passing phase? What if he was really no more then Thomas A. Anderson? What if all this trouble, all the sacrifices people had made were for nothing? What if he failed? What if-

In the distance he heard a faucet being turn off.

Morpheus' voice in his mind again. 'Hurry, Neo....there isn't much time.'

Yeah. Easy for you to say," Neo whispered, but he focused on the cracks all the same. "I can't do this. It's impossible!" And, oh god, what if the virus had already stripped the ability to change the matrix away from him?

'The matrix is nothing more then a computer-simulated dreamworld, no different from a computer-'

'I'm not the One. Not anymore.'

'Then do what Thomas Anderson does best. Hacking the system.

The cracks grew.

Neo blinked away all the sweat out of his eyes. Already he felt exhausted, but kept trying. He could beat the system. Maybe being Thomas Anderson was enough for now.

With a grunt of effort he broke the lock on his wrist, then worked on the other.

And then he was free.

The kid walked back into the room, and saw only broken chains on the bed. In his shock he dropped the metal tray, which fell to the ground with a clatter. He spotted Neo at the end of the room, about to open a back-exit. "Neo, what are you doing!?" The kid's voice was pleading. "Neo, you have to stay!"

Neo paused, the door opened half-way. "Sorry."

The kid stepped forwards, outrage in his voice. "You can't do this!"

Neo raised his eyebrow. "Are you going to stop me?" And with that, he opened the door and walked out.

Silence in the room. The kid licked his dry lips. "Okay, stay calm. You just let the One get away. That could have well, anybody." A pause. "I've got to go after him! Neo!"


Trinity entered the secondary operations room, followed quickly by Morpheus. She spotted Gozer and lifted her gun.

"No," Gozer said, breathless with shock as he stood. "You'll spoil everything." He lifted his weapon.

Trinity didn't hesitate and squeezed the trigger. Gozer flew backwards, already incinerated. Trinity closed her eyes for a moment with slight regret, then looked around. Neo was sitting in a tattered chair. Unresponsive. "Oh no," Trinity whispered. She ran to his side. Neo was in the comatose sleep of the matrix. "How long has he been like this?"

"Five, maybe six hours," Morpheus replied, tapping the computer screen.

"We've got to get him out," Trinity said.


Neo opened the metal door and looked around. There was a stairwell which led upwards into a hall, and from there out it should lead out into the street. He encountered no resistance from the exiles, which in his current state was a very good thing. If he could reach the Nebuchadnezzar in time, he might have a chance to escape before the program infected his coding even more. He walked quickly up the stairwell.

And darted against the wall.

He felt the Agents before he saw them, and it was good to know that he hadn't lost that sense either. He chanced a peek against the corner. There were two of them. If he still had the power, he could have destroyed both in a heartbeat. But now he was plain and simple Thomas A. Anderson. And he had never felt so lost as he did now.

The Agents were talking in low, quiet voices. Against the wall Neo leaned forewards and strained to listen.

"-final sweep is underway. We will be ready for the transfer meeting."

"How long?"

"Two hours."

"And the exiles?"

"We almost have their locations."

A pause.

"Order the strike."

Breathing very hard, Neo heard the scrape of shoes as the Agents walked away from him and out the door. He turned his head to the right and saw the kid standing behind him. The kid had stayed very still. He was starring at nothing with something Neo hadn't expected-hatred and disguest. "That was one of them, wasn't it?"

Neo didn't respond until he was sure the Agents had gone. "Yes."

"Those things," the kid whispered. "They were here to kill you, Neo."

If only it were that easy. "They weren't here to kill me," He immediately resumed walking. "They were here to kill you."

The kid blinked, and hurried to join Neo. "What?"

"Someone from Zion must have tipped off your position," Neo explained. "More Agents will come."

"Well if that's true, then we've got to warn everyone else! We have to help them!"

Neo shook him off with an impatient gesture. "No offense, kid, but I'm not feeling entirely gracious towards people that want to kidnap me."

"No, Neo, stop!" Neo didn't. "Do you have any idea how many people are in the revolution!?" the kid demanded. "More then just what you saw!"

Neo stopped, closed his eyes, and sighed. "How many?"

The kid swallowed. "Thousands."

Neo glanced at him with a raised eyebrow. "There aren't enough people in Zion to cover that."

"Okay, so there are hundreds," the kid admitted.

Neo stared him down.

The kid's eyes lowered. "Twenty."

Neo sighed again and resumed walking.

" Neo....wait! Look I know you're mad at us, you have every right to be! But we did what we did because....we thought we were doing the right thing. We knew you were in Zion. We knew what had happened to Captain Decipher. Okay, so maybe we screwed up and I can't blame you if you want to leave. But some of us...aren't like Mr. Jones and Leo. Some of them really want to change Zion, but they can't. Look at us, Neo! We don't want to live in the Matrix for the rest of our life! We want a home....but where can we go if neither side will accept us?" He turned away. "But if you leave, then...I guess I was wrong. You aren't the One." Silently he turned and walked away slowly, with each step begging, please, Neo, please.

Neo turned around. "Let me just ask one question-do you know when this virus inside of me is finished?"

The kid blinked. "Since the time it started....eight hours."

A pause. "How long as it been now?"


Five hours since the virus had started. Two hours until Zion was destroyed. And for the exiles, no time at all.

Neo looked up and sighed inwardly. The kid was right. Like it or not, he had a revolution on his hands. And if it had any chance of succeeding, then it would be up to him to protect it.


The kid opened the metal door which led to the back of the entrance to the bunker. Neo remembered the place all to well. Only this time it was dark and felt virtually empty. The kid stepped forewards.

"Where are they?" he whispered. "I know they were here, they're always here." A pause. "Why aren't they here now?"

Neo, who knew the truth already, looked away. "We should get going," he said.

The kid's eyes peered through the darkness. And made out a body. "Leo?" he whispered, and rushed to his side. "Commander Leo? Are you-" He turned the man's head slowly. And saw the bullet hole there. The kid said nothing for a long moment. "There's more, isn't there?"

"Yes," Neo said softly.

"I don't...wanna look," the kid said softly.

Neo didn't blame them. "We need to get moving, the Agents are probably nearby."

The kid looked up at him. "I don't suppose you could....bring them back?"

Neo shook his head sadly. "I can't do that."

The kid said nothing for the longest time. Then his face became firm and he stood. "We have to warn the others."

"Others?" Neo asked.

"Yes! We had others in different locations. A beta site, a gamma site, a-" the kid broke off and looked away. "We have to warn them before it's too late."


Seven safeties were pulled back as Neo opened the dripping grate and climbed down the ladder. Trying to appear as calm as possible, Neo stepped off the last rung and turned around. He had ditched his trench coat along the way in favor of more maneuverability, and was still dressed in black pants and a black shirt. Two guns were strapped to his legs which he had stolen off one of the bodies.

There were eight people in the room, but the obviously leader, an elderly man who had been starring at maps on the table had finally turned around. "Who the hell are you?" he demanded.

"This is Neo, sir," the kid quickly replied, jumping off the ladder.

"Is that right? I had heard what had happened at the Alpha site. Are you here to kill us, young man?"

"Who are you?" Neo asked, truly interested.

"My name is Harmann. I was a general in Zion. Or at least, I was, until my ideas for the council became too radical." He looked away angrily, then stared up at Neo with quiet dignity. "Now this is my home. Since I spent most of my life here, I was in no hurry to return to it. Obviously I now have no choice in the matter."

"I'm sorry to hear that, sir," Neo said.

"I had friends there. And family. But now all of that might be destroyed in just a few hours." He turned back to the table. "I have no intention of allowing that to happen if I can help it." A pause. "You should know, young man, that I don't believe in the One. Not even remotely." Harmann straightened as he stared at Neo. "It's been my experience that miracles simply don't happen. Not anymore."

"Believe what you want, sir, the fact remains that Agents have discovered your position. They're moving to attack," Neo said.

That made Harmann blink. He glanced at the kid.

"It's the truth, sir, I swear it!" the kid replied.

The man's face paled a little. "How long do we exactly have?"

"Anytime from now," Neo said.

"Jesus," Harmann whispered. He turned back to the table, all business-like. "All right," he said, addressing the group. "We split up. Tell everyone here to go to different safe points. We wait there until eight hours. By then, it shouldn't matter what happens. Neo, I'm under the impression that you're with us?"

"I wouldn't be doing this if I wasn't," Neo said. "Whatever happens, I can understand your reasoning. If you're going to be the last inhabitants of Zion, then it has to be my turn to protect you."

"Follow the kid to a safe point. I'll meet up with you there after I have determined that we're all secure," Harmann said. He glanced around at everyone else. "There isn't much time, so let's get moving!" he roared.

The rest scrambled to obey.


Everyone in the bunker was in a frenzy, retrieving their gear and backpacks from various lockers. Personal possessions.

Everyone except Neo.

Neo sat alone on the lower bunk in one of the empty quarters. Once again he looked down at himself. The green light had nearly entwined itself with the golden coding. If Agent Jones was right, he would regain his power soon.

But when that happened, he would never be able to leave.

Neo took a deep breath. Whatever the cost, he knew he had made the right decision. But the cost was almost too great to bear.

Like Trinity.

He wondered bleakly if he would ever see her again. If he would ever even be able to touch her again in the real world.

The lights plunged out all around him, a signal that it was time to leave. Neo lowered his head, despair coursing through his body.


Neo was the last to descend the ladder. He carefully closed the grating as he did so and joined the others at the sewer. For a moment, all everyone did was stare at each other.

Neo counted twelve. Twelve out of twenty. A lot better then he had even believed.

"All right. You all know what you're supposed to do. Good luck," Harmann said with a nod. All of them split off into different directions, Neo following the kid down the tunnel.


The kid opened a man-hole and hesitantly poked his head out. When he saw it was safe on the street he climbed out, Neo following close behind him. Dawn was still many hours away.When Neo stepped out onto the street he stopped.

The kid turned around. "Come on!"

Neo didn't reply. He was looking around. He was on a hilltop high enough to get a good view of most of the city. Despite all of his abilities taken, he still could actually see the coding of the matrix. He stared at the buildings carefully, one after another. Binary coding stretched out to him everywhere with green light.

He focused on one towering building in particular. It was being slowly transformed in all levels by the machine mainframe. It was being molded into something else. Automated defense drones were being created, as were guard posts. "This is it," Neo whispered. "That's where the meeting is taking place. Where they're going to receive the codes to Zion's mainframe."

"What?" the kid breathed, starring at the building as well.

"I have to stop it," Neo said.

The kid looked up, starring at the building. "It's suicide," he said. "Neo, without your power you don't have a chance!"

Neo glanced at him. "I have to try. Otherwise Zion will be destroyed."

"You'd do thatfor them?" the kid asked.

Neo said nothing. He had barely even seen Zion. Trinity once told him how much she wanted to show it to him. Maybe it could have been a home for him. Despite everything that he had heard, he had to believe that it could have been a place for him.

No, Neo corrected himself, might still be a place for him.

But was it worth living for? Was it worth dying for?

"Yes," Neo whispered. He looked down. "I can't ask you to come with me-"

"I'm not going to leave you," the kid said automatically.

Neo looked up, snorting with amusement in spite of himself. "It really is suicide."

The kid's face became firm. "Maybe. But with you we might have a chance."


The doors slowly opened.

Neo looked around. He was standing in a reception lobby. There were three security guards, one perched on a desk, the other two standing. One was holding a cup of coffee. Neo stepped through the metal detector and the alarm automatically went off. It strongly reminded him of when he had freed Morpheus.

From the desk the security guard looked up and noticed the guns strapped to Neo's legs. "Holy Jesus Christ," he whispered in horror.

The other guard had not noticed as he approached Neo. "You're not authorized to be in this building. Please vacate this area immediately or-"

Neo took out the guns and fired. Surprised, the security guard flew backwards. Never stopping, Neo continued to fire at one of the guards standing. He fell to the ground, the coffee spilling on his shirt and onto the floor. He didn't get up.

The third security guard had drawn his gun at Neo. "Freeze! Or I'll.shoot!"

The alarm went off again.

The kid ran into the room, lifting an assault rifle. Bellowing, he aimed at the guard and fired several multiple rounds. Gasping and clutching his chest, the kid finally stopped firing.

The dust cleared. The security stood, perfectly shaken yet unharmed. Bullet holes could be seen around and over him in the far wall.

The kid gave Neo a brief irritated glance, as though to say, 'Well I'm sorry. Some of us didn't have weapons training filed into our brains.'

Neo aimed his guns and fired. The security guard was down in a second.

They both entered the elevator, the kid bending down to a retrieve a shotgun from one of the fallen guards. Neo pushed the close button. "It's going to happen on the top floor of this building," he said. He pushed the button for the last floor, but it flicked off. "They must have sealed the elevator shaft." He tried all the buttons until the third-to-last worked. The elevator jerked and started to lift up.

For a moment neither of them said nothing, then Neo abruptly handed over his guns to the kid and took out his spares out of the hoisters. He started to check them.

"What's above us, Neo?" the kid asked.

"Cubicles. Offices," Neo replied.

"Are there any more cops?"

"On every floor," Neo replied. A pause. "And Agents."

The kid swallowed and looked down. "I guess this is it, then. The end. I didn't even get to see Zion."

"There's still time to back out," Neo replied.

The Kid shook his head. "No. I'm with you, Neo, all the way."

Neo stared at him for a moment, then nodded silently and put the spare weapons in his shoulder hoisters. He took the guns from the kid and aimed them at the silver doors.

Swallowed, the kid pumped up the shotgun once. And aimed.

The elevator shuddered to a stop. The doors opened.


The doors opened, and a security guard, who was in the process of eating a half-donut, stared stupidly at Neo and the kid for a moment. He blindly reached for his gun.

Neo fired his weapon. The security guard fell back to the carpet, dead.

Neo and the kid stepped through the door, which closed behind them. They were in a room filled with cubicles. At the far end of the room, close to a wooden door, were three more guards patrolling. They pointed at Neo, and took out their guns and began firing over the cubicle walls. Neo and the kid automatically broke off to the left and right.

The guards continued to fire, but their range wasn't too good. The cubicle walls broke apart with foam as Neo side-stepped to the right. He aimed his handguns at the nearest guard and squeezed off three shots. One was lucky and hit the man in the neck. Neo didn't have time to celebrate, however, as another guard aimed at Neo and fired his gun. Neo ducked and rolled. He straightened into a half-crouch, his back to a cubicle wall.

The same guard changed aimed and fired at the kid, forcing him out of the maze of cubicles to the far side of the room. To his left were nothing but massive windows. And at the very end of the hall was the third security guard. Biting his lip with grim determination, the kid stepped forewards, pumping his shotgun again and firing-

-and missed. The security guard was so startled that he dropped his guns. The kid stepped closer and aimed again. "Come on, kid, you can do this," he muttered to himself. He fired-

-and missed again. The window next to the guard shattered. The kid swore under his breath, but by this time, he was in striking distance of the guard. He jabbed the gun in the guard's gut and smashed him over the head as the guard doubled over.

At first, Neo couldn't hear anything at all. Then a slow, steady movement towards him. Neo's eyes narrowed and he ducked down against the floor. He lifted his handgun and fired two bullets into the guard's legs as they appeared. The guard cried out. Neo jumped up and smashed the gun against the guard's skull even as he was already falling backwards. When the guard was down Neo looked up.

Far across the hall the kid nodded to him. They both headed towards the door that would eventually lead them to the stairwell.


By this time, Morpheus had settled into the operator's chair and was rapidly typing. Trinity stood by Neo's side. She stared at the dead body of Osirus uncertainly, then back at Gozer. She wished she could understand what had happened. But right now, there wasn't any time. They had deadened the alarm but someone must have heard it by now. She stared back at the unconscious Neo, and gripped his cold hand. What was happening in there?

For the briefest of moments, there was a flicker in the matrix. "There!" Morpheus pointed. "We have matrix coordinates."

Trinity broke away from Neo to join Morpheus. "You found him?" she asked, glancing rapidly at the monitor as it homed in on Neo's position. She couldn't read the matrix feed as well as others, but from the look of things there was nothing but chaos happening.

"There's a secure exit nearby. I'm relaying the call," Morpheus said. A moment later they could hear the distant sound of ringing.


As Neo and the kid walked down the hall they could see up ahead, in a cubicle, a white phone on a desk ringing.

Neo stared at the phone for a long moment.

"What is it, Neo?" the kid asked.

"It's my people. They're trying to get me out," Neo said.

The phone rang again.

The kid swallowed. "Are yougoing to leave?"

A third time. Neo hesitantly picked up the phone in mid-ring. "No," he replied. He turned back to the kid. "Something's going on here, something I know I can change." A pause. "Even without my powers I know that I can finish this."

He gently put the phone back down in the receiver. He suddenly looked upwards and continued starring for a very long time.

"Neo?" the kid asked.

Neo shook his head. "I can't tell what's happening on the upper floor anymore. Too much of it has been changed. We have to hurry."

They proceeded down the hall towards the door. Beyound it was the stairwell. Suddenly Neo stopped dead in his tracks and put his hand to the kid's chest.

"What?" the kid asked, lowering his voice without knowing why.

"There's an agent beyound that door. He hasn't spotted us yet," Neo replied. His back tensed.

"Wedon't have a chance. We can't fight one of those things," the kid said.

Neo's eyes were cold. "I can."

The kid knew that he meant it, was too much of a risk! "Neowait. Is there another way around?"

Neo looked around. The coding around him did much more then tell him what was in front of his eyes. It was an almost virtual map of the entire building. "Yes. But we have to hurry."


In the real world Morpheus shook his head. "Nothing."

"So what now?" Trinity asked.

Morpehus didn't reply. He stepped out of the operator's chair to join Neo.

"Morpheus, we can't just sit here," Trinity said impatiently. "We have to do something."

Morpheus again said nothing. His hand strayed almost casually to the interface plug-in in the back of Neo's head, tightened, and with a jerk he took it out.

Instantly Neo's life-signs flatlined on the monitor.


Eagerly the kid led the way back when Neo suddenly stopped. The kid turned around. "Come on, Neo! We've got to hurry!"

"I don't-" Neo began, and his brown eyes suddenly became lifeless. His head jerked upwards, and he collapsed to the ground.

"NEO!" the kid screamed. He ran back and dived to the ground. He touched Neo almost hesitantly. "No," he whispered, shaking with disbelief. "It can't be real. It can't be-"

A hand clamped down on the back of his neck, and the next instant the kid was thrown backwards against the window. Mercifully the glass cracked but did not break, and the kid fell to the carpeted ground with a grunt of surprised pain.

The agent's hand touched the receiver attached to his ear. He glanced at the lifeless Neo.

The kid struggled to his feet. He knew what his chances were against an agent. Buthe had to try. He picked up Neo's fallen handgun and fired. The agent shimmered to the left and right and avoided the bullets easily.

The gun clicked empty. The kid looked up in horror.

The agent's open fist snapped against his face with almost enough force to snap his neck. The kid's head reeled to the left, blood spilling from his mouth. Before he had time to even remotely recover the agent grabbed him by his shoulders and threw him upwards.

The kid flew into a cubicle wall, knocking it over. He rebounded on a desk, and ended up crashed shoulder-first into a computer monitor.

Dazed, and bleeding, the kid looked up to see the agent headed towards Neo with a lowered gun. The kid's eyes widened with panic and he lurched off the desk and jumped onto the agent's back. "No! Don't touch him!"

The agent's elbow slammed against the kid's forehead. The kid fell to the ground, seeing only black spots. He blinked.

In one, swift movement, the agent aimed his gun at Neo and fired.

"NO!" the kid screamed.


After securing the people from the gamma sight, Harmann made his way to the location where Neo, the kid, and a few selected others were supposed to be. He opened the door to the abandoned bar and lifted his hands as three weapons were automatically raised.

"Sorry, sir," a man said, a little sheepish. "Just a little bit jumpy."

"I can imagine." Harmann looked around, and saw, with considerable surprise, that two were missing. He frowned. "Where's Neo?"

"He doesn't know," another man, whose name was Bane, spoke quietly in the background.

"Know what?" Harmann demanded.

The first man spoke. "Before they left, the kid sent us a message. He said that they had found the secret location to the conference of Zion's transfer codes. And that they were going to do everything they could to stop it."

Harmann glanced at both of them. "They went in. Without telling us. Without back-up."

"There's more. We received a communication from Alex." Briefly Bane described what was happening in the real world.

Hemann bent down. "Jesus H. Christ," he said. He straightened, his eyebrow raised. "If what you say is true, then Morpheus doesn't stand a chance."

The first man hesitated. "With all due respect sir.from the way he was talkingit didn't sound like the kid expected them to come back at all."


Trinity's fist exploded against the side of Morpheus' cheek.

Morpheus backed away. He glanced at the now-lifeless Neo, and automatically moved forewards.

Trinity used all of her momentum to shove Morpheus away. "NOOO!"

Morpheus was so surprised that he fell to the ground.

Trinity glanced sharply back at Neo, still not believing. Her trembling hand moved to touch him, and hesitated. Her head jerked back to Morpheus with profound hatred. Her eyes inadvertently went to the fallen weapon on the ground. She wanted more then anything to grab it, to protect Neo and herself from this sudden new enemy. She stepped forewards and snatched it off the ground.

Morpheus stood. "Trinity." Even now he was calm. "You have to trust me."

"You killed him," Trinity whispered. Her eyes were starting to water. Even though outwardly she appeared calm, inside she was boiling with rage. Neo meant everything, and Morpheus had killed that-

; .; ; .; ; .; ; .; ; .; ; .; ; .; ; .; ;"No I haven't," Morpheus said, and hesitated. "At least, not yet. But if we don't act fast, then Neo won't have much time."

A hole suddenly broke through the door, followed by a shower of constant sparks. A laser-torch. Trinity jumped slightly at the noise.

Morpheus turned back to face her. "Trinity. All these years you've followed my orders without question. I'm asking you-please, trust me now as you did before."

A long pause. Then, although Trinity's face did not change, she lowered the gun slightly.

Morpheus was instantly on the move. He activated Neo's monitor and pushed a few buttons. The chair lowered slightly. Morpheus bent down, removing Neo's feet locks. In one, smooth motion he lifted Neo up. "Come on!" he snapped at Trinity.

As he brushed past her Trinity released a deep, shuddering breath, tears running unchecked down her cheeks. She glanced in his direction.

She had to trust that Morpheus knew what he was doing.


Jason Locke was not in a happy mood.

He had been awoken by a fist to the door and barely had time to change into his uniform before a report was shoved into his hands.

"What the hell is happening? First the alarms started then they shut off," he noted, quickly glancing at the report. "Electrical disturbances? I thought that system was shut down for the night!"

The officer walking next to him answered, "It was sir, but we've been reading some unusual activity, as though someone had jacked in. Just recently it stopped."

Jason stopped at the scene. He immediately saw why they couldn't get in-the door had been welded shut, probably from a blast by a electro-gun. "Get this door open." As the others moved to comply he looked up. Well, he knew one thing-there was only one exit. Whoever had locked the door wasn't going to get out.

A few minutes later the door burst open. Jason stepped into the room. He smelled burning smoke and looked down. There were two bodies in the room. Dimly he heard behind him one of the men mutter, 'Oh Jesus Christ.' Jason crouched down and turned one of the bodies over.

It was Senator Osirus.

"Sir," someone called his attention. Jason looked down, and saw a grating that was partially left open.

Jason swallowed. "Lock down all gates in Zion. No one goes in or out." He turned and walked over to one of the chairs that had an active screen next to it. "Someone was in the matrix recently, and I want to know who."


Oblivious to Neo's plight, and oblivious to the fact that all hell was about to break loose exactly where he was standing in just a few moments, the solitary man was rehearsing next to the Nebecanezzar.

""-I know this is sudden. Believe me, I didn't expect this either! But I had made a promise to help you however possible and no, Morpheus isn't going to buy that." The man sighed and tried again. "Hi," he began hesitantly. "I understand that you're in need of another Operator for the Neba-shit, no that's not going to work." The man, whose name was Link, sighed and rested against the ship. It was cold and empty in the dockyard, empty except for a few other hovercrafts. Link by design was always nervous when talking to people, but he had heard a lot of things about Morpheus. He was apparently a very imposing figure, with eyes that could stare right down into your soul. And, he had some pretty radical beliefs.

Personally, Link believed that all the stuff about the One wasn't even remotely true. Hearing things about what Morpheus had doneLink was half-convinced that the man really was insane. But Link had made a promise. And he was determined to keep that promise no matter what.

Link looked up and touched the Nebecanezzar. He did like the ship, though. It had clearly suffered through a few hard-core battles and Link liked that in a hovercraft. The newer models just didn't work for him, and the Nebecanezzar was about as old as you can get-

He suddenly looked up at the sound of rapid footsteps. Figures were approaching in the darkness fast, figures he couldn't quite make out. "What in the hells-"

As they approached closer Link could make out a woman with short black hair, followed by a man with large bulk and dark skin, whom he assumed with Morpheus. The woman carried a heavy weapon, and the man had another person slung over his shoulders who was skinny and had a shaven head. He was apparently unconscious. "Hi. I'm-" Link began as Morpheus and Trinity ran right past him, activated the ramp, and went onto the ship.

"ButbutI was supposed to meetdidn't you get my message? I'm Tank's brother-" Hearing no response, he turned around, shaking his head.

Looking up, he could see that there were about twenty APU 'bots approaching.

"Oh shit!" he stammered, and ran up the ramp to join Morpheus and Trinity. "Hey, wait for me!"


"Powering all systems!" Trinity snarled, pumping a lever and pushing a button above her. Instantly the hovercraft sparked to life and started to push off from the ground, creating a shock wave that knocked one APU 'bot over. The other APU 'bots began firing.

Sitting down in the other seat, Link stared at what was happening in disbelief.

Trinity strapped herself in and glanced at Link for the first time. "You. Can you drive!?" she snapped.

Link stared at her. "Hell, yeah, I've been an operator for the past-"

"Good," Trinity said, and activated navigation.

"Whywhy are those thingsafter you" Link asked weakly.

Trinity didn't reply. As Morpheus brushed past them Trinity threw him a look that could have killed. "I hope you know what you're doing," she said in the darkness. "Because if not, then what is happening here will be the least of your worries."

Morpheus didn't stop to reply.

The ship suddenly trembled violently. Instantly Link went to the controls. "The APU bots are tearing through our hull like a tin can. We've be dead in less then a minute!"

Trinity didn't reply, but turned the ship around to face the

gate. It was already starting to close.

"We'll never make it," Link said quietly.

"The hell we won't," Trinity replied, and gunned the ship forewards. Below the APU bots were furiously firing their machine weapons at them. One bullet tore through the windshield, making Link jump. Trinity didn't even react. Link couldn't quite get over the fact that there were people in the APU 'bots that were firing at them! The ship was almost at the gate, but by this time it was already half-way closed. Trinity increased the speed. "Hold on," she ordered, and with no more warning then that she rammed the ship straight through. The ship tore through the gate in an explosion of fire. The ship started to shake and didn't seem able to stop. Link desperately held on to the controls. Trinity bit her lip and continued forewards.

The next minute, they broke through the gate. It shut behind them, the APU's fire still hitting them through a large hole made by the ship. A moment later and even that was gone.

Trinity allowed herself a small breath of relief. They were out of Zion. They were safe. Calmly she piloted through the welcoming dark tunnels.

Beside her Link bleakly wondered what he had gotten into.


The council had assembled.

"Despite our best efforts, the Nebecanezzar has escaped our city," Jason said. His head was bowed, so the Council couldn't see his sorrow. "We found two bodies in the secondary operational control room. An operator andI'm afraid that Senator Osirus was one of the casualties."

A collective look of horror. Only the woman appeared calm. "Your recommendations, Commander?" the female asked.

Jason lifted his head. "We have two hours until most of the city's population is even awake. I suggest that a suitable replacement for the Senator be found during that time. As for the Nebecanezzar..we currently have eight hovercrafts still docked in Zion. Nearly a third of our army. I highly recommend that they be sent to bring the Nebecanezzar back for questioning."

"Commander, you have our authorization to send all available ships to bring back the Nebecanezzar," the female said quietly.

Jason nodded and turned to leave.

"And if that is not possible, then to destroy it," the woman added.

Jason took in a deep breath, and continued on his way out


There were no straight answers Morpheus could have given Trinity.

Contrary to what most people believed, Morpheus knew very little when it came to Neo and his abilities. He could explain what Neo did no better then anyone else. But what Morpheus did have was faith. It was this faith which had led Morpheus to find Neo in the first place, and the same faith which told him to jump cheerfully in agent Smith's direct path to Neo, knowing that somehow, everything would be all right. And, it was this same faith which told him that if he disconnected Neo, that everything again would be all right, for no better reason then the fact that Neo was the One.

So Morpheus had done so.

But it was an act which still made him tremble with fear.

He reached the familiar and empty operational room. Morpheus quickly lowered Neo into one of the half-broken chairs. He plugged the interfaces quickly back into Neo and turned on the power. With shaking fingers, he activated the monitor next to Neo. Not surprising, it showed Neo with a flat-line. It had been three minutes since Neo had been unplugged from the Matrix. At least.

Morpheus moved to a cupboard and took out a packaged vial with clear, blue liquid. Morpheus opened the package and plugged the vial into one of Neo's arm holes. It was a formula which would jump-start his heart.

As he did so Morpheus looked up. "You've beaten death before, Neo," he said to the lifeless Neo. "I know you can do it again."


The agent took out his gun and aimed it at Neo.

The kid straightened into a sitting position. He could only watch with wordless horror.

The agent fired.

"NO!" the kid screamed.

And then, everything changed. Time in the kid's astonished eyes literally slowed to a crawl.

For just only a moment, he had unknowingly developed Neo's gift for seeing things that happened in slow motion. The bullet exploded out of the agent's gun and rippled through the air as though it was going through water. The kid found that he could move perfectly within that time distortion, and didn't even hesitate. He scrambled onto his feet, broke into a fast run, and dived past the agent into the bullet's path.

He felt the bullet tear right through his body just as time accelerated to normal speed. With a cry of pain he rolled against the carpet and hit the wall. He glanced sharply at Neo's lifeless form. Neo was still facedown and unresponsive.

The agent slowly touched his receiver, and shifted his attention from Neo to the kid and raised his gun.

At that moment, the kid knew that he was about to die. He bit his lip and stared up, meeting the agent's eyes that were impossible to see through his sunglasses. The kid wasn't going to die with his eyes closed. He wasn't going to show fear to these things.

The agent pulled back the trigger.


In the darkness Morpheus stared at the illuminated screen, then looked back at Neo. Nothing.

"Come on, Neo," Morpheus said. He tried not to picture the darkness closing around him, around all of them.

Then, barely above a whisper. "Please."


The Nebecanezzar soared through the dark and empty tunnels.

"I have no idea what's going on or what's happening," Link said. "All I know is that I'm reading eight hovercrafts on our asses and they'll intercept us within three minutes."

Trinity activated the holo-imager and looked to her right. She could see eight red outlines of hovercrafts fast approaching.

"We're getting a signal," Link said.

Trinity activated the screen and put on a headset. Her eyes were as cold as ice. "You need a new gate," she said.

"Trinity, please, I implore you to come back," Jason said. "Gozer's activities were not of the council's making."

"Is that why you have eight hovercrafts after us?" Trinity replied.

"They're under strict orders to bring you back by any means necessary," Jason said. "Trinity, if they have to they'll use an EMP."

"They'll never catch up to me."

Jason smiled a little at that. "One of those ships, the Logos, is run by a Captain Niobe. She happens to be the best pilot we have in the entire fleet. You'll never make it." He stared almost-pleadingly at her. "Trinity, Morpehus doesn't have a place here. But you can still have a home. Please, come back."

Trinity stared at Jason for a long moment. "Then I guess we'll make a new home," she said, and flicked off the channel.

She gunned up the engines to go faster.


From the helm of the Logos Captain Niobe stared as the Nebecanezzar increased its speed. "She's in a hurry."

Her companion, Ghost, glanced at her with a raised eyebrow. "Does that mean you can't catch them?"

Niobe's eyes narrowed. "I'll get them, all right. The question is, with the way they're driving, how many pieces will they be in when I get there?"

Sparks, the operator of the Logos, looked up at them. "So what's the deal with these guys anyway? One minute, we're cruising along, about to land for some R & R. The next, all hell breaks loose in Zion!"

"The word is a Captain Morpheus has gone insane and hijacked his crew for a joy ride. Our orders are clear-bring back the ship with the contents dead or alive," Ghost said.

Sparks glanced sideways at Niobe. "Do you know this Captain? Any truth to that?"

A long moment of silence from the Captain. Her eyes were empty of emotion. "I don't know," Niobe finally replied. "But if it's true, we're gonna stop him." She glanced to her right. Ghost was oddly silent. "Ghost?"

Ghost sighed. "I know one of the members of that crew. Her name is Trinity. She's not the type to follow the orders of an insane man. If there was a problem on board, then she would be the first one to deal with it. So either she's crazy-" Ghost looked up. "-or maybe the rest of the world is."


In the Matrix Neo opened his eyes as the coding danced all around him.

He was instantly aware of two things that were wrong-that there was an agent, and the kid was starring upwards at his gun. Neo reacted without thinking and kicked out at the agent's leg. The agent fell to the ground.

Neo jumped to his feet and stared at the agent, not without some fear. He had only defeated an agent once before-that was Smith, and Neo had a subway train to aid him. It was tough, and Neo had been lucky.

Right before he had been executed.

The agent stood slowly, his eyes invisible under his sunglasses. One of his fists was clenched.

And, the kid saw, so was one of Neo's. He starred at him with growing disbelief, still unable to believe that he was alive. Then pain gripped his side. The kid pressed his hand down, and it came back up with blood.

The agent leveled the gun at him and Neo kicked it away. Instantly they both moved to attack, Neo blocking a swing from the agent's leg, and followed up with two punches to the agent's gut and one to his head. Neo-sidestepped another hit, and blocked another blow by moving backwards. The agent lunged forewards, gripping Neo by his shoulders. He head-butted Neo. Neo grimaced in pain and fought out of the agent's death grip.

Suddenly he looked out the window as a spotlight descended upon him. There was a police chopper right outside. The next moment machine fire spitted towards the window and shattering the glass. The kid, who was already on the ground, missed it completely and screamed in fear. The agent shimmered to the left and right easily. Neo desperately flipped backwards away from the window. His feet and hands landed on the opposite wall and he flew forewards towards the agent that was already running towards him. Both hit the ground. The kid half-crawled out of the machine fire's path and took a deep breath. The machine fire had impacted the lights, casting the room in darkness. Neo and the agent were fighting in extremely closed quarters. Blood was already flowing from Neo's lip.

Unnoticed by everyone, flames began to grow from the sparks running from the computer monitor that was hit by the chopper.


Once more the council had assembled.

"The hovercrafts have been sent," Jason Locke informed them quietly. "They should be upon the Nebecanezzar in moments."

"Good," said the new senator, whose name was Ambrose. He was a man with graying hair and stared at Jason with quick green eyes. Jason shouldn't have been surprised with this choice. Ambrose was a sound tactician and had led many successful battles in the past against the machines. He also shared Zion's beliefs of the freedom of every single individual from the Matrix, having still lost his wife there. But.Jason personally saw him as a little too bloodthirsty. Too eager to strike out.

And he hated Morpheus with a passion that Jason couldn't come closing to match. Ambrose also didn't believe in the prophecy of the One and saw Neo as a fraud at best.

"Then the Nebecanezzar should soon be in our custody," Ambrose said, breaking the silence. "And we can finally put an end to this foolishness."

Jason bowed his head. Not with understanding, but with sorrow. He hated Morpheus, true, due to circumstances in the past. But when he, Neo, and Trinity returned to Zion.they would only be lucky to have a quick death. "If I may take my leave, Senator?"

The Senator allowed him to go. As he left the council chambers Jason looked around uncertainly.

This is not what he wanted.


A beep confirmed what Link knew. "They're here," he said.

Trinity said nothing for a moment, then turned the ship around. For a moment they could see nothing but darkness. Then, the faint blue outline of eight ships approaching. The ones in front were already trying to fire on them.

"Jesus," Link whispered.

Trinity turned the ship back.

"What are we going to do?" Link demanded.

"Run," Trinity replied calmly.

She activated the engines with a lever and started the ship forewards, the hovercrafts almost catching up to them.


For several minutes Link silently watched Trinity, marveling at her piloting skills. She was able to outmaneuver and lose all of the ships in the tunnels, except for... "One ship is still following us," Link reported.

"Let me guess," Trinity stated. "The Logos."

The com flickered to life. "This is Captain Niobe of the Logos," the female said. "Stand down your weapons and expect an armed escort back to Zion."

"Sorry, Captain," Trinity replied. "Obedience just isn't in my blood today."


Niobe drew back. "Who the hell does she think she is? Ghost, you talk to her!"

Ghost smiled. "Sorry, Niobe. When Trinity makes up her mind, very few can change it."

"Shit," Niobe said. "Fire all missiles. We're taking this ship down. Sparks, charge the EMP."


"They're firing at us!" Link warned. The ship shuddered from the impact.

"Go down that way," Trinity ordered, pointing.

Link glanced at her. "That's a mechanical line. No one can pilot that!"

"Well. Let's hope the Captain of the Logos feels the same way you do, Link."


Niobe watched as the ship dropped out of sight into a mechanical line. "Cute," she said. She moved to follow.


Jason couldn't sleep, so he decided to monitor the progress of the Logos from the control room. He rubbed his eyes and stared at the screen. Morpheus might be crazy, but he was a damn good Captain. So was Niobe, but she didn't know when to back off when things got hot. "Be careful," he whispered to his unseen love.

"Sir. We're getting a signal," an Operator reported.

Jason straightened. "From the Logos?"

The operator listened carefully. "No. From the Nebuchadnezzar. It's broadband. The signal's going everywhere."

"Well, what is it?"

"It', sir. Codes. Our mainframe codes. Morpheus is broadcasting them to our ships, Zion...the machine mainframe. Sir...the machines know where we are."

Jason beat his fist against the table. "Goddamit! What the hell is Morpheus doing!? Alert the Logos. Tell them they have to take down that ship now. Whatever the cost."


On the Nebuchadnezzar the man keyed in the final sequence and smiled a little. Zion was doomed. No one could save it now, save for the machines.

There was only one matter left.

The man climbed down the ladder to the chamber below. No one had seen him stole aboard the Nebuchadnezzar. He had almost been caught...almost. But he had made it. The first part of the plan was complete. Now for the second.

The room was empty, save for one occupant. Neo sat in the chair with his eyes closed in the peaceful slumber of the matrix. The man smiled. Excellent. The man stepped next to Neo and took out a jagged knife. If anything would assure the machines victory, it would be the death of the false hero.

The man lifted his knife. "It's really nothing personal," he said to the comatose Neo. "You just have to die."

Booted feet connected with the back of his neck, and the man stumbled forwards and fell to the ground past Neo. Gripping his leg the man looked up in surprise.

"Not if I can help it," Morpheus said.

The man looked up and understood immediately. Morpheus had been waiting on the ledge above. "So. You must be Morpheus," he whispered.

"That's right," Morpheus said simply.

The man stood and lunged at him with the knife. Morpheus dodged the blade, and side-stepped another attack. The blade pierced through his sweater and slashed into his chest. He punched the man in the face, and he stumbled backwards.

Morpheus picked up a heavy wielding gun from the supply cabinet. He held it at the man.

The man smiled a little. "You may kill me now, but that still doesn't change the fact that Zion will be saved because of what I've done. Zion will survive so long as it surrenders to the machine mainframe. It has been promised." With that, he ran forwards.

Morpheus didn't hesitate. He fired, and the man collapsed to the floor, convulsing with electricity. Morpheus dropped the gun. "Machines don't make deals," he said. A beeping alerted him. Morpheus stared at Neo's monitor. He was taking some heavy damage.


The fist connected against Neo's cheek. Neo reeled backwards but the Agent held him in an iron-clad grip. The Agent punched him in the stomach. Neo chocked.

"No!" the kid whispered. He tried to stand but machine fire pinned him down.

Mercilessly the agent picked him up and slammed Neo's body through the wall. Neo fought to remain conscious through the red haze. The agent pulled him out and slammed him again against the wall. Neo's head was lowered and he was coughing. With his lips lowered a little in a sneer the agent lifted his fist, about to deliver a blow that would kill him. "Only human," he said


Something connected hard with the Nebuchadnezzar, making the ship jolt. Sparks exploded from the controls. "Trinity, we can't do this!" Link implored. "We have to get out of here."

"No. We can do this," Trinity replied. "Just a few more meters."

Behind them the Logos was firing everything they had at the ship. A few moments later the Nebuchadnezzar emerged out of the tunnel into a massive cavern.

Trinty reached up for the lever, about to fly as fast as she could away from the Logos...and her hand paused.

"What...the hell?" Link whispered, starring out the window.

They could see below them a massive underground city. It wasn't abandoned, for there were spot lights moving along the cavern walls from the city. It was difficult, but Trinity could see city lights. "Where are we?" Trinity asked. "Try and get a reading."

Unnoticed by anyone, Morpheus had joined them on the bridge.


Niobe was also starring at the city. It almost was impossible to contemplate-another actual human city. For now, though, her mind had other concerns, and that had to deal with the ship in front of her.

"We've suffered extensive damage," Ghost informed her. "Weapons are gone. Maneuvering thrusters almost gone."

"What about the Neb?" Niobe demanded.

"Minimal damage," Ghost said.

"Sparks, charge the EMP," Niobe said.


Link snapped out of his trance by a beeping. "It's the Logos. I'm reading a massive build-up of power. It's an EMP."

"Do we have time to get out of their range?" Trinity asked.

Link consulted the scanners, and shook his head. "No."

Trinity activated the thrusters anyway, when a hand touched her shoulder. Trinity looked up at Morpheus.

"Link, open a channel," Morpheus ordered.

Link did so. "Open."

There's a way we can avoid this," Morpheus said to the empty channel. "I have information about Zion that you need to hear, Niobe."

The tiny screen blinked to life. "Hello, Morpheus," Niobe greeted, her voice as cold as ice.

Morpheus nodded. "It's been a long time, Captain," he said.

"Maybe too long," Niobe said.

"Niobe..I know this is difficult for you to accept, but you have to trust me long enough to explain."

"If you really want me to do that, then stop moving," Niobe ordered.

Morpheus nodded at Trinity. Trinity shut down the thrusters. Both ships were dead in the water.


"We've got them!" Sparks whispered at Niobe. "Do it! Now!"

Niobe had one hand on the EMP. Her face was empty of expression.

"Niobe. You know me. You know that I wouldn't do this without a reason. Please, just listen to what I have to say."

Niobe slowly powered down the EMP. "All right. I'll listen," she said.


Since she wasn't needed on the bridge anymore, Trinity rejoined Neo. She stared at his comatose body with fear and uncertainty.

"It's been eight hours since we left Zion, Trin," Link said. "No signal from Neo. Nothing. Nada."

Trinity said nothing for a long moment, then abruptly went to the chair beside him and started to activate it. Link started.

"Woah, what, what are you doing?"

"I've going in," Trinity replied.

"You can't do that. You don't know what's waiting for you on the other side!" Link snapped.

"You've known me for how long, Link?"

Link blinked at the unexpected question. "Twenty minutes?"

"Then you should know by now that when I've made a decision, the best choice you can make is to stay out of my way."

Trinity stared at him. Reluctantly Link moved aside. Trinity sat down in the chair. With a sigh Link activated the channel to the matrix.

"I don't know who this Neo guy is," Link said, and looked at her. "But he must be really something."

Trinity didn't reply to that. "Do it."

Link inserted the plug, and Trinity's eyes closed as her mind went into the Matrix. When she opened her eyes again, she was in a empty office building. She turned on her cell phone. "Where is he?"

"Northeast from your position. But I am reading some very strange readings from him. I can't get any more specific then that."

"Let me know if anything changes," Trinity said.

"Understood. Trinity, I really don't think this is a good idea-"

Trinity turned off the phone.


Link shook his head. "No one ever listens to me."


Something caught Trinity's eye. She stared out of the window and saw that one particular building had suffered external damage. There were also five helicopters circling around it.

That's where Neo was.


It was raining in the matrix.

Harmann stood outside, starring at the building where he was sure Neo was fighting for their lives. The thought gave him little comfort.

A long time ago, Harmann had visited the Oracle, and she had told him that he would one day help shape the future of Zion. Over the years that prediction had become lost in his memories. Harmann had come to believe that he couldn't change anything. The truth was, the exiles were always hiding and running. They had fled from the people of Zion, fled from the agents, and now were hiding behind Neo to do their battles for them. Harmann sighed. No. Not anymore.

Not this time.


The fires were burning out of control.

The kid could feel the heat intensify by the second. Through the smoke it was hard to see Neo, but he was still fighting against the enemy Agent. And losing. The Agent kneed Neo twice in the lungs, and punched him in the face. Neo fell to the ground. And he didn't get up.

"No...." the kid whispered. "Come on. Get up."

Neo stirred and opened his eyes.

"Come on, you can do it," the kid whispered. "I believe."

The door at the end of the hall suddenly burst open. The kid stared as seven police officers made their way through the maze of cubicles towards them. The kid looked down and spotted an assault rifle. He bit his lip, then dived and picked it up. As the police approached the kid lifted the assault rifle. With a roar he fired at them. He closed his eyes, unable to see himself murder another person. He supposed it was cowardly, but he had no other choice. Silence as the assault rifle emptied. The kid opened his eyes.

He had missed every single one of them. The police were considerably startled, but immediately drew their guns. "Take him down!" one shouted.

The Agent watched impassively as Neo tried to get up and cried out in pain. His fist clenched, and he took two steps and grabbed Neo by his shoulder. He lifted Neo up to his feet and slammed him against the wall. Still holding onto him, he raised his fist, determined to end this once and for all.

Neo's hand caught the Agent's fist. Startled, the Agent tried to push forwards, and couldn't.

Slowly, Neo looked up. "I'm starting to feel a little better," he whispered.

He twisted, breaking the Agent's wrist. The Agent gasped in pain. With his free hand he tried to hit Neo. Again. And again. Each time Neo blocked as though it was the easiest thing in the world. He kicked, and the Agent stumbled backwards.

The kid watched as the police fired at him. He stepped backwards, his heart lurching in his throat...

...and stared in astonishment as the bullets froze in mid-air. Trembling, the kid stared at the bullets in disbelief. He glanced to the right and saw that Neo had his right palm up. The kid nodded at him. A ghost of a smile touched Neo's lips. The bullets fell to the carpet.

The kid glanced back at the police, who had apparently decided that they had enough for one day. They fled back the way they came.

The Agent rushed at Neo. In one move Neo grabbed his fist, twisted the Agent's wrist, turned, and kicked. The Agent crashed backwards through the window and out of the building. Neo stared out the window, his short black hair blowing in the fierce wind.

"Woah," the kid whispered.

The next moment Neo winced, staggered, and collapsed to his knees amongst the broken plaster.

Instantly the kid ran to his side, but Neo pushed him away. "I'm all right," he gasped. "Just give me-"

The door burst open, and another Agent stepped through. He immediately spotted Neo and the Kid and lifted his gun.

Neo stared at him helplessly. His mind felt so dizzy, he couldn't....he just couldn't.

Bullets suddenly fired from behind the Agent. Immediately the Agent moved and twisted to avoid Trinity's bullets. The kid spotted another gun on the floor, grabbed it, and fired with a cry of rage. Caught in the middle, the Agent couldn't avoid both paths and fell to the ground, dead. His body shimmered back to a police officer.

Neo swallowed and tried to stand. He did so with Trinity's help. "Are you all right?" she asked.

Neo nodded. The kid cried out in pain as he sank to the ground. His hand came away red.

"This looks bad," Trinity whispered, starring at the wound.

"I don't think I can go any further," the kid whispered.

Neo nodded. "It's all right. Stay here, away from the windows. I'll be back for you. You'll be okay."

The kid looked up, frustration in his eyes. "I'm sorry, Neo."

"For what?" Neo asked, perplexed.

"I let you down."

Neo smiled a little. "No kid. You could never do that." He looked at Trinity. "I have to get to the top level. There's a meeting going on between the machine mainframe and Zion."

"To discuss a compromise?" Trinity asked.

Neo nodded. "Possibly. We have to stop it, but there's not much time left."

"All right," Trinity said. They both headed towards the elevator. The doors closed in front of them. Neo picked the topmost level. Both of them reloaded their weapons. "You missed a lot while you were away."

"Really? Like what?"

"We've left Zion," Trinity supplied quietly.

Neo sighed a little. "Somehow I'm not surprised."

Trinity removed her sunglasses. Neo glanced at her. Whenever Trinity did that, it meant that she had to talk about something that was very important to her-the rough cold exterior came off with the sunglasses. "Neo. When Morpheus unplugged you, I thought...I was sure..." She couldn't finish and looked away.

"I'm sorry," Neo said. "I wanted to answer that phone, believe me. But I couldn't leave. There are other people here, Trin. Other people who need our help. Exiles from Zion. If we help them, we might be able to go back."

Trinity stared at him for a moment. "All right," she said softly. "I'm just glad I found you." She put her sunglasses on again, all business.

The doors opened.


"-and so, I believe that the council has been undermined by the machines," Morpheus concluded. "To what extent I am not certain, but the reason has to do with Neo being in the matrix right now."

"Do you understand what you're asking me to believe?" Niobe demanded.

Morpheus nodded. "I never said that it would be easy, Niobe. Only the truth."

The Nebuchadnezzar suddenly rocked violently. Link held onto the control panel. "It's the other ships! They've caught up with us!" he warned.

Seven ships flew out of the tunnel, firing at the Nebuchadnezzar.

"Get us out of here," Morpheus ordered.

"I'm trying," Link said. He gunned the ship forwards towards another tunnel.

Morpheus stared impassively at the navigational screen. He knew they would never make it in time.


From the Logos Niobe watched as the seven ships continued firing on the Nebuchadnezzar. It was taking heavy damage.

"We've got partial power back on line. All systems are a go," Sparks announced, sitting back in the Operational chair.

"The Nebuchadezzar will not survive the assault," Ghost remarked.

Niobe didn't say a word, her hands resting lightly on the navigational controls.

"Niobe?" Ghost inquired.

With a sigh Niobe gunned the ship forwards, and fired on the closet vessel.


The ship shuddered one more time, and the lights plunged out. "Well, that's it," Link announced. "We've lost weapons."

Morpheus didn't reply. Link stared at the window, watching as the other ships concentrated most of their attack on the Logos. "It's such a small ship. They'll never make it," Link said quietly.

Neither of them expected five ships to enter the tunnel and suddenly attack the seven ships attacking the Logos.

Link blinked and grabbed the headset. "Hey. What the-" He activated the com. "This is the Nebuchadnezzar calling unidentified ships. Please state your attentions!"

The com blinked to life. "Certainly," an old man replied. "My name is Captain Harmann. I believe that we have a mutual friend in the matrix."

"Captain, your timing is impeccable," Morpheus said.

"I don't understand-who are you?" Link demanded.

"We're the people that care about Zion, same as you. Captain, our ships are considerably older then your friends out there. I suggest you reach a safe distance. I know you have people still plugged into the matrix."

"An EMP will take out everyone's ships...including yours," Link said. "You'll be completely defenseless from a sentinal attack!"

"I know," Harmann said. "We all have to do what we have to." He nodded. "We'll try and hold out against the other ships. You just get out of here."

"Signal the Logos," Morpheus ordered.

Link obliged. "Ah, Logos, you might want to run a little."

The Logos and the Nebuchadezzar flew towards the tunnel out of EMP range. Once they did so there was a blue tidal wave from one of the ships, and all of the ships fell with an audible clunk to the surface floor. Defenseless.

"Can I ask you something, sir?" Link began.

"All right," Morpheus said.

"Is it always this crazy?"

Morpheus sighed a little.


"I'm sorry, sir, there was nothing I could have done," Link said. Morpehus didn't reply. He stared at the comatose forms of Neo and Trinity.

Niobe looked up. "You realize that this isn't the end, don't you? They'll be sending more ships to try and find us. And one day, they'll succeed."

Morpheus again didn't reply. For the moment both crews were on board after they had landed on the surface a far distance away from the other ships.

"We can't run and hide forever," Niobe persisted.

"So what do we do?" Link asked.

"We go back," Morpheus said.

Niobe nodded in agreement.

"Go back? Are you guys insane?" Sparks demanded. "They'll kill us! Ambrose will see to that!"

Niobe and Morpheus locked eyes. "Not if we have a plan," Niobe said.

Morpheus stared at Trinity and Neo. Whatever happened now, it was up to them.


By this time the fire had spread and flames were licking the walls. They would have very little time left. Neo and Trinity went down the hall and into a large room.

Ambrose was waiting for them. "So, we meet again," he said. He was glaring at Neo, insanity dancing in his eyes. He was also holding what appeared to be a box of old files. "Morpheus may have protected you for a time, but not anymore. Not from me."

Neo stepped forwards. "So you're the one who's responsible."

Ambrose laughed. "Yes I am. For everything. We can't win against the machine world, don't you see? Not even you, the so-called One, can stop that. So I had a plan. But Captain Decipher found out. I had to kill him. Unfortunately, it had one unforseen drawback. It brought Captain Morpheus and you to my doorstep. I set it up to look like the Nebuchadnezzar had sent the codes, a little present to him for sticking his nose in affairs that did not concern him." He looked up at Neo. "But what to do about you? You can imagine my delight when the exiles, in their paranoid visions, took care of that problem for me. Yes, I know about the virus. Now, you have no power. Just like the rest of us." Ambrose giggled.

"Well, you're wrong about one thing," Neo said.

"Give us the codes," Trinity ordered.

"The Agents will be here any moment," Ambrose said. It was growing increasingly difficult to see him in the smoke.

Neo took a step towards the box in the council leader's hands. Quick as a snake Ambrose held a gun between Neo's eyes. "I never believed in the One," he said off-handedly. He fired. Neo dodged the bullet just as the door burst open. Trinity turned around to meet them with her guns drawn as Neo punched Ambrose in the stomach, making him slide to the ground.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" Ambrose shrieked.

That made Neo pause. "The One." He kicked Ambrose in the head, knocking him out. Ambrose fell to the ground, the box still tightly in his grip. Neo stepped forwards to grab it when a scream made him turn around. "Trinity!" he shouted. He rushed forwards before she fell. One of the Agents was sneering and holding a smoking gun.

"It's only a flesh wound," Trinity whispered. "Neo..the box..."

Neo glanced at the box, but he couldn't get it and protect Trinity at the same time. Meanwhile, the Agents were closing in around them. Neo made a split-second decision. The floor rippled underneath them. Neo smashed out of the ceiling and shot through the clouded sky, Trinity in his arms. He landed smoothly on the ground next to the building.

The Kid was waiting for them. "Neo! she hurt?"

Neo gently helped Trinity to her feet.

"I'll be all right," Trinity said, frustration and disappointment seeping into her voice.

Neo looked up as explosions rocked the last level of the building.

"Maybe the Agents were caught in it too," the Kid said hopefully.

"Yeah," Neo said. "Maybe."

&&&&&&&&&&&&&Trinity turned on her cell phone. "Link, we need an exit." A pause. "Got it." She flipped off the phone. "Third way on Mackenzie. A subway station."

"Are you guys leaving?" the Kid asked, a bit anxiously.

"Yes we are."

The Kid looked down.

"Kid." Neo closed his eyes for a moment and concentrated. When he opened them again, his clenched hands had two pills-one red and one blue. "This is your last chance. Admittedly you've seen a lot more then I did when I first started out, but from hereon out, kid, it only gets worse. Believe me. Think carefully before decided what to do. The blue pill helps you forget what happened here today. The red pill sets you free." He gave both to the Kid. "Whatever you decided, wait three hours before taking them. Trinity, come on."

"Neo," the Kid said, stopping him. "Thank you."

Neo only nodded. "Let's go Trin."

The Kid watched them hurry off. "He really is the One!" he whispered.

&&&&&&&&&&&&&Trinity and Neo ran down the subway station steps where the phone was already ringing on a small desk. "Afer you," she said.

But Neo shook his head. "Trinity, I only came to escort you here. I can't come with you."

Another ring.

Trinity stared at him, not comprehending.

"The exiles, they gave me a virus to make me dependent solely on the matrix. It might have worked. It might not have. But I can't chance going back." He looked down, despair coursing through his body. "I might die."

A pause. The phone rang again.

"Neo, I want to tell you something," Trinity said quietly. "Whether or not you chose to believe it, you are the One. Which means that you are able to defy all the rules of this program. You died, twice, and came back, when it should have been impossible. So don't you dare dictate to me what you can or can't do, when you can do anything." She held up the phone and gave it to him.

"You can't know that for a fact," Neo said with an uneasy frown.

"No, I don't. And I don't have to. It's simple belief. When you wake up, I'll be right beside you."

Neo hesitated, and took the phone. He placed it next to his ear.

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&The first thing Neo was aware of was intense pain as he opened his brown eyes to the real world. He felt the familiar feeling of his chair rising, and the plug being pulled out of his head.

Trinity was smiling even before she opened her eyes. "Told you so."

"So you must be the crazy son of a bitch everyone's talking about," an unfamiliar man said.

"Yeah, that's me," Neo replied, sitting.

The man grinned and offered his hand. "My name's Link. And it's a real pleasure to meet you."

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&Morpheus was piloting the ship as Neo approached. Morpheus didn't even turn his head to look at him. "Hello, Neo."

Neo nodded. "Morpheus. I heard a missed a lot while I was gone." He looked up, and saw that the ship was being escorted by the Logos. "We're going back to Zion?"

"Yes. Did you get what you needed from the Matrix, Neo?"

Neo nodded. "Yeah. Ambrose is responsible. The machines might know where the location of Zion is. We have to warn everyone before it's too late."

Morpheus didn't reply, but gunned the ship to go faster.

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&A short time later the two ships landed on the docking platform. As Ambrose approached with armed guards both crews stepped down both ramps onto the docks.

Save for one.

Ambrose glanced briefly at Niobe. "Where is your operator?"

"He was killed in the attack," Niobe said.

"That's unfortunate. Another casualty in this insanity," Ambrose said. "Captain Niobe, you are to be congratulated. Capturing these renegades." Ambrose stepped forwards until only Morpheus and Neo could hear him. "I promise, neither of you will make it out alive from this place. Or your rebel friends." He turned. "Take them away."

Four men grabbed Morpheus and Neo. Morpheus said nothing. He just stared at Niobe.

"Hold on," Niobe said with a sigh. "I told Morpheus that he would be able to address the council one last time in his defense."

"His guilt is already clearly known!" Ambrose waved a dismissing hand.

Niobe tilted her head. "I gave him my word."

Ambrose tried to stare her down. Without much success. "Fine. Fine! Why not explain your actions, Captain?" Ambrose demanded.

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&"And that is what happened," Morpheus concluded. "I believe that Ambrose is directly responsible for the death of my friend, Captain Decipher. And that is was he that gave Zion's codes to the machine world. Possibly because he believes that the machine world will spare us. Or, at least his life."

"This is absurd," Ambrose said calmly. He was sitting at the council table, as were five others. He stared at Neo. "I have never seen his man before in my life. And even supposing this was true, then why did the agents spare my humble life, hm?"

Neo glanced at Morpheus. "Because we would come back here," Neo said. "You knew this, and told the machines as such."

The elderly lady next to Ambrose folded her hands, looking very disturbed. "Captain Morpheus, do you have any evidence supporting your story?"

"I do not," Morpheus said calmly.

"See? As I said, ridiculous!" Ambrose spat. "I was nowhere near any direct lines to the matrix. Anyone will testify that!"

The female looked down. "You do have a personal processing unit in your quarters," she said. "With the correct sub-routines it could be used to go into the matrix."

Morpheus stared at them. "Then I suggest you check to see if such subroutines exist."

"This is ridiculous!" Ambrose snapped, and pointed at Morpheus. "This man is insane!"

"This is beyond any of us," Neo interrupted. "The important thing is that the machine world knows where we are. They'll be coming."

"More of your fabricated lies! I suggest we call a vote and end these proceedings quickly."

The council voted. Only the female voted against Morpheus being guilty.

Ambrose gave them a self-satisfied smirk. "Guards, take the crew of the Nebuchadnezzar and the Logos to the brig. As for Mister Anderson, take him to the science lab. I want to see what gives him these supposed powers of his." He turned away, already about to leave.

"Where did you learn my name, Ambrose?" Neo's voice shot out. He struggled against the guards. "I thought you had never seen me before."

There was a long moment of silence. Everyone froze.

"In fact." Neo shook free. "Only agents of the machine world call me that nowadays."

"I-" Ambrose began. A second later he was glaring at them. "I am the leader of this Council. I do not have to justify myself to you!"

"It's a simple enough question to answer," Morpheus challenged.

Ambrose pointed at Morpheus, fuming. "When I get my way with you-"

"I'm afraid that choice is no longer up to you," Neo said.

"What are you talking about?" Ambrose snapped at Neo.

"Well, since the Council is corrupt, we knew that you would probably find us guilty. That's why we've been broadcasting this entire meeting to all the people of Zion," Neo said.

Ambrose paled at least three shades. "You're bluffing."

Niobe, who had been silent the whole time, tilted her head. "Are you getting this, Sparks?"

&&&&&&&&&&&&&From the Logos Sparks keyed in a few controls. "Sure am, Captain. By now every person of Zion has heard every single word."

&&&&&&&&&&&&&Ambrose looked up at Morpheus. "What exactly do you want? Are you trying to tear this Council down?'

"No," Morpheus replied.

"We're trying to offer a choice," Neo said. "Soon the machines will almost be here. We have grown too complacent far too long. I call upon you, the people of Zion, to make the choice to fight them, and not give up as the Council has."

Neo's broadcast echoed throughout the entire base. In her home Zee quietly listened to it. "I'm not saying that it will be easy. We could lose a lot more then any of us can believe even possible. But if we continue to do nothing, to let this man lead us, we will be surrendering to the machines without a fight. Without a reason to signify who we are."

&&&&&&&&&&&Neo paused. "It's time to decide how you feel about that."

"Pretty words," Ambrose said. "Of course you can't expect anyone to believe you. Guards, take them away."

The guards didn't make any move towards them.

Ambrose glared at them. "Take them away!"

The guards still did not move.

Morpheus stepped away from the table. "It's over for you, Ambrose. There will be a public hearing into this matter. And I can assure you, you will pay for what you did to Captain Decipher." Morpheus' eyes were burning. "My friend."

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&Events, once they were decided, happened very quickly.

Ambrose and several others were removed from the council and incarcerated. The exiles were allowed to return to Zion. Morpheus personally oversaw that that happened without incident. Afterwards, to the surprise of everyone, Harmann contested Jason Locke for the head of the council. A public vote was decided.

While he was being sworn in Morpheus joined Niobe. "Are you all right?" he asked.

"Uh-huh," Niobe said. "It's just hard, Morpheus. Believing a madman over a man who has led the council for so many years."

"Do you still think me mad?" Morpheus asked.

Niobe glanced briefly at Neo, who was talking to Harnann. "Yes, I do," she admitted. "But you believe in this man so much that you sacrificed everything, including what we might have been." She paused. "Maybe it's time I start respecting that."

"Niobe!" Jason Locke snapped, gripping her arm. "We're leaving!" He led Niobe away. She didn't make a move to stop them, even though Morpheus knew from past experiences that she could break his arm easily enough. She did, however, give Morpheus one more intrigued look before leaving. Morpheus knew one thing was for sure-he had made an enemy of Jason Locke for the rest of his days.

"Congratulations, sir," Neo said, shaking Harmann's hand. And he meant it, too.

"You too as well, commander. Hopefully a field commission will be enough to dissuade other people from thinking that you don't belong on the Nebuchadnezzar." Harmann said. He sighed. "It hasn't been easy. There is still some bad blood between the exiles and the people here."

"With you in charge I'm sure things will be easier," Neo said.

"I'm afraid it's too late for that," Harmann said. "In case you haven't forgotten, the machines have our mainframe codes. They have already hacked into our computer and turned off our heat. Our light. Emergency generators are holding but not for long."

"How soon?" Trinity asked.

"A week. Maybe two. Then we'll have to evacuate."

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&It was raining in the matrix.

The Kid limbed by himself down the street. "The pain is only in my mind. It's not's not real..."

It didn't work. A moment later the Kid doubled over with a cry..

Thunder rumbled in the distance.

The kid took out the red pill. "All my life I thought I was crazy. No one believed me." He hesitated for a long moment, and swallowed the pill. A second later he felt horrible, sickening pain. He collapsed to the ground as his body literally dissolved.

&&&&&&&&&&&&&&The Kid felt something wet touch his face. He opened his eye slowly, and saw the woman of his dreams pressing a damp rag against his cheek. "T-Trinity?" he whispered.

Trinity smiled a little. "Yes, it's me. You've been unconscious for weeks. We had almost lost you."

The Kid stepped away from the chair, dressed in tattered rags. "This is...the real world?"

"I'm afraid so," Neo said, standing in the doorway. "Not quite what you expected, is it? But it's here that we're truly free."

The Kid blinked. "Neo, you saved me. Thank you!"

"I didn't save you, Kid," Neo said. "You saved yourself."

They heard Link on the page. "I need everyone up here now."

Neo, Trinity, and the Kid hurried up to the bridge. "What is it?" Neo asked.

"We're approaching the coordinates," Morpheus said.

The Kid stared out of the cracked windshield. "What is it? Is it...Zion?"

"No," Neo replied. "But it's Zion's last hope."

The Nebuchadnezzar headed towards the unfamiliar city.


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